Ja nu a r y / Feb r u a r y 2 0 1 1
President’s Message
Meeting Schedule
Government Relations Update
Irrigation Pumping Plant Efficiency
Turf Tips
California Room
Sup “O” The Day
GCSAA Field Rep
Wilber’s News
This year’s Grassroots tournament and awards recognition event is just around the corner, and promises to be an event like no other. We have made a change in venue this year, electing to visit Cherry Island Golf Course and Superintendent Kurtis Wolford. Kurtis is excited to be hosting the event for the first time, and sharing his course, which is set to undergo some major changes in the very near future, with the association. We’re also very excited to be bringing back Mr. Bo Links as our keynote speaker who, many
Sierra Nevada GCSA An Affiliate Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
vate and restore Harding Park. Mr. Links has also served as President of Lake Merced Golf Club (2003 & 2004), during which time he worked to diversify the membership and was successful in leading the effort to rebuild the club's infrastructure (new clubhouse, new recycled water facilities, new maintenance building). In 2007 and 2008, Mr. Links was honored by the Alister MacKenzie Society, which awarded him first prize in the international Lido Design Contest, de(Continued on page 4)
Dates to Remember March 15, 2011 Annual GrassRoots Tournament Cherry Island G.C.
might remember, was slated to speak last year, but unfortunately came down with a bad illness just before the tournament. Bo Links’ history with golf runs long and deep. He has long been an active golfer and golf historian. He has written two golf books, as well as several essays. He serves pro bono as a speaker for the United States Golf Association on legal issues affecting the game of golf. He also serves as the volunteer historian for the City of San Francisco's golf courses, and was active in the project to reno-
The 2011 GCSAA Annual Meeting was held Feb. 11 in Orlando in conjunction with the GCSAA Education Conference and Golf Industry Show. During the meeting, delegates elected the 2011 board of directors and voted on the proposed dues increase. Outcomes of the Annual
Meeting: Robert M. Randquist, CGCS, director of golf course and grounds at Boca Rio Golf Club in Boca Raton, Fla., was elected. Randquist is a 34year GCSAA member, and has been at Boca Rio Golf Club since 1998. Previously, he was superinten-
dent at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Okla., for 19 years. He serves on The Environmental Institute for Golf Board of Trustees, is a member of the Palm Beach GCSA, and a past president of the Oklahoma GCSA. Randquist is also a member of the (Continued on page 4)
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Fore Your Information EDITOR Jim Alwine Stockton Golf & Country Club 209-462-6734
OFFICE SNGCSA 5322 N. Leonard Clovis, CA 93619 559-298-6262 Fax# 559-298-6957 sngcsaa@aol.com PRESIDENT Jim Alwine Stockton Golf & Country Club 209-462-6734
VICE PRESIDENT Jeff Couwenhoven Woodcreek Golf Course 916-771-7370
SECRETARY/TREASURER Jeremy Payne Winchester C.C. 916-817-8106
209-728-5778 DIRECTORS Dave Bermudez Del Rio Golf & Country Club 209-341-2413 Frank Putnam Mace Meadows Golf & C.C. 209-295-7773 Jesse Seguin Lincoln Hills Golf Course 916-434-7200 Phil Brown Spring Creek C.C. 209-599-3747
Affiliate Representatives Dave Wilber Sierra Pacific Turf Supply 916-630-7600 Pete Bowman Target Specialty Products 916-396-9394
FORE YOUR INFORMATION Published by the Sierra Nevada Golf Course Superintendents Association
Recently, the event with a bunch of your current and proSierra Nevada Board of spective customers. Maybe I don’t have to Directors went about the sell this point because the value seems very task of calling all memobvious to me. I have found new products bers that had yet to pay many, many times at monthly meetings by their 2011 dues. My list talking to a person in my foursome. It’s a included 16 individuals great opportunity to compare and contrast and of those, 8 were no the available options and find the best reprelonger employed by the company or course sentative to take care of your needs. listed for 2010. Yes, the economy has imOn top of the networking possibilipacted most of our lives, our businesses, ties is yet another year of quality education and our local Chapter. Your employer has for a very low price. This year, the Educaundoubtedly asked you to do more with tion Committee follows up the Water Series less. More could be maintaining excellent with topics on Efficiency. This topic is not conditions with five less employees and going away any time soon and the speakers many less dollars. More could be selling we have lined up are sure to offer a few take product to people who can afford less than home notes that will get you through the what they used to. You know what your storm. more and your less is, so how are you going The meeting schedule has come to make it work? together very nicely starting with the AnIf you are reading this article, then nual GrassRoots Tournament. We are you