2 minute read
C inStaker
from Block Issue 01
by SiGMA Group
Coinstaker.com is an independent media site that provides the latest cryptocurrency, fintech, and blockchain developments, cryptocurrency guides, price analysis articles, interviews with blockchain experts and more. The whole team of Coinstaker.com believes that blockchain technology and digital currencies have a vital role today and will in the future.
www.coinstaker.com www.icoalert.com www.icobench.com www.lattice80.com www.timesofmalta.com www.thefintechtimes.com www.iibcouncil.org www.newsbtc.com www.cointelegraph.com www.topmarketgroup.com
Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, ICO Alert maintains the only comprehensive list of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Founder Michael Finch has used his active knowledge of cryptocurrency to develop ICO Alert as the most definitive authority within the ICO-investment world. ICO Alert has published hundreds of in-depth ICO Alert reports, maintains the ICO Alert Podcast and more.
ICObench is a number 1 analytical platform for the evaluation of ICO projects by popularity and by the number of ICOs listed. We provide an assessment of ICO projects by experts from the blockchain community and support the principles of a decentralised rating. Our mission is to increase the transparency of the ICO market and to influence the development of blockchain technology. We are committed to doing our best to ensure we succeed!
LATTICE80 is the World’s Largest Fintech Hub connecting over 11,000 Fintech / Blockchain Startups and 200,000 professionals globally. We believe technology with purpose will bring real innovation to make our world a better place. It is headquartered in London with various branches in Europe and Asia.
Allied Newspapers Limited is Malta’s largest media organisation. With over 80 years of heritage, our mission was, is, and will continue to be the dissemination of credible content that enriches people’s lives by informing, educating and entertaining them. We do this through Malta’s undisputed leading platforms: the Times of Malta, The Sunday Times of Malta.
The Fintech Times is the world’s first and only newspaper dedicated to fintech. Published monthly, The Fintech Times explores the explosive world of financial technology, blending first hand insight, opinion and expertise with observational journalism to provide a balanced and comprehensive perspective of this rapidly evolving industry.
Institute of iBusiness Council is the Business Technology division of ECCouncil Group dedicated to developing Enterprise Digital Transformation Training and Certification programs for Corporate Growth Hacking.
NewsBTC is a news service that covers bitcoin news, technical analysis & forecasts for bitcoin and other altcoins. Here at NewsBTC, we are dedicated to enlightening people all around the world about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We cover news related to bitcoin exchanges, bitcoin mining and price forecasts for various virtual currencies.
Cointelegraph is the leading media in the crypto space. It covers everything related to the decentralised technology, cryptocurrencies and fintech. Available in 6 languages, it provides unique insights from reporters based all over the world. Cointelegraph focuses on unbiased reporting, education and research on the latest financial innovations.
TopMarketGroup is a proven leading Market Data & Service provider to potential Global Cryptocurrency investors which utilizes Blockchain Technology. We provide guidance to the investors in the decision-making process right from the starting of the trading of investments. Our Associate Brands: Top ICO Market, Top Market Cap & Top Coin Trade.