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01 Floating Box


02 Ten Bogaerde Hostel


03 Housing Project Oudaan


04 Bus/tram station Oudaan


05 Shelter for disaster relief


06 Mossen Office


07 A Touch of Nature


08 Marieholm Island


09 Wooden Curves


10 Tensairity Shelter


11 Maritime Museum Antwerp


@ Contact Information



EDUCATION 2013 - 2015

Master of Science in Architectural Engineering Passed with great distinction Brussels Faculty of Engineering (VUB/ULB), Brussels, Belgium Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

2010 - 2013

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Passed with great distinction Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium


Architect Intern Van Belle & Medina Architects bvba, Antwerp, Belgium


Student Intern META architectuurbureau bvba, Antwerp, Belgium

2012 - 2013

Member of Student Board Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

2011 - 2013

Board Member and President of bru:tecture Cultural student association of Architectural Engineering Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Left to right: VUB campus, Chalmers campus, elevation made at META.


Left to right: A Touch of Nature, picture of myself.

SKILLS Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Indesign AutoCAD | Sketchup | Rhinoceros 3D | Grasshopper EnergyPlus | DIVA | SCIA | Abaqus Dutch | English French | German


Fluently Basic

AWARDS VIrBr Award for Most Promising Student in Architectural Engineering Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium


Encouragement Award Academie Noord, Brasschaat, Belgium Part-time art academy


The Hans Eeck Competition Studio – A Touch of Nature Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden


Most Promising Graduating Student Academie Noord, Brasschaat, Belgium Part-time art academy



FLOATING BOX project type: Bachelor 2 student: Siemen Goetschalckx location: Ghent, Belgium date: 2011 This is a reconversion project of an old boat, currently positioned in the harbour of Ghent, Belgium. The boat is transformed into a working and living space for dancers or theatre actors. Artists can create, rehearse and conduct their performances on the ship, while touring or travelling from one city to another. Different boxes are used as modules for sleeping, cooking, washing and performing. The private and public sections are separated by the centrally located entrance module and kitchen module. The kitchen can be used as a bar during a break and after a show. To create more privacy, the sleeping boxes are positioned at the opposite side of the boat. The stage consists of three different parts that can be lifted separately. In this way the artists are able to show their acts on different levels. During sunny days a theatre or dance can even be performed on the deck of the boat, by lifting the stages and removing the roof.

Left to right: view of boat in canal, view with lifted stages, cable system of stages.


Left to right: view of boat in canal, picture of model.

Top to bottom: plan of deck (1:200), plan of boat (1:200), vertical section (1:200).


TEN BOGAERDE HOSTEL project type: Bachelor 2 student: Siemen Goetschalckx location: Koksijde, Belgium date: 2012 Ten Bogaerde is an old barn of a Christian abbey from the 13th century in Koksijde, Belgium. It was burned and rebuilt several times during history. In this project the remains of the abbey are transformed into a hostel, but the design respects the cultural character of the site. By rebuilding the original shape of the roof the impression and monumentality of the old barn is re-instituted. The remains of the old walls make a perfect shield for the wind and give the space a more private feeling. A part of the footprint of the old barn can therefore be left open as an outdoor shielded spot to have coffee or to relax. The roof construction is made out of cross-laminated timber. This strong material and the particular design of the rafters make the big span between the two sides of the barn possible. The roof also reflects to the original timber roof constructions of medieval barns. The entrance is provided by a long corridor that connects the two old main gates of the barn. This revives the movement of the horses and carts that rode through the barn. The public spaces of the hostel, such as lobby, restaurant and conference rooms are located on the ground floor. The bedrooms consist of different boxes of double height. The variation of these units provides various sizes of rooms. Some relaxing indoor balconies are created on top of the units. The first floor is pierced in the middle to keep the old central wall untouched and to draw more daylight to the ground floor.

Left to right: view of exterior, picture of model, concept sketch.


Left to right: view of exterior, view of interior first floor, view of interior second floor.

Counter clockwise: plan of ground floor (1:600), plan of first floor (1:600), vertical section (1:600), plan of second floor (1:600).


