October 2016
FRANSCHHOEK Scan the QR code to read the Tatler online
Mariska en haar A span perd
Grande Provence treats Tannie Thelma
Bladsy 2
Page 17
Q&A: Stellenbosch Mayor Gesie van Deventer Page 21
Chemical spill after pass truck fire
Technicians unload containers of chemicals that were not destroyed by the fire from the burnt-out trailer.
A layer of contaminated soil at the side of the road has been removed. Two weeks after the incident the area, however, still smelled of chemicals. The road surface itself, which was damaged by both the fire and the chemicals, was treated with agricultural lime to neutralise the chemical residue. While the road is usable a section of the road surface will need to be replaced. Concerned down-hill property owners are having independent soil and water tests performed. Spill Tech indicated to an affected property owner that they are investigating the accuracy of the truck’s packing list, but would not release a copy of the packing list – saying it is not part of their mandate. They did, however, state that the packing list did not mention chlorpyrifos, as has been rumoured, and that the load contained herbicides, pesticides and “flammable and corrosive substances.” In the absence of a packing list the independent tests are made more difficult as the labs don’t know exactly what they should be looking for, or what they can exclude from their tests. An affected landowner who spoke with one of the small trucking company’s owners on the scene informed the Tatler that the trucking company’s owners fear for the survival of their company should their insurers not pay out as expected after the incident. At the time of going to press the Tatler had not received feedback from environmental authorities, but will publish a follow-up should important new information come to light.
Omskep u wêreld met blindings
eheer die lig wat ’n vertrek binnekom, u privaatheid en u uitsig met sjiek, duursame Venesiese blindings van Taylor. Die aluminiumhortjies is beskikbaar in drie wydtes in verskeie kleure, metaalkleure en patrone, almal afgerond met ’n bypassende reling. Blindings is ’n praktiese alternatief tot gordyne, en help ook om weerkaatsings op rekenaar- en TV-skerms uit te skakel.
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A truck carrying a variety of agricultural chemicals caught fire on the Franschhoek Pass early on Monday, 5 September 2016. The pass was closed while firefighters and hazmat teams dealt with the incident and was only reopened late on Tuesday, 6 September. The chemicals were being transported from Paarl to the Grabouw and Villiersdorp areas. According to Ashley Bauer of the Franschhoek Fire Protection Association the truck driver noticed smoke coming from one of the trailer’s wheels. Following standard procedure for such an event, he parked the trailer and removed the horse from the scene. Firefighters were called to the scene, but could not prevent the whole load of chemicals going up in flames, releasing poisonous fumes and causing a chemical spill as the chemicals’ containers melted. Water from the firefighting effort and heavy rain carried off the leaking chemicals that ran off the road surface, drained into the ground at the side of the road and flowed into nearby gullies. The trucking company, which has to carry insurance against such events, called in Spill Tech – their insurer’s contracted hazmat response provider – to provide containment and clean-up services. Two temporary dams were constructed down slope from the accident scene to contain contaminated water. These are pumped empty daily and the contents analysed regularly. The Tatler understands that this will continue until environmental authorities give the all clear.
Franschhoek Tatler
FW and Madiba ‘reunited’
Former SA president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, FW de Klerk (seated), paid a social visit to Leeu Collection founder, Analjit Singh, on 14 September. In the photo above they pose with the statue of De Klerk’s fellow peace prize laureate, Nelson Mandela, in front of Leeu House in Huguenot Street.
Agri Wes-Kaap stel strategiese plan op om misdaad hok te slaan
Agri Wes-Kaap is besig om ‘n strategiese oplossing vir misdaadbekamping aan verskeie rolspelers vir hulle steun voor te lê. Dié plan om misdaad aan te spreek is deur Agri Wes-Kaap se beleidskomitee vir landelike veiligheid opgestel. Agri Wes-Kaap hoop om dit binnekort aan die Wes-Kaap Wetgewer voor te lê. Die betrokke beleidskomitee is in 24 uur-kontak met plaaswagte, die SAPD, geaffilieerde organisasies en ander rolspelers en doen gereelde misdaadopnames om misdaadtendense en -syfers aan produsente en sleutelrolspelers te kommunikeer. Dit is op grond van hierdie inligting dat Agri Wes-Kaap ʼn strategiese oplossing saamgestel het wat berus op die uitgangspunt dat sosiaal-maatskaplike toestande as die kern van die misdaadprobleem waarmee die landbousektor te kampe het, aangespreek moet word Mnr Carl Opperman, uitvoerende hoof van Agri WesKaap, sê maatskaplike verval het gelei tot ‘n situasie waar daar geen respek vir die wet, wetstoepassers, gesagstrukture en dissipline in huishoudings en gemeenskappe is nie. Dit is nodig om die skaal met misdaadbekamping aan die een kant, en die land se sosiaal-maatskaplike probleme aan die ander kant, te balanseer. Volgens Mnr Opperman lê die oplossing in die integrasie van die verantwoordelikhede van alle rolspelers om die misdaadsiklus teen te werk. Gesamentlike, geïntegreerde en gefokusde optrede is nodig om waardes, respek en integriteit na gemeenskappe terug te bring. Die mening dat dit slegs die SAPD se rol en taak is om misdaad te bekamp, is agterlosig en naïef. Agri Wes-Kaap meen hul strategie kan ook suksesvol buite die landbousektor geimplementeer word om misdaad aan te spreek. Die nasionale misdaadstatistieke wat onlangs bekend gemaak is, het die Wes-Kaap se krisis met misdaad duidelik uitgewys. Die landbousektor spring die stygende misdaadaanslag nie vry nie. Dit blyk duidelik uit onder meer die veediefstalsyfer wat in die Wes-Kaap met 3,6% toegeneem het, terwyl dit
Mariska en haar A span perd
Mariska Burger is versot op perde en doen uitstekend as mededingende ruiter in perde uithouritte. Dis die eerste jaar dat sy en haar Arabier perd, Nourma Rashied, kompeteer en reeds is hulle ingesluit in die nasionale A span van Erasa (Endurance Ride Association of South Africa). Mariska het as kind leer perdry, maar nie veel daaromtrent gedoen nie. Alles het verander toe Pieter Hugo haar in 2005 gevra het om hom te kom help om sy uithouritperde te oefen. Sy het haar passie vir perdry herontdek en kort voor lank het Pieter voorgestel dat sy uithouritte doen.Hy het destyds Springbokkleure in die sport gekry en weet duidelik waarvan hy praat. So gesê, so gedaan. Dit het nou ‘n familie sport vir Mariska, haar man DP en dogter Kristie geword. Hulle neem gereeld deel aan klub byeenkomste waar sy met goeie tye dan kwalifiseer om aan die groot kompetisies op nasionale vlak deel te neem. In April vanjaar het Mariska en Nourma Rashied aan die SA Internasionale Kampioenskappe (Drie Nasies of SAIC) op Fauresmith deelgeneem. Dit was ‘n dramatiese episode want sy het op pad daarheen ‘n rugprobleem ontwikkel en moes Bloemfontein toe vir behandeling. Die onmiddelike mediese vooruitsigte was glad nie goed nie, maar sy het genoegsaam hestel om op te saal en deel te neem. Ruiters en perde moes 120km aflê op ‘n harde, klipperige, bergagtige baan. Mariska het dit met ‘n totale tyd in die saal van vyf en ‘n half ure gedoen, waartydens daar deurlopend verpligte stoppe was, waarin die perd afgesaal en deur veeartse gemonitor en ondersoek is. ‘n Top 10 plek in die kompetisie het beteken Mariska en Nourma Rashied is gekies as reserwe vir die nasionale span om in Walvisbaai aan die African Endurance Championships deel te neem. Op pad soontoe het hulle teëspoed gehad, maar Rashied het, soos die kampioen wat hy is, betyds van sy besering
October 2016
herstel en hulle het weer ‘n top 10 plek behaal. Dis hulle prestasies, en natuurlik talent, wat vir Mariska en haar perd ‘n plek in die Erasa A span besorg het. “Dit gaan oor die perd en sy stamina en uithouvermoëns,” verduidelik Mariska. “Dit neem ‘n paar jaar om hulle op te bou, fiks te kry en voor te berei. Ek het ‘n wonderlike perd wat die sport baie geniet”. Sy erken dat hulle eintlik die perd vir DP gekoop het, maar sy het hom oorgeneem. Sy en die perd “verstaan mekaar goed”. Daar is nog twee jong perde wat sy nou afrig en haar “ou” perd, Kollie, is nou dogter Kristie s’n. DP en Kristie neem saam deel aan klubritte en DP “groom” vir haar wanneer sy nasionaal kompeteer. Sy erken dat sy dit nie sonder haar gesin se hulp en ondersteuning sou kon doen nie. Die Burgers het agt perde op Glenwood en sê al agt van hulle is net ‘n plesier en perdry is die beste terapie ooit.
landwyd met 1% gedaal het. Sou daar amptelike statistieke beskikbaar wees vir vrugtediefstal, groentediefstal en diefstal van landbou-infrastruktuur, sou die grafiek volgens Agri Wes-Kaap se data ook ‘n definitiewe styging toon. Sommige produsente in die Wellington-omgewing het al byvoorbeeld totale sitrusboorde tot niet gemaak omdat vrugtediefstal dit onmoontlik maak om volhoubaar daarmee voort te gaan. 24 uur privaatsekuriteit is onbekostigbaar en misdadigers word ten spyte van herhaaldelike oproepe in die media steeds ondersteun deur motoriste wat gesteelde vrugte langs die pad koop. Dieselfde gebeur ook in informele nedersettings. Op Philippi op die Kaapse Vlakte, wat al vir dekades met drie groente-oeste per jaar ‘n belangrike rol in die voedselsekerheid van die provinsie speel, maak produsente voorsiening dat minstens 10% van hul oes waarskynlik gesteel gaan word, deesdae helder oordag. Kaapse wetstoepassers het al na vrugte- en groentediefstal as “petty crimes” verwys – ʼn aanduiding van die totale onkunde wat voedselsekerheid, bekostigbare voedsel en die rimpeluitwerking van misdaad op die ekonomie, betref. Die koste van die skade wat misdadigers aan boorde, wingerde en lande aanrig, word nog nie bygereken by die skade aan die verlies van produkte nie. Ook nie die miljoene rande se skade wanneer pompe, heinings, spilpuntwiele, kabels, pype en ander infrastruktuur gesteel word of wanneer produkte skade ly omdat besproeiingsiklusse in kritieke produksietye as gevolg van diefstal onderbreek word nie. Geweldsmisdade op plase en in landelike gebiede neem ook toe, wat uiters kommerwekkend is. Agri Wes-Kaap het die strategie reeds aan verskeie rolspelers, onder meer munisipaliteite, voorgelê wat aangedui het dat hul opgewonde is om aan die implementering daarvan deel te neem. www.awk.co.za
Farewell Hendrik
He was the most famous rooster in the land, but alas he is no more. Hendrik, the much loved, feared and respected mascot of Café Bon Bon died on 5 September at the age of 8 years. Hendrik had not been well for some months and it seems the past winter was just too much for him. Hendrik was such a big part of the Café Bon Bon experience that it is hard to find a social media post about the café that doesn’t refer to Hendrik. As expected of such a famous rooster he enjoyed a lifestyle that most roosters could only dream of, including a la carte morsels offered by friendly strangers and all the attention he could handle. Sleeping arrangements too were special. Few roosters got to sleep on a grand piano while the pianist transported them off to dreamland to the strains of their favourite tune – in Hendrik’s case, ‘Moon River’. Wherever Hendrik is off to, we’re sure he’s off in style. R.I.P. Hendrik.
Lavender Farm: “Stellenbosch barks but doesn’t bite!”
So said Anne Stone after seeing a letter dated 9 September from Smith Tabaka Buchanan Boyes (STBB) the attorneys for Stellenbosch Municipality to Werksmans, as her attorneys, and the Franschhoek Trust and Ratepayers Association. As reported in the September Tatler, Brashville ignored the compliance notice dated 25 July in which STBB told Brashville that if it did not stop illegally using the 6 cottages at Lavender Farm for guest accommodation the municipality would “be constrained to apply to the High Court Interdict for an order restraining you from continuing with your unlawful occupation and use of the offending buildings and structures.” Although use of the 6 cottages has continued the municipality has not taken the threatened legal action. As also reported in the September Tatler, Mr Dupré Lombaard, Director of Planning and Economic Development at Stellenbosch Municipality acknowledged the Municipality’s statutory duty to enforce compliance with applicable legislation but he cautioned against “an abuse of power by any authority or abuse of a situation by a complainant …” In a letter (not seen by the Tatler, but referred to in other correspondence) to STBB dated 10 August from Brashville’s attorneys it was similarly claimed that enforcement proceedings by the municipality would be an “abuse of power”. In their reply dated 23 August STBB dismissed this claim saying “To suggest that the intended enforcement proceedings by the Municipality will constitute an abuse of power or will be proceedings taken in bad faith is, with due respect, misdirected. This is particularly true in view of the fact that your client’s conduct constitutes a criminal offence.” STBB also dismissed a complaint by Brashville’s
attorneys that it had been prejudiced by delay saying, “your client has for a long time benefited from its unlawful conduct and has therefore not been prejudiced at all by the delay in this matter. Furthermore, your client had a battery of remedies available to protect its rights in the event of any infringement thereof.” STBB also reminded Brashville’s attorneys that after a deemed rezoning of the 6 cottages it could apply for building plan approval after the Franschhoek Planning Advisory Committee had commented. STBB’s reply ended with a second threat of an interdict saying “The Municipality insists on an unconditional written undertaking from your client to immediately cease any unlawful use and occupation of the property as required in the Compliance Notice. Should your client fail to let us have the requested undertaking by close of business tomorrow, the Municipality will be constrained to proceed with a High Court Interdict against your client.” However, although this second threat was also ignored by Brashville the municipality has not applied for an interdict. In their 9 September letter STBB referred to the legal steps to be taken by the municipality to decide the “most restrictive zoning” for the 6 cottages, but did not mention an interdict application simply saying that the “contraventions are currently being addressed by the Municipality from a legal perspective”. The Franschhoek Trust and Ratepayers Association asked STBB what this actually means and whether it is not now intended to make an interdict application after having twice threatened to do so. At the time of going to press the Trust had not received a reply from STBB and the Tatler had not received comment from Stellenbosch Municipality with regard to the latest development on this matter.
Fine Art Gallery and Contemporary Design Space showcasing the best in South African Art, Craft, Bespoke Furniture and Interior Décor
Franschhoek Square, 32 Huguenot Street, Franschhoek I +27 21 876 44 77 I www.ebonycurated.com I info@ebonycurated.com
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Pick n Pay helps budding soccer stars
On 8 September, a rather rainy day, Pick n Pay’s Stuart Downie and his son, Jake, paid a visit to the Franschhoek Valley Community Sports Centre. Stuart had been approached by Score – the organisation running the centre – to assist in getting together soccer kit for the 9 to 11-year-old boys. The boys were very excited by their new kit and decided to play an impromptu game of mini soccer on the indoor pitch. Kindly they also included Jake in their game proving that despite their differences, more often than not, kids are just kids. Stuart says, “I was very encouraged to see what was taking place at the sports centre and am proud to be a part of their system! I encourage other businesses to also get involved in their activities.” As most of the kids at the centre are still playing barefoot Stuart has indicated that he’ll put a trolley near the entrance to Pick n Pay during October so shoppers can leave their children’s second hand takkies in it for donation to the centre.
The Screening Room to light up again Franschhoek High School to benefit
Pick n Pay Franschhoek recently donated soccer kit for the 9-11 year olds at the Franschhoek Valley Community Sports Centre. In the photo above they C M Y CM MYproudly CY CMY K show off their new kit.
Franschhoek film lovers who were saddened by the closure of The Screening Room will be glad to learn that a community initiative is underway that aims to see its screen light up again. The movers behind the initiative, four local film lovers, describe it as a public-private partnership that aims to retain the intimate Leeu Collection’s Area General Manager, Matthew Smith, and Franschhoek High School’s theatre for the village’s Principal, Jan Cilliers, enjoy The Screening Room’s plush seats on the day Leeu Collection enjoyment while at the donated the room’ contents to an initiative to benefit Franschhoek High School. same time raising muchneeded funds for the Franschhoek High School and of work, not to mention fundraising, has to happen to preserving the historic school’s archive. fully realise our initiative, but we’re hard at it and will Siegfried Schäfer, spokesperson for the initiative, soon be able to share all the details of the initiative. said: “We are immensely grateful to Leeu Collection Of course, we hope that we can count on fellow film and Mr Analjit Singh for this fantastic donation. A lot lovers to help us make it a reality!”
16 9 4
Enjoy our premium Wine Popsicles at the home of Pierre Jourdan E reservations@cabriere.co.za | T +27 21 876 8500 Franschhoek Pass Road (R45) WWW.CABRIERE.CO.ZA #PJPops #TastesLikeMore
Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Enjoy Responsibly.
GRANDE PROVENCE WINE AND DINE COLLABORATION Join us for an evening of exquisite wine and superb cuisine at Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate, when we host our Wine and Dine Collaborations for 2016. 29 April 2016: Chardonnay Grande Provence, De Morgenzon, Newton Johnson Vineyard and Iona Vineyards 27 May 2016 : Pinot Noir Grande Provence, Catherine Marshall Wines, Shannon Vineyards and Snow Mountain 24 June 2016 : Cabernet Sauvignon Grande Provence, Le Riche Wines, Teddy Hall Wines and Thelema Mountain Vineyards 29 July 2016 : Shiraz Grande Provence, Oldenburg Vineyards, Lismore Estate Vineyards and De Trafford Wines 26 August 2016 : Red Blends Grande Provence, Beaumont Wines, Joostenburg Wines and Morgenster Estate 23 September 2016 : White Blends Grande Provence, David and Nadia Sadie, Constantia Uitsig and Oak Valley Wines 28 October 2016 : Sauvignon Blanc Grande Provence, Lismore Estate Vineyards, Fryers Cove Vineyards and Shannon Vineyards 2 December 2016 : Cap Classique and Champagne “A Sparkling Affair”
Main Road Franschhoek PO Box 102 Franschhoek 7690 Western Cape South Africa www.grandeprovence.co.za For reservations please contact T 021 876 8600 or E reservations@grandeprovence.co.za
• 10% discount for a mixed case of 12 wines • Accommodation at our superb Owners Cottage available. Contact us for further information.
