17 minute read
from Block Issue 12
by SiGMA Group
With the UK National Health Service on its knees and the US health sector inaccessible to a sizeable portion of the population, Lea Hogg discusses the emergence of DAOs in the health sector with Dr Jane Thomason, metaverse thought leader and author of ‘’Blockchain for Global Social Change and Applied Ethics in a Digital World.”
DAOs govern many major DeFi applications, and several variants currently vie for recognition as the preferred model most likely to attract investors. Smart contracts lay the foundational rules, execute the agreed decisions, and at any point, proposals, voting, and even the code itself can be publicly audited. DAOs oversee the allocation of resources tied to projects they are associated with and ensure the continuing success of the project. Funds are generated through token issuance, where the protocol sells tokens to raise funds for the DAO treasury.
Healthcare-centric DAOs are mainly at the formative stages, so success metrics are inconclusive, but their focus and potential for good are exciting and possibly game-changing. The belief is that DAOs will increase access for smaller research and manufacturing institutions and help break into the oftenmonopolistic big pharma space.
For emerging health systems where health insurance is being scaled, there are obvious attractions in using a system with automated adjudication of claims, a reduced number of intermediaries and possibilities of reducing fraud. But none of these applications need a DAO, argues Dr Thomason.
Jane Thomason thinks it’s ‘’too early to know how big a community DAOs can attract, the level of funds they can raise and whether the DAO structure actually benefits as she points out how it is “possible to use blockchain affordances and smart contracts without a DAO’’.
There is also concern of risks when providing economic incentives such as governance tokens. This will encourage competitive and speculative behaviour leading to a centralized governance structure. Some predict that medical projects may become vulnerable to attacks because of excessive centralization and parties with a conflict of interest pushing through proposals that will be profitable
由于英国国家医疗服务体系瘫痪,美国卫生部门无法覆盖相当大 一部分人口,Lea Hogg 与 Metaverse 思想领袖、《全球区块链》一 书的作者 Jane Thomason 博士讨论了卫生部门中 DAO 的出现 数字世界中的社会变革和应用伦理。”
DAO 管理着许多主要的 DeFi 应用,目前有几种变体正在争夺最有可能 吸引投资者的首选模式。智能合约奠定了基本规则,执行商定的决策, 并且在任何时候,提案、投票甚至代码本身都可以被公开审计。DAO 监 督与其相关项目相关的资源分配,并确保项目的持续成功。资金是通 过代币发行产生的,协议通过出售代币来为 DAO 金库筹集资金。
以医疗保健为中心的 DAO 主要处于形成阶段,因此成功指标尚无定 论,但它们的重点和良好潜力令人兴奋,并可能改变游戏规则。人们 相信,DAO 将增加小型研究和制造机构的准入,并有助于打入通常垄 断的大型制药领域。
对于正在扩大健康保险规模的新兴卫生系统来说,使用自动裁决索 赔、减少中介机构数量以及减少欺诈的可能性的系统具有明显的吸引 力。但托马森博士认为,这些应用程序都不需要 DAO。
Jane Thomason 认为“现在了解 DAO 能够吸引多大规模的社区、它 们能够筹集的资金水平以及 DAO 结构是否真正受益还为时过早”,她 指出“无需任何技术就可以使用区块链功能和智能合约”。道”。
提供治理代币等经济激励措施时也存在风险担忧。这将鼓励竞争和 投机行为,从而形成集中的治理结构。一些人预测,由于过度集中化 以及利益冲突各方推动对他们有利的提案,医疗项目可能会容易受到 攻击。托马森博士同意存在挑战,包括用户将代币视为收益,而不是 投票权。
她解释说,“协议最初是使用治理代币作为参与网络的用户的奖励。” 她补充说,这可能会鼓励竞争和投机行为,从而导致“由于代币慢慢积 累在少数人手中,因此形成中心化的治理结构”。
托马森博士还表达了对项目由于过度集中而容易受到攻击的其他担 忧。有利益冲突的各方可以推动提案。托马森博士说,黑客攻击是另 一个令人担忧的问题。“即使初始代码中存在安全漏洞,在多数投票 之前也无法进行纠正。在投票进行时,黑客可以利用代码中的错误”, 她警告说。
另一个问题是 DAO 的法律地位。如果清算 DAO 拥有的有形资产,谁应提 起诉讼? 用户不完全了解他们投资的项目的治理以及他们所承担的风险 的情况并不罕见。托马森博士表示,如果不进行专业的风险评估,“由于 协议错误或恶意攻击而造成的资金损失将使用户的资金面临风险”。 to them. Dr Thomason concurs that challenges exist, including users viewing tokens as yield, not voting rights.
She explains that ‘’protocols started by using governance tokens as rewards for users participating in the network.” She adds that this can encourage competitive and speculative behaviour, leading to a “centralized governance structure since tokens slowly accumulate in a few hands’’.