HOUSING PROJECT OUDAAN project type: Bachelor 3 student: Siemen Goetschalckx and Lennert Loos location: Antwerp, Belgium date: 2013 - 2014 The project is situated in Antwerp, Belgium, and contains mainly housing. The footprint of the project follows the lines of the buildings around the site. In this way the walking people of the car-free shopping zone nearby the site are led around the project. Between the buildings a square is lifted up, to make this part of the project more private. The area under the square is used as a bicycle parking. The square is pierced in order to pull light into the bicycle parking. Trees give a nice view from the apartments to the inner square. Between the project and the modernist tower of Oudaan, a bigger public square is provided. The four buildings each have their own character and yet form a uniform project. The same design strategy is used for all buildings to ensure this uniformity, but differences are made in the dimensions and proportions of the buildings, both in the outline and the details. On the ground floor of all four buildings shops are located. Between the buildings, under the semi-private elevated square, there is a big bicycle parking. The private entrances for the apartments and the public entrance for the bicycle parking are separated. In the tallest building several rentable storage rooms are provided on the ground floor.

Left to right: picture of model, view on public square, picture of city model.


Left to right: master plan (1:2000), view from street, view from public square.

Left to right: plan ground floor (1:600), plan first floor (1:600).


Left to right: sketch, north elevation (1:600).

The first floor consists mainly of apartments. These are all directly reachable from the semi-public square in the middle of the project. Because of safety reasons and accessibility for disabled persons the vertical circulation cores are all extended to the ground floor and reachable from the street. In the tallest building, the first floor is rentable as office space. The entrance of the offices is also on the semi-private square. All upper floors contain only apartments. The project includes a wide mix of apartments of different sizes. Each flat has a loggia, i.e. a balcony integrated in the façade. The floor plan of the tallest building is not identical for each floor. There are several lay-outs with six apartments, to create a certain pattern in the façade by shifting loggia’s. On the two highest floors there are four bigger flats. The proportions of the façades are slightly different for each building. The vertical lines in the tallest building are stressed, while in another buildings the horizontal lines are accentuated. The four buildings still form one uniform project, because of the materials and a similar design methodology. The façade of the ground floor of the three lower buildings are identical to increase the uniformity. The tallest building stands a little bit out because of the height, the positioning in the footprint, the ground floor façade and the function on the first floor. This strengthens the connection with the Oudaan tower on the other side of the public square.


Left to right: south elevation (1:600), picture of city model.

Left to right: plan second/ third/fourth floor (1:600), plan eight/ninth floor (1:600).


Left to right: pictures of model.

BUS/TRAM STATION OUDAAN project type: Bachelor 3 student: Siemen Goetschalckx, Lennert Loos, Salony Saxena and Elien Termote location: Antwerp, Belgium date: 2013 Nearby the housing project of Oudaan a new bus and tram station is designed. The construction consists out of steel and glass and is completely calculated, dimensioned and optimized according to the Eurocodes. A check is done by calculating the structure in SCIA. The design breaks with the traditional bus stop design in Antwerp. It’s playful and attracts the attention of passengers.


Left to right: pictures of model.

SHELTER FOR DISASTER RELIEF project type: Bachelor 3 student: Siemen Goetschalckx location: date: 2013 This shelter for disaster relief is a tensile structure made of membranes, cables and struts. It’s easy to deploy and is fully dimensioned to withstand very strong winds. The materials of membranes, cables and poles are carefully chosen after structural calculations. The membrane is structurally modelled in EASY.


