Sighthound Ezine # 1

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Welcome News

Sighthound Five great whippet coats International rescue Toby’s cycling challenge Senior Sighthound Project Charity Spotlight:

Greyhound Rescue West of England

issue 1 1 Kevin the Whippet | Murray the lurcher | Victoria Kingston + Much MORE!

Welcome News

Sighthound issue 1 Welcome to our very first ISSUE. SIGHTHOUND EZINE WAS CREATED to bring you some of the most engaging and interesting sighthound stories. So whether you are wild about whippets, giddy about greyhounds or silly about salukis, we’ve got something of interest for you.

Bally Shannon: The Incredible Story of A Great War Hero

VIctoria Kingston

Undaunted: Freya, a journey against the odds



P.11 Five great whippet coats for this winter P.32

Fen Bank greyhounds get their paws on a whopping £25,000! P.17 1

Italian Greyhound Rescue


Charity spotlight: Greyhound Rescue West of England P.25

International Rescue

Star HOunds for homing



Toby’s epic fundraising effort P.13

How a tail of Hope & Beauty can lead to a double happy ending 2




Stanley the Lurcher - caring hound P.19

Murray the Lurcher P.23

1000 Sighthounds


Senior sighthound project - giving hope to elderly hounds P.12

Levi. The little star with a big heart P.21

Bill & Ben - back to life in just 8 weeks P.37

Kevin the Whippet’s foto booth challenge P.33

a word from your editor Hellooo and welcome to our vewy first issue of Sighthound ezine... We are weally pwoud to be workin’ with the many luffly charidees and wescues who make such a lot of efforts to look after and wehome all our Sighthound mates, who may have fallens on a hard time or two and are down on their lucks. This issue sees us tell you all about, for instance, Galgos del Sol and those pesky wescue pups that just are sooo adowable. We also have fundwaisin good eggs from Greyhound Rescue West of England, who feachure in our Sighthound Charity Spotlight, and lots of gweat contwibutions fwom the marvellus and wather famous Kevin the Whippet - judgin the wesults of our Talk Like A Pirate Day. Also we has none other than Victowia Kingston, ace author and owner of no less than 5 - count ‘em - gweyhounds. We got lotsa luffly fotos, along with a movin feature about Bally Shannon, hewo hound of the First World War. A kwik plug too - we is also on the lookout for sponsors so if you knows any good bizness peeples out there in hoomanland, let us know if they like wot they see here, and get them to pick up the dog and bone, give us a call. Have a gud reed and see yahs on the Dog Blog The Igster Editor at Large

Sighthound magazine is brought to you by Welcome News, a new concept in charity publishing. We promote and celebrate the work of causes that are close to our hearts, both in the UK and abroad. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this inaugural issue of Sighthound. We are grateful for your time and patience.


Cover Photo: Maverick, by Andy Carter - there are plenty more stunning photos of Maverick on Andy’s Flickr account here.

Advertising - Please contact us via email if you are interested in advertising within this publication:

Back Cover Photo: Look Back, by Lachlan Hardy - visit Lachlan’s Flickr account here.

Editor: Patricia Brown Design: Stephen Dunhill

1000 Sighthounds An out of sight day for hounds Hundreds of sighthounds in all shapes and sizes gathered with their owners once again at the beginning of September in Escot, Ottery-St-Mary in Devon. The event, which is held annually, celebrates all things houndy and is organised by The Greyhound Sanctuary, a small independent charity in Devon that rescues and rehomes greyhounds and lurchers. The idea came about following an attempt in 2013 to break the Guinness World Record attempt for the largest single breed dog walk featuring greyhounds. Although they failed in the attempt, much fun was had and a still impressive 327 greyhounds and their owners raised over ÂŁ5,000 for many rescue charities. The aim of the event is to bring together as many sighthounds as possible from all over the country, to raise funds and awareness for rescues. We hope 1000 Sighthounds go from strength to strength and break that record next year. Visit the 1000 Sighthounds Facebook page to find out more.

All images by Sam Barker more of Sam’s lovely images from the event can be found here.


Galgos del Sol

International Rescue locating and rescuing of galgos in Spain is an unpredictable and often dangerous undertaking. So when Galgos del Sol attempted to rescue no less than 7 little galgo puppies from a treacherous Spanish road, the heat was definitely on!



It was a long and protracted 2 weeks before the volunteers could finally call the rescue a success and catch all the puppies.

Galgo breeds: Galgos are similar in appearance to greyhounds, but are different in distinct ways – they are more of an endurance runner and are smaller and lighter in build. A slightly shallower chest balances their longer tails and a very long and streamlined head. Their natures are very similar and are calm, quiet and gentle. They are very happy resting on your best sofa cushions to sleep away the day.


ne story we hear most about is a rescue dog’s amazing journey from almost certain death to a loving home, made possible by the determination and commitment of unpaid rescue workers. In Spain, hunting with hounds is still part of rural life in many places, and gives rise to abandonment, abuse and unlawful killing. Galgos del Sol are working hard to rescue and rehome hounds that are suspicious or frightened of humans after being turned out on the streets, or found in terrible conditions. Tina Solera, founder of GdS has led efforts to promote better understanding in Spain and to take a true pride in these beautiful and gentle dogs as more than hunting machines. So when Tina got a call from a Spanish local, who told her a stray galga had died after being hit by a car, this wasn’t the only bad news. There were no less than 7 small puppies running around in the road and roaming across the adjacent fields at that very moment. If ever there was a moment to panic, this was it.

However, Tina has come to expect the unexpected. Over the past few years GdS has rescued galgos that have been thrown into wells, lay injured in fields, been tossed into dumpsters, found running scared in traffic, given birth on roadsides or left to die in abandoned breeding camps. Never one to turn her back on any hound in need, this was an immediate priority case right from the start. How would they go about this? The Galgos del Sol team galvanised themselves and travelled to the spot in the Murcia region where they pups had last been seen. The puppies were spread out over an extremely large rural area. Being both feral and fast on their little paws, it would be a daunting rescue challenge to catch all of the pups in one go. Some of the puppies had made their way through a hole in the fence to a private garden, but luckily the owner of the property allowed GdS in to catch them.

The stars of the story jeremy 7

Mrs fluffy


Some of the puppies had made their way in through a hole in to a private garden.

With a great deal of patience and cunning the first 6 puppies were caught by GdS volunteers – Tina, Zoe, Raul, the kids and Mandy all lending a hand and working as a team.

be possible without donations, so please consider supporting them.

UPdate: Two of the pups are still available for adoption:

Any galgo, young or old, that has been living rough may have to be observed and coaxed with food for weeks and sometimes even months before it will allow a human near. It was a long and protracted 2 weeks before the volunteers could finally call the rescue a success and catch all the puppies.

w w l gosde l sol .org

For the last tricky little pup to be rescued, yet another volunteer, Vicky had to make the journey from another local rescue group ADAM, to join GdS in their final mission.

GdS are running a ‘16 Dogs A Day’ appeal to create a memorial at their new centre. With a donation of 16 euros per dog, they will add your dog’s name, living or passed, onto the memorial wall at the first ever purpose built sanctuary to house rescued galgos in Murcia.