must have renewed your membership switching things up to show off another for this year and you probably feel the same member’s course after five years at Haggin way I do about this special group of turf Oaks. We are very appreciative of the hosprofessionals. The Sierra Nevada GCSA is pitality Sam Samuelson and his staff have a valuable resource that can make you better shown us along with great pricing and serat what you do. At each and every monthly vice. Kurtis Wolford at Cherry Island will meeting, you will have an opportunity to host this year’s event which includes guest connect with your peers who are facing the speaker, “Bo” Links. The day at Cherry same challenges you are. We all know that Island will include the presentation of our secrecy is pretty rare with our group. We’ll annual awards. Hopefully you turned in tell you what we like, what we hate, what your nominations for the members you feel we spray and spread, what we count on, are most deserving. who we count on, and what we had for dinSet your calendars and get ready for ner last night. The best way to solve a proba great year!! lem is to ask the advice of someone who has already solved it. That is the only way I’ve managed to stay employed Phoenix Floratine at the same place for five AquaVive AnaLync years; by asking the advice Bio-Amp Gro-Power of people in the Sierra NeJRM Aqua-Pucks vada GCSA. After each monthly meeting, I return (800) 322-8417 Farmload Distributors to work with a couple of notes that could improve what I do. Your Exclusive Northern California Dealers What about the sales side of equation? Mike Farmen Bob Francischine Let’s see…. you need to 559-709-6295 209-747-2206 take time away from meetThor Larson Thor Larson ings, sales calls, and count831-277-4356 831-277-4356 ing inventory to come to an
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MEETING SCHEDULE March 15, 2011 Annual Grass Roots Tournament Cherry Island Golf Course Host Superintendent Kurtis Wolford
June 14, 2011 Darkhorse Golf Club Host Superintendent Tracy Shanahan
April 18, 2011 Peach Tree Golf & C.C.
July 18, 2011 2011 Scholarship & Research Tournament The Ridge Golf Club
Host Superintendent Stacy Baker
Host Superintendent Scott McCullough
May 23, 2011 Valley Hi Country Club
August 22, 2011 2011 Tri Chapter Meeting Stockton Golf & C.C.
Host Superintendent Matthew Dunmyer
Hosted Superintendent Jim Alwine
If you are interested in hosting a meeting email Jeremy Payne at jspturf@hotmail.com Or Dave Wilber at davewilber@yahoo.com
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signed to identify and recognize talent in unheralded but promising golf course architects. He is the only twotime winner of the award. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we look to celebrate our “roots” as well as our current success stories, by recognizing several of our peers for their commitment to the association and accomplishments in the field of turfgrass management. We’ve been successful, thanks in large part to our affiliate members’ sponsorships, in keeping the cost of this meeting far lower than any other event we hold throughout the rest of the year, so bring your crew, bring your golf staff, and bring your friends. We’re always better in numbers and this is a great event to experience the strength and value of our association. See you there!
Florida Turfgrass Association and the USGA Green Section committee. Sanford G. Queen, CGCS, manager of golf operations for the city of Overland Park, Kan., was elected vice president. Patrick R. Finlen, CGCS, director of golf course maintenance operations at The Olympic Club in San Francisco, was elected secretary/treasurer. Peter J. Grass, CGCS at Hilands Golf Club in Billings, Mont., Keith A. Ihms, CGCS at Country Club of Little Rock in Little Rock, Ark., and John J. O'Keefe, CGCS, director of golf course management at Preakness Hills Country Club in Wayne, N.J., were each re-elected to another two-year term. Rafael Barajas, CGCS at Hacienda Golf Club in La Habra Heights, Calif., was appointed to the GCSAA Board of Directors, filling the remaining year of Finlen's term, created by his election to secretary/treasurer. William H. Maynard, CGCS at Milburn Golf and Country Club in Overland Park, Kan., remains on
the board with one year remaining in his two-year director term. James R. Fitzroy, CGCS, director/ superintendent at Wollaston Recreational Facility/Presidents Golf Club in North Quincy, Mass., will serve on the board for one year as immediate past president. Mark D. Kuhns, CGCS, director of grounds at Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield, N.J., retires from the board after serving the last year as immediate past president. Other business: Delegates approved a dues increase of $20 annually for Class A and Superintendent members and $10 annually for Class C members. California now has 2 representatives from California on the GCSAA board, and they are very appreciative of the support they have received from their respective local associations, and the California GCSAA.
