SiGMA Issue 28

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We’re back for our second event in the Philippines, a country that has all the right ingredients to lead the Asian gaming market to success, and the feeling of optimism here is palpable. As Joe Pisano says in his interview on page 94 - this is the year for the industry to reap its rewards.

In interviews with regulators PAGCOR and CEZA, we explore the tremendous growth in gaming revenue the country is enjoying. This is reflected in plans for new integrated resorts and a healthy uptick in operators looking to do business in the Philippines.

“It’s primed to make waves, “ says CEZA’s CEO and administrator Ponce Enrile. “The Philippines is in a sweet spot to ride that wave and become a top gaming hub in the region.”

IRs have become a key economic diversifier, establishing the Philippines as a global hotspot for hospitality and solidifying its place on the map as a premier gaming destination. With new resorts, such as Solaire North scheduled to open in Quezon City, growth is certainly on the cards, yet challenges remain.

New generations of players and the rise of trends such as omnichannel solutions, are shaping a new path for casinosbroadening the player experience, and giving them the power to move seamlessly between digital and brick and mortar worlds. From Okada Manila to Newport World Resorts, we sat down with some of the biggest players in the sector for a look at what lies ahead.

Meanwhile, our cover story explores EGTs rise from a startup in Sofia to a successful global gaming enterprise with 30 offices worldwide - including a recent addition in the Philippines. Read the full feature with Nadia Popova from page 28.

Speaking of inspiring women, our tech section spotlights three remarkable women driving advancements across various tech spheres, sharing their expertise, breakthroughs, and aspirations for the future. Find out more from page 53.

Gratitude is due, as always. Firstly to SiGMA founder Eman Pulis, who leads the charge for an industry that is sustainable yet progressive. His bold choices show a new way forward. The pages are dominated by Robert Cuschieri’s insightful photography and the magazine is all the better for it. I could say the same for Rocco Di Muni. His creative designs give this magazine an edge that makes it a keeper on any shelf. We’re also indebted to Siyu He for helping to bring this issue to a wider audience with his translation.

我们回到了菲律宾举办第二次活动,这是一个具备所有成功因素来 引领亚洲娱乐市场的国家,这里可明显感受到乐观氛围。正如Joe Pisano在第94页的采访中所说——今年是行业丰收的一年。

在对菲律宾娱乐及游戏公司(PAGCOR)和卡加延经济区管理局 (CEZA)的采访中,我们探讨了该国游戏收入的巨大增长。这反映在新 的综合度假村计划和越来越多希望在菲律宾开展业务的运营商中。

“菲律宾正处于一个甜蜜点,可以乘势而上,成为该地区的顶级娱乐 中心。”

“它已经做好了引起轰动的准备,”CEZA的首席执行官兼行政长官 Ponce Enrile说。

综合度假村已成为重要的经济多样化工具,将菲律宾建立为全球旅 游热点,并巩固其作为顶级娱乐目的地的地位。随着新度假村,如计 划在奎松市开业的Solaire North,增长无疑是可以预见的,但挑战仍 然存在。

新一代玩家和诸如全渠道解决方案等趋势的兴起,为赌场开辟了 一条新路径——拓宽了玩家体验,使他们能够无缝地在数字和实体 世界之间转换。从马尼拉冈田(Okada Manila)到新港世界度假村 (Newport World Resorts),我们与该行业的一些主要玩家进行了交 谈,展望未来。

与此同时,我们的封面故事探讨了EGT从索非亚的一家初创公司成 长为全球成功的游戏企业的历程,包括最近在菲律宾设立的办事处, 在全球设有30个办事处。阅读第28页的Nadia Popova的完整专题 报导。

说到鼓舞人心的女性,我们的科技板块聚焦了三位在各个科技领域 推动进步的杰出女性,分享她们的专业知识、突破和对未来的愿景。 更多内容见第53页。

一如既往地,我们心怀感激。首先要感谢SiGMA创始人Eman Pulis, 他领导了一个可持续且进步的行业。他大胆的选择並展示前进的新 方式。本刊充满了Robert Cuschieri富有洞察力的摄影作品,使杂志 更加出色。同样,Rocco Di Muni的创意设计使这本杂志成为任何书 架上的珍藏品。我们也感谢何思宇,他的翻译帮助这期杂志更广泛地 传播。



Siyu He


Renee Micallef Decesare

Neil Shih

Marie Reyal

Denis Dzyubenko

Daisy Chang

Ayoub Hamdi

Elisa Martinotti

Chantal Tsai

Sabrina Kuo

Antonina Tupikova

Olha Kovalevska

Kian Sullivan

Kyle Mifsud

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without prior consent in writing. Opinions expressed in SiGMA are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. All reasonable care is taken to ensure truth and accuracy, but the editor and publishers cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in articles, advertising, photographs or illustrations.



Katy Micallef

Creative Manager

Perpetua Kokkinou


Robert Cuschieri

Senior Designer

Rocco Di Muni

Cover story Photographer

Dilian Markov

Events Photographers

Lukas Ishida

Mauricio Burim

Rodrigo Ono

Rodrigo Camara

Andrea Naomi

David Balatonfuredi

Hand delivered to various expos worldwide, executive lounges, embassies and government institutions. The magazine is also delivered by post to leading gaming and related companies worldwide. For information regarding promotion and advertising kindly email


Asia’s Bet on Luxury: The IR Phenomenon

SiGMA’s CEO, Emily Micallef, unveils the transformative impact of Southeast Asia’s gaming landscape and its pivotal role in driving regional growth and innovation. 亚洲对奢侈品的押注:综合度假村现象 SiGMA的首席执行官Emily Micallef揭示了东南亚娱乐业的变革性影响,以及其在推动地区增长和创新方面的关键作用。

Roadmap to Success

PAGCOR Chairman and CEO, Alejandro Tengco takes a deep dive into the Philippines’ booming gaming sector.


PAGCOR主席兼首席执行官Alejandro Tengco深入探讨了菲律宾蓬勃发展的娱乐行业。。

Building a gaming legacy

EGT discuss the company’s journey, innovations, and strategic expansions in the global gaming industry.


PAGCOR主席兼首席执行官Alejandro Tengco深入探讨了菲律宾蓬勃发展的娱乐行业。

Shaping the future: IRs in the Philippines

Dr. Manida Lau examines the future of integrated resorts in the Philippines. 塑造未来:菲律宾的综合度假村 Manida Lau博士审视了菲律宾综合度假村的未来。

CEZA: Innovation, creativity, and fair competition

Insights into the Philippine’s potential to emerge as a leading gaming hub in the Asia-Pacific region. CEZA:创新、创意和公平竞争 深入了解菲律宾成为亚太地区领先娱乐中心的潜力。


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Gambling in the digital age

Mariusz Gąsiewski, CEE Mobile Gaming & Apps Lead for Google discusses the innovations driving growth in online gaming.

数字时代博彩 Google中东欧移动游戏与应用主管Mariusz Gasiewski讨论了推动在线游戏增长的创新。

Redrawing the digital landscape

Discover the pioneering spirit of Amrita Sethi, the UAE’s first NFT artist and a visionary in the Web3 realm.


探索Amrita Sethi(阿姆里塔·塞蒂)的开拓精神,她是阿联酋首位NFT艺术家,也是Web3领域的先见之士。

Into the golden era: Asia’s gaming renaissance

Explore the evolution of gaming in the Philippines and its future prospects with Jade Gaming 进入黄金时代:亚洲的游戏复兴 与Jade Gaming一同探索菲律宾游戏的演变及其未来前景。

Velvix: Unlocking Asia

Velvix discusses their strategic entry into the Asian market Velvix:开启亚洲之门 Velvix讨论了他们进军亚洲市场的战略。

Redefining the bingo industry

2024 will be a year of innovation, says FBM.

重新定义宾果行业 2024年将是创新的一年,FBM表示。




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As the SiGMA Group marks its ten-year anniversary, the organisation is poised to build on its past achievements with an even more dynamic and impactful series of conferences. Supported by key players in the Philippines’ gaming and tech industries, SiGMA is set to lead the charge in the Asia Pacific’s burgeoning gaming sector.

The region is on the cusp of exponential growth, fueled by progressive legislation and a strong vision for the future of the industry. The Philippines, in particular, stands out as a leading hub for the gaming sector, making Manila the perfect location to host the follow-up to last year’s successful inaugural event for SiGMA Asia.

This year’s expo will see an increased presence from the landbased industry, reflecting the remarkable growth in this vertical. The 2-level expo also features offerings from the B2B, and B2C sectors - curating the ideal environment for delegates to engage in a variety of pan-vertical opportunities, spanning both online and offline industries.

The SiGMA Group’s 2024 World Tour promises an exciting lineup of global events. Following successful stops in Dubai, Cape Town, and São Paulo, the tour will return to Manila in June, with Malta Week closing things off in November. This year also marks SiGMA’s first event for SiGMA East Europe, which will be held back-to-back with Affiliate World in Budapest this September.

Join us in celebrating a decade of SiGMA

The SiGMA Group’s ten-year anniversary is not just a milestone but a springboard for future growth and innovation. With a robust lineup of events and strong industry support, SiGMA continues to be a driving force in the global gaming and tech sectors. We look forward to welcoming delegates from around the world to join us as we celebrate a decade of success and chart the course for the future of gaming.

随着SiGMA集团即将迎来其十周年纪念,我们正准备在过去 成功的基础上,创建一系列更加充满活力和影响力的会议在 菲律宾的娱乐和科技行业的主要参与者的支持下,SiGMA准 备在亚太地区蓬勃发展的游戏行业中引领潮流。

该地区正处于指数增长的风口浪尖。这得益于进步的立法和 对行业未来的强烈愿景。菲律宾尤其突出,有望成为娱乐行业 的主要中心。这让马尼拉成为去年成功举办首届SiGMA亚洲 的理想地点。

今年的博览会将会看到实体展商的增加。这反映了这一垂直 领域的显著增长。这个两层楼的博览会场还将展示来自B2B 和B2C行业的产品,为代表们提供参与各种横跨线上和线下 行业全方位机会的理想环境。

SiGMA集团2024年的世界巡回承诺带给您一系列激动人心的 全球活动阵容。在迪拜、开普敦和圣保罗成功举办后,这次我 们将于6月重返马尼拉,并于11月在马耳他周结束本次巡回。

今年SiGMA还将在在东欧举办首次活动,此次活动将于9月与 布达佩斯当地的Affiliate World活动一起举行。


SiGMA集团的十周年纪念不仅是一个里程碑,更是未来增 长和创新的跳板。凭借强大的活动阵容和行业的坚实支 持,SiGMA继续成为全球娱乐和科技行业的推动力量。我们期 待着来自世界各地的代表加入我们,共同庆祝十年的成功,并 一起规划娱乐行业的未来航线。

Founder, SiGMA Group GP, Ikigai Ventures Founder, SiGMA Group GP, Ikigai Ventures
Eman Pulis Eman Pulis


A little known industry secret is that the best return profile in venture capital has historically been produced by newcomers at the early stages of investing. Our accelerator initiatives embrace innovation and ambitious entrepreneurship by unlocking development potential and offering support and mentorship.

SiGMA’s Startup Village - this exclusive space on the expo floor offers a high-visibility platform for companies to benefit from personalised introductions and worldwide exposure to investors and businesses.

2 Startup Pitch competitions - Watch the pitches live, participate in audience Q&As, or exchange business cards with projects that catch your eye.

The SIGMA and SiGMA Affiliates Startup Pitch takes place on the SiGMA stage on the 4th of June from 12.50, while the AIBC Startup Pitch kicks off on the 5th June at 14.10 on the AIBC stage.


一个鲜为人知的行业秘密是,风险投资历史上产生最佳回报的,往往由投资的早期新手之举。我们 的活动提倡,释放发展潜力,提供支持和指导,并拥抱创新和雄心勃勃的创业精神。

SiGMA的初创企业村——这个在博览会场地上的独家空间为公司提供了一个高曝光的平台,让它们 从个性化的自我介绍,和在全球投资者以及企业的曝光中获益。


SIGMA和SiGMA代理初创企业擂台将于6月4日12点50分在SIGMA舞台上举行,而AIBC初创企业擂 台将于6月5日14点10分在AIBC舞台上启动。


Pitch Perfect

“Genesys is based in the US, but our roots are in LatAm and the Caribbean. All of us here are pioneers in the 1% of the industry – and we need to use this platform and this traction to do good things around the world.”

Genesys - AIBC Eurasia 2024

“It was really nice for SiGMA to recognise us and to be able to bring something different while still being acknowledged by the market. Startups need events like this to be able to express themselves.”

Credexon - SiGMA Asia 2023

“We’re building the world’s fastest and most customisable blockchain design for retail and institutional markets, whether it’s gaming, gambling, or DeFi – we’re changing the world.”

Movement Labs - BIS SiGMA Americas 2023



“Simply put, we are wholehearted believers in high-caliber startup pitch events.They help not only by giving startups the platform to fine tune their ideas and lift off their businesses but also by encouraging more outside the box problem solving from rising entrepreneurs. They are a force for good through these two-pronged incentives.”

PalletPal – AIBC Eurasia 2021

“As a multiple-time entrepreneur I [David Sachs] was all against start-up pitches… until I won one! Joking aside, the number one challenge for start-ups is: how do you get above the noise? You may have a great solution, but so do a thousand other startups. One of the great things SiGMA has done for the industry is picking 10 really great companies and allowing them to convey their message and reach the customer. That’s our daily struggle – how do I get in front of the customer, potential partners, and investors?”

Tomobox – SiGMA Europe 2018


Asia’s Bet

on Luxury: The IR Phenomenon


SiGMA’s CEO, Emily Micallef, unveils the transformative impact of Southeast Asia’s gaming landscape and its pivotal role in driving regional growth and innovation.

Southeast Asia is experiencing a cultural revolution as gaming takes centre stage, not just as entertainment but as a powerful economic force driving growth and innovation across the region. From the electrifying world of competitive esports to the glamour of casino entertainment, this burgeoning gaming lifestyle is reshaping traditional leisure activities and catalysing economic expansion on a grand scale.

For its second year SiGMA Asia has massively intensified its emphasis on the land-based sector, and will seek to tap into this phenomenon with a two day conference and expo expected to welcome 20,000 top tier delegates from across the international gaming industry this June. Spanning the B2B, B2C and landbased sectors, the Manila-based expo is spread lavishly across two floors of the SMX convention centre.

Casino gaming in particular, has emerged as a juggernaut in the region’s gaming landscape. Iconic destinations like Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands and Malaysia’s Resorts World Genting serve as magnets for international tourists, drawing in millions of visitors each year. The integrated resort model, featuring not only world-class casinos but also luxurious accommodations, entertainment venues, and shopping arcades, generates substantial revenue streams that flow into the local economy. Beyond direct revenue, the casino industry creates a multiplier effect, supporting businesses such as restaurants, retail outlets, and transportation services, thus driving economic growth and employment opportunities.

The Philippines in particular is a jurisdiction that continues to lead the charge for the casino sector and is all set to take the crown as the biggest growth market in Asia this year.

The projected rise in gross gaming revenues (GGR) in the Philippines indicates a robust trajectory for the nation’s gaming industry. With GGR surpassing pre-pandemic records in 2023 and continued growth anticipated in 2024, the landscape is poised for sustained expansion. The introduction of new integrated resorts (IRs), such as Solaire North in Quezon City and others in Clark and Cebu, further underscores the industry’s potential - placing the

SiGMA的首席执行官Emily Micallef揭示了东南 亚游戏市场的变革性影响,以及这种影响在推动地 区增长和创新方面的关键作用。

SiGMA的首席执行官Emily Micallef揭示了东南亚 游戏市场的变革性影响,以及这种影响在推动地区 增长和创新方面的关键作用。

东南亚正经历着文化革命,游戏不仅成为娱乐的中 心舞台,更成为推动地区增长和创新的强大经济力 量。从电子竞技的世界到赌场的娱乐魅力,这一蓬 勃发展的娱乐生活方式正在重新塑造传统休闲活 动,并在更广泛范围内促进经济的扩张。

作为SIGMA Asia的第二年,该活动已大幅加强其对 线下行业的重视,并计划通过为期两天的会议和博 览会来讨论这一现象。预计将于今年6月迎来来自 国际娱乐行业的超过2万名高级与会者。这此博览 会位于马尼拉豪华的SMX会议中心,共有两层,博 览会涵盖了B2B、B2C和线下行业。

特别是赌场游戏,已成为该地区娱乐市场的巨无 霸。有着像新加坡的滨海湾金沙,和马来西亚的云 顶世界度假村这样的标志性目的地,每年吸引着数 百万国际游客。综合度假村模式不仅拥有世界一流 的赌场,还有豪华住宿、娱乐场所和购物中心,并为 当地经济产生的大量收入。除了直接收入外,赌场 行业还产生了一个乘数效应,支持餐馆、商店和交 通服务等企业,从而推动经济增长和就业机会。

尤其是菲律宾,它继续在赌场行业中处于领先地 位,已准备好在今年成为亚洲最大的增长市场。

菲律宾博彩总收入(GGR)的预计增长表明该国博 彩业的强劲发展轨迹。随着 GGR 在 2023 年超过 Covid前的记录,并预计在 2024 年继续增长,这一 格局有望持续扩张。新综合度假村 (IR) 的引入,例 如奎松市的 Solaire North 以及克拉克和宿务的其 他度假村,进一步凸显了该行业的潜力 - 就运营中 的综合度假村数量而言,该国仅次于澳门。

菲律宾博彩与娱乐管理委员会(PAGCOR)报告 称,2024年第一季度其收入显著增长,达到252 4亿 比索(约4.085亿欧元),比去年同期增长42.57%, 令人瞩目。

博彩运营成为PAGCOR在第一季度的主要收入来 源,创造了222 9亿比索(约3 608亿欧元)的收入。

在这个领域中,电子游戏部门,包括电子宾果、电子 游戏和宾果授权,贡献了96 9亿比索(约1 568亿欧 元),而许可的赌场,包括综合度假村,带来了80.4

“Casino gaming in particular, has emerged as a juggernaut in the region’s gaming landscape.

特别是赌场游戏,已成为该 地区娱乐市场的巨无霸。

“Markets across South East Asia will certainly seek to emulate the success seen in the Philippines, accompanied by strong interest from European and American operators looking to expand into the region.”

东南亚各地的市场肯定会试图效仿菲律宾的 成功模式,并同时受到欧美运营商进入该地 区扩张的巨大强烈兴趣。


亿比索(约1 301亿欧元)。

主席兼首席执行官Alejandro H.Tengco说,“iGaming 行业将成为我们今年和未来几年的游戏收入的主要来 源,因为创新和技术整合使该行业能够为游戏玩家提 供更多的刺激和便利。”

东南亚各地的市场肯定会试图效仿菲律宾的成功模 式,并同时受到欧美运营商进入该地区扩张的巨大强 烈兴趣。

即使是保守的、受到严格监管的国家,如迪拜和马来西 亚,也已对这一行敞开了怀抱——在综合度假村内整 合博彩选择,迎来了一波增长势头。马来西亚目前正在 审查,在森林城市镇开设赌场,这是柔佛新加坡特别经 济区的一部分。如果计划成功实施,这将是马来西亚的 第二家赌场,并将重振该地区的经济。迪拜也已朝着拥 有博彩的未来迈出了脚步——去年年初首次建立了一 个监管机构。

作为两个截然不同的博彩方向,在线和实体博彩部门 找到了共同点,因为新技术为弥合分歧提供了宝贵的 机会。全渠道的解决方案特别成为了优化玩家体验的 推动力,使他们能够在数字和现实世界之间无障碍移 动。

电子竞技进一步增强了东南亚的经济实力。马来西亚、 新加坡和菲律宾等国,主要通过比赛和活动吸引了全 球观众和大量的、积极的投资,在这一赛道领先。电子 竞技的经济涟漪效应远远超出了游戏领域,赞助商、广 告商和投资者也向该行业注入资金。这笔资金的涌入, 不仅推动了电子竞技基础设施的增长,还创造了工作 机会,并刺激了从技术到服务等辅助行业的发展。

视频游戏,尤其是手机游戏,也成为东南亚经济格局的 推动力。随着智能手机和价格实惠的游戏设备的广泛 普及,手机游戏已经俘获了数百万人的心,跨越了国家 和人口的边界。手机游戏的激增不仅为社交互动打开 了新的途径,而且为开发者、内容创作者和平台提供商 带来了丰富的机会。

随着各行业利益相关者认识到娱乐的经济潜力,东南 亚正处于利用这一力量实现未来持续增长和繁荣的良 机之中——这股潮流将助力推动所有的船只远航。

“The Philippines in particular is a jurisdiction that continues to lead the charge for the casino sector and is all set to take the crown as the biggest growth market in Asia this year.”

“Southeast Asia is experiencing a cultural revolution as gaming takes centre stage, not just as entertainment but as a powerful economic force driving growth and innovation across the region.”

东南亚正经历着文化革命,游戏不仅成 为娱乐的中心舞台,更成为推动地区增 长和创新的强大经济力量。



to success


Take a deep dive into the evolving Asian gaming scene and gain insights into the Philippines' booming gaming sector and strategic initiatives driving future growth through an exclusive interview with PAGCOR Chairman and CEO, Alejandro Tengco.

What does the gaming landscape across Asia look like right now? Compared with other regions, what does its growth trajectory look like? What kind of interest are you seeing from Asian gaming companies looking to set up shop in the Philippines?

The gaming landscape in various parts of Asia looks promising, as many economies have already recovered from the pandemic. Many of the top gaming jurisdictions in the region - such as Hong Kong, Cambodia, Singapore, Macau, and of course, the Philippines, have all posted yearon-year increase in gaming revenues during the first quarter of 2024

But while most of them posted an average of 14% to 24% revenue increase, the Philippines, whose growth is largely driven by the Electronic Games sector, booked Php25 24 billion (US$442 89 million), a 42 57 % increase compared with the same period last year.

With the Philippines’ favourable gaming climate, well-placed regulatory policies, unique travel and leisure destinations, and just recently, reduced fees for the electronic games sector, we are confident that more gaming companies abroad would love to do business here.

In fact, in February, online gaming giant 1888BET announced that it would move its operations from the Isle of Man back to the Philippines. This was a huge vote of confidence, not only for PAGCOR but also for the country.

“Under my watch, PAGCOR will continue to uphold its nation-building mission, not only because it is mandated to do so but because it is in the core of the agency to respond to a higher call of duty.”

You have announced the lowering of betting fees for both online and on-site betting platform operators. Will this attract more gaming operators to the country?

Since July 2023, we have been gradually lowering PAGCOR’s share rates for E-Games (both on-site and online). From around 55%, we aim to bring this to a level that is at par with global standards.

Last April 1st, we again lowered by 5% the GGR percentage that both online and on-site betting platform operators must remit to PAGCOR in our aim to attract more operators to the Philippines. This move is also in tune with our goal to curb, if not eliminate, illegal online gaming operations in the country. So far, we saw how these reforms have led to phenomenal results.

深入了解不断发展的亚洲娱乐市场,并通过与PAGCOR主席兼首席执 行官Alejandro Tengco的独家采访,全面了解菲律宾蓬勃发展的娱 乐行业和推动未来增长的战略举措。

亚洲的娱乐行业格局目前如何?与其他地区相比,它的增长轨迹如 何?您认为亚洲娱乐公司对在菲律宾设点,有什么样的兴趣? 亚洲各地的娱乐格局看起来都很有前景,因为许多经济体已经从大 流行中恢复过来。该地区许多顶级的娱乐司法管辖区 ——如香港、柬 埔寨、新加坡、澳门,当然还有菲律宾 ——在2024年第一季度的娱乐 收入中都实现了同比增长。

但虽然大多数地区的娱乐收入增长率达到了14%至24%,菲律宾的 增长主要受电子游戏部门推动,同比增长了42.57%,达到252.4亿菲 律宾比索(约442 89万美元),较去年同期增长了42 57%。

由于菲律宾有利的娱乐环境、恰当的监管政策、独特的旅游和休闲目 场所,以及最近为电子游戏部门降低的费用,我们有信心会有更多的 海外游戏公司愿意来这里开展业务。

事实上,今年二月,线上游戏巨头1888BET宣布将其业务从曼岛搬回 菲律宾。这不仅是对PAGCOR的极大信任,也是对整个国家的信任。

您宣布了降低线上和线下投注平台运营商的投注费用。这将吸引更 多的娱乐运营商来到菲律宾吗? 自2023年7月以来,我们已逐步降低PAGCOR对电子游戏(包括线上 和线下)的份额比例。我们的目标是将这一比例降低到与全球标准相 当的水平。

去年4月1日,我们再次将线上和线下投注平台运营商必须向 PAGCOR缴纳的GGR(游戏毛收入)百分比降低了5%,以吸引更多的 运营商来到菲律宾开展业务。这一举措也符合我们的目标,即遏制( 如果可能的话,消除)国内非法在线游戏运营。到目前为止,我们看到 了这些改革所取得的显著成果。

首先,它鼓励更多的电子游戏网站获得了PAGCOR的牌照。截至2024 年3月,全国各地的电子游戏网站数量首次达到了1086个,创40年来 历史新高。

其次,在不到一年的时间内 - 从2023年7月31日到2024年3月31日菲律宾的电子游戏部门月均GGR惊人的增长了104 35%。从2023年 7月的平均每月约81亿菲律宾比索(6636万美元)的GGR,增长到到 2024年3月的平均每月778亿菲律宾比索(约1.3552亿美元)。

在我掌舵之下,PAGCOR将继续恪守其国家建设使 命,不仅因为这它的职责,而且因为响应更高使命 呼唤的核心。

23 Q&A SiGMA 28

First, it has encouraged more E-Games sites to secure licences from PAGCOR that for the first time in 40 years, E-Games sites all over the country have now reached a historic high of 1,086 as of March 2024

Second, in less than a year – from July 31, 2023 to March 31, 2024 –the Philippines’ E-Games sector has recorded a staggering 104 35% increase in average monthly gross gaming revenues (GGR). From an average monthly GGR of Php 3 81 billion (US$66 36 million) in July 2023, we have recorded a monthly average of Php7 78 billion (US$135 52 million) revenues as of March 2024

Meanwhile, PAGCOR’s average monthly share from E-Games rose by 79 90% -- from Php1 49 billion (US$25 95 million) in July 2023 to Php2 69 billion (US$46 85 million) in March 2024. We are optimistic that with these policy reforms in place, the best is yet to come for the E-Games sector in the Philippines.

In February, the House games and amusements panel approved a bill banning POGOs. Where do you stand on this? Do you support an outright ban?

PAGCOR will always support what will be beneficial not only for the local gaming industry but also for the country. As an agency mandated to regulate gaming in the Philippines, we are duty-bound to protect people’s welfare through regulated gaming.

If banning is the answer to preserving peace and order, upholding social welfare, and promoting the well-being of Filipinos, then we support it. But first, as a regulator, we had to do what we could under the bounds of our mandate.

And just like what we committed to the public during various legislative hearings, we worked hard to put things in order. We introduced a new policy framework beginning July 2023 and addressed the gaps in regulations surrounding offshore gaming, which we now call Internet Gaming Licensees or IGLs to veer away from the negative name recall associated with POGOs.

With these new regulations, we placed all our licensees under probationary status and required them to reapply. After the reapplication process, all aspects of their operations were scrutinised. Those who were found to have violated our regulatory policies were either sanctioned or stripped of their licences. The new regulations also subjected all licensees and authorised service providers to enhanced monitoring and stricter compliance measures.