Franschhoek Tatler
Black Elephant Vintners Amistad Pinotage 2014
October 2016
Ryan’s Kitchen’s Pan fried angelfish with coriander and lime, served with a cashew mole
Black Elephant Vintners 021 876 2903 hello@bevintners.co.za
Ingredients - Angelfish Angelfish fillets cut to portions For the Coriander and Lime Mix: 100g coriander; 5 cloves of garlic; 3 limes juiced and zested Method - Angelfish Blanch the garlic in boiling salted water until very soft, then add the coriander and cook together until soft. Remove from the boiling water and refresh in iced water. Remove from the iced water and place in a liquidised and blend until pureed. Add the lime juice and zest and little water if necessary to help it blend as well as adding a little salt. Ingredients - Mole To be charred on the fire: 3 plantains, 3 beef tomatoes; 2 bulbs of garlic; 3 onions; 100g green jalepenos (seeds and stem removed); 100g red jalepenos (seeds and stem removed); 50 g small red chilli (seeds and stem removed)
Bellingham Wines
The Franschhoek Cellar’s
Homestead Shiraz 2014
Sweet & sticky berry glazed oven roasted duck served with roast vegetables
Dark ruby red colour with flavours of plums, blackcurrants and pepper on the nose with hints of dark chocolate and mixed spice. On the palate - black berry fruits, violets and black pepper Cellar Price: R75 per bottle
Ingredients: 1 x Whole Duck 200gr Chopped Onion 300ml Chicken Stock Sprigs of Thyme Salt & black pepper Olive oil 65g Fresh Berries (any seasonal, gooseberries & blueberries works best) Extra to keep at hand: Brown sugar Chicken stock
roasting dish and add thyme, chopped onion and stock. Bake covered with foil for about 1 and a half hour. Remove foil and return to oven, removing when skin is golden and crispy. Once ready, use all the liquid from the dish including the onion and thyme to make your sauce Add with berries in a pot and cook down till berries are soft and starting to disintegrate. Taste for seasoning and acidity, add brown sugar and water if needed to get consistency you would like. Glaze duck with sauce before serving. Serve with your choice of starch and oven roasted vegetables.
Bellingham Wines 021 876 2086 fhcellardoor@dgb.co.za
Method: Pre - heat oven to 180˚C. Prepare duck by rubbing with olive oil, salt and pepper. Transfer to a baking/
The Franschhoek Cellar 021 876 2086 fhcellardoor@dgb.co.za
Our Amistad Pinotage 2014 is pitch black with a dark purple rim. The nose is very expressive and shows notes of red and black currant, chocolate and exotic spices. The palate is youthful with great fruit concentration , driving acidity and fine but firm tannins. Cellar Price: R175 per bottle
2 stems peeled and chopped ginger; 1 tbsp ground cinnamon; 1 tbsp ground nutmeg; 1 tbsp ground clove; 1 tbsp ground all spice; 1 tbsp ground anis star; 150g raisins; 5 prunes; 250g toasted cashew nuts; 200g Lindt 99% sunflower oil as required; sea salt; granulated sugar. Method - Mole The technique is essentially to braai cook/smoke until all the “vegetable” ingredients are very soft.Let cool and then peel where necessary. Then pound or puree all the ingredients together into a paste. Warm up by frying some of the paste in the oil adding the chocolate and seasoning last. Add a little water if required. Ryan’s Kitchen 021 8764598 info@ryanskitchen.co.za
How to enter
Who won the Salon la Belle makeover?
Send your answer to: tatlercompetition@gmail.com. The winner will be informed by return mail before 15 October 2016. Prizes have to be collected from the Franschhoek Info Office before end October 2016 or be forfeited.
MONNEAUX RESTAURANT Tel: +27 (0)21 876 3386 email: info@fch.co.za www.monneaux.co.za ART FRANSCHHOEK
21 October – 30 November
– paintings and ceramics inspired by a history of objects and memory. An exhibition by Louise Jennings, including works by David Walters and Sarah Walters.
tel 021 876 4304 24 dirkie uys street www.davidwalters.co.za ☎
designer craftsman · ceramic studio · gallery
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
On and Off Course Lawrence Gould
The Ryder Cup
We now know it isn’t the Olympics of golf! However, the 41st Ryder Cup matches held in the United States from 30 September to 2 October 2016, at the Hazeltine National Golf Club in Chaska, Minnesota, will have shown that this is the pinnacle for golfers – both for those participating and those viewing worldwide. By the time you read this, the thrill, the passion and the spirit of both the European and US teams will, I am sure, have captivated all present, be it on course or on screen. The Ryder Cup is a golf competition contested by teams from Europe and the United States. Originally contested between Great Britain and the United States; the event included Europe from 1979. The competition takes place every two years, with the exception of 2001 when the match was played a year later due to the 11 September attacks. The venue alternates between courses in Europe and the United States. The Ryder Cup is a match play event, with the
following competition format: • Day 1 (Friday) – 4 foursome (alternate shot) matches and 4 fourball (better ball) matches • Day 2 (Saturday) – 4 foursome matches and 4 fourball matches • Day 3 (Sunday) – 12 singles matches On the first two days there are 4 foursome matches and 4 fourball matches with the home captain choosing which are played in the morning and which in the afternoon. With a total of 28 points available, 14½ points are required to win the Cup, and 14 points are required for the defending champion to retain the Cup. All matches are played to a maximum of 18 holes. On a personal note I am particularly pleased to note the Captain of the European team is Darren Clark and that as a Captain’s pick he has chosen Lee Westwood. I met these two delightful gentlemen at the Table Bay Hotel with their manager Chubby Chandler. My intent was just to say hello, but they insisted I join them for a drink and when I told them I produced golf guides telling golfers where to play and where to stay in South Africa, they insisted I gave them one. I did! And it was Chubby who said, “Hey it seems he has an even better job than the three of us!” I don’t think so; but nicer people are difficult to find. NOW I have to be politely careful with ‘My Peggy’ who is American.
Purring pud deserves a pad
Lee Westwood
Darren Clarke
This very beautiful black cat is at the SPCA clinic. Jade is approximately two years old, neutered male with huge eyes and very shiny coat. Came in as semi-feral and is now a loving, affectionate purring pud. He deserves a loving home. Phone 021 876 4808 /083 745 5344.
Two Eléphants of Franschhoek
The Franschhoek Feeling
Cellar Chat
Mark Tanner In the early hours of 26 February 1852 HMS Birkenhead struck an uncharted rock off Danger Point, near Gansbaai and began to sink. This vessel became famous for three reasons. Firstly, the magnificent discipline of the many soldiers who stood fast while women and children were placed in the boats. In the end 445 men were lost and this gave rise to the expression, "Birkenhead drill," now famous in British military history as exemplifying the supreme sacrifice. Secondly, for the legend that some three tons of gold coins were on board to pay the troops at the Eastern Cape. A few have been recovered but not enough to confirm the legend. Thirdly, the wine on board. I have in my possession four bottles recovered from the wreck. All are empty, scoured by the moving sand and covered in mini barnacles. One is a champagne bottle. Imagine if it had survived intact and if there were other bottles buried deeper that actually contained champagne? Imagine the international interest in the recovery of champagne bottles produced before 1852? I remember contacting Michael Fridjhon in Johannesburg about this and he, being an international wine 'fundi' with the right connections,
set about arranging a three-way wine auction. All on the assumption that intact bottles could be salvaged. A link between Cape Town, London and New York would set the scene for a financial race to determine the highest bidder. In the event nothing happened. While the wreck lies in a fairly shallow 35m of water, the currents are such that a 'moving' seabed makes recovery extremely difficult. On top of this the windows of suitable diving conditions only lasts a few short weeks of the year in summer. A missed opportunity perhaps but I cannot help thinking 'What if…' Would the wine have been drinkable? Probably not, but the museum value alone would have doubtless covered salvage costs. Another example of really old wine, visibly on display, is a full, ancient Roman bottle at the Pfalz Historical Museum at Speyer in Germany. To keep air from spoiling the wine a layer of oil sits on top. This shows how clever the Romans were. It took Napoleon III in 1863 to ask Louis Pasteur to determine why wine went 'off ' in transit, thereby establishing that air contact allows the growth of vinegar bacteria. Pasteur also found that small amounts of air (oxygen) helped to mature the wine. Chateau Lafite in the Medoc has one of the largest collections of old wine in France. Bottles from 1797, 1798 and 1799 are on show. As they have not been moved it is claimed that they may be 'in fair condition'! Back to reality and what may be available locally. Our best reds can last up to 20 years and more. How do we tell? Simple, just ask the producer for ageing advice – they love it and you can find a new best friend!
October 2016 WEYLANDTS/1113/E/SA
Franschhoek Tatler
GlenWood Grand Duc Noblesse
GlenWood is home to some of South Africa’s hidden wine gems. One of these is their maiden vintage Grand Duc Noblesse – a noble wine indeed. According to winemaker DP Burger this dessert wine has lived up to its name and is worthy to be included in their flagship Grand Duc range. Great care and dedication was taken to create a well-integrated sweet wine with alluring nutty and honey flavours. The richness and texture of the Semillon grapes are impeccably complimented by the freshness and acidity provided by the Sauvignon Blanc. The perfect wine union! DP and his team set out to produce a wine that
has delicate similarities to the distinguished French Sauternes, something they feel they have achieved with great success. With only 1 400 bottles available this is guaranteed to become a collector’s item, and can be enjoyed now or left to age for a further 10 to 15 years. It is available directly from the Tasting Room at R220 per bottle. GlenWood was developed from scratch over the last 30 years to become one of South Africa’s leading wine producers. It currently exports mainly to
European countries. www.glenwoodvineyards.co.za | 021 876 2044
22 Bella Rosa St, Durbanville
(021) 914 1440
retail manager: marisa.casati@weylandtshome.co.za
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HANDMADE IN FRANSCHHOEK designer craftsman · ceramic studio · gallery
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Summery elegance from the Anthonij Rupert Wyne Protea range
The Protea range from Anthonij Rupert Wyne continues to impress with its innovative packaging. The inspiration was drawn from the Cape’s indigenous flora with the ultimate purpose of “upcycling” in mind. The latest is the new look Protea Sauvignon Blanc 2016, which features an elegant wildflower design on the bottle. According to winemaker Mark van Buuren, the Sauvignon Blanc’s vibrant gooseberry, guava and passion fruit characteristics are fleshed out with a lime zest and grassy nuance. In true Sauvignon Blanc style the palate comes alive with its typical lemon and pineapple flavours. It is perfect on its own or with a delicious Thai green curry, grilled asparagus with lemon and Parmesan or salt and pepper fried squid. What would summer be without Rosé? The 2015 vintage made quite an impact, so enthusiasts will be thrilled to get their hands on the stylish Protea Rosé 2016 with its alluring pale coral hue. The wine’s aromas are reminiscent of succulent cherry and
strawberry flavours. Mark describes the palate as being a vivacious mouthful of juicy strawberry and cherry flavours, with a hint of stone fruit. It is a light, refreshing wine and it delivers an elegant crisp, dry and slightly peppery finish. This is the perfect wine for serving with food and is particularly successful when paired with seared salmon, California rolls or even a fresh strawberry salad with balsamic dressing. Be sure to look out for the Pinot Grigio 2016. This is guaranteed to tickle the taste buds. Appealing aromas of nectarine and white peaches as well as the slightest hint of elder flowers make this wine perfectly suited for summer. Above all this wine delivers juicy flavours on the palate, accompanied by a delicious nectarine tang and lip-smacking citrus notes. The summer line-up is completed by the sophisticated Protea Chardonnay 2015, which radiates delectable peach, nectarine and honeysuckle aromas with a hint of rock melon and vanilla on the nose. The palate delivers on this stone fruit, resulting in a well-rounded wine. Ideal with roast
chicken, Teriyaki-glazed seared salmon or even a delicious carbonara pasta with crisp pancetta. The range, designed for earlier enjoyment, consists of eight wines with Protea-inspired elements decorating each bottle. The innovative packaging design has been made to be re-used and recycled, thus prolonging the life cycle of the product, which ultimately aids in caring for the environment. Endless possibilities present themselves when
TASTINGS · LUNCH · HIGH TEA Mon-Sun 10:00-17:00 087 754 9925 · Lambrechts Road Franschhoek info@lelude.co.za · www.lelude.co.za
faced with these authentic prints – only a bit of imagination is required. It could be re-used to make eye-catching olive oil and balsamic vinegar serving bottles, or with a bit of professional assistance cut to make contemporary water glasses. The wines can be bought directly from the cellar door at between R55 and R60 per bottle, or at selected outlets nationally. www.rupertwines.com
Franschhoek Tatler
New head chef at Lust Bistro & Bakery
Award-winning restaurant, LUST Bistro & Bakery, has announced the appointment of Johan van Schalkwyk as new Head Chef. Upholding a high cooking standard, the new chef ’s aim is to focus on fresh and organic produce. Growing up, Van Schalkwyk was infused with a love for food as the middle child of three hungry boys. Both his parents were good cooks and he spent weekends baking scones, cakes and having Sunday cook-offs with his brothers. Initially he did not consider a career in cooking opting rather to study construction management. Later, at the age of 28, he decided to follow his passion for food and enrolled at Elsa van der Nest Culinary Academy, where he was top of his class. In 2003, he took up the position of Head Chef of a chateau in Normandy, France. Here he discovered the beauty of working with fresh, seasonal ingredients. “They had their very own organic vegetable garden from which to prepare meals. I would walk through the garden every day, filling my baskets with what the head gardener had to offer. Once back in the kitchen, I would start working on the menus for the day.” He says fresh produce shaped his cooking style and standards as a country chef – not complicating flavours, but rather letting the ingredients speak for themselves. On his return to South Africa he worked at various
Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top 10 Four Franschhoek producers awarded
Johan van Schalkwyk
restaurants in Cape Town before starting his own restaurants. His aim at LUST Bistro and Bakery is to marry his country style of cooking with that of patron chef and bistro owner, Jean-Pierre Smith and fulfil his love for making people happy – "done through good food and wine.” Along with his ambitions as Head Chef, Van Schalkwyk hopes to make his mark in the hospitality industry as a whole. “I believe there are not enough quality chefs around. I would love to give back by training and sharing the skills that I have been fortunate to develop.” www.lustbistro.com | 021 874 1456
New summer blend from Boschendal
Boschendal Wines celebrates the arrival of summer with the launch of a blush wine, combining the two classic varietals used in the making of Champagne into a refined and elegant Chardonnay-Pinot Noir. This captivating wine is perfect for those balmy afternoons with delicate red berry aromas and an elegant touch of spice, finessed stone fruit flavours and subtle hints of pear, creating a long, smooth, complex finish. The sophisticated Chardonnay-Pinot Noir balances tradition with innovation, yielding an elegant blush, perfect for sharing. Created to pair beautifully with a variety of foods, but particularly sublime with fresh summery foods such as sushi, salads, seafood or fruity desserts, the alluring wine also lends itself to be enjoyed in fine company to celebrate any occasion. The quantum leap of blush wine into the world’s spotlight is an astounding phenomenon – together, France and the United States consume nearly half of the annual 594.4 million gallons of rosé produced globally. The success of dry rosés such as Domaine Ott, Minuty, Whispering Angel and Triennes, have set the stage for blush wines and their association with the Southern
October 2016
France lifestyle that people love to dream about. “We believe this pale liquid rose gold will shine as the new fashionable wine on everyone’s lips this season and beyond and will appeal to both an existing and new, young and trendy audience” says Lizelle Gerber, dedicated MCC and white winemaker at Boschendal. “It was a natural progression for us to craft a still blush wine with the same delicate techniques and finesse of Boschendal’s lauded Méthode Cap Classique bubblies.” Several wine market observers have also reported that blush and rosé wine is growing increasingly more popular with men. With the rise of a foodie culture and an interest in culinary risk-taking, rosé wine has earned it the playful ‘brosé’ nickname among select groups. With rose quartz the Pantone Colour of the Year 2016 and rose gold fast becoming the Métal du Jour, the Boschendal Chardonnay-Pinot Noir adds a youthful and fashionable touch to the portfolio of award-winning Boschendal wines embodying the creative drive and internationally inspired vision of Boschendal’s dedicated young winemakers. www.boschendalwines.com
Pure fruit, more texture, greater structure, versatility and pushed boundaries is what Chenin Blanc is all about. True to form, that is what the Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top 10 Challenge uncovered at this third annual competition. Seven of the Top 10 wineries confirmed their consistency and quality reputation for making superior Chenin Blanc by being included on the Top 10 list again, they are: Bellingham, DeMorgenzon, Kleine Zalze, Leopard’s Leap, Perdeberg, Rijk’s and Spier. New winners included Allée Bleue and Boschendal. A total of 124 wines were entered, all of which were tasted blind by a five-person panel with no indication of vintage, cellar treatment or technical analysis. The panel of judges included Christian Eedes, one of South Africa’s most respected wine judges as chairperson of the judging panel; Jamie Goode from the United Kingdom, a London-based wine writer and currently wine columnist at UK national newspaper The Sunday Express; Higgo Jacobs, certified with the Court of Master Sommeliers and wine judge; Cathy van Zyl, Master of Wine, regular judge and associate editor of Platter’s South African Wine Guide; as well as wine writer and certified wine judge Samarie Smith and Tinashe Nyamudoka, sommelier at the well-known Test Kitchen, South Africa’s number one restaurant. According to Eedes this was a good year for Chenin Blanc overall. “Chenin Blanc is such a complicated category to judge, because of the diversity of styles. And this year was no exception. The competition received entries with a wide diversity of styles – from clean and fresh fruit to oxidative ones – and they all worked. There really is a style for every consumer out there. This category seems to go from strength to strength. We could see and taste that there is a general confidence among South African winemakers when they are working with this grape and a real conviction of what they want to do with this grape. It was a really great year for Chenin”. For Ken Forrester, Chairman of the Chenin Blanc Association, this year’s line-up and the overall quality is proof that Chenin is going places. “Across the board the wines are world class. This is the most excited I’ve ever been for Chenin in South Africa”. “We are proud to be associated with South African Chenin Blanc and the wine industry as a whole,” said Willie du Plessis, Standard Bank Executive Business Banking Head in the Western Cape. “By giving recognition to this grape variety we form part of a better wine industry for all. As indicated by the Top 10 winners, all of them are donating their prize money
to various charities and worthy courses in and among their areas including Sunfield Home, the Du Toitskloof DGB Mobile Library, the Anna Foundation, Kusasa, The Agroecology Academy and crèches in Mbekweni and at Allée Bleue. And so we pay it forward.” www.chenin.co.za
The Leopard’s Leap Culinaria Chenin Blanc was included in the Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top 10 for the second year in a row.
