Sighthound Ezine #2

Page 1

Welcome News

Sighthound Vintage Doggy Tea Party

Five festive collars International rescue

Charity Spotlight:

Lurcher SOS

Prince Albert’s EOS Tips & Tricks:

snapping your Hound

issue 2 1 Kevin the Whippet | Murray the lurcher | Victoria Kingston + Much MORE!

Welcome News

Sighthound issue 2 SIGHTHOUND EZINE WAS CREATED to bring you some of the most engaging and interesting sighthound stories, news and roos. We hope you enjoy this issue



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GRWE Join the campaign to Protect Racing Greyhounds


Victoria Kingston - Happy canine Christmas


The Vintage Doggy Tea Party & Pageant


Glory to the newborn kings & queens


Murray the Lurcher - Travellin light


Charity Spotlight - Lurcher SOS Sighthound & Lurcher Rescue


International Rescue - Florida style


Pooch & Mutt - An ethical choice



Stanley the Lurcher - The caring hound


Dani weaves her Minkeys Tweed success story


43 33 45

29 Product Feature - Five great hound collars


Bull Lurchers - Killer dogs or just misunderstood?


Kevin the Whippet’s Foto Booth Challenge


A New Dawn for Wispa & Shaggy


Tracey Ison - A winters tail


EOS. The other love in Prince Albert’s life


Tips & Tricks - Snapping your hound


Star Hounds for Homing


Make your own - Santa dog coat and accessories



a Festive word from your editor Hellooo and welcum back to our festiv ishu of Sighthound ezine!


e av ad so menny wunderful comments and gud wishes about our bumper launch edishun, it was all so chuffin, honestly.

This time we are stuffed full of luffly pictures from sooper-talented fotogrophers like Kerry from Whippet Snippets, who went out snapping lucky Murray (he is on our cover I am jellus). As we take a luk back on Halloween and a gaze forward to Crimbo, we hav gweat contwibutions fwom new clomnists like Tracey, who is keepin us houndys in gweat nick, important at this time of year. (I shud know, I was out mindin me own bizness when a nasty lickle terrier ad a go at me, I ad to be stiched up at the vets. Not appy about that AT ALL I can tell ya!) Anyway, Kevin the Whippet is judgin the wesults of his Spooky Foto Booth masterpeece, which weelly scared the pants off of us. Wemember to enter his dwess-up for the Jingle Balls Foto Challenge only £1 for your Satin Star Wosette and an extwa speshul hamper prize! Also Victoria Kingston has her new book out, Doggy Mixtures. A gweat Xmas curl-up in an armchair by the fire to reed over the olidays. Sumfink I will be doin no doubt after tuckin in to some nice leftovers.


Sighthound magazine is brought to you by Welcome News, a new concept in charity publishing. We promote and celebrate the work of causes that are close to our hearts, both in the UK and abroad. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this issue. We are grateful for your time and patience.


We feeture more fwom our charidees and wescues who make such a lot of diffewence to our mates lives, espeshully at this time of year, includin Arundawn Rescue and a speshul feeture fwom Hounds First. We also tellin the luffly stowy of Prince Alberts faithful gwey companiun Eos, plus how to make a bootiful Xmas coat for your own woyal hound. Our sponsor and advertisin opportunitees is still open too, so if you wun a gweat bizness that our reeders wud like to reed about – just emale us or pick up the dog and bone, give us a twilite bark. If you hav a fwend who would like to reed Sighthound too, let them know they can sign up here for our next ishu, out soon! Have a gwate festiv oliday, hug your hounds from all of us ere, wiv dog peece and luff fwom the Sighthound teem! Santa-ta fur now The Merry Igster x Editor at Large and my lickle elpers Patricia & Steve x

Cover Photo: Murray, by Kerry Jordan

See P.33 for more from Kerry. Back Cover Photo: Look Back, by Lachlan Hardy - visit Lachlan’s Flickr account here.

Advertising - Please contact us via email if you are interested in advertising within this publication: Editor: Patricia Brown Design: Stephen Dunhill

GRWE join the campaign to protect racing greyhounds

Above (l to r): Marc the vet, Joe Duckworth, Angela Smith MP, Jan Lake GRWE Chair, ‘Katy the Greyhound’, Lisa Morris-Tomkins Interim GRWE CEO

An out of sight day for hounds


reyhound Rescue West of England attended the launch of the latest report published by League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) in October 2014 at The House of Commons. The Report is titled ‘The state of greyhound racing in Great Britain.’ Annette Crosby OBE, who is an Honorary Friend of GRWE, spoke passionately about her experience of homing ex-racing greyhounds, and of seeing them grow in confidence as they settle into their forever retirement.

To celebrate GRWEs brand new website, Press Officer Stuart Parslow takes a good look with some expert I.T. support from ex-racer Mick.

There are many welfare charities involved in protection and campaigning on behalf of greyhounds. So GRWE welcomed the chance to join with others in making a stand for positive change. It’s something both GRWE and we here at Sighthound ezine believe in. You can read the Report here You may also want to add your name to an e-petition which aims to strengthen legal protection for racing greyhounds:

YOUR NAME COUNTS Strengthen legal protection for racing greyhounds

Click Here to sign The e-petition


The Vintage Doggy Tea Party & Pageant in aid of Arundawn Dog Rescue


opsale Village Hall is like a gentle reminder of how things used to be. To live in an era of making do and mending, simple pleasures and rural community pursuits, this Tea Party really brought the vintage spirit of yesteryear to life one pretty but rather wet day in Sussex.

organiser Julia Jepps has a stylish vintage antiques business, and her co-organiser Maryanne of Jam and Tea. Julia sometimes fosters Arundawn rescue dogs that need a comfortable sofa. Official photographers were Scrummies Photography who have some nice photos of the day on their site.

The site of the Vintage Doggy Tea Party, in aid of Arundawn Dog Rescue near Horsham, had been beautified to resemble the old village fetes of England’s dreaming, with vintage furniture and finds, old-fashioned cakes, homemade lemonade and a spread any W.I. would be proud of. Not forgetting a very special doggy buffet complete with boneshaped sandwiches.

There were lots of Doggy Pageant competitions including the usual Prettiest and Most Handsome, with a big percentage of canine attendees made up of lurchers, greys and whippets. There were even a couple of enormous and beautiful deerhounds holding court.

This great day out was the result of a collaboration between Arundawn Dog Rescue, Gazehound Vintage, whose

Our own Rover Reporter Murray was there of course, investigating the event too. It was only after the heavens had opened for quite a while that he decided to climb onto his Assistant’s lap as the best way to weather the

downpour. Everyone continued in wellies, completely undeterred. Sussex in autumn holds no fears for dog owners. The hounds naturally didn’t mind one bit - particularly the water dogs. Only one incident occurred, despite the huge amount of dogs in a mildly confined space, when a slightly dizzy hound wrapped itself, plus owner, around the central pole of the café tent, threatening to pull down the canvas onto the heads of everyone sitting underneath! With patient help both were gently extricated and were set free to enjoy their day. A couple of Arundawn dogs, Daisy and Paco were also there to meet the public, enjoy the event and find their new homes. The event raised £670 for the rescue, with a bigger event planned for next year. We cant wait!

If you have a doggy themed event happening in your area and would like to tell us about it – just get in touch!



Murray the Lurcher Travellin’ Light



Murray the Lurcher Sighthound’s Rover Reporter MUses on his performance at the photo shoot he won at the Vintage Doggy Tea Party & PAgeant


t’s your favourite cover star Murray here! Following me Halloween dress up for me Facebook fans I got to go on a special photo shoot with Whippet Snippets after I won the raffle at the Vintage Doggy Tea Party and Pageant. Talk about lucky! It’s me middle name. Well I have been getting used to being in a whirl of paparazzi and pampering, so when I went with me Assistant and her Hubby to meet Kerry I felt it was all pretty par for the course. We arrived at Midhurst, in the lovely middle of West Sussex, on a warm and sunny autumn afternoon. She got me to do all sorts - climb walls, run attractively towards the camera, look up, look to the left, to the right, it was non-stop. I stopped short of pointing though. A bit too media star for me, I leave that to the Italians.