Now, PAGCOR has been closely working with its partner law enforcement agencies in going after illegal offshore gaming operators. The Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission has recently committed to help regulate our IGLs. We are also proud to announce that after these reforms were implemented, reports on criminal activities linked to illegal POGOs were significantly reduced.

What strategic initiatives are being proposed or implemented by PAGCOR to achieve the ambitious GGR target of Php336 38 billion (€5 5 billion) for 2024?

PAGCOR’s strategic initiatives to attain the GGR target for 2024 and beyond are anchored on three major factors: the entry and operation of more integrated casinos, the strong performance of the Electronic Games sector, and the benefits from the planned privatisation of PAGCOR casinos.

With the planned opening of new integrated resorts this year, such as the Solaire Resort North casino complex in Quezon City and the Westside City in Manila, more exciting gaming and leisure offerings will be made available to a more diverse market. Likewise, the E-Games sector, which is now contributing a huge percentage to the gaming pie, is expected to grow exponentially after we enforced several policy reforms, including the lowering of PAGCOR share rates for both onsite and online games.


Can you provide insights into the anticipated openings of new integrated resorts (IRs) such as Solaire North in Quezon City and others in the pipeline? Has the market reached saturation point or is there still room for expansion?

Leisure, travel, and entertainment will always be a part of people’s search for more fulfilling lives. Whether it is visiting a new destination, trying out a new culture or experiencing the thrill of a casino game in a new gaming venue, people will always look for ways to be amused. Integrated resort casinos are now the future of entertainment and business tourism.

The Philippines, being one of the most mature gaming jurisdictions in Asia, may already have a competitive advantage when it comes to the integrated resort casino business, compared to its neighbours like Cambodia, Thailand, Japan and South Korea.

But the Philippines must not rest on its laurels. Hence, as the country’s gaming regulator, we see the entry of these new integrated resort casinos – not as instruments to saturate the market but as a welcome boost to the already vibrant Philippine gaming landscape.

Can you elaborate on the factors that contributed to PAGCOR's robust financial performance in 2023?

The Philippines’ 2023 GGR reached a record Php285 27 billion (US$4 96 billion), breaching pre-pandemic levels and paving the way for more robust growth in the coming years.

The 2023 GGR was 11 22 % higher than the previous high of Php256 49 billion (US$4 46 billion) set in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic.

PAGCOR, meanwhile, booked Php79 37 billion (US$1 38 million) in revenues in 2023, up 34 63% from last year’s Php58 96 billion (US$ 1 02 million).

We attribute the impressive results of both industry GGR and PAGCOR revenues to the local gaming industry’s robust performance in 2022 when the government reopened our borders to local and foreign travellers. Likewise, the country’s licensed casinos and the rising Electronic Games sector contributed significantly to the gaming industry’s robust earnings.

PAGCOR plays a major role in contributing to nation building and is seen as a vital cog in the country’s economic wheel. What would you say have been the most significant initiatives implemented since you took the helm almost two years ago? What goals would you like to have achieved by the end of your tenure?

Throughout its four-decade history, PAGCOR has been a staunch partner of the government in nation-building. The agency has dutifully strived to help create a better future for Filipinos.

Under my watch, PAGCOR will continue to uphold its nation-building mission, not only because it is mandated to do so but because it is in the core of the agency to respond to a higher call of duty. As much as we can, we would like to reach out to as many Filipinos as possible. And if we had to prioritise, we make sure that those in the margins of society; those in the vulnerable sectors; and those who can no longer help themselves get our utmost attention and assistance.

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与此同时,PAGCOR从电子游戏中的平均 月份份额增加了79.90% - 从2023年7月的 149亿菲律宾比索(约2595万美元)增加到 2024年3月的269亿菲律宾比索(约4,685 万美元)。我们对这些政策改革的效果持乐 观态度,相信菲律宾的电子游戏部门前景 一片光明。

今年二月,休闲游戏和娱乐小组通过了一项 禁止POGO(菲律宾远程博彩经营)的法案。 您对此持何立场?您支持彻底禁止吗? PAGCOR将始终支持对本地娱乐行业和国 家都有利的事物。作为菲律宾娱乐监管机 构,我们的职责是通过监管娱乐来保护人 民的福祉。

如果禁止是维护和平与秩序、保障社会福 利、促进菲律宾人福祉的答案,那么我们支 持。但首先,作为监管机构,我们必须在我们 的职责范围内尽力而为。

就像我们在各种立法听证会上向公众承诺 的那样,我们会努力整顿事务。我们从2023 年7月开始引入了新的政策框架,并解决了 围绕离岸游戏的监管空白,现在我们称之为 互联网游戏许可证或IGL,以避免与POGO 有关的负面印象。

通过这些新的法规,我们将所有持牌人都列 入试用状态,并要求他们重新申请。在重新 申请过程中,我们会对他们的所有业务方面 进行了审查。那些被发现违反了我们监管政 策的人,要么受到制裁,要么被剥夺许可证。 新的法规还对所有持牌人和授权服务供应 商加强了监管和施行了更严格的合规审查。 现在,PAGCOR一直与其执法机构合作伙伴 密切合作,打击非法的离岸游戏运营商。总 统反有组织犯罪委员会(PAOCC)最近承诺 协助监管我们的IGL。我们还自豪地宣布,在 这些改革实施后,与非法POGO相关的犯罪 活动报道显著减少了。

PAGCOR正在提出或实施哪些战略举措来 实现2024年3,363 8亿菲律宾比索(约55亿 欧元)的雄伟GGR目标?

PAGCOR实现2024年及以后的GGR目标的 战略举措主要有以下三个因素支撑:更多 综合型赌场的进入和运营、电子游戏部门的 强劲表现以及计划中的PAGCOR赌场私有 化的好处。

随着今年新综合度假村的开业,比如位于马 尼拉的Solaire Resort North赌场综合体和 Westside City,将为更多不同的市场提供 更多令人兴奋的游戏和休闲选择。同样,电 子游戏部门,现在为游戏产业贡献了大量收 入。在我们执行了,包括降低PAGCOR对线 上和线下游戏的份额等几项政策改革后,预 计将呈指数级增长。

您能详细介绍一下,比如马尼拉的Solaire North等新综合度假村或其他进行中的项 目,预计开业情况吗?市场是否已经饱和,还 是尚有扩张的空间? 休闲、旅游和娱乐将永远是人们寻求更充实 生活的一部分。无论是参观新目的地、尝试

新文化,还是在新的娱乐场所体验赌场游戏的 刺激,人们总是会寻找娱乐的方式。综合度假村 赌场现在仍是娱乐和商务旅游的未来。

菲律宾作为亚洲最成熟的娱乐司法管辖之一, 与其邻国如柬埔寨、泰国、日本和韩国相比,在 综合度假村赌场业务方面可能已经具有相当的 竞争优势。

但菲律宾不能止步于此。因此,作为该国的游 戏监管机构,我们认为这些新综合度假村赌场 的进入 ——不是作为饱和市场的手段,而是作 为欢迎已经充满活力的菲律宾娱乐行业的一 种推力。

您能详细说明导致PAGCOR在2023年财务业绩 强劲的因素吗?

菲律宾在2023年的GGR达到了创纪录的 2,852.7亿菲律宾比索(约49.6亿美元),已经超 过了大流行前的水平,并为未来几年的更强劲 增长铺平了道路。

2023年的GGR,比2019年大流行前的高峰时的 2564.9亿菲律宾比索(约44.6亿美元)还高出 11 22%。

PAGCOR在2023年实现了793 7亿菲律宾比索( 约1 38亿美元)的收入,比去年的589 6亿菲律宾 比索(约1.02亿美元)增长了34.63%。

我们将工业GGR和PAGCOR收入的惊人成绩归 功于2022年本地娱乐产业的强劲表现,当时政 府重新对本地和外国旅行者开放了边境。同样, 该国的有牌赌场和不断增长的电子游戏部门也 为娱乐产业的强劲收入做出了重要贡献。

PAGCOR在国家建设中发挥着重要作用,被视为 该国经济发展的重要组成部分。自您接任近两 年以来,您认为实施的最重要的举措是什么?您 在任期结束时希望实现的目标是什么? 在其四十年的历史中,PAGCOR一直是政府在国 家建设中的坚定伙伴。该机构一直努力为菲律 宾人创造更美好的未来。

在我掌舵之下,PAGCOR将继续恪守其国家建设 使命,不仅因为这它的职责,而且因为响应更高 使命的呼唤已经融入了该机构的核心。我们希 望尽可能地与更多菲律宾人接触。如果我们必 须做出优先选择,我们将确保那些处于社会边 缘的人、那些处于弱势群体中的人、以及那些无 法自助的人获得我们最大的关注和帮助。

“We see the entry of these new integrated resort casinos – not as instruments to saturate the market but as a welcome boost to the already vibrant Philippine gaming landscape.”

我们认为这些新综合度假村赌场的进 入 ——不是作为饱和市场的手段,而是 作为欢迎已经充满活力的菲律宾娱乐 行业的一种推力。

27 Q&A SiGMA 28

Can you share EGT’s journey with us? What trajectory has it followed in terms of development since its inception?

EGT was founded in Sofia in 2002 by several young people filled with ambition and a great enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. In just a few years Euro Games Technology had established itself not only as a leader in the gaming industry in Bulgaria, but had also expanded beyond the borders of the country and enhanced its footprint across Europe and around the world, becoming one of the key players on a global level.

Of course, like any company of this scale, EGT has gone through many successes and difficult periods during these 22 years. I would say that it was the challenges that instigated the need to think outside the box, and helped EGT become what it is today - a manufacturer of gaming equipment with a 360-degree production cycle. Thanks to which we produce the largest part of the components for our machines ourselves. This allows us to be very flexible regarding the fulfillment of our customers' orders.

We also expanded the EGT family with 2 new members – EGT SP, which is entirely focused on steel products manufacturing, and EGT Digital, which offers a rich portfolio of solutions for the iGaming sector.

Can you share some of the highlight moments that have come to define EGT as a leader in the global gaming industry?

I believe that many factors determine our leadership positions in the global gaming industry. The most important among them is that our products are innovative. I am proud to say that we work with a team of highly skilled, talented and motivated professionals who carry innovation in their DNA. Thanks to their creativity and dedication, we design products that not only follow the trends in the sector, but often create them.

The other major factor that makes us one of the top manufacturers and suppliers of gaming solutions is that we always strive to be close to our customers and partners and respond to their needs and desires. I dare say that we successfully cope with this task as we have many clients who chose to trust us at the very beginning of our journey and to this day they continue to develop and move forward together with us.

You’ve been with EGT since 2011, how would you define your personal leadership style? What signifies success to you?

Because not all people are the same or have the same approach to work, there are many approaches available, and a good leader should be able to adapt their style according to the situation and the people involved. Leadership is about inspiring others to do their best, finding what motivates each one.

Success is about creating something that lasts overtime, but success is also all the small goals we achieve every day.

Please tell us more about EGT Digital’s products. What do you think is the reason why your casino games receive warm acceptance in so many markets? What sets them apart from your competitors’ products?

EGT Digital's casino portfolio currently includes more than 100 titles on different themes, and their number is constantly increasing. We offer both classic slot games and new modern titles, such as Sugartime - featuring cascading winnings and Buy-In features, as well as the crash gambling proposition xRide.


在这篇封面故事中,EGT的首席营收兼销售与 营销副总裁Nadia Popova讨论了公司在全球 娱乐行业中的发展历程、创新以及战略扩展, 包括最近在马尼拉开设办事处的更新。

您能分享一下EGT的历程吗?自成立以来,它 的发展轨迹如何?

EGT成立于2002年,当时由几位充满抱负和 创业热情的年轻人在索非亚创立。在短短几年 内,Euro Games Technology不仅在保加利 亚娱乐行业中确立了自己的领导地位,还扩展 到了欧洲及全球,成为全球娱乐行业的重要参 与者之一。

当然,像任何大型公司一样,EGT在这22年中 经历了许多成功和艰难时期。我认为正是这些 挑战激发了我们跳出框架思考的需求,帮助 EGT成长为今天这样一家拥有360度生产周期 的游戏设备制造商。我们能够自行生产大部分 机器组件,这使我们在满足客户订单方面具有 很高的灵活性。

我们还扩展了EGT家族,新增了两个成员—— 专注于钢产品制造的EGT SP和为iGaming领 域提供丰富解决方案的EGT Digital。

您能分享一些定义EGT作为全球娱乐行业领 导者的亮点时刻吗?

我相信很多因素决定了我们在全球娱乐行业 中的领导地位。其中最重要的是我们的产品具 有创新性。我自豪地说,我们拥有一支高技能、 才华横溢、充满动力的专业团队,他们把创新 融入了DNA。正是由于他们的创造力和奉献精 神,我们设计出的产品不仅跟随行业趋势,往 往还引领趋势。

另一个使我们成为顶级游戏解决方案制造商 和供应商的主要因素是,我们始终努力贴近客 户和合作伙伴,回应他们的需求和愿望。我敢 说,我们在这项任务上取得了成功,因为有许 多客户从一开始就选择信任我们,并且至今仍 与我们共同发展和前进。

您自2011年加入EGT,您如何定义个人的领导 风格?成功对您而言意味着什么?

因为每个人的性格和工作方式不同,所以有许 多不同的领导方式,一个好的领导者应该能 够根据情况和参与者调整自己的风格。领导力 在于激励他人尽最大努力,找到每个人的动力 所在。

成功在于创造能够持续的事物,同时成功也是 我们每天实现的所有小目标。

请告诉我们更多关于EGT Digital的产品。您认


Building a gaming legacy

For this cover story, Nadia Popova, Chief Revenue Officer and VP Sales & Marketing at EGT, discusses the company's journey, innovations, and strategic expansions in the global gaming industry, including the recent opening of an office in Manila.


“I am proud to say that we work with a team of highly skilled, talented and motivated professionals who carry innovation in their DNA. Thanks to them we design products that not only follow the trends in the sector, but often create them.”

我自豪地说,我们拥有一支高技能、才华横溢、充满动力的 专业团队,他们把创新融入了DNA。正是由于他们的创造力 和奉献精神,我们设计出的产品不仅跟随行业趋势,往往 还引领趋势。

“Success is creating something that lasts overtime, but success is also all the small goals we achieve every day.”

成功在于创造能够持续的事物,同时成功也是我们每 天实现的所有小目标。


Thus, players can find exactly what they are looking for depending on their tastes and preferences. This in combination with the high chances of winning and the numerous additional bonuses makes EGT Digital's slots so attractive to both players and operators.

Could you provide insights into the modules encompassed within the X-Nave platform and how they contribute to enhancing the iGaming experience for operators and players alike?

X-Nave is the in-house developed iGaming platform of EGT Digital, providing operators with a complete solution, through which they are able to build and maintain a successful iGaming business. It contains 4 main modules: CRM Engine, Sport product, Casino aggregator, and Payment Gateway. Each of them can be both part of the turnkey product or operate independently, as they allow integration with developments of third-party providers.

The CRM Engine covers a wide range of player management tools and bonus features, allowing operators to make player sessions longer, boost retention, and reduce bonus costs.

X-Nave’s Sport product features impressive sports and esports coverage, virtual gaming, real-time betting data, and a huge number of markets.

X-Nave’s Payment Gateway includes live reporting and monitoring, transaction and fee management, as well as numerous features for maximum efficiency and simple payment processing.

As the management of payments is of fundamental importance for operators, please tell us more about the Payment Gateway.

The Payment Gateway enables end-to-end payment management through the user interface. It offers a great variety of payment methods, allows the operation of all payment methods and their limits on the payment pages, provides reports and dashboards for analysis and is PCI-DSS Level 1 Compliant.

It is a very flexible solution like the platform X-Nave itself and is constantly being developed and enriched with new functionalities.

Tell us a bit more about the markets EGT Digital currently has a presence in, and what key strategies are driving its expansion globally? Are you looking to explore any new regions in the coming years?

In a very short period of time, EGT Digital has proven itself as one of the preferred iGaming providers, with the company's gaming content currently represented in over 50 markets worldwide. Our games are very popular in Europe. We also see enormous potential for development in the LatAm region, as well as in the African markets, where our casino titles debuted successfully a few months ago and where we will soon start more new partnerships. Of course, Asian countries are also of great interest to us. We are planning to conduct a serious exploration of them over the next few years. In 2024, we opened an office for EGT in Manila, through which we will work to promote both our land-based and iGaming products in Asia.

With the establishment of an office in Manila, how does this strategic move align with the company's broader objectives and expansion plans in the Asia-Pacific region?

Being close to our customers has always been the key for establishing great market presence.

为是什么原因使得您的实体赌场游戏在许多市场上广受欢 迎?是什么让它们区别于竞争对手的产品?

EGT Digital的实体赌场产品组合目前包括100多个不同主 题的游戏,并且数量还在不断增加。我们既提供经典的老虎 机游戏,也有像Sugartime这样的新现代游戏,具有级联中 奖和买入功能,还有爆点游戏的xRide提议。

因此,玩家可以根据自己的口味和偏好找到他们想要的游 戏。这加上高中奖几率和众多额外奖金,使EGT Digital的老 虎机对玩家和运营商都非常有吸引力。

您能介绍一下X-Nave平台包含的模块及其如何提升运营 商和玩家的iGaming体验吗?


Digital内部开发的iGaming平台,为运营商 提供一个完整的解决方案,使他们能够建立和维护一个成 功的iGaming业务。它包含4个主要模块:CRM引擎、体育 产品、赌场聚合器和支付网关。每个模块既可以作为整体产 品的一部分,也可以独立运作,因为它们允许与第三方开发 的集成。

CRM引擎涵盖了广泛的玩家管理工具和奖金功能,使运营 商能够延长玩家会话时间,提高保留率并降低奖金成本。

X-Nave的体育产品具有令人印象深刻的体育和电子竞技 覆盖率、虚拟游戏、实时投注数据以及大量市场。

X-Nave的支付网关包括实时报告和监控、交易和费用管 理,以及众多功能,最大限度地提高效率并简化支付处理。

由于支付管理对运营商至关重要,请您详细介绍一下支付 网关。

支付网关通过用户界面实现端到端支付管理。它提供多种 支付方式,允许在支付页面上操作所有支付方式及其限额, 提供报告和仪表板进行分析,并且符合PCI-DSS一级标准 。

这是一种非常灵活的解决方案,像X-Nave平台本身一样, 不断开发和丰富新功能。

请简要介绍一下EGT Digital目前所在的市场以及推动其 全球扩展的关键战略?您是否计划在未来几年探索新的地 区?

在短短的时间内,EGT Digital已证明自己是首选的 iGaming提供商之一,目前公司的游戏内容已在全球50多 个市场中展示。

我们的游戏在欧洲非常受欢迎。我们也看到拉丁美洲地区 和非洲市场有巨大的发展潜力,我们的赌场游戏几个月前 在非洲市场成功首秀,我们即将在这些市场开展更多的新 合作。

当然,亚洲国家对我们也有很大的吸引力。未来几年,我们 计划在这些市场进行深入探索。2024年,我们在马尼拉开 设了EGT办事处,通过它我们将致力于推广我们的陆基和 iGaming产品在亚洲的应用。

在马尼拉设立办事处,这一战略举措如何与公司在亚太地 区的更广泛目标和扩展计划相一致?


That is why EGT currently has 30 international offices, thanks to which it occupies leadership positions in the global gaming industry. The Philippines is among the fastest growing markets in Asia and I believe that our decision to place our office in Manila is a guarantee of success as it will allow us to be next to our clients and partners and offer them products and solutions that are fully adapted to the local specifics.

What specific products from EGT and EGT Digital are anticipated to be highlighted at the SIGMA Manila event, and how do they reflect the company's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological innovation in the gaming sector?

EGT and EGT Digital will demonstrate an impressive product display during SiGMA Manila, highlighting the latest developments of the two companies with the greatest potential for the Asian markets.

Two multi-level Asian-themed jackpots will stand out in EGT’s selection: the wellknown Cai Fu Tian Jiang, which already have installations in different markets, as well as the latest Sheng Sheng Bu Xi, which made its fruitful debut a few months ago and we expect it to reap success at SiGMA Asia as well.

Guests at our stand will have the opportunity to see several models from our General Series of slot cabinets, as well as part of EGT's multiplayer portfolio.

EGT Digital will also showcase its wide range of iGaming solutions, including the casino games and the X-Nave platform, which I believe will generate great interest among the local operators.

贴近客户一直是我们建立良好市场地 位的关键。

因此,EGT目前在全球拥有30个国际办 事处,借此在全球游戏行业占据领导 地位。菲律宾是亚洲增长最快的市场之 一,我相信我们在马尼拉设立办事处的 决定是成功的保证,因为它使我们能够 贴近客户和合作伙伴,提供完全适应当 地需求的产品和解决方案。

在SIGMA马尼拉展会上,EGT和EGT Digital预计会展示哪些具体产品,这 些产品如何体现公司在游戏领域保持 技术创新前沿的承诺?

EGT和EGT Digital将在SiGMA马尼拉 展会上展示令人印象深刻的产品,重点 展示两家公司最具潜力的最新开发,特 别是针对亚洲市场的产品。

在EGT的产品中,两款多层级亚洲主题 奖池将脱颖而出:已在多个市场安装的 著名「财福天降」,以及几个月前成功首 秀的最新产品「生生不息」,我们期待它 在SiGMA亚洲展会上取得成功。

展台的嘉宾将有机会看到我们 General系列老虎机台中的几款机型, 以及EGT的多人游戏组合的一部分。

EGT Digital还将展示其广泛的 iGaming解决方案,包括赌场游戏和 X-Nave平台,我相信这些将引起当地 运营商的极大兴趣。

“The Philippines is among the fastest growing markets in Asia and I believe that our decision to place our office in Manila is a guarantee of succes” 菲律宾是亚洲增长最快的市场之

一,我相信我们在马尼拉设立办 事处的决定是成功的保证。

35 Q&A SiGMA 28

CEZA: Innovation, creativity, and fair competition

Katrina Ponce Enrile, CEO of CEZA, shares insights into the Philippines' online gaming industry, addressing challenges, regulatory efforts, and the country's potential to emerge as a leading gaming hub in the Asia-Pacific region.

CEZA首席执行官Katrina Ponce Enrile分享了关于菲律宾在线游戏 产业的见解,涉及挑战、监管努力以及该国成为亚太地区主要游戏枢 纽的潜力。

A year ago you said that you believed efforts to regulate offshore gaming had been ineffective. Is that still the case?

Regulating an ever-changing industry which also has a wide range of activities presents significant challenges.

I believe other regulators like PAGCOR are doing their best to regulate offshore gaming. But the system is broken and many bad elements have been exploiting it for illicit activities which tarnishes the real operators and the whole industry.

CEZA prides itself as the pioneer of regulating Interactive Gaming. CEZA's mission is to revive and safeguard the authentic online gaming industry which supports the registered casinos worldwide that will provide the country with much needed revenue and exciting entertainment opportunities.

We understand the challenges faced by operators, and our regulatory framework is designed to streamline processes, reduce bureaucratic red tape, and ensure a smooth journey for licensees.

This February, the House Games and Amusements panel approved a bill banning POGOs. Where do you stand on this?

It really stems from the POGO model, which is exploitable and monopolized by a few groups. They don’t care about the safety of our country and its people. According to PNP’s data, almost 5,000 victims of POGO-related crimes were recorded in the first six months of 2023, which is quite alarming given the size of the industry. Even if they ban it, operators will just go underground.

Economically it may leave a minor dent. Operators and its service providers have been exiting our country for the past 3 years and have vacated close to 1 million square meters of office space.

It may also cause rents to crash by 50% in key CBD areas. The country has been losing billions in annual rental revenue from this exit.

The online gaming industry needs a proven framework and proper regulation, which CEZA offers. We prioritize the security of Interactive Gaming Licensees and its Service Providers. By implementing stringent measures and fair regulations, we ensure that the rights and interests of IGL and service providers are safeguarded, creating an environment that fosters innovation, creativity, and fair competition.

37 Q&A SiGMA 28

“With its improving regulatory environment, strategic location, techsavvy population, and high smartphone usage, [The Philippines] is primed to make waves. The Philippines is in a sweet spot to ride that wave and potentially become a top gaming hub in the region.”

随着其不断改善的监管环境、 战略位置、科技人口的增长和 高智能手机使用率,[菲律宾] 正处于一个乘风破浪的理想时 机。菲律宾有望成为该地区顶 尖的娱乐枢纽。

The Asia Pacific region is poised for exponential growth.

亚太地区正准备迎来指数 级增长。


What can we expect over the next few years for the online gaming industry in the Asia-Pacific region? Does the Philippines have the potential to emerge as a leading hub for gaming?

The Asia Pacific region is poised for exponential growth, driven by factors such as increased smartphone usage, an emerging population of digital users, and the progressive legalization of online gambling. With the Asia Pacific region anticipated to register a compound annual growth rate of over 12 0% through 2030 and will witness 333 million new mobile internet subscribers by 2025, the opportunities are immense.

Absolutely, the Philippines definitely has what it takes to become a major player in the gaming world. With its improving regulatory environment, strategic location, techsavvy population, and high smartphone usage, it's primed to make waves. The Philippines is in a sweet spot to ride that wave and potentially become a top gaming hub in the region.

How do you foresee the impact of increased smartphone usage and the emerging population of digital users shaping its trajectory in the near future?

The shift towards mobile gambling will be massive. The mobile market in APAC will reach 2 1bn users by 2030 and we’ll see online casinos and sportsbooks invest heavily in their mobile platforms to capitalize on this forecast. CEZA remains at the forefront, adapting to meet the evolving needs of gaming operators and consumers while upholding the highest standards of quality and security.

Could you expand on your strategy to increase and promote investment in CSEZFP?

We have intensified our marketing efforts, actively participating in various gaming events like SiGMA Asia. It's crucial to let the world know that the CEZA gaming license can provide operators the integrity, safety and stability they look for in a jurisdiction.

We are also on the lookout towards the new emerging markets in gaming in the regions of Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa.

We intend to show the gaming sector the ethos of our jurisdiction, which is that we grasp businesses' needs and provide solutions in the most straightforward manner possible. Our longstanding advantage has been our strong collaboration with the private sector. It was never adversarial. CEZA and its private partners have consistently recognized our collective strengths and leveraged them towards shared objectives of attracting business, generating employment, and maximizing

profits. Our experience has endowed us with the ability to navigate the intricate interplay between market dynamics, technological advancements, and regulatory frameworks, thereby creating fertile ground for business growth and livelihood opportunities.

In April CEZA will launch an online system for companies to apply for a licence - what kind of interest have you seen? How many licences have been issued so far?

We are currently in the final stages of testing. There are also additional features we are incorporating that would provide a seamless and pleasant user-experience for our clients. This was a first for a regulator such as CEZA to exclusively employ blockchain technology. The platform will not only be for applications but may also be used for various critical functions such as compliance, due diligence, probity and audit processes. This platform will reflect what the CEZA is. We want to convey CEZA’s integrity, ease of business and transparency with this platform.

We have been receiving positive feedback regarding this bold move. People are showing significant interests and are ready to embrace the platform.

You are the first woman to occupy this position - how would you define your personal leadership style? What have been some of the milestone moments in your career so far?

When I assumed office, I wanted to shape the organisation into a well-oiled machine and direct it towards the future. I saw the gaps and I had to find ways to address them.