A galgo sighting may occur at any time so GdS is perpetually on call. In addition to its rescue efforts GdS works to raise awareness in local areas and educate young people in Spain. These ongoing and all too frequent rescues would not

GdS needs another 800 names to reach their target, so if you would like to have your beloved dog remembered forever and support the work of this dedicated rescue, please visit their Facebook page for updates and how to donate.





Brandon Contact Galgos del Sol for further details.

Brandon 8

Photo by Kerry Jordan

iheartwhippets The iheartwhippets concept began long before any ideas of designing and making happened. It was inspired years ago when I was given a photographic portrait of a whippet: that’s really where the love started... My professional background is rooted in the music industry and in design and architecture. After 12 years working in various creative music roles, I decided to foster my love of the arts by retraining as an architect. I embarked on a foundation course, then a degree in architecture at the ripe old age of 32 and trained for 8 years before having to give it up due to health issues. Subsequently, I worked part-time as a freelance designer taking on several interior jobs, an art installation project and designed t-shirts for a children’s charity, all while studying ceramics part-time; which has since become another passion. In 2010 I began to volunteer for The Cinnamon Trust, a charity dedicated to helping the elderly, terminally ill and their pets. My first assignment was to help a local


woman walk her 2 rescue dogs. I arrived to meet Emma, a fabulous woman and her two gorgeous hounds, Frieda and Biscuit - both whippets! My great love affair with whippets was well underway. I soon discovered all of the wonderful attributes of whippets: intelligence, liveliness, affection, sweetness, docility and devotion, to name but a few. I walked Frieda and Biscuit as often as I could for about six months before Emma became seriously ill and was hospitalised. Unfortunately, Emma passed away not long afterwards and with the agreement of her family, the girls came to live with me. My sofa has never been the same since! However, the loss of comfy seating was a small price to pay for the whippet loveliness that is now my home. I’ve since adopted a nutty, wonderful whippet cross boy, named Luigi and moved from London to the Suffolk

iheartwhippets is a Facebook page and website dedicated to the love of whippets. Its main goal is to raise much-needed funds by selling unique, hand-made whippet & sighthound centred items for both hounds and their humans via the website, by holding online auctions, online photo competitions and fundraising events on Facebook - plus, organising tea parties, meet & greets and other fundraising gatherings.

A large part of the profits will go to Scruples Whippet Rescue, a very worthy and dedicated organisation, who work tirelessly for the protection of pointy noses. Money raised from the online fundraising and events will also be divided between several different sighthound charities (both in the UK and overseas). Visit the iheartwhippets page here.

seaside. Having much more space and time, I decided to foster whippets. I found Scruples Whippet Rescue, a charity set up to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome whippets. I registered as a fosterer, had my home check and began as a volunteer. Needless to say whippets are somewhat moreish (as many of you whippet lovers will attest), so have ended up adopting Stanley, a rather dashing and very silly blue whippet. He was meant to be a foster dog, but the love was immediate and a bromance blossomed quickly between Luigi and Stanley... After seeing the work Scruples and their volunteers do and learning about the costs associated with running a small, independent rescue – iheartwhippets began as a way of generating funds to donate to Scruples. I offered to run a stall at Suffolk Dog Day on behalf of Scruples, to raise awareness and money for the charity. I decided to sell and auction off unique, handmade whippet items, so set about sourcing products. I soon discovered that there wasn’t much around, so decided to make the products myself. I bought a sewing machine, a ‘how to sew’ book and began to design and make. However, it became quickly clear that sewing is not my strong point, so have found a few small local manufacturers to create my designs. I’ve been inspired by the response so far and as iheartwhippets develops, I hope to expand the project to include work from many more outside artists, designers and any other whippet related pieces that can be sold. Paola x



Summer Days Victoria Kingston

As summer fades, I remember three special hounds who really enjoyed taking it easy in the warm season. Clover and Joey liked to sunbathe – and being black, they got very hot indeed. They would languish out there for ages, then stagger into the kitchen, drink a bucket of water, and go out again. Madness. Jessica wouldn’t leave the kitchen for long, but, when I watered the garden, she liked standing near the spray of water as it hit her fur, cooling her off. She was fascinated by bees and would submerge her head into the lavender bush, absorbing the fragrance. Maybe a bee would sting her while she was doing it – but if she escaped, she would pursue it around the garden, until you’d think it would be absolutely obliged to sting her. She once got stung inside her mouth, and it swelled to golf ball size. I rubbed vinegar into it and hoped she would learn from it. But no. We like to give our hounds a shower on a blisteringly hot day – wet them, soap them all over and rinse them – using the seedling nozzle of the hose. You would expect Jessie to like it, but she didn’t. After the shower, when the others were tearing around a garden that was swimming in shampoo and water, she shivered in the shade like a bedraggled waif. Wouldn’t shake herself dry, wouldn’t play, wouldn’t go in the sun. I am not a great gardener, but I tried to grow an olive bush in a pot. Meant to flourish in the summer, but Joey devoured the tiny olives. Clover ate the camellia flowers and Jessie ate the geraniums and poppies. Nobody touched the weeds. So much for summer gardening. All in all, summer is a pretty good time for our hounds. Actually, so is winter for that matter.

Victoria Kingston’s latest book Doggy Mixtures, a collection of lovely stories, is available from early October priced £6.95. She has also written Hounds At Home, in collaboration with Hilary Johnson. Victoria has a lifetime of experience with dogs and lives with David and five rescue greyhounds. More about Victoria and her books can be found on her website:

Victoria Kingston Victoria Kingston graduated with an English degree from University College London and qualified as a teacher at London University. She grew up in Leicester before emigrating to Australia and New Zealand when she was nine. Returning to London at age 13, she spent her teenage years enjoying books, films, trips to markets – and of course, dogs. She considers herself to be a Londoner and proves it by complaining about the noise, traffic and pollution at regular intervals. She lives there with her partner David and five greyhounds. She co-founded and co-ordinates Hound Aid, a support group which raises funds and provides supplies for smaller animal charities in the UK and Spain. Victoria taught English and Creative Writing before ill health made her change career to become a full-time writer. She writes magazine features on show business and also gives local talks about her writing and dogs. Hounds At Home, co-written with Hilary Johnson, is now in its second edition and also on Kindle. It depicts the highs and lows of living with adopted greyhounds. Her latest book is Doggy Mixtures, a collection of stories about many breeds of dog and her diverse experiences. You can order these books on Victoria’s website. photo credit :


Liz Coleman,

Senior sighthound project Paola gives hope to elderly hounds, with her exciting new Senior Sighthound Project!


ou may remember the story of poor Jed the Lurcher when he hit the news headlines back in August. His epic wait for a new home came to the attention of the national press. Jed is currently with Dogs Trust in Darlington and he had been in and out of kennels for a very long 7 years, due to being returned through no fault of his own. He remains a great favourite with everyone at the organisation. But thanks to national exposure he may now get the home he deserves - as he has finally been reserved. Fingers crossed for Jed. But Jed is only one hound amongst many who have been waiting for that forever

home. Some dogs may never get a second chance, because they were older when they first came into rescue, sometimes after living a pretty miserable life. To help rectify this sorry state of affairs, Paola Marra has set up an exciting new Senior Sighthound Project, which aims to raise awareness and money for all those lovely and often abandoned older hounds. The project has started off on Facebook and acknowledges that when it comes to older hounds, potential rehomers feel unable to take on an elderly dog, despite wanting to, because it sadly comes down to the increased financial burden

of looking after an ageing canine. Perhaps it may also be for some former owners, they have already lost a dog and don’t want to face the much higher risk of losing another so soon. We know how these hounds can take your heart!

