September/October 2014
Empire Ranch Golf Course 2014 Annual Meeting Hosted by Rodney Muller
Sierra Nevada GCSA An Affiliate Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
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November 17, 2014
Annual Election Meeting Empire Ranch G.C.
Host Superintendent Rodney Muller
December 12, 2014 Annual Holiday Event
Frasinetti Winery
January 28, 2015 Mechanics Field Day The Ridge Golf Course Hosted by Scott McCullough
February 21-26, 2015 GCSAA Golf Industry Show San Antonio
February 25, 2016 California Room 6:00 to 9:00
Mike Scully Valley Crest/Modesto 209-578-9678
VICE PRESIDENT Rob Williams Stockton Golf & C.C. 209-462-6734
William Hamilton Lake Wildwood Association
Kurtis Wolford Cherry Island Golf Course 916-991-7659
Affiliate Representatives
Jim Barbuto Ewing Irrigation 916-502-3287
Jeremy Payne Winchester C.C. 530-878-9099
DIRECTORS Dave Bermudez Del Rio Golf & Country Club 209-341-2413
Pete Bowman Jacobsen West 916- 531-7204
FORE YOUR INFORMATION Published by the Sierra Nevada Golf Course Superintendents Association
EDITOR Bill Hamilton, CGCS OFFICE SNGCSA 5322 N. Leonard, Clovis, CA 93619 559-298-6262 Fax# 559-298-6957
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S A C R A M E N T O G O L F I N D U S T RY W A T E R C O N S E RVA T I O N T A S K F O RC E U P DA T E By Kurtis Wolford & Matt Dillon The continuing historic drought in California is causing multiple industries to position themselves to secure access to the precious resource, water, to ensure their economic viability. The golf industry is no different. Public perception of our industries use of water does not align with fact, yet as a group we often neglect the messaging of our environmental stewardship which includes for most of us a judicious use of water. Golf courses represent approximately 3.5% of the total turfgrass in California and consume approximately 1.2% of the total water consumed for crop irrigation in California and account for less than 1% of the total fresh water used in the state. In California alone our industry generated over $6.3 billion of economic activity in 2011 and the game of
golf supported approximately $13.1 billion of total economic activity, $4.1 billion of wage income, and over 128,000 jobs in 2011.This information came directly from the California Golf Economy: Economic and Environmental Impact Report). Additionally, driven by our professions mandate to provide the firmest and driest playing conditions possible, golf courses generally utilize some of the most sophisticated irrigation technologies and management in the irrigation industry and typically apply irrigation amounts below daily evapotranspiration rates. In short if golf went away in California, water savings would amount to 1%- 2% of the total water used in the state. Along with that the tax revenue and jobs that go with our industry which rival com-
bined revenue of all other professional spectator sports in the state would disappear . This information also came directly from the California Golf Economy: Economic and Environmental Impact Report pp.7) In January, with the help of Craig Kessler from the California Alliance for Golf and Southern California Golf Association and Jeff Jensen from the GCSAA, local superintendents, golf course owners, club managers, professional golfers, and vendors from all over Northern California ranging from Tahoe (east), Chico (north), Modesto (south) and the Sacramento area (west) formed the Sacramento Golf Industry Water Conservation Task Force (SGWT). (Continued on page 5)
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T A S K F O R C E U P DA T E The Mission of this task force is very simple, to ensure the long-term viability of the game of golf in the Sacramento area by getting a seat at the table with water regulators as they develop municipal codes for water use that can effect our local industry. In the Sacramento region our first step has been to foster a relationship with the Regional Water Authority (RWA). The water task force will be joining the RWA as an affiliate member very shortly. Joining RWA as an associate member will enable us to develop a relationship with the water districts that supply water to many of the golf courses in the Sacramento Region. RWA and the Regional Groundwater Authority (RGA) share the same offices and staff along with many crossover members. Getting the industry a seat at the table with both agencies is crucial as many golf courses in the area depend on ground-
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water and will be effected by the wave of rules and regulations that are set to begin in 2015. So far Golf has been the only industry to have taken this step in joining RWA as an affiliate member wanting to develop a relationship with providers. Additionally the task force has developed a structure and protocols similar to what other successful water task forces in the Southern California have done. We have adopted an Alternative Means of Compliance for Large Landscape Areas and Sports Fields (AMC) and associated documents that will be published. We will be appointing an executive board that will be comprised of a member of the California Alliance for Golf (CAG), California Golf Course Owners Association (CGCOA), Club Managers Association of America (CMAA), Northern California Golf Association (NCGA), Northern California PGA
(NCPGA), Sierra Nevada Golf Course Superintendents Association (SNGCSA). Golf Course representatives will be encouraged to come to meetings that will be held quarterly and will be encouraged to participate in the taskforce by adopting and adhering to the (AMC) documents. We all know what is coming with water regulations and ground water monitoring. Sacramento golf is doing the right thing by getting involved proactively with local regulators rather than having to react to regulations that are not conducive to sound agronomic practices to our golf courses, businesses and livelihoods. If anyone has questions about this program please feel free to contact Kurtis Wolford (916) 826-2030 or Matt Dillon (916) 303-3044.