I embarked on a thorough review of existing policies and regulations. It was imperative to ensure that CEZA's business practices were coherent and competitive. Our goal was to enhance the value of our licenses by offering a superior product grounded in integrity. This involved streamlining the licensing process, pragmatic compliance supervision, and establishing a competitive rate structure.

As I come from the private sector, I empathize with the needs of entrepreneurs as I embrace the dictum of our President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. mandating the Ease of Doing Business and no bureaucratic red tape. We at CEZA have embraced and achieved this culture. With my administration, I personally make sure that there is a notake policy for any and all processes in CEZA allowing for smoother business transactions.

CEZA continues to adapt and innovate, driving growth and prosperity for all stakeholders involved. Our robust regulatory framework, coupled with a strong institutional reputation, has earned the trust and confidence of gaming operators and consumers alike.

39 Q&A SiGMA 28

一年前您曾表示您认为管控离岸游戏的努力并不 有效。现在情况还是这样吗?

管控一个不断变化,而且活动范围广泛的行业,存 在着重大挑战。

我认为像PAGCOR这样的其他监管机构正在尽力 监管离岸游戏。但是这个系统存在问题,许多不良 因素一直在利用这些问题从事非法活动,这损害了 真正的经营者和整个行业的声誉。

CEZA自豪地宣称自己是互动游戏监管的先 驱。CEZA的使命是重振和保护真正的在线娱乐产 业,为全球注册的赌场提供支持,为国家提供需要 的收入和令人兴奋的娱乐机会。

我们了解运营商面临的挑战,我们的监管框架可以 简化流程,减少官僚主义的繁文缛节,并确保许可 证持有人的流程顺畅。

今年2月,众议院游戏和娱乐小组批准了一项禁止 POGO的法案。您对此持何立场?

这实际上源于POGO模式,这种模式容易被少数群 体利用并垄断。他们不关心我们国家和人民的安 全。根据菲律宾国家警察局的数据,2023年上半年 记录了近5000名与POGO相关的犯罪受害者,考虑 到这个行业的规模,这是相当令人担忧的。即使他 们禁止它,运营商也会转为地下运营。

从经济上来说,这可能只会造成轻微的伤害。运营 商及其服务供应商,在过去的3年里一直在退出我 们的国家,已经空置了近100万平方米的办公空间。

这也可能导致CBD关键区域的租金暴跌50%。这个 行业的退出使国家每年损失数十亿的租金收入。

在线游戏产业需要一个经过验证的框架和适当的 监管,而CEZA正在提供了这样的框架。我们优先考 虑互动游戏许可证持有人及其服务供应商的安全。

通过实施严格的措施和公平的规定,我们确保互动 游戏许可证持有人和服务供应商的权益得到保障, 创造一个促进创新、创意和公平竞争的环境。

在未来几年,我们可以对亚太地区的在线游戏产业 有何期待?菲律宾有潜力成为游戏的领先枢纽吗?

亚太地区正处于指数增长的趋势中,这一增长受 到智能手机使用率增加、数字用户数量增加,以及 在线博彩逐步合法化等因素的推动。预计到2030 年,亚太地区的复合年增长率将超过12%,到2025 年将有3.33亿新的移动互联网用户。这其中的机遇 是巨大的。

菲律宾绝对具备成为全球娱乐业主要参与者的潜 力。随着其监管环境的不断改善、战略位置的优势、 科技人口的增长,和智能手机的普及率持续提升, 菲律宾已经处于一个可以乘风破浪的有利位置。菲 律宾有望成为该地区顶尖的游戏枢纽。

您如何预见,智能手机使用量的增加和新兴数字用 户群体,将在不久的将来对这个行业发展轨迹产 生的影响?

向移动博彩的转变将是巨大的。到2030年,亚太地 区的移动市场将达到21亿用户,以利用这一预测, 我们将看到在线赌场和体育博彩公司大量投资于 他们的移动平台。CEZA仍然站在前沿,适应游戏运 营商和消费者不断变化的需求,同时坚持最高质量 和安全标准。

您能详细介绍一下增加和促进对CSEZFP的投资 的策略吗?

我们加大了市场营销的力度,积极参与了诸如 SiGMA Asia等各种游戏活动。向世界宣传,CEZA 游戏许可证能够为运营商,提供他们在司法管辖 区所寻求的诚信、安全和稳定。这点至关重要。

我们还在关注东南亚、拉丁美洲和非洲地区的新 兴游戏市场。

我们打算向游戏行业展示我们司法管辖区的理 念:理解企业的需求,并以最简单的方式提供解 决方案。我们长期以来的优势一直是与私营部门 的紧密合作。这从未是对抗性的。CEZA及其私人 合作伙伴一直认识到我们的共同优势,并利用它 们实现吸引业务、创造就业机会和最大化利润的 共同目标。经验赋予了我们驾驭市场动态、技术 进步和监管框架之间复杂的相互作用,从而为业 务增长和生计机会创造了肥沃的土壤。

四月份,CEZA将推出一套在线系统,供公司申请 许可证使用。您目前看到对这个系统的反应如 何?到目前为止已经发放了多少个许可证? 我们目前处于测试的最后阶段。我们还在增加额 外的功能,以为我们的客户提供一个无缝愉快的 用户体验。对于CEZA这样的监管机构来说,这是 首次专门采用区块链技术。这个平台不仅仅是用 于申请,还可以用于各种关键功能,如合规审查、 尽职调查、审查和审计过程。这个平台将反映出 CEZA的品质。我们希望用这个平台传达CEZA的 诚信、经营便利性和透明度。


人们对此表现出了极大的兴趣,并准备接受这 个平台。

您是首位担任此职位的女性,您如何定义您的个 人领导风格?到目前为止,您的职业生涯中有哪 些里程碑时刻?

当我就职时,我想把这个组织打造成一个运转 良好的机器,并引导它走向未来。我看到了现实 与理想之间的差距,我不得不找到方法来解决 它们。

我对现有政策和法规进行了彻底审查。重要的 是,确保CEZA的业务实践是连贯的和具有竞争 力的。我们的目标,是通过提供建立在诚信基础 上的卓越产品,来增强我们的许可证的价值。这 涉及简化许可证流程、务实的合规监督和建立竞 争性的费率结构。

由于我来自私营部门,我能够同情企业家们的需 求。因为我支持我们的总统费迪南德·马科斯·朱 尼尔(Ferdinand Marcos Jr.)的命令:简化业务 流程,去除官僚主义的红色条款。我们在CEZA已 经接受并实现了这种文化。在我的领导下,我亲 自确保CEZA的所有流程都是无偏见的。这使得 业务交易更加顺畅。

CEZA继续适应和创新,为所有利益相关者的增 长和繁荣做出贡献。我们健全的监管框架,加上 强大的机构声誉,赢得了游戏运营商和消费者的 信任和信心。


“We intend to show the gaming sector the ethos of our jurisdiction, which is that we grasp businesses’ needs and provide solutions in the most straightforward manner possible.”

我们打算向游戏行业展示我们司法管辖区 的理念:理解企业的需求,并以最简单的方 式提供解决方案。

41 Q&A SiGMA 28

Dr. Manida Lau, Vice President for Business Solutions and Premium Marketing Operations at Okada Manila, highlights the challenges, market potential, economic impact, and the future of integrated resorts in the Philippines.

Shaping the future: IRs in the Philippines

冈田马尼拉商业解决方案和高级营销运营副总裁 Manida Lau 博士强调了菲律宾综合度假村面临的 挑战、市场潜力、经济影响和未来。

Could you elaborate on the responsibilities and challenges you face overseeing a US$200 million divisional casino gaming operation at Okada Manila?

I manage and oversee all business expansion, product development, and new market exploration, both domestically and internationally. The key challenge is the relentless pace of the industry, requiring us to continually seek opportunities to innovate and enhance our offerings. For example, we’ve launched new gaming experiences, such as our online casino, and have expanded our dining options with fine dining in Japanese and Chinese cuisines to stay ahead in the industry.

What do you believe distinguishes Okada Manila in the competitive IR industry in the Philippines? With several new integrated resorts set to open, has the market reached its saturation point?

What distinguishes Okada Manila in the competitive integrated resort industry is our exceptional team, where each member plays a significant role in our success. This translates to the kind of hospitality that we deliver. With our unique combination of Japanese principles of sincere service and attention to detail— omotenashi and magokoro—with Filipino warmth and hospitality, these ensure that guests have a memorable experience.

Can IRs help drive economic diversification and lay the foundation for flourishing tourism? How important is their role in the Philippines?

Definitely. Integrated resorts (IRs) are entertainment and leisure destinations, which offer a wide array of attractions. Meanwhile, the Philippines is home to rich marine biodiversity and the world’s best islands. These, coupled with the IR industry, significantly impacts the experience and attractiveness of the country as a travel destination.

Many predict that the Philippines will benefit from Asia's most significant growth market this year. What are your thoughts?

We have seen an increase in tourist arrivals. According to the Department of Tourism, there are 2,010,522 international visitors as of April 2024, 94 21% of which are foreign visitors, while 5 79% are Filipinos from overseas. The Philippines is on a trajectory to become Southeast Asia's most attractive travel destination, adding to the fact that the Philippine government is upgrading its infrastructure. Okada Manila plays a significant role in this growth.

What role do IRs play in nurturing the startup ecosystem?

At Okada Manila, we take pride in offering our unique and world-class amenities, which attract international visitors in the Philippines. Such is The Fountain, a global icon and is considered one of the world’s largest multicolor dancing water features. Guests can expect only the best from Okada Manila as we envision to put the country on the map as a premier entertainment and gaming destination.

How are brick-and-mortar casinos navigating responsible gaming challenges?

Okada Manila aims to delight and excite our guests with memorable, fun, and entertaining gaming experiences through Responsible Gaming, a pillar in our Sustainability program. We are committed to the prevention of gaming issues and the protection of underage gambling in both our resort and online casinos. We have Help Centers ready to disseminate information and offer assistance on gambling concerns, allowing for more direct and immediate help.

Which technologies are driving the casino sector’s development in 2024, and what trends do you see emerging as the most prominent disruptors this year?

In 2024, the integration of online and land-based casino environments is a key business strategy. The economic instability, global conflicts, and natural disasters have significantly impacted consumer spending. In response, we are leveraging technologies such as online member sign-ups and advanced casino platforms to enhance our operations and attract more patrons, positioning us to adapt to changing market conditions effectively.

43 Q&A SiGMA 28

How do you envision the future of the integrated resort industry in the Philippines, and what role do you see Okada Manila playing in shaping that future?

Okada Manila is a vibrant addition to the Philippines’ rapidly growing entertainment and leisure industry. Known as the “Manila’s Grand Icon,” the premier integrated resort offers guests easy access to the best of hospitality, dining, retail, gaming, and leisure in one exciting multi-dimensional property set in over 30 hectares at the foreshore of Manila Bay.

We offer the finest hotel rooms and dining options, a premium shopping avenue, the

largest and most exciting gaming floors with up to 500 tables and 3,000 slot machines. This positions Okada Manila as a key point in Philippine tourism, especially with the addition of our multicolor dancing water fountain as well as our one-of-a-kind indoor beach club and nightclub. Complementing all these is our promise of enjoyment and satisfaction with our special brand of hospitality.

Can you share any memorable experiences or lessons learned throughout your threedecade-long career in the hospitality and gaming sector?

The heart of the hospitality industry is the 'human touch.' Despite the increasing use

of technologies like AI for tasks such as social media monitoring, these tools cannot replace the personal interaction our guests value. We ensure that there is always a human point of contact available for any guest inquiries or concerns. While technology provides operational efficiency, the true essence of hospitality remains in the personal service and connection we offer, which continues to be the hallmark of our industry’s success.

“The key challenge is the relentless pace of the industry, requiring us to continually seek opportunities to innovate and enhance our offerings.”


“The heart of the hospitality industry is the human touch. Despite the increasing use of technologies like AI for tasks such as social media monitoring, these tools cannot replace the personal interaction our guests value.”

“酒店业的核心是人性化。尽管人工智能 等技术越来越多地用于社交媒体监控等任 务,但这些工具无法取代我们的客人所重 视的个人互动。”

您能详细介绍一下在Okada Manila管理价值2亿美 元的部门赌场运营中你所面临的职责和挑战吗? 我负责管理和监督国内外所有业务拓展、产品开发和 新市场探索。主要挑战在于行业的不断持续的竞争节 奏,需要我们不断寻求创新机会,提升我们的服务。例 如,我们推出了新的游戏体验,如我们的在线赌场,并 扩大了我们的餐饮选择,提供日本和中国美食,以保 持在行业中的领先地位。

您认为Okada Manila在菲律宾竞争激烈的综合度假 胜地行业中有何特色?随着几家新的综合度假村,如 位于Quezon City的Solaire North即将开业,市场已 达到饱和了吗?

Okada Manila在竞争激烈的综合度假村行业中的特 色是我们杰出的团队,每个成员在我们的成功中都起 着重要作用。这体现在我们提供的高质量服务上。我

们将日本的真诚服务和注重细节的原则——“Omotenashi”(招待) 和“Magokoro”(关心),与菲律宾的热情款待相结合,确保客人有 一个难忘的体验。

综合度假胜地可以帮助推动经济多元化,为蓬勃发展的旅游业奠定 基础吗?它们在菲律宾的角色有多重要? 当然可以。综合度假村是娱乐和休闲的目的地,提供各种各样的设 施。同时,菲律宾拥有丰富的海洋生物多样性和世界上最美的岛屿。 这些加上综合度假村产业的发展,显著影响了菲律宾作为旅游目的 地的吸引力和体验。

许多人预测菲律宾将从今年亚洲最重要的增长市场中受益。您对此 有何看法?

我们已经看到游客数量的增加。根据旅游部的数据,截至2024年4 月,国际游客达到2,010,522人,其中94.21%为外国游客,5.79% 为海外菲律宾人。菲律宾正朝着成为东南亚最具吸引力的旅游目 的地这个方向发展,这一事实表明菲律宾政府正在升级基础设 施。Okada Manila在这一增长中扮演着重要角色。

综合度假村在培育初创企业生态系统方面扮演什么角色? 在Okada Manila,我们自豪地提供独特且世界一流的设施,吸引着 来菲律宾的国际游客。比如我们的音乐喷泉(The Fountain),它是 一个全球标志,被认为是世界上最大的多彩舞动水景之一。客人可 以期待Okada Manila为菲律宾塑造成为一个头等娱乐和博彩目的 地。

如何在实体赌场中解决负责任博彩的挑战? Okada Manila通过实施负责任博彩来让我们的客人感到愉快、兴 奋和娱乐。这是我们可持续发展计划的一个支柱。我们致力于预防 博彩问题,保护未成年人免受赌博的影响,无论是在我们的度假胜 地,还是在线赌场中。我们设立了帮助中心,随时提供关于赌博问题 的信息和协助,以便提供更直接和及时的帮助。

哪些技术推动了2024年赌场行业的发展,你认为今年最突出的颠覆 者趋势是什么?

2024年,在线和实体赌场环境的整合是一个关键的业务战略。经济 不稳定、全球冲突和自然灾害都对消费者支出产生了重大影响。为 了应对这一挑战,我们利用在线会员注册和先进的赌场平台等技术 来增强我们的运营,并吸引更多的顾客,这让我们能够有效地适应 市场变化。

你如何展望菲律宾综合度假村行业的未来,你认为Okada Manila 在塑造这一未来中扮演什么角色?

Okada Manila是菲律宾快速增长的娱乐和休闲产业中的重要成 员。作为“马尼拉的宏伟地标”,可以让游客轻松享受到这里最好的 款待,餐饮、零售、博彩和休闲设施,这些设施集中在位于马尼拉湾 岸边的30多公顷的多维度建筑中。

我们提供最好的酒店客房和餐饮选择,一个高端的购物街区,以及 拥有多达500张桌子和3000台老虎机最大、最令人兴奋的娱乐场 所。尤其是在我们的多彩喷泉、独特的室内海滩俱乐部和夜总会的 加入之后,更让Okada Manila成为菲律宾旅游业的亮点。与所有这 些相辅相成的,是我们这个好客的品牌对客户提供的热情与享受。

你能分享一下在酒店和博彩行业三十年职业生涯中的一些难忘经 历或教训吗?

酒店业的核心是“人情味”。尽管越来越多地诸如AI之类的技术的使 用,可以完成诸如社交媒体监控之类的任务,但这些工具无法取代客 人所重视的个人互动。我们确保始终有人为客人提供任何询问或关 注的联系。尽管技术提供了运营效率,但款待服务的真正精髓仍然在 于我们提供的个人化服务和连接,这仍然是我们行业成功的标志。

45 Q&A SiGMA 28
WORLD TOUR 2024-2025

Gambling in the digital age

Words by Mariusz Gąsiewski, CEE Mobile Gaming & Apps Lead, Google.

Mariusz’s experience focuses on three main areas: performance marketing and data, startups, investments. Since 2007 he has worked with Google as a performance expert. Additionally he has led mobile gaming and apps initiatives at Google for Startups Campus in Warsaw, supporting the growth of the mobile gaming and apps ecosystem in the CEE region. Mariusz is also an Angel investor in mobile gaming, Web3 and the sports betting sectors.


文:Mariusz Gasiewski,Google中东欧移动游戏与应 用主管

Mariusz的经验主要集中在三个主要领域:绩效营销和数 据、初创公司和投资。自2007年以来,他一直担任Google 的绩效专家。此外,他还在Google的华沙创业园区领导 移动游戏和应用项目,支持中东欧地区移动游戏和应用 生态系统的增长。Mariusz也是移动游戏、Web3和体育 博彩行业的天使投资人。


The digital gold rush: growth in sports betting and gambling

The last years have brought strong growth of online business. As of early 2024, it's estimated that there are around 5 16 billion internet users worldwide. This number represents roughly 64 4% of the global population.

Step-by-step we can see the outcome of it in the sports betting and gambling/casino industry. It is estimated that online gambling generated around US$89 4 billion in 2023 (worldwide). The industry is expected to have really strong growth over the next few years, reaching around US$136 3 billion in 2029. The audience of online gambling is estimated to be around 192 million and is expected to grow up to 281 millions by 2029 (these estimates do not include any illegal gambling websites and activities).

The biggest part of online gambling is sports betting - generating revenue around US$40 3 billion in 2023 (worldwide). The industry is estimated to see steady growth - reaching around US$65 7 billion in 2029. Its audience will grow from 122 million in 2023 to around 181 million in 2029. Online casinos are expected to have favourable growth as well, with estimated revenue US$32 75 billion in 2023 and growth up to US$46 9 billion in 2029 Most of that growth will hail from countries such as the US, UK, and France.

Additionally, significant expansion in online gambling is anticipated in Asia. Official estimates for Asia predict a revenue of US$5 billion in 2023, with projections of US$7 5 billion by 2029 (representing a 5-10% yearover-year growth from 2024 to 2029).

Transforming the landscape: Innovations in online gaming

The growing online gambling market, coupled with increasing competition, is expected to foster innovation in both product development and marketing. The marketing aspect can be divided into three areas: measurement, optimising user journeys, and restructuring online teams and their key performance indicators (KPIs).

I see all three of these areas slowly converging with the gambling and sports betting industry. However, it's important to consider that gambling and sports betting are subject to numerous additional regulations, which must also be factored in.

Emerging trends in measurement

The last few years are bringing more and more regulations around privacy. Consumers are increasingly concerned about privacy and data protection (31% of internet users worldwide were concerned about misuse of their personal data in Q4 2023 with

numbers even higher for older audiences). Governments are starting to respond to it by adding new privacy related regulations. As the online gambling industry gets used to using user’s data heavily, it will have the need to adjust to new realities. On one hand it will be more and more important to understand the user’s behaviour, and marketing performance based on imperfect and modelled data. On the other hand it will be more important to utilise even more heavily LTV data.

Interesting experiences emerge from gaming companies that prioritise measuring user lifetime value (LTV) in a much longer timeframe. They focus on understanding which marketing channels deliver the highest LTV, whereas iGaming and sports betting companies tend to prioritise initial conversions and first deposits due to their KPIs. While this may accelerate short-term user acquisition, it can limit long-term growth.

Optimisation of the online user experience

Increased collaboration between mobile asset development teams and marketing teams is expected in the coming years. This stems from the understanding that both areas contribute to the same user journey and, ultimately, the same result. Optimising landing pages, onboarding clarity, and the initial offer can significantly impact the final conversion rate. This approach, already wellestablished in gaming, is now being adopted in online gambling, leading to faster testing and optimization cycles.

Furthermore, a growing focus on user engagement and gamification within online gambling assets is anticipated. This trend, which began in gaming, is gradually extending to verticals like social casinos and sports betting. Such activities can significantly expand the audience by engaging users who are new to the vertical.

Performance marketing trends to watch

Performance marketing is increasingly emphasising creatives as competition for growth intensifies. Creative approaches are becoming crucial in differentiating brands and products, leading to higher user recall and lowering acquisition costs. As AI becomes an important part of creative production and optimization in gaming, we can expect that trend to move to online gambling as well (keeping in mind limitations and risks coming from regulations).

Game-changer: Google’s increasing role in iGaming and sports betting

Apps have emerged as one of the fastestgrowing segments in online gambling. The increasing adoption of digital and mobile payments has simplified payment

procedures for users and online players. Asia, in particular, is a significant market for apps and is driving this growth. As apps become more important in online gambling, so too is Google becoming more involved in the online gaming industry. Google as a platform aims to help developers responsibly build new businesses and reach wider audiences across diverse content types and genres. As there is there a high interest in those topics on user’s side, Google Play began onboarding a broader range of real-money gaming (RMG) in markets with existing licensing frameworks.What is more, Google Play in adapting to developer innovation while maintaining user safety, conducted pilot programs to determine how to support more RMG operators and game types (i.e. many Indian developers were eager to bring RMG apps to more Android users).

Based on pilot learnings and positive feedback from users and developers, Google Play will expand its support for RMG apps this year, including game types and operators not covered by existing licensing frameworks. Google Play will launch this expanded support in June for developers in India, Mexico, and Brazil, with plans to expand to users in more countries later.

Effective performance advertising with Google in Sports Betting and casino

Google always abides by local gambling laws and industry standards. As more and more countries develop concrete and precise regulations in real money gambling and sports betting industries, Google is opening more and more of those countries for carefully curated advertising activities.

Some solutions like interest based advertising or remarketing are never allowed in gambling and sports betting activities. Additionally gambling-related ads are allowed if the advertiser has received the proper Google Ads certification. Gambling ads must target approved countries, have a landing page that displays information about responsible gambling, and never target minors. As mentioned, much of the experience gained from gaming performance marketing can be applied here.


数字黄金潮:体育投注和博彩的增长 过去几年见证了在线业务的强劲增长。截至 2024年初,全球约有51 6亿互联网用户。这 一数字大约占全球人口的64.4%。

逐步来看,我们可以看到这种增长对体育投 注、博彩和赌场行业的影响。据估计,2023 年全球在线博彩产生了大约894亿美元的收 入。预计未来几年该行业将实现强劲增长, 到2029年左右将达到1363亿美元。在线博 彩的受众约为1.92亿人,预计到2029年将增 长至2 81亿人(这些预测不包含任何非法赌 博网站和活动)。

在线博彩的大头是体育博彩:2023年全球产 生的收入约为403亿美元。预计该行业将保 持稳定增长,到2029年将达到657亿美元。 其受众将从2023年的1 22亿人增加到2029 年的约1.81亿人。在线赌场也预计将有良好 的增长趋势,2023年预计收入为327 5亿美 元,到2029年将增长至469亿美元。其中大 部分增长将来自美国、英国和法国等国家。

此外,预计亚洲的在线博彩将有显著扩张。 据亚洲官方的预测,2023年收入为50亿美 元,到2029年预计将达到75亿美元(从2024 年到2029年的年均增长率为5-10%)。

评测的改变:在线游戏的创新 不断增长的在线赌博市场,加上日益激烈的 竞争,这将促进产品开发和营销方面的创 新。营销方面可以分为三个领域:测量、优化 用户体验,重组在线团队及其关键业绩指 标(KPI)。

我看到这三个领域正在逐渐与体育投注和 博彩行业融合。然而,重要的是要考虑到,投 注和体育博彩受到许多额外的法规限制,这 些也必须考虑在内。


过去几年,隐私方面的法规越来越多。消费 者对隐私和数据保护越来越关注(2023年第 四季度全球31%的互联网用户担心个人数 据被滥用,老年人群的数字甚至更高)。各国 政府开始对此作出响应,制定了新的有关隐 私的相关法规。随着在线博彩行业习惯于大 量使用用户数据,它将需要适应新的现实。 一方面,是理解用户行为,并基于不完善和 模型化的数据来评估营销表现。另一方面, 更加重要的是更加充分地利用用户生命周 期价值(LTV)数据。

我们在游戏公司中获得了一些有趣的经验, 它们优先考虑在更长时间范围内衡量LTV。

他们专注于了解哪些营销渠道提供最高的 LTV,而iGaming和体育博彩公司则倾向于 优先考虑初始转化和首次存款,因为这是他 们的KPI。尽管这可能加速短期用户获取,但 同时可能会限制长期用户的增长。


预计在未来几年,移动资产开发团队和营销 团队之间的合作将增加。这是因为双方都理 解,这两个领域都对相同的用户群体有贡 献,并最终会产生相同的结果。优化登陆页

面、入门清晰度和初始报价,可以显著影响 最终转化率。这种方法在游戏中已经得到了 很好的确可,现在正在被在线博彩领域采 用,从而加快了测试和优化周期。

此外,对在线博彩资产内用户参与度和游戏 化的关注也在逐渐增加。这种趋势开始于, 游戏正在逐渐扩展到社交赌场,和体育博彩 等垂直领域。这些活动可以通过吸引新的垂 直领域用户来显著扩大受众群。

值得关注的趋势是,随着数量上竞争的加 剧,绩效营销越来越强调创意。创意在区分 品牌和产品方面变得至关重要。因为这会加 深用户对品牌的记忆,降低获取成本。随着 人工智能在游戏中成为创意制作和优化的 重要组成部分,我们可以期待这一趋势也会 转移到在线博彩领域(当然,需要牢记法规 带来的限制和风险)。

改变游戏规则:Google在iGaming和体育 博彩中的日益重要作用

应用程序已成为在线博彩中增长最快的领 域之一。数字和移动支付的日益普及,简化 了用户和在线玩家的支付程序。亚洲是应用 程序的重要市场,并正在推动这一增长。

随着应用程序于在线博彩中的重要性日益 提高,Google也于在线娱乐行业中发挥着 越来越重要的作用。作为一个平台,Google 可以帮助开发者负责任地建立新业务,并在 各种内容类型和流派中吸引更广泛的受众。

由于用户对这些话题的兴趣很高,Google Play开始在根据现有许可框架的市场,拓 展更广泛的真钱游戏(RMG)。此外,Google Play正在适应开发者的创新,同时保障用 户安全,进行试点项目,以确定如何支持更 多的RMG运营商和游戏类型(例如,许多印 度开发者热衷于将RMG应用带给更多的 Android用户)。

根据试点项目的经验,和用户以及开发者 的积极反馈,Google Play将在今年扩大 对RMG应用的支持,其中包括不受现有许 可框架约束的游戏类型和运营商。Google Play将于6月为印度、墨西哥和巴西的开发 者推出这一扩展支持计划,并计划在以后扩 展到更多国家,涉及更多用户。

在体育博彩和赌场中使用Google投放有效 的性能广告

Google始终遵守当地的博彩法律和行业标 准。随着越来越多的国家在真钱投注和体育 博彩行业制定具体和精确的法规,Google 正在为更多的国家开放谨慎而周密的广告 活动。

一些解决方案,如基于兴趣的广告或再次 营销,在投注和体育博彩活动中是永远不 允许的。此外,只有当广告主获得适当的 Google Ads认证时,才允许投放与博彩相 关的广告。博彩广告必须针对批准的国家, 并且必须有一个显示有规范博彩信息的登 陆页面,绝不能针对未成年人。正如前面提 到的,从游戏绩效营销中获得的经验也可以 应用到这里。


Tech Trailblazers: Meet the women shaping tomorrow’s tech


Step into the forefront of innovation with AIBC Special, where we explore the latest in emerging technologies. In this issue we spotlight three remarkable women driving advancements across various tech spheres, sharing their expertise, breakthroughs, and aspirations for the future.