Fri 21st October to Sun 23rd October 2016
The Charl du Plessis Trio will be performing the Baroque Swing at Café Bon Bon
Sonatas for Violin and Piano
Candlelight Soiree - Twenty Beautiful Piano Classics
Bon Bon Finale - Baroque Swing
Patrick Goodwin (violin) and Reese Barkhuizen (piano) Fri 21 Oct | 7:30 pm | NG Church
Christopher Duigan (piano) Sat 22 Oct | 6:30 for 7:00 pm | Café Bon Bon
Charl du Plessis Trio Sun 23 Oct | 12:30 for 1:00 pm | Café Bon Bon
Andulucian Nights
Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight’
James Grace (guitar) with Saudiq Khan (guitar) Sat 22 Oct | 11:30 am | NG Church
Christopher Duigan (piano) Sun 23 Oct | 12:00 noon | NG Church
NG Church (Franschhoek) Concerts: Available at door or from www.webtickets.co.za Café Bon Bon at La Petite Dauphine Concerts: 021 876 3936 • www.franschhoekclassic.co.za
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Haute Cabrière: New vintages of pioneering wines
The sundial on the Haute Cabrière terrace encapsulates their winemaking philosophy
for both fans of Pinot Noir and those new to this wonderful cultivar.” Best enjoyed slightly chilled, the Unwooded Pinot Noir is also a versatile food wine, the acidity and freshness providing an ideal foil to everything from rare fillet with rock salt, to seared duck and summery salads. “At Haute Cabrière everything, including our wine, is about balance and respect,” says Takuan. It’s a philosophy encapsulated on the stone plinth guarding the doors to the mountainside cellar. The equal contributions of Sun, Soil, Vine and Man pay homage to the Haute Cabrière philosophy that great wine is grown in the vineyard – not made in the cellar. Many winemakers found the hot and dry 2016 vintage one of the most challenging in recent memory. Takuan says he is “delighted with the quality of fruit we harvested”. “The great advantage of both Chardonnay and Pinot Noir is that they ripen early in the season, so we are able to avoid all the heat and stress of harvesting later in the summer. Our grapes are also strategically planted on the estate, and the magic of blending allows us to work with the very best parcels of fruit.” Both the Haute Cabrière Chardonnay Pinot Noir and Haute Cabrière Unwooded Pinot Noir are available from the cellar, selected restaurants and retailers countrywide. The cellar door price for both wines is R85 per bottle. www.cabriere.co.za | 021 876 8500 WEYLANDTS/1063A/E/SA
With the bright days of spring here, Haute Cabrière has recently released the 2016 vintage of its muchloved Chardonnay Pinot Noir blend and its elegant Unwooded Pinot Noir. The 2016 vintage of the pioneering Haute Cabrière Chardonnay Pinot Noir blend deftly balances the structure and elegance of Chardonnay with the intensity and richness of Pinot Noir. On the palate there is an abundance of bright fruit – white peach, pineapple and lime – underpinned by the red berry notes of the Pinot Noir. The result is a memorable wine ideal for pairing with seafood dishes and salads, or simply chilled and enjoyed on its own. Constant innovation was the inspiration behind the maiden release, in 2011, of the estate’s first Unwooded Pinot Noir. Often described as a ‘red white wine’, the Unwooded Pinot Noir offers the perfect introduction for non-red wine drinkers to the pleasures of Pinot Noir, and the 2016 vintage is a prime example of this elegant, structured cultivar that has become a calling card of Haute Cabrière. “The wine really has an amazing ruby colour to complement the bright red berry fruit,” notes cellar master, Takuan von Arnim, who says the 2016 vintage displays particular structure and depth. “As always though, the wine has an alcohol content lower than most Pinot Noirs, which is one of the reasons it’s so popular. Our approach has always been to preserve the elegance of the wine, - making it approachable
FOOD AT ITS MOST FUNDAMENTAL DISCOVER MAISON’S NEW APPROACH TO DINING Simplicity is deceptively complicated to achieve. In fact, it’s taken us five years to create a series of taste experiences that embody our simplistic approach to food. Each dish has been stripped down to its essence, using new cooking techniques that ensure flavours enhance their counterparts without upstaging them. Because we use fewer ingredients, they have to be the best. Which means they have to be fresh. The majority of our produce is sourced right here at Maison, and the rest, as close to it as possible. The result will surprise and delight your palate. It’s a new approach to dining, pure and simple. Radicchio, red pepper, oyster mushroom, snoek bottarga
RESERVATIONS: 021 876 2116
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
Chef Guy Clark’s 1693 restaurant not stuffy at all!
I have to say that I’m not used to having chefs throw food at me – especially at media lunches – yet that is pretty much what happened to me recently! Happily it wasn’t done in anger and was all part of the spectacle at what was a most memorable lunch at the 1693 pop-up restaurant in the historic 1693 cellar at Bellingham Estate. The chef doing the throwing, Guy Clark, is no stranger to Franschhoek – his parents Jack and Di having lived here for some time. Reality TV fans will recall that Guy was a finalist in the first season of MasterChef South Africa and a winner on Cutthroat Kitchen. In between he spent time in India setting up the family kitchens for business tycoon Analjit Singh. He was also part of the team that organized the catering for Singh’s daughter’s wedding that was attended by 2500 people and featured a performance by Lionel Ritchie! While in India he was also involved in setting up one of Delhi’s hippest restaurants, Uzuri (the word means ‘goodness’ in Swahili), which serves
up ‘European food with a touch of Africa’. Since 2014 he’s been living and working in Miami. Back to the meal though… The meal’s theme was ‘Spring’ which, though it doesn’t sound particularly inspired, was interpreted in an unusually creative way. From table settings and décor to atmospheric soundtracks for each dish – think waves breaking and birdsong – everything contributed to the desired outcome. Fortunately the weather had also played along and produced a gorgeous spring day outside with fruit trees in blossom, abundantly flowering azaleas and wisterias just beginning to turn blue in the Bellingham garden. The six-course menu – paired with Bellingham wines – will be served throughout October, so I won’t give away too much of what to expect. What I will say is that all the dishes (justifiably referred to as experiences on the menu) are expertly prepared by Guy and Sam Nolan (another MasterChef finalist) and beautifully presented on plates that resemble lotus
Chef Guy Clark
The dessert was surprising in more ways than one
leaves. Amongst others, you may prepare yourself for experiences called ‘broken lake’ and ‘ancestral rock pool’. I’ll let you use your imaginations on those! ‘The hunt’, however, consisted of kudu, raspberry buchu blood, tempura sweet breads, sansa weiss jelly and burnt shallots. It was paired with Bellingham Homestead Pinotage and truly first class. You’re probably still wondering about the food throwing though… That came with the final experience, ‘fall en spring’. The menu describes it as: “64% valrhona sphere. torn emerald cake. orange chocolate soil. citrus shards. spring flowers. homestead lemon waterfall” The experience unfolded like this: Guests were each presented with an empty white plate. Guy then emerged from the open kitchen with a tray of chocolate spheres. At this point I was expecting him to serve us individually at the table. To say that I was surprised when he proceeded to throw one of the spheres into the plate of the person sitting diagonally across from me is putting it mildly! As planned, the sphere cracked open and spilled its delectable contents onto the plate. (The result reminded me a bit of a Jackson Pollock painting.) The second sphere
was a bit more stubborn and needed three throws, but thereafter Guy really got into it and told us not to fuss about the bits that missed the plates! Frankly, if it weren’t for social conventions I’d have hoovered the table to get to all the bits that flew off the plates, that’s how good it was! The wine pairing, which I also won’t share, was unexpected and worked beautifully. Media guests were further treated with artisanal gifts from Wolf & Maiden leather goods, Lalimalu jewellery, Dalewood fromage, DGB Wines and Terbodore coffee. During October the experience will be offered on the following dates and times: 1 and 2 October (13h00), 8 and 9 October (13h00), 14 October (19h00), 15 October (13h00 and 19h00), 16 October (13h00), 21 October (19h00), 22 October (13h00 and 19h00) and 23 October (13h00). The cost is R650 per guest with the wine pairing, or R520 per guest with unique cold tea pairings. Seating is limited to 14 guests, so reservations are required along with a R300 non-refundable deposit (part of the final cost). reservations@1693.co.za | 083 380 7766
r e s tau r a n t · w i n e ry · g u e s t s u i t e s
WE ARE OPEN! and looking forward to welcoming you in our new restaurant Telephone +27 (0)21 876 3016/8 · Pass Road, Franschhoek Email reception@lapetiteferme.co.za · www.lapetiteferme.co.za
Where The Light Shines Through A Solo Exhibition by Duncan Stewart 1st – 19th October 2016
38 Huguenot Str, Franschhoek, Cape Winelands Tel: 021 876 4280 | art@artintheyard.co.za www.artintheyard.co.za
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Kitchens and Cabinetry for Commercial and Residential Properties New design studio and furniture showroom at
Art In The Yard, 38 Huguenot Street, Franschhoek. We offer a comprehensive design solutions for your home and any commercial space, along with a ready made furniture collection. With many years of experience in both design and in construction, we specialize in bespoke kitchens and cabinetry.
introducing our delivery service for your convenience
For more information please visit us in the gallery or contact Robert Baerveldt 062 9511 390 robert@baerdesign.co.za
Join us for a glass (or two) of wine whilst enjoying great food from our two restaurants, Miko and the Country Kitchen SPEC IAL OFFE RS
Throughout October, join us at Miko Restaurant for our speciality lunch menu created by our new Head Chef, Shane Louw. Two course menu starts from R235 per person. Available 12:00-14:30 daily.
BOO K A TABL E MONT ROCHELLE Dassenberg Road, Franschhoek 021 876 2770 info@montrochelle.virgin.com
Station Pub BierFest 29th & 30th October 2016 R150 per person / R50 per child (12-17 years) Saturday 12noon – 10pm
Sunday 12noon - 9pm
Come and join in the fun at the Franschhoek Station Pub ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥
Craft Beer stands with delicious beers to enjoy Food stalls to compliment the festival Entertainment daily in the form of 3 live bands Large outdoor kiddies’ play area
Visit www.webtickets.co.za/stationpubbierfest to purchase your tickets or e-mail info@southernstroll.com or phone 082 442 6545
Franschhoek Tatler
Disappointment through comparison
Millennials they say are born hardwired for disappointment. They graduate into a life of high unemployment and low financial security. Yet social media scream at them to maintain certain expectations, which will most likely not materialise, since it is a very materialistic lifestyle in a not so stable financial world. It is however not only the millennials who are experiencing this disappointment. Look around you, look inside of you and take stock of the tremendous amount of disappointment hanging around like a thick fog. It is everywhere. It is the career that didn’t go as planned, the new job that ended up to be much less than expected, the relationship that folded after many years, the interview that did not work out. We live in a society that builds up expectation, which often leads to disappointment. We are not prepared for this self-inflicted difficulty, yet sooner or later we all are faced with it. We try to find comfort in empty words like, “this too shall pass” or “from now on it can only get better.” But will it really? As long as it is happiness that we chase, instant gratification that we are after, then the odds are in favour of this most definitely happening again. It might not get better soon and it will most definitely repeat itself. A lot can be said for comparison’s role in this disappointment we experience. Mainly that it is
often the source of the most of our dissatisfaction in life. We are so often comparing our riches, our lives, our social status, our relationships and the list goes on with someone else’s and we completely forget to appreciate and be grateful for our uniqueness. So what are we to do? We can seek a life of contentment, rather than happiness (which sounds remarkably lame considering that the media promises us so much more). In her latest release, Without Rival, Linda Bevere writes about being unique. There is only one person like you. Nobody else is exactly like you, so your situation can’t be compared to anyone else’s or be considered better or worse. It means to be without equal – you have no equal – no rival. It means to have a distinctive character – your character traits, your story and your career are all distinctively you. Appreciate being one of a kind and be content with who you are as you’re without comparison. Be content with the unique journey that your life is taking, for no one else will walk exactly the same path as you do. Even if you are currently in a valley of despair, no one is going to experience exactly the same valley as you are. Be grateful for your uniqueness and be content with who you are, since there is no one exactly like you.
October 2016
Marvellous make-over
Ronelle Visser, before and after her makeover
The owner of Salon La Belle, Maryke Groenewald, is thrilled with all the entries they received for their make-over competition. The lucky winner was Ronelle Visser. Maryke says both her inner and outer beauty shone through after the makeover. Her new look was achieved when Maryke gave her a brand new hairstyle and played stylist in
Liesl Saayman – Ataraxia Life Coach
Poison information available in eleven languages
in a person’s language of preference,” says Marks. The charts include information on poisoning with pesticides, the management of medicine related overdosage, and biological toxins with reference to poisonous creatures and toxic plant exposures. The TPIC offers an information service to heatlhcare specialists and the general public on how to deal with poisonings. The Centre is situated at the SU’s Faculty of Medicine Health Sciences on the Tygerberg Campus in Cape Town. Members of the public can also contact the Poisons Information Helpline of the Western Cape, which serves South Africa and beyond, on 0861 555 777. This 24-hour service is offered by specialists at the Tygerberg Poison Information Centre and the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital Poison Information Service. You can download a poison information chart in your language of preference at: www.sun.ac.za/ poisoncentre. Tygerberg Poison Information Centre: 24-hour emergency number: 0861 555 777, E-mail: toxicology@ sun.ac.za, Website: www.sun.ac.za/poisoncentre
Have you ever been in a situation where someone has been exposed to poison and you had no idea what to do? Handy information charts with guidelines on the immediate treatment in case of poisoning are now available in all of South Africa’s 11 official languages. The Tygerberg Poison Information Centre’s (TPIC) at Stellenbosch University (SU) developed the charts that can be downloaded by the public free of charge from its website. The prevalence of death by accidental poisoning is an important public health problem in South Africa, especially in rural areas where immediate access to healthcare facilities is not always a possibility. It is estimated that each year up to half a million people in South Africa are exposed to accidental or purposeful poisoning. “However, many poisonings can be prevented and having basic knowledge on early and pre-hospital management of poisoning at hand could help save lives,” says Ms Carine Marks, a specialist in poison information and the Director of the TPIC. “It only takes a minute or two to learn how to prevent a poisoning and what to do if it happens. By providing information in all 11 languages, we wanted to ensure that the appropriate information is available
Dr Glynn Till DC (USA), FCCS (Can) Practice Number: 040 1110 Registration Number: A07609
claire horn & associates @ 48 VILLAGE ARTISAN
claire horn & associates
The first building on the left (at the Stop street) Paintsmiths
Pam Hammond Studio
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021 876 3310
selecting an outfit from her wardrobe. The finishing touches came from the professional make-up done by Franschhoek Skincare Clinic. Ronelle and her mother were then treated to a special lunch at Good Food & Co. More good news from Salon la Belle is that they will be offering light meals to waiting clients and their friends from October.
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Danielle Smith Clinical Psychologist
• Individual Psychotherapy (adults) • Couple Psychotherapy • Play Therapy (children) • Parent Counselling • Parent-Infant Psychotherapy (for sleeping, feeding, crying or other behavioural problems) 14 Cabriere Street, Franschhoek, 7690 danieles@iafrica.com
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Canapés, amuse bouche, petit fours or hors d’oeuvres - whatever you would like to call them, they are delicious bite-sized morsels that are the ideal way to get a party going, to entertain elegantly or to wow your guests with an array of exotic ingredients and delicate tastes. Chef Pieter de Jager will not only share the recipes – perfect for end of the year get-togethers – but show you how to make these fabulous bites as well as a selection of sassy wine cocktails to get the party started with maximum fun and minimum hassle!
Looking for some fresh inspiration for that all-important Christmas meal, but not all that confi dent with your culinary skills? Take the stress out of organising Christmas Day with Chef Pieter de Jager’s festive show stoppers - from gammon to sprouts, mince pies to trifl e. Give these traditional familyfavourites some modern fl air and treat your loved ones to a celebratory meal!
Thursday, 17 November 2016 Friday, 18 November 2016
Morning Class & Lunch Evening Class & Dinner
Thursday, 1 December 2016 Friday, 2 December 2016
Morning Class & Lunch Evening Class & Dinner
Home-baked bread is about much more than providing a staple to the pantry. Baking a proper loaf is very therapeutic and can result in a healthy and wholesome product, but it takes the mastering of some skill. In this class, self-confessed bread-lover, Chef Pieter de Jager, introduces an array of bread baking skills that go beyond the recipe. Understand the stages of measuring, mixing, proofi ng and baking and try a confi dent hand at rye, ciabatta, baguette, bagels, brioche, focaccia, naan …
As the land of the free, North America has become home to many nationalities and, today, this vast country houses the most diverse of culinary cultures. Much more than fast foods, American food is infl uenced by widely different climates and ingredients and both indigenous and imported tastes and traditions. Join Chef Pieter de Jager on a culinary journey from cosmopolitan New York, to sophisticated Chicago, from alfresco and health-conscious California to the hearty and homely South.
Thursday, 12 January 2017 Friday, 13 January 2017
Thursday, 9 February 2017 Friday, 10 February 2017
Morning Class & Lunch Evening Class & Dinner
Morning Class & Lunch Evening Class & Dinner
Morning classes start at 10:00. Evening classes start at 18:00. www.leopardsleap.co.za
6974 LL Tadler CookingClass ADVERT 197h136w FA1.indd 1
2016/09/15 13:30
Motor Movie Festival @ Franschhoek Motor Museum
Relive golden motor movie moments at the MMF @ FMM.
The first film festival to be hosted in Franschhoek in the Cape Winelands will be the fabulous MMF @ FMM. To the uninitiated that is the Motor Movie Festival @ Franschhoek Motor Museum. It is set for 22 and 23 October 2016. Few places other than Anthonij Rupert Wyne allow for the friendly meeting of cars and wine. At Anthonij Rupert Wyne’s L’Ormarins estate there is an excellent opportunity for this meeting to happen. Car lovers and movie lovers can combine their passions and relive the drive-in experience (indoors!) by watching motor movies while seated in a classic 1930s, 1940s or 1950s car from the motor museum’s famous collection. The two-day festival includes four movie screenings, presented in a way that could only be possible at a motor museum on a wine farm. Festival goers will get to peruse the automotive exhibition – including a display of cars with links to well-loved movies – taste wines from Anthonij Rupert, enjoy a movie screening from the seat of a special car (glass of wine in hand) and round off the experience with a roadhouse burger and gourmet milkshake in the museum’s Pitstop Café. The movies selected for screening are: The original The Italian Job (1969), loved for
its car chase involving three Minis and starring Michael Caine and Noël Coward. Vanishing Point (1971) that brings together Barry Newman, a collection of counter culture characters and a white Dodge Challenger in an epic 15-hour race. Midnight Run (1988) features a host of American cars, from a Ford Crown Victoria to a Chevrolet Caprice, in a caper starring Robert de Niro as a bounty hunter on a trying assignment. Finally, in Thelma & Louise (1991) a fishing trip gone wrong sparks a flight from the law in a ’66 Ford Thunderbird. Star-studded with Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon, Brad Pitt and Harvey Keitel. For the lunch-time event festival goers arrive at 10h00 to view the museum’s cars as they taste Anthonij Rupert wines. At 11h00 the movie starts with everyone seated in a car. Afterwards there’s the roadhouse meal at the Pitstop Café to look forward to. The evening event commences at 16h00 with the screening at 17h00. Tickets available at www.webtickets.co.za. The price of R395 per person includes amongst others, the movie, the road house meal, a tasting of various wines and a visit to the motor museum.