Don’t miss out on an issue, an announcement, or important information. Call the Association office today to verify your email address is correct. 559-298-6262 or email us at sngcsaa@aol.com
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G OV E R N M E N T R E L A T I O N S U P DA T E - F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 1 BY JIM FERRIN, CGCS A few governmental regulations are coming quickly down the pipeline that superintendents need to Roll -Over Protection Structures (ROPS) are effective March 1, 2011. The Jim Ferrin, CGCS new law states: when visual inspection or technical information from the manufacturer indicates that a riding lawn mower is designed by the manufacturer to be equipped with ROPS, or to accept ROPS as an option, ROPS engineered and approved for the mower shall be provided and used. Approved seat belt assemblies shall be provided and used on all riding lawn mowers where ROPS are installed. Exception: The use of ROPS and seat belts may be temporarily suspended only when operating in areas where the vertical clearance is insufficient to allow a ROPS equipped mower to operate. The scope of these regulations apply to power lawn mowers and cover walk-behind reel and rotary power lawn mowers, riding reel and rotary power lawn mowers, lawn riding tractors with mower attachments, and lawn and garden riding tractors with mower attachments. The safety regulations are intended to provide safety requirements and to help ensure
uniform operator environments. These regulations do not apply to sulky-type units, flail mowers, sickle bar mowers, or tractors as defined in 25 of these Orders unless the tractor is designed primarily for mowing lawns and manufactured in conformance with the ANSI B71.1 or B71.4 national consensus standards for power lawn mowers. Power lawn mowers placed in service after March 29, 1975 through April 15, 1999, shall meet the requirements of ANSI B71.1-1972 and B71.1a-1974 or ANSI B71.1-1980, Safety Specifications for Power Lawn Mowers, Lawn and Garden Tractors and Lawn Tractors, or shall meet the requirements of the applicable ANSI B71.1 or B71.4 standard in effect at the time the mower was manufactured. Power lawn mowers manufactured after April 15, 1999, shall meet the requirements of one of the following ANSI B71.1 or B71.4 standards, as applicable, based on the mower design and date of manufacture. Power lawn mowers manufactured after September 2, 2010, shall be affixed with a durable label stating that the power lawn mower is manufactured in accordance with the applicable law.
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Training and re-training of operators is also a component of these new regulations. As has been forewarned the NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) and its impact on pesticide applications on golf courses near waterbodies is nearing its final phases. Public comments will be accepted (on the public comments made) until March 1, 2011. Tom Calabrese will be assisting us in trying to get a foot into the door in regards to comments along the lines of what California by tacking on Federal guidelines with their own regulations which is overkill. The Golby 11 advocacy group has now taken their cause to the national limelight. The Center for Biological Diversity and Pesticide Action Network North America filed in January the most comprehensive legal action ever brought under the Endangered Species Act to protect imperiled species from pesticides, suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its failure to consult with federal wildlife agencies regarding the impacts of hundreds of pesticides known to be harmful to more than 200 endangered and threatened species. (Continued on page 8)
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Determining your pumping plant efficiency is an inexpensive and indispensible tool to track normal wear and tear, predict replacement requirements, and most importantly for your everyday needs, accurately determine how much water (gallons per minute) your pumps are able to produce at your desired system pressure. Pumps wear each and every year causing the maximum flow capability at a given pressure to decrease over time; since the reverse relationship is true, turning on the same number of sprinklers or maintaining the same maximum flow value in your central computer year after year will undoubtedly lead to lower irrigation distribution uniformity due to a lack of pressure. Obtaining accurate pump data and knowing your pumping capacity is critical because as the old adage says, “If you don’t measure it, then you can’t manage it.” Poor irrigation distribution uniformity causes more wet spots, more dry spots, more hand watering and, to the major faux pas in our business, more complaints due to unsightliness. Given the fierce competition for our patron’s dollar and the squeeze put on all of our budgets, none of us can afford to throw unnecessary dollars toward labor, water or supplies. So what information does a pumping plant efficiency test provide? Well, there are several things that the test measures directly and many things that the test can at least indicate as potential problems. First of all, the test will determine how efficiently the power going into your pump station is converted into fluid power to pressurize your irrigation system. Target efficiency numbers vary with the motor horsepower of electrically powered systems.