在本次AIBC特别报导中,踏上创新的前沿之旅,我们将 探索新兴技术的最新动态。在这一期中,我们聚焦三位 杰出的女性:她们在各种技术领域中推动进步,分享她 们的专业知识、突破性思考和对未来的愿景。



The digital landscape

Discover the pioneering spirit of Amrita Sethi, the UAE's first NFT artist and a visionary in the Web3 realm. From banking to the forefront of art, her diverse portfolio transcends the traditional - spanning murals, NFTs, and fashion, and breaking boundaries with AR and AI.

Can art be your guide through chaos? Amrita Sethi’s recent launch of the Bucket Monsters NFT collection is a whimsical journey into the essence of life’s most complex and intimate experiences - bridging art with technology to challenge our understanding of wellness and mental health. The collection is a profile pic.PFP NFT collection, and seeks to redefine the traditional concept of bucket lists by exploring their capacity to hold our most cherished moments and emotions.

“My aim is to leverage this collection to foster a dialogue on positive personal growth and self-awareness.”

Her approach is deeply rooted in the idea of empowering individuals and communities to share their stories. Sitting at that magical intersection between art and technology, Sethi’s hand-drawn characters challenge conventional creativity, enabling individuals and communities to embrace imagination and innovation and transcend traditional boundaries. Digital change is coming, and it’s about to shake up everything we’ve ever known.

“I believe these digital frontiers offer more than just a passing trend; they herald a revolution in how we conceive, interact with, and experience art. The only constant thing in life is change, she goes on to say - but ironically, most people don’t like change.”

Sethi believes that the digital world is changing - transcending the confines of traditional two-dimensional displays as we embark on a journey into a realm of multidimensional, multisensory immersion. This paradigm shift heralds a new era in artistic expression, one that promises to redefine our perceptions of art and creativity.

By embracing disruptive technologies like AI, blockchain, NFTs, augmented reality, and virtual reality, Sethi is ‘manifesting the essence of a Web 2 5 artist’, forging a path towards a new digital landscape where imagination knows no limits. This evolution not only reshapes the artistic landscape but also revolutionises how future generations will engage with and experience the world of art.

From NFTs to physical art, gaming, and fashion, the collection leverages the benefits of transformative tech such as NFTs, Web3, and the Metaverse, harnessing technology as a digital paintbrush to merge the physical and digital worlds, while also exploring the power of storytelling, NLP, and human consciousness.

“Through my work, I aim to demonstrate that the future of art is not confined to galleries or museums but exists in a boundless digital realm where imagination knows no limits.”

These elements come together to create meaningful experiences for


阿姆里塔·塞蒂(Amrita Sethi)是阿联酋首位NFT艺术家,也是 Web3领域的先驱。本篇文章将探索她多样化的开拓精神:从银行业 到艺术前沿。她多样化的作品跨越了传统的界限,涵盖了壁画、NFT和 时尚,并通过增强现实和人工智能打破了传统界限。

艺术能否成为您在混乱中的指南?阿姆里塔·塞蒂最近推出的“桶怪 兽”NFT系列是一次奇妙的旅程,探索了生活中最复杂和最私密的本 质。她将将艺术与技术联系起来,挑战我们对身体健康和心理健康的 理解。该系列涵盖了5,000件作品,存储在Solana区块链上,并试图 重新定义桶的传统概念,探索它们保存我们最珍贵的时刻和情感的 能力。

“我的目标是通过这个系列来的创作,自我提升和提高自我意识。” 她的方法深深根值于个人和社区,并大力分享他们故事理念。坐落在 艺术和技术的神奇交汇处,塞蒂手绘的角色挑战了传统的创造力,使 个人和社区能够拥抱想象力和创新,并超越传统的界限。数字变革即 将到来,这将彻底改变我们所知的一切。

“我相信这些数字前沿不仅仅是一种过渡性趋势。它们预示着我们如 何构想艺术、与艺术交流和体验艺术的革命。生活中唯一不变的就 是变化——她接着说道——但具有讽刺意味的是,大多数人不喜欢变 化。”

塞蒂相信,数字世界正在改变:超越传统的二维呈现,我们正在踏上 一段多维、多感官的沉浸之旅。这种范式转变预示着艺术表达的新时 代,将重新定义我们对艺术和创造力的认知。

通过拥抱像人工智能、区块链、NFT、增强现实和虚拟现实这样的颠覆 性技术,塞蒂正在“实现Web 2.5艺术家的本质”,开辟一条通向新数 字景观的道路,在这里想象力没有界限。这种演变不仅重新塑造了艺 术景观,还将革命性地改变未来几代人,尤其是他们如何参与和体验 艺术的方式。

从NFT到实体艺术、游戏和时尚,该系列利用了NFT、Web3和元宇宙 等变革性技术,用技术作为数字画笔,将现实世界和数字世界融合起 来。同时探索了讲故事、自然语言处理和人类意识的力量。

“通过我的工作,我会证明艺术的未来不仅仅局限于画廊或博物馆, 而是存在于一个无限的数字领域,想象力没有界限。”

这些元素汇聚在一起,为她的观众创造了意义深远的体验,跨越多代 人,并鼓励着人群中一些最有影响力的变革者,找到他们的声音,并 分享他们自己独特的故事。

“桶怪兽系列不仅仅是我们列出梦想和经历的地方。想象它们承载了 我们的生活,在里面我们存放着我们的欢乐、悲伤、记忆、错误、幸福 和爱。这里,你拥有的不是独特的地方,而是你的超能力。”

塞蒂奇特的创作象征着生活的高潮和低谷,促使我们反思,是怎样的 道路塑造了我们。每个桶都是自己独特的怪物:这是我们在生活中面 对挑战的象征。她鼓励我们接受错误并从中学习,主张个人成长和自 我反省。“它们促使我们反思,问自己:我们真正用什么来填充我们的 生活?”


her audience, spanning multiple generations, and inspiring some of the most influential change makers in the space to find their voice and share their own, unique stories.

“Bucket lists are not just there for us to list our dreams and experiences. Imagine them as containers for our lives where we store our joys, sorrows, memories, mistakes, happiness and love. Here, being unique is more than just a trait; it’s your superpower.”

Sethi’s quirky creations symbolise life’s highs and lows, prompting reflection on the choices that shape our path.

Each bucket comes with its own unique monster - a symbol of the challenges we all face in life. She encourages embracing mistakes and learning from them, advocating for personal growth and self-reflection. “They push us to reflect, to ask ourselves: what are we really filling our life with?”

She goes on to explain that, “While it’s completely natural that we want to express our messes and make mistakes along the way, have conflicts, and maybe even indulge in negative self-talk from time-to-time, it’s really important to learn from these mistakes. We grow from conflict - and we do that by metaphorically cleaning our buckets.”

Education is also at the heart of this project, going beyond mere entertainment. Amrita is emphatic about the importance of educating people about new technologies that are going to transform - and are transforming - our lives. A process she’s aptly coined as ‘art edutainment.’

Naturally there have been bumps along the road, and Sethi has worked hard to dispel the bad press NFTs have accrued

over the past few years. Often written off as just a fleeting trend, she has taken up the mantle through her art as a passionate ambassador - persuading people to look beyond the hype and find value in them as legitimate forms of art.

Not one for resting on her laurels, Sethi is forging ahead. This October she celebrates a milestone anniversary of her mural at the DIFC - Dubai’s largest financial center - where she painted the first and largest augmented reality mural in the Middle East, titled - Future NFT Dubai. The forthcoming exhibition aims to demonstrate the synergy between classical artistic expressions and digital advancements, portraying a vibrant vision of art’s evolution in the digital era. Segmented into individual characters - each transformed into standalone physical and digital artworks - it serves to allow collectors to own a piece of the mural both physically and digitally - offering a unique dual experience of art ownership.

“Through my work, I aim to demonstrate that the future of art is not confined to galleries or museums but exists in a boundless digital realm where imagination knows no limits.”

通过我的工作,我会证明艺术的未来不仅仅局 限于画廊或博物馆,而是存在于一个无限的数 字领域,想象力没有界限


她接着解释说:“虽然我们想要在路上,想要表达自己 的混乱,犯错误,有冲突,甚至可能偶尔沉迷于与负面 情绪的自我对话,但从这些错误中学习也是非常重要 的。我们从冲突中成长。我们通过象征性地清理我们 的桶来做到这一点。”

超越了单纯的娱乐,教育也是这个项目的核心。塞蒂 非常强调教育人们关于即将改变 ——以及正在改变 ——我们生活的新技术的重要性。她巧妙地将这一教 育过程命名为“艺术教育娱乐”。

显然,在道路上肯定会有一些坎坷,过去几年中,塞蒂 也在努力消除,在NFT领域积累的负面报道。她不仅 被认为,这只是一个短暂的趋势,而且还通过她的艺 术作品,让自己成为一个充满激情的宣传大使 ——劝 说人们超越炒作,发现它们作为正规艺术形式的真正 价值。

塞蒂不是一个喜欢安于现状的人,她一直在前进。今 年 10 月,她举办了一项新活动——迪拜未来 NFT,庆 祝 auglanFC 的里程碑周年纪念日。即将举办的博览

会见展示古典艺术表达和数字进步之间的协同作 用,描绘数字时代艺术演变充满活力的愿景。分别 展示各个角色——每个角色见变成一个独立的实 体和数字艺术品——这么做是为了让收藏家们,既 可以拥有壁画的一部分,又可以拥有数字化的一部 分:提供和拥有艺术所有权的独特双重体验。

“I believe these digital frontiers offer more than just a passing trend; they herald a revolution in how we conceive, interact with, and experience art.”

我相信这些数字前沿不仅仅是一种过渡 性趋势。它们预示着我们如何构想艺术、 与艺术交流和体验艺术的革命。


A Vision for change

In a recent conversation with SiGMA magazine, Paz Gonzalez Zeballos shared insights into her personal journey, the birth of OG Media, and her vision for the future of the company.

在最近与《SiGMA杂志》的一次对话中,帕斯·冈萨雷 斯·泽巴洛斯(Paz Gonzalez Zeballos )分享了她的个 人经历,OGMedia的诞生以及她对公司未来的愿景。

变革愿景 59 FEATURE SiGMA 28

Hailing from a background in stock trading, and with 10 years experience under her belt, Paz has always taken the road less travelled. She found herself naturally drawn to the emerging tech landscape, and in 2017, she made her initial foray into the crypto space as an early investor in Ethereum and Litecoin. It was here that she discovered a growing underground community driven by a shared sense of curiosity for new discoveries. It was a leap of faith that paid off.

However, Paz's path to entrepreneurship was not a direct one - her CV shows an eclectic trail of experience, covering everything from sports management to event planning. She speaks about harbouring a long-standing desire to be her own boss. Rejecting the conventional nine-to-five routine, she experimented with various business ventures, seeking fulfilment outside the confines of the nine-to-five corporate culture.

Her entrepreneurial spirit eventually led her to the founding of OG Media, a venture born out of collaboration and a shared vision for change. Alongside her business partner, Colombian influencer Andres Menses, Paz embarked on a mission to redefine the narrative surrounding Web3 technology. Recognising the disillusionment felt by many talented individuals within the corporate world, they sought to create a collaborative environment where individuals were valued as partners rather than mere employees.

Central to Paz's ethos is the belief that success is not measured solely by financial gain but by the impact made on people's lives. She emphasises the importance of fostering a sense of partnership and collaboration within OG Media, where every contributor is empowered to contribute their unique talents towards a common goal.

“We came up with the idea of the podcast, and I said, Andres, okay, let's do the podcast, but let's do it properly, let's find a way for the Crypto OG podcast to become something different.

“The podcast went very, very successfully. And that's actually thanks to AIBC. We had a booth at AIBC Dubai in 2022 and we did, I think, one of the first podcasts live at an event. Something that no one had done before.”

She recollects how this was their breakthrough point. “After that event, we realised how much potential we had, not only Andres and myself, but also the people that were working with us.”

They have had to forge their own path, finding opportunities in as yet, uncharted territory.

“So it's more like I give, you give. It's not a competition. So instead of trying to find a business model that already exists, we said, let's do something different. Let's collaborate

with people. We want to get the best out of the industry and help them to get noticed. We want everyone to be successful and we want to share our success.”

Crypto OGs went on to win the AIBC Podcast of the Year award. It was a joyful week for Paz, not just because it acknowledged their months of hard work and effort, but because it also marked another joyful moment - the birth of her first child.

“And for me as a woman, who had just become a mum, it was very difficult to decide how to balance work life with parenthood. One thing I realised though, is that if I'm not happy, how can I make a baby happy?

She recollects facing criticism over her decisions to forge ahead with her business. However, ultimately, the support she received paved the way forward. “You need to have the right partner in everything, " she explains. “I think that's one of the key things. You need to have the right partners - in both your personal and business life.”

One of the key challenges Paz identifies within the crypto industry is the pervasive knowledge gap that exists between technical experts and the general public. Determined to bridge this divide, OG Media prioritises clear communication and accessibility in their approach. By focusing on the practical benefits of Web3 solutions, they aim to make the technology more inclusive and understandable to a broader audience.

“Everyone speaks about education. Education is good. Everyone needs to educate themselves. But did anyone explain to you how the internet works when you started using it? No, right? So, that's why I don't believe much in Web3. I think we need to arrive at a point where we can call it Web 2 5.”

Looking ahead, Paz envisions a future where OG Media plays a pivotal role in shaping the perception of Web3 technology. By advocating for transparency, collaboration, and user-centric design, she hopes to instil confidence in the potential of blockchain and decentralised systems to bring about positive change. Ultimately, her goal is to inspire others to embrace the transformative power of technology and contribute to a more equitable and innovative future.

As Paz continues to navigate the fastpaced landscape of cryptocurrency and entrepreneurship, her unwavering commitment to empowerment and inclusivity serves as a guiding light for OG Media and the broader crypto community alike. With passion, perseverance, and a shared vision for change, she is poised to make a lasting impact on the industry and beyond.

帕斯来自股票交易市场,她对探索非传统 的东西总是情有独钟。她发现自己自然 而然地被新兴科技吸引,在2017年,她以 Ethereum 和Litecoin早期投资者的身份 首次涉足加密领域。在这里,她发现了一 个不断壮大的地下社区,里面的所有人都 受好奇心的驱动不断发现。这是一次成 功的冒险。

“我总认为最好的机会在新兴产业中。”她 总结道。然而,帕斯的创业之路并不是一 帆风顺的,她的简历展示出了她一系列 多样化的经历:从体育管理到活动策划。 她谈到了自己长期以来渴望成为自己的 老板。拒绝传统朝九晚五的日常工作,她 尝试了各种商业冒险,寻求在朝九晚五的 文化框架之外找到满足感。

她的创业精神最终引领她创建了 OGMedia,这是一个基于合作和共同变 革愿望下诞生的冒险。与她的商业伙伴, 哥伦比亚网红安德烈斯·门塞斯(Andres Menses)一起,帕斯开始了一项使命,重 新定义围绕Web3技术的叙事。意识到许 多才华横溢的个体在企业界感到幻灭,他 们努力创建了一个合作的环境,其中个人 被视为合作伙伴而不仅仅是普通雇员。

帕斯的核心理念是,成功不仅仅是通过财 务收益来衡量,而是通过对人们生活的影 响来衡量。她强调在OGMedia内营造一 种合作伙伴协作关系的重要性,让每个人 都能够发挥他们独特的才能,作出贡献, 朝着共同的目标努力。

“我们想出了播客的主意,我对安德烈斯 说,不如让我们做播客吧。但让我们得做 得专业点,让Crypto OG播客成为与众不 同的东西。”

“播客非常非常成功。这实际上要感谢 AIBC。我们在2022年的AIBC迪拜展会上 有一个展台,我们做了,我想,这会是第 一个在活动现场直播的播客。之前没有 人做过。”

她回忆起这是他们的突破点。“在那次活 动之后,我们意识到了我们有多大的潜 力,不仅仅是安德烈斯和我自己,还有与 我们合作的人。”

他们不得不开辟自己的道路,在尚未被探 索的领域中寻找机会。

“所以更像是互相给予,并不是竞争。我们 决定,不要试图找到已经存在的商业模 式,让我们做点不同的事情。让我们与他 人合作。我们想从行业中得到最好的,并 帮助他们被注意到。我们希望每个人都成 功,我们也愿意分享我们的成功。”

Crypto OG随后赢得了AIBC年度播客奖。 对帕斯来说,这是喜悦的一周,不仅因为 它承认了他们数月来的辛勤工作和努力, 而且也因为它标志着另一个喜悦的时 刻——她第一个孩子的诞生了。

“对我来说,作为一个新手妈妈,决定如何 平衡工作和育儿是非常困难的。但我意识 到的一件事是,如果我自己不快乐,我怎 么能让一个婴儿快乐呢?”


她回忆起,面对因决定要继续推 进她的事业而遭受的批评。然而, 最终,她得到的支持,铺平了前进 的道路。“你需要在所有事情中都 有正确的伙伴,”她解释道,“我认 为这是其中的关键之一。你需要 在个人和商业生活中都有正确的 伙伴。”

帕斯在加密行业内确定的一个关 键挑战,就是技术专家和普通大众 之间普遍存在的知识鸿沟。她决心 弥合这一鸿沟,OGMedia将清晰 沟通和易于接近性置于优先位置。

通过揭示复杂的技术概念并专注 于Web3解决方案的实际好处,他 们的目的是让技术对更广泛的受 众更具包容性,更好理解。

“每个人都谈论教育。教育是好的。 每个人都需要教育自己。但当你开 始使用互联网时,有人解释过互联 网是如何工作的吗?没有吧?所以, 我不太相信Web3。我认为我们需 要达到一个可以称之为Web 2.5 的阶段。”

展望未来,帕斯设想让OG Media, 在塑造对Web3技术的认知方面发 挥着关键作用。通过倡导透明度、 合作和用户为中心的设计,她希 望增强人们对区块链和去中心化 系统潜力的信心,以带来积极的变 革。最终,她的目标是激励其他人 拥抱技术的变革力量,并为一个更 加公平和创新的未来做出贡献。

随着帕斯继续在加密货币和创 业的快速变化的海洋中航行,她 对平权和包容的坚定承诺成为 OGMedia和更广泛的加密社区的 指导明灯。凭借激情、毅力和对变 革的共同愿景,她已经准备好在 行业内产生更广泛,更深远持久 的影响。

“Let's collaborate with people. We want to get the best out of the industry and help them to get noticed. We want everyone to be successful and we want to share our success.”

我们想从行业中得到最好的,并帮 助他们获得关注。我们希望每个 人都成功,我们也愿意分享我们 的成功。


In the wake of the pandemic, many of us found ourselves on a quest for reinvention, seeking new paths and opportunities.

For Maria Frackowiak, this journey led her into the captivating realm of Web3 With a background in traditional marketing and a newfound passion for emerging tech, Maria shares her insights on what drew her to this space, the importance of community engagement, and the future of marketing within Web3

在新冠大流行之后,我们许多 人发现在重塑之际的道路上, 寻找新的道路和机会。对于

Maria Frackowiak来说,这段 旅程将她带入了迷人的Web3 领域。凭借对传统营销背景的 了解和对新兴技术新发现的热 情,Maria分享了她是如何被 这个领域吸引,同时探讨社区 参与的重要性以及Web3营销 的未来。

The Power of Community

Photos by Łukasz Filipowski
63 Q&A SiGMA 28

Your journey into the Web3 space sounds fascinating. Could you share what initially drew you to this sector?

After the pandemic there was a period in my life when I was actively reinventing myself. Before the pandemic I had not considered a career; I travelled the world and lived day-by-day. I realised it was time to change and start planning for the future. I was open to new experiences, and during this time I met my current partner, who had been working in the sector for quite some time. He inspired me with his passion for the industry. For me, the entire Web3 space was exciting and seemed inaccessible to ‘everyday people’. It felt like secret knowledge that some people have access to before everyone else! I became fascinated and decided to stay.

How has your background in traditional marketing translated into your work within the emerging tech arena?

Clashing with a new industry is always a big challenge and requires a lot of learning. What matters is your approach to it and whether you are motivated to acquire new knowledge. On the other hand, having experience in other niches, such as running campaigns or organising events for Web2 brands, can also bring a lot to the table. You bring a different perspective and experience in areas that team members often overlook.

Remember that a good portion of brands target newcomers that have no idea about Web3 and what it entails. In these situations, the traditional marketing approach can be particularly valuable. Be where your target customer is! Whether it's groups on Telegram, email correspondence, or an Instagram profile, find the places where your audience hangs out and speak their language.

You mentioned your involvement in the local crypto community and the Bored Apes community. How important do you think community engagement is within the Web3 space?

It’s everything. As we develop our careers, we always strive to be wellconnected. However, I have noticed that in the Web3 space, relationships are elevated to a whole new level. I love the support I receive when I start something new, co-host an event, or appear at a conference. There is a great deal of enthusiasm and a 'Hey, let's change the world together' attitude within the Web3 communities. Compared to other industries, it's also a more forgiving environment, definitely less competitive. On the other hand, once you’ve been in the industry for a while, outsiders may stop understanding you. Then it's good to have a close circle with whom you can discuss new ideas.

Can you elaborate on your approach to building and maintaining your personal brand within the Web3 industry, particularly through mediums like video production and educational content?

I believe that nowadays personal branding is not a luxury; it is a must. Being present online and contributing to the community positively impacts your situation on many different levels. Yes, you gain recognition in the industry, but most importantly, you gain credibility and trust. People start to become interested in you and are more willing to cooperate. By putting yourself out there, you signal that this is what you are looking for.

As someone entrenched in the crypto and blockchain world, what do you envision for the future of marketing within this space? Are there any emerging trends or technologies that marketers should keep an eye on?

The party that should primarily focus on marketing is brands. Many times at events or industry conferences, I hear the phrase 'we don't need marketing,' which is quite shocking. On the other hand, we also say 'We are still early.' Indeed, Web3 is a young industry that is trying to break into the mainstream. This is precisely why it should promote itself with redoubled effort by increasing its visibility among newcomers. I think we should definitely learn about marketing quality and efficiency from industries that have much more seniority in the market. If I were to predict the future, I believe that Web3 will encompass almost every aspect of our lives. It will become natural and obvious. Currently, we focus on marketing to early adopters; soon the focus will shift to the majority.

您进入Web3领域的旅程听起来很迷人。您能分享一下最初是什么吸 引您进入这个行业的吗?

在新冠大流行之后的一段时间内,我积极地重塑自己。在大流行之 前,我从未考虑过工作;我周游世界,每天生活。但那时我意识到是时 候改变了,我开始为未来做规划。我开始对新的体验持开放态度,同 时,在这段时间里我遇到了我的现任伴侣,他在这个行业已工作了相 当长的一段时间。是他的热情激励了我。对我来说,整个Web3领域都 是令人兴奋的,似乎普通人无法接触到。它感觉像是在别人发现之前 就能访问的秘密知识一样!我变得着迷,然后决定留下来。

您在传统营销方面的背景是如何在新兴技术领域中发挥作用的? 当你的背景与新的行业发生冲突时,你总会面临一项巨大的挑战, 在这期间,需要大量的学习。但更重要的是你对待它的方式,以及你 是否有获取新的知识的动力。另一方面,在其他领域有经验,比如为 Web2品牌运营活动或组织活动,也可以为你的新工作带来很多便 利:因为在之前领域的工作给你带来了不同的观点和经验,而这些可 能正是团队成员经常忽视的领域。

你要知道,许多品牌的目标客户是对Web3一无所知的新手。在这些 情况下,传统营销方法仍然具有价值。你要去你目标客户的所在地! 无论是Telegram群组、电子邮件通讯还是Instagram,找到你的受众 所在地,并用他们的语言和他们交流。

您提到了您参与了当地加密社区和Bored Apes社区。您认为在 Web3空间内社区参与有多重要?

它是这里的一切。在发展我们的职业生涯时,我们始终需要努力与外 界保持良好的联系。然而,我注意到在Web3空间,这种联系被提升到 一个全新的水平。我喜欢在开始新事物、共同主持活动或出现在会议 的时候得到的支持。在Web3社区中有很多热情的人和“嘿,让我们一 起改变世界”的态度。与其他行业相比,这也许是一个更宽容的环境, 竞争绝对没有那么激烈。另一方面,一旦你在这个行业待了一段时 间,外人可能就不明白你了。那时,你有可以和你讨论新想法的朋友 圈子是非常好的。

您能详细说明一下您在Web3行业内建立和维护个人品牌的方法吗, 特别是通过视频制作和教育内容等媒介的方法?

我认为,如今个人品牌不是奢侈品,而是必需品。时刻在线,并为社区 做出贡献,对你在许多不同层面上都有着积极的影响。是的,你在行 业中获得了认可,但最重要的是,你获得了信誉和信任。人们开始对 你感兴趣,并更愿意合作。通过把自己置身这个圈子里,传达了这就 是你要寻求的东西。

作为一个深入研究加密和区块链世界的人,您对这个领域的营销未 来有什么设想?有任何新兴趋势或技术是营销人员应该关注的吗? 我觉得,首先应该专注营销的项目是品牌。在许多活动或行业会议 上,我经常听到“我们不需要营销”的说法,这很奇怪。另一方面,我们 也说“我们还处于早期阶段”。确实,Web3是一个年轻的行业,正在努 力进入主流。这正是为什么它应该更佳努力,提高自己在新手中的曝 光度。我认为,我们绝对应该向市场上更有资历的行业学习他们营销 的质量和效率。如果要我预测未来,我相信Web3将涵盖我们生活的 几乎每个方面。它将变得更自然和显而易见。目前,我们的重点是向 早期采用者营销;但在不久的将来,重点将转向大多数人。


我喜欢让自己忙起来,这就是为什么,总有一些事情在即将到来的计 划中。然而,我不是那种没有跟进就轻易许诺的人。生活教会了我,在 100个提案或机会中,可能只有一个能实现。因此,除非它实现了,否 则我不会吐露一句话!

65 Q&A SiGMA 28

The Midas Touch 点石成金

Discover how Quantum Metal Gold Token revolutionises gold trading through its real-world asset backing, multi-chain interoperability, and innovative DeFi solutions, shaping the future of asset trading and value perception. We caught up with Francis Jimenez, Chief Community Officer at QMGT.

本篇报道将介绍Quantum Metal Gold Token(QMGT)是如何通过其 现实资产支撑、多链互操作和创新的 DeFi解决方案,彻底改变黄金交易,重 塑资产交易,以及改变对价值认知的 未来。我们采访了QMGT的首席社区官 方Francis Jimenez。

67 Q&A SiGMA 28

What sets Quantum Metal Gold Token apart from other cryptocurrencies in the market?