Franschhoek Tatler
Fleur de Lis Nuus
Golf day raises funds for Franschhoek SPCA
Carol Dendy Young
Look at this picture and what do you see? Happy smiling faces of the elderly folk at Fleur de Lis. At craft mornings organised by a team of ladies they learnt how to make some beautiful 'things'. The tray cloths or table mats were all unique... each one carefully thought out and personalized. Thelma with the orange knee rug will be 100
Neighbourhood Watch Observations and Hints
• One of the easiest and most affordable deterrents of crime is lighting. Half of private properties are in total darkness. • Street lighting helps but dark yards, gardens, alleyways and stoeps are obvious. • Many occupants of houses leave their curtains open and are easily observed from the street. • Many houses don’t have their street numbers displayed at all. • Street names are non-existent on many corners making locations impossible to identify. • Motion-activated lights are very effective and cost-saving Yes, a slow drive around Franschhoek at night is a real eye opener!
Probus Club Julie Mitchell Our next meeting is on Monday, 3 October 2016. Bill Morris will tell about his experiences at sailing. On 7 November 2016 Rob Sproul – Chairman of the Probus Association of the Western Cape – will talk about Flying a Helicopter. What is probus all about In South Africa there is a rapidly growing number of Probus Clubs, which offer retirees the facility to manage successfully the transition from high pressure executive, professional and other vocational activity to a calmer way of life.
this year – born in 1916. Her remark while she was busy painting was "goodness....we can learn something new every day…" What inspiration!
Rotary News Mark Tanner
In Rotary, 99% of members can point to one or two people who were responsible for getting them to join. There is a simple reason for this: People don't join organisations; people join people and then they work towards a mutual purpose that ties them to the organisation". (Past District Governor A.Jaeger). You are welcome to visit one of our Thursday meetings at Café Franschhoek and meet the Rotary people of Franschhoek Valley. For more information please call Mark Tanner on 082 773 9217.
This is achieved through these features of membership: • Opportunities to extend compatible social contacts and maintain interest in the topical issues of the day. • Nurturing positive attitudes to ageing through group recreation and the sharing of information on issues of concern to Senior Citizens. • Support in grief and illness. • Speakers at monthly luncheons who provide a fresh mental challenge and stimulation. • We are a-political and non-sectarian • We are mindful of the fact that costs are an important consideration. Membership fees, therefore, are kept to a minimum; while monthly luncheon costs vary. Probus is not a Service/Fund Raising organization. If you are interested in joining or just wish to come along to any meeting please contact me on 083 303 333 5.
Jeremy Davids
Franschhoek Youth Forum presents Claire Lapperts
“Beauty is skin deep, let it shine from the inside out”
Claire Lapperts is beautiful. There is no question about it. However this “on the skin” beauty should not be confused with the inner, deeper beauty she possess and unselfishly shares with others. Her personality is bubbly and full of zest and with her caring nature she play’s an integral and pivotal part on the Franschhoek Youth Forum. Representing the Franschhoek Sound of Steel on the Youth Forum, Claire serves on the executive and her duty is to Market the Forum. Matriculating from Paarl Girls High in 2013, she enrolled as a first year student in Somatology at the ISA Carstens Academy in 2014 and is currently completing her final year. This study field is not only providing her with the opportunity to make people look beautiful, it also made Claire think more about the positive psychological effects it has on people when they feel great about themselves. This resonated more with her desire to serve, rather than to just treat. Claire was always interested in music while at school
and in 2008 a wonderful thing happened to her when she decided to join a Steelband. At the same time she took up training in classical music and acquired skills in sight reading. With this knowledge and her natural ability to lead, she was soon elected to take charge of the band. The Franschhoek Sound of Steel is a very important part of her life as she aims to not only provide the members the platform to perform at various events, but also to inspire them to become a product of the Franschhoek Valley that people can be proud of. Claire’s dream for the Youth Forum is that its member’s lives should change for the better and that they become role models to other young people. The Youth Forum should become a voice for the Youth of the Valley. She loves the bond that has been created among the members and how they inspire each other.
FHS Netbal
A golf day in aid of Franschhoek SPCA that took place at the Pearl Valley Golf Estate on 22 July 2016 raised the fantastic amount of R111 000 for the charity’s coffers. “We would like to thank all our sponsors and fantastic golfers who helped us make our first charity golf day a great success. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year in April, before the rains start” says Joan-Anne Harris, the charity event organiser. June and Jonathan Perry successfully bid on the main auction prize, namely, the American Whiskey & Food Tasting with American Whiskey Ambassador, John Fourie, and one of our favourite chefs, Reuben Riffel. John served 5 special whiskeys accompanied by Chef Reuben’s scrumptious meals, to 20 of June and Jonathan’s friends. Heartfelt thanks to John, Reuben and his team for generously supporting Franschhoek SPCA.
Riana Pretorius ACVV Franschhoek se Groendenne tannies – Sharesa, Ronelle en Riana – het Maandag, 12 September, Wemmershoek Primêre Skool besoek met 408 poppies – een spesiaal gebrei vir elke kind, tot elkeen se vreugde. Die doel van die poppie boodskappie is om die kinders bewus te maak van die gevare van prostitusie, pornografie en seksuele mishandeling. Die klein spesiale poppie herinner die kinders daaraan dat
Hospice News Colleen Douglas
I need to start this month by apologising to Sacred Ground for not having included them in last month’s list of ‘thank yous’ with regard to the
Developing Supporting Youth Leaders Contact Jeremy Davids (Director) 082 472 5156 jdavids@thecharter.org.za
Hoërskool Franschhoek se eerste netbalspan het hierdie jaar met nuwe rokkies gespeel danksy ‘n borgskap van Franschhoek Apteek. Op die foto is die speelsters saam met Gerrit van der Walt van Franschhoek Apteek en Annamarié Mocke, hul afrigter en onderwyseres by Hoërskool Franschhoek.
FLTR: Chef Reuben Riffel, Jonathan Perry, June Perry and John Fourie. The Perrys made the winning bid on an American Whiskey and Food Tasting for 20 people at the Franschhoek SPCA’s charity golf day.
hulle spesiaal gemaak is deur hul Vader, hulle pas in Vader se hand, hulle is nie te koop nie én hulle moet om hulp roep as enige iemand iets aan hul liggame doen wat hul seer of skaam maak. Seuns kry ook poppies, want ware mans kyk agter hulle vrouens en kinders en sussies. Én die dinge wat met meisies gebeur gebeur ook met seuns. Dankie aan elkeen betrokke! Hierdie inisiatief het begin met die organisasie Straatwerk wat prostitute bedien en so die nood in skole gesien het aangesien dié vroue as kinders seksueel gemolestreer is, of armoedig was of verslaaf geraak het aan dwelms. So het die ‘Valuable to Jesus’ campaign begin in die skole. Ons doel is om elke skool in Franschhoek so te besoek en elke kind te bereik met dié boodskap. Hospice Hop. Sacred Ground donated the delicious freshly-baked bread that we all enjoyed. I apologise for the oversight. There isn’t that much to report this month, except for our two upcoming events: the Bumper Book Sale from 11 – 14 October and the Potjiekos Lunch on 26 November – see ad elsewhere on this page. Bumper Book Sale at Hospice House, 11 – 14 October, 09h00 – 14h00. All books R5 each.
Do you hear those sleigh bells ringing?!
In 2015 Santa’s Shoebox, with your help, reached our target of getting Christmas presents to over 750 children in the Drakenstein community! We still can’t thank you enough for making dreams come true all around us! This year we have set our target higher & hope to spread the love to 800 children! We have 15 facilities spread throughout Groendal, Simondium, Wellington, Lady Loch, Voor-Groenberg, Van Wyksvlei, Hillcrest, Mbekweni, Groot-Drakenstein and the rural surrounds. The children at these crèches, Sunday schools, aftercare facilities and a project for abused children are all in need of a little extra love and kindness this Christmas and we hope that with
FWV News Jenny Prinsloo
Art Franschhoek
21 October 2016– 13 November 2016 As with good food and outstanding wines, so too fine art needs to be experienced to be appreciated. Regarded as South Africa’s premier food and wine destination, Franschhoek has added art destination to its repertoire. Art Franschhoek celebrates one more creative feather in Franschhoek’s proverbial cap. During the months of October and November visitors to the valley will be treated to a plethora of art as Franschhoek’s many galleries and resident artists showcase their finest works. As part of the Art in Clay section of the festival, be mesmerized by the beautiful ceramics created by renowned ceramicist David Walters and his daughter Sarah. Embark on a journey of art discovery as you
The Franschhoek Craft Festival
in the Valley
October 2016
5 November 2016 Definition of Craft: An activity involving skill in making things by hand; denoting or relating to food or drink made in a traditional or non-mechanised way by an individual or a small company. The inaugural Franschhoek Craft Festival this summer provides the opportunity to discover all manner of things ‘out of hand’. This one-of-akind festival takes place at Môreson wine farm on 5 November 2016 between 11h00 and 17h00. Experience first-hand the magic of a selection of specially curated, hand-crafted food and drink as well as specialised and limited edition pieces, including art, jewellery and luxury leather goods. You’ll be in good hands with plenty of local wines, Cap Classique, craft brews, plenty of local wines and small batch spirits will ensure you have something thirst-quenching in your hands. Môreson’s farm restaurant, Bread & Wine will
your help we can make 2016 a year they’ll remember. So get your children, family, colleagues together and start pledging! Go to www.santashoebox.org.za to register as a donor and select the name and age of a child for whom to make a shoebox. The gift wrapped Santa Shoeboxes need to be dropped off at Wellington Preparatory School on 11/11/2016 or 12/11/2016. For more information contact Ilse who is the coordinator for the Franschhoek, Paarl and Wellington area. You can contact her on ilse@flac. co.za or on 083 5945619.
admire one of South Africa’s greatest masters, Jacob Hendrik Pierneef, at the La Motte Museum. The Pierneef Heritage Collection consists of 44 artworks as well as personal memorabilia. Moór Gallery Franschhoek will play host to an exhibition entitled This Place – This Space. Curated by Candice Cruse and Julia Meintjes the exhibition sets about challenging and enchanting viewers while dealing with the artists’ responses to our complex country and society. For something out of the ordinary appreciate art at its most vulnerable with an evening sculpture walk at Grand Provence. Ebony, with its exquisite displays of fine arts, sculptures and ceramics, will host no less than five exhibitions in their gallery, and is guaranteed to be a highlight. Behold the beautiful works of art on display at is art gallery, which include ceramics, sculptures, jewellery and paintings in different mediums. The above is only a taste of what you can expect during Art Franschhoek. For a detailed programme of the various exhibitions as well as art inspired events visit www.franschhoek.org.za. be on-hand with their famed, artisan charcuterie and breads, while many other craft and fine food producers will be taking matters into their own hands offering cheeses, pastries, chocolates and so much more. You’ll be happy to give a hand to the live musical entertainment, while the whole family will find that there’s something for them to get their hands on. GM of Môreson, Nikki Friedman says: “This will be hands-down the best showcase of all South Africa’s local craft-producers. I’m excited not just because people are making craft goods, but that they are making them so fabulously. Come see for yourself.” Tickets, which include entry and tastings of the wines on show, cost R180 per person and can be booked directly via www.webtickets.co.za. Family-owned and run Môreson Wine Farm is home to Miss Molly Wine and Bubbly and Môreson Wines and MCC.
October 2016
info@franschhoektatler.co.za Unsightly fence Dear Editor, There is a horrendous 3 meter electric fence go up on the R45, just after Wemmershoek Primary School, opposite La Chataigne. Are there no regulations as to what is acceptable or allowable? Who is in a position to regulate such things? If this example is followed then everyone will do the same and driving into Franschhoek will lose all its rustic appeal. It will make the entrance to Franschhoek look like a prison. Yours, Alison Allen
Loss of a forest My name is Lucy Smith. I am 9 years old and I live with my family on Calais St in Franschhoek. We live next to a spare section which had on it over 20 adult pine trees. We enjoyed the owls nesting in the trees and waking up to the sound of birds. My brothers and I loved to play in the shade under the trees and having a little forest to explore was a big factor in us deciding to rent the house that we do. Last week a crew of men turned up and chopped all the trees down. We ran out and asked them please to save the nests but it was too late. The nests and the eggs were destroyed as well as a hadeda bird injured by falling branches. They told us the owner was going to build on the site and it had to be cleared. We were devastated but understood at the end of the day the owner of the section was free to do as he liked. However, yesterday (1 Sept) we discovered that cutting down the trees on the section was a mistake. They were meant to cut down the the five or six pine trees at a house across the road. They cut down our little forest by mistake! The owner of the section, a Mr Andrew Vietti who lives in another part of South Africa is none the wiser to what has been done to his section or who has benefited from the 20 logs of wood his section produced. Nobody knows how to contact him. What has been done has been done and there is no way to fix it but I feel so angry that a mistake like this can happen without anyone getting the blame. I realise that the section was going to be built on at some point but would have loved to enjoy the trees for a few more years yet.
Franschhoek Tatler the more it will show a true reflection of what we are living with. We will then be able to request more police staff because we deserve more SAPS staff members to deal with it. Currently it seems we have almost no crime and therefore other areas get the staff allocations Franschhoek should be getting. We need each and every Franschhoek resident to report on anything crime-related they experience. This is the only way we can find out where the problems lie and what action needs to be taken against which department or staff member. If you call SAPS and no one picks up the phone – report it; if you get to the door of SAPS and it is closed or even locked and no-one opens – report it. If the member on duty is unwilling or unable to help, report it. We need as much details as possible (date, time and officer). You can also call Captain Davids directly on his cell phone (082 778 6867) or email him franschhoeksaps@saps.gov.za) to report such happenings. You can also call (083 458 9835) or email me (elsa@project19.co.za) for FNW or leave a copy of your complaint/experience at Postnet. Remember there is an Observation Book as well as an Incidents Book at SAPS where petty crime can be reported. (Even if you are not going to make a case, it adds to statistics and makes people aware of what is going on around them). Should the officer on duty not want you to report – report the officer!! Also if SAPS know about your goods being stolen they might see it somewhere and be able to connect it to the reported incident. If you get no immediate assistance or acceptable action you can contact myself and FNW will then take it further to Major General Lincoln, the Winelands Cluster Commander, based in Paarl. Elsa Post for Franschhoek Neighbourhood Watch Blanket donations – thank you!
Sincerely, Lucy Smith
Neighbourhood Watch Dear Franschhoekers Franschhoek Neighbourhood Watch (FNW) has been revived and has successfully been driving patrols at night to help SAPS in their efforts to curb crime. Community participation is vital to assist SAPS in doing their job as they have many obstacles (such as being understaffed, lack of resources and some inefficient staff members) to overcome. Captain Davids has pledged his attention and action to all matters, and especially those reported by the community in terms of officers not following protocol, not assisting or not willing to act whenever required. The secret to action and getting the service we deserve, is REPORTING what is actually going on – or NOT, as has often been the case. There are question about the validity/reliability of the crime statistics provided, as people do not report all crime, including petty crime. This apathy is mainly because residents have come to expect no action or follow up. They just feel “what is the use?” Well, the use is that the more crime and incidents that get reported,
A big thank you to all the people who donated blankets! Together with sisters from the VG Kerk, I handed half of the blankets out to people in need in Groendal. The other blankets we gave to a group of grade 1 kids from Groendal Primary School. It was a real privilege and a great experience to see the happy faces of all the people receiving their ‘present’. A special thanks goes to the sisters Steintsie, Suzanne and the other ladies for the beautiful work they are doing for the Franschhoek community. God bless. Chrissie Blaisse (Gr. 7, Bridge House School)
Grande Provence treats Tannie Thelma on her 100th birthday
Grande Provence pulled out all the stops to spoil one of Franschhoek’s oldest residents, Tannie Thelma van Rensburg, by treating her and her friends to an unforgettable 100th birthday tea on 6 September. One of the bright and colourful characters of Fleur de Lis Retirement Home in Franschhoek, the centenarian blew out her candles and tucked into cake and tea with her friends and care givers at the beautiful Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate. “It’s not everyday someone in your town turns 100. Such moments truly deserve to be celebrated, that’s why Grande Provence was thrilled to host this event especially during heritage month,” said Sumarie Elliott, Grande Provence Events Manager. With no grandchildren or great-grandchildren to keep her company, having outlived both her husband who passed away in 1953, and her only daughter who died in 1975, Fleur de Lis has been home to Tannie Thelma for the past eight years. Tannie Thelma spent most of her life in Springbok where she worked as a floor manager at the Gleb family store. As a keen tennis player in her younger days, she attributes her secret to long life to her active nature. Even now that she is confined to a wheelchair, Tannie Thelma remains active and spends her days knitting and eagerly awaiting the next arts and craft class with her Fleur de Lis family. –
In Groendal was daar ook onlangs ‘n honderdste verjaarsdag om te vier. Ouma Ragel Solomans het op
Grande Provence Chef Darren Badenhorst helps Tannie Thelma van Rensburg blow out the candles on her 100th birthday cake.
Sondag, 28 Augustus, haar eeufees by die Lord’s Acre gemeenskapsaal gevier. Dit was ‘n baie gepasde plek vir die viering, want volgens Ouma Ragel is haar rype ouderdom net aan die Here se genade toe te skryf.