Well, the life of a celeb hound is pretty hard work and no mistake. Lady GaGa could take a few tips from me let me tell you. That meat dress wouldn’t last a minute steak on me. And now me Assistant tells me she is already planning some nice beauty spots for a spring / summer collection. Even Redhounds

Previous page & above: Murray’s photo shoot with Whippet Snippets Below: Murray the little devil in his Halloween Horns Bottom: Murray and his Assistant on the train

for Dogs said they might use me in future to model for them. It’s all been such a dream. But I really took to that Kerry, although I do pride meself on being fairly strong-willed. Between you and me I don’t honestly do much of anything me Assistant and her Hubby ask me to do. But oddly I found meself doing whatever Kerry wanted. I don’t know why. She seemed to have a magic way with me. I also met her three handsome pointy faces Scout, Boo and Jasper. Me Assistant and her Hubby said they felt like she was a friend you’d known for years - she put us all at ease dead quickly. We had a great day out and the final shots Kerry got were awesome. I felt like a real pro. I may even go into film work at some point, I’m feeling quite ready for that now. Until then, you’ll have to make do with me cover shot! Be good and see you onscreen somewhere soon! Lurcher love and happy holidays everyone,

Murray x 8

Greyhound Pets of America

International Rescue - Florida style One Florida couple have completely refused to take retirement lying down after their careers working at the Kennedy Space Centre came to an end


ennis and Claire Tyler became entranced after adopting an exracing greyhound way back in 1991 called Clara Voyant. She proved to be very calm, incredibly loving and was quick to learn in obedience classes. Clara completely overturned the then prevalent belief that greyhounds do not make good pets. ‘She was incredible’ says Tyler. ‘That dog was the beginning.’ Like so many new hound owners they simply became hooked. Following the realisation that thousands of greyhounds retiring from the track industry in Florida (which is much more developed than in other areas of the US) needed urgent adoption, they set up their own rescue and rehoming facility, as a branch of


Greyhound Pets of America, Central Florida Chapter. ‘Looking at those faces and knowing they need to be adopted when they are done’ says Tyler ‘you get concerned.’ The couple work closely with tracks in Central Florida, providing medical help, neutering and spaying. Florida tracks have increasingly come under the scrutiny of Grey2K USA in recent times. Whatever one’s stance on the ethics of racing, which also differs in the legal sense across many US states, the Tylers continue their work with a constant commitment in sometimes difficult circumstances. In 2013 their organisation helped 19 greyhounds recover from racing injuries at a cost of $13,500.

The dogs themselves seem to be drawn to Dennis instantly, and many people have remarked over the years that the greyhounds instinctively take to him, seeming to know they will be looked after.

In addition to their rehoming efforts they also share their extensive experience and mentor new adoption groups that continue to spring up. Following such a huge change in their life path, they have had some great successes. To date they have found new homes for 7,800 greyhounds. Dennis even went on to receive an award for the work he does from People Magazine. The couple have also helped other groups relocate a further 500 dogs to their forever sofas. The dogs themselves seem to be drawn to Dennis instantly, and many people have remarked over the years that the greyhounds instinctively take to him, seeming to know they will be looked after. Seeing his big, bear-like

presence in his photos it seems no wonder that he appears to have a way with them. Each year Dennis and Claire make up to 15 journeys, taking to the road in a specially outfitted trailer that can transport several dogs comfortably. The dogs can then be taken to rescues in non-racing states. This wider pool gives them a much greater chance of being rehomed quickly. Once there, forever homes are then found and Dennis follows up with visits to many of the adopters. ‘After a trip we are tired, dog tired’ he says. ‘You worry about problems on the way. It’s very challenging, we’re responsible.’ To find out more about the Tylers and their work, Greyhound Pets of America, Central Florida now has a new Facebook page. Top: Claire and Dennis with their own greys Goyo and Blue Eyes Left: Denis’ rapport with the dogs is instinctive Previous page: Greyhound rehoming, US style!


Minkeys Tweed

Dani weaves her Minkeys Tweed success story Based in Surrey, Minkeys Tweed have gained an enviable international reputation for their 100% handmade products


weed is widely known as a quality product – the quintessential Scottish woven fabric that calls to mind windswept uplands, roaming in the gloaming and old money. It has witnessed a rise and fall in popularity over the years, and is now finding a new story with one pioneering company, taking it to a fresh and appreciative audience. One day back in February 2012, Danielle Rees decided to design and make a coat for her pet greyhound ‘Dougal’. It proved to be one of the best decisions she ever made, because this is how the successful firm of Minkeys Tweed came into being. Dougal was a 6-year old fawn ex-racer who had been impressive on the track, even winning the 2011 Greyhound Grand National. He was now a retired couch potato who lived for his walks with Dani and of course loved all his home comforts. Following that first coat, Dani felt that she could improve on the generic coat types available on the market at the time, which would fit the elegant build of sighthounds like Dougal more closely. She wanted something that looked


fashionable, but was warm and practical too. She then came across the dream fabric… tweed. After a lot of research into the material itself, Dani concluded her search by finding it in a traditional location - the hills of Scotland. The tweed cloth she chose is a true picture of what traditional tweed should look and feel like, being both warm and hardwearing for hounds. The fabric is sourced from the few mills left that still use traditional weaving techniques and have been producing tweed for over 100 years. The woven designs are inspired by the surrounding Scottish landscape. Tweed was originally named ‘tweel’, the Scottish name for twill, as it was woven in a twill pattern rather than a plain design. The story goes that a London merchant mistook the spelling of ‘tweel’, assuming it was the tradename of a mill by the River Tweed, which flows through the cloth producing area and the rest is history. After creating her first few coats and posting their images on Facebook, Danielle started to become inundated with requests. With demand

Left: Barnaby Sighthound Coat Centre: Christmas Bandanas Below: Brown Leather Lead

growing for the sighthound coats in particular, that was the day Minkeys Tweed transformed from being simply a hobby into a business. Dani still lacked a structured strategy or plan, but now had a clear mission to make the fashionable yet practical sighthound-wear. Shortly after this came her first designer collection of tweed sighthound coats by ‘Minkeys Tweed’. Experimenting with the designs, Dani incorporated a fun but iconic polka dot pattern to contrast with the tweed cloth. This also served to make her attractive and eye-catching designs stand out as very different to other sighthound coats available at that time. The Minkeys Tweed studio is based in Surrey, with every coat still 100% handmade with love and care in the UK, although now by a team of designers. Because of this, Minkeys Tweed is also able to offer a bespoke service - which befits tailored tweed - at no extra cost. The company is now successfully making coats for a huge variety of hounds right across the globe. Over 2 years down the line and Minkeys Tweed now designs coat collections not just for for sighthounds but all other dog breeds too. Dani has had fun with the team adding harnesses for smaller dogs, luxury dog beds, blankets, toys, collars and leads for the smartest of smart pets. The studio is buzzing with fresh designs and products, all with the aim of expanding the business further.

Minkeys Tweed leather dog collar & lead collection Dani says ‘These are exclusively handmade for us to incorporate our unique tweeds and to compliment our current coat collections - so your hound can sport the entire Minkeys Tweed look! ‘Handmade from the highest quality materials and padded for extra comfort, they are lined with soft Italian leather, making our collars a supple and chic country accessory. Featuring three of our favourite tweeds and set in black or brown leather, we have a collar to suit every sighthound!’