Quantum Metal Gold Token ($QMGT) is a real-world-asset (RWA) project wherein each token is assigned 1g representation of physical gold through our precious metals ecosystem. $QMGT already has an existing international Web2 enterprise now going into Web3. They have assigned 3 tonnes of gold for our $QMGT project and we plan to use it as an initial proof of concept for the Precious Metals Marketplace we are building.

How does the gold backing of Quantum Metal Gold Token contribute to its stability?

One of the key issues of cryptocurrencies is the lack of inherent value - in our case since each token is backed with 1g of gold, our holders are assured that they have stability and the opportunity to gain rewards from our DeFi platform, RWA centralised exchange, and E-Wallets.

How does Quantum Metal Gold Token utilise the interoperability features of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) chains?

Since our project is gold-backed and our goal is to be able to impact multiple communities, we plan to be connected to multiple EVM chains, including: Chainlink, Avalanche, Polygon, Ethereum and more. Our goal is to help holders get access to gold with a bigger ecosystem that has rewards and more Real World Assets.

What are the benefits of trading Quantum Metal Gold Token on your own platforms compared to other traditional exchanges?

In our platforms we are mostly focused on Real World Assets with the right infrastructure - including regulations, multichain capabilities paired with exclusive DeFi solutions including Staking, Lending and Borrowing.

In what ways does Quantum Metal Gold Token redefine the concept of gold trading?

The biggest difference in how $QMGT redefines the concept of gold trading, is that you can now trade gold 24/7 and gain access to a bigger ecosystem where additional rewards and solutions are presented.

How does Quantum Metal Gold Token enable secure and efficient transfer of ownership of gold?

$QMGT enables this since we are working on getting fully audited with 1g of physical gold representation per token placed on the blockchain with the right tech and compliance in place. Lastly, we have a successful existing model already in the Web2 space.

What impact do you foresee Quantum Metal Gold Token having on the future of asset trading and value perception?

The future of trading gold will be impacted by our project since we will access a new generation of buyers and traders while showcasing new usecases for gold purchases through our DeFi Solutions.

What does your roadmap for the next few years look like? Any new partnerships or projects lined up?

The roadmap for the next few years includes plans to integrate with multiple blockchains, as well as partner with multiple registered Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP), and local partners in various jurisdictions to make our gold more accessible to the public as well as building infrastructure for other precious metals.

Why should I buy QMGT?

QMGT will be one of the biggest gold projects out in the market today. Since it already has an existing Web2 business that wants to capitalise on Web3 there will be tons of new opportunities for early buyers of this project - it’s essentially buying gold built with an ecosystem around it.

Quantum Metal Gold Token与市场上其他加密货币有何不同?

Quantum Metal Gold Token($QMGT)是一个现实世界资产 (RWA)项目,其中每个代币通过我们的贵金属生态系统可以被 分配到1克的实物黄金代表。$QMGT已经成立一个现有的国际 Web2企业,现在我们正在进入Web3。他们为我们的$QMGT项目 分配了3吨黄金,并计划将其用于我们正在构建的贵金属市场的 初步概念验证当中。

Quantum Metal Gold Token的黄金支持如何促进其稳定性? 加密货币的一个关键问题是缺乏内在价值——在我们的情况下, 由于每个代币都以1克黄金为支持,我们的持有者可以放心他们 拥有稳定的价值,并有机会从我们的DeFi平台、RWA中心化交易 所和电子钱包中获得奖励。

Quantum Metal Gold Token如何利用以太坊虚拟机(EVM)链的 互操作性功能? 由于我们的项目是以黄金为支撑,并且我们的目标是能 够影响多个社区。我们计划可以连接到多个EVM链,包 括:Chainlink、Avalanche、Polygon、Ethereum等等。我们的目 标是帮助持有者通过一个更大的生态系统获得黄金,并获得更多 奖励和更多的实物资产。

在您自己的平台上交易Quantum Metal Gold Token与在其他传 统交易所上交易的好处有何不同? 在我们的平台上,我们主要关注具有正确基础设施的现实世界资 产 - 包括监管、多供应链处理能力,以及包括质押、借贷和借款在 内的独家DeFi解决方案。

Quantum Metal Gold Token以何种方式重新定义黄金交易的?

与其他交易方式相比,$QMGT重新定义了黄金交易的概念,最大 的区别在于,现在您可以全天候交易黄金,并可以在一个更大的 生态系统中进行操作,其中不乏了额外的奖励和其他解决方案。

Quantum Metal Gold Token如何实现黄金所有权的安全高效 转移?

$QMGT之所以能实现这一点,是因为我们正在努力通过正确合规 的技术,在区块链上放置每个价值1克实物黄金的代币,并已经在 Web2空间拥有一个成功的现有模型。

对于多链生态系统中的社区,$QMGT 计划,不论其生态链如何, 我们打算向全体开放购买 RWA 黄金的机会。因为我们的目标是, 通过我们的生态系统,帮助实现更容易的进行黄金和其他贵金属 的交易。

您觉得Quantum Metal Gold Token会对资产交易和价值认知的 未来将产生什么影响?

我们的项目将影响黄金交易的未来,因为我们收获得新一代买家 和卖家,同时通过我们的DeFi解决方案将展示黄金购买的新用 途。


我们未来几年的规划包括与多个区块链集成,以及与多个注册的 虚拟资产服务供应商(VASP)和各个司法管辖区的当地伙伴合作, 让黄金交易变得更容易被大众所接受,同时为其他贵金属交易建 立的基础设施。

我为什么要购买QMGT? QMGT将是市场上最大的黄金项目之一。由于它已经拥有一个现 有的Web2业务,希望利用Web3,这一点对此项目的早期购买者 将会迎来大量的新机会 ——本质上是购买围绕其生态系统构建 的黄金。

69 Q&A SiGMA 28

The Asian Gambling Conundrum: Insights into Online vs. LandBased Vulnerabilities

How does the Asian market view problem gambling?

Wendy Zitzman delves into the evolving attitudes towards problem gambling, exploring regulatory approaches, technological advancements, and cultural nuances in both online and land-based sectors.



亚洲市场如何看待问题博彩?温迪·齐茨曼(Wendy Zitzman)深入 探讨了对问题博彩不断变化的态度,探索了在线和实体领域的监 管方法、技术进步以及文化细微差异。

“The Philippines, with arguably the most ‘mature’ online gaming market, can certainly be seen as setting the future standards for the region.”

菲律宾,拥有可能是最“成熟”的在线游戏市场,无疑 可以被视为,该地区未来发展的标准。


In the world of online gambling, commercials have traditionally been the driving factor behind expansion-based decision making for many operators. With Asia, and in particular the Eastern and Southeastern region, joining the ever expanding regulatory landscape of the iGaming industry, examining the current state and future prospects of various elements in the region is fast becoming a necessity.

Even a cursory examination would suggest that Asian regulators are likely to follow in the UKGC’s footsteps in focusing the weight of regulatory requirements on Player Protection.

With the strong preference the younger generation is showing toward mobile platforms, there is concern regarding problem gambling, and governments and regulators in the region display a variety of approaches towards player protection. The high rate of Internet penetration and broad acceptance and understanding of cryptocurrencies further complicate the picture.

However, it is the opinion of this writer, that while online gambling may initially seem to pose the greater risk due to quick deposits, direct access to the players bank account, and perceived anonymity of the player, it is in fact the land-based area that is more vulnerable.

In the online world, identity verification software is prevalent, and has taken a leading position in many regulatory frameworks across Europe and the Americas. With an increasing number of multinationals entering the Asian market, it is therefore a given that this will create similar levels of security and protection from a compliance perspective. One of the remaining challenges with regard to player protection is the ongoing tracking and monitoring of behaviour for early identification and intervention.

As Kindred’s “Journey Towards Zero” continues, it is a problem that has a time limit on it. Taken as a case study, the commitment to player protection and the wide publication of results is likely to turn industry attitudes toward this approach, rather than away.

This may seem counterintuitive from a commercial perspective –however, many EU regulators take a holistic approach to operator activity when it comes to issuing a licence. Player knowledge of the market has soared over the past two decades, and company reputation is playing a bigger role than ever in the selection of a product.

So, it is in fact, simply good business.

Overall, the Asian gaming market, and its various regulatory bodies display a very clear understanding and acknowledgement of the potential dangers to player safety both online and land-based gambling can pose.

How is this being tackled across the various jurisdictions?

The Philippines with arguably the most ‘mature’ online gaming market, can certainly be seen as setting the future standards for the region on this societally impactful topic. PAGCOR has initiated guidelines, through the Code of Practice. In addition, we already find the relationship between the industry and the social responsibility programs such as DARE at a mature stage. Filipino players can avail themselves of counselling, support, education – and the all-important Self Exclusion programs that have proven both critical, and effective in the EU market.

Japan – online protections are still at early stages, while in Singapore there is a strong emphasis on preventing problem gambling. The country already has an operator requirement to offer self-exclusion and protection measures. Due to the vulnerability created by offshore operators among the 18-35 age bracket and sports enthusiasts, the government has already put campaigns and programs in place to promote RG via the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG). India is faced with similar concerns and is in dire need of a unified

在线上博彩世界中,广告商传统上一直是许多运营商扩张决策的 推动因素。随着亚洲,特别是东亚和东南亚地区加入不断扩大的 iGaming行业监管格局,快速审视该地区各种要素的当前状态和前 景已迫在眉睫。

即使是粗略的审视也能发现,亚洲监管机构可能会效仿英国博彩委 员会的做法,将监管要求的重点放在保护玩家上。

随着年轻一代对移动平台的强烈偏爱,人们对问题赌博开始表示担 忧。该地区的政府和监管机构展现出各种各样的玩家保护方法。互联 网的高渗透率,对加密货币的广泛接受和理解进一步复杂化了局面。

然而,笔者认为,尽管在线博彩可能最初似乎存在更大的风险:可以 快速存款、直接访问玩家的银行账户和玩家的身份被视为匿名,但实 际上更易受攻击的是实体领域。

在线世界中,身份验证软件普及,并在欧洲和美洲的许多监管框架中 占据了领先地位。随着越来越多的跨国公司进入亚洲市场,可以预见 的,将在这方面推出更多类似的安全举措,提高保护水平。其次就是 处于保护玩家的目的,对他们的行为进行持续追踪和监测,以便早期 识别和干预他们身上的问题。

随着Kindred“通往零的旅程”持续进行,这只是一个时限的问题。作 为一个案例研究,对玩家保护的承诺以及广泛的结果发布,可能会改 变行业对这种方法的态度,而不是与他背道而驰。

从商业角度来看,这可能似乎有些反直觉——然而,当涉及到发放许 可证时,许多欧盟监管机构都采取了对运营商活动整体化的方法。在 过去的二十年里,玩家对市场的了解已经大幅增加,公司声誉在产品 选择中的作用比以往任何时候都更大。


总的来说,亚洲游戏市场及其各种监管机构,对在线和实体博彩可能 带来的玩家安全潜在危险都表现出了非常清晰的理解和认识。


可以说,菲律宾拥有最“成熟”的在线游戏市场,可以被视为在这个对 社会有重大影响的话题上为该地区设定未来的标准。PAGCOR已经 通过实践准则制定了指南。此外,我们已经发现该行业与社会责任计 划(如DARE)之间的关系已经处于成熟阶段。菲律宾玩家可以获得咨 询、支持、教育以及在欧盟市场上已被证明既关键又有效的自我排查 计划。

日本:对玩家的在线保护仍处于早期阶段,而在新加坡,重点是防 止问题赌博。该国已经要求运营商提供自我排查和保护措施。由于 18-35岁体育爱好者,在海外运营商面前表现出的脆弱性 ,政府已经通过国家防治赌博委员会(NCPG)推出了宣传活动和项 目,促进规范博彩。

印度面临着类似的问题,迫切需要一个统一的监管框架来解决这个 问题。印度电子及资讯科技部(MeitY)已经朝着这个目标迈出了一 步,2023年新的财政法案解决了数据和金融安全问题。可以说,这些 是必须先行建立的关键基础结构,之后才能实施有效的玩家保护措 施。

韩国作为一个相当独特的市场,主要集中在移动平台上,而且韩国公 民在赌博方面受到法律禁止。政府与非营利组织合作,推出了教育宣 传活动和支持资源。但非法的海外运营商继续给执法机构带来挑战。 中国已经非常强调并采取了更严格的措施打击非法营运和针对中国 公民的海外博彩运营商,特别是来自菲律宾的网站。但在该国内部, 依然没有引起足够的重视。

在某种程度上,地区范围内对一种形式或另一种形式的禁止的趋势, 均与该地区的文化规范非常一致。

我们正看到,人们对问题赌博潜在危险的理解更加清晰,并且对玩家 保护的需求比欧洲和美洲市场发展得更快。


“Player knowledge of the market has soared over the past two decades, and company reputation is playing a bigger role than ever in the selection of a product.” 在过去的二十年里,玩家对市场的了解已经大幅增加,公 司声誉在产品选择中的作用比以往任何时候都更大。


regulatory framework to address this issue. MeitY has made strides toward this objective, the 2023 introduction of a new Finance bill addresses Data and Financial safety. It can be argued that these are critical, foundational structures that must be in place before effective player protection measures can come into being.

South Korea stands as a fairly unique market, due to the focus on mobile platforms –and the legal prohibition of South Korean nationals from gambling. The government in partnership with non-profits has put education campaigns and support resources in place. The illegal offshore operators continue to pose a challenge to law enforcement.

China has placed a strong emphasis and stronger measures in place to crack down on illegal operations and offshore operators targeting Chinese Nationals, in particular from the Philippines sites. There remains a gap within the country as emphasis is minimal.

The general regional trend of prohibition in one form or another is very much in keeping with the cultural norms of the region.

We are seeing a much clearer understanding of the potential dangers of problem gambling, and the need for player protection at an earlier stage of development than in the European and Americas markets.

One insoluble issue remains: several countries, including South Korea, have placed bans on citizens for land-based casinos. This creates the interesting situation where players cross borders to play in the neighbouring country. Similar laws may apply, but it would not apply to a ‘foreign’ national. And in this same problem we can find the real dangers of the online market:

Players that would otherwise have been prevented from gambling now have access to licensed (in some jurisdictions) and unlicensed online casinos.

What to prepare for:

Prohibition, however much the population may support it, does not have a very good track record across the world and across time. It can therefore be expected that regulation around player protection will be increasingly severe and onerous for the operator, and platform providers.

Best practice would suggest success lies in a dual approach of early player education and planned protection measures from day one of operations. Asian operators, sharing the same cultural norms and a deeper understanding of the region may very well have an advantage over offshore operators. And in the region, the players themselves are set to provide a few surprises. With a long tradition of sports-

betting and a regional love for skill games such as Pachinko and Mahjongg, it remains to be seen whether slots will be able to compete.

While problem-gambling patterns for a player may be similar across all verticals, the same prevention strategies are not a one size fits all proposition due to the fundamentally different nature of the players in each vertical. It may therefore be time to prepare tailor-made protection strategies for varying verticals.

And it will be up to the regional regulators to identify the most successful channels through which to deploy education and support resources.

“With a long tradition of sports-betting and a regional love for skill games such as Pachinko and Mahjongg, it remains to be seen whether slots will be able to compete.”

由于长期的体育博彩传统以及对弹珠机和 麻将等技能游戏的喜爱,老虎机也跃跃欲 试,看看是否存在竞争机会。

然而,一个无法解决的问题仍然存在:包括韩国 在内的一些国家已经禁止公民进入实体赌场。

这导致了一个有趣的局面,玩家跨国界前往邻 国参与博彩。虽然可能在本国存在适用类似的 法律,但不适用于“外国”公民。在同一个问题 上,我们可以找到在线市场的真正危险:

原本被阻止参与博彩的玩家,现在可以进入在 某些司法管辖区获得许可和未获许可的在线 赌场。


禁令,无论有多少人支持它,在世界各地和各时 期都没有很好的记录。因此可以预期,对运营商 和平台提供商而言,围绕玩家保护的监管将越 来越严格和繁琐。

最佳实践表明,成功的关键,在于从运营的第一 天开始就采取早期玩家教育和计划保护措施的 双重方法。拥有相同文化规范,和对该地区的更 深入了解的亚洲运营商,可能会比海外运营商 更具优势。而且在该地区,玩家们本身也将带来 一些惊喜。由于长期的体育博彩传统以及对弹 珠机和麻将等技能游戏的喜爱,老虎机也跃跃 欲试,看看是否存在竞争机会。

虽然对于玩家来说,各个垂直领域的问题赌博 模式可能相似,但由于每个垂直领域的玩家本 质上不同,因此相同的预防策略也许并不适合 所有的领域。因此,也许是时候为不同的垂直领 域准备定制的不同的保护策略了。

地区监管机构将负责确定以最成功的渠道来部 署教育和相关资源。



We’re known for pulling off great networking evenings and 2023 held some of our most memorable events.

From intimate dinners to relaxed get-togethers, this year stands out as one of our busiest, with global events lighting up the night sky throughout the year.

Take a look back at some of the highlight gallery moments from a year of milestone moments.


Winning strategies: The SiGMA Awards 2024

Dive into the insights of pioneering minds. Explore highlights from exclusive interviews with SiGMA Award winners from SiGMA Eurasia, Americas, and Africa, revealing their strategies, visions, and triumphs. Follow the QR codes to watch the interviews in full.

获奖策略:SiGMA 2024大奖

深入探索先驱思维。通过来自SiGMA欧亚、美洲和非洲的SiGMA 大奖获奖者的独家采访亮点,揭示他们的战略、愿景和胜利。扫描 二维码观看完整采访。


SiGMA Americas 2024 - DigitainBest Online Sportsbook provider

“There’s a trend towards starification - younger players are more interested in the player than in the football team. That’s where the trend is, we’re supporting that with player props, we’re extending our coverage and content considerably.”

SiGMA Africa Awards 2024 - Mancala GamingBest Slot Game Provider of the


“We’re looking at the future, and the future is bright. We’re putting in measures to improve the interactiveness of our games. Going forward we’re bringing even more exciting games that players will love to play. Mancala is on the edge of delivering that.”

91 SiGMA 28

一起来认识2024年 SiGMA美洲大奖获奖者

2024 最佳代理商方案 – Growe Partners


2024 最佳集成供应商 – Alea


2024最佳线上运营商 – Bet7K

赞助商:Alea Gaming

2024最佳游戏供应商 – PlayTech


2024 - Sportradar


2024 最佳专用桌供应商- Creedroomz

2024 最佳三方支付供应商- Okto

赞助商: 1xbet

2024 最佳在线体育博彩供应商- Digitain

赞助商:SA Gaming

2024 最佳交接工程 – WA.Technology


2024最佳体育运营商 – Realsbet





年度CEO – Tom Ustunel


2024行业新星 – BarbaraBang

赞助商:GR8 Tech

2024 年度网红 – Natalia Guitler


2024 最佳白标供应商- Cactus Gaming 赞助商:BarbaraBang

2024 行业杰出贡献 – Carlos Cardama


2024 最佳工作场所 – GR8 Tech

赞助商:Global Games

2024 最佳真人供应商- Evolution


2024 最佳新兴市场支付解决方案- SmartFastPay

2024 最佳小游戏供应商 – Blast Game by Pascal Gaming


2024最佳体育代理商 – Super Affiliates

赞助商:Growe Partners

2024 最具创新奖 – SmartSoft


2024 最佳市场营销活动 -Zingrain AI的“让我们个性化”


2024 最畅玩游戏 -Galaxsys的 “Ninja Crash”

赞助商:Cactus Gaming

2024 最佳代理商- Ronald Lopes


2024 最佳巴西代理商 – Estrelabet


2024 最佳在线游戏媒体 – Focus Gaming News


最佳电子竞技运营商 – 1xbet



AIBC Eurasia Digital Innovation Award 2024Carl Runefelt - Best Entrepreneur of the year

“Everyone says that crypto is the future, even those in the mainstream - but someone has to be on the frontline to build, invest, and devote blood sweat and tears to the future.”

AIBC Eurasia Digital Innovation Award 2024Sui Network - Best Blockchain Solution

“Our main focus is mass adoption, so we‘re trying to increase awareness of the protocol. 2023 was a big year for us. We launched in May, so we’ve been focused on making sure we’re stable and capable of scaling in a way that meets the demand of our partners.”

93 SiGMA 28

Into the Golden Era: Asia’s gaming Renaissance

We explore the evolution of gaming in the Philippines and its future prospects with Joe Pisano, CEO of Jade Entertainment and Gaming Technologies, as he discusses industry growth, technological advancements, and upcoming ventures.

You first came to the Philippines in 1988 to install the Manila Jockey Club. What does the gaming landscape look like today? What have been the most impactful changes and what big decisions will the country need to make over the next few years to maintain its success?

The first significant event was the formation of PAGCOR in 1977 by virtue of a Presidential Decree (PD1067 A), issued by then President Ferdinand Marcos in response to calls for the government to put a stop to the growing proliferation of illegal casino operations. There was a pressing need for the government to tap potential resources from which funds could be generated to finance its many infrastructure and socio-civic development projects, particularly within the Metropolitan Manila area. This was intended to improve the living conditions of the residents, promoting their welfare and ensuring healthy environmental growth.

The Decree also complemented the development of the tourist industry in the Philippines, which was becoming one of the country's leading foreign-exchange earners. There is likewise a need to provide for more amusement and recreation places that can serve as additional tourist attractions.

The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) franchise granted under Presidential Decree No. 1869, otherwise known as the PAGCOR Charter, consolidating and amending presidential decree numbers 1067-A, 1067-B, 1067-C, 1399 AND 1632, relative to the franchise and powers of PAGCOR.

These decrees were enacted to enable the government to regulate and centralise through an appropriate institution, all games of chance authorised by existing franchises or permitted by law.

A significant amendment to the charter was Clause (h). This allowed for PAGCOR to enter into contracts for investments into the Integrated Resorts. Chairman Efraim Genuino’s vision can be credited for what has become Entertainment City today.

The next significant change to gaming in the Philippines is through the leadership of Chairman Tengco and his management of PAGCOR that has been instrumental in transforming the regulator-operator into a multi-vertical gaming organisation. The introduction of online and specialty games has greatly contributed to a 42 % year-on-year growth. This clear direction through regulation has led to international operators wanting to do business in the Philippines



我们与Jade Entertainment and Gaming Technologies的CEO Joe Pisano一起探讨了菲律宾娱乐产业的发展以及未来前景. 他讨论了行 业增长、技术进步和即将展开的新项目。

95 Q&A SiGMA 28

In order to sustain growth over the next few years, the government needs to implement stronger illegal gambling laws. In 2024 illegal gambling has moved online and we need to combat it not only by blocking IP addresses but by making enablers accountable. These include payment gateways, betting platforms, content providers, ISP’s and even social media companies.

Efforts to combat illegal gambling are not only about enforcing the law but also about protecting communities from the social and economic harms associated with these activities. Illegal gambling can lead to issues such as addiction, fraud, and a loss of revenue for the government.

Shaping up as one of the top hubs for gaming, can the Philippines take the lead in Asia as a top destination for casino and entertainment tourism?

The Philippines has by far the best natural and human resources in the Asia region. Hotel occupancy is now at 78% and tourism is exceeding pre-pandemic levels. But it is not only international tourism that will drive the gaming and entertainment sector but with a population of 117 million people and GDP growth at over 6%, domestic tourism will be a significant contributor.

Do you feel that the IR market in the Philippines has become over saturated or is it just getting started?

The IR Market is just getting started, at this stage it is concentrated in Manila, Clark and Cebu. As the country’s infrastructure improves we will find that there is a need for IR’s in other cities, as they are a great benefit to the local economy.

From Nevada to Macau, you’ve witnessed the birth and growth of the casino industry on a global scale. How does the Asian IR experience compare to that of the US?

If we compare Nevada Properties to Philippine IR’s , Philippine properties are more advanced in product offering for both the land based property and the extension via remote gaming. Service in the Philippines far exceeds that of the Nevada based properties, and cost of food, accommodation is significantly less.

What’s the next big thing for land-based gaming in the Philippines and how will the online sector influence it?

The next big thing for land based gaming is the extension of the gaming floor via Remote Gaming or Omni Channel Gaming. We are seeing great results already with remote slots being streamed from the casino floor. Previous views on this were that online would take away from land based visitation, however a recent study by Caesars in Vegas has shown that visitations increased after they went online.

Which piece of tech or emerging trend do you think will have the most impact in disrupting the market?

As we see the bridge between land and online grow, cashless wallets that can be used across all channels will have a significant impact. The extension of remote gaming will drive manufacturers to think about machine design to integrate with remote platforms. For sports betting, micro bets will have a significant impact on revenue and building a following in sports.

You have previously said that while 2023 was the year of recovery, 2024 will be the year to reap rewards. How are things looking?

PAGCOR reported that its total income for the first quarter of 2024 has reached Php25 24 billion, a 42 57 % increase compared with the same period last year. I think that my prediction for 2024 so far has been accurate, all sectors are showing record growth.

You’ve recently launched Fantasy cricket in Sri Lanka. There are also plans to launch Jade Fantasy Sports with e-Sports and Basketball in the Philippines. Can you share more about these plans?

Jade has recently launched Fantasy Cricket in Sri Lanka as the first of 3 verticals in that market, the Fantasy Product will also soon be extended. We are currently building our database and you can now see the Jade Fantasy Logo on IPL cricket games. Our second vertical is sports betting and we recently received our permit to go online in Sri Lanka and are currently preparing our platform.

We have also received a Board of investment approval for a 3rd vertical which we will announce in the next 2 months.

For Fantasy Philippines, we have completed our product build and will now present it to PAGCOR, as PAGCOR has jurisdiction, not only over Games of Chance but also Games of Skill. We expect that this will be treated as a specialty game.

“The next big thing for land based gaming is the extension of the gaming floor via Remote Gaming or Omni Channel Gaming. A recent study by Caesars in Vegas has shown that visitations increased after they went online.”

下一个重大的线下游戏业发展趋势,是通过远 程游戏或全渠道游戏扩展游戏场地。内华达凯 撒斯最近的一项研究表明,这项技术上线后, 他们的访问量增加了。

您在1988年首次来到菲律宾成立马尼拉赛马会。 如今的娱乐产业格局是怎样的?影响最大的变化 是什么,未来几年国家需要做出什么重大决定来保 持其成功?

