Empire magagzine ocver

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The masthead is in the top centre of the page which makes it an eye-catching feature. It is in black san serif font; making it bold, especially against the white background. The luminous green outlining adds an extra interesting features, it also links in with the main mage as, the Jokers signature colour is the same. The title of the magazine does not give away if it is a particular genre which suggests it is a mainstream title. This however, would appeal to many more people and is more likely to have a larger audience than a one genre magazine.

The extra information at the top of the page indicates the next cover will be about the same film. This also makes thee audience go out and buy the next issue as it is seen as a collectable, which will especially appeal to fans of the movie. The green font also links to the rest of the cover.

The cover lines are placed on the left hand side of the magazine; this makes them noticeable but doesn’t take all the attention away from the main image which is the selling point. The cover lines are in white bold text bordered by a green box; this links to the main colour theme of white, black and green. Underneath are some more cover lines; however, these are in a smaller green font, suggesting it is not as important as the above cover line. There are some more cover lines at the bottom of the page. With the white text being the main point, attracting the audience and the green being a clue to what the article is about. A tag line has been added underneath the main cover line. This gives a small hint to the article and film. Additionally, it is in green font; repeating the pattern of the colour scheme. Although this is smaller and harder to read it will help make the audience curious and therefore will want to buy it.

The main cover line is placed under the masthead. This is an unusual place for a main cover line; however it was probably placed there so it didn’t cover the main image. The text is in the same font as seen on the film posters; this makes it easier to recognise. The use of black makes it standout against the white background. The main cover line doesn’t stand out as much as everything else; however, the primary focus is the main image.

The main image is an extreme close up shot of the joker, which signifies the movie the magazine is featuring as he is a well-known character by many. The extreme close up invades the audience’s space. Angling his head down but his eyes looking up at the camera gives a creepy feel to it and it is almost sinister. This reflects the Jokers behaviour and role in the film. Additionally, this pose gives him some sort of power over the audience and by giving a direct mode of address, entices the audience to pick the cover up. It also attracts their attention quickly. The colours used are the well-known colours of the joker, by using only these colours connotes he is the most important part of the cover. This is also reinforced by the fact the image takes up the whole of the magazine cover. Although there is text covering his forehead there is nothing covering the main part of his face, which is how the audience first identifies the character.

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