Check out the Minkeys Tweed collection online at:

Its really good to learn about Dani and her Minkeys Tweed success story, we can’t wait to see what she will weave into the next instalment.


Victoria Kingston

Happy Canine Christmas Victoria brings you more humorous musings on life with her sighthound family



ou know, every year, I vow not to buy doggy Christmas stockings. And I still do. One year, I was in our local budget store, searching for doggy stockings with no luck. I spoke to the shop assistant. She looked about 12. ‘They aren’t in yet,’ she said. ‘It’s only October.’ ‘Yes, that’s true,’ I said with dignity. ‘But I can’t help noticing you already have hamster stockings.’ She did not reply. But she looked at me with a mixture of disbelief, disdain and pity. ‘You sad old dear’, she probably thought. I do not consider myself old. One night during the Christmas break, at about ten o’clock, I felt very hungry – for something hot. Not anything Christmassy—just something simple. Cream of tomato soup. I had just one tin left in the cupboard. I poured it into a saucepan and left it to simmer while I dug out a bowl and spoon. Some buttered bread would be good too.

But no. What I saw was so shocking, so truly awful that all I could do for a moment was stare. Molly, our shy little greyhound who had been so badly abused in her short life, was on her hind legs, confidently leaning on the kitchen counter with her front paws, her head in the saucepan—and yes, lapping at my soup! My lovely, one-tin-only-inthe-cupboard soup. Sulkily, I ate the bread and butter, and wiped Molly’s face, which was stained with red soup. ‘I’m glad you’re feeling braver these days,’ I said to her. ‘I really am. But Molls, that was my last tin.’ She gazed at me adoringly. Yes, I enjoyed it, thank you, she said. Well, that’s Christmas for you. Make it a happy one for you and your family – humans and hounds alike.

I suppose that, while I was doing these little tasks, I was aware of a lapping sound, but only at the back of my mind. One of the dogs at the water bowl, I would be thinking. And then I went back to the stove, holding a plate of bread and butter, ready for the lovely soup.

Victoria Kingston’s latest book Doggy Mixtures, a collection of lovely stories, is available from early October priced £6.95. She has also written Hounds At Home, in collaboration with Hilary Johnson. Victoria has a lifetime of experience with dogs and lives with David and five rescue greyhounds. More about Victoria and her books can be found on her website:

Victoria Kingston Victoria Kingston graduated with an English degree from University College London and qualified as a teacher at London University. She grew up in Leicester before emigrating to Australia and New Zealand when she was nine. Returning to London at age 13, she spent her teenage years enjoying books, films, trips to markets – and of course, dogs. She considers herself to be a Londoner and proves it by complaining about the noise, traffic and pollution at regular intervals. She lives there with her partner David and five greyhounds. She co-founded and co-ordinates Hound Aid, a support group which raises funds and provides supplies for smaller animal charities in the UK and Spain. Victoria taught English and Creative Writing before ill health made her change career to become a full-time writer. She writes magazine features on show business and also gives local talks about her writing and dogs. Hounds At Home, co-written with Hilary Johnson, is now in its second edition and also on Kindle. It depicts the highs and lows of living with adopted greyhounds. Her latest book is Doggy Mixtures, a collection of stories about many breeds of dog and her diverse experiences. You can order these books on Victoria’s website. photo credit :

Liz Coleman,


Hounds First Sighthound Rescue

Glory to the newborn kings & queens A different kind of nativity


ne dark and windy night in late autumn a lost, heavily pregnant bull lurcher girl found herself alone in an unfamiliar neighbourhood. She knew she had to risk a rebuke from strangers and headed towards a warm, bright light that beckoned across the lonely terrain.


She was a lucky girl. She happened to have been drawn to the house of a kind family, who were prepared to offer her a safe place to have her puppies. Abigail, the surprised homeowner quickly got onto Mumsnet to ask for some help and advice! A Hounds First volunteer, Melanie is a Mumsnet member and quickly put her in touch with the rescue organisation.

Abigail did brilliantly looking after such a vulnerable girl, but after an incident with the family cat it seemed best for Mabli to be looked after under the care of Hounds First. Realising she was already well on her way to giving birth, her new foster began overseeing the impending happy event and giving Mabli plenty of food and love. For several weeks, Mabli grew ever heavier and was monitored having a waddle outside, or lying prone looking about to pop, by anxious social media supporters. Everyone was concerned and excited about the major event about to happen and time seemed to slow, while everyone held their breath. Mabli in the end had 11 puppies who are all completely adorable. Their heritage will be mixed which is all that is known for now. Mabli simply didn’t have enough milk for all the pups, so they are being supplemented with puppy formula 3 times a day, which is pretty intensive around

the clock care, and go onto milky mush (yum) at 3 weeks. They will be ready for rehoming at 9-10 weeks after vaccinations and microchipping. When taken into account that Mabli could have ended up in a terrible way and that even if she had found somewhere to give birth it is pretty certain several pups at least, would not have survived long. With so many little bundles of wiggly joy to take care of, it is lovely to think of them off to their new lives. And as for Mabli, she will also have her vaccinations, be spayed and micro-chipped and find a home of her own. Hounds First set out a few pointers on how they go about the rehoming of the adult hounds that are not lucky enough to be born into a caring home like Mabli’s offspring. They come in on a frequent basis, including the bull lurcher type hounds from last-chance dog pounds.

“Everyone was concerned and excited about the major event about to happen and time seemed to slow, while everyone held their breath. ”


Mabli - proving to be a great new mum

So how does the adoption process work? Here is the lowdown from Rachel, from Hounds First:

“If any rescue offers you a dog that only arrived with them a day or so ago, then we recommend you run for the hills! ”

Exactly how do rescues ensure that these dogs are going into the right homes and how do you know that you are making the right decision? It is important to make an informed choice and the rescue should never rush you into something and insure you are the right forever family for the dog. At Hounds First we initially ask you to complete an application form. Once received, an experienced member of our pre-adoption team will contact you for an informal discussion and to raise any important points with you. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask questions. Once completed we will arrange for someone to come and visit you at home.

This isn’t an inspection, but another opportunity to chat face-to-face about your application, to ask further questions on both sides and to make sure your home and garden is safe and secure for a sighthound. Once all these steps are completed and we are sure you can offer a safe and loving home, a trustee will discuss with you any dogs you are interested in and if they are a good match. All of the rescue dogs are assessed whilst in our care and while it can be frustrating waiting to see if a dog is suitable for you, this assessment is obviously essential. If any rescue offers you a dog that only arrived with them a day or so ago, then we

See the pups grow up on the Hounds First Facebook page


recommend you run for the hills! A good rescue will not offer a dog for homing until it has had a full assessment. A good thorough assessment should take weeks rather than days.

“We have no interest in homing too quickly, as we want to place our hounds forever in the right home. ”

When dogs first come into rescue they can be very ‘shut down’ and often don’t display their true personality and behaviour. As a result a dog will never be available for rehoming from us for at least two weeks, usually more. We need to be able to tell you as much as we can about your potential pet’s behaviour, health, status with cats, children and other dogs. This cannot be done on a ‘shut down’ animal and the assessment could be incorrect, which may lead to a bad homing experience, which is unfair for both the dog and adopter.

Once we are sure we have given you as much information as we can, we then put you in touch with the foster carer. This is the person who lives with the dog as if it was their own pet, and as a result can tell you everything that you need to know. They also let us know if they feel that you are right for the dog! You will then be able to meet the dog in question. We have no interest in homing too quickly, as we want to place our hounds forever in the right home. Which is why we also provide lifetime backup. Our adopters can contact us at any time for advice on behaviour, health or general ownership. Every rescue has its own policies and the rescue that you apply to may have a different system. However, the assessment is always essential.