1977年,菲律宾政府根据马科斯总统签署的总 统令(PD1067 A)成立了菲律宾游戏与娱乐公司 (PAGCOR),以应对要求政府制止非法赌场运营不 断增长的呼声。政府迫切需要开发潜在资源,以筹 集资金用于其许多基础设施和社会公益项目,尤其 是在大都会马尼拉地区。这是为了改善居民的生活 条件,促进他们的福祉,并确保健康的增长环境。

这一法令也与菲律宾旅游业的发展相辅相成。旅 游业正在成为该国最主要的外汇收入来源之一。 作为额外的旅游景点,同样也需要提供更多的娱 乐场所。

PAGCOR的特许经营权授予根据总统令第1869 号,也称为PAGCOR章程,汇总和修改了总统令号 1067-A、1067-B、1067-C、1399和1632,其中涉及 PAGCOR的特许经营权和权力。

这些法令的颁布,旨在使政府能够通过适当的机 构,对所有现有特许经营授权或法律允许的博弈游 戏,进行监管和集中。

章程的一个重大修正是h条款。这使得PAGCOR能 够与综合度假村进行投资合作。归功于主席Efraim Genuino的期望,今天这里已经变身成为一个娱 乐城市。

菲律宾娱乐产业的下一个重大变化,是在PAGCOR 主席Tengco的领导下,将整个产业转变为一个多 垂直娱乐组织,引入在线和特色游戏极大地促进了 42%的年度增长。通过规范的明确方向,国际运营 商希望在菲律宾开展业务。

为了在未来几年保持增长,政府需要实施更严格 的,打击非法赌博的法律法规。在2024年,非法赌 博已经转移到了线上平台,我们需要通过使非法赌 博的参与者负责任,来打击非法赌博。这不仅仅是 通过封锁IP地址,还包括支付网关、投注平台、内容 供应商、互联网服务供应商甚至社交媒体公司的 共同合作。

打击非法赌博的努力,不仅仅是为了执行法律,还 包括保护居民免受与这些活动相关的社会与经济 伤害。非法赌博可能导致赌博成瘾、欺诈和政府税 收损失等问题。

作为游戏业的顶级枢纽之一,菲律宾能否成为亚洲 顶级赌场和娱乐旅游目的地的领导者? 菲律宾拥有亚洲地区最优秀的自然和人力资源。酒 店入住率目前达到78%,旅游业已超过疫情前水 平。但推动游戏和娱乐部门发展的不仅仅是国际旅 游,1170万人口和超过6%的GDP增长率,也为国内 旅游做出了重要的贡献。

您是否认为菲律宾的综合度假村市场已经过度饱 和,还是刚刚起步?

综合度假村市场刚刚起步,目前主要集中在马尼 拉、克拉克和宿务。随着国家基础设施的改善,我们 将继续在其他城市发展综合度假村,因为它们对当 地经济有很大好处。

从内华达到澳门,您见证了全球赌场行业的诞生 和发展。与美国相比,亚洲综合度假村有着如何的 经验?

如果我们将内华达的赌场与菲律宾的综合度假村 进行比较,无论是在线下还是通过远程游戏,菲律 宾的综合度假村在产品提供方面更加先进。菲律 宾的服务远远超过内华达的赌场,而食品、住宿的 成本也明显较低。

菲律宾线下娱乐业的下一个重大事件是什么,线 上部门会对其产生怎样的影响? 线下娱乐业的下一个重大事件,是通过远程游戏 或全渠道游戏,扩展游戏场地。我们已经看到通过 从赌场内,实时直播远程老虎机游戏取得的巨大 的成效。以前的观点是,在线游戏会削弱线下游戏 的参与度,然而内华达凯撒斯的一项最新研究表 明,这项技术上线后,他们的访问量增加了。

您认为哪种技术或新兴趋势将对市场造成最大 的影响?

随着线上和线下之间的桥梁不断加强,可以跨越 所有渠道使用的无现金钱包将产生重大的影响。

远程游戏的扩展,将促使制造商考虑如何设计与 远程平台集成的机器。对于体育博彩,小额投注将 对收入和体育追随者产生重大影响。

您之前曾表示,2023年是复苏之年,2024年将是 收获之年。实际的情况如何?

PAGCOR报告称,2024年第一季度的总收入达到 252 4亿菲律宾比索,比去年同期增长了42 57%。 我认为我对2024年的预测到目前为止是准确的, 所有部门都显示出创纪录的增长。

您最近在斯里兰卡推出了Fantasy板球。还计划 在菲律宾推出Jade Fantasy体育与电子竞技和 篮球项目。您能分享更多关于这些计划的信息吗? Jade最近在斯里兰卡推出Fantasy板球作为该市 场的第一个垂直领域,Fantasy体育产品也很快 将扩展。我们目前正在建立我们的数据库,您现在 可以在IPL板球比赛中看到Jade Fantasy的标志。 我们的第二个垂直领域是体育博彩,我们最近获 得了在线经营许可,并正在准备我们的平台。

我们还获得了第三个垂直领域的投资委员会批 准,我们将在接下来的两个月内宣布。

对于菲律宾Fantasy体育,我们已经完成了产品 开发,并将其提交给PAGCOR。因为PAGCOR不仅 对博弈游戏,而且对技巧游戏也有管辖权。我们预 计这将被视为一种特殊游戏。

“The vision of Chairman Tengco has been instrumental in transforming PAGCOR into a multi vertical gaming organisation. This clear direction through regulation has led to international operators wanting to do business in the Philippines.”

Tengco主席的愿景,在将PAGCOR转变为多垂直 游戏组织方面起到了关键作用。通过规范的明确 方向,国际运营商也希望在菲律宾开展业务。

97 Q&A SiGMA 28

2024 will be a year for innovation at FBM, says Country Manager Pepe Costa. From their recent entry into online gaming to plans to expand their slot machines in the Philippine gaming market, FBM is shaking up the bingo sector.

FBM的区域经理Pepe Costa表示,2024年将是FBM创新的一年。从 他们最近进入在线游戏市场,到计划在菲律宾扩大老虎机市场,FBM 正在颠覆宾果行业。

Redefining the bingo industry 重新定义宾果行业 99 Q&A SiGMA 28

Firmly established in the Philippine gaming market, FBM has been witness to the incredible growth this industry has seen. How has the landscape changed for both the Philippines and for FBM?

Indeed, the gaming industry in the Philippines in the past few years has experienced enormous growth and transformation. I believe the industry is modernizing itself following the steps of a more modern PAGCOR. This transformation is extremely exciting and within FBM we are also thrilled with the changes being implemented. As you know FBM has the most popular games and products within the bingo industry in the country and we have been here for the past 22 years.

What is your gameplan for this year? What does your roadmap - both short-term and long-term - look like?

If I can describe our plans for 2024 with a single word that would be “Innovation”. We have several new products in the pipeline to be offered to our patrons. In the short-term we have already launched our online platform the “FBM Emotion”, which is a one-stop-shop gaming platform, and the feedback has been quite amazing after our launch. We have also launched an eCasino product to be offered for the eGames industry and our players are enjoying the games made available to them.

In the medium to long-term we have an exciting feature to be made available, the MEGAPOT, which is a nationwide jackpot connecting all our machines. This will surely generate excitement throughout all the bingo halls in the country.

Our Slot machine products also have several Asian themed games on the road map to be released this year, starting with our Jin Qian Link which we should be releasing soon for the Philippine market.

We are also working on additional features for our existing products and we will be able to unveil these very soon.

Tell us more about your growth and ambitions within the Asian market.

The Asian market is quite a versatile one. With the region having so many different cultures, and different takes on the gaming industry, the challenges are just starting and we are more than ready to see how it will unfold, especially for us here at FBM. With the growth of the Philippine market, we can say that we have understood more of the Asian market and we would like to explore our new products and features within this booming gaming industry. Not only for the bingo market but also for the casinos and eGames market.

You’re also active in the US, having debuted in Florida last year. Do you plan to explore any other jurisdictions?

We are looking forward to expanding our slot machines into the Philippine market. We have received several orders from local Casino Filipinos and a few Integrated Resorts. The slots market is a new market for FBM and we are aiming for fast growth in the number of EGMs installed.

Which stand out features or gameplay mechanics are you most proud of?

Our nationwide promotions have been showing to be quite popular among our players. They enjoy the excitement of the draws and are quite happy with the prizes. In the months of May and June we are launching another big nationwide promotion covering more than 200 venues with a total cash prize of more than P27,000,000. The Cash Panalo promotion will surely generate excitement across all bingo venues all over the Philippines.

在菲律宾娱乐市场稳固立足的FBM见证了这个行业的惊人增长。菲律宾 和FBM的局势都发生了怎样的变化? 的确,菲律宾过去几年的娱乐行业经历了巨大的增长和转型。跟随着不 断进步的PAGCOR,我相信该行业正在像更现代化前进。这种转型非常 令人兴奋,在FBM内部,我们也对正在实施的变革感到兴奋。正如你所 知,FBM在菲律宾宾果行业拥有最受欢迎的游戏和产品,并且我们已经 在这里经营了22年。

今年您的计划是什么?短期和长期计划分别是什么样的? 如果我能用一个词来描述我们2024年的计划,那就是“创新”。我们即将 推出几款新产品供我们的客户使用。在短期内,我们已经推出了我们的 在线平台“FBM Emotion”,这是一个一站式游戏平台,我们发布后得到 了非常惊人的反馈。我们还推出了一个eCasino产品,供电子游戏行业 使用,我们的玩家正在享受着提供给他们的游戏。

在中长期内,我们有一个令人兴奋的功能即将推出,那就是MEGAPOT。 这是一个连接所有我们公司机器的全国性奖池。这肯定会在全国所有宾 果厅中引起轰动。

我们的老虎机产品还有几款亚洲主题游戏即将在今年推出,首先是我们 的金钱链(Jin Qian Link )游戏,我们应该很快就会在菲律宾市场发布。



亚洲市场是一个非常多样化的市场。由于该地区拥有如此多的不同文 化,以及对娱乐行业的不同看法,挑战才刚刚开始。我们在FBM这里更加 准备好看到它将如何发展。随着菲律宾市场的增长,我们可以说我们对 亚洲市场有了更多的了解,我们希望在这个蓬勃发展的娱乐行业中探索 我们的新产品和功能。不仅针对宾果市场,还包括赌场和电子游戏市场。

既去年在佛罗里达州首次亮相,您在美国也很活跃。是否还计划探索其 他司法管辖区?

我们期待将我们的老虎机扩展到菲律宾市场。我们已经收到了来自当地 Casino Filipinos和几家综合度假村的订单。老虎机市场对FBM来说是 一个新市场,我们的目标是迅速增加已安装的电子游戏机(EGM)数量。


我们的全国性促销活动在我们的玩家中非常受欢迎。他们享受抽奖的乐 趣,并对奖品感到非常满意。在五月和六月,我们将推出另一项大型全国 性促销活动,覆盖超过200个场所,总奖金超过2700万菲律宾比索。现金 大奖促销活动肯定会让菲律宾全国各地的宾果场所中的玩家感到兴奋。 当涉及到玩家体验时,您如何平衡创新和受欢迎程度? 在创新与受欢迎程度之间取得平衡,意味着整合新的想法和功能,同时 保持与我们的玩家有共鸣的核心元素。在FBM,我们专注于提升整体游 戏体验,而不会疏远我们忠诚的玩家。这意味着我们会优先考虑玩家和 运营商的反馈,确保我们的创新符合他们的期望和偏好。通过不断提供 对产品和服务质量的不断提高,我们努力保持我们游戏的新鲜感并持 续保持大家对游戏的兴奋。于此同时,我们也密切关注行业未来的趋势 和进展。

告诉我们更多关于推出新在线游戏平台FBM E-Motion的消息。

我们很高兴地宣布,我们的FBM E-Motion已经推出,并正在重新定义玩 家与他们喜爱的FBM游戏互动的方式。这次的推出,标志着FBM进军菲 律宾在娱乐世界,让玩家访问我们变得更加方便。作为PAGCOR许可的 平台,FBM E-Motion确保合法性并符合游戏法规。我们优先考虑用户的 需求和偏好,通过我们全天候的客户服务,和对任何与游戏相关的询问 和问题的全面支持,提升他们的整体满意度。

对FBM来说,这是一个重要的项目。因为到目前为止,FBM E-Motion 是在菲律宾提供FBM游戏的唯一数字平台,提供独特的宾果游戏体 验。FBM E-Motion具有用户友好的界面,直观的导航和引人入胜的 内容,可以确保玩家始终处于创新和娱乐的前沿。多亏了我们的FBM E-Motion,玩家可以随时随地享受流畅的游戏体验。

“FBM E-Motion stands out as the sole digital platform offering FBM games in the Philippines, providing unique bingo gaming experiences.”

FBM E-Motion 是菲律宾唯一提供 FBM 游戏的数字平台,提供独特的宾 果游戏体验。

How do you balance innovation with popularity when it comes to the player experience?

Balancing innovation with popularity involves integrating new ideas and features while maintaining the core elements that resonate with our players. At FBM, we focus on enhancing the overall gaming experience without alienating our loyal players. This means we prioritize player and operator feedback to ensure our innovations align with their expectations and preferences. By continually delivering high-quality products and services, we strive to keep our games fresh and exciting, all while keeping an eye on future trends and advancements in the industry.

Tell us more about the launch of your new online gaming platform, FBM E-Motion.

We are thrilled to announce that our FBM E-Motion has launched and is redefining how players interact with their favorite FBM games. This launch marks FBM’s entry into the online gaming world in the Philippines, offering a new level of accessibility and convenience. As a licensed platform by PAGCOR, FBM E-Motion ensures legality and compliance with gaming regulations. We prioritize the needs and preferences of our users, enhancing the overall satisfaction through our 24/7 customer service and full support for any gaming-related inquiries and issues.

This is a significant project for FBM because, until now, FBM E-Motion stands out as the sole digital platform offering FBM games in the Philippines, providing unique bingo gaming experiences.

FBM E-Motion features a user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation, and captivating content, ensuring that players remain at the cutting edge of innovation and entertainment. Thanks to our FBM E-Motion, players can enjoy a seamless gaming experience anytime and anywhere.

“The slots market is a new market for FBM and we are aiming for fast growth in the number of EGMs installed.”

老虎机市场是 FBM 的一个新市场,我 们的目标是让电子游戏机(EGM)的安 装数量的快速增长。

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Since the debut of Newport World Resorts, the first Integrated Resort (IR) in Metro Manila, the landscape of land-based gaming in the Philippines has undergone significant transformation. We sat down with Hakan Dagtas, COO at Newport World Resorts to discuss these changes, the burgeoning tourism sector, and the future of gaming in the region.

自新港世界度假村(Newport World Resorts)首次亮相菲律宾大都会马 尼拉(Metro Manila)以来,菲律宾实体博彩业已经发生了重大变革。我 们与新港世界度假村首席运营官Hakan Dagtas坐下来,一起讨论了这 些变化,还讨论了蓬勃发展的旅游业以及该地区博彩业的未来。

leads the

The opening of Newport World Resorts was a game-changer, paving the way for three more IRs in Metro Manila. This, coupled with developments in Clark and Cebu, has continued to bolster the sector, firmly establishing the Philippines as a global hotspot for hospitality and solidifying its place on the map as a premier gaming destination.

In 2023, the Philippines experienced a surge in tourism, welcoming over 903,299 visitors from the US alone, generating PHP 35 billion (€567 million) in tourism revenue. This influx of international visitors has been mirrored at Newport World Resorts, reflecting positively on their strategy.

“The Department of Tourism (DOT) is working hard to increase the tourism numbers and the diversity of nationalities welcomed,” explains Hakan.

Collaborations with international hotel giants like Marriott and Hilton, the largest hotel loyalty program operators, have significantly boosted their appeal to American tourists. However, they still aim to attract more visitors from China.

Discussing the domestic versus international market dynamics, Newport World Resorts expressed optimism for growth in both segments, with international interest showing a slightly faster uptick. "Our VIP market is predominantly from Southeast Asia and South Korea," they elaborated, indicating a strong regional pull.

A noticeable trend is the increasing interest from millennials. A shift in traveler demographics reveals millennials are showing more interest in the Philippines. Newport caters to this demographic with diverse entertainment options, international cuisine, and boutique casino experiences across the islands, confirms Hakan.

The Philippines' gaming industry saw a robust 33% year-on-year growth in Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) in 2023, reaching PHP 285 3 billion (€4 6 billion). Land-based venues were the primary drivers, accounting for about 80% of the industry’s GGR.

Can the current infrastructure sustain this growth? What are the challenges that lie ahead if the country is to maintain this upwards trajectory?

"We were coming from a low base, hence the remarkable growth rate. I do not think we will be able to repeat the growth rate, though we will continue to have a healthy growth in the coming years. The Philippines has plenty to offer."

The country offers much, but challenges remain. “It is correct that we have several challenges but Government and private enterprises will continue to work together to overcome them and maintain their growth trajectory.”

Entertainment City’s GGR in 2023 saw mass tables and slot machines dominating, comprising 64% of the total. "While this trend continues, we are exploring growth in non-gaming areas," they said. Newport World Resorts is continuously refining its offerings to adapt to market demands. As Newport World Resorts moves forward, it remains at the forefront of the Philippines’ thriving gaming sector. With strategic partnerships, a keen understanding of market trends, and a commitment to innovation, Newport is set to continue leading the way in this dynamic industry.

自新港世界度假村(Newport World Resorts)首次亮相菲律宾大都 会马尼拉(Metro Manila)以来,菲律宾实体博彩业已经发生了重大 变革。我们与新港世界度假村首席运营官Hakan Dagtas坐下来,一 起讨论了这些变化,还讨论了蓬勃发展的旅游业以及该地区博彩业 的未来。

新港世界度假村的开业改变了游戏规则,为马尼拉大都会又增添了 三个综合度假村。再加上克拉克(Clark)和宿务(Cebu)的发展,这进 一步促进了该行业的增长,牢固地将菲律宾确立为全球酒店热点,并 将其作为首要博彩目的地。

2023年,菲律宾旅游业迎来了一波增长潮,仅美国就迎来了超过 903,299名游客,带来了350亿菲律宾比索(约合5.67亿欧元)的旅游 收入。国际游客的涌入也体现在了新港世界度假村,并这对他们的战 略产生了积极影响。

“旅游部(DOT)正在努力增加游客数量和受欢迎的国籍种 类,”Hakan解释道。

与万豪(Marriott)和希尔顿(Hilton)等国际酒店巨头的合作,以及最 大的酒店忠诚计划运营商,显著提高了他们对美国游客的吸引力。但 他们仍然希望吸引更多来自中国的游客。

谈到国内与国际市场的动态,新港世界度假村对两个领域的增长都 表现出乐观态度,但国际市场的兴趣增长速度略高。“我们的VIP市场 主要来自东南亚和韩国,”他们详细说明了这一点,表明了这个区域 强大的吸引力。

一个明显的趋势是年轻一代的兴趣日益增加。旅行者人口结构的转 变,显示出年轻一代对菲律宾兴趣的增加。Hakan确认,新港世界满 足了这一人口群体的需求,提供了多样化的娱乐选择、国际美食以及 在整个岛屿上的精品赌场体验。

菲律宾的博彩业在2023年取得了强劲的增长,年增长率达到了33%, 达到了2853亿菲律宾比索(约46亿欧元)。实体场所是主要推动因素, 约占该行业总收入的80%。当前的基础设施能否维持这种增长?如果 菲律宾要保持这种上升趋势,面临的挑战是什么?

“我们起步较低,因此增长率显著。尽管在未来几年我们仍将保持健 康的增长,我认为我们不太可能重复这种增长率。当然,菲律宾还有 很多可以提供的其他资源。”

虽然这个国家提供了很多,但挑战仍然存在。“我们确实面临着一些 挑战,但政府和私营企业将继续携手合作,克服这些挑战,并保持他 们的增长势头。”

在2023年娱乐城(Entertainment City)的总收入中,大众桌面游戏 和老虎机占据了主导地位,约占总收入的64%。“尽管这一趋势持续 存在,我们正在探索非博彩领域的增长,”他们说道。新港世界度假村 不断完善其产品,以适应市场需求。

随着新港世界度假村的不断前进,它仍然是菲律宾蓬勃发展博彩行 业的领导者。凭借战略伙伴关系、对市场趋势的深刻理解以及对创新 的承诺,新港世界将继续引领这个充满活力的行业。



Velvix: Unlocking Asia

In this interview, Chris Wieners, Managing Director, discusses their strategic entry into the Asian market, focusing on the Philippines, leveraging partnerships, unique game features, and their ambitious plans for 2024’s global expansion.

在这次采访中,总经理Chris Wieners讨论了他们战略性进入亚洲市场 的原因,重点是进入菲律宾,还谈到了利用合作伙伴关系、独特的游戏特 色,以及他们对2024年全球扩张的雄心壮志。


What prompted Velvix to enter the Asian market?

Velvix has witnessed tremendous success in its initial USA gaming launch. Prior to proceeding marketing our entry into Asia, we worked with several smaller focus groups consisting of operators, partners, suppliers and players to understand what about our titles may work well. Considering our extensive library of games, we were able to identify a variety of titles that seem to resonate well with the Asian markets. For that reason, we have decided to build and expand as a new slot provider here in APAC.

Your launch will mainly focus on Integrated Resorts in the Philippines - do you have plans for further expansion in the region?

Initially our goal is to build on opportunities in The Philippines. We see opportunities in other existing markets potentially (such as Vietnam) and are very much looking at the future of growth in Asian gaming in new emerging markets in the region.


Velvix在其初次进军美国游戏市场中取得了巨大成功。在进入亚洲市 场之前,我们与几个较小的焦点小组合作,小组成員包括运营商、合 作伙伴、供应商和玩家,以了解我们的游戏可能在哪些方面能更加贴 合亚洲市场。考虑到我们丰富的游戏库,我们能够确定一系列在亚洲 市场表现良好的游戏主题。因此,我们决定在亚太地区建立和扩大作 为新老虎机供应商的地位。

您的推出主要将侧重于菲律宾的综合度假村-您是否计划在该地区 进一步扩张?

最初,我们的目标是利用菲律宾的机会。现在,我们看到其他有像越 南一样的市场,也可能存在机会。我们非常关注该地区新兴市场的亚 洲游戏增长前景。

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Tell us more about your recent partnership with Max Fair Group - how does this align with your goals in the Philippines?

We are excited to partner with Max Fair Group in that it helps us focus on our initial APAC market penetration in The Philippines. In addition to their existing relationships and trust that they have built up in the market, working with a partner like this allows us to more quickly gather game performance data which will fast-track us in the development of new game titles and content specific to the Asian markets. We look at The Philippines as an amazing initial start and see this partnership key to opening up neighbouring APAC markets such as Vietnam.

What are Velvix's unique competitive points that allow it to stand apart from the competition? Are there any standout features or gameplay mechanics putting you ahead of the game?

Our initial library of games was highly focused on innovative designs, mechanics and rules. We work with various experienced artists, mathematicians and designers to ensure we put our best foot forward in any market we enter. One of the most anticipated and well received aspects of several key Velvix titles in the USA has been our integration of ‘battle’ or community play features, whereby players on the same game can enjoy participating together in various bonus games whereby both stand to win credit prizes. This feature has seen good uptake in game performance in the USA and we are looking forward to integrating more community features in future game titles.

What are some of the biggest hurdles you have had to face as a new manufacturer entering a highly saturated market?

Building trust and getting face time with operating partners has been our initial biggest challenge. In a saturated market, we have to provide an incredibly compelling reason for operators to give us floor space. Luckily our executive team has been very supportive of this, allowing our sales team to work creatively with casino operators and focusing more on getting customer feedback and data. This is very much a relationship business - and building trust does take time. However once we earn that trust, the ability to grow exponentially is there.

How important is online vs. offline for Velvix as a slot manufacturer?

Online is important for us in a variety of ways. The obvious aspect is the development of a new revenue stream, but it is so much

more than that. The ability for us to go online immediately increases our brand reach. We will now be in front of customers that have most likely never played or heard of our brand or game titles. With online success comes the ability to utilise that brand awareness to further drive brick and mortar casino sales and floor share. Vice versa, our land-based operations will help drive successful game title revenues online to those players who are in markets where online gaming is allowed.

What does your 2024 roadmap look like? What are you most excited for this year?

2024 is a major turning point for our organisation. In America, we will see the launch of a new state, Minnesota. We will aggressively grow across the existing markets of California and Oklahoma. In Asia, we will be launching in The Philippines and building our brand in the Asian marketplace. Online, we will be launching in various jurisdictions in the USA and Canada, with other European and Latin American markets in our sites.


look at The Philippines as an

amazing initial start and see this partnership with Max Fair Group as key to opening up neighbouring APAC markets such as Vietnam.”

我们将菲律宾视为一个了不起的起点,并将与 Max Fair Group的合作视为开拓越南等邻近亚 太市场的关键。

能告诉我们更多关于您与Max Fair Group最 近合作的信息吗?这如何与您在菲律宾的目 标相一致?

我们很高兴与Max Fair Group合作,因为这有 助于我们集中精力在菲律宾初步进入亚太市 场。除了他们在市场上已建立起的现有关系和 信任外,与这样的伙伴合作,可以让我们更快 地收集游戏性能数据,这将加速我们开发针对 亚洲市场的新游戏标题和内容。我们认为菲律 宾是一个了不起的起点,认为这种合作关系对 于打开邻近的亚太市场,如越南,至关重要。

Velvix有哪些独特的竞争优势,使其与竞争对 手区别开来?有哪些突出的特点或游戏机制使 您领先于游戏市场?

我们最初的游戏库非常注重创新设计、机制和 规则。我们与各种经验丰富的艺术家、数学家 和设计师合作,确保我们在进入任何市场时都 能做到最好。在美国,几个关键的Velvix游戏

中最受期待和最受欢迎的方面之一,是我们 集成了“战斗”或社区特色玩法,玩家可以在 同一款游戏中一起参与各种奖励游戏,双方 都有机会赢得奖励。这一特点在美国的游戏 表现中获得了良好的反馈,我们期待着在未 来的游戏中集成更多的社区功能。

作为一个新的制造商进入一个高度饱和的 市场,您所面临的最大挑战是什么? 建立信任并与运营伙伴进行面对面沟通是 我们最初面临的最大挑战。在一个竞争激 烈的市场中,我们必须为运营商提供一个 极具吸引力的理由给予我们展示空间。幸 运的是,我们的执行团队对此给予了很大 支持,这使我们的销售团队能够与赌场运 营商进行创造性的合作,并更多地关注获 取客户反馈和数据。这在很大程度上是一 种关系业务——建立信任需要时间。然而, 一旦我们赢得了信任,快速增长的能力就不 在话下了。

作为老虎机制造商,对于Velvix来说,线上 和线下的重要性有多大?

在线对我们来说在多个方面都很重要。显而 易见的方面是开发新的收入来源,但远不止 如此。在线让我们能够立即扩大品牌影响 力。我们面对的客户很可能从未玩过或听说 过我们的品牌或游戏。在线成功带来了利用 品牌知名度,进一步推动实体赌场销售和市 场份额。反之,我们的实体赌场运营将有助 于在线成功游戏品牌,向那些在允许在线博 彩的市场上的玩家推广。

您的2024年有着怎样的计划?您对今年最 期待的是什么?

2024年是我们组织的一个重要转折点。在 美国,我们将在新州明尼苏达推出我们的产 品。我们将积极扩张在加利福尼亚和俄克拉 荷马等现有的市场。在亚洲,我们将进军菲 律宾,并在亚洲市场建立我们的品牌。在线 上,我们将进入美国和加拿大的各种司法管 辖区,也将出现在其他欧洲和拉丁美洲市场 的视野内。

“This is very much a relationship business - and building trust does take time. However once we earn that trust, the ability to grow exponentially is there.”

这在很大程度上是一种关系业务——建立 信任需要时间。但一旦我们赢得了信任,快 速增长的能力就不在话下了。

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the game: from isolation to integration

In this interview, we catch up with, winners of the SiGMA Americas Startup Pitch 2024, as they shake up online betting through vibrant community engagement.

在这次采访中,我们采访了,他们是 SiGMA 美洲初创企 业擂台 2024 年的获胜者,他们通过积极与社区互动,改变了在线博 彩的局面。


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Watchers offers a unique communitycentric betting approach. Could you elaborate on how Watchers’ turnkey SaaS solution is transforming the online betting landscape?

We help platforms become the ultimate social hubs for their players. At the same time, we help end users of these platforms transform their betting experience into a joyful social play, where they can not only bet but do it in a like-minded community, sharing their emotions and successes. It all contributes to making the betting platform a meaningful place to stay for a long time, and helps the players feel that they belong to the platform and the community. The betting experience starts to bring much more joy to their lives! And therefore, platforms increase their retention and lifetime value.