Sighthound rescues, one being a national rescue and the other to an international sighthound rescue. The latest Christmas Auction is raising money for Scruples Whippet Rescue, Birmingham Greyhound Protection and Greyhound Rescue SA’.

So there will be much more to tell about the Senior Sighthound Project in the months to come. Paola is already busy raising money with iheartwhippets for Scruples Whippet Rescue and other sighthound charities.

Future auctions will donate a large percentage to the Senior Sighthound Project too, so we have to admit we really don’t know how she does it all! We are excited to see the birth of Paola’s new project for older hounds, despite feeling sad that it is so badly needed.

Paola says ‘I always donate 50% of all money raised in each auction to two different

We wish Paola the best of luck with all her fabulous work and know you will too.



Greyhound Rescue West of England

TOby Ho! How one extraordinary GRWE volunteer’s cycle challenge has raised the handlebar of fundraising for hounds


Toby began his epic journey from Lands End


oby Boram, volunteer for Greyhound Rescue West of England was a true hero this summer, after completing an epic cycling challenge between Lands’ End and John o’ Groats. One very special and dedicated Sighthound rescuer pedalling his way northwards – and all for the dogs he loves.

“I was just looking for a way to draw attention to GRWE and to raise awareness of what fabulous pets our dogs become.”

Greyhound Rescue West of England (GRWE) volunteer Toby Boram achieved the Britain-length cycle challenge by setting off from Cornwall on August 5th and arriving at the north-western tip of Scotland just 10 days later. With a rapturous welcome from friends, supporters and well wishers, Toby proved his commitment to the cause as he battled through the violently wet and windy remnants of Hurricane Bertha!

Along the route, Toby stopped by to greet around

Toby’s welcoming committee Shepton Mallet


500 GRWE supporters and volunteers, who laid out picnics and made The Great British Bake Off look like a cup-cake convention, as they joined in to cheer Toby and his Canine Crew along the entire length of the country. Everyone was able to celebrate his progress in some way - whether they were avidly following in real time his trials and tribulations on Facebook at or following him on his blog They also provided a place to lay human and hound heads along the way as Toby and his crew wound their way along the route. “But this really is about the hounds, not me” smiled Toby modestly, who had been in training for this event since early in 2013. “I was just looking for a way to draw attention to GRWE and to raise awareness of what fabulous pets our dogs become.” Toby achieved even more than this by raising over £6,000 for hounds - way above his original target of £2,000, after completing the almost 1,000 mile trek.

Toby and his entourage, including Canine Crew Rowan, Jack and Daylah, wended their way through Bideford, Westward Ho!, Taunton, Bath, Hereford, Shrewsbury and Chester before heading into Scotland and GRWE folklore. His 500 supporters en route re-named him Toby! with an exclamation mark after cycling through Westward Ho! in Devon. His cycling odyssey was generously sponsored by East Ruston Cottages and The Original Hik9 Raised Dog Beds, who together added to Toby’s grand total. “GRWE dogs invariably become wonderful pets. We have one of the lowest return rates of all dog rescues. Our charity is run by people who are expert at matching dogs to new homes, and then at helping new homes through post-homing support”. When asked ‘who (alive or dead) would you most like to cycle alongside you?’ Toby answered ‘Carl Linnaeus’. An explanation can be listened on Toby’s blog here. Toby then put the cherry on the cake by entering the Mountain Warehouse vote off and gathered hundreds of votes, putting him in the top flight of entries submitted. You can also meet the hounds who make up the GRWE Canine Crew editorial team at Toby’s blog here.

Toby arrives in John o’ Groats just ten days after setting off.


Support Adoption For Pets grant

Fen Bank greyhounds get their paws on a whopping ÂŁ25,000! With a grant from Support Adoption For Pets



en Bank Greyhound Sanctuary in Boston, near Skegness, is celebrating after receiving over £25,000 from the UK’s primary grantgiving animal charity, Support Adoption For Pets. They have been awarded the money by the independent charity to help fund the construction of a new kennel block onsite, which will provide a much needed home for a further six greyhounds in the Boston area. Support Adoption For Pets has helped over 1,000 rehoming centres and animal welfare organisations across the UK, by awarding grants and running fundraising campaigns with Pets at Home. In addition to its fundraising work the charity also runs dedicated adoption centres in over 375 Pets at Home stores. Amy Wilson, Charity Manager at Support Adoption For Pets, commented “Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary is such an important cause for the local area and offers a lifeline to abandoned greyhounds locally, and we are thrilled to award this money to the team.” Paul Bryan, Vice Chairman of Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary says ‘This

grant means the world to us here, and will make the world of difference to dogs entering the centre. Greyhounds are often abandoned once they are considered too old to race any more, and the money donated will give these animals a second chance.’

The build Paul explains ‘Facilities for the hounds currently include 3 kennel blocks, but the original one was a stable and that’s the one we are replacing with the new building. ‘The overall cost for this will be in the region of £60,000. And whilst we have managed to fund the building purchase, plus ancillary works such as a new roadway and entrance ourselves, we were really not sure how we were going to be able to complete the fitting out of the new kennels. ‘This is where Support Adoption For Pets stepped in! Their amazingly generous grant will enable us to ensure that the kennels meet the highest possible welfare standards. Also we intend to convert part of the old stable block into a play area for our greyhounds. Many ex-racers have never experienced a real puppy-hood, so we

want to ensure that they learn how to enjoy a proper ‘playtime’. ‘At any one time we have at least 30 dogs in our care, with a waiting list of many more. Whilst greyhounds are our raison d’etre we invariably have a lurcher staying with us, also awaiting their forever home!

“Many ex-racers have never experienced a real puppy-hood, so we want to ensure that they learn how to enjoy a proper ‘playtime’.” Founded in 1997, Fen Bank became a registered charity the following year. They have a small staff and an army of volunteers, plus three hardworking trustees, who are responsible for running all aspects of the charity. To find out more about Support Adoption For Pets or to support Fen Bank visit their website:


Hounds First Sighthound Rescue

Stanley the Lurcher - caring hound Raising awareness, hope and funds for Hounds First Sighthound Rescue - Not too shabby for a wanderer found straying in Kent

Stanley the Lurcher raises awareness, hope and funds for Hounds First Sighthound Rescue. Not too shabby for wanderer found straying in Kent and taken to a council dog pound. Luckily he was rescued and since then Stanley has become a Facebook star with literally hundreds of followers. His page ‘The Life & Times of Stanley the Lurcher’ shares his daily conundrums and doings with his loyal fan base. Every few months Stanley puts his food wish list out on Amazon, so that his supporters can donate to support his foster care. This means Hounds First can focus on rescuing and rehoming more hounds coming into the rescue, while Stanley is being taken care of.