Mabli’s puppies will be sure to have a great start in life and will never know what it is to be strays. Thanks to the love and support of great human beings this nativity story has a happy end. They have a Christmas stocking wishlist if you would like to make a gift - click here for details


Charity Spotlight

Lurcher SOS Sighthound & Lurcher Rescue Based in Surrey, Lurcher SOS was set up in 2010 by two lifelong Lurcher owners. over the past four years they have successfully re homed hundreds of hounds throughout the uK



urcher SOS Sighthound and Lurcher Rescue was set up in 2010 by two lifelong lurcher owners. They are based in Surrey, with a large network of supporters, fundraisers and fosters across the South East who work together to home hounds in need throughout the UK. All the personnel at Lurcher SOS are volunteers whose mission it is to rehabilitate and rehome sighthounds of any age, from puppies to seniors. These include lurchers and greyhounds from the UK and Ireland, and they are also able to help whippets, plus galgos and other types of sighthounds from as far away as Cyprus and Romania! Some dogs are often severely scarred by their experiences. They need long periods with fosters as they learn to trust humans again. This is because they may have been abandoned and were found as strays, some have been badly treated, and still others - their owners simply no longer want them. Susie (pictured above) is an ex-Lurcher SOS dog whose lovely portrait was taken by Liz of Madaboutgreys Photography. Liz is also a foster carer who was very happy to help Susie find her forever home. Another true beauty gracing a lucky family with her presence this holiday season. Her new mum is so pleased that Susie will be spending her first Christmas with them this year.

She was rehomed with fellow Lurcher SOS rescue Sidney, who Liz did the transport run for. You can read the moving story of Sidney’s journey from pound to found, along with more beautiful images of him on Madaboutgreys great blog here. ‘Our priority is always the dogs that are due to be put to sleep, or who are in danger either here in the UK or in Ireland. When it’s appropriate we can help individual owners to rehome and we try to help other sighthound rescues wherever we can’ says Laurie of Lurcher SOS. ‘When the dog has come directly from a pound it is first kept in isolation in private boarding kennels for 14 days to make sure it is not incubating any illnesses. After being vaccinated it will go straight into a foster home, as we believe that a home environment is the best way to assess the hounds that come to us and lets us create a really good match with a prospective adopter’. The dogs are always neutered where possible, have full veterinary treatments and vaccinations, and once micro-chipped, wormed and deflead, are all set to go to their forever home.


Iona the Bridesmaid Some hounds just seem to stick for no good reason. One such hound is Iona, who was rescued in Ireland. Despite being a beautiful white and black girl and placed in a great rescue, she was struggling to attract a new home. She and another lurcher girl, Cinnamon then came to Lurcher SOS. Cinny was adopted pretty quickly but poor Iona lingered and waited, waited and lingered. Lurcher SOS even launched a tongue-in cheekcampaign ‘Always the Bridesmaid’ for poor Iona to stir up some interest. Liz helped spread the message by making a superb image of Iona in her veil, waiting for her happy ending. But her forever home just continued to elude her.

proving to be very interesting to the newbie beach visitor. Great virtual applause erupted on social media when her supporters heard about Iona’s good fortune and we congratulate her new lucky owner as they go off together to their new life. Martin says ‘I feel Lurcher SOS do fantastic voluntary work, saving and rehoming all the dogs they have. It takes special, dedicated people to run this kind of organisation. I’m especially grateful to them as now we have the lovely Iona’.

Lurcher SOS had just about given up all hope when Martin, who is based on the South Coast, got in touch. He already had a lurcher named Flash – and in the end Flash proved a real match for Iona in terms of temperament and energy. Laurie of Lurcher SOS said ‘I hoped they would be well suited - they seemed so similar. I just knew Martin was the one. I was over the moon when they met at my home and were fine with each other.’ Now they are getting along nicely with walks on the South Downs and the beach. Seagulls are


Above: Martin, Iona and Flash Below: Iona’s campaign image by Liz, Madaboutgreys

Portrait of Susie, by Lurcher SOS foster Liz of Madaboutgreys Photography

Sponsor a Hound in the holidays - just £25 Lurcher SOS are running a ‘Sponsor a Hound’ programme as a special festive gift idea They are looking for sponsors to help Dara and Bess, Roisin and Grace who are dogs that all have ongoing health problems and will stay permanently in their foster homes. Each dog sponsorship costs just £25 for the whole year – and could be an amazing present for that special someone who is mad about hounds!

If you would like to help look after these lovely souls there are several other ways you can do it… Just email telling them your name, address, which dog you would like to sponsor and the name on your payment. If your sponsorship is a gift they’ll need the recipients details too.

Each sponsor will receive: 99 An introduction letter from the dog of your choice 99 A 6 x 4 photo of your dog 99 A fridge magnet with your dogs picture 99 A Lurcher SOS keyring with your dogs picture 99 A Lurcher SOS car sticker 99 A certificate of sponsorship 99 You will get a 3 monthly letter and picture from your dog, keeping you up to date with their news.

If you are not able to sponsor, perhaps you may be a shopper online? If the answer is “yes” then this could be the answer for you: Simply go to www. sign up and chose Lurcher SOS as your cause. Every time you use the easyfundraising tool to shop online they receive a small donation. Excellent news and easy to do as we go present buying!

99 A Christmas card from your dog 99 A birthday card from your dog


Pooch & Mutt – AN ethical choice These guys are more than just a dog food company. We learn about their ethos and how they came to be the ethical food choice for caring hound owners.

A little history Pooch & Mutt were born out of an equine feed company called Blue Chip, which was set up in 1996 by Clare Blaskey. It became one of the world’s most successful equine supplement companies – and the first horse feed company to receive ‘The Ethical Award’. Pooch & Mutt have a pretty high aim set out in their mission statement – to see that all dogs lead happy and healthy lives. This means not only creating the highest quality products that have practical health benefits, but making these accessible for as many dogs as possible - and doing all this without negatively affecting any dog’s life or environment. High ideals, but Pooch & Mutt seem to be succeeding – by using natural ingredients and ensuring that all production is as environmentally friendly as possible. In 2008 Clare’s son Guy set up Pooch & Mutt. He says ‘For years people had asked Blue Chip to make products for dogs, then our family pet Cookie was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. This was the real impetus to create our new range.’


In 2009 Pooch & Mutt was also awarded ‘The Ethical Award’ from the Ethical Companies Organisation, part of The Good Shopping Guide, the UK’s first ethically approved dog supplement specialist. Pooch & Mutt also are commendably approved by PETA (The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for not testing on animals. Guy says ‘Our products are trialled on our own dogs and those of friends and customers, but never on laboratory animals – in fact we were very surprised to learn that some dog food products are tested this way’.

How Pooch & Mutt help rescue dogs Guy explains ‘We do this in two ways – the first is by matching donations. Whenever a rescue centre buys from us we match what they buy with a donation. So, if they buy ten bags, we send them another ten free of charge.

“Our products are trialled on our own dogs and those of friends and customers, but never on laboratory animals”

The second is by free donations. If there is a specific dog that is in need of our products we will send them to this dog free of charge. ‘Like all dog food and supplement companies, we love getting feedback from our customers telling us how we have helped their dogs and how well they are doing in shows, agility competitions or just in life. However we find it even more rewarding to help rescue dogs and know that we have had a huge, beneficial effect on what has usually been a very traumatic life for them’. Supporting both national and local charities is very important to the company, as their ethos is to help dogs lead happy and healthy lives.

Top: The winning Pooch & Mutt team collect their award Above: Guy with his dog Pepper

They even offer a treat entitled “Feel Good” which is a natural, hand baked and low calorie treat. We donate money from each sale of this treat to different charities, as it is our way of helping out rescues and dogs everywhere’. Another good reason to treat your hound!