What inspired the creation of Watchers?

The inspiration for creating Watchers stemmed from our own (co-founders’) backgrounds in entertainment, communications, and gaming, coupled with a dissatisfaction with how online environments can lead to isolation. Determined to recapture the collective excitement from traditional betting venues, we started to focus Watchers on transforming online betting from solitary experiences into vibrant, engaging community play. By integrating social features directly into iGaming platforms, we facilitate real-time interactions, shared experiences, and collective enjoyment among users. This shift not only enhances the user experience by making it more engaging and communal but also drives growth and retention for platform owners, fundamentally changing the landscape of online betting to one that truly connects and entertains.

The concept of “copy-betting” is intriguing. How does this feature work, and what benefits does it bring to both users and the platform itself?

A copy-betting widget, which is our killer feature, helps platforms drive transactions in a healthy way. Every player can easily share their bets right into a community chat on the platform and other users can copy them with just one click. It’s easy and intuitive for users, and crucially increases transactions for the platforms. Also, it’s a favorite feature of both advanced players and newbies: experienced players love to share their knowledge and forecasts and newbies can overcome emotional barriers as well as poor technical knowledge (how to make a bet technically) for their first bets, using this feature.

Can you elaborate on how your company’s approach to community-driven engagement differs from traditional content consumption models, and how it aims to empower users to become active participants in their digital experiences?

Users have a wide variety of platforms to use, so it’s crucial to make them loyal. Our integrated features help users become loyal to a betting platform by participating in communities. Users see that they are not alone in betting on this platform; they can discuss their experiences, share their ideas, forecasts, tips, and tricks, and they can help and advise each other. Step-by-step, a strong community starts to evolve. These opportunities and this community encourage players to return repeatedly. These social tools not only highlight the platform among the variety on the market but build an emotional connection between users and the service.

Could you share any success stories or case studies that highlight the impact of Watchers’ solution on betting platforms that have implemented it?

We have different partners’ platforms all over the world. One of our clients is a sports betting platform with more than half a million monthly users. We started with this client more than a 1,5 years ago and implied almost all our features on its platform. Numbers and metrics showed great results from the very beginning: people adopted and became socialized quickly, influencing the platform’s transactions and retention. Now the adoption rate is more that 50%, the client reported >10% of transaction growth for this socialized audience (and the numbers continue to grow). Nine months ago, this platform also implemented our copy widget, and this feature became viral among users. Hundreds of users can copy a particular shared bet, and more than 600K bets in total are copied on this platform monthly. Moreover, a significant part of their users tells the market that they choose this sports betting platform and stay because of its embedded social functionality.

What challenges did Watchers face during its startup journey, and how were they overcome?

Of course, we face different challenges, especially because our tools are pretty new for the market. Some partners have a fair hesitation - whether their resources for integration and money are worth the results, especially when the landscape is so competitive, and their product roadmaps are full for years.

Thus, we spent a lot of time to be able to deliver a solution which can be integrated in just hours. There’s no set up fee and there’s always a free trial, because every partner should be confident in their product decisions. But most of all, we are spending every day building and delivering every piece of our social solution, designed in a way which brings our partners a revenue boost.

As Watchers continues to evolve, what future developments or innovations can users and betting platforms expect from the company?

This year is a year of casinos for us. We are delivering a set of revenue and audience boosting mechanics, e.g. an API for automated posting of wins and prize drops, in-chat gamification and rewards functionalities, and adding a video streaming for influencers into the chat. We always work on our roadmap to stay in touch with the market, partners’ requirements, and, of course, end-users’ needs.

Lastly, how does Watchers envision the future of the online betting industry, particularly in terms of social engagement and community-driven experiences?

We envision the future of online betting as a connected and joyful experience for players, where they can ultimately be entertained, but in a healthy way. With social tools embedded, players will not feel isolated anymore; they will feel safe and comfortable in trusted communities where they can discuss things they love. Also, social tools are the opportunity to hear your users, their needs and their wishes. When you know what your endusers think about, you can make your platform a true love-brand.

“Social tools are the opportunity to hear your users, their needs and their wishes. When you know what your end-users think about, you can make your platform a true love-brand.” 社交工具也是了解您的用户、他 们的需求和愿望的机会。当您知 道您的最终用户在想什么时,您 可以使您的平台成为真正他们 的“珍爱品牌”。


Watchers 提供了一种独特的以社区为中心 的博彩方案。您能详细介绍一下 Watchers 的一站式 SaaS 解决方案,是如何改变在线 博彩格局的吗?

我们帮助平台成为其玩家的一站式的社交 服务。同时,我们还将帮助这些平台的末端 用户将他们的博彩体验转化为愉快的社交 游戏,在这里他们不仅可以投注,还可以在 志同道合的社区中分享他们的情感与成功。 这一切的体验让玩家们长期停留在博彩平 台,并帮助玩家找到他们对平台和社区的归 属感。博彩体验开始给玩家的生活带来更多 的快乐!因此,平台提高了他们的留存率和 终身价值。

是什么激发了创建 Watchers 的灵感? 创建 Watchers 的灵感源自我们(创始人) 在娱乐、传媒和游戏领域的背景,以及对在 线环境可能导致孤立的不满。我们决心重 新捕捉传统博彩场所的集体激情。因此开始 将 Watchers 的重点放在将在线博彩,把它 从孤立的体验,转变为充满活力、引人入胜 的社区游戏。通过将社交功能直接整合到 iGaming 平台中,我们促进了用户之间的实 时互动、共享体验和集体享受。这种转变不 仅让用户体验了更具吸引力的共同体验,而 且还为平台所有者带来了增长和留存率。从 根本上改变了在线博彩的格局,使其真正和 娱乐相连。

“复制博彩”的概念很有趣。这一功能如何运 作,对用户和平台本身有何好处? 复制博彩小部件是我们的杀手锏。它帮助平 台健康的提升交易量。每个玩家都可以轻松 地将他们的投注分享到平台的社区聊天中, 其他用户只需点击一次即可复制。对用户来 说,非常简单直观,关键是它还可以增加平 台的交易量。此外,这是高级玩家和新手最 爱的功能:有经验的玩家喜欢分享他们的知 识和预测,而新手可以利用这一功能克服情 感障碍,以及完成他们第一次下注,弥补他 们技术和知识的不足。

您能详细说明一下您公司社区驱动型的参 与方法,与传统内容消费模式的区别有什么 不同?以及它是如何使用户成为数字体验的 积极参与者的吗?

市场上有众多平台让用户选择,因此使他们 对平台的忠诚度至关重要。我们的综合功能 帮助用户,通过参与社区而忠诚于本博彩平 台。用户看到他们在这个平台上不是孤独 的,他们可以讨论他们的经验,分享他们的 想法、预测、技巧和窍门,也可以相互帮助和 建议。一步一步地,一个强大的社区逐渐形 成。这些机会和这个社区鼓励玩家不断地返 回这个平台。这些社交工具不仅在市场上 独一无二,而且在用户和服务之间建立了 情感联系。

您能分享任何成功故事或案例研究吗?尤其 是那些突显了Watchers实施的解决方案对 博彩平台产生了影响?


我们的一个客户是一个每月拥有超过50万用 户的体育博彩平台。我们在一年半以前就开始 与这个客户合作,并几乎在其平台上实现了我 们的所有功能。从一开始,数字和指标就显示 出了非常好的结果:人们迅速运用社交功能, 影响了平台的交易,并让平台持续运行。现在 采用率已超过50%,客户报告称,这个社交化 的受众增长了10%以上的交易(数字还在继续 增长)。九个月前,这个平台还发布了我们的复 制小部件,这个功能在用户中间像病毒一样传 播。数百名用户可以复制特定的共享投注,每 月在这个平台上总共复制了超过60万次。此 外,他们的大部分用户告诉市场,他们选择了 这个体育博彩平台,并且因为它内置的社交功 能而留下来。

在创业过程中,Watchers 面临了什么挑战,又 是如何克服的?

当然,我们面临着不同的挑战,特别是因为我 们的工具对市场来说是相当新颖的。一些合作 伙伴存在一定的犹豫:特别是在市场竞争如此 激烈而他们的产品路线图已经排满了数年的 今日,他们是否值得为我们整合资源和资金进 行投资。

因此,我们花费了大量时间,提供一种可以在 几小时内集成的解决方案。没有设置费用,而 且总是提供免费试用:因为每个合作伙伴都应 该对其产品决策感到自信。但最重要的是,我 们每天都在努力构建和更新我们的社交解决 方案,以便为我们的合作伙伴提高收益。

随着 Watchers 的不断发展,用户和博彩平台 可以期待公司带来哪些未来发展或创新? 今年对我们来说是一个关于赌场的年份。我们 正在提供一系列提高收入和增加受众的机制: 例如用将发布一个自动宣布胜利者和自动颁 奖的 API,在聊天中加入游戏和奖励功能,并在 网红的聊天中嵌入视频流。我们始终致力于我 们的发展路线,以保持与市场、合作伙伴的要 求,并与最终用户的需求保持联系。

最后,Watchers 如何设想在线博彩行业的未 来,特别是在社交参与和社区驱动体验方面? 我们期待在线博彩的未来,是玩家之间的连接 所能带来愉快体验。他们最终可以以此娱乐, 但是一定是以健康的方式。通过嵌入式社交工 具,玩家将不再感到孤立。他们将在受信任的 社区中感到安全和舒适,在这里,他们可以讨 论喜欢的事情。此外,社交工具也是了解您的 用户以及他们的需求和愿望的平台。当您知道 您的最终用户在想什么时,您可以使您的平台 变为他们真正的“珍爱品牌”。

113 Q&A SiGMA 28

Sounding Change: Philanthropy in the Philippines

Discover the transformative journey of the SiGMA Foundation in Asia, as Jessie Busuttil, Operations Manager for the Foundation, unveils the impact of philanthropy on communities through music and community support initiatives.

探索 SiGMA 基金会在亚洲的变革之旅。基金会运营经理Jessie Busutti揭示了慈善事业通过音乐和社区支持倡议对社区产生的影响


In 2021, the SiGMA Foundation embarked on its first mission in the Asian region, spearheading the renovation of the St. Catherine of Alexandra parish church's roof and the installation of a solar panel system. This was done in close collaboration with Fr. Joe Cremona, MSSP. These endeavours brought tangible benefits to the vibrant community of Dinalupihan. This verdant, grassy municipality, home to Mt Malasimbu - a favourite amongst hikers and pilgrims - is situated in the coastal province of Bataan, Philippines.

In line with the SiGMA Group’s inaugural Asia Summit in 2023, held in the Philippine capital, I had the privilege to accompany Keith Marshall, Chief Philanthropy Officer of the SiGMA Foundation, on a visit to the Jose Depiro Formation Centre. This centre, nestled in the heart of the community, stands as a testament to the impact our past support has achieved.

Our journey from the bustling streets of Manila to the serene suburbs of Dinalupihan provided us with a vivid transition, where the rhythm of life shifted from the chaotic to the tranquil vibes of the more relaxed suburban areas. Amidst motorcycles darting through traffic and vendors peddling street food, we witnessed the pulse of everyday life in this vibrant locale.

Upon reaching the Jose Depiro Formation Centre, surrounded by lush rice fields, we were enveloped in a sense of tranquillity. Stepping inside, we were greeted by friendly house pets and an abundance of fresh tropical fruits, underscoring the harmony between nature and community in this space.

Meeting with Fr. Joseph and the children residing in the centre, it became evident that this was more than just a facility—it was a sanctuary of nurturing and support. Fr. Joseph's dedication and compassion radiated in every interaction, a testament to his tireless efforts over the past two decades in establishing this sanctuary from the ground up.

We soon discovered that music was the lifeblood of this community, with children receiving daily lessons in musical education. Some even pursued careers in teaching or performing, showcasing music's pivotal role in fostering selfsustainability within the centre.

Recognising the transformative power of music, the SiGMA Foundation resolved to enhance accessibility and opportunities for these children by funding the construction of a muchneeded multi-sensory hall within the centre. This initiative aims to promote cultural expression and artistic development by providing a dedicated space for music lessons, concerts, and community events. The project is set to be inaugurated in June 2024, coinciding with the SiGMA Asia Summit, and marking a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to empowering communities through philanthropy.

2021年,SiGMA 基金会在亚洲地区展开了首次活动,率 先主导了对亚历山大圣凯瑟琳堂区教堂(St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church)的屋顶翻新和太阳能电 池板系统的安装。这是在与圣保禄传教会(MSSP)的 Fr. Joe Cremona密切合作下完成的。这些努力为迪纳卢皮汉 (Dinalupihan)充满活力的社区带来了实实在在的好处。

坐落在菲律宾沿海的巴丹省这个市镇绿草茵茵,是驴友和 朝圣者喜爱的马拉西姆布山(Mt Malasimbu)的所在地。

伴随 SiGMA 集团于2023年在菲律宾首都举办的首届亚 洲博览会,我有幸陪同 SiGMA 基金会的首席慈善官 Keith Marshall 参观了何塞·德皮罗培训中心。这个位于社区的 中心,见证了我们过去所获得的成就。

我们从马尼拉繁华的街道到迪纳卢皮汉宁静的郊区。这趟 旅程为我们带来了鲜明的转变,在这里,生活的节奏从混乱 变得更加宁静,更加轻松。在摩托车穿行的街道和小贩兜售 街头美食的情景中,我们见证了这个充满活力的地方日常 生活的脉搏。

抵达何塞·德皮罗培训中心后,我们被丰富的稻田环绕,感 受到了宁静。进去之后,迎接我们的是友好的宠物和丰富新 鲜的热带水果。这种氛围突显了这个空间中自然与社区之 间的和谐。

与何塞神父和居住在中心的孩子们见面后,我们意识到, 这很明显不仅仅是一个设施,而是一个培育和提供支持的 圣地。在与他们的每一次互动中,神父约瑟夫都表现出同 情与奉献。这是他在这里,于过去20年里不知疲倦地努力 的证明。

我们很快发现,音乐是这个社区的生命之源,孩子们每天 都接受音乐教育的课程。一些甚至选择从事教学或表演事 业。这充分展示了,通过音乐调节自身,让情绪保持稳定的 重要性。

认识到音乐的变革力量后,SiGMA 基金会决定,通过资助 中心内一个急需建设的多感官大厅(multi-sensory hall), 让这些孩子有更多的机会接触到音乐。这个倡议主要是为 了,通过提供专门场所給音乐课程、音乐会和社区活动,以 促进大众文化表达和艺术发展。该项目计划于2024年6月 启动,与SiGMA亚洲博览会同时举行。这是我们持续致力于 通过慈善事业增强社区能力的一个重要里程碑。



A Playground for millions

119 Q&A SiGMA 28

Embarking on a journey through the dynamic world of Asian gambling, Maria Debrincat, Head of Media Production at SiGMA Group, offers insights into its evolution, regulations, and promising future prospects.

With nearly 60% of the world's population calling Asia home, the continent emerges as a powerhouse in the global gambling arena, attracting a multitude of players to its diverse array of betting experiences. From opulent casinos to tightly regulated markets and underground networks, Asia offers a rich tapestry of gaming opportunities.

Macau: The jewel of Asian gambling

In Macau, gambling encompasses casino games, greyhound racing, sports betting, and lotteries. Despite this variety, online gambling operations are currently not licensed. However, private entities can operate online gambling platforms if they possess a valid Macanese license, though none have been granted yet. The region, China's sole legal casino gambling area, imposes a minimum age of 21 for gambling. Stringent regulations outlined in Law 16/2001 govern gambling activities, with the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) regulating 41 land-

based casinos. Big players like SJM Holdings and Las Vegas Sands dominate the scene. Macau is renowned for its junket trade, particularly in baccarat, the top revenue generator. The start of 2024 saw Macau's casinos reporting a robust GGR of MOP19 33 billion (US$2 4 billion), marking a promising recovery trajectory.

Singapore: A hub of regulatory rigor

Singapore stands out among Asian jurisdictions for its rigorous legal framework, particularly in the realm of gambling. Land-based gambling is permitted to a limited extent, but online gambling remains strictly prohibited under harsh laws enforced by the country. The Remote Gambling Act, enacted in 2014, regulates this sector, with recent legislative amendments increasing tax rates on Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) generated by casinos. These changes aim to boost revenue for the government and curb gambling-related issues.


Philippines: A burgeoning hub in Southeast Asia

The Philippines emerges as a burgeoning hub poised for remarkable growth in the global gambling landscape. The country's gambling industry is forecasted to double its gross gaming revenue by 2028, fueled by ambitious plans for new casino establishments. Traditional and modern gambling practices coexist, with a mix of legal and illegal activities catering to diverse tastes. Centralized government agencies like the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) oversee gambling regulation, aiming to generate revenue for socio-civic projects while curbing malpractices.

Timor-Leste: A rising star in the online industry

In a significant move towards digital growth, Timor-Leste plans to issue its first gaming licenses by Q3 2024. Timor-Leste is poised to carve its niche in the burgeoning online betting and gaming sector, with the Virtual Gaming Association (VGA) spearheading regulatory efforts. The proposed framework mirrors international best practices and aims to foster a climate of transparency and accountability. President Jose Ramos-Horta's endorsement of economic prospects underscores the nation's commitment to fostering growth and employment opportunities, particularly in the digital and IT sectors.

Future Prospects: Japan, Thailand, India and Beyond

Osaka, Japan, unveiled plans for its first integrated resort, MGM Osaka Integrated Resorts, aimed at attracting 20 million tourists annually, with an anticipated opening in 2030. In Thailand, progress toward legalising casinos is also evident with the completion of a draft bill for integrated entertainment complexes. Strong support is expected in parliament, aligning with Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin's economic goals. Melco Resorts & Entertainment has also unveiled its strategic plan to focus primarily on the Indian and Sri Lankan markets with its upcoming casino venture in Sri Lanka, projecting annual gaming revenues to reach up to US$250 million. Awarded a 20-year casino license by the Sri Lankan government, Melco will oversee the design and management of the casino and a portion of the hotel rooms at Sri Lanka’s US$1 billion Cinnamon Life Integrated Resort, set to commence operations in mid-2025

These developments mark significant expansions in the region's gambling landscape, solidifying Asia's position as a global hub, offering ample opportunities for players and investors amidst promising growth forecasts.



Maria Debrincat 是SiGMA集团媒体制作主管,在亚洲博彩 的活跃世界中展开了一次旅程。她提出了对演变、监管的见 解和对充满希望的未来前景的展望。

几乎60%的世界人口居住在亚洲,这个洲成为全球博彩领 域的强大力量,吸引着众多玩家来体验其多样化的投注体 验。从豪华的赌场到严密监管的市场和地下网络,亚洲提供 了丰富多彩的娱乐机会。


在澳门,博彩包括赌场游戏、赛狗、体育博彩和彩票。尽管有 这么多种类,目前在线博彩运营尚未获得许可。然而尽管目 前尚未授予任何许可证,如果拥有有效的澳门许可证,私人 实体可以运营在线博彩平台。作为中国唯一拥有合法赌场 的地区,澳门规定了21岁作为参加博彩活动的最低年龄。法 律16/2001中规定的严格监管措施监管博彩活动,博彩检 查协调局(DICJ)监管着41家实体赌场。如澳博控股(SJM Holdings)和拉斯维加斯金沙集团这样的巨头主导市场。澳 门以其博彩旅游业著称,尤其是百家乐,这是最大的收入来 源。2024年年初,澳门赌场报告了193 3亿澳门元(约24亿 美元)的强劲游戏总收入(GGR),标志着一个有希望的复苏 轨迹。



出,尤其是在博彩领域。有限程度上允许线下博彩,但在线 博彩仍被该国严格的法律命令禁止。2014年颁布的远程博 彩法案监管着这一行业,最近的立法修正案增加了赌场产 生的毛收入税率。这些变化都是为了增加政府收入,并遏制 与赌博相关的问题。


菲律宾成为全球博彩行业增长势头迅猛的新兴中心。据预 测,受到新赌场建设计划的推动,该国的博彩行业到2028 年将实现增长翻倍。传统和现代的博彩共存,各种合法和 非法活动迎合了多样化的口味。菲律宾娱乐与游戏公司 (PAGCOR)等政府机构监督赌博监管,旨在打击不良行为, 同时为社会民生项目创。

东帝汶:在线行业的新星 东帝汶计划在2024年第三季度前颁发其首批博彩许可证, 这是朝着数字化增长迈出的重要一步。在虚拟游戏协会 (VGA)主导的监管工作下,提出的框架与国际最佳实践相 符,并可以营造透明和负责任的氛围。东帝汶有望在蓬勃发 展的在线博彩和娱乐行业中打占据属于自己的地位。总统 Jose Ramos-Horta对经济前景的支持强调了国家对促进 增长和就业机会的支持,特别兑现在数字和信息技术领域 的承诺。

未来前景:日本、泰国、印度等等 日本的大阪市推出了首个综合度假村计划,名为美高梅 大阪综合度假村,目标是吸引每年2000万游客,预计将于 2030年开业。在泰国,推动合法化赌场的进展也有明显进 程,一项整合娱乐综合体的法案起草工作已经完成。预计将 在议会获得强力支持,同时这与总理Srettha Thavisin的 经济目标保持一致。新濠博亚娱乐还宣布了其战略计划,将 主要专注于印度和斯里兰卡市场,计划在斯里兰卡开设新 的赌场项目,预计年度游戏收入将达到2.5亿美元。由斯里 兰卡政府颁发的为期20年的赌场牌照,新濠博亚将负责设 计和管理赌场以及部分酒店客房,计划于2025年中期开始 运营。

这些发展标志着该地区博彩业视野的重大扩张,巩固了亚 洲作为全球中心的地位,在有望增长的预测中为玩家和投 资者提供了充足的机会。


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The Manila Times

1xSlots partners offers multiple solutions to clients and represents a fast-growing online casino brand. Various payment options, weekly payments, no extra fee and no negative balance for affiliates and provision of marketing tools to ease the experience and to reach desired goals. 1xSlots Partners is network you can trust and be profitable with.

Lambda 8BIT Gaming, innovating with engaging 8-bit games, won a pitch at SiGMA 2023, Malta, and appeared in Barcelona and Sao Paulo, marking growth. With a 2024 focus on new 8-bit releases, we’re set for further recognition, reinforcing our niche and influence in the gaming industry.



1XBET is an international bookmaker with over 10 years of experience. We offer casino games, slots and live casino products from world-leading providers. We offer an in-house agent scheme and an affiliate program, and support more than 250 payment solutions from all over the world.

Customer Support is available in 30 languages, 24/7.

3SNET stands out as a top-tier CPA network, providing a diverse selection of 1300+ offers from direct advertisers across the globe in lucrative verticals like betting, gambling, dating, and loans. With a focus on excellence, 3SNET offers exceptional support to webmasters and advertisers alike.

Svetlana Logvinova Sales Manager

Introducing 9WICKETS, your partner in cricket, soccer, and tennis betting. Experience our unique Exchange and FancyBet bet types, designed to engage and excite bettors of all levels. Join us to elevate your sports betting strategy and maximize your potential returns!


Discover AdvantPlay, your next up-and-coming casino games provider in Asia. We deliver market-leading games with the first-ever interactive Daily Reward, alongside the pioneering built-in Reward System and Promo Systems.

AdvantPlay Team

Data-driven game aggregation platform offering 10,000+ games from top providers to global casinos. We analyse player behaviour for tailored game libraries. Our data-driven approach optimises platform performance, providing the best service and informed decisions for client success. Additionally, we develop strong and reliable APIs to secure money-out transactions, ensuring financial integrity.

Alexandre Tomic

88mids is an agile payment gateway platform. Regardless of the size of the industry you are in, if your goal is to process online payments, our platform gets the job done! Our highly personalised, turnkey solution adapts to your online business and takes it to a whole new level.

AI Live Casino is transforming iGaming with AI-powered Hash games like Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette, Sic Bo, and Craps, hosted by dynamic AI Dealers. Our platform is accessible across various channels and devices, revolutionizing the gaming experience for our partners..

Small Innovation and small Endless Excitement with a wide range of popular games around Southeast Asia and Europe and with more than 20 ways to play the game. Operating 60 Tables streaming live 24/7 and continually expanding over time. Along with over 800 venture users, 1500 gaming agents and exceeding 5 million players across the globe.


Amusnet is a leading provider recognized for offering the best-performing products and innovative solutions in gaming globally. The latest addition to the 260+ captivating slots, engaging table games, and the immersive Live Casino studio is our premium land-based vertical, launched in February 2024.

AP Gaming is the exclusive global B2B distributor of the world renowned sportsbook, Pinnacle. For decades of experience developing top-tier sportsbook solutions, AP Gaming offers the best betting product worldwide. Backed by expert risk management practices and a best-in-class trading team, we deliver unparalleled sportsbook and esports solutions to operators worldwide.

Jane Guan CCO

Sports betting software provider Altenar delivers ‘best in class’ solutions for licensed operators. Ranging from ‘software-only’ products to the provision of a fully managed sports betting platform stack, Altenar offers proven stability coupled with a flexible and personalised service. Our sports wagering software is developed in-house, powered by official premium quality data feeds.


An international and experienced B2B gaming platform provider, supplying innovative online gaming and sports betting solutions to different markets across the globe with more than 20 years of experience in the iGaming field.


Astar platform boasts an in-depth understanding of both your requirements and those of your users. Our team holds an impressive eleven-year track record in game development and a fifteen-year tenure in network security. With years of unwavering dedication to the industry, we bring professionalism and reliability to the forefront.

Cryl Lim Marketing Director


Bally’s Corporation is one of the world’s leading entertainment companies, with millions of players spread across digital gaming platforms and traditional casino venues. Recognized for our innovation, energy, and dedication to creating thrilling gaming experiences, we were born to entertain!

Christoffer Edenfall

Chief Operating Officer, Asia & RoW Interactive

We have over 20 years of experience, technological knowhow and provide a unique holistic 360-degree approach. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides online and landbased Sportsbooks, Classic Casino and Live Casino, Poker, Sports Data Solutions and more - all ready to be launched and managed through the White Label Platform.

It’s been an exciting two years for ATMOSFERA, as we’ve continued to captivate the market with our live casino games. We take pride in being a trusted and unwavering partner for over 50 market participants. Our dedication is fuelled by our ambitions, and our reputation is built on transparency and professionalism. I’m eager to connect in person!

Barbara Bang has entered the LatAm iGaming industry, recently signing Brazil’s tier 1 operators. “Brazilian Carnival” will debut at SiGMA Americas, adding to the brand’s portfolio of 70+ games across over 1000 casinos worldwide. Certifications for Peru and Colombia are underway. The region can also enjoy the Drops&Wheels loyalty program.

Ahikam Raviv

Head of Partnership and Business Development

BETBY, established in 2018, is a sports tech company offering innovative sportsbook solutions, including an esports odds feed under the name Betby.Games, and AI-based tools for efficient management of sportsbooks. BETBY provides extensive sports content through official data feeds, and offers its own esports odds, trading, and advanced risk management services, catering to a broad market with customizable, scalable options for bookmakers.

Chris Nikolopoulos


BETCORE is a B2B supplier of online casino games which can be easily integrated into the operator’s platform via a single API. The brand’s offering unites such verticals as live TV games, live casino games, fast sports events, and online casino games of various genres like slots, crash games, scratch games, lotteries, table games, etc.