Editor’s Letter
Siegfried Schäfer
Dear Readers, I quite often drive between Franschhoek and Stellenbosch. As most locals will know, along the way one passes the Groot Drakenstein Games Club (GDGC). Most locals probably don’t know much about the fascinating history of this club and the community activities they’re involved in. To fill this knowledge gap I thought it appropriate to share a relevant section from the, as yet incomplete, manuscript of An Illustrated History of the Franschhoek Valley. “The Groot Drakenstein Games Club (GDGC) is a social club, whose aims and objectives are to promote the interest of sport and the spirit of true sportsmanship in the Groot Drakenstein area. Since its inception it has been a mainstay of the area’s social and sporting life. “Dating back to 1895, the GDGC was first formed as a cricket and hockey club. Players would meet and play on a field (normally a cow paddock) on the farm Rhône, belonging to Rhodes Fruit Farms, or travel to Paarl, Elsenberg or Stellenbosch in a mule wagon. “In 1921 H.E.V. Pickstone, a farmer in the area, offered to lease the club 10 acres of fir tree-covered land on the farm Delta. This was the beginning of the club as it exists today. The terms of the lease provided for the princely rental of 10 shillings per year for 50 years with an option to renew the lease at the end of the 50 years. “Pickstone’s magnificent gesture to the club came with just one proviso: that at least one game of cricket be played on the field each year! At the time of writing this has fortunately increased to more than 60 games per year. “From October 1921 the then members – including Nicholas Gray, Tom Micklem, Jimmy Taylor and Messrs. Baldwin, Bick, Buller, Davis, Franceys, Manning, Solomon and Mayo – spent many a Saturday afternoon clearing, levelling and ploughing the land. “In 1923 the first tennis court was built and work on a golf course, which has since disappeared, was begun. The tradition of hosting touring teams was started early in the life of the club; notably in 1924 the club hosted a cricket match between a Country Districts XI and Colonel Stanyforth’s M.C.C. touring team. “On 26 April 1926 the match pitch was established using horse ploughs and graders. Bradley Grass was planted to replace the coir matting that was in common use at the time. This was a landmark in South African cricket history, as it was the first turf wicket laid in the country. “The clubhouse seems to have been built in 3
stages. The original clubhouse was built in 1929 and consisted of a timber structure called the “Memorial Hall”. This clubhouse was opened by Mr. Kohler, the Chairman of the KWV and farmer from Simondium. The second phase of the clubhouse saw it enlarged in 1959 to add a gents cloakroom, bar area, library, a kitchenette and the ladies showers and cloakroom. The change rooms and swimming pool were added in 1964. “During the club’s centenary year, 1995, more improvements were made. The bar was further extended, the entrance road was moved to increase the size of the field and a new batting strip was added to the eastern side of the pitch. At the same time entrance gates were built and were dedicated to Jack D Manning, long serving Chairman, President, Cricket Captain and Patron of the club. The clubhouse was further extended in 2007. “Thanks to the generosity of the Pickstone family the grounds were officially sold to the club in 1977. The deed of transfer describes the grounds as “certain piece of extinguished quitrent land situate in the Division of Paarl, being portion 5 of the farm Delta No. 1003. “At a ceremony in 1999 held on the pitch attended by Mrs Wendy Pickstone, granddaughter of H.E.V. Pickstone, her son Michael, Club President John Faure, Club Chairman Ian Laurenson, and club members the field was officially named “The Pickstone Oval”. Today the main focus of the club is definitely cricket. The club hosts an eight-a-side corporate league, played on Friday afternoons, which culminates in a final day that draws huge support, amazing prizes and many celebrity and exprofessional players bashing leather for glory. The regular Saturday fixtures include local teams that travel from as far as Langebaan to play at the oval. After the festive season the club begins to host a number of overseas touring teams. These events have a strong social element, but the competition is just as strong! Opponents will include the Hampshire over 60s, the Australian over 70s and British Regimental sides – like the Household Cavalry. These sides are based in the area for a number of days and club members act as local tour guides, organising golf matches, wine tasting and meals out at all the best spots. In 1994 under the Club made the decision to promote sport, with preference to cricket, amongst the broader community of the Valley, and specifically amongst the disadvantaged communities. This has seen both the under 12 School’s Cricket Tournament and Coronations Ladies Cricket teams grow in status, with both celebrating their 10th anniversaries this year. As can be expected continuous fundraising is required to keep these initiatives successfully operating and to the benefit of the greater community. If cricket and community are your things, go on down to ‘Groot Drak’ and introduce yourself! Until next month .
Deadlines - November 2016 Issue: Ad Bookings: 15 October 2016 Artwork: 16 October 2016 | Editorial: 15 October 2016
Franschhoek Open Gardens Festival 2016
Now that spring is well and truly here, we are once again inviting all garden enthusiasts to support the Franschhoek Open Gardens Festival. Of course, the Western Cape hosts many such events, particularly during the beautiful months of spring, but Franschhoek is a very special place, with very special gardens, offering the variety which characterises our beautiful valley. The gardens on show range from truly stunning and very personal village gardens to the usually unseen private gardens of the large estates. In addition to that, we can boast the wonderful designrich gardens of the larger homes in the village and, not least, some outstanding indigenous gardens. Other attractions include live music by local performers in several of the gardens, and a repeat of the very successful “Garden in a Pot” competition – the
entries will be displayed as before in front of the everpopular plant sale. Competition judging will take place at 11h00 on Saturday 22 October. Delicious tea and scones will be available in the glass gazebo at Artemis Barn. A further attraction is the small garden furniture set by Mobili Garden Furniture offered as a prize in a raffle – tickets available from the plant sale area. All proceeds go to support the Fleur de Lis home for the aged in their plan to build an Alzheimers unit for some of their residents. The dates are 21, 22, and 23 October (times of opening 09h00 to 17h00). Tickets (R150 for the weekend) are available in front of the Town Hall in the centre of the village, or from La Motte (cash or card). If visiting Montpellier first, tickets will also be available there, but cash only.
Franschhoek Tatler
PSG Winelands Market View Dawid Botha
BlackRock: Have your cake and eat it!
BlackRock is an international investment manager with $4.89 trillion of assets under management, making it the largest fund manager in the world. The company was formed in 1988, listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1999 and today has more than 12000 employees and 135 investment teams in 30 countries. BlackRock is one of the larger stakes in our international portfolio. The investment case for BlackRock is founded upon the company’s entrenched position in the passive investment industry, where the company also manages about 40% of the world’s exchange traded fund (ETF) assets. Globally there has been considerable growth in so called index or passive funds and by investing in BlackRock shares one can partake in this growth as Blackrock is the largest player in that space. One of BlackRock’s competitive advantages is that it offers investors some of the most cost effective and tradable investment vehicles, whether it is in shares, bonds or property. This means that BlackRock is geared to easily receive investment flows in all phases of the investment cycle where different asset classes may perform. This allows BlackRock to generate fees regardless of the flow between different asset classes.
The geographic make-up of BlackRock’s assets under management are 60% in the Americas, 30% in the Europe, Middle-East and Africa region and 10% in the Asia Pacific region. BlackRock’s income stream is well diversified. The company’s revenue is underpinned in the long term, given that most of BlackRock’s client assets are invested in shares, which is the favoured long term asset class. BlackRock has an operating margin of 40%, well above its sector’s average. This is similar to having your cake and eating it. Performance fees and expensive management fees are issues that have been closely scrutinised worldwide. A further competitive advantage of BlackRock is that only 5% of its revenue was performance based fees over the last three years with the other 95% being base fees. This creates a significant safety net for investors. BlackRock has a market capitalization of $60 billion. BlackRock is not intrinsically expensive and also delivers a dividend yield of 2.5%. The company’s earnings have increased on average by 13.4% per annum over the last five years and the return on equity was 11% per year over the same period. BlackRock has an exceptional management team with the CEO, Laurence Fink, at the helm since the company’s founding. Fink was named as “Financial News’ CEO of the decade” in 2011. BlackRock’s share price has substantially outperformed the world index over the last five years. Despite this, the share price is not in a share price bubble or intrinsic value bubble. At the current price level and with the positive prospects I am of the opinion that the share offers an opportunity for investors to earn a positive dollar return over the long term with peace of mind.
BlackRock relative to the world index
Financial Matters Celia McGuinness
How to keep letters professional? For some of us it has been a while since we studied, so I though I would look at this very important duty, which is part of everyday business life. Follow these three simple steps to make sure your business/formal letters are perfectly professional: 1. Use a business letterhead You should always use the company’s letterhead when writing formal letters. 2. Follow professional layout It is generally accepted that formal letters should have the following layout: The letter must be dated. The position of the date is usually on the left at the top of the letter although it is acceptable to position the date on the right at the top of the letter as well. It is recommended to use a full date format e.g. ‘1 January 20xx’ instead of other variations such as ‘xx/xx/xxxx’ or ‘1st Jan’. The name and address of the person you’re writing to goes below this on the left. If you don’t have a specific name, always at least try to put some sort of title. You should always, however, address the letter to a particular person if at all possible. It is advisable to use a suitable title and full name and surname for the person you are addressing the letter to e.g. ‘Mr. John Smith The salutation at the beginning of the letter depends on whether or not you have the name of the person. If you do have the specific name write ‘Dear’ and their title and surname e.g. ‘Dear Mr. Smith’. Use ‘Mr.’ if the recipient is a man, ‘Mrs.’ if the recipient is a married woman, ‘Miss’ if the recipient is an unmarried woman and ‘Ms.’ if the recipient is a woman but you don’t know her marital status. If the person has a specific title, then rather use their specific title e.g. ‘Dear Dr. Smith’. If you don’t know the name of the person, you would traditionally write ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘Dear Madam’ or ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ if the sex of the recipient is not known. It is common now to put the subject of the letter directly below the salutation. This should be capitalized and in bold or underlined. The purpose is to give the reader an idea of what the letter is about before reading it, and to be able to pass it on to a more appropriate person if necessary. If you are replying to a letter which had a reference on it, you should repeat this on your letter, probably on the same line as the date, but on the other side of the page. Write ‘Your ref: xxxx/xx’.
October 2016 The content of your letter should be as short as possible, divided into short, clear paragraphs. It is polite to end your letter with a phrase such as ‘I look forward to hearing from you’ or ‘Please do not hesitate to contact me’. To end the letter, you would normally write ‘Yours sincerely’ if you have started the letter with the name of the person or ‘Yours faithfully’ if you have started an unknown recipient like ‘Dear Sir’. Print your name and designation below the ending and sign your name directly above your name and designation. 3. Write clearly and professionally As with email communication, written communication should be short and to the point, free of any grammatical or spelling mistakes, polite (even if you’re complaining) and well presented. Example of a good professional letter
15 June 20xx Mr. Bob Smith 1 Main Road Matjiesfontein 6901 Dear Mr. Smith RESPONSE TO YOUR COMPLAINT We wish to thank you for submitting your complaint to us as outlined in your letter dated 1 June 20xx. We have escalated your complaint to senior management and will respond to you by the end of June. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further queries. Yours sincerely < insert signature here > Bob Smith Owner of Tax Shop Franschhoek
Professional communication skills have been identified as a key factor in determining the success of converting new leads, retaining existing clients and improving the overall image of a business. We might look at some of the other skills next time.
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Unit 4 / 79 Artisan Village, Cabrière Street, Franschhoek, 7690 Tel: +27 (0)21 876 2592 Fax: +27 (0)21 876 2591 Email: susancharlesworth.law@telkomsa.net Also at 342 Val De Vie, Paarl www.susancharlesworth.co.za
October 2016
Let the Lawyer Handle It Graeme Falck
Plot and plan: The strange case of the unsigned sale agreement You buy a plot in a residential development and the developer agrees to build you a house to stated specifications and plans. You pay in full for the plot and it is transferred into your name. All good so far. But then you fall out with the developer over the costs, finishes and other specs for the building work. What happens now? A High Court case illustrating a particular danger for both developers and buyers revolved around these rather unusual facts: 1. A buyer bought a piece of land and, as part of the sale agreement, chose to have built on the plot a house (one of five standard types of house offered by the developer). 2. A significant twist here was that, unnoticed by either party, the sale agreement had never been signed by the seller, only by the buyer. 3. Transfer of the plot to the buyer went through smoothly, but when it came to building the house, the buyer asked for additions and alterations to the standard specs. He was unhappy to note that the quote for these deviations included an additional “modification fee” of R110 ,000. 4. The buyer was having none of that and refused to agree, whereupon the seller purported to cancel the whole agreement. 5. Again the buyer was having none of that and sued to keep his plot and to force the developer to build his house. The developer in turn demanded its land back. Question 1: Can the developer get its land back? You will know that in our law a sale of land
Franschhoek Tatler agreement is one of the few that is only valid if in writing and signed by both seller and buyer (or by their authorised agents). So you cannot force transfer to proceed on an unsigned sale agreement. But what happens if, as in this case, transfer has taken place anyway? What is not widely known (and perhaps seems a bit strange at first blush) is that, if the buyer pays in full and the parties intend ownership to pass at the time, the transfer is valid. A finalised transfer cannot be rolled back just because the sale agreement wasn’t in writing and signed. The parties in this case for example didn’t even notice the lack of signature and the buyer went ahead and paid in full for the land. So the plot was validly transferred to the buyer and the developer can’t get its land back. Question 2: Can the buyer force the developer to build his house? This sale agreement, held the Court, was not a contract for sale of a house, it was “two notionally separate contracts: one for the sale of land and one for the construction of a dwelling on the land. It is only in relation to the contract for the sale of land that the formality of signature is required.” Consequently the developer was ordered – per the unsigned agreement – to build the buyer his standard house, without the additions/alterations and without the disputed “modification fee”. Buyers Plot and plan contracts are by their very nature complex, so as always, agree to nothing – verbally or in writing – without full legal advice! Developers Make sure your plot and plan agreements are tightly drawn, and properly signed, to avoid the sort of scenario above – you run enough risks without adding to them unnecessarily! (This article first appeared in LawDotNews and is reproduced with permission from the copyright holder DotNews and from Falck Attorneys.)
Plan for your end of year expenses – now
It is spring and the end of the year is not far away, along with the expenses that come with entertainment, festivities and holiday time. “You may be shaking off the winter blues and enjoying the start of spring, but now is the best time to start planning for the year end,” says Eunice Sibiya, head of Consumer Education at FNB. “With enough time and planning you will be able to get over the festive season without the stress of adding more debt.” The festive season is the time that most people overspend, and the consequences of this can be felt until well into the New Year “This year, make a conscious decision to plan appropriately, get all your finances in place and have a great end of year rest without money worries,” says Sibiya. Review the previous year Every year South Africans are ‘surprised’ by the amount of money they spend over the end of year holidays, vastly underestimating what they think they will spend. For example, FNB Credit Card sees on around 30% spike in spending over the December period. “This year, before the fun and party season is upon you, go and have a look at your bank statements from the last year,” says Sibiya. This is easy to do as bank statements are now available from most banks on a digital platform (don’t go into a branch to do this, it racks up unnecessary costs). “Go through very carefully all your expenditure over this period,” says Sibiya. “Add up all the spending including, your credit card, any cash that you withdrew and anything spent on your cheque card. Don’t be tempted to cheat as you’ll only be cheating yourself.” You should then have a real view of what you spent last festive season. You may have to go through your statements from before the December holidays if you booked holidays. Put a plan in place With an idea of how much you spent the previous year, plan for this year. “If you felt the consequences of your spending you
need to put an action plan in place that will stop you making the same mistakes this year,” state Sibiya. Draw up a budget and decide on a way to tackle it “This can be tough as there may simply not be the money to go away for the holidays this year,” says Sibiya. “But with a plan you can at least make informed decisions before the time.” Put away money from now There are four months until year end, so part of your plan should include putting away money each month for a nest egg to get you through the period. Even it is a small amount; a few hundred rands will come in handy. “While finances may seem tough, think of the end goal,” says Sibiya. “Find ways of cutting down for the next four months, with the end goal of having a great year end with friends and family.” Get buy in Good planning may require the input and influence of your family. “Have an open and honest conversation with your family, or anyone that needs to be involved in your finances,” says Sibiya. “So if you make the decision together, such as working towards going on a holiday at the end of the year, everyone will be more inclined to help get to the goal”
Business Leadership Tony Frost
Make yours an inspiring place to work
There are very few workplaces that really inspire those that work there. When you consider that we spend 60% of our conscious time at work and that the well-being of the country depends upon the ingenuity and effort of those at work, every single workplace should aspire to inspire! I have been very lucky to have worked in two places that were really inspirational. They didn’t have gyms and awesome food and playrooms and yoga classes... What they did have, though, was a humanity that transcended everything else. The great places to work start with this. They create a culture of caring and inclusion. Actually, it is probably only when you have this sort of culture that the other things that make a great place to work really work. And it all starts with leadership – a leadership that is visible and interested and that listens to the suggestions, opinions and creativity inherent in any group of people. A leadership that creates a sense of team work and inclusion which demonstrates the value that people bring to work with them. Once this culture is in place (and it will always need work as it is never fully developed and changes as people come and go) then we can start to pay attention to the other things that people look for in an inspiring place to work. It is always amazing how often the notion of teamwork is talked up. But when some analysis is done into the elements that keep teams motivated and inspired, you find plenty of evidence that there is much that works against good teamwork. Take pay for instance. Most pay systems pay for attendance, focus on the individual and reward being at work rather than actively working for the team, or for producing something while at work. Most performance management systems often serve to exacerbate this even further. Oftentimes an individual will be told that she is doing a great job and in the next breath she is told that her pay won’t be differentiated and that everyone is only getting a 4% pay increase. What is motivational about that?! What message does it send?! Much more attention must be given to real performance-based pay. Performance pay that
19 rewards people for working together; pay that rewards teams when they succeed, when they achieve beyond what is expected of them; and pay that rewards them handsomely for collaborating to create this result. We need to reward people for creativity and ingenuity because this is the lifeblood of the future for organisations that wish to grow and develop. The developmental and training opportunities must inspire staff at all levels to grow themselves to be the best that they can be. This needs to go hand in hand with serious and committed mentoring and coaching, not just of individuals but also of teams. We have discussed the importance of leadership visibility often in these columns. I will only use this space to emphasise the importance of the leadership being there, being visible, being accessible and listening. Let us look at some of the other things that will make a difference. People that have proper sleep, that are free from financial worries, that eat good nutritional food, have proper exercise and a strong support network will invariably perform better than those that don’t have these things. The great work places pay attention to these. Places like Google make sure that their canteen has wholesome and nutritious food; they have a variety of exercising opportunities and their canteen is so designed to encourage people to talk to each other and to talk with others from different parts of the organisation. Some companies have walking clubs; others offer yoga or Pilates classes on site. Many provide crèches and after care for young children so that working moms and dads do not have to stress if they are kept late at work. These leading companies organise regular town hall meetings where anyone can say anything. The leadership works very hard at listening not only to the words but also to the messaging coming from the floor. Many would say this approach is over the top. But then those that say this are unlikely to come from the companies who have this type of inclusive, team-based approach to leading the company. They probably have never truly experienced the power of teams; the collective energy that comes from people working together for the common good; where people are encouraged to say their say and to be the very best that they can be. These workplaces are driven by leaders who believe in the future, in creating organisations that are based on sound enduring values, and who understand the power of collective communal effort! Inspiration is the result. tony@siroccostrategy.com
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
Gardening in October
Indoor Plant of the Month
October is indeed the fairest month of them all. The first full month of spring brings with it all the scents, sights and other sensory delights of new growth and expectations. Blossoms abound, trees are filling out with fresh green growth, the scent of jasmine and orange blossom fills the air and the birds sing a new song to welcome the lengthening days. It is also time to get down and dirty; hands and knees into the soil. October is serious planting time! Even though it seems like the rains have dried up it is still pretty cold, especially in the mornings. You might find that your seeds are very slow to germinate. I have just sown my second batch of heritage seeds and am holding thumbs for a good germination rate. Our average temperatures are still so low that I have decided to artificially heat my cold frame this year. I have learned that tomatoes need day (and soil) temperatures of above 17°C and chillies above 23°C. That is quite warm and explains why I am struggling with my earlier sown veggies. Pumpkins, squashes and root crops can all be directly sown now. Also start with regular sowings of French beans and sweet corn. October is also a good month to plant runner beans – put your support structure in place before sowing to avoid damaging the young seedlings later. I’ve managed to get my hands on some seed potatoes and look forward to my first home grown crop of French fries. A visit to a nursery will probably see you leave with a boot full of all sorts of beautiful seedlings. Remember that these were most likely grown under cover and will need a hardening off period. Roses will be covered in new growth. Finger prune new shoots as soon as they are about 8cm long; this will prolong the flower flush in November. Keep an eye out for pests and start with your preventative fungicide program. The entire garden can be fertilised with organic fertiliser pellets. Roses might need something stronger and I recommend Ludwig’s Vigorosa. Climbers will be shooting vigorously and must be nipped back regularly. Prune Azaleas and Camelias only after flowering. Feed your lawn with a high nitrogen fertiliser and cut regularly. Fungal diseases might be a problem on lawns, be vigilant and
Capsicum varieties – Chillies
Natie Ferreira
Frankie Brookes
treat when spotted. Also keep an eye out for slugs and snails and put out tiny heaps of snail bait under cabbage leaves every 2 meters to control them. This is probably the safest and most environmentally friendly way (in the absence of ducks) to get rid of them. Aphids and caterpillars also make their appearance as the weather warms up. I normally let aphids be unless they become a serious problem. Dipel is a very effective organic product that can be used against both caterpillars and fungus gnats. It is the active ingredient in Margaret Roberts’ caterpillar insecticide. Fruit trees and vineyards will need regular spraying from now on. Here the home gardener often needs help, especially with alternating sprays to prevent resistance. Contact your local garden centre or coop for help in this regard. Fruit fly and False Codling Moth are becoming an increasing problem in the Western Cape. We as home gardeners should be more responsible in this regards. Practice good orchard hygiene and put out traps to catch these nasties. Berry shoots must be tied up before they become too wild. Harvest lemons and limes regularly before they fall on the ground. Thinning of stone fruits lead to larger fruit. Mulch around your fruit trees and feed regularly with a balanced fertiliser. I add a foliar feed to every spray. This is my insurance against any trace element deficiencies that might be present. In the kitchen I am enjoying the calm before the storm. Soon we will be in over our heads with figs, apricots, strawberries, plums, nectarines to be made into jellies, jams, preserves and chutneys. For now, I am savouring the spring delights of fresh garden peas, the first asparagus shoots and the creamy delicacy of freshly cooked broad beans.