Everyone was a little concerned for Stanley a few weeks ago when he had to have an operation to remove some strange lumps. He has been the perfect patient, and recovered pretty well, despite contracting Kennel Cough. But more recently it seems that the original lump may have remains in his muscle. Stanley also has more skin lumps which have been shown to be carcinomas, so the latest news is that Stanley will have an operation to remove his spleen, which may stop the spread of his somewhat rare cancerous condition. Stanley’s vet Chris is now a patron of Hounds First and Stanley absolutely knows and trusts his friends will always

Far left: Stanley cuddle Left: Stanley & Fly Above: Stanley with winning rosettes Bottom Left: Stanley - Mr June

Hounds First needs to build a Wonky Fund! Stanley is a regular attendee at events and fundraisers, and has also worked to highlight the need for a Wonky Dogs Fund. The Fund was set up so that the increasing number of dogs coming in with serious health problems can be treated without the huge stress of wondering where the money to pay for treatment is going to come from. make the for him.




Despite his ailments, Stanley remains a loving, calm and laid back dog, making friends with all his foster pals and looking after them by just being himself or cuddling up with them. He is very often to be found lying prone on Mum’s lap and even allows Snowflake the cat to share his dinner. He is just a big bundle of lurcher love. His photogenic looks have also landed him his own page as Mr June for the Hounds First Calendar.

Rachel at Hounds First says ‘We don’t want to refuse rescue space for these very needy dogs, but it’s a catch 22 situation, as we can’t take any more dogs until we build up a funding pot to pay some of our Wonkys vet bills! Sadly the fund is being used up more quickly than we can raise the funds. We have just taken in 3 oldies who need a lot of TLC. ‘If everyone gave £1 it would make a huge difference – we have £962 towards our target of £2,000 on Justgiving, so if we can achieve this fundraiser target we will have so much more confidence and our Wonky Dogs - and ultimately all our rescue hounds - will really benefit’.

You can buy your own Hounds First 2015 calender by clicking here. If you would like to donate a few pounds towards the cost of Stanley’s operation please visit



Levi with his portrait, donated to help raise funds by artist Pilar Larcade

Scruples Whippet Rescue

Levi. The little star with a big heart Some dogs are truly heroic. They just keep going to get through the toughest of times even if they literally have to be taught how to live the normal life of a beloved pet.


Levi is gradually rebuilding his strength after 10 months of intensive treatment, we wish him all the best!

Levi is one of those dogs. Over the past months he has undergone major rehabilitation both for his physical problems, but also to beat his fear and reluctance to eat freely, play or accept hugs and strokes - to relax, to sleep easily. Basic, natural doggy things that Levi never before had the chance to experience. Levi was delivered to Scruples Whippet Rescue after being signed over, with encouragement from the vet by his owners, who had wanted to have him put to sleep. They couldn’t afford the vet treatment fees. Levi had endured at least 15 hours without any treatment, with a horrendous open fracture to his back leg. So there was an added complication of his skin not being able to grow to recover the wound as his leg bones knitted back together. This wasn’t the only thing – he was so thin that his rescuers could actually see his heart beating through his skin, and his fur was tufty and rough, with a rash all across his undercarriage. Just unacceptable when you see the sleek whippety boy he now is. For the past 10 months Ginny and her family at Whippets at Home Boarding have been fostering and caring for Levi, and spent the first month attempting to get him to feel he was even allowed to eat. After the first 4 weeks he began sleeping in the classic cockroach style like a contented hound should. It had even been hard to get him out into the garden without physical and emotional support. But he began to unwind slowly and did his very best to please, accepting cuddles with affection, doing a little dance on his 3 usable legs, his poorly hind leg wrapped in a thick blue bandage. Levi worked a spell on Ginny’s family, as many whippet owners will understand. He gained in understanding and then grew generous, returning cuddles and love towards this strange, kind new family. Levi is terribly brave and calm. He had to undergo general anaesthetic shots even to allow his dressings to be changed. After 2 months he still needed them changed twice a week, but could at least then forego the shots. The vet surgery started to refer to him as ‘the little star’. All the vitamin tablets and medication meant his coat slowly started to take on that classic whippet shine. He literally was being rebuilt from the inside.

Because the visits to the vet were having to continue on for so long, and the fees became frighteningly large, fundraising ideas began popping up – festive wrapping paper and tags with Levi’s portrait at Christmas time, greeting cards with donated artwork and donations started to come in. Despite Levi’s best efforts and those of his foster to make him heal, because the break was a multiple fracture pinned with a metal plate and screws, he had to have yet another operation to remove most of the metal. Just one screw needed to remain in his leg for support. Another vet surgery heard about Levi through a post Ginny made on their Facebook page and presented him with a bravery award, “the thought of letting with a gift of a much little Levi go after appreciated Blizzard everything they had coat from Scruples.

been through together

Since December 2013 was all a little too he has been going to hydrotherapy and much for Ginny” physiotherapy, with 10 minute walks to build up his muscles and strength. As you can see, Ginny’s perseverance is really paying off. But financially it is still very hard. But in the end, the thought of letting little Levi go after everything they had been through together was all a little too much for Ginny, and she and her husband were happy to become his official new owners. The inspiration of Levi led them to set up their own Whippets at Home Boarding so that owners can really relax and let their whippet have a comfortable, carefree holiday if they need to go away. It reminds us of the famous saying that to change a dog’s life won’t necessarily change the world, but it will surely change the world forever for that one dog. We are sure the special little star that is Levi will become literally a big star in his own back yard, despite his ongoing treatment, by welcoming whippet guests into his home, fundraising, and generally just being Levi. He is bound to change the world for many other dogs too.


Murray the Lurcher AKA Sir Domingo the Rough!


Murray the Lurcher Sighthound’s Rover Reporter MUses on his ‘Talk like a pirate’ themed trip and the danger of letting your nose rule your better intentions!


i fans, Cap’n Murray here – or Sir Domingo the Rough! Well it’s very nice to be onboard the launch of MV Sighthound and givin me an opportunity to get into the swing of things, I went on a trip for ‘Talk Like A Pirate Day.’

After I got me new Pirate Name and arose as ‘Sir Domingo the Rough’ I then went for a little pootle about in the Norfolk Broads - intrepidly - in a pirate boat. At least I think it was a pirate boat. I did have a slightly wet time of it when I decided to jump in and wet me whiskers, but me Assistant’s hubby saw the funny side eventually, after having to dive in after me and pull me out. Well I think he did. I’ve had lots of nice outings in the past few months including a trip to Lulworth Castle, where I had some very tasty cheese at The Mousetrap Cheese Shop. I was also aiming to get along to Pup Aid a few weeks ago and meet me mates, and give you a report on all me doings in Primrose Hill, but I ahem, went a bit too far with a packet of dark choccy and raisin biscuits and, well, I am ok now but I had to be rushed to the vets and was even put on a drip. Me Assistant was very worried. It wasn’t funny at all. Not a trip I want to remember and I missed her and me soft bed very much. So - a word of warning to all you young houndys out there. Step away from those choccy biccys! Specially if they got them delicious evil rasins in ‘em! Don’t let your nose rule your better intentions. I was very lucky, but it was sad we couldn’t go along. Just another day in the life of a hound about town I guess. I am still here to tell you the tails of me doings tho, so there is lots more to come yet! See yer later! Lurcher love,

Sir Domingo x

Top: On the Broads (before I jumped in!)

Centre: Boomerjack’s dog collar for ‘Talk Like A Pirate Day’ Bottom: ‘Sir Domingo the Rough’ himself


Sighthound Charity Spotlight

Greyhound Rescue West of England a growing charity, with a growing reputation.