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Lawrence, Kan. (Oct. 14, 2014) - Jim Ferrin and Sam Samuelson, certified golf course superintendents and coowners of Turf Eco-Logic Consultants LLC, have been selected to receive the 2014 Leo Feser Award from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA). The award is given annually to the author of the best superintendent-written story published in the association’s flagship publication, Golf Course Management. The two superintendents from California co-authored a January article entitled “Fear and Loathing and the ADA” about how adapting golf courses for Americans with disabilities is the right thing to do for every reason, including that it makes solid business sense for golf facilities. Ferrin, 62, is the superintendent at Timber Creek Golf Course at Sun City Roseville in Roseville, Calif., while Samuelson, 59, is the superintendent at Wildhawk Golf Club in Sacramento. Both are certified golf course superintendents and have been members of GCSAA for at least 30 years. “I am on cloud nine right now,” said Ferrin. “It’s a dream come true. I am going to take this feeling and run with it for a while. When I got the news, I actually cried. “For Sam and I, it was a great experience. We wanted to tell a story to help golf courses and to show that this is an opportunity. It feels great to be recognized for something I believe in.” The two winners will receive all-expenses-paid trips to the 2015 Golf Industry Show in San Antonio and will also have their names engraved on a plaque permanently dis-
played at GCSAA headquarters. The Feser Award honors the late Leo Feser, a pioneer golf course superintendent and a charter member of GCSAA. Feser is credited with keeping the association’s official publication alive during the Great Depression. For three years (1933-36), he wrote, edited, assembled and published each issue of The Greenkeepers’ Report (as the association’s magazine was called then) from his home in Wayzata, Minn. The award was first presented in 1956 and has been given annually since 1977. Members of GCSAA’s Strategic Communication Task Group select the winner of the award each year. About GCSAA and the EIFG The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) is a leading golf organization in the United States. Its focus is on golf course management, and since 1926 GCSAA has been the top professional association for the men and women who manage golf courses in the U.S. and worldwide. From its headquarters in Lawrence, Kan., the association provides education, information and representation to nearly 18,000 members in more than 78 countries. The association’s mission is to serve its members, advance their profession and enhance the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf. Visit GCSAA at www.gcsaa.org or find us on Facebook or Twitter. The Environmental
Feser Award winners Jim Ferrin, CGCS (left) and Sam Samuelson, CGCS (Photo by Emmy Moore Minister)
Institute for Golf is the philanthropic organization of the GCSAA. Its mission is to foster sustainability through research, awareness, education, programs and scholarships for the benefit of golf course management professionals, golf facilities and the game. Visit EIFG at www.eifg.org or find us on Facebook or Twitter
Check out the website: Sierranevadagcsa.com
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2 0 1 4 H O L I DA Y E V E N T F R A S I N E T T I ’ S W I N E RY Save the date for another great Christmas party get together with all of your Sierra Nevada friends on December 12th at Frasinetti’s Winery. Frasinetti’s Winery is located in south Sacramento near 99 and Florin Road and should provide us with a nice central location for all to gather. Frasinetti’s was founded well over a century ago in 1897. The winery is the oldest family owned and operated wine producer in the Sacramento Valley. James Frasinetti, the founder, was an Italian immigrant who brought with him “old world” winemaking knowledge and a desire to build a reputation for his quality wine. In
the 1970’s third generation grandsons Gary and Howard took over the operation. They made changes to the winery from an operation that produced generic wines in large Redwood vats, to a small progressive winery blending old tradition with improved methods of the present. In 1985, Howard and Gary established a restaurant in the old “East Cellar” among the cement fermentation tanks and large redwood wine vats. Our Christmas party on December 12th will include wine tasting along with a nice dinner. We will also have our white elephant gift exchange which is usually a guaranteed comical time for all. Please
bring your spouse or significant other to this event. Be on the lookout for the email blast containing pricing and other information concerning the Sierra Nevada GCSA Christmas Party at Frasinett’s Winery. I look forward to seeing everyone there and lets all take some time as the season draws to a close to do some things that we enjoy and spend some time with friends and family.