66% of SA paper recycled
Clean Up and Recycle Week was celebrated from 12-17 September (#cleanupsa). The Paper Recycling Association of South Africa (PRASA) used the opportunity to thank South Africans following the release of the 2015 paper recycling statistics. The progress made over the past decade is illustrated by the fact that no less than two thirds (66%) of the nation’s potentially recoverable paper and cardboard was recycled during the course of last year, totalling 1.2 million tonnes. To put this into perspective, a similar volume of material would have occupied 3.6 million cubic metres of landfill space. Or perhaps imagine 1,435 Olympicsized swimming pools! But more can be done to improve our recycling and waste habits. "There is little or no difference between the effort needed to simply discard paper into a rubbish bin versus putting it into a recycling bin, but the rewards for recycling are boundless,” says Ursula Henneberry, PRASA operations director. “You reduce your waste footprint by ensuring that paper packaging and products are reprocessed into new items instead of ending up in landfill,” she adds. “Recycling creates jobs – from the people who walk the streets collecting recyclables to bigger companies that employ individuals to collect and sort recyclables.” It is estimated that around 100 000 people earn a living from recycling across various waste streams. Items which easily lend themselves to the paper recycling process include:
• Magazines and brochures, including the glossy varieties • Milk, juice and food cartons (rinsed and flattened) • Newspapers • Office materials, including shredded papers and envelopes • Cardboard boxes of any kind. These can include dry food, e.g. cereal boxes, medicine and cosmetic boxes, toilet and kitchen paper roll cores and flattened packing cartons • Old telephone directories and discarded hardcover and paperback books • Paper gift-wrapping materials • Materials that should NOT be included in the paper recycling process: • Wet or dirty paper and cardboard • Sticky notes • Wax coated, foil lined and laminated products • Used paper plates, disposable nappies, tissues and toilet paper • Cement and dog food bags • Foil gift wrapping and carbon paper How to start? Visit www.recyclepaper.co.za as a starting point. Then get a box or container and keep your paper recycling separate from wet waste and other recyclables. Other good resources: www.mywaste.co.za | www. cleanup-sa.co.za | www.thepaperstory.co.za In Franschhoek, contact Green Spot Recycling (083 489 3097 – Jocelyn) to find out which recyclables they can accommodate. Let’s all get better at recycling!
Turn up the heat with ornamental peppers! Capsicum varieties are ‘hot, hot, hot’ and include sweet peppers, cayenne peppers, ornamental and seriously real chillies. The taste and ‘heat’ of peppers varies according to varieties – jalapeno chillies are medium to hot and cayenne peppers are seriously hot. The selection of different shapes, sizes and colours of ornamental peppers is constantly on the increase. Capsicums offer a small, long lasting indoor pot option that is fun, vibey and edible! Much like hot peppers grown in the veggie garden, ornamental peppers produce colourful small fruit provided they get enough sunlight. Many ornamental capsicums are grown for purely ornamental purposes, as they are largely unpalatable. Depending on the variety, the peppers appear in shades of white, purple, red, orange, and yellow – often with multiple colours on the same plant. They like rich, well-drained soil and are thirsty plants – be sure to keep the soil moist and don’t allow the plants
Rainfall Figures Measured at La Cotte/Nerina Street for periods indicated mm/year 2004
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Dam Levels
As at 19 September 2016
Steenbras Upper
Steenbras Lower
Berg River Dam
August September
Total Storage
Total Storage This Time Last Year
to dry out. Capsicums are most commonly grown in the kitchen on sunny windowsills alongside other edible herb varieties. They can however be successfully positioned in any sunny indoor location and should ideally be out of gusts and drafts.
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
with Adv Gesie van Deventer Mayor of Stellenbosch What is your connection to Stellenbosch – other than being mayor? My connection to Stellenbosch dates back to my student years as I am a former Matie student, who completed my BA and LLB degrees between 1977-1981. I returned as a student from 1990-1992, when I studied Agriculture and Viticulture at Elsenburg. Furthermore I am a Matie-mom as my two sons are currently enrolled at Stellenbosch University. We also have property and business interests in the Stellenbosch area. Moreover, I am a resident as I have recently acquired a quaint and charming home, which will be my base for my term as Executive Mayor. You have been very successful in farming and the legal profession, what lead you to politics? My interest in politics is encapsulated by my personal motto. In the words of Zig Ziglar, “life is like a ladder
Book Review
Charlotte van Zyl
Everyone Brave is Forgiven
By Chris Cleave | Publ: Sceptre |438 pages
The bombing of London during the Second World War has lodged itself in historical as well as literary memory. What transpired has been used to exemplify the quality of stoic endurance of an entire nation – not just the Londoners that bore the brunt of the bombing. “Keep Calm and Carry On” has become a belief, as well as a T-shirt motto. Kate Atkinson’s description of the Blitz in “Life After Life” was utterly convincing, but now Chris Cleave’s “Everyone Brave is Forgiven” sets a new standard in descriptive writing about the horrors of the domestic experience of war. Cleave is one of those highly skilled, successful authors whose bestselling books are surprisingly unknown to the wider public, His previous novels
30 Sept
and no-one has climbed a ladder with his hands in his pockets”. I am a firm believer that we each have a season and responsibility to give back and pay-itforward to our communities and country. Therefore I have been inspired to take up the role of a public representative to make a marked change in the lives of my fellow residents and communities, through applying my skills, passion and commitment with the necessary vigour to inspire and influence change to the betterment of all communities. Is it possible to work with opposition political parties, or are they the ‘enemy’? Every Councillor has been elected and represents a portion of the community and therefore they are an important and integral part of Council. It is part of my duty as Executive Mayor to find a way have highlighted contemporary events: “Incendiary” describes a terror attack, “The Other Hand” race relations in London and “Gold” the Olympic Games. So this historical novel, set in London and Malta just before and during the early years of World War II, seems a bit of an anomaly. An explanation might be that it was inspired by the lives of his grandparents, one who served in Malta and another who drove an ambulance during the Blitz. But, although the events might seem a bit dated, the themes are instantly recognizable from his earlier work – specifically the way external events influence the personal lives of his characters, with either devastating or beneficial results. Trying times result in acts of courage, or of denial. The narrative follows the lives of four young people. Class differences mark their lives. Mary North is the daughter of an MP, upper class to the core. Tom Shaw is a working class education officer, who she meets when she is assigned to his office as a voluntary worker. They fence and spar, but eventually embark on a love affair. Alistair Heath, Tom’s debonair best friend is a picture-restorer at the Tate, who lands up in Malta as an officer. The fourth character is Hilda, Mary’s fun-loving best friend. Inevitably, Alistair and Mary fall in love. This results in the usual heartbreak and reconciliation that all good plots require. But apart from this, there is plenty of meat in the novel. Mary’s teaching brings her face-to-face with racial prejudice that affects the lives of her pupils. The siege of Malta by the Germans was an eye-opener to me and joins other graphic descriptions of cities under siege. The horrors of hunger and bombardment are portrayed with utter realism, as are the terrors that Mary and Hilda are exposed to as ambulance drivers during the worst moments of the Blitz. All this dark, grinding misery is cleverly interspersed with light, sunny episodes and the seriously witty dialogue that Cleave does so well. This spellbinding novel reminds us how small and vulnerable we all are in the face of political forces that have the power to destroy even the most exemplary lives.
30 Sept
7 Oct
to cooperate with them in the best interest of our respective communities as I am elected Mayor for all. All Councillors are elected for the betterment of all communities and we have to work together in order to ensure progress and ensure that the voices of all residents are heard. As the elected Mayor I intend to work in partnership with all elected members, Council officials and key stakeholders. My goal is to deliver strong local government and create sustainable, vibrant and harmonious communities. Many Franschhoekers believe that the Stellenbosch Municipality does not pay much attention to Franschhoek. Will this change? The Franschhoek Valley is a very important component in the economic structure of Stellenbosch Municipality. It also has a distinctive, ethereal beauty and is certainly one of my favourite spots to visit. Franschhoek is indeed a very important part of Stellenbosch and deserves attention. In addition to already existing engagement avenues, the Deputy Mayor and I will schedule a dedicated monthly visit to Franschhoek. During these visits we’ll engage with business and residents alike. The first of many such engagement visits has already taken place on the first Friday of September. We met with Ms Jenny Prinsloo, CEO: Franschhoek Wine Valley. I have also visited a number of businesses in the area as well as the old age home to celebrate the 100th birthday of Granny Thelma van Rensburg. The aforementioned future visits will take place on the first Friday of the month and should there be any changes in the schedule, it will be duly communicated. Residents are also welcome to submit any suggestions or ideas to Mayor@stellenbosch.gov.za.
You said in a pre-election meeting that you know what to do and how to do it. What is top of your list? I will endeavour to focus on key problem areas such as safety and security, dignified housing, better service delivery for backyarders, providing quality basic services to all residents and create a favourable and sustainable environment for local economic investment and job creation. Basic service delivery is of the utmost importance to me. Are there enough suitably qualified municipal employees to do the required work? A professional company has been appointed to assess the competency and skills set of all employees and ensure alignment thereof with the strategic goals of the organisation. Once that has been finalised the structure will be implemented accordingly. What is the most satisfying thing about being a mayor? Building a community and being mayor gives me a chance to make a difference in the community and really make a positive change/ create a vibrant and harmonious community through the use of democratic and public participation processes. The wife of a mayor is called a mayoress, what is the husband of a mayor called? In as far as I know there are no official titles for the mayoral spouse but in my experience they are the keepers of sanity and balance. Should the post of Executive Mayor and Municipal Manager in SA not be combined? No the separation of powers (as envisaged in our constitution) between state and politics should be honoured at all times.
Bridge House Mile: new date and venue
Ongoing drought and continuing low water levels at the Berg River Dam have caused the organisers of the Bridge House Mile swim to change both the date and venue of the event. The organisers say they “are excited to partner with the prestigious Val de Vie Estate, who will be hosting us on 12 February 2017.” Ryk Neethling, Olympic Gold Medallist and Marketing Director of Val de Vie Estate comments; “Val de Vie Estate is excited about partnering with this event, as we strongly feel that our relationship with local schools in the valley is important. Building community relations is key to the ethos of the Val de Vie Foundation and, of course, sport is a fundamental building block in children’s lives.” Val de Vie is well positioned to host such the key event. The estate’s twelve lakes, previously quarries that were rehabilitated and are now thriving ecosystems, will provide Bridge House Mile swimmers with a fresh challenge. Neethling further comments: “We are also pleased to have the event tie in with one of our hugely popular market days, so bring your family and join us afterwards for some great food, wine and beer and savour all that the Val de Vie lifestyle has to offer.” Standard Bank remains the event’s official sponsor and Elise Blundell, Head of Marketing,
14 Oct
Business & Commercial says they are thrilled to be associated with the event that is aligned with Standard Bank’s brand promise of “Moving Forward”. Their commitment to the Bridge House Mile is evident in the fact that they have a 3-year sponsorship contract in place. The event’s ambassadors include top swimming figures Ryk Neethling, Terence Parkin, Theodore Yach and former Miss SA Amy Kleinhans-Curd, as well as Achmat Hasseim. The Bridge House Mile is supported by the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and WWF in association with technical partners Speedo and New Balance. The Bridge House Mile will host the YEA (Youth Empowerment Action) and Haute Cabrière Development Swimmers Clinic under the guidance of swim coach Colleen De Villiers and assisted by The Princess Charlene Foundation. The children who have been learning to swim will test their progress at the event. Bridge House Ambassador Amy Kleinhans-Curd says; “Although The Bridge House Mile has always been associated with the Berg River Dam, the committee believe that moving the event to Val de Vie Estate is the correct approach to ensure that the safety of our swimmers come first!”
21 Oct
21 Oct
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
Local physiotherapist fundraises at Tour de Tuli
At the end of July I had the ultimate privilege and pleasure of participating and completing the “Tour de Tuli”. This event is a 4 day mountain bike (MTB) event in the Tuli block region, “The land of the giants” – the Elephants and Baobabs. Daily we covered distances of approximately 70 km per day in and around Botswana – the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation area, Zimbabwe and South Africa. You need to carry a passport for informal border posts!! You sleep in a tent in mass camps each night, and listen to the sounds of the bush – and riders snoring!! (Ear plugs are provided!) This event was an absolute treat for me on many levels. I accompanied my journalist friend, Claire Keeton, who was reporting for the Sunday Times. A week away with my friend, cycling my mountain bike in terrain which is both challenging and dear to my heart – sand, rock, baobabs, and elephants – riding in the Limpopo River, the Shashe River and simply the gift of the being in the bush. The sheer pleasure of physically being able to cycle and enjoy the strength and health of one’s own body is a gift. Tour de Tuli is sponsored by Nedbank, it is run by Tour De Wilderness and supported by Wilderness Safaris. There’s a large number of other businesses who sponsor food, coffees, replacement fluids and more. This event is the main fundraising event for Children in the Wilderness (CITW). I entered as a self-sponsored rider. CITW is a not-forprofit organisation and relies on funds donated by Wilderness Wildlife Trust and interested donors. Many other MTB multiple day events are awesome too, but the proceeds are not for charity; this is what
sets this event apart for me from others. Since 2001 CITW have hosted more than 5000 children in their camps and over 3800 children have participated in Eco-Clubs across the sub-region – changing their lives dramatically and positively. CITW runs life skills, educational and environmental programmes for children who live in neighbouring villages around conservation areas. It began in Botswana and currently operates in seven countries: Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. CITW aims to create a network of learning sanctuaries that uplift and care for our children and conserve our planet. Other initiatives include community development and livelihood diversification programmes to reduce poverty, improve living conditions and enhance local education systems. The hope is that the children will be inspired to care for the environment so that they can become custodians of these areas for the future. This is a unique event – riding in game reserves and viewing wildlife from one’s MTB. The route is dusty and technical at times – riding and dodging Mopani trees and thorns. Some of it is free flowing – worn out ahead of us by elephants; some is over rock, rivers, slick rock, then loose rock and sand, lots of sand. Animals were all around. Within the first ten minutes of cycling, our group was lucky enough to see a herd of elephants. We gave them a wide berth as the babies were quite little still and no one wanted to get chased off by an angry mommy Ellie!! Later in the day we saw giraffe. Other days included zebra, warthog, duiker, vultures, eagles, herons and most
Tour de Tuli participants take a break to enjoy the stunning landscape
likely many more – which we rode by too quickly to view properly. Other groups also saw lion and hyena! Big five country. On a mountain bike. Our group of fifteen, was made up of individuals, young couples, American retirees, an Australian – who seemed skilled enough to be a semi-professional cyclist to the rest of us, and a couple of journalists. Lots of fun, reckless and very witty banter of course to cope with the degree of difficulty and the heat. The route was followed via GPS. We simply followed our leader – who occasionally took us in a circle – looking for the route! We never got seriously lost, but one group did – the helicopter had to go and find them! Tour De Tuli has a reputation that the food is excellent – it was better than that! And what is more, at about
1 - 25 November 2016
the public self. Botha sees his role as an artist essentially as confirmation of his own humanity rather than creating marketable art that can be displayed in a gallery. “Most of my major works were made as part of my own meditation on self within the frightening, or challenging, South African space, exhibited (mostly abroad) as part of larger group shows, then crated and stored (hidden again),” says Botha, who tries to locate the human within the visceral, social and cultural spectacle. “The complex South African context unashamedly frames the universal human experience, mine as well. It is difficult to imagine expressing myself in any other way,” he adds. The major works to be exhibited at Grande Provence include Embarkation, Afrikaner Circa 2014, and Genesis, Genesis, Jesus… , which are all mixed media sculptural installations shaped from objects such as rope, wattle, metal, wood, thatching grass and found objects. The exhibition is open daily from 10h00 to 18h00. www.gpgallery.co.za | 021 876 8630
A tradition of musical excellence
For the past 14 years Christopher Duigan’s Music Revival has delighted classical music fans with performances by the best musicians in the country. This year’s Marriott Classic Music Festival in Franschhoek from 21 – 23 October continues that tradition of excellence. Says festival producer, Duigan: “Every year we strive to include a range of musical styles and genres in the concerts but always with the emphasis on happy working relationships; where the friendship off the stage leads to great enthusiasm, brought together by mutual love of music, onstage." The festival gets underway with Sonatas for Violin and Piano, featuring Patrick Goodwin (violin) and Reese Barkhuizen (piano), at 19h30 on Friday, 21 October at the NG Church, Franschhoek. Cape Town-based Goodwin and Barkhuizen will be performing Mozart’s Sonata in E minor, Beethoven’s final violin sonata op. 96 and Edvard Grieg’s Sonata no. 3 in C minor. The second concert is Andulucian Nights, featuring
guitarists, James Grace and Saudiq Khan at 11h30 on Saturday, 22 October at the NG Church, Franschhoek. The concert features arrangements of flamenco-inspired classics by Isaac Albeniz, Joaquin Turina and Joaquin Rodrigo, and a contemporary mix of popular Spanish music by Paco de Lucia, Al di Meola and the Gypsy Kings. In an ongoing exploration of Beethoven’s sonatas at the Franschhoek Music Festivals, Duigan plays three Beethoven sonatas in the NG Church at 12h00 on Sunday, October 23. The three sonatas represent what is often referred to as the ‘early, middle and late’ periods of the composer’s compositional style and life – they are the Sonatas in F op.10 no. 2, the popular ‘Moonlight’ op. 27 no. 2 in C-sharp minor and op. 109 in E. Tickets for the NG Church concerts are R100 and can be booked at www.webtickets.co.za or bought the door. Duigan will also be performing a Candlelight Soiree in Café Bon Bon at La Petite Dauphine at 18h30 for 19h00. Music fans can enjoy twenty short popular piano
Claire Horn
A moment in time: Michaela Rinaldi solo exhibition at ODA Gallery
Andries Botha at Grande Provence An exhibition of major works spanning the illustrious 40-year career of preeminent contemporary sculptor, Andries Botha, entitled Being Here (and there), recently opened at The Gallery at Grande Provence. Botha, whose mixed media sculptures have been exhibited across the globe but are rarely seen in South Africa, will be showing four works created in his Durban studio, representing a time line of his life as an artist. In addition, the exhibition includes 10 large digital prints and four multi-media maquettes. “These sculptures span 40 years of a glittering career; one made in each decade, and have never been seen together. Indeed one of the works has only ever been seen at Documenta in Kassel, Germany in the 1990s,” says Trent Read, director of The Gallery at Grande Provence and curator of the exhibition. Given his ambivalence towards exhibiting his works in a public space, the exhibition, considered one of the most important art events in South Africa this year, sees Botha embarking on a personal journey from the private into
11h00 every day there was a brunch stop – finally the world of cycling has understood the need to provide me with a CUP OF TEA at 11h00! It was perfect. This event is highly recommended – to participate – to donate – to contribute to. It would be even more fun to do this with a group of Franschhoek MTB riders – many of whom, I know, would enjoy a good few days on the MTB to raise funds for a brilliant organisation. If you are able to contribute right now – then please use the following bank details. Children in the Wilderness Mkambati, Standard Bank Account #: 023031735, Branch code: 001255 Rivonia, South Africa. Swift code: SBZAZAJJ. Or you can donate online at www. childreninthewilderness.com.