So how does a rescue which owns no kennels, and only recently appointed its third paid employee, achieve the rehoming of 516 ex-racing greyhounds and lurchers in only one year?

History: Angela Yardley, founder of Greyhound Rescue West of England, remembers the time when her father was a fencing contractor and occasionally worked for greyhound stadiums. He was a great animal lover and was deeply affected by ‘lovely dogs spending their lives shut in kennels”. She had always kept Salukis, but then in 1984 Angela just knew she had to have a greyhound. So she took on an enormous blonde boy called Merlin, and it was this dog that really started everything. At first no-one was interested in homing greyhounds, so it was a huge achievement when the first ones began to find new owners. In 1992, there were few dedicated rescues and it was still difficult to sell the idea of a greyhound as a pet. A real low point came when with only £28 in the kitty Angela cancelled all advertising and cleared the kennels, taking home 3 dogs! But GRWE carried on with a handful of people and with the support of many people gained charitable status in the mid ‘90s.

What they do: A large amount of funding is raised through GRWE’s awareness events. The charity has about 100 volunteers with key roles across England and Wales, but add to this an army of thousands prepared to stand in all weathers and talk to the public about their passion.

‘Well, almost all weathers’ Stuart, primary school teacher by day and GRWE’s national Press Officer, laughs. ‘The problem here is that many of the dogs just aren’t the outdoorsy type really!’ Contrary to what many people expect, ex-racing dogs require very little exercise; the breed description recommends two 20 minute walks a day. Greyhounds spend large amounts of time sleeping, although lurchers rehomed by GRWE come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with a range of exercise requirements. ‘These dogs are inspirational’ he states. ‘We have some very special methods in terms of our rehoming strategy. In the first instance, potential adopters talk with home checkers and rehoming officers about what they expect from their new pet. This is the start of a matchmaking process. ‘Meanwhile, dogs in our care are constantly under assessment – everything from walking up steps and stairs to how they walk on a lead. So, ultimately rehoming officers can introduce potential homes to the hound who fits their expectations of a new dog’.

New Life Appeal With a 100% record in successfully homing dogs aged 8 or older, the charity launched its ‘New Life’ appeal back in Spring. Stuart says ‘New Life really highlights the way that GRWE never turns a dog down because he or she is too old. With dogs living to much greater ages than ever before, it makes perfect sense to rescue older dogs, because they invariably make excellent pets’.

In 2013 GRWE were awarded ‘Animal Charity Team of the Year’ by the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes and launched their “New Life” campaign appeal


Cienna with GRWE volunteer Katie Golding

While GRWE places dogs into a variety of new homes, Stuart is quick to expand on the benefits of re-homing an older hound. ‘There is a particular symbiosis which means mature dogs are excellent companions for older people when the setting is good. So we really welcome applications from potential adopters of all ages, as believe every dog deserves the chance of a new life. We not only feel these dogs have a right to enjoy their twilight years, but we also want people to value the “There is a experience of adopting particular a wonderful symbiosis which senior’.

means mature dogs are excellent companions for older people.”

The data backs up this policy a bespoke approach that matches dogs to the lifestyle of adopters means they can accommodate both hounds and humans can enjoy companionship well into their twilight years. GRWE set up the appeal because as a national charity, they want to be able to refocus efforts on more mature dogs.


Cienna – and her unexpected stowaways The staff and volunteer team have been delighted by an unexpected twist to the charity’s ‘New Life’ appeal. ‘New Life’ was rolling along nicely, then along came Cienna. Cienna, a small whippet-collie and lurcher cross was set to be put to sleep as a stray. GRWE took the pretty lurcher out of the dog pound, meaning she had a truly narrow call on whether she would survive. But having saved waggy-tailed Cienna from her fate, the charity discovered they were taking on rather more than they expected when they also found 9 little stowaways. It’s unusual for GRWE to have puppies looking for homes. ‘But it is a possibility when dogs have been living as strays. It takes a lot to rescue and re-home just one dog, so taking in nine extra pups is bound to put a strain on our resources and budget’ ‘But of course this is the ultimate example of new life. We are thrilled to


have received donations to help us care for Cienna and her nine puppies, and other dogs like them’ Stuart concluded.

“We are delighted that Cienna and all of her puppies have now been homed”

The beautiful puppies were named Amber, Lexi, Angel, Flokie, Topaz, Purdy, Rolo, Chance and Chester, in a ceremony where suggestions were selected by GRWE’s canine celebrity greyhound Freddie, who flies the flag for the charity’s ‘Sponsor a Dog’ scheme. All this work has totally paid off for the wet-nosed nine. We are delighted that Cienna and all of her puppies have now been homed - see photos of all the dogs with their forever families on GRWEs Facebook page.

The short video created for the awards ceremony when GRWE was named animal charity team of the year 2013 can be viewed on Youtube here

The ‘New Life’ campaign has nearly reached it’s target with over £9,000 raised towards it’s £10,000 target! Just a few more donations will give the hounds West of England something to roo about! To make a donation to the appeal, please visit the charity’s Justgiving page here. Alternatively call 01761 434 488 or you can text PAWS02 £10 (or any other amount) to 70070.

Rehoming enquiries can be made through or by ringing

07000 785 092


Bally Shannon

The Incredible Story of A Great War Hero As we go towards the commemoration of 100 years since the outbreak of the World War 1, we thought it would be timely to share the story of Bally Shannon, a loyal Irish Wolfhound with an incredible story.


o the Irish, the Wolfhound is otherwise known as sagh clium, or wolf-dog. Down through history they have been bred to hunt grey wolves and elk, and even used as dogs of war. The Irish Examiner featured the story of Bally Shannon, lauded as a canine hero during World War 1, to mark the gift of a coat in April 2014 from the Irish President, and awarded to Domnhall of Shantamon the present day mascot of the Irish Guards, The breed has a special affiliation with the Irish Guards who served in the trenches in the First World War. They found a wolfhound shivering in


their trench, so they wrapped the dog in a spare greatcoat. So here is the epic story of Bally Shannon, an Irish Wolfhound with a loyal heart who came through the First World War after braving the muddy destruction, shelling and chaos of the front line trenches. Country Life magazine and various newspapers reported on the story, both in Britain and overseas throughout the war. Bally Shannon first went to the front to serve, as many dogs did, as a Red Cross rescue hound. He had been in training for the Dublin police

force when war broke out and his master, a British officer, took him to the French front in 1916. For six long months he served supporting French troops, carrying messages, equipment and first aid dressings. He pulled soldiers to safety by dragging them out of no-mans land as a search and rescue hound. Over the course of the war he saved ten men.

A soldier and his dog were wounded by the same shell - In hospital, the faithful animal refused to be separated from his master, The same nurse treated both of them each day.