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I hope this finds all of our valued members doing well and enjoyJeff Jensen ing some great fall weather. I had the opportunity to visit San Antonio recently for pre-convention meetings for the upcoming Golf Industry Show that will take place Feb. 21-26, 2015. I can assure you that this is a show you won’t want to miss. The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center will provide a terrific setting
for the trade show and education with the world famous River Walk in downtown San Antonio providing everything you need to stay, play and dine. All 14 hotels that are featured through GCSAA Housing are located within an easy 11-minute walk of the Convention Center and many are located right on the River Walk itself. Hundreds of great restaurants (with a heavy focus on Mexican, Texas BBQ and the traditional steakhouse), shops and nightlife dot the landscape and should make the venue terrific for networking and entertaining. Additionally, the GCSAA Golf Championships are being
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played at four outstanding golf facilities including Cordillera Ranch, The Palmer Course at La Cantera, The Quarry and TPC San Antonio which plays host to the PGA TOUR’s Texas Open. The host hotel for the Golf Championships is the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa. Early registration for both the Golf Industry Show and the GCSAA Golf Championships opens Nov. 4. Early full pack registration cost (before Feb. 2, 2015) for the Golf Industry Show is $395 for GCSAA members. A $245 trade show only package is available as well. Seminars are $180 for (Continued on page 9)
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a full-day, $155 for six-hours, $105 for a half-day and $70 for two-hours. Registration is available online at http:// www.golfindustryshow.com/ registration. The GCSAA Golf Championship will feature the National Championship, Golf Classic, Four-Ball and Shamble. The various events are scheduled for Feb. 21-23. The National Championship (open to the first 100 superintendents with a handicap index of 5.0 and below) and the Golf Classic (flighted by handicap, using a point quota scoring system) are $475 per player ($575 for affiliates participating in the Golf Classic). Entry fee for the Four-Ball
and Shamble are $175 per player ($275 for affiliates). Registration for the GCSAA Golf Championships is available at http://www.golfindustryshow.com /gcsaa-golfchampionships/registrationinformation.
We appreciate your continued support of these two great events and look forward to seeing you in San Antonio next February.
If you have any questions concerning the Golf Industry Show, the GCSAA Golf Championships or need any information about the area, please don’t hesitate to call me at 785-840-7879, email me at jjensen@gcsaa.org or visit the website at www.golfindustryshow.com.
Paul K. Smith Sales Representative Pest Control Advisor Western Specialty Division
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HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY 3155 Southgate Lane Chico, Ca 95928 Bus: (530) 342-4786 (800) 554-5703 Fax: (530) 343-9047
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HIG HLIG HTS FROM W H I T E H AW K R A N C H PRESIDENT’S CUP TOURNAMENT Tournament Results 1st Place Low Gross Wes Leith 71
2nd Place Low Gross Arturo Rio's 74 3rd Place Low Gross Steve Byrne 75 Also 1st place Low gross (aff) 1st Place Low Net Colby Gunsch 63
Craig Pearson pictured above accepting a “THANK YOU” from Rob Williams, VP for the Sierra Nevada GCSA. Craig welcomed the group and
2nd Place Low Net Paul Watts 67 3rd Place Low Net Matt Melarkey 67 Closest to hole # 3 Phil Lindqueist 17' 11" Closest to hole # 16 Steve Byrne 2'2" Winner of this year’s President Cup Trophy is Wes Leith. This is the third year for Wes. Congratulations on is fine score. Pictured along with West is Steve Byrne winner of the Affiliate Trophy,
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H IG HLIG HTS FROM W H I T E H AW K R A N C H Below is Hulisis Avila, Marciano Garcia, and Peter Galea.
The team of Steve McVey, CGCS, Wes Leith, Bill Hamilton, CGCS, and Pete Bowman.
Dave Macy was getting ready to celebrate his retirement and he was thanked for his service to our industry. Above Steve Beck is getting ready to spend a beautiful day at Whitehawk. It was a litte smokey from the fires to the south that had everyone on their toes. We hope that everyone survived this tragedy. At left is from right Matt Melarkey, along with his guests Keith Hill and Mike Cunniff.
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2014 California Room Historic Sunset Station San Antonio February 25th, 2015 6:00 to 9:00
Registration/Sponsorships Access on Line Registration at Californiagcsa.org If you can not access on line registration please contact the association office to confirm your registration and make your payment. 559-298-4853
All California GCSA Chapter members, wives or significant others are welcome. There will be a California Room admission fee of $25 pre-registration or $75 at the door. Pre-registration will begin October 1, 2014 and end on February 20, 2015. 2015 Lone Star Sponsor
Children attending will be admitted free.