1 - 19 October 2016
Genesis, Genesis, Jesus...
solos, including the Rondo all Turca, Clair de lune, Rustle of Spring, Minute Waltz, Liebestraume, and Greig’s Wedding Day at Troldhaugen, during this intimate evening. Tickets are R550, which includes a three-course meal. To book phone Café Bon Bon at 021 876 3936. Closing this year’s festival will be a programme of Baroque Swing performed by the Charl du Plessis Trio at 12h30 for 13h00 on Sunday, 23 October. The Bon Bon Finale will take place at Café Bon Bon at La Petite Dauphine. Steinway artist Charl du Plessis (piano), Werner Spies (bass) and Peter Auret (drums) will be playing Du Plessis’ signature arrangements of music by Bach, Vivaldi alongside jazz masterpieces by Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and Chick Corea. Tickets for the Bon Bon Finale are R450, which includes a three-course meal. To book phone Café Bon Bon at 021 876 3936. www.franschhoekclassic.co.za | 083 417 4473
Painter Michaela Rinaldi says she was “really excited to paint for this solo exhibition at ODA. The large double volume space of the gallery lends itself perfectly to every piece and compliments my work beautifully. My work for ‘A Moment in Time’, captures my personal philosophy to remain present in the now as well as expresses the essence of my work as an artist, visualizing emotions with the help of paint, brush & canvas.” Michaela is a true “Sturm und Drang” (storm and urge) artist of the 21st century. She presents a powerful body of work in which individual subjectivity and, in particular, extremes of emotion are given free expression in reaction to the perceived constraints of rationalism imposed by an age of science. The exhibition aims to show the incredible range of Michaela's work. Michaela creates stark tension with a single paint stroke, surprises the viewer by the wide choice of materials or large format works to then captures the attention through a small-size ink drawing. Michaela says about her work: “My work is all painted from a place of feeling total vulnerability. No piece is preconceived, no feeling edited. My canvas is a place where all is allowed. My work for me is about personal reflection, questioning past and finding presence. Themes range from abandonment to love. No painting is planned, no working drawings, I just paint! I connect with whatever I am feeling, be it conscious or unconscious. The end result is always a complete surprise. I love to experiment by painting on different surfaces. Every surface takes on a whole new life and a whole new experience for me in terms of texture, colour, how paint is applied.” http://objekt-design-art.co.za | 021 876 3809
October 2016
October Calendar Varsity MTB Challenge Venue: La Paris Estate Registration: varsitymtb.co.za
6 & 7 October
Versatile Vegan cooking class Venue: Leopard’s Leap. Time: 6th Oct - 10h00, 7th Oct 18h00. Cost: R650 pp. Booking: 021 876 8002 or cooking@leopardsleap.co.za
7 October
Indian Dinner presented by St Georges Church Venue: Groendal community hall. Entertainment: Solms Delta Singers. Prize: Best dressed couple. Cost: R150 pp. Tickets: Church office 021 874 1120
Protea Party Venue: Anthonij Rupert Tasting room. Time: 18h30. Cost: R495 pp. Booking: www.webtickets.co.za
Franschhoek Open Gardens Festival Venue: 10 gardens in Franschhoek Time: Friday 10h00 to 17h00, Sat & Sun 09h00 to 17h00. Cost: R150 pp for the weekend. Tickets: Montpellier (cash only) Village Town Hall, La Motte
Alcoholics Anonymous Contact 021 433 2709 or 073 125 0188 (Jeffrey) Backgammon Club Meets All welcome. Own board not required. Venue: Taki’s Place. Time: 19h00. Info: Graeme Oliver - graeme @ poachedrhino.org or 072 815 8209
Marriott Classic Music Festival
4 3
Food and Wine Tastings Venue: La Motte Tasting Room. Time: 10h00 to 11h00. Cost: R130 Hard pp. Bookings: tasting@la-motte. co.za or 021 876 8820 3 6 1 4 8 6 9 2
39 4 5 Saturdays
7 3 6 9 5 Village 2 Market 7Franschhoek 8 1 Breads, olives, ginger beer,4pastries, 7 1 9 1 6 plants, seedlings, breakfasts, coffee, 5 41 7 3 6 5 3 crafts and more. Venue: Dutch 9 Reformed 9 Time: 8 2 5 2 8Church Grounds. – 14h00 1 09h00 5 2 4 1Parkrun 6 9 7 1 7 2 3 Rickety 7 Venue: Bridge,8 Time: 08h00, 3 www. 6 9 8 5 Cost: 4 Free, Register: 2
7 8 9 3 3
55 3 67 7 19 4 9 23 84
44 1 7 9 8 2 62 5 3
Franschhoek Cycling Club Outrides Regular road rides on Saturday mornings from BP garage to Stellenbosch/Jonkers and back (75 kms) followed by coffees. Meet at608h00 9 winter 7 3months, 5 207h00 in summer. To check timings during 2 4 5 9 1 8 shoulder seasons contact Paul 1 3 083 302 8 69096 4 7 Barkley 5Franschhoek 6 9 8Tennis 2 3Club Social tennis is played at the 8 2 1 4 7 Club 9 Franschhoek Tennis on 3 7 from 4 1 08h30 6 5and on Fridays Sundays 9 8 6and 7Public 3 1Holidays from 09h00. During June, July 4 August 5 3 starting 2 9times 6 are 30 and mins 7 1later.2For5more 8 information 4 contact 021 876 4184.
Very hard
8 99 2 68 3 5 4 7 17
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2 4 63 41 7 99 8 6 5
1 8 91 3 5 36 7 74 26
79 22 5 4 97 1 35 8 63
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Jyotish Vedic Astrology Robert Rittel
Aries, 21 March – 19 April: The planet of fire and action has moved into Capricorn and is exalted there. Mars can create beneficent dissolution of old structures, thus clearing the way for the new. Johann W. von Goethe said; ‘every one has within himself a continent of undiscovered character; happy are those who prove to be the Columbus of his spirit’. Taurus, 20 April – 20 May: Venus in Scorpio is tempered by sensitivity and compassion. The shadow side of this transit is the search for security in material things. The feeling of ownership is measured not by things but by thoughts... One may have objects and yet not be a satisfied owner. Gemini, 21 May – 20 June: Mercury is in Virgo and exalted as well, it motivates impulsive conclusions and the need for careful weighing for a single plan of action. There is a need for intuitive discrimination among the multitude of new ideas. Words are but ghosts unless they speak the heart. Cancer, 21 June – 22 July: Positive mental action supersedes negative emotional reaction. When wisdom becomes powerful and sinks into the subconscious mind. When it wells up again into the conscious it gives immunity from sorrow, for its spirit has banished fears from every layer of consciousness. Leo, 23 July – 22 August: With the Sun in Libra, the airy scale, the need for Leos is to learn to know when to speak and when to be silent, remembering that the elimination of possessiveness and of selfreference will reduce the power to its spiritual essential. The aura constructed through personal reactions conceals the soul and its pure magic. Virgo, 23 August – 22 September: The Messenger of the heavens is in its strongest position. Confusion comes from habitual and mechanical thinking. When mechanical thought stops it can no
1 3 9 4 6 2 8 5 7
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Useful Numbers ACCOUNTANTS
Tax Shop
Magic Sudoku
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4 2 27 97 1 8 6 54 3
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Solution of Sudoku #4022
021 876 2676
Susan Charlesworth Snipelisky & Killian BURGLAR ALARMS
021 876 2592/072 402 9469 083 250 0943/021 876 2084
Pepler Alarms
021 876 3308
Boland Bridge Club Franschhoek Tennis Club Franschhoek Trust & RPA Grt. Drak Games Club Lions Stellenbosch Masonic Lodge (Chris) Franschhoek Rotary Club Franschhoek Probus Club
021 876 3031 082 557 0278 021 876 3460 021 874 1906 021 876 3775 072 211 9991 082 773 9217 021 876 3179
Franschhoek IT Services Solid IT Solutions
082 356 0226 084 015 8808
Magic Sudoku Medium
23 longer create confusion. In that quiet space is clarity. The fabric of truth is not a web of reason, but the garment of wise conduct. Libra, 23 September – 22 October: The Sun in its debilitated sign gives reason to show the world what you are. Your need for approval from all and seeking respect is only filling that void in yourself. From the spiritual point of view, honours are only a polite name for vanity. Attained equilibrium permits sensitivity for spiritual impressions. Scorpio, 23 October – 21 November: Mars in its strongest position will bring the Scorpion out to challenge. At the centre of a great tornado is a point of stillness. It can be found and so it is with all the storms in life, they lead to peace if you are not a leaf. Strive to be the soul, ever calm, fearless and victorious. Sagittarius, 22 November – 21 December: Jupiter, the ruler of this asterism, is in Libra and creates idealistic enthusiasm and the understanding of the abstract and the concrete. If you consider that kindness is an investment for return, it is psychological tunnel vision. Do your philosophies change you, if not, change your philosophy. Capricorn, 22 December – 19 January: In this sign, the struggle of the incarnated soul has to learn the journey of isolation, to sensitize identification with the needs of others, and the capacity of selfsacrifice. The sensitive heart needs to awaken as a counterpoint to the practical caring intellect. Aquarius, 20 January – 18 February: You are supposed to be the inaugurator of new age activities and create a sense of the universal plan. But as long you take that love of freedom for the satisfaction of desires, you will eventually establish superficial socializing. Do not cheat the mind with the idea of change. Pisces, 19 February – 20 March: ‘Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes.’ Consciousness of shattered dreams is power and honesty and the beginning of the end of disillusionments. Take your ideas only as direction and do not listen to what others tell you about directions. For a consultation contact Robert at 073 312 1265 or robert.vedicastrology@gmail.com
Very hard Easy
29 October
21, 22, 23 October
Wine and Dine pairing – Sauvignon Blanc (Lismore Estate Vineyards, Fryers Cove Vineyards and Shannon Vineyards) Venue: Grande Provence. Time: Time: 19h00. Cost: R695. Booking: restaurant@grandeprovence.co.za 021 876 8600
Non-place group exhibition Venue: Moor Gallery. Curator: Elfriede Dreyer. Participating artists: Diane Victor, Frikkie Eksteen, Eric Duplan, Titus Matiyane, Loeritha Saayman, PascualTarazona and Lothar Böttcher.
NG Kerk Franschhoek Sondagdienste 09h30. Geen aanddiens meer nie. Ds Peet Bester. 021 876 2431. Uniting Reformed Church Sunday service: 09h30. Minister: Dr Shaun Burrows, 021 876 2632. All visitors most welcome. Shofar Christian Church Sunday Services: 09h00 English at 7 Lambrechts St 18h00 Afrikaans at Franschhoek Rugby Klub, Groendal. Ps Theuns Pauw 021 876 3348. All welcome! Roman Catholic Church Mass every 2nd Saturday of the month at the Methodist Church, Bagatelle Rd, Fhk. 073 488 6816 Trinity Church Anglican Communion Service Sundays 10h00. Weekday Communion with Prayers Wednesdays 10h00. All services at L’Ermitage Chapel. Fr Gavin Mitchell (083 799 0726) St George’s Anglican Church Groot Drakenstein. Sunday Services: Holy Communion and Sunday School 10h00. Rector Fr Joe Humbles – 073 560 3566 Franschhoek Methodist Church Sunday service 09h00 – all welcome. Rev Nuno Vergueiro 021 872 3580 or 082 662 4509. Contact person: 021 876 2510 or 083 287 5756 New Apostolic Church Le Roux Weg, Franschhoek. Sundays 09h00, Wednesdays 19h30. Rector: Charles Leibrandt
28 October
Until 16 October
Church Services
Motor Movie Festival Venue: Franschoek Motor Museum. Time: 10h00 & 16h00 Cost: R395pp. Booking: www.webtickets.co.za
Herb Workshop Venue: Babylonstoren. Time: 10h00 to 16h00. Cost: R550 pp. Booking: reservations@babylonstoren.com
Yoga Class with Danielle Rittel Venue: The Artemis Barn. Time: 08h00 to 09h00. Cost: R80 pp
22 & 23 October
12 October
21 October Sonatas for Violin and Piano Patrick Goodwin (violin) and Hardeasy Reese Very Barkhuizen (piano). Venue: DR7Church. 21 19h30. 4 8Time: 3 5 Cost: R100 pp.8 Booking: www. 7 7 webtickets9or at1the 2 door.8 7 6 3 22 October 6 5 34 9 4 3 2 9Andalusian 24Nights 7 4 5 28 1 3 James Grace (guitar) with Saudiq 8Khan (guitar). 5 Venue: 83 96 DR2 Church 6 1 39 7 Time: 11h30. 3Cost: 6 R100 1 pp.84Booking: www.webtickets or at the door. 8 2 78 53 5 4 22 October 4 Soiree 94 5& dinner 6 1 28 Candlelight Twenty Beautiful Classics 12 31 Piano 6 7 2 9-9 Christopher Duigan. Venue: Cafe Bon
Bon. Time:18h30 for 19h00. Cost: R550 pp. Booking: 021 876 3936 23 October Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight’ Christopher Duigan (piano). Venue: DR Church. Time: 12h00 Cost: R100 pp. Booking: www. webtickets or at the door. 23 October Bon Bon Finale & lunch Baroque Swing - Charl du Plessis Trio. Venue: Cafe Bon Bon. Time: 12h30 for 13h00. Cost: R450 pp. Booking: 021 876 3936
1 & 2 October
Franschhoek Tatler
Franschhoek Electric Rensburg Electrical
082 823 7119/021 876 3640 021 876 2120/083 309 2923
Andrew Schmidt Burger Excavations
021 876 4431/082 972 5755 072 3408518
Franschhoek Pharmacy Franschhoek Health Club HOUSE & GARDEN
Clock Repairs Lighting & Accessories Paarl Pool Services Ria Pools (Franschhoek) INTERNET ACCESS
021 876 2261 021 876 3310 028 840 1716 021 876 3640 021 872 0747/083 658 4944 021 876 2612/072 347 5355
Franschhoek Photolab PostNet
021 876 3921 021 876 3025
Marelise Rester
021 872 3530
Franschhoek Photolab PHYSIOTHERAPY
Claire Horn PLUMBERS
021 876 4741 021 876 4234/082 582 1029
Franschhoek Plumbing
021 876 3759
Hospice Library
021 876 3085 021 808 8406
Huguenot Memorial Museum Post Office Welfare (ACVV) SPCA
021 876 2532 021 876 2342 021 876 2670 021 876 4808
Bridge House School Franschhoek High School Groendal Primary School Groendal Secondary School Wes-Eind Primary School Dalubuhle Primary School
021 874 8100 021 876 2079 021 876 2448 021 876 2211 021 876 2360 021 876 3957
Franschhoek Storage
021 876 2174
Info Office Winelands Experience
021 876 3603 021 876 4042
Gerald Fourie VETERINARY
021 876 2940/082 821 5234
Huguenot Animal Clinic Surgery (pm only) Emergency
021 876 4278 021 876 2504 082 577 9900
Stellenbosch Fire Dept. (Buildings on fire) 021 808 8888 Cape Winelands Distr.Muni. (Bush & veld fires) 021 887 4446 021 886 9244 Police 10111/021 876 8061 Eskom 086 003 7566 Neighbourhood Watch 083 493 7778 Omnipage Farm Watch 021 852 3318 Plaaswag 021 876 2346 N1, N2 & R300 Emergency number: 021 946 1646 DENTISTS
Dr Schalk du Plessis Dr Rob Hammer
021 876 3070 021 876 2634
Dr Karin Eksteen Dr Shelley Hellig Dr Alexander Heywood Dr Hannes Van der Merwe
021 876 4622 021 871 1063 021 876 2474 021 876 2304
074 363 7744/021 876 4316
(Ward 1) Councillor Frazenburg (DA) (Ward 2) Councillor Petersen (DA) (Ward 3) Councillor Manuel (DA) (Ward 4) Councillor Johnson (DA) Municipality (Office Hours) Municipality (afternoon only) Municipality 24hr Service
021 808 8490 082 404 5055 074 686 2364 021 808 8019 021 808 8700 021 808 8890 021 808 8700
Franschhoek Tatler
Smalls Smalls R30. Text only, maximum of 30 words. Leave, with payment, at Franschhoek Pharmacy before the 15th of the preceding month
MALAWIAN MALE: Paver, Brick Layer, Plasterer, Tiling, Roofing, General Maintenance, Handyman, Gardening. Work recommended. Contact Moses on 078 797 9776. Reference: Phone 072 746 8770 BOOK BINDING AND BOOK REPAIRS. Contact John 021 876 4129 or john@thearmchair explorer.co.za GARDENS: Pruning, tree removal, paving, landscape services and gardens. Call Myles Agar 083 279 7960 Email: myles@franschhoekwildhoney.co.za NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NEEDS YOU. Please join and sign up for driving shifts and patrols. Call Elsa Post, 083 458 9835 or email elsa@project19.co.za. PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE REQUIRED? Keep it local! Get a quote. Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 DOMESTIC WORK WANTED: My name is Patricia Mangesi. I’m a South African and live in Langrug. I speak English and Xhosa. I’m looking for three days’ domestic or cleaning work – Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I work at Bedside Manor on the other days. Previously I worked at Richeneau Spring Water before they closed down. My number is 078 544 7422.