He was then sent with his owner to Ypres. In the very first combat action he was involved in there, a cannon was thrown off its carriage and rolled over onto Bally, crushing him. German troops found the dog still alive and carried him into their lines. Believing he was about to die, they then pushed him back into French lines. A surgeon examined him and x-rays were taken by a nun. His ribs were bent and bruised but not broken. So against all the odds he carried on and was reunited with his master. But in April 1917 at Brimont, a single shell shattered his master’s arm and wounded Bally in his left shoulder. He was hurt by the very same shell that ended the war for his owner. But despite this he refused to leave his master’s side for a moment while he was in the military hospital. Pictured is the cover of Le Miroir, a popular war news periodical, published in June 1917. The French caption to the photograph reads ‘A soldier and his dog who were wounded by the same shell. At the Brimont fort this liaison agent and his dog, who assisted him in his missions, were wounded at the same time. In hospital, the faithful animal refused to be separated from his master. The same nurse treats both of them each day’. Eventually, they were both put on a hospital ship bound for Ireland, for home and recovery. But in a terrible twist of fate, as they


For more information on the rescue and rehoming of Irish Wolfhounds in the UK please visit The Irish Wolfhound Rescue Welfare Trust: and ‘Irish Wolfhounds’ website: Images & References Author: Robert Hume the-dog-of-war-that-won-the-worldshearts-268328.html Link: Author: Walter A. Dyer htm Ashburton Guardian, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 9306, 29 May 1918, Page 8 paperspast?a=d&d=AG19180529.2.46 &e=-------10--1----0-Dog in tin hat image ©IWM Original Bally Shannon image attributed to The Mentor Vol 6, no.16 Copyright, 1918, The Mentor Association Inc. Source: SARA (Saltburn Animal Rescue Association) Author: John Fuller

crossed the water the ship took a direct hit from a torpedo fired by a German submarine. Reports vary on what happened to Bally’s owner. Some press tells his master survived the blast and managed, along with two other survivors, to scramble onto a floating piece of wreckage, and that although Bally Shannon swam towards them, his master was not able to let him clamber onto the flimsy float, as he would have sunk them all under his massive weight. Other reports say only two men lived, and clinging on for dear life along with Bally, was the man introduce him to a new world, a New York Irishman named Maloney.

Walter A. Dyer, writing for Country Life magazine, visited Bally Shannon as he recovered from his injuries in his enclosure in Central Park. He wrote ‘I spoke his name, but not in the tone with which one addresses a spaniel. He came to the edge of the enclosure and raised himself to his full height, resting his forepaws on the top of the fence. His head was level with mine. I thought I had never seen so magnificent an animal. All sinew and brawn, powerful, built on lines of speed, he stood there and received my homage. I placed my hand reverently on his broad, shaggy head and let it slide down his muzzle. He took it into his mouth for an instant with the utmost gentleness. I was a stranger to Bally Shannon, but he was the friend of man.

More great images

Whatever the outcome of the sinking of the ship, Bally Shannon didn’t panic. Although the water was freezing, although he was wounded and exhausted, he kept up his long struggle to survive that no man could have endured. Whatever the truth, his master did not survive the journey and see Bally live on. Just in time Bally was rescued when it grew light, but Bally had struggled in the salt water for so long, his coat had been eaten away and turned a dirty, burnt yellow.


Maloney was overawed by the Wolfhounds bravery and fortitude, and he adopted Bally. Introducing him to Tom Hoey, a shepherd working in Central Park, he recuperated by assisting him in the park in the centre of New York. He was able to rehabilitate slowly by guarding the sheep that grazed there.

I saw in those eyes the devotion and unquestioning courage that had upheld him that dark night in the water’. His Airedale companion, named Lady Dale, was very taken with Bally, but he seemed to yearn to return to the fray. Hoey said ‘The dog’s that restless at times that I fair believe that he wants to be going back the wars’. Or was it that Bally Shannon simply grieved for his lost master, to rescue him and be by his side?

Product Feature

Five great whippet coats Seeing as winter is looming we thought it was the perfect time to look at what options are out there to protect our furries from the weather. Further details can be found by clicking on the names below: 1. Ak Creations - The Snuggla 2. Guto the Whippet Upcycled Dog Wear - Luna wears a commissioned Cosy Fleece (Image Tina Memoria) 3. Red Hound For Dogs - Dartmoor Whippet Roll Neck Green 4. Country & Twee - Tweed Dog Coat 5. Dogs & Co. - Brown Quilted Hound Dog Coat




Next Issue...



In the next issue we will be featuring smart collars and leads for that special festive gift. If you would like to be part of this showcase please get in touch via our website:


Kevin the Whippet’s

foto Booth Challenge Kevin recently ran a photo competition for SIghthound to coincide with ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ - Here’s the outcome


Aha me ! s e i t r a he Kevin the Whippet here an shiver me timbers, hasn’t I bin judging all da luvly land lubbin foto entwies for Talk Like a Pirate Day! Here’s me lookin hansum in me Johnny Depp costume, da ladies seems to fink I looks even more hansum dan Johnny himself BOL. Anyways, I froo down me gauntlet an challenged u to outdo me in me vewy cool outfit, to help me waise some munny for me favourwite chawity, The Stroke Association. Ur hoomins has bin uploadin all sorts of fotos of us as kev’s Pirate Pets an it bin hard to judge it to be fur, but we finally can weveal da winner – ta dah its... Doris the Lurcher! Vewy fetchin in her hat I has gotta say. Claire & S


Der wos a consensus of opinion by da Sighthound team (an blind judging of all da fotos wivvout names on) an dey finked dat Doris had da best outfit. Me an me Dad judged it too an we comed up wiv da same winner. So, well done Doris an as da furst Kevin’s Foto Booth Winner u will be sent a coveted digital pic sportin ur Supa Winner’s Wosette. Once Sighthound mag has posted u ur actual luvly big colourful Kev’s Winner’s Wosette to show off don’t fawget to send a cool pic of u wearin it! Next time, we gonna get da festive Doris the Lurcher season off to a gud start wiv da best Halloween/Guy Fawkes outfit Furry award, wiv a vewy cool pwessie to win.

Seaman B



Winner oooo


More noos on da dog blog soon.

Kevin x



Italian Greyhound Rescue

Clear and Present Danger Puppy farming has become big business, but Italian Greyhound Rescue, a small charity with a big punch, is marking it’s 10th Anniversary by fighting back.


he rise of the Pup Aid campaign, spearheaded by Marc the Vet, has raised the issue of puppy farming. It has hit the headlines yet again recently. Over the past few years the campaign has been bringing home the message - to rehome, and not to buy puppies from disreputable breeders - with ever more force. Following an e-petition organised by Pup Aid to government which numbers over 111,000 signatures, the issue was debated in Parliament recently. It is hoped this will be the first step in changing the current legislation.


There has been a large increase in ‘home breeding’ by puppy farmers who breed purely for financial gain, selling their puppies and older dogs online, with many rescues coming under increasing pressure as a direct result. One rescue in particular is highlighting the importance of choosing your breed with great care. Italian Greyhound Rescue is the foremost rehoming charity of these lovely small dogs in the UK. ‘We would say ask yourself two questions – “Is an Italian Greyhound right for me and am I right

Italian Greyhound Rescue’s 10th Anniversary celebrations saw a fantastic array of fancy dress, click the image to view the full set of pictures. Photo by Ian McDonald

for an Italian Greyhound?”’ says Helen Lister, who has co-ordinated many rehomings for the charity. She has witnessed first hand the resulting misery of irresponsible breeding practices. Many of these sensitive small hounds come into the rescue with health and temperament issues, as a direct result of poor breeding and lack of care during the important early weeks and months of life. Adults too are passed from one breeder to another, purely in the interests of making a profit. Helen continues ‘We would like to see an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act “ Is an Italian to ban the advertising of dogs on the internet. Never Greyhound right consider buying an Italian for me and am I Greyhound on the internet right for an Italian and inform people who admire them to consider Greyhound? ” the breed’s true needs, and what they are really like to have as a pet dog’.