Going Grain-free Pooch & Mutt say – Many dogs struggle to digest foods that are high in grains (including corn and wheat). Intolerance can manifest in discomfort, sensitive and itchy skin as well as suboptimal health. Many popular dog foods have different forms of grain included in their top, usually primary, ingredients. This is usually because cereal is a cheap ingredient added to bulk up the food. Whereas premium, fresh ingredients such as meat and vegetable are more expensive to add. Dogs should be eating a primarily carnivore diet, as their natural diet points to a grain free diet. Gluten is a common allergen not only in people but also in dogs. For that reason feeding a grain or gluten free diet is a great way to give your dog the best nutrition. There are many signs that point to a dog having a food allergy, such as diarrhoea, itchy skin and poor coat growth. The Igster says - It’s the only way to go for menny sighthounds, who are well known to suffer from eesily upset tummys and accompanying anti-soshul effects. Pooch & Mutt’s Grain Free foods can help wiv all this – even if everyone else has been at the brussels, it will be nice to know they wont be able to blame us houndys this crimbo!


Hounds First Sighthound Rescue

Stanley the Lurcher - caring hound Stanley the Lurcher raises awareness, hope and donations as a fundraising ambassador for Hounds First Sighthound Rescue.


tanley’s page ‘The Life & Times of Stanley the Lurcher’ shares his daily conundrums and work as a foster dog with his loyal fan base. Stanley is a long-term foster, after being found as a stray and then discovered to have lymphatic cancer. Everyone was quite concerned for Stanley after it was decided recently to carry out surgery, in order to remove the cancer in his spleen and additional lumps. He had already had surgery previously for his condition, so it has been a complex decision to take.


Chris the Vet operated once again in October on brave and stoic Stanley. He found that the tumour in his spleen had not grown and there were no apparent growths spreading from it. So the whole spleen was removed, and the site of his initial carcinoma was again taken away - and with luck, that will be the final op Stanley will ever need to undergo. There was a worrying lump under his armpit that was also removed, so altogether it was major surgery. Stanley underwent all this without complaint, and during his recovery was


Left: Stanley back in April showing some

indications of his cancer Above: Stanley resting post-op, wearing a jacket to prevent him licking his wounds Bottom Left: Stanley and Nigel on their last walk together Bottom Right: Stanley & Nigel visit their foster mum’s grandparents able to go on short walks, although he did get a little tired! His wounds, which had taken a few weeks to heal started to look better - and Stanley got a little bit of bounce back in his stride. His foster mum knew he was improving when he was able to start running through the open kitchen door to beat her to the sofa. Once he was feeling better a new friend, Nigel, temporarily moved in to Stanley’s foster home. Nigel is a big white and ginger hound who soon decided to take Stanley’s place on the sofa and started to bring Stanley in as his partner in crime. Only Nigel seemed to be able to get this mischievous reaction from Stanley! Eventually the results of Stanley’s op came through, and the prognosis is very hopeful - a big relief for everyone. Stanley is a truly lovely, tough old dog, and remains a comforting friend to all his foster pals, looking after them with his calm presence and cuddling up with them.

Stanley’s Wish List Every few months Stanley puts his food wish list out on Amazon, along with other Hounds First wish lists, so that his supporters can donate to support his foster care and that of other rescue hounds. This means Hounds First can focus on rescuing and rehoming more hounds coming in all the time.











‘Fife Collar’ from Silver Peacock

5 3


Italian Greyhound ‘Charmed Christmas Collar’ from Petiquette Collars

Product Feature

great hound collars

Whether your stylish hound about town would like a lovely festive gift, or you simply need a new treat for yourself (disguised as a fetching canine accessory, which happens to match your favourite scarf) one of these great collars is bound to keep you both happy - and cheer up those wintry days, whether you are slinking around outdoors or lolling by the fire.


‘Poppy Collar’ from Kitsch Collars

‘Barnaby Heart Collars’ from Minkeys Tweed

Next Issue...


‘Snow Dogs’ from Slouching Hounds

In the next issue we will be featuring lovely woolly jumpers to buy and make. If you would like to be part of this showcase please get in touch via our website:


“ I decided to GO non-cutesie dis time, I was getting a bit fed up wiv people sayin I looked cute.�



Kevin the Whippet’s


spooky foto Booth Challenge

t’s been a spooky old time of it recently and dis time I was asking for ur scariest foto entries for Halloween. I decided to go non-cutesie dis time, I was getting a bit fed up wiv people sayin I looked cute. Again it bin vewy hard to judge, but we finally can weveal da winners, cos dey are two dis time we couldn’t decide, so to be fur…. ta dah its Yoshi in da spooky graveyard and Kane in his cute Pumpkin pupkin onesie. Well dun to both of dem dey both get a special Kevin’s Winner Wosette comin to dem. Der wos a consensus of opinion by da Sighthound team (an blind judging of all

da fotos wivvout names on) an dey finked dese two had a combi of da best outfits and da general ambience.



Me an me Dad judged it too so it was a team effort. So, well done Yoshi and Kane, an as Kevin’s Foto Booth Winners u will be sent a coveted digital pic sportin ur Supa Winner’s Wosettes! Next time, we gonna get da festive season off to a gud start wiv da best outfit ‘Furry Jingle Balls’ Award, wiv da usual Kevin’s Winners Rosette PLUS a vewy cool hamper fwom Minky’s Tweed to win! More noos on da dog blog soon and Mewwy Chwistmas!

Kane Yoshi


Woinonoer o

Kevin x

Minkeys Tweed Christmas Hamper Competition Prize! Minkeys Tweed is donating a super dooper festive hamper, worth £19.99 as a First Prize for our next ‘Kevin the Whippet’s Furry Jingle Balls Foto Booth Challenge’, so if you want to get busy making the lovely Santahound Coat in this issue (P.37) we will be posting details of how to enter on our blog soon, so watch this space!. This Minkeys Tweed hamper is the ultimate treat for any canine friend this year. It includes a reversible tweed and gold reindeer festive bandana (‘Want it‘–The Ed), a tweed red and white polka-dot bone toy plus a box of Lily’s Kitchen Fabulously

Festive Turkey and Cranberry treats! (The wicker basket is not included, however all items will beautifully packaged in a presentation box.) We predict you’ll have a very merry canine this Christmas!


Kevin’s Spooky Pets Entrants

Kane da Pumpkin Pupkin

Yoshi Pumpkin wiv Mr Scarecrow Yoshi Weredog!

Scarey Werehog!

Doris da WitchHound – Bewitchin’ Wizard Wellington - tasty

Da Undercover Werehound!


Tracey Ison RVN



inter is now upon us and many of us will be looking forward to those cosy nights in with our beloved hounds (or to put it another way – the nightly battle to see who can bag the warmest spot in the house). As we prepare for the months ahead and look forward to Christmas we should also be thinking of our dogs and how can we make the winter months a safe and happy time for them.

Let’s face it, we all like to indulge ourselves on rich food and extra treats over the festive period and we also like to indulge our dogs a little too but please be mindful that the following can be toxic to dogs – chocolate, grapes, raisins ( avoid feeding your dog mince pies and Christmas cake) and onions. Avoid feeding your dog too many rich foods, pancreatitis cases in dogs rise sharply over the Christmas period.

Christmas is a time for celebrations and family get togethers. How will your dog cope with a sudden influx of visitors to your house? Ensure that he has a safe haven to retreat to – a covered crate in a quiet room would be ideal. Creating this safe haven now so that your dog will become familiar with it is definitely one on the “to do” list. This safe haven could also become a very welcome retreat for your dog when the New Year’s fireworks begin.

Winter walks in the frost and snow are great for all – ensure that your dog stays warm, short coated dogs benefit from a well fitted dog coat. Snow can hide hazards such as broken glass so get into the habit of checking your dog’s feet after a winter walk to ensure that there are no cuts or abrasions. Above all make the most of the winter months, summer will be back with us before you know it.