MAILBOXES: Postnet Franschhoek. R495 per year. Limited number still available. No “junk mail”. Phone: 021 876 3025 / Email: franschhoek@postnet.co.za
work is printed on heavy art paper, 490 x 585mm. R750.00 per pair excluding delivery from Cape Town. Please email amq.htc@ gmail.com for photos and an order form.
EXCESS BOOKS? Shelves creaking, moving house or just thinning out your collection? Contact John Hicks 021 876 4129
TUTOR/EXTRA LESSONS: Grade 4-9 Franschhoek and surrounds. From R125 p/h. Holiday tutoring available. Book now for next term to avoid disappointment. Contact Simoné Schlebusch 0720123354 simmy.cpt@ gmail.com
CLEANING WORK WANTED: Hi. My name is Elizabeth Gondwe, a Malawian. I am looking for a job as a house cleaner. For a reference please contact Barbara at 083 581 9686. My phone number is 073 289 5444. I am looking for 2 days’ job please, Mondays and Fridays. Thanks. LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL BOOK and can’t find it? Call John at the Armchair Explorer, we will source it for you. Contact John Hicks 021 876 4129 PET-SITTER/HOUSE-SITTER/ CARETAKER: I am a responsible, mature woman who adores animals. I can also supervise domestic staff, pool/ garden maintenance, car care, etc. You can trust me with your precious pets & belongings. Franschhoek only. Contact Sue at 083 270 9555 HUGUENOT HERITAGE MAPS: A pair of beautifully illustrated maps, one of France showing places of origin, names and dates of the Huguenots who left for the Cape, and one of the Cape showing the farms and armorial shields of the families. This historically correct and decorative reference
RE-FIBRE GLASS YOUR POOL in any colour you like. Call RiaPools for a quote: 072 347 5355 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE: – Upstairs Units 4m x 3 m – R1,000 per month. Contact Fiona 021 876 3171 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE: 1st Floor units, various sizes, priced between R500 & R1,000 per month. Contact Fiona 021 876 3171
POOL PUMP PROBLEMS? Noise? We quote and help you out! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355
MATRIC BALL AND WEDDING CAR HIRE. Classic car. For rates contact Jeffrey Gibbon 073 125 0188
HOUSE SITTING SERVICE: Reliable non-smoker will take care of house and pets (dogs, cats, birds). References available. Contact Hannah. Cell: 082 773 8494 Email: jwsch@live.com
SHUTTLE SERVICE & WINE TOURS: Franschhoek, Western Cape, airport transfers, etc. For rates contact Jeffrey Gibbon 073 125 0188
LOCAL SPARKY: Here to help with your installations, maintenance, gate motors & electrical repairs. No job too small. Please call for favourable quote. Jenowin. 081 071 4637. References available. CHANGING TO A SALT WATER SYSTEM? Let us advise & quote for you! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355 ASSISTANCE OFFERED: I am a caring, friendly, older woman who can assist you in your house, guest house, shop or office. I can run errands or drive you around. Available afternoons, evenings or weekends. 083 270 9555.
FOR BUILDING • GARDENING • RENOVATING SITUATED BEHIND BP GARAGE • WE SPECIALISE IN: Copyright: All rights reserved, reproduction in whole or part prohibited. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Publication of editorial or advertising matter does not imply endorsement or warranty in respect of goods or services therin described.
October 2016
TOOL & EQUIPMENT HIRE Brush Cutters, Lawn Mowers, Chain Saws, Concrete Mixers, Drills, Compressors, Pumps, Jackhammers SERVICING & REPAIR Light Industrial Equipment RUBBLE & REFUSE REMOVAL DELIVERIES LIGHT DOMESTIC MOVES PORTABLE LOOS CLEANING of businesses and other premises
always at your service
072 378 1916 or 021 876 4123 Email: onhireo@gmail.com
DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT POOL LEAK? Loosing water all the time? Let us quote and take care of the problem! Call RiaPools: 072 347 5355
INVESTIGATION SERVICES: Fraud and corruption: public sector, municipalities, private clients. Former Lt. Col. Office for Serious Economic Offences. Associate Director PWC – 18 years in PWC Forensics. Ettienne Lambrechts. 082 772 9506. ettienne. lambrechts@gmail.com APPLE TECH HELP: Need help with your iPhone, iPad or Mac? For support, training and setup services call John on 081 361 7228. HOUSEKEEPING WORK WANTED: I am Lindelwa Mcontwana, aged 42. I’m looking for a housekeeping job. I live in Franschhoek – Langrug. I can also do hospitality work. 073 6710 373 TAXI / SHUTTLE / TRANSFERS: Local and airport trips. 079 231 7174 (Johan) POSTE BESKIKBAAR: Montagu winkels. Verantwoordelike volwasse persone met sober gewoontes word uitgenooi om hulle CVs by die winkels in te dien
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Email: floormasterstell@gmail.com
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Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
Record sales and prices being achieved in Val de Vie Estate
Vacant plots, plot and plan units and now also office suites are being snapped up in sought after Val de Vie Estate in the heart of the Cape Winelands. Since September 2014 a total of 350 sales transactions at a total value of close to R1.141 billion were concluded in Val de Vie Estate, which has just been rated by New World Wealth as the top residential estate in South Africa for 2016. A recent sale by Pam Golding Properties in Val de Vie saw a phase one stand of 2 500sqm situated on the polo fields fetch a high of R9 million, representing R3 600 square metre, a top price for the estate. The previous highest price per square metres was R3 545 for a stand in The Vines. Says Surina Du Toit, Pam Golding Properties area manager in Paarl, Franschhoek and Wellington: “As has been evident from the outset, we find that the bulk of buyers acquire homes here for permanent residence, with a few being purchased for leisure use.” “Some of our buyers are tenants or existing homeowners on the estate wishing to upgrade and build a brand new contemporary home according to their changing needs, which further underscores the high desirability of Val de Vie. Others are relocating from various regions such as Gauteng and KwaZuluNatal, with the balance being investors making lucrative buy to let acquisitions.” Says Dr Andrew Golding, CE of the Pam Golding Property group: “Following the acquisition of Pearl Valley by Val de Vie Estate, the combination of these two major developments into one ‘super estate’ further adds to the appeal for buyers, as residents in Val de Vie will have access to all the facilities in Pearl Valley, including the Jack Nicklaus golf course and clubhouse, directly via golf cart. Polo Pads sold out Due for completion by October 2016 and designed by award-winning architect Stefan Antoni the 60 Polo Pads, each with its own private balcony and with views of the Drakenstein and Simonsberg Mountains, rolling vineyards and the Polo Pavilion, rapidly sold out following the launch. The Pads were priced from R1.8 million for one and two bedroom units of 68, 92 and 112sqm. Says Du Toit: “Also recently sold out are all 13 Gentleman’s Estates, where plots between 2.9ha and 3.13ha fetched prices ranging from R10 million to R12 million. All four River Reserves have also sold out, consisting of plots from 2.56ha to 5.83ha which have achieved prices between R8.995 million and R12 million.” Boutique office suites snapped up An interesting new development in Val de Vie is
an exclusive new office development conveniently positioned adjacent to the Polo Village, eliminating the need to commute to work beyond the estate gates or ideal as a buy-tolet investment due to the high demand for office accommodation in this prime location. All eight boutique office suites, each 445sqm in size and priced at R12.54 million have been snapped up by buyers as owner-occupiers or landlords seeking a monthly rental income stream – enabling them to provide convenient space options to cater for businesses of varying sizes. These compact, doublestorey buildings face northsouth in order to reduce the loads on mechanical cooling and heating, while other energy saving and ‘green’ features include glazed openings facing east and west screened with large pergolas, roofs oriented to accommodate solar panels in optimum position and available as an option to buyers – with the design and feasibility conducted by a solar company for installation of equipment to go ‘off grid’, and water saving features. The office suites include parking bays for owners as well as ample visitors’ parking. Designed by Boogertman & Partners and true to Val de Vie’s elegant style, the offices will feature luxurious interior fixtures and finishes and state-of-the-art technology, including the option of high-speed fibre optic connectivity, while expansive windows provide panoramic views of Val de Vie’s very own L’Huguenot Wine Farm, Simonsberg and Paarl Rock. Plot and plan homes selling in The Oaks A further recently launched residential development, The Oaks, sees 20 plots of 675 - 746sqm in size available for purchase with a selection of four tastefully designed floor plans for four bedrooms and five bathrooms to enable buyers to customize their new homes. Priced from just over R5.661million for a 320sqm four bedroom, five bathroom home with double garage on a 675sqm plot, features and fittings in The Oaks include Hansgrohe taps, gas hob and electric oven, high speed connectivity, heat
pump geyser, fully automated irrigation system and automated garage doors. In The Vines, which consists of 142 plot-and-plan homes set on 12ha of prime land with views of the Paarl Mountains and four scenic lakes, only 10 units are currently available for purchase priced from R3.7 million for a three bedroom, two bathrooms with single or double garage unit. With infrastructure in phase one completed, phase two is currently under construction as well as a show house. Due to the huge success of The Vines, the developers have decided to develop similar units at The Vines@ Le Domaine, which will be launched soon, with 72 plot-and-plan units priced from R3.7 million. Says Du Toit: “Over and above this, in La Vue a new tranche of erven has been released, selling from R1.75 million for 954sqm and with currently only 18 of the total of 29 plots still available for purchase. The plots in La Vue overlook the 37ha fynbos reserve with spectacular views of Paarl Rock, Simonsberg and the Franschhoek mountains. For further information contact: Pam Golding Properties agents Ronel Pienaar on 082 556 2433 or ronel.pienaar@pamgolding.co.za or Amanda Colombo on 083 258 1212 or amanda.colombo@ pamgolding.co.za.
We have a variety of rental properties available on Val de Vie Estate and Pearl Valley property@valdevie.co.za | property@pearlvalley.co.za +27 (0)21 863 6105 | +27 (0)21 867 8002
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
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Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
R5 295 000
Garages 1
364 771
BE THE FIRST OWNERS. Brand new spec home situated on one of Franschhoekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most desired vineyard security estates. This family home with outstanding mountain views and top quality finishes offers a lovely open plan living space..
R4 000 000
Garages 2
Parking 2
401 638
OLD FASHIONED GEM. A lovely family home on a corner stand with old worlde charm and dazzling perspectives across the reservoir. This home offers its new family loads of potential. You can enjoy sundowners on the deck with glorious sunsets or spend time in the mature enclosed garden. This home consists of 3 bedrooms with main ensuite, 2 bathrooms with separate shower and toilet. The lounge/dining room can be opened up to create an astonishing entertainment area.
R2 650 000
Garages 1
FRANSCHHOEK GARDEN APARTMENT. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy a superbly appointed garden flat in the heart of Franschhoek village. Located on a quiet street, yet only moments from the hustle and bustle of the village, this quality apartment offers two bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge leading onto a patio and small garden. Large lock up garage and additional parking along with a beautiful communal pool. Safe and secure as a lock up and go, investment or a lovely full time home! A well run block with only 10 apartments. This is one not to be missed!.
R4 950 000
Parking 1
400 002
GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Developers, Investors this is a must see. Look no further, this property is on a plot +/- 1200 m² and comprising of 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, wooden floors, refurbished kitchen and a granny flat. Covered parking and stunning views completes the picture. Well maintained.
R13 800 000
Garages 6
FARM STYLE COUNTRY LIVING. Situated a mere 1.5 kilometres from the Bridge House Private School and just 8.5 kilometres from the village this fabulous property of 3.425Ha comprises of a stunning 5 bedroom modern farmhouse with landscapes garden and pool, 3 income generating cottages each with their own garden and 6 car garage. Ample water is available by way of a borehole and power is supplied by Eskom. The price quoted excludes VAT.
R9 500 000
Garages 1
Parking 3
WEB REF: 402 655
SECLUDED FRANSCHHOEK GEM! An enchanting property tucked away amongst plum orchards with astounding mountain views all round. Very secluded setting with all the main rooms opening up onto a fabulous courtyard and pool area, complete with jacuzzi and bar, complementing indoor/outdoor living. This excellent property further benefits from two separate and fully self contained one bedroom apartments, both with private outdoor areas which add to the flexibility of this home. Superb views and privacy completes this desirable property.
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
R8 900 000
Domaine des Anges This recently thatched home is being offered for sale for the first time and comprises of 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms. A double sided feature fireplace separates the large open-plan living and dining room. The kitchen is well appointed with quality fittings and has a large scullery with separate laundry - access to the garages from the house is thought the laundry. There is a separate self-contained fully equipped apartment upstairs which is accessible though the main house or via the private outside entrance and has lovely mountain views from most of the windows and from the Juliet balcony. The solid Kiaat wood cupboards in the dressing room are a feature of the main bedroom, and there is underfloor heating in all the bathrooms. The spacious covered patio/entertainment area with built in braai has views over the pool, vineyards and surrounding mountains. The estate offers a clubhouse for home owners with gym and tennis courts. The security on this beautiful estate is excellent.
Janice Hicks 072 991 6272 • janice.hicks@rawson.co.za
R 27 000 000
Lifestyle Living at its Best This stunning Georgian home situated in the prime area of the Village with the most magnificent views is offered for sale. This totally private picture perfect property measures approximately 1ha in extent and is within walking distance of the village. There are 2 homes on the property the Main home was built in 2009 and is approximately 490m² in extent. It comprises of a beautiful entrance hall which leads into the open plan living and kitchen area, the Guest toilet, Wine cellar and Study also lead off the entrance hall. The gourmet kitchen is fitted with all mod cons and very high finishes and has a separate scullery. The expansive veranda with braai is enclosed with fold back glass doors. The pool surrounded by rolling lawns lead onto breathtaking views of the valley. Upstairs are the 3 bedrooms all of which are en suite the main suite is extra-large and opens out onto a private balcony and leads into an exquisite ensuite bathroom. The old farm house dates back to the 60’s and was renovated in 2007 it comprises of 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms which are en-suite large living areas and a great oversized farmhouse kitchen. The covered veranda leads onto the pool and this too has beautiful views of the valley and surrounding mountains. In addition to the 2 homes there is a flatlet which is 1 bed open plan kitchen and bathroom with private garden and large shed/garage and staff quarters with private courtyard.
Janice Hicks 072 991 6272 • janice.hicks@rawson.co.za
R35 000/month
Light Contemporary New Home This stunning Contemporary home is situated on the delightful FranscheHoek Estate and has the most magnificent unobstructed views over the valley. Comprising 4 beds 4, the main bedroom ensuitehas a walk in dressing room and full bathroom with double showers and “non-misting” mirrors as a super added feature. The second bedroom has a full ensuitebathroom while the other 2 bedrooms have shower basin & toilet ensuite. The gourmet Kitchen is finished in two tone neutral colours and has top of the range finishes which complement the open plan living areas. The open plan living area has stunning views out of the numerous windows and balconies on either side of the sitting room, which has a slow burning wood fireplace. There is a feature wine cellar enclosed with double glass doors. There is underfloor heating on the entire top floor together with climate control air conditioners throughout. There is a double garage and a very private pool with outside cloakroom/storeroom. Available immediately.
Kate Hicks 072 068 2130 kate.hicks@rawson.co.za
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
October 2016
Franschhoek Tatler
Franschhoek Tatler
October 2016
A selection of Franschhoek properties sold by us so far this year. Please contact us for all your property needs. Prices quoted below are the asking price
R21 000 000 excl. VAT
R38 500 000
Renovated country style farmhouse with upmarket finishes including walnut floors and contemporary styling. Three bedrooms en-suite, spacious living room, dining room, separate country-style state of the art kitchen and an underground wine cellar. Upstairs includes a large open plan study and second living room. A large West facing stoep and upstairs terrace provide some of the best views in Franschhoek.The grounds include mature trees, two income producing cottages separate to the main house, 1.2 hectares of cabernet sauvignon and merlot grapes, olive, plum and other fruit trees. Also includes a large temperature controlled wine storage room and two staff cottages with separate access.
This gorgeous property has been designed to capture the best features of an old Cape Dutch farmstead whilst also presenting a contemporary home for modern-day living. The primary residence offers multiple reception rooms including a formal lounge and dining room, enormous eat-in country kitchen with 12 -seater dining table, large separate scullery, and separate bar and wine cellar. A large undercover verandah runs the length of the reception areas and leads out to the swimming pool, garden and views of the mountains beyond. In addition to the main residence, this homestead offers a separate 140m² apartment, large separate guest apartment, 7 garages, staff accommodation and large cellar
Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194
Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194
WEB: 136 410
R27 000 000
A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE A PRIVATE BOUTIQUE ESTATE IN FRANSCHHOEK WITH TWO FAMILY HOMES Two substantial homes on this rare one hectare portion.Fantastic mountain views, rolling lawns and mature oak trees. House 1 is a 490m² double storey home with 3 bedrooms en-suite, and potential for a fourth bedroom. Open plan lounge, dining room and kitchen with separate scullery/laundry. Spacious conservatory overlooking a large pool. House 2 is a 388m² 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home with several reception/study rooms, kitchen with breakfast room, and separate scullery/kitchen, large verandah overlooking a pool. In addition a 1 bedroom cottage, a 2 bedroom apartment and a large barn for storage and or garaging. Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194
WEB: 145 468
WEB: 160 038
R6 999 000 excl VAT
BRAND NEW FAMILY HOME ON THE FRANSCHE HOEK ESTATE. From the beautifully airy, open plan living spaces upstairs, this home has stunning views over the Franschhoek Valley. The open plan living areas and kitchen have underfloor heating, fireplace and fully equipped kitchen and scullery. The four en-suite bedrooms are all located downstairs. They are all good sizes bedrooms with the main having a shared balcony. There is an enclosed courtyard swimming pool and double garage.
Tom Clode +27 (0)79 955 3114 | Terry-Lee George +27 (0)82 650 9194
WEB: 155 796