The Sale of Goods Act 1979 covered the buying and selling of dogs, and many would argue this is not a good fit, legislation wise, to cover the breeding of pets. This obviously has ramifications for welfare, but it is the explosion of online sites that has made breeding and selling for profit an easy way to make money. Breeders originally were made on reputation and the community was self-regulating. Now, with the rise of fashionable and status breeds, often it is the rescues who are having to work ever harder to manage the flow of unwanted pet dogs. Also clarified during the recent Parliamentary debate was that anyone at all who breeds puppies as a business i.e. for profit and sells them, is required to have a licence. The Breeding and Sale of Dogs Act has also been widely misinterpreted by some local councils that only persons breeding more than five litters per year are required to have one! Helen warns ‘So back street breeders should now beware – it is very easy to trace adverts on the internet even when they have been removed’! The big message is loud and clear. ‘Please do not ever buy an Italian Greyhound advertised for sale on a website. It is very rare indeed for a responsible breeder to do this’. You can help by spreading the word! For more information from Italian Greyhound Rescue visit their site by clicking here.

Yarn Appeal On a cuddly note, Italian Greyhound Rescue is asking for any left over ends or balls of wool or yarn (as long as they are machine washable) as they are supported by a wonderful lady, who makes them into snuggly blankets for rescue Italian Greyhounds who feel the cold. Please send your yarn odds and ends to: The Italian Greyhound Rescue Charity Yarn Appeal 58 High Street, Eye, Peterborough PE6 7UY - United Kingdom


Goldie Lovin’ Chain

Bill & Ben - back to life in just 8 weeks Date log: 22nd July

Bryan It was just another ordinary evening for Bryan Butt, despite it being one of the hottest nights of the year. Until that is, he came across two decimated, thin lurchers, who had clearly been abandoned and were wandering along a quiet country road in Bridgend County, between Swansea in the North and Barry in South Wales. Thanks to Bryan’s intervention, Bill and Ben had just found their first helping hand in an overlapping baton of support.


harrowing time. These were two of the very worst cases of wilful neglect that the kennel workers had seen. Apart from both being extremely underweight, they were covered in sores and had little hair growth. The pair had to be rushed into the vet’s surgery even before being admitted to the kennels, due to the desperate state of the condition they were both in.

Croft Rescue Kennels

The image above is of Bill and Ben just after they had been spotted and so very thin.

They came into Croft Rescue Kennels desperately in need of expert help. They had been neglected to the point of starvation and seemed to be suffering from severe mange. They had obviously been through a

To see the terrible condition Bill and Ben were found in please click here: Warning: images may be considered distressing by some readers

Bill & Ben’s Facebook supporters

Date log: 9th August

Following the concern and shock people expressed at Bill and Ben’s plight they were given their very own Facebook page, so they could tell their story direct to their new fan-base, who wanted to know how they were doing each week in their fight to recover.

‘Sleeping, eating, pooping and most importantly, getting better. Lol. see you all soon. Well, as soon as we’re well enough to be released from quarantine anyway. You all take care now’.

They posted ‘We’re not allowed to have visitors at the moment or have our pictures taken. It’s going to take a little bit of time as we were so bad, but we’re on the mend day by day. Our biggest issue at the moment is being in isolation for our very contagious condition, but at least we’re starting to look and feel better every day. And we have to stay in even the staff had to here until the vet gives us the all clear. Then wear overalls and we can think of a new change their clothes home, or at least being with some of the other every time they kennel in-mates until interacted with the we are allowed out’.

Bill & Ben posted:

In just 3 weeks, Croft Rescue Kennels had transformed the two rescues from walking skeletons suffering painful skin disease and wounds, to what you see here. They are both so very much improved, with good skin condition and having put on weight.

Date log: 15th August Bill and Ben were seen by the vet and had skin scrapes taken. There was no sign of the disease remaining at all.

two dogs, due to how contagious SARCOPTIC mange can be.

Bill and Ben were diagnosed as suffering from sarcoptic mange - basically they were infested with scabies - and were immediately put on an intensive treatment programme. Along with regular vet checks, they were bathed in Malaseb, an anti-bacterial shampoo, and then given five small feeds throughout the day to build them up.

Bill being bathed

They began with puppy food and gradually worked their way up to Wainrights and Naturediet food for adult dogs. With regular weigh-ins to control their weight gain over a period of time, the nutritious food and regular feeds meant they could put on the required body mass they so desperately needed. They had to be completely separated from the other animals and undergo regular treatment with Advocate, to destroy the sarcoptes scabies parasite that causes the mange. While caring for Bill and Ben, even the staff had to wear overalls and change their clothes every time they interacted with the two dogs, due to how contagious sarcoptic mange can be.

Bill on the mend

Bill and Ben’s page started to big up other dogs in need by sharing Croft Kennels status and photos of those looking for their forever homes. They posted ‘Even though some of the other inmates out there have managed to find homes, there are still loads here looking for a special home for life. So if you’re able to, or want a deserving loving addition to your family, why not pop in and have a look?’ ‘Hopefully we will be well enough to pose for some more pics of our much improved physique, so you all can see how well we really have improved’.

Ben on the mend


Group of hounds with Bill

Date log: 23rd August Ben left for his new home at Hounds First Sighthound Rescue, while Bill remained with Croft Rescue Kennels until the vet stated he was a suitable weight to be placed in his new home. All at Croft Rescue Kennels were thrilled at Bill and Ben’s speedy recovery, having witnessed the severity of their neglect when they first arrived.

Hounds First

with Samantha Jones & Abby Gregory: foster stars Abby became Bill’s foster, and Sam took Ben into the fold, and by working with Hounds First they were confident both dogs would soon be on their way to loving forever homes, with Wendy from Kim’s Home also providing some support. They started to transform into beautiful pet dogs with increasing confidence. Bill has even been braving the sofa and enjoying group walks with a bounce in his step, becoming a huge favourite.

Bill even went to his first dog show and won a rosette or two.


Bill (now Dylan) having a great time with friend Yogi.

Only in the last few days have I been brave enough to get up on the sofa and stay there. I’m really coming out of my shell and am ever so playful.

Date log: 21st September Bill said ‘Hi! Bill here ‘This is me now... can you believe it? I’ve been in my foster home nearly 4 weeks now, and I’m doing GREAT. ‘Everyone who meets me just falls in love. Only in the last few days have I been brave enough to get up on the sofa and stay there. I’m really coming out of my shell and am ever so playful. I love stealing things and hiding them in my crate... tea towels, brushes, dog beds... and I love my food too! Plus playing with my 3 foster brothers and friends. I’m just loving life in general’.

BIll braving the sofa

Ben is available for rehoming Ben is clearly in fine form. He is making the most of his time at his foster home in Somerset and is available for rehoming from Hounds First Sighthound Rescue (see our Star Hounds For Homing) Visit his web page here.