MOSSEN OFFICE project type: Master 1 student: Linus Appelgren, Siemen Goetschalckx and Bjรถrn Vestlund location: Gothenburg, Sweden date: 2014 New office buildings are being built on campus Johanneberg of Chalmers University of Technology. The buildings will be a part of the Science Park, that nowadays only contains the building next to the new building site. This particular entrance of the campus will become very important, not only for students but also for employees and guests of the Science Park. Mixing all different players in the world of technology is thus a main issue. To increase this mingling, a public restaurant is added on the ground floor. As a result, people from both university and industry will be able to gather, network and discuss. The importance of light and open spaces in our project symbolizes this open environment. The main design issues of office buildings are good daylight conditions, thermal comfort and a low energy demand. The faรงade concept consists of a rectangular module with a shading device, rotated out of the faรงade. The shape of the window opening is wider at the top which allows more light to reach deeper into the building. One corner is closer to the floor to make it possible to have visual contact with the ground close to the building. The triangular shapes in the module are cladded with different kinds of metal sheets. The shading device is rotated out from one corner, this gives a shading device which, like the window, is growing in size upwards. Like the wall panels it consists of triangular units which have structural benefits. The module can be described and varied along the different faรงades by two parameters: (1) the length of the overhanging shading device and (2) the window area. The optimal values for these parameters are determined for each faรงade.

Left to right: view on office building, concept sketch, shading components.


Left to right: pictures of model, south elevation (1:600).

Master plan (1:1000)


Left to right: north elevation (1:600), radiation maps of façades.

The two office buildings are surrounded by green spaces which inject the green of park Mossen into the campus. Furthermore, by opening up the space between the building, more light is drawn into the centre of the project and visual contact is established between the two opposite sides. The designed proposal emphasizes in this way the most important visual and walking axes on the site. The open space between the buildings, which is south oriented, can be used to install a terrace for the public restaurant and café. The optimization process of the façade modules, using the two parameters, is started with investigating the solar radiation on all façades. Some sides of the buildings are not influenced by other buildings and others are partly shaded during the day. Because of the variation of solar radiation, the optimal shading device will vary on these façades. On the radiation maps we can see that only the inner façades of our project show a gradient in radiation. The other façades, however, have a uniform radiation and will only need one module for each façade. The Useful Daylight Illuminance of the different chosen rooms is calculated for several façade modules. The values and graphs can be used to choose the optimal façade module for each office room. The UDI index gives a fair estimation for a good thermal comfort, good daylight conditions and a low glare probability. In the next step the actual thermal comfort in winter and summer, and actual energy for heating and cooling are calculated.


Left to right: west elevation (1:600), faรงade optimization graphs.

Left to right: plan ground floor (1:600), plan first/second/third floor (1:600), plan fourth floor (1:600).


A TOUCH OF NATURE project type: Master 1 student: Benjamin Bello, Emma Gjers, Siemen Goetschalckx, Lu Ding and Xu Hang location: Öckerö, Sweden date: 2014 This hotel, spa and conference centre on the northern archipelago of Gothenburg can be described as “A Touch of Nature”. The “touch” is the way the building connects to its site, like a boat placed on the shore, it has its cultural definition, but also its temporality. It barely moves the soil, all influence to the place is minimized. The “touch” is also the process in which the users in the building experience nature. By opening the corridor as a buffer zone, we created not only a hotel but also a connection to landscape. It brings a new route to explore the local climate and land form, and moreover, the island’s tradition to respect nature. A matrix with several criteria is used to ensure the sustainability of the project. The main concepts according to the four pillars of the matrix are: preserve the local natural elements and reuse of water; smart indoor climate system by zoning, solar gain and heat distribution; adaptability and a structure that can be dismantled; a semi-outdoor experience with passive design. After a thorough site study four main points came up that defined the final masterplan: various outlooks, preservation of fauna and flora, the rise of the sea level and easy accessibility. The hotel is integrated into the hillside landscape with respect to the natural surroundings, it follows the height curves and avoids the forest. The building is lifted up to prevent flooding in the future. Each hotel room has a view over the sea and the restaurant has a sea and sunset view towards the west with openable glazing.

Left to right: view on hotel from island, picture of model , pillars of sustainability.


Left to right: master plan (1:10000), interior view in lobby.

Left to right: plan ground floor (1:800), plan first floor (1:800).


Left to right: picture of model, vertical sections (1:1000).