About Tracey Tracey is a veterinary nurse and owner of three whippets and a lurcher. She has recently

published a book entitled ‘For the love of Hounds’, which is available to buy on Amazon.


Tips & Tricks

Snapping your hound by Kerry at Whippet Snippets

“Photographing pets can be difficult, actually even more so if it’s your own as you expect a lot from them. I have put together a few things that I have found helpful to get that perfect portrait when photographing the pets of clients. I hope you find them useful too.”


1 Have patience It seems simple, but it’s so easy to get frustrated when things aren’t going the way you want. You can’t direct your pet how you would a person - they don’t know that the background / light is primed for the most amazing photograph…if they would just. Sit. Still! Give yourself and your dog a break - if it isn’t working, do something else. You can always come back to it.

2 Find the light If you have a black dog, try not to put any light source (sun, window, or lamp) behind them as it casts their face in shadow. Putting them close to a window or inside a doorway, either facing it or looking to the side is gorgeous light for any dog, but really helps with the darker ones.





“ Getting right down on their level will give you a completely different perspective and photographically, a connection with your subject.”


How low can you go? Getting right down on their level will give you a completely different perspective and photographically, a connection with your subject. I actually try to get my camera as close to the floor as possible (this is where it’s great to have a view screen at the back…which I don’t!) Will you get filthy lying or kneeling on the floor? Probably! But it also completely changes how the background looks, usually for the better. Why not try it? Take a photo from your usual angle, then take one from their level and see how different it looks.


4 Engage! Use your dogs trigger word, for example ‘walkies’ or ‘bacon sandwich’ to get that quizzical look. Don’t think your dog has a trigger word? Find one! I usually run through a menagerie of phrases such as ‘reaaady steeeady’ (don’t say ‘go’) or ‘would you like a…’ If these aren’t working, try sounds - ‘brrrr’ ‘eh, eh, eh’ or ‘miaow’ – I get so excited when I finally hit that ‘What the heck are you doing?’ head tilt. Failing all that, a hidden squeaky toy if you have one is usually a big hit.


About Kerry Kerry is a professional photographer and the owner of two whippets and a whippet cross. She has many years of experience photographing both hounds and humans. Based in Haslemere (UK), she is happy to travel around Surrey & West Sussex for photo shoots. We strongly suggest that you visit her website prepare to be wowed by her stunning photography!

Thanks Kerry! Some great tips here. We can’t wait to try some on The Editor! If you have any burning questions about getting a good photo of your dog email us at and Kerry is happy to reply. We will print the answers in our next edition. Happy snapping over the holidays everyone!


Make your own

SANTA DOG COAT & ACCESSORIES By Judy Zatonski. Coat modelled by the lovely Isla

Materials required: • • • • • • •


Red fleece fabric White fur fabric Brown leather or plastic belt (from charity shop) Three large red buttons Velcro Tape for hat ties 1-2 Cotton wool balls – for stuffing hat bobble

COAT This template should fit a medium sized greyhound You could use an existing coat that fits your dog as a pattern - to save the need to adjust the template to fit your own hound. 1. Place pattern on fleece fabric with edge marked ‘fold’ - to fold of material and cut out 2. Cut the same shape from cotton sheeting (or any fabric required for lining) 3. Place wrong sides of fabric together and machine round outside edges and neck edge about quarter inch in, omitting two front chest edges. 4. With coat flat - also machine a straight line along the ‘spine’ of coat to hold two fabrics in place. 5. With wrong side facing, fold coat along back, bringing chest edges together and sew these about 1” in from edges. Open this seam and stitch down either side so seam is flat and tidy. 6. Cut and join sufficient 5” wide strips of white fur fabric to go all round outside edge of coat and neck edge.

7. With right side of coat facing and wrong side of fur fabric, lay fur strip on top of fleece fabric and pin edge of fur strip all round coat, meeting at chest seam. Sew in place. Fold fur over coat edge and sew in place on wrong side to provide a furry edge to coat. 8. Repeat for neck edge. 9. Using red tape, ribbon or a rouleau made from red fleece, make two belt loops (wide enough to take belt) and stitch halfway up each side – horizontally - level with narrowest part of coat. These will help keep belt and coat in place on the dog. 10. From top edge of neck edge - sew three large red buttons along back stitch line at about 3 inch intervals.



1. Place pattern on red fleece and cut out. Leaving top (point) open, hem down side of hat. 2. Bobble - Cut rectangle of white fur fabric approx 2.5 ins x 4.5ins – fold along short edge (with fur inside) and hem either side. Turn inside out and stuff loosely with cotton wool. With hat still inside out and from the inside, push open edges of ‘bobble’ through hole at top of hat and secure in place with a few stitches. Turn inside out and bobble should be in place at point of hat. Stitch strip of white fur fabric round ‘brim’ as per coat instructions. 3. Sew tapes inside on either side of fur edge of hat so it can be tied (loosely please!) in place. NB: To save making a hat – inexpensive Santa Hats can be bought from shops such as Poundland leading up to the festive season – just attach a couple of tapes.

1. Measure dog’s ‘ankles’ and add about 1.5 ins. 2. Cut strip of red fleece approx 5 inches wide and then divide this into four pieces, each the size of dog’s ankles plus the 1.5 inches. 3. Fold each one to give four strips 2.5 ins deep x ankle size plus 1.5 inches. 4. Using white fur fabric, sew fur edging along the unfolded edge of each anklet as per edging on coat and hat. 5. Sew Velcro strip vertically along edges of anklet – one end on right side and one end on wrong side so that anklet can be fastened round dog’s legs.

Show us the results!! If you decide to give this a go for your hound, we’d love to see how it turns out! Please share your photos with us via Facebook or Twitter.


Hounds First Sighthound Rescue

Bull lurchers killer dogs or just misunderstood? by Rachel Hayball & Tracie Gledhill, Hounds First ‘Killer dogs hunting the regions wildlife’ screams the Chronicle. ‘A legal new superdog” proclaims the Daily Mail - who are also credited with the claim that bull lurchers are ‘fearsome beasts.’ So are we to believe that bull breeds are super-strength, evil ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’-like creatures; roaming our streets with an urge to kill anything in its path? Dogs with the sole intention to kill our pets, maim our children and attack our family? Are they really the horrific


killing machines that the media machine claim, or has the media created a well-executed smear campaign - the likes of which have previously been bestowed on the Staffordshire bull terriers, the German shepherds, rottweilers and more recently ‘snow breeds’? On a purely genetic level, a bull lurcher is as it sounds – a lurcher cross-bred with a bull breed. This can be bullmastiff, English bull terrier or other bull types - it is not simply another ‘Staffie cross’

or pit bull - as so often believed. Strip away the media perception and you will find a loyal, loving, dependable family dog. Many of our adopters find their bull breeds have a beautifully calm and close relationship with their children and are a far cry from ‘baby-killers’. Indeed, they are often gentle and protective of younger infants. There is no denying that bull lurchers, like every breed in history, were bred for a reason. Long before they became domestic pets the combination of the speed of a sight-hound, coupled with the strength and stamina of a bull breed made them skilled and efficient workers in the field. Undeniably strong, bull lurchers are also physically beautiful with strong muscles, well-defined faces and sleek lines. Sadly, the very attributes that once afforded them a wellrespected working title attracted, as often happens, the attentions of less well meaning owners - and today they can often be found utilised in illegal hunting. Visit any pound or stray-holding kennel and we can guarantee the majority will be bull breeds and lurchers - often labelled just ‘lurcher’ in the vain hope that people will not simply walk by when they see the bully features. These dogs are left in pounds

in their thousands – sentenced on death row, merely due to the hysteria that surrounds their breeding. We wish we could say ‘But fear not! Rescues are stepping up to help these mis-labelled dogs!’ but this simply isn’t the case. Many rescues won’t take bull breeds and select the easier tohome ‘pretty’ dogs, rough coated lurchers, or smaller whippet types. It has been reported that one rescue has claimed they would ‘walk past all the bull lurchers and leave them in the pound’. We appreciate that rescues - and our own included, are struggling in this time of austerity, with regards to both funds and space. True, it would be far easier for us to take the more homeable dogs, the ones with a quicker turnover rate. Who wants to be lumbered with a ‘kennel blocker’ when due to false perception, a potential adopter doesn’t want to consider a bull lurcher as their family pet? This is where we come in. Alongside rescues such as Greyhound Gap we can often be found ‘pulling in’ those bull lurchers under our care as a first point of call. We would never claim that all bull lurchers are impeccably behaved and that no bull lurcher would

“True, it would be far easier for us to take the more homeable dogs, the ones with a quicker turnover rate. Who wants to be lumbered with a ‘kennel blocker’ ?”