Dr Thomason shared other concerns about projects being prone to vulnerability through attacks because of excessive centralization. Parties with a conflict of interest can push through proposals. Hacking, says Dr Thomason, is another worry. ‘’Even if there is a security hole in an initial code, its rectification cannot occur until the majority votes. While voting takes place, hackers can exploit a bug in the code’’ she warns.
Another issue is the legal status of a DAO. Who is to sue in the event of liquidating a tangible asset owned by the DAO? It is not unusual that users do not fully understand the governance of the projects they invest in and the risks they are taking. If a professional risk assessment is not carried out, “losing funds via a protocol error or a malicious attack puts the users’ funds at risk’ Dr Thomason remarks. There is also regulatory uncertainty surrounding DAOs. The Securities and Exchange Commission announced plans to create a new regulatory framework to clarify the legal status of DAOs and ensure they comply with existing securities laws. The question is whether regulation will de-risk investment or result in constraints on the original ambition.
There are concerns regarding privacy, security, risk management and governance, and complex problems to be resolved regarding the regulatory treatment of tokenized assets on the blockchain. The development of international standards is also required regarding terminology to enable the interoperability of blockchain with legacy systems and facilitate productive conversation between all stakeholders.
By definition, shared distributed ledgers have no specific location. Regarding jurisdiction and applicable law, territoriality and liability constitute a problem; each network node may be subject to different legal requirements, and no party may be ultimately responsible for the distributed ledgers and the information contained therein.
Blockchains are considered to be immutable. The tamper-proof aspect of blockchain clashes with the GDPR enshrined right for any EU citizen to have personal information stored on external databases deleted should they wish.
“Also at issue,” says Dr Thomason, “is the local recognition of native financial instruments (such as bonds) and inclusion in a blockchain of a deed declaring ownership or the existence of an asset represents genuine proof of ownership, or the real existence of the asset is required’’.
DAO may change the future of healthcare as stakeholders such as patients, health institutions and doctors, researchers and insurance companies can participate as members of the DAO, and build on trust between the parties involved, promoting transparency. But Dr Thomason believes that this is still in an experimental stage. There is much to learn about DAOs and the medical community is risk averse. There needs to be some powerfully demonstrated use cases before it can become mainstream.
In addition, the user experience is poor. Most medical professionals do not have a blockchain wallet, and so far they have few incentives to set up a wallet. Dr Thomason points out that many applications for blockchain healthcare do not require a DAO, citing healthcare data infrastructure, electronic and patient health records, healthcare analytics, medical device and IoT security, identity, supply chain, and digital medicine and care delivery.
Could DAOs replace traditional healthcare insurance companies and help settle claims instantly, reduce frauds and cut costs? Dr Thomason argues that blockchain has the potential also to be used for the automated validation of claims, which may increase the efficiency and security of the payment process. The software can store encrypted patient identifiers, health plan information, and provider claims within a blockchain shared by payers and providers, enabling near real-time automatic claims processing, eligibility verification, and preauthorization.
Blockchain is a prime tool for the certification of digital data and identities. This could include health provider identities and may potentially be extended to include validated credentials. While many different tools can periodically authenticate the user, health regulators and financiers must ensure healthcare providers that claims are valid as this has become paramount to providers and payers.
There will no doubt be continued innovation in using DAOs in many aspects of healthcare. It will be essential to fully document how these are structured and consider their governance mechanisms and levels of success. In this way,the healthcare sector can learn how DAOs can add value.
Dr Thomason concludes that DAOs are a form of collective governance automated by code. “We need to see some solid demonstrations of their effectiveness first. There are many other forms of more analogue collective governance, like foundations and cooperatives, which may adopt some features of a DAO, yet retain some human elements’’.