The plans show the layout of the hotel, where the flow within the building and the separations between private and public are important considerations which have been taken into account. The service entrance is next to the road and is easily accessible from the storage rooms. It’s also connected with the restaurant by an elevator. The spa is on the ground floor, next to the lobby, to prevent mingling of hotel and spa guests and to make the circulation in the building more clear. The conference rooms on the first floor are directly next to the restaurant and are separated from the hotel rooms. Timber frames, along with prefabricated concrete elements, act as a structural basis for the building. The technical solutions applied in various parts of the building include: water-heating strategies, placement of ventilation ducts, results for energy calculations, and air-heating strategies throughout the seasons. The total energy consumption of the building is calculated as 18.46 kWh/m2/yr, which is low. In winter time, all the heating in the building is provided by the geothermal heat pump. Due to the lower efficiency of the thermal solar panels during winter, the hot water is preheated by the heat pump and then further heated by an ordinary boiler. In summer time, the solar panels are efficient enough to heat the water to 60 degrees.


View on hotel from sea














21 OC







21 OC

21 OC ~





Left to right: technical section, HVAC system during the year, ventilation system.


MARIEHOLM ISLAND project type: Master 1 student: Mia Callenberg, Sofia Ek, Siemen Goetschalckx and Isa Sverneborn location: Mariestad, Sweden date: 2014 Marieholm is an island in the river Tidan, centrally located in the city of Mariestad, a small city next to the large lake Vänern. The city has about 16 000 inhabitants and is a centre for tourism in the summer. Vadsbo Museum has been located on the island since 1917 and is reflecting regional history from past to present day. Marieholm is also used for internal activities by the County administration Västra Götaland and Mariestad municipality. Despite the central location, Marieholm is not used by the citizens as it provides a private and isolated expression. There is a visual barrier around the island, but the location and the surrounding public facilities bring a lot of opportunities. The atmosphere while entering the residence’s court yard is something to develop and to take care of. The museum and the municipality will still have their facilities and a public café will be open all year round to attract people to Marieholm to be able to have a coffee in the park. The plantations in the courtyard are used for urban farming providing a public café in one of the buildings with raw material and for the citizens to be involved and inspired. In the courtyard and in some of the buildings there is room for exhibitions and activities which the schools and the public facilities can use and be a part of. The park has a lot of potential to be a public space for the citizens. A pedestrian bridge is added to connect the park on the island with the park and schools on the other side of the river.

Left to right: new visual connections, new pedestrian bridge.


Left to right: new wooden deck, urban farming in courtyard.

Master plan (1:4000)


WOODEN CURVES project type: Master 1 student: Siemen Goetschalckx and Jonas Sved채ng location: Gothenburg, Sweden date: 2014 This project is an experimental answer on the issue of building first homes for young people in the centre of Gothenburg. It includes an innovative view on circulation in a home. Additionally, a cradle-to-cradle approach is used as a starting point in the design. Wooden curves is an idea of how to industrially manufacture homes with a CNC-cutter. The units are only 1,4m wide, but they still have very good spatial, social and functional qualities. Because of the small width, both walls can always be reached. This makes the circulation easier for disabled or recovering people. The narrow space is produced by stacking CNC-cut wooden panels on top of each other. The narrow units are assembled to a student residence. In this way narrow empty plots in the centre of Gothenburg can be used for student housing. The project can be used as a temporary infill of sites that are waiting to be built on. The units are easily disassembled, transported and reassembled which makes it perfect suitable for this kind of temporary projects. On both the level of the unit and the building, narrow stacking is the main idea behind the project. Because of the very narrow units, the building can easily be used for densifying the city centre. The units are stacked wooden panels, and the building consists of stacked units.

Left to right: picture of section model, picture of model, picture of city model.


Left to right: plans ground and first floor (1:125), vertical sections (1:75), view from street, view from courtyard.

Section of relation between street, building and courtyard.


Left to right: trials for balcony design, trial for façade configuration.