During the testing procedure you will be asked what pressure is desired at the pump station. The tester will then operate the pump (individually if you have a multi-pump system) and measure its maximum flow capability at that pressure. While doing this, electrical power consumption will be measured and the horsepower going into the motor will be compared to the water horsepower delivered by the pump to determine the overall pumping plant efficiency. You, as the superintendent, will benefit from performing pumping plant efficiency tests regardless of the system age. Brand new pumps should be tested to determine a base point from which to monitor efficiency on an annual basis. Annual measurements will determine a basic rate of deterioration that can then be used for budgeting replacement. Additionally, new pump stations and the associated system pressure requirement are generally designed with ten to fifteen percent “fudge factors” to be sure they can deliver the desired amount of flow while delivering the minimum required pressure to the highest and/or furthest sprinkler from the pump station. Once your system is installed, hydraulic analysis or remote pressure monitoring will determine your exact “real world” system pressure requirement, and pumping plant efficiency tests will determine your pumps full flow capabilities at your “real world” required pressure. Pin pointing your specific pressure requirement allows for very accurate irrigation management and for the possibility of reduced water windows, reduced horsepower and reduced kilowatt-hour charges on your electricity bill. For example, let’s say you irrigate using 265 acre-feet per year. If you’re told that your system
produces 1,800 gallons per minute at 100 psi and your irrigation designer engineered a ten percent margin of safety, then it’s possible that your system is easily capable of producing 1,950 gallons per minute at possibly 90 psi. If so, the eight percent increase in flow and ten percent decrease in pressure results in approximately $1,000.00 per year reduction in kilowatt-hour charges (using $0.12 per kW-hour). It’s also a possibility that changing the flow requirement placed on the pump could allow its operation to be closer to the pump’s best efficiency point (the best efficiency point is listed on the manufacturer supplied pump curve). In addition to ideal energy conversion, operating your pump at its best efficiency point extends its useful lifetime dramatically (see the US Department of Energy pamphlet 1020011190). Testing older pump stations provides all the benefits associated with new pump stations plus the tests may uncover signs of potentially catastrophic wear that can be addressed before complete failure occurs. Predicting pump failures and repairing them out of season is far better than reacting to pump failure in season when water is needed most, and traditionally, pump service technicians are busy beyond capacity. Depending on the pumps age, it is almost certain that the ability to maintain the desired pressure at a given flow will have diminished easily explaining why water pressure related problems are occurring on the golf course if adjustments have not been made. There is additional useful information gathered in a pumping plant efficiency test. In deep well situations, the standing water level, (Continued on page 7)
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I R RI GAT IO N PU MPI NG P LANT EFFIC IENC Y CO NTI NUED FRO M P AGE 6 and the pumping water level is measured. The standing water level is simply the water depth below the surface. Annual monitoring is a good idea since decreasing water levels could indicate the need for lowering the pump deeper into the well to prevent cavitation or, in the case of an oil-lubed shaft, pumping oil onto your turf. Pumping water level is the water depth below the surface when the pump is in use. As the pump operates, a cone of depression is formed in the well resulting in a lower water level and more lift requirements by the pump. Monitoring the pumping water level is very important because if it gets progressively lower each year, it could indicate a loss in well production or clogged perforations in the well casing both of which need to be addressed at certain critical levels. The immediate affect is lower water pressure at a given flow rate because the pump must lift the water a further distance from within the well. Again, if this is not recognized and adjustments are not made in the central computer, low water pressure and low distribution uniformity will result. Incidentally, some water tables can drop significantly (30 feet or more) in the same irrigation season thus lowering the pumping water level
and having the same affect of higher pressure requirements with lower flow capability. Although a complete pump test is not required, it would be prudent to measure the standing water level in your well in spring and in fall to determine if your water table is subject to such fluctuations. Irrigation systems that are using water from a lake will benefit from observing any significant draw down in the wet well. This would indicate an undersized or clogged intake pipe. Obviously, the superintendent or irrigation tech can make this observation without a pump tester present, but the testing will at least act as a reminder to do so. Flow meters can be very inaccurate due to calibration needs and to less than ideal installations. Flow meter manufacturers suggest a certain length of unobstructed straight pipe be located on either side of a meter for the most accurate measurements (generally the requirement is 10 pipe diameters upstream and 4 pipe diameters downstream of the meter). If your pump station is equipped with a flow meter, pump testing will provide a useful comparison between your flow meter and the tester’s flow meter. Calibration is eventu-