DAO 还存在监管不确定性。美国证券交易委员会宣布计划创建 一个新的监管框架,以明确 DAO 的法律地位并确保它们遵守现 有的证券法。问题是监管是否会降低投资风险或导致对最初目标 的限制。
人们对隐私、安全、风险管理和治理存在担忧,而且区块链上代币 化资产的监管处理也存在复杂的问题需要解决。还需要制定术语 方面的国际标准,以实现区块链与遗留系统的互操作性,并促进 所有利益相关者之间的富有成效的对话。
根据定义,共享分布式账本没有特定的位置。关于管辖权和适用 法律,属地性和责任构成问题;每个网络节点可能受到不同的法 律要求,并且没有任何一方对分布式账本及其中包含的信息承担 最终责任。
区块链被认为是不可变的。区块链的防篡改特性与 GDPR 规定的 任何欧盟公民有权根据自己的意愿删除存储在外部数据库中的 个人信息的权利相冲突。
托马森博士说:“另一个问题是当地对本地金融工具(例如债券) 的认可,以及将声明所有权或资产存在的契约纳入区块链,代表 了所有权的真实证明或真实存在 需要该资产”。
DAO 可能会改变医疗保健的未来,因为患者、医疗机构和医生、研 究人员和保险公司等利益相关者可以作为 DAO 成员参与其中, 并在相关各方之间建立信任,提高透明度。但托马森博士认为,这 仍处于实验阶段。关于 DAO 有很多东西需要了解,而医学界是规 避风险的。在它成为主流之前,需要有一些强有力的论证用例。
另外,用户体验较差。大多数医疗专业人员没有区块链钱包,到目 前为止,他们几乎没有动力去建立钱包。Thomason 博士指出, 区块链医疗保健的许多应用不需要 DAO,例如医疗保健数据基础 设施、电子和患者健康记录、医疗保健分析、医疗设备和物联网安 全、身份、供应链以及数字医疗和护理服务。
DAO 能否取代传统的医疗保险公司并帮助立即解决索赔、减少欺 诈并降低成本? 托马森博士认为,区块链还有潜力用于索赔的自 动验证,这可能会提高支付过程的效率和安全性。该软件可以将 加密的患者标识符、健康计划信息和提供商索赔存储在付款人和 提供商共享的区块链中,从而实现近乎实时的自动索赔处理、资
区块链是数字数据和身份认证的主要工具。这可能包括医疗服务 提供者的身份,并且可能会扩展到包括经过验证的凭证。虽然许 多不同的工具可以定期对用户进行身份验证,但卫生监管机构和
金融家必须确保医疗保健提供者的声明有效,因为这对于提供者 和付款人来说已变得至关重要。
毫无疑问,在医疗保健的许多方面使用 DAO 将会持续创新。必须 充分记录它们的结构并考虑其治理机制和成功程度。通过这种方 式,医疗保健部门可以了解 DAO 如何增加价值。
托马森博士的结论是,DAO 是一种由代码自动化的集体治理形 式。“我们首先需要看到它们有效性的一些可靠证明。还有许多 其他形式的更类似的集体治理,例如基金会和合作社,它们可能 采用 DAO 的一些特征,但保留一些人为因素”。 www.3air.io

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WHO’S WHO - 谁的谁
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The first game ever to combine Multiplayer Online Battle Arena with an economic and strategy game in a pirate world!
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Rome Blockchain Labs is a leading blockchain research firm behind several of the largest dApps in decentralized finance. Most well known for BENQI and Moonwell, they also initiated the launch of SAVAX liquid staking and the multi-network Rome Terminal. Their next project will bridge traditional finance institutions into Web3.
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Egin Governder
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Shirly Valge
COO www.velas.com www.symoco.com www.unifarm.co
Velas is a Swiss-based technology company that operates its own open-sourced, permissionless EVM/eBPF (Solana) hybrid chain on layer 1, offering high security, scalability, and performance while keeping transaction finality down to just 1.2 seconds and carbon emissions down to a bare minimum, operating as a certified carbon neutral network.
Symoco is a complete online payment solution aggregator operating globally - providing ultimate payment solutions for businesses of all sizes. From card acquiring to mass payouts. At Symoco, we deliver global online payments in a single API integration with low operational cost and integrations that can be easily activated. Symoco is safe, secure, and PCI DSS Compliant.
UniFarm brings together various Defi projects in a single space and helps in long-term holdings. It creates a collaborative space for wealth creation. This group-staking solution protects its 12000+ users from token price fluctuations and sell pressure. Partners include projects like Matic, MantraDao, Paid Network, Razor, Reef, TVK, etc.
Co-Founder www.vera.financial www.worldsparkstudios.gg
Denis Lam is the Founder of Vera Labs, the firm behind Vera, a decentralized protocol that enables utilities for all NFTs, and Managing Director of Sync VC, an impact and emerging technology venture fund and studio for early stage startups.
Worldspark is a game development startup building on the intersection of gaming and blockchain. Our main focus revolves around building an IP that›s fleshed out through an ecosystem of games, with each game being strategically connected with our hub world to share assets without breaking game design, maximize player value, and create an immersive world that makes our player’s lives better and brighter.
Egin Governder
Trade Pro Labs is one of the top investment platforms, where we invest into new crypto projects. As well as providing educational courses, financial market signals and investment opportunities.
WHO’S WHO - 谁的谁
ZBX is a regulation ready, end to end cryptocurrency & FIAT ecosystem. Registered in Europe, ZBX is a seamless platform that enables a full suite of Crypto and FIAT products, to assist Token projects, retail and Institutional Investors or corporate clientele.
www.zbx.one www.xerof.com www.yardhub.tech www.zondaglobal.com
XEROF is a regulated Swiss crypto financial intermediary that provides a range of services to facilitate the use of cryptocurrency for high-value on and off-ramp transactions and asset purchases directly with crypto.
YARD Hub is a Web3/NFT/P2E venture studio based in Dubai as a DIFC Innovation Hub resident. YARD Hub incubates projects from idea to initial fundraising and company setup, providing founders with turnkey product management, tech, marketing and business development support. YARD Hub core team members are frequent participants and speakers at blockchain, gaming and startup-related events.
Zonda is one of the largest and longest-running digital asset exchanges in EU, serving over 1 million registered users across the globe since 2014. We are fully compliant with EU regulations and we are keen on implementing the best practices to ensure that our users and their funds are safe and secure.