“One bull lurcher may require lots of exercise and constant mental stimulation, while another may be a real couch potato you have to literally drag out for walks!” ever bite. Bull lurchers are no different to any other dog breed - all dogs have the potential to bite. They all feel fear and pain and have the potential to react in an aggressive way if put in certain situations - including ones where they are scared and have no escape.

breeding and handling. One bull lurcher may require lots of exercise and constant mental stimulation, while another may be a real couch potato you have to literally drag out for walks!

This is all very normal dog behaviour - and all animals and humans utilise the ‘flight-fightfreeze’ response to stress. As responsible dog owners, it is our duty to ensure that our animals are not put in that position. We need to learn how to read the signals (be it body language or any other warnings that our dog is giving us) - step back and give them space when needed and remove them from the situation that is causing them fear or distress.

Traditionally, many bull lurchers have come through our rescue and no doubt this will continue. Some are cat-safe, many are great with other dogs. Some have separation anxiety, many do not. Some are really responsive and eager to learn, some are not. Some can be as stubborn as mules and be really frustrating at times, and almost all will make you melt or smile every time you look at them. But this is the same for every dog who comes through our doors - they are simply Charlie, or Levi, or Remus. Not ‘bull lurchers’ or ‘hell hounds’. They are no different to any of our other dogs.

Like all lurchers - and indeed all dogs in general - their personality, exercise needs and intelligence is dependent on their

Bull lurchers are amazing dogs who deserve a chance. Please consider giving part of your heart to a bull lurcher.

Tracie says ‘As a bull lurcher owner myself, I have experienced first-hand the perception and prejudice that exists whilst out with him. Mothers quickly put their children away saying ‘We don’t pet that sort of dog’. People pick up their dog and dash off to ‘safety’. They are outraged I am out in public with ‘One of those fighting dogs’. The reality is he lives in my family home with children of various ages, and is more likely to smother you in kisses than eat you!’


simply the best HOUNDS FIRST TELL THE STORIES OF JUST A couple OF THE LOVELY BULL LURCHERS WHO MADE IT THROUGH WITH THEIR HELP. now SUCCESSFULLY SETTLED IN WITH THEIR PROUD AND LOVING NEW FAMILIES ARE... Ed is in long term foster with Tracie. He came to her from the RSPCA. He had been in their kennels for over a year, yet had received no enquiries at all due to being a hefty 40kg bull lurcher.

Eddison currently lives with 4 children and was present at the births of 2 of them. Tracie says ‘I would choose a bull lurcher over any other breed due to their affectionate and loving nature’.


Remus Remus came into the care of Hounds First with his brother Fly at 12 weeks old. Both boys were subject to a welfare investigation and had previously lived in a caravan with other dogs. When they came into rescue they needed a fair bit of training and socialisation due to their poor start - a task lovingly undertaken by their foster families. Remus was adopted after a short while by Catrin and her

young family and he quickly took over their hearts as well as their sofa. Admittedly, Remus has been a challenge at times and does suffer from separation anxiety. However, it is clear that his adopters adore him and are helping him with his issues. Catrin says that he is very much part of the family and is a very soppy, loving dog. He is brilliant with her children and she would not hesitate in recommending bull lurchers to potential adopters.


Arundawn Dog Rescue

A New Dawn For Wispa & Shaggy!


nly a matter of weeks ago, Elaine was in desperate need of urgent help with a young male lurcher (called Shaggy) who needed to be moved immediately.


So it was completely out of the blue when Elaine received a call from Chris, a good friend of Jon, to say that his friend had passed away suddenly the previous evening.

Jon, who had adopted the beautiful Wispa from Arundawn Dog Rescue in 2013 came forward and subsequently adopted Shaggy too, and the pair totally bonded.

Elaine was shocked and saddened by the news, as although she had never met him face-toface, Jon had done all he could for Wispa and had adored both dogs - and they adored him!

So Elaine has made it her mission to honour Jon and find the very best home who can take both precious dogs in together. Wispa is only 2 years old and had to have entropian surgery on arrival at Arundawn, as her eyes were in a terrible mess. This condition occurs when the lid rolls inwards and the eyelashes start to rub on the cornea, causing acute pain, swelling and tears. Shaggy had been passed from pillar to post before finally coming into Arundawn, so this was an extra hard blow for him to be yet again moved to another home.

“My own dogs have become so used to the arrival of ‘yet another’ that very often they don’t seem to notice!”

Chris and his partner were good enough to step in on an emergency basis and foster the two buddies after his friend passed away. But due to practical concerns this can only be a temporary arrangement.

Wispa and Shaggy love being together and don’t want to separate after finding each other - they really deserve a home of their own. They are such a happy and contented pair – could you be lucky enough to share your home with these two darlings?

Elaine says ‘Back in the ‘old’ days there was no question of being able to neuter and I relied on the common sense and good word of the people I knew who rehomed the dogs. ‘I am sure you are aware, nowadays it is becoming more and more irresponsible to home on a dog without neutering and microchipping. Although I fully admit that in the past I have had to for financial reasons, I am no longer comfortable doing so. I am totally selffunded. I assess absolutely all the dogs that I home and have an extremely high success rate. I do not and will not knowingly home aggressive dogs and those with behavioural problems that cannot be sorted’. Elaine’s own dogs have become invaluable in the ‘rehabilitation’ of these animals. ‘Many of the dogs I have in for homing have, at the very least, been ill-cared for and kept in unsuitable circumstances. My own dogs have become so used to the arrival of ‘yet another’ that very often they don’t seem to notice! They are quick to teach a new arrival its ‘place’ within the pack and help enormously in the initial training and settling in of an unsure new dog.’

Elaine says ‘I really, really would like to keep these lovely dogs together. If anyone can offer a fantastic home, please contact me. They are both house trained, have good recall, are child and dog friendly, although cats would be a no-no! Both are only young and have a lifetime of love to give the right owner’. A little about Arundawn Dog Rescue Wispa and Shaggy have both already been through a lot in their short lives. Both have their own sad story, suffering stress and separation in the past. But Elaine is used to having to deal with complicated rehoming issues. The daughter of a retired veterinary surgeon and a bacteriologist, she hails from Arundel in West Sussex. Elaine has been rescuing, rehabilitating and nursing sick, injured and abused animals for as long as she can remember – starting with laboratory rats, stick insects and locusts from school, eels washed up on the river bank and puppies destined to be drowned. Not to forget resuscitating newborn lambs, her first when she was only 7 years old! Elaine began taking in stray and abandoned dogs when she was 19, the age she moved to London. By the age of 27 she had reared 6 litters of abandoned puppies, whelped 3 bitches and homed several hundred dogs.