ally required of all meters and annual monitoring will alert you to such needs. Although it is not a requirement, it is beneficial if the tester is using a pressure gauge calibrated to within plus or minus 0.25%. As with the flow meters, digital pressure gauges on pump stations require calibration occasionally and standard gauges need replacement fairly often so annual monitoring offers insight to calibration and/or gauge replacement requirements. Besides the beneficial day to day irrigation management information that comes from a pump test, it’s most likely that pump testing gained popularity with agriculture as a means to decrease electrical power consumption and lessen the supply burden of our utility companies. Most if not all pump test reports will provide a cost benefit analysis comparing your current pumping plant operation cost, expressed in dollars per acre foot pumped, to that of a more efficient system. Certainly this is where the rubber meets the road, and golf courses that are financially strapped can often find ways to invest in new equipment when real data is available.
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LARRY JOHNSON, CGCS , CGIA P (916) 761-1696 F (916) 852-2778 larry@irrigationresource.com
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T U R F T I P S :“ D U C K W E E D R E M OVA L ”
Online, I discovered a pond skimmer that removes duckweed from ponds. Product price - $6500 = Ouch! In an effort to be fiscally responsible, we decided to take up the challenge of making our own duckweed skimmer in house. Our pond depths vary around the golf course, with many sections as little as 12”deep. Dead leaves, grass clippings, fish, and animal waste have all contributed over the years to an excess of nutrients that the duckweed utilizes in sustaining healthy populations. Spraying out the duckweed is a challenge with the limited volume of water and the risk of oxygen loss resulting in a fish kill. The skimmer below has shown
This will be one lawsuit that we will have to keep close tabs on because it has limited the options superintendents have in Northern California where the first lawsuit took place (Golby 11). One final note is a ruling by the Department of Labor regarding wage methodology for the Temporary non-Agricultural Employment H-2B program will not go into effect until January 2012. The final rule requires employers to pay H2B and U.S. workers recruited for H-2B jobs a wage that meets or exceeds the highest prevailing wage (whatever the highest federal, state or local wage that prevails). In a down economy this could have impacted the budgets of seasonal golf courses that rely heavily on H-2B employees.
some encouraging results in managing our duckweed. This view from above shows the green hose that we attach to the trash pump. A bed knife and hose clamps secured the pvc fittings to the bottom of the used fertilizer container. This enables the inlet to stay level and not lean to one side, which causes air bubbles and loss of the prime. A 2” slip-fix added to the top of the riser would aid in adjustments for variation in the pond level. A native area aids in filtering the water and duckweed removed from the pond. The duckweed remains in the native area, while the water finds its way back into the pond. To view the skimmer in action, visit http://sgccturf.blogspot.com
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If you want to share your turf tip be sure to call us 559-298-6262 or email us at sngcsaa@aol.com
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One of the high points of every Golf Industry Show is the opportunity to reconnect with Superintendents from the north, the south, the mountains, and the coast at the annual California Hospitality Room. Long ago this meeting was simply a bunch of donated beer iced down in the tub of somebody’s hotel room. Now it takes over a year to plan the event that can accommodate over 500 people in a comfortable and beautiful setting. Once again, this year’s California Room was a great success The theme in Orlando appeared to be “Smaller is Better” as the Trade Show floor space shrunk slightly, booths were half the size, and California attendees were scarce when compared to our in-house San Diego
event. Even so, the California Room was attended by 200 people at a pool side location at the Rosen Centre. If you weren’t too busy catching up with friends, you could fill up on hors d’oeuvres that easily take the place of a dinner on I-drive. This is one of my favorite events because I get to speak to some people that I rarely see. For example, California’s favorite pathologist, Frank Wong, was in attendance with his trademark smile telling his mood. Larry Stowell and Wendy Gelernter from PACE also came by to see some of their loyal followers just a few short hours after their “Answers on the Hour” presentation, which was very informative and entertaining. Another special guest was our
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new GCSAA Field Representative, Richard Pavlasek. He’s a great addition to our region and you’ll have a chance to meet Richard at one of the Sierra Nevada GCSA meetings this year. Next year’s event is sure to be something special. Plans are already being made for the 2012 California Hospitality Room in Las Vegas. I won’t give away any clues just yet, but it will be a CAN’T MISS evening with all of your friends throughout the California turf industry.