Date log: 27th September: Postscript

Bill (now Dylan) says it’s not goodbye but ‘au revoir’ to his foster mum Bill went off to his new home after he completed his recovery and underwent a neutering op. Having already met his new family he loves his new family and their dog, and is now living near to his foster mum – so he still sees her often. Bill and Ben simply blossomed under all the careful attention to become happy and well-adjusted dogs - living miracles of their dedicated chain of carers and well-wishers, who caught them when they fell. They will never find themselves thirsty, starving and alone on a hot, deserted road ever again. Click to see a video of Bill


Kim’s Home & Lurcher SOS

How a tail of Hope & Beauty can lead to a double happy ending It is a well-reported fact that many smaller charities and volunteer organisations in the UK see themselves as increasingly competing for funds and public attention. But not so for the numerous sighthound and dog rescues who work successfully together with just one determined goal in mind - to save, rehabilitate and rehome as many dogs as they can.



his is just one story of beauty and hope. Bella the beautiful Saluki cross (left) was languishing in the dog pound. She had been left there many times before. Brought in as a stray, she was given up after having been extremely neglected. Finally, her owner had decided it was time to sign her over. Tragically she was scheduled to be put to sleep, as due to the sheer number of dogs being picked up at the time the pound was bursting at the seams. She just couldn’t find anyone to take her home. But her lucky number came up, because she was rescued by Lurcher SOS Lurcher and Sighthound Rescue, who stepped in at the eleventh hour. She was given her reprieve. Sadly they found her in a desperate state and very emaciated. Thanks to their efforts and close relationship with Kim’s Home for Elderly / Abused Dogs, she was offered a soft place to lay her head at Kim’s Home while a new lucky owner could be found. Lurcher SOS offered rescue back-up if Wendy could foster her in addition to her own residents. Bella’s happy ending came along when she found forever love and a home with some wonderful new people. It was thought at the time she would be a superb only dog, as she really adores humans so much - but even more happily this was not what life ultimately had in store for Bella. Because along came Hope By the time Hope went to live with Bella as a sister, she was unrecognisable from the bag of bones that had been saved back in May. Lurcher SOS and Kim’s Home had to begin all over again with Hope. Hope had also had a really terrible time, and was found with raw, open pressure sores and terrible, deep scar wounds on her face and back. She was so thin, it was a wonder she even had the strength to stand. Her ears had been literally eaten away by mange. Yet Hope amazingly still remained a friendly, happy and good-natured girl. Her story caught the attention of Facebook fans, who willed her on to improve as she began her recuperation. To see the terrible condition Hope was found in when rescued please click here: Warning: images may be considered distressing by some readers. Wendy, who runs Kim’s Home had recently lost her faithful friend Freya, an original resident who had come to stay with her after being abused as a puppy many years before. Wendy was devastated after having to say goodbye to Freya this Summer, after more than 15 loving years together. Wendy said ‘In a way, caring for her distracted me from the grief over Freya. And on the first evening she was here, she sank peacefully and thankfully on to Freya’s lovely bed and slept and slept. I’m sure Freya would have approved’.

Hope took a little while to recover her strength, as she tired easily at first. So they continued at a pace she could manage. She was soon cuddling up on Wendy’s daughters lap, and migrating to the sofa – and to additional beds. Hope was clearly blissful in all the new comfort she found herself in. She even began to get a little cheeky - a great sign that she was feeling better! Hope probably hadn’t lived in a home before so she had to learn a few manners while she found out how to behave in a house. Having been unused to being given love and affection she naturally got a little clingy towards her foster mum, as she continued with her emotional as well as physical recovery. With care and time, Hope got really well. She put on over several kilos in weight and her wounds healed. So when she went to live with Bella, life became complete. The two hounds really took to each other, as efforts were made to make the change into a pampered homed pet as smooth as possible. Her foster stayed close by in the interim and all the supporters from both organisations followed their story. Both Hope and Bella seem to have found kindred spirits in each other, and as part of a most fantastic, loving new family they have found a double happy ending. Fosters are incredibly important in keeping the flow of dogs moving onwards towards this kind of double happiness. Many of these dogs have never known what it is to be loved, to have a warm bed to sleep in or a toy to play with. They often need patience and a little time to realise that a good life has finally arrived, in a big treat-tin with their name on it. Lurcher SOS has been campaigning strongly to recruit more fosters, to help relieve the ongoing critical situation that many pounds and rescues are struggling to cope with. Do you live in London or the South of England? Could you consider becoming a foster? There are many other ways you can support both Kim’s Home and Lurcher SOS. For more details of how you can sponsor a dog or support Wendy in her tireless work click here. To find out more about fostering and supporting Lurcher SOS Lurcher and Sighthound Rescue click on their logo below.



Star HOunds for homing Just a tiny selection of some of the beautiful hounds currently looking for loving homes. Why not explore each charity’s website for details of other hounds they currently have available.


Brandon - Male galgo from a litter of feral puppies whose mother had been killed - see page 5 for fuill story.

Geraldine - Female galgo from a litter of feral puppies whose mother had been killed - see page 5 for fuill story.

Visit Brandon’s web page

Visit Geraldine’s web page

Ramon Personality and bags of it! Ramon likes to get up to all sorts and is a real clown. He’s a beauty who will make a massive impact on anyone who would love a galgo as a companion. Visit Ramon’s web page

PUPPy Love!

united kingdom

Niobe If you have been following our ebulletins you may recognise this little mischief as one of the Matrix Triplets, rescued by Galgos del Sol from almost certain death. He is now up for rehoming to follow his siblings to a forever home. What a cherub!

Ben - 1 year old lurcher, Ben is a very loving soppy dog who craves love and loves cuddles on the sofa. He is gangly and daft, he has no control over his ears either!

Visit Niobe’s web page


Jake - One year old whippet cross, intelligent, active and very loving. Loves being with people.

Kim’s Home & Hounds First Sighthound Rescue

Undaunted: Freya, a journey against the odds One day this Summer a good Samaritan went to the rescue of a little puppy. A small bundle of life, callously thrown out of a car. Her owner had simply driven away.


ortunately, the quick thinking 18 year old who rescued the puppy was an acquaintance of Kim’s Home For Elderly / Abused Dogs. So because of him this special little girl found herself in a warm, safe haven. They named her Freya and came to the conclusion that she was a Saluki cross, probably only around 10 weeks old at the time she was abandoned. After her lucky rescue, things began to go a little wrong again when Freya stopped eating due to worms, another signal of her early neglect. It was a worrying time. Soon her Facebook fans were donating towards vet fees and sending all their good wishes; it seemed she was taking a real turn for the worse, as she was already underweight. But Wendy at Kim’s Home and the vet surgery brought her through the worst of it. She began to turn a corner. Everyone could breathe a sigh of relief when she started to eat the special tasty meals Wendy prepared for her. She also had the help of Charlie, an older hound who looked after little Freya by acting as a calm presence and putting up with her Tigger-like enthusiasm. Freya was soon ruling the roost and charming everyone who met her – and in the end Hounds First found a wonderful new home for now not-so-little Freya. This once rather small ray of hope has landed on all 4 paws and is now living with an older hound who can teach her a few polite ways. She is bound to entrance everyone she meets, simply by radiating her mischievous Freya light.

After being checked against the missing dogs register, Freya was soon on her way to Hounds First Sighthound Rescue who is equipped to offer puppy-savvy foster homes.


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