The ground floor and courtyard behind the building can be transformed into a public space, to make even more use of the temporary empty plot. The courtyard is a shared garden for the residents and for everyone who passes the place. Moreover, the ground floor of the building itself is used as a cafĂŠ. In this way, the courtyard will also be a garden for their clients. During the design process a lot of attention was given to shaping the outdoor spaces. Because of the very limited width of the units, the exterior qualities are rather important. By activating the courtyard a more interesting space is created. The residents also have their own more private terrace on top of the cafĂŠ. As a result, the residents can still invite guests, regardless their limited indoor area. A lot of different possible configurations of courtyard, ground floor, vertical circulation core, balconies and shifting units were investigated by hand-drawing and model-making. This helped us assessing and choosing design solutions. One of the conclusions is shifting the different stacked units in a random pattern to emphasize the concept of stacking.


Left to right: trials for faรงade configuration, production process.

Left to right: plan ground floor (1:500), roof plan (1:500).


TENSAIRITY SHELTER project type: Master 2 student: Mimount Ajnaou, Elien De Smedt, Siemen Goetschalckx, Mitra Rostami Gorji, Isabelle Selleslag and Elien Termote location: Brussels, Belgium date: 2015 Tensairity is a new structural lightweight concept which consists of physically separating compression and tension forces. Low pressure air beams are used to ensure this separation and allows the material to be used up to its yield limit. Tensairity can be used in beams and arches. A shelter with three tensairity arches is designed. Three poles are placed on the same circle as the arches and pull the membrane upwards. The membrane stresses, cable forces and strut forces are calculated by use of EASY, while the behaviour of the tensairity arches is calculated in Abaqus. The shelter is after thorough calculations and detailing fabricated and built in reality.

Left to right: render of tent, stresses of membrane in EASY, deflections in EASY.


Left to right: analysis of arches in Abaqus and picture of shelter.

Picture of shelter


MARITIME MUSEUM ANTWERP project type: Master Thesis project student: Siemen Goetschalckx location: Antwerp, Belgium date: 2015 Even though climate conditions change constantly, most present faรงade systems are static solutions. Climate adaptive faรงades on the contrary have the ability to respond to these changing conditions. By doing this, the energy demand is reduced while the visual and thermal comfort is improved. The research part of the thesis studies the influence of a curved line folding shading system on the energy performance and daylight conditions in a building, while the design part of the thesis investigates the architectural possibilities and qualities of the curved line folding components by applying them on a maritime museum. The museum consists of three kinds of spaces: (1) the volume above ground, (2) the underground spaces between the dry docks, and (3) the dry docks themselves. By lifting the volume, a free view in the dry docks is ensured. Moreover the docks are kept as much as possible in their original state.

Left to right: view of temporary exhibition, west faรงade (1:1000).


Left to right: site plan (1:5000), west-east section (1:1000).

Left to right: plan underground floor (1:1000) and plan ground floor (1:1000).


Left to right: north-south section (1:1000) and view of dry docks.

The floating volume contains a café, an auditorium with foyer, a temporary exhibition space, office rooms and archives. The supports of the structure include the vertical circulation cores. The underground spaces, between the dry docks are used for the permanent exhibition. The exhibition spaces have a connection with the dry docks. The constant changes in the façade give the building an attractive character. The movement of the elements can be correlated to the movement of the sea, wind and sails of ships. The opening and closing of the façade has a natural and organic feeling. The different functions in the museum have different daylight requirements. The offices for example will need a controlled shading system in order to control glare and overheating. In the café on the other hand the view to the outside is more important. The components on this façade can therefore be more opened than for the offices. The use of the dynamic façade adds to the flexibility of the museum. The daylight conditions in the temporary exhibition can for instance be changed according to its concept or according to the light requirements of the shown pieces.


Left to right: picture of model and truss structure (1:1000).

Left to right: plan first floor (1:1000) and plan second floor (1:1000).



CONTACT INFORMATION Siemen Goetschalckx Wipstraat 29 2930 Brasschaat Belgium +32 4 88 99 05 70 siemengoet@gmail.com be.linkedin.com/in/siemengoetschalckx Online portfolio Full portfolio: issuu.com/siemengoetschalckx/docs/portfolio Master thesis: issuu.com/siemengoetschalckx/docs/thesis

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