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About this report

The purpose of this Sustainability Report is to provide clear and transparent information to our stakeholders on our sustainability priorities, as well as the results of the environmental, social, and governance initiatives implemented over the course of the year.

Reporting cycles (GRI 2-3)

This is Sigma Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.’s twelfth Annual Sustainability Report, a subsidiary of Alfa, S.A.B. de C.V., and covers the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2022.

Companies included in the report (GRI 2-2)

In the preparation of this 2022 Report, we included the information of all facilities over which we have operational control. In calculations for the 2025 Goals related to CO2eq emissions and the consumption of cleaner and renewable sources of energy, we included only manufacturing plants acquired as of 2018

Material topics (GRI 3-1, 3-2)

To identify the priority topics to include in our report, we considered our Materiality Analysis’s conclusions, the Sigma Sustainability Strategy, our 2025 Goals, and the company’s internal planning processes. The results of Sigma’s most recent Materiality Analysis (2021), as well as a list of our material topics, can be viewed in section “Our Materiality” on pages 16 and 17 of this report.

Changes in the company and restatements of information (GRI 2-4)

There were no significant changes in our operations that would require that we modify the scope of our report with respect to previous years. There weren’t any changes in the information compilation processes or criteria that would require a restatement of information either. We standardized criteria between Business Units to account for the number of operations, resulting in a total of 65 plants across our different geographies.

Preparing information

The information in this report was obtained through interviews with executives in our Headquarters and Business Units around the world, internal databases, and sustainability-related questionnaires. In drafting the 2021 report, we launched a new digital system that strengthens this process to compile information and corresponding documents. In 2022, we continued to implement and use this system.

Monitoring metrics

To measure our initiatives’ results, key performance indicators, and progress toward our 2025 Goals, we employed internal criteria to monitor the company’s performance in areas that are key to our Sustainability Strategy. The information provided has been validated internally.

GRI Reporting Standards (GRI 2-5)

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards’ Core Option, the most widely used methodology globally for preparing sustainability reports. For more information about GRI, visit their website. An initial effort to report under the SASB standards framework was also initiated. This report has not been verified by an independent external entity.

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