Elaine’s son Oli has also been a great help with the behavioural side of the rehabilitation, training of some of the dogs arriving with more complex issues and helping with socialisation of the dogs in general. Elaine says ‘Needless to say, both my son and daughter have some of our rescues and I have several who never left’!


Eos. The other love in Prince Albert’s life Prince Albert is well known as a reformer, architect, garden designer and the lifelong paramour of Victoria, Queen and Empress. Their love story has been celebrated in print, dramatised onscreen and has captured the imagination of romantics down through the years. But Albert had a lesser-known love. A love he kept close to his heart and his side for years, before he ever became our Prince Consort.



t 14, Albert was an unhappy, sad young man. His mother the Duchess Luise had literally run away from a bad marriage to his father, leaving Albert behind. He had little in common with his pater, Duke Ernst the 1st of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who had proved himself to be a selfish and irresponsible man.

wrote how delighted she was ‘to see dear Eos again.’

So when Albert received a 6-week old puppy, named Eos for the Greek goddess of the Dawn, he found the thing he needed most to help him overcome his loss – the unconditional love and loyalty of an adoring hound. During the reign He took on the pups training of Victoria, Britain himself. Even when he left to become a student in Bonn, Eos saw a change that remained by his side.

The royal couple had a huge number of dogs, most of them belonging to the Queen. But Eos was exclusive to Albert and he knew her little ways extremely well, as all sighthound owners do. He wrote ‘...very friendly if there is plum cake in the room…keen on hunting, sleepy after it, always proud and contemptuous of other dogs.’

continues to this day in the perception of dog ownership, and in the rise of canine portraiture.

Before Albert left his home country for good and travelled to take up his new role as Consort, he decided to play a little joke on the village dwellers of Buchau. They crowded around his carriage hoping for a glimpse of the handsome future Prince. Instead of allowing them to see his face he urged Eos to stick her long-necked head out of the window, and sank into the corner of his seat laughing as she gazed soulfully out at the bemused crowd. When the time came to leave for England to marry his cousin Victoria, there was no question of leaving his beloved Eos behind. She was sent on ahead with a valet to Buckingham Palace. Victoria

It was his birthday in August, the same year of their marriage. Victoria commissioned a silver figure of Eos as a present for her new husband, knowing it would be a huge hit with him. He was of course extremely pleased with it.

During the reign of Victoria, Britain saw a change that continues to this day in the perception of dog ownership, and in the rise of canine portraiture. Dogs who had traditionally been used for working, hunting and sports increasingly became family pets. The royals as enthusiastic and caring dog owners fuelled this boom. Even today this is true of our current monarchy, along with their traditional love of hunting, shooting and fishing. Some of the festive activities that we now see as quintessentially English, also show Albert as an innovator, including the introduction of bringing indoors a whole Christmas tree and decorating it. Other Christmas traditions that were popularised by Albert and Victoria have become part of our cultural heritage


so distressed, another of the Queen’s Uncles Leopold, King of the Belgians, remarked that it would have indeed been better if Ferdinand had shot a member of the royal family instead. Eos did recover, but at 9 years old it took some time to heal. But she still went with Albert and Victoria by sea to Scotland on the couple’s first visit to the Highlands. Soon after this Albert attempted his own sculpture featuring his beloved hound along with 3 other family dogs, which garnered some praise from critics. Perhaps he knew she didn’t have long to live, as Eos died suddenly in 1844. Only a few hours before she had seemed perfectly well. She was buried above the slopes at Windsor Castle. Prince Albert was in despair.

- such as sending Christmas cards, pulling crackers, singing carols and skating on ice. Although sleigh rides (the couple once rode to Slough in one) haven’t caught on in quite the same way. But bringing the family together was the central theme of a Victorian British Christmas, and along with the family home and hearth, owning dogs as pets certainly played its part in this national shift. With more leisure time and income, the newly expanding middle classes found enjoyment in both owning and showing dogs. The evident love towards dogs shown by Victoria and Albert encouraged feelings of sharing something in common with royalty. In turn this enabled the monarchy to present a more human face and present a domestic life that commoners could relate to.


EOS the Artist’s model Albert commissioned a model to be made of Eos that cost him ten pounds. Eos also became the subject of paperweights and inkstands, testament to the beauty of form that a sleek hound commands. This was followed by Victoria’s commission of a portrait by Sir Edwin Landseer, as a surprise Christmas present for Albert. ‘Eos, A Favourite Greyhound, Property of HRH Prince Albert’ shows Eos steadfastly guarding Albert’s operagoing outfit. In November 1841, Prince Albert Edward, the second heir to the throne was christened. Among the gathering were the Queens uncle Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. A few weeks after Christmas he was unlucky enough to accidentally put a bullet in Eos while out shooting. Albert became

‘Poor dear Albert’ wrote the Queen in her diary ‘He feels it terribly and I grieve so for him.’ Albert set about modelling a sole bronze statue of Eos, in partnership with the sculptor John Francis. It was set on a pink granite plinth at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, their family home. A second was made to be placed at Windsor. In November of that year Victoria wrote ‘…we walked down to the Kennels, where Francis is getting on with the model of good ‘Eos’, which is very good and like. Albert directs everything, and also works himself at it.’ The three-dimensional figure was based on the Landseer painting. Perhaps on a darkening evening it may sometimes have seemed Eos had come back to life to the eyes of a grief-stricken Albert. He wrote to a relative ‘I am sure you will share my sorrow at this loss. She was a singularly clever creature, and had been for eleven years faithfully devoted to me. How many recollections are linked with her! She was my companion from my fourteenth to my twenty-fifth year, a symbol therefore of the best and the fairest section of my life.’


Star HOunds for homing Just a tiny selection of some of the beautiful hounds currently looking for loving homes. Why not explore each charity’s website for details of other hounds they currently have available. Lurcher SOS Sighthound & Lurcher Rescue

Lurcher SOS Sighthound & Lurcher Rescue

Lurcher SOS Sighthound & Lurcher Rescue

Peaches - 2 year old Peaches was attacked by off lead dog twice so can be fearful when out and about. She needs extra reward-based training to help her overcome her only issue. She likes watching TV with you, eats calmly and is not possessive of her toys. Funny, loving and daft she is a real personality.

Betsy - 2-3 year old saluki / whippet with good basic obedience and dog agility skills, which she loves! Good on the lead and very bright, she can be a little timid with new people and dogs when on lead, but is improving every day at doggy day care. A beauty.

Carla - Pretty Carla is 6 -7 and 26 inches tall. She travels well, is good on the lead and settling into her foster home. She is gaining in confidence every day and is now looking for her forever sofa.

Visit the Lurcher SOS web page

Visit the Lurcher SOS web page

Arundawn Dog Rescue

Arundawn Dog Rescue

Arundawn Dog Rescue

Jasper - A Saluki / Lurcher cross who is nearly 18 months old, who will need house-training but is quick to learn. He has lived with other male lurchers with no problems. Jasper is a beautiful fawn boy who would really benefit from a forever caring home after his insecure start in life - watch Jasper’s video here.

Wispa & Shaggy - Slight cheat for these 2 as they arrive as a package! Gorgeous lurchers 2 years old and 18 months, see more of their story in our Arundawn Rescue article. You can also see how nicely they play together in their video here.

Bryn - Big Bryn is a real mix but he may well be part sighthound among his 57 other varieties! He is tall, proving to be a delightful companion and travelled well in the car. Although at present a little nervous he is very dog-friendly. Bryn will be going into a foster home first to be assessed, and we really hope he finds his perfect family soon.

Visit the Lurcher SOS web page

Visit Jasper’s web page

Visit the Shaggy and Wispa web page

Visit Bryn’s web page


thanks for reading Our next issue will be out soon and we’ve already got some great stories lined up for you! If you would like a story or hound featured in our next issue get in touch at:

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