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SUPE O’ THE DAY KURTIS WOLFORD CHERRY ISLAND GOLF COURSE By Sean O’Brien After a number of years at the Haggin Oaks golf complex, the GrassRoots tournament has hit the road. The first stop for the venue will be hosted this year by Kurtis Wolford at Cherry Island Golf Course. Kurtis didn’t waste much time once out of high school finding his way to a golf course. At 18 he was working for Rick White at the Riverbend G.C. in Redding. As he began his schooling down in San Luis Obispo, he worked at Dairy Creek and Cypress Ridge while earning his BS degree in Environmental Horticulture. Once out and in the hunt for a job, he caught the eye of Troon Golf and was soon applying his skills and learning some along the way as an Asst. Supt. building Shadow Lakes in Brent-
wood, CA. Feeling the pull of the Northern half of the state, Kurtis kept his eyes open for an opportunity to head back up the 5. Soon a job opened up for an Assistant at Morgan Creek in Roseville. Stephen McVey hired Kurtis and the move was underway. When the Superintendent job opened up at Cherry Island in 2006 it was the opportunity Kurtis was looking for and he has been making his mark on the public facility ever since. Coming from an agricultural family background in the form of his father being a high school Agriculture teacher and brother, Ken, a Superintendent at Lake Wildwood in Penn Valley, CA, it wasn’t too unexpected for Kurtis to follow in those footprints. What sealed the deal
though weas his enjoyment of playing golf and the love of being in the great outdoors. Kurtis says, “There is nothing better than seeing an awesome sunrise or sunset on the course.” As we all know, it usually happens during the same workday. Happy to be where he is, Kurtis credits “Working with a lot of good quality people that have taught me a lot about of golf and life” for being in the position he is in now. Kurtis talks about what he likes about being a Superintendent. Managing a golf course presents new challenges and opportunities daily to overcome the unexpected. But there is a ton of satisfaction that comes from being prepared to handle such times and to teach others to do the same. The hallmark of any superin-
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SUPE O’ THE DAY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 tendent is the enjoyment he or she derives from these circumstances. More satisfaction comes from “seeing how changes that you have made along time ago work out. I love teaching people new skills and I like helping people do a good job and achieve their goals.” As with most things, of course there are a couple of aspects of the job that tend to irk all of us. They are almost universal. On a maintenance level there are always the unappreciative golfers who disrespect the golf course and don’t seem to have any idea of what it takes to create such a surface to enjoy the outdoors on. Personally, Kurtis isn’t real fond of winter. “I don’t like being cold. My employees say I tend to get crabby when it gets cold.” Sorry Kurtis, but I have
a feeling both conditions are always going to be around. Being a lifelong accomplished golfer Kurtis plays well enough to roam between a 4 and a 10 handicap, depending on how many swings he is getting in. I’m sure his wife Kari and their nearly 2 yr. old daughter Jillian, have a direct impact on that handicap number, especially Jillian. Other ways Kurtis likes to spend his time include riding his road bike, restoring a Volvo p1800 and fly-fishing. On the indoor side are reading and woodworking, primarily furniture making. Cherry Island was one of the early courses built at the beginning of the golf boom. Opening in 1990 the Robert Muir Graves track measures 6583 from the Blue, 6201 from the white, a yellow tee at 5556 and
finally a red length of 5163. No. 16 is of particular interest. Sorry, but you’ll have to go to the meeting to see why. Keeping up with irrigation issues and trying to improve them in the future is the main focus of Kurtis’ time. A bonus to Cherry Island is Kurtis’ skill as a tree trimmer. As most courses would love to have a “climber” to help out with this task Kurtis says “We do 95% of our own tree work. I love getting out my climbing gear.” Finally Kurtis admits to being a Jack of all trades. “I can usually fix anything from a computer to anything mechanical.” Well if he is willing, I would like to get him to work on this economy.
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R I C H A R D P AV L A S E K , C G C S
Richard Pavlasek, CGCS has accepted the position of Field Staff-Southwest Regional Representative (AZ, CA, HI & NV) in the Member/Chapter Services de-
partment. He will be working remotely from his home office in Phoenix, AZ. Richard most recently has been working for Gainey Ranch Golf Club in Scottsdale, AZ as the Director of Golf Course Maintenance. Prior to Gainey Ranch, Richard was the Director of Golf Course Maintenance at Brookhaven Country Club in Dallas, TX, the Head Golf Course Superintendent at Canyon Creek Country Club in Richardson, TX and Director of Golf Course Maintenance at Knollwood Country Club in Granger, IN. Richard has served on the Board of Directors and as President for the North Texas GCSA
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and Michigan GCSA. H e h a s been an active member of four different chapters during his time with GCSAA and most recently been a member with the Cactus & Pine GCSA. Richard is an 18-year GCSAA member and received his certification in 1999. Richard earned a bachelor’s degree in Agronomy from Texas A&M University. He currently lives in Phoenix, AZ with his wife Darby. He has two daughters, Stephanie and Stacy, who live in Texas. We look forward to working with Richard and have already started filling his schedule.
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W I L B E R ' S S I E R R A N E VA DA N E W S By Dave Wilber Elkhorn Country Club in Stockton is the latest victim of what many are calling “Economic Rightsizing”. Doors closed. No plans to Dave Wilber reopen. Cal Richardson is the new Super at El Macero Country Club taking over for Dustin Strickland who has taken over at Silverado Country Club in Napa. Troon Golf manages both properties. Jeff Frontz is the new Super at Saddle Creek Golf Re-
sort in Copperopolis. Jeff comes to us from Arizona. Scott Dickson, formerly of Saddle Creek Golf Resort is excited to begin his new gig with Turf and Industrial Equipment Supply. Scott will be working the East Bay, Napa and into The Valley (because he loves us all and can’t stay away). Bill Davis, formerly superintendent at Wild Wings Golf Course is now Sales and Marketing Manager for StollerPRO Professional T&O Products Our GrassRoots event promises to be a great thing. Kurtis Wolford and staff at Cherry Island Golf Course will take good care of us. Remember that this event is designed to say
thanks to our staff members. We’ve kept the cost low so that you can bring a guest or two or three. Bo Links is a speaker not to be missed! Mike Azevedo of Yolo Fliers Country Club reports that he is fighting his bout with cancer with the gloves off. Radiation and now Chemo means he’s doing more than most humans should handle. Mike asks to let everyone know he appreciates their well wishes and that he’s looking forward to being back at Yolo Fliers and being out on the turf. We are looking for meeting sites! If you’d like to host a meeting, contact Pete Bowman, myself or Irene Cline.
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2011 GIS Conference & Show
Pictured above are Geoff Johanson and David Piper working the trade show floor in Orlando
Above Bob Miller works at The Andersons booth and below Pete Bowman and Denis Smith take time out for the camera.
Above are the Cleary’s Crew, from left Brad Garrett, Robert Hunter, and Joe Chavarria
At right Association Manager Irene Cline and Larry Blackledge stop in front of the Quali-Pro both for a quick picture.
Above at Dave and Jonathan break for a photo op.
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2011 California Room The 2011 California Room was set up to offer all the attendees the opportunity to network in a very relaxing atmosphere. The weather held on for the group providing a beautiful evening for everyone to enjoy. Pictured at left are Kevin Breen, CGCS California GCSA Past President and Sierra Nevada National Delegate and Kevin Friesen, CGCS, California GCSA President . Both welcomed everyone to the event. Below is our President Jim Alwine and Mike Blume.
At left is Chuck and Marilyn Talley. Below Frank Wong smiles for the camera as Kevin Breen stresses a point.
Manny Pina pictured above and at right everyone enjoyed the food and beverages that were provided for the group by all the great sponsors.
MISSION STATEMENT The Sierra Nevada GCSA is established to enhance the profession and promote the growth of golf through quality education and networking opportunities for all members