Peter Korpusenko CEO

Final Entreprises is the dynamic company behind the online brands, Cosmoswin and Betfinal. With a commitment to excellence, Final Entreprises delivers premium gaming experiences. Cosmoswin offers a futuristic gaming platform, while Betfinal provides thrilling sports betting and casino options, catering to diverse preferences with quality and reliability.

Christoph Jungeilges

BetConstruct is a global award-winning technology and services provider for online and land-based gaming industry. BetConstruct’s innovative and proven offerings include Online and Retail Sportsbook, Classic RNG and Live Casinos, Esports, Poker, Skill Games, Social Gaming Platform, Sports Data Solutions and more – all ready to be launched and managed through SpringBME, its pioneering Business Management Environment.

Sergio Gabriel Longo Regional Director Uruguay

BETER is a B2B provider of betting content & data, featuring 45,000+ monthly in-house events across 8 esports and sports disciplines. We offer odds feed for 400+ esports tournaments, and with 150+ expert traders, we pledge unparalleled accuracy in our odds.

An iGaming and sports betting crypto brand with 3 years of experience, supplies inclusive gambling to 20,000+ clients monthly and allies with 1,000+ partners to revolutionize gambling. Recognized by 3 consecutive SiGMA awards, aspires to leverage the foremost of Web 3.0 in its upcoming ecosystem.

Amy Head of Digital


BGaming is a rapidly expanding iGaming content provider with a robust player-centric approach, constantly analyzing player needs and preferences. With a presence on 1,100+ online platforms worldwide, the studio offers 150+ highquality games, including video slots, scratch, crash, and casual games with top industry mechanics.

BETWINNER Sportsbook includes over 1,000 events daily. Over 400,000 online users bet with We endeavour to give you the best experience. We use a personal approach for every partner, helping to maximize benefits by taking into account the peculiarities of the platform the partner is willing to use.


With over 15 years experience. Online Gaming Platform integrate Bigpayz with unique simple integration to access popular payment methods in each region. Bigpayz is a payment platform and offers the ability to connect multiple local payment solution foronline gaming platform.

Melvin NG

For over 40 year BMM has established itself as the best private independent gaming certification lab, offering unparalleled technical and regulatory compliance services to the global gaming industry. BMM was the first to introduce independent gaming standards in 1992, followed by online gaming standards in 2001. With over 600 professionals across 15 locations worldwide, BMM holds more than 700 licenses, making it the go-to choice for gaming clients around the globe.

Jeffrey Fong

of Business Development, Asia

BTGaming is a next-generation game developer dedicated to providing high-quality games for leading entertainment platforms. The products offered include Slot, Fishing, Table, and Arcade.


Casino Plus is a PAGCOR-licenced land-based and online casino brand in the Philippines. Our offerings span from immersive Live Slots to captivating Online Table Games (OTG) and the engaging Color Game. Putting player experience first, we craft an authentic and enriching gaming journey catering to diverse player tastes.

Evan Spytma CEO

The Cagayan Economic Zone Authority, a governmentowned and controlled corporation mandated to promote investments and generate employment in the Cagayan Special Economic Zone and Freeport, a gaming authority with the power to issue licences on tourism-related activities, such as casinos and online gaming activities is widely recognized as the First Interactive Gaming Jurisdiction in Asia.

Katrina Ponce Enrile Administrator and Chief Executive Officer

The best conversion system on the market! Cactus Gaming is the most value-added online Gambling Software Supplier offering a 360º strategic solutions and up to 70% more high-quality conversion.

Tiago Silva CRA

As the APAC-leading network with over 2,800 global Points of Presence and more than 20 years of technology experience, CDNetworks embraces the new era of Edge and takes it to the next level by using the Edge as a service to deliver the fastest and most secure digital experiences to end users. Our diverse products and services include web performance, media delivery, cloud security, zero trust security, and colocation services – all of which are uniquely designed to spur business innovation.

Yien Wu General Manager, SEA & Global iGaming Business

Since 2015, Changelly has been a trusted crypto partner globally. Changelly offers ultimate security, fast onboarding, and 24/7 support. ChangellyPAY enables global payments with 80+ cryptocurrencies, instant settlement, and low fees. Our on-ramp aggregator ensures quick access to top fiatto-crypto providers, driving mass adoption in the Web3 era.

Aleza Basher


CloudMile, a leading AI and cloud technology company in Asia, focuses on digital transformation for its corporate clients and driving growth. Leveraging machine learning and big data analysis, CloudMile assists over 700 clients corporates with business forecasts and industrial upgrades.

Spencer Liu

& Chairman

Explore, where gaming meets convenience. Since our October 2022 debut, we’ve grown rapidly with a player-centric approach. Our simple registration and userfriendly platform offer a hassle-free gaming experience. Discover why we’re the preferred choice for those seeking easy and exciting gaming.

Sviatoslav Bielousov

Chensheng was founded in 2020. Chensheng is a professional enterprise that develops, designs, produces, and customizes various types of paper playing cards, plastic playing cards, poker chips and packaging boxes. Chensheng is famous for its high quality product and confidentiality.

COCloud as an authorized partner of more than 7 Cloud Brands, such as Huawei, Tencent, Baishan, GCP so on. We offer 24/7 cloud architecture planning and migration services for game companies. COCloud is dedicated to providing customers with more affordable prices and personalized, fast service that beats the original vendors.

COLIBRIX is a UK-based FCA-authorised EMI that provides payment processing solutions for businesses of all sizes and types through a broad range of easy-to-use and costeffective services including global card acquiring, digital wallet operations, cross-border merchant accounts, multiple APMs support, and current corporate accounts for legal entities.


With the brand spirit “Do The Best, Double The Fun”, DB Gaming is committed to creating innovative games in the industry, specializing in the fields of sports, live games, e-sports, chess and card games, lotteries and electronics field.

CreedRoomz is a multi-profile live casino provider with 3 leading solutions: Generic Tables, Dedicated Solutions and Land to Live Technologies. CreedRoomz’s ever-growing game portfolio includes over 24+ games: Core games, Asian games, Game Shows and market-specific games. The games are presented in 12+ languages, with more than 200 tables, to more than 1000 partners worldwide. The impressive portfolio also includes the Roba Robot Croupier, an industry innovation developed and built in-house.

Armen Mnaskanian Head of Sales

DSTGAMING, a market-leading iGaming Solution provider, was established by a team of professional developers with over a decade of experience in the iGaming industry. With a passionate team specialising in developing iGaming Solutions, including Online Casino Software, CRM Software, Casino Games Aggregator API, and Payment Solutions, collaboration is considered crucial for success.

Digitain is a sportsbook and casino platform provider offering best-of-breed turnkey and API solutions. With 20+ years of demonstrable experience, it has been awarded over 30 industry awards for its leading status. Digitain employs 3,000+ of the brightest minds, including 1,000+ traders, to provide a one-stop shop for its global partners.

Gevorg Rushanyan LatAm Sales Manager

Euro Games Technology (EGT) is a Bulgarian manufacturer of gaming equipment with leading positions on a global level. Its portfolio includes slot machines and games, multiplayers solutions and casino management systems.

EGT Digital covers the iGaming sector. It offers a wide range of developments: casino and instant games, sports betting and an all-in-one online betting platform.



Whether you’re looking to host your next meeting, or a memorable incentive trip to a Mediterranean location, the Maltese Islands are your next destination!

EngageLab is a leading provider of customer engagement and marketing technology services. EngageLab has established partnerships with hundreds of enterprises in various industries including Internet, smartphone, auto, and e-commerce, and has continued to gain market share on the back of its ability to consistently render stable and efficient multichannel services.

James Peng

of Singapore Office

Evolution is the world leader in multi-award-winning liveaction licensing games and has more collaborations with top online and land-based casinos than any gaming provider. EVO aims to make partners successful and give players the best gaming experience. Evolution has more than 700 game tables, providing a wealth of game types and unique, innovative experiences all year round!

ES is a leading B2B online slots game provider making a huge mark in the industry. Growing steadily each year, we have a portfolio packed with over 100+ catchy and thrilling games. We’re looking forward to spreading and sharing endorphins with you all!

Lusine Khudaverdyan Asia Operations Director

EvenBet Gaming, licensed in Malta, offers an omni-channel platform with 38 poker and card games like Rummy, Big 2, Badugi and Teen Patti. It includes tournaments, variants of Hold’em, Omaha, and Chinese poker, plus an option to add thousands of casino games. Trusted by 200 iGaming projects in 38+ countries.

Dmitry Starostenkov

Fast Track is an innovative technology company, recognised as the CRM leader in the iGaming industry. Our commitment to improving player engagement through tailored experiences is underpinned by our state-of-the-art Singularity model and Data Studio, which enables real-time, data-driven decisions. Working with over 100 companies worldwide, Fast Track has offices in Malta, Sweden, Spain and the United States.

Simon Lidzén


As a frontrunner in the industry, Finrax has led the way in providing cutting-edge solutions for both B2B and C2B crypto transactions since 2018. Whether you’re a seasoned enterprise seeking to optimize your payment infrastructure or a burgeoning startup looking to embrace the future of finance, Finrax invites you to join them on this transformative journey. Experience the unparalleled combination of security, support, and efficiency that defines the Finrax advantage.

We are a media agency specializing in assisting clients with user acquisition and mobile marketing. With years of experience in the media buying industry, we specialize in premium mobile traffic, particularly in the iGaming sector. We have established partnerships with numerous advertisers in the iGaming industry. Our core focus is on helping clients achieve significant user growth through customized strategies and innovative solutions.

FDW has been a leading cloud service provider in APAC since 2019. We are committed to deliver seamless hosting & hasslefree experience. Our services includes Cloud Architecture & Design, Cloud Migration, 24*7 Support and Key events assurance service.

Isaac Liew

Expand your product range and maximize revenue with hot trading instruments by FintechFuel. Ready-to-go solution with ultra-fast no code integration.

GAIA provides a full range of cloud solutions and consulting services, including cloud computing, cyber security, CDN, and more. Trusted by around 2000 clients globally, we’re the largest anti-DDoS provider in the Asia-Pacific region. With our 24/7 technical support in Chinese and English, we’ve achieved a 95.5% customer satisfaction rate.


The Philippines’ gross gaming revenue is projected to reach US$5.8 billion this year – which would be the highest in Philippine gaming history. A huge chunk of the revenues will come from electronic gaming which, in turn, is driven by technological integration, innovations and the immense popularity of mobile devices. Indeed, Tech-based gaming has come and is here to stay for a long time.

Get into the game. Be the game.

To apply for a license in the Philippines, send an email to for domestic operation of electronic games and for internet gaming.

Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation pagcor_ph

Since 2009, GBO has specialized in B2B gaming solutions for Asia, focusing on licensing, banking, software, corporate structuring, payment, and crypto solutions. Renowned for integrity and expertise, we guide you through complex regulations. Trust us to elevate your business to new heights. Partner with us today for innovative solutions tailored to your needs.

Gilad Oren CEO

GR8 Tech is an international iGaming provider of highperformance Sportsbook and Casino platform, the Best Online Sportsbook Provider 2024 at the SiGMA Awards. Focused on the personalized approach and lifetime partnership, GR8 Tech alleviates iGaming operators’ challenges, offering customized, scalable solutions that evolve with business growth.

Evgen Belousov CEO

GamingSoft, a prominent iGaming leader, now serves clients worldwide after establishing itself in Asia. With over 10 years in the field, they offer a comprehensive suite of solutions: white label, seamless API integration, secure payment gateways, big data analytics, and online casino game studios, all designed to fuel your success.

Since 2001, Genius Sports has helped licensed sportsbook operators in regulated markets to drive profits, costefficiencies and market-share. Official partnerships with over 800 sports leagues and federations around the world, including the NFL and EPL, gives Genius Sports more official venue coverage than any other provider.


Considered the leader in tackling bonus abuse, Greco is the industry’s first Gameplay Risk Engine dedicated to identifying gameplay risks, and determining the true value of every player. Greco works with more than 40 operators to save time, save money, and improve the player experience.

Ozric Vondervelden CEO


Habanero is a premium slot games provider that creates games popular in both Western and Asian gaming markets. Our complete catalogue of Slot games, Table Games and Video Pokers deliver the best gaming experience using HTML5. Currently certified in 16 countries, Habanero continues to expand its presence globally.

Arcangelo Lonoce Head of Business Development - Europe

HANStech is a leading company specializing in IT outsourcing, IDC, cloud & CDN, and security services. cloud services. With our professional ICT team of more than 20 years industry experiences, HANStech endeavors to provide our clients with the most professional service quality.

Olivia Shieh

The trusted payment service provider in the gaming industry, offering card processing, open banking, and a selection of alternative payment options worldwide. As the stable and innovative payment partner, GumBallPay has industryleading transaction approval rates, making it the preferred choice for iGaming operators worldwide.

Berta Shioz Partnership Executive

Web3 Payment Guru, 100+ Countries Served. Safely and swiftly completing your cryptocurrency payments, transactions, and conversions – HamBit’s foremost responsibility and mission. HamBit’s headquarters are located in Singapore, providing services to more than 100 countries. Currently, more than 350 merchants are using HamBit for payments. Our partners include Binance Pay, Huawei Cloud, Google Cloud, Visa, Mastercard, and FireBlocks.

HigherCloud is staffed with a professional team of experts from various fields, providing our customers with a wide range of cloud services including product sales, strategic consulting, cloud architecture implementation and migration, as well as technical support, assisting enterprises in customizing exclusive solutions.

Hanson Chen General Manager


HuoDunYun innovates IT solutions, accelerating online content delivery and security. Our core product, APP Shield, SafeCDN(CN2), DDoS Protection, and Private Cloud Server optimize content delivery for enhanced security. We provide multi-layered defense to ensure business continuity within the infrastructure framework and application layer.

A global leader in iGaming courses, iGaming Academy trains over 60k learners annually. With 80+ courses, they ensure staff excel in roles, driving compliance and operational excellence. With 100+ operators in 50+ countries, our CPD accredited courses support employee development and regulatory compliance.

Welcome to Bombastic, the premier cryptocurrency casino. Experience super-fast, secure, and anonymous transactions with exciting games and generous bonuses. Enjoy our loyalty program and dedicated customer service. Despite being new, our strong player base and positive reviews on Trustpilot and Scamadviser highlight our commitment to excellence.

Introducing iGaming powerhouse, IceSuper! Leading the Indian market with our comprehensive offerings: white labels of Sports Exchange and Casinos and Sportsbook. We’re your ultimate one-stop solution for launching your iGaming venture in India. Meet us at Manila to revolutionize your gaming journey!

Infipay Tech is the ultimate choice for businesses requiring reliable and efficient payment technology, especially in high-risk markets. Our peer-to-peer (P2P) services offer a diverse range of payment methods, while our advanced platforms ensure seamless and secure management of traditional currency transactions. As a leader in the field, Infipay Tech is transforming financial transactions, making them more accessible and convenient for all.

153 WHO’S WHO plan to become the biggest jackpot entities in three yeasr by distributing 40 thousand slot machines. is the leading online slot game brand. Every player can just open their smart phone and get the newest machines by getting into our website.

IREV is a performance marketing solutions provider designed to launch and scale your affiliate program. IREV’s Partner Platform and Lead Distribution products are the ideal choice for iGaming, Crypto, Finance or E-commerce business verticals.

JDB Gaming, a leader in the Asian market with its acclaimed Fish Shooting Games, has excelled for years and is gaining traction internationally. Trusted by numerous global platforms, JDB not only attracts players with engaging games but also provides comprehensive iGaming solutions to partners. Known for its successful Slot Games and a diverse range of game types, JDB Gaming innovates continuously to meet varied player needs with smooth gameplay and engaging experiences.

Jade SportsBet was launched in August 2021 when PAGCOR granted its licence to operate as a retail and remote sportsbook provider. It allows sports enthusiasts to bet on more than 30 sports such as football, basketball, boxing, tennis, and baseball. Jade integrated SIS’s portfolio of greyhound racing content in 2023 and it started 2024 with live international horse racing offering over 37,000 races for the year. Jade further expanded its presence in Asia with the approval for Online Sports Betting in Sri Lanka.

Jeton, a global digital wallet provider founded in 2018, offers secure e-wallet services for users and merchants worldwide. Jeton enables seamless financial transactions with over 50 international and local payment methods, 70 currencies, and availability in 100+ countries. Jeton Wallet provides a wide range of financial solutions, including the Jeton Card for online and offline purchases and Jeton Cash, which protects users’ financial data during online purchases.

Meet us at SiGMA Asia Manila Booth D309

As a professional Asian gaming platform provider, we offer a comprehensive gaming package solution, including a complete back-end management system, a wide selection of games, customized front-end design, marketing strategies.

K2SM is a team of professionals with an indomitable spirit of challenge. We will do our utmost to solve the various problems surrounding society and sport in all directions and realise the inherent power of sport and a future full of hope. Based in Tokyo we help connect brands to sports.

JILI Gaming is a group of well-experienced gaming developers dedicated to creating the best and most original games in pursuit of excellence and innovation, which are our core values. We design exciting online video slots, bingo, table games, and fishing games, stay ahead of the competition and keep releasing innovative games.

JP Casino Pro is an online casino gaming consultancy with a focus on the Japanese market. We at JP Casino Pro take pride in our experience in the online casino industry and our capacity to provide professional levels of service to all its clients.

K7 is the first Inverse Correct Score service provider in Asia. They uphold the principles of integrity in business, striving to become a leading industry benchmark. K7 has overturned the traditional sports market in a revolutionary way by providing easier-to-learn gameplay, focusing on new gameplay development, deepening player engagement, achieving fullscale agency, and creating a win-win strategy for members and agents.


Booth: D310

The Kingdom Bank is an international digital asset-friendly Fintech Bank based in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Our award-winning bank proudly provides tailor-made secure, next-generation digital banking services to international customers.

Pari Cross

Korims specializes in cloud services. With 7 years of excellent reputation and hands-on experience in the industry, Korims provides efficient and seamless cloud solutions. Innovation, cooperation and confidence are our core values. As an energetic and passionate technology start-up company, a professional team composed of experts in different fields provides our customers with various cloud services, including product sales, strategic consulting, and technical support.

Caroline Sales Manager

K36, the iGaming luxury giant, provides exquisite B2B platforms with top-tier design, unparalleled functionality, and strict compliance. Specializing in detailed, designforward solutions that enhance user experience, we ensure security and compliance, setting the standard for back-office management. Elevate your status with our premium services and global reach.

KM Bao Network integrates the top games on the market and all are free, with built-in 1000+ various secure financial channels, and also provides fully managed services in operations, risk control, and customer service to support you and your team to focus on business development.

Laaffic is a trusted iGaming marketing solution provider offering SMS, Voice, and Email services. It combines industry best practices and technologies to create the smoothest experience to reach your target market, enabling our clients to increase their revenue with lower investment and stable user growth.


Linebet is an international betting company that provides the best gaming experience possible. Our website has pre-match and live markets, casino games, slots, live casino products from providers with in-house solutions. Our advantages: affiliate program with high CPA and RS, 24/7 support in 65 languages,160 payment methods, onsite agent scheme, and mobile EPOS.

Logifuture - a market leader in 360-degree B2B solutions for iGaming operators – across tech, product, operations, data and marketing. Passionate about betting, and committed to innovation; creating products that stand out from the crowd and utilising expertise to achieve success for our clients, and for the future of our industry.

An international online sports and casino entertainment brand celebrating its 15th anniversary. Time-tested, where enjoyment meets responsibility for every customer. Our daily cashbacks, jackpots and more, defines our customer first approach. LEON Affiliates offer CPA, RevShare deals with rates up to $500, accepting SEO, PPC, UAC, FB traffic from multiple GEOs.

Andres Proskurins

Livehelp100 is a live chat software designed for businesses to engage with website visitors in real time. The live chat features enhance engagement & customer satisfaction while improving support efficiency. Livehelp100 is loaded with enterprise-class features as it delivers personalized communication to every customer with flexible integrations and fully customizable design & settings.

Tony Wang Heaf of Office

LSports is a leading provider of cutting-edge sports data solutions for the sports betting industry. Focusing on real-time data feeds, advanced analytics, and cutting-edge technology, LSports empowers sportsbooks with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market. The company’s product portfolio includes fully customizable real-time data feeds, trading intelligence solutions, and engagement-inducing betting stimulation tools.


Local Payments, Global Reach. Fully licensed payment gateway providing direct acquiring services with whitelabelled payment solutions, for specific, difficult to convert regions.

Tongsheng Technology is a industry leader with 10 years of experience and worry-free after-sales service, undertake a variety of innovative products including live entertainment, gambling games, custom apps development and marbles application programming interface. We provide the best online service, unique exclusive support guarantee 24/7. Visit our website for further details.

Lucky Monaco is a global casino game provider with technology and experience in software and device development for more than 20-years. We guarantee fair probability, breath taking thrills but stable volatility, and eye-catching stunning visuals, best excitement and satisfaction to players, and proper profits and stable services to the operators.


Mancala Gaming is an online slot game provider with a portfolio of 45+ slot and crash games. Provider offers direct or reverse seamless integration, jackpots, and unique bonusing tools to increase player retention. All games are HTML5, support landscape and portrait mode and new releases focus on unique game features.

Nikita Gorshkov

Mascot Gaming is an exciting slot development studio on a mission to create engaging games that provide players with the most thrilling experience possible. Its slots combine striking design with sophisticated mechanics to deliver slots that stand out from the crowd. Its team regularly pushes boundaries, creating unique products.

Margarita Malysheva


Meefie: a selfie revolution combining cryptocurrency and NFTs for enhanced social interaction and digital ownership. Its innovative platform fosters genuine connections with celebrities, marking a new era in social networking. Since January 2023, Meefie has steadily progressed towards its Token Generation Event, driven by a diverse Filipino talent pool united by a vision for the future of digital connectivity.

MEGAWIN is a well-known game software developer in Asia. Our professional online game R&D team, are committed to the innovation and improvement of game technology. We create high-quality and win-win new entertainment business. The goal is to become the world’s leading online leisure and entertainment service brand.

Mayhem Partners is a rapidly growing affiliate program with 10+ markets and two brands on board. Our brands operate on an in-house created platform that offers players AAA content and an enchanting user experience.

Dmytro Paliants

Megapari Partners is a top-notch affiliate program of the Megapari brand, established in 2019. Megapari offers its partners a reliable and transparent way to run profitable campaigns within its affiliate program. More than 30,000 affiliates benefit from a wide selection of payout options including individual deals, Lifetime RevShare, CPA and Hybrid programs. MegaPari is eagerly broadening its affiliate partnership base, paying attention to the industry research and talent acquisition.

Tatiana Baianova Head of Public Relations

Founded in 2012, Melbet is a prominent betting and casino company serving customers in over 40 countries. With a team of seasoned professionals at the helm, Melbet offers a wealth of experience and knowledge for new and long-time affiliates. Its exceptional product range keeps users engaged, making it an intriguing choice for collaboration.

Anastasiia Shcherbyna CMO Melbet Partners


Moloco provides machine learning powered performance marketing solutions that help companies around the world increase their digital strategies ROI. Moloco Ads helps grow your app by acquiring and re-engaging high-value users with programmatic ad solutions powered by your first-party data.

MyAffiliates is a state of the art affiliate management software platform whose round the clock support is designed specifically for fast-paced businesses such as; online betting, gaming, forex and binary. MyAffiliates boasts an international team of professional technical, marketing and management personnel who will ensure that you will get the most out of your Affiliate Software.

Clemence Dujardin Group CEO

Microgaming, a global pioneer in online casino software, offers the fastest growing VIP live dealer product in Asia and popular RNG games like Break Away, Lucky Twins, and Almighty Zeus.

Monotech Solutions is a pioneering force in casino and sportsbook platforms. Through state-of-the-art infrastructure ensuring security and seamless transactions, rapid integration, and client-centric innovations like the Wheel System, Monotech drives user engagement to new heights. Discover our gaming experiences on our multifunctional platform at

Denizhan Kocdemir Founder & CEO

Naga Games is a new cutting-edge slot provider that offer exciting gaming experience to players. With multiple unique buy features and unique math for each game. Our games are localized for worldwide audience and each game RNG is certified by GLI. Join us for the ultimate slot adventure.


NAUTILUS GAMES excels in tailoring games for global audiences, ensuring cultural resonance. Our localised gaming experiences heighten player engagement, driving revenue growth. Partner with us to realise the true potential of gaming tailored to diverse players worldwide.

Michael T. Chief Commercial Officer is a leading B2B esports betting solutions provider offering an end-to-end ecosystem made for sportsbooks, operators and platforms. The key products and services are a multi-award winning esports betting iFrame, risk management services, widgets, esports data, marketing and sponsorship services. has over 250 clients globally.

Marek Suchar

Co-founder and Head of Partnerships

Nanocosmos is a reliable provider of B2B real-time video streaming for iGaming platforms. Whether for live casinos or sports betting, their award winning solution nanoStream Cloud is the key to reaching anyone anywhere successfully by combining a strong global CDN, adaptive player, stream protection and Analytics.

Luuk Strijbosch Business Development

NYCE represents a select number of intelligent, successdriven technologies and services that deliver measurable revenue growth and operational efficiency to gaming companies. NYCE accelerates the sales process for the companies it represents via a global network. It facilitates conversations at the highest level and builds success stories for operators.

Harmen Brenninkmeijer Managing Partner

ONGaming has been a trusted service provider in the gaming industry for over a decade, offering a diverse portfolio that includes Live Casino, Sports Betting, E-Games, Bingo, Lottery, and Specialty Games. Our mission is to deliver an outstanding gaming experience through cutting-edge technology, innovation, and exceptional customer service.

Wayne Thong Chief Executive Officer


The provider explores and applies innovative concepts in game mechanics and features, placing creativity at the core of game development. Onlyplay introduces new mechanics to enhance the visual aspect, providing players with a distinctive gaming experience.

Christina Muratkina CEO

As Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, Mike Ng Sin Ching leads groundbreaking Web3 and cloud architecture innovations, distinguished as WorldSkills 2022 SE Champion and AWS Community Builder. His expertise and strategic leadership drive transformative for One2Cloud, LookCard, and EDNS Domains, positioning them at the forefront of technological advancement and industry collaboration.

Mike Ng Sin Ching Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer

PAGCOR is a 100% government-owned and controlled corporation under the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. It regulates both land-based and online gaming facilities and operates 41 casino sites, collectively known as Casino Filipino, across the country’s three major islands. These sites are strategically located in popular tourist destinations.

Daniel Cecilio Senior Vice President

Opera Ads is a leading advertising platform tailored for the i-gaming industry. With over 325 million monthly active users and access to 90% of internet users worldwide. It effectively engages millions of Opera users globally with innovative, content-based ad experiences, generating over 300,000+ first-time deposits monthly. It offers advertisers a preferred platform to target a large, engaged audience in a highly transparent fashion.

Oliver Hooper Director of Business Development

Safe and honest crypto payment gateway We provide highsecurity crypto processing services, allowing you to accept payments in 50+ cryptocurrencies from clients. No hidden fees, no chargebacks, no holds. Enjoy instant top-ups with static addresses, automatic crypto conversion, and one-click payments via Metamask and other Web3 wallets.

Eva Vilma Viana Sales Manager


Payment.Center is a global payment service provider, enabling merchants to accept payments worldwide. Founded in 2014, we serve more than 500+ merchants across various industries with more than $6B processed in annual volume.

Alexander Aukhariev CCO

Paykassma is an international payment aggregator that provides payment acceptance through 100+ local methods for payment and acquiring, achieve the highest success rate for payments in emerging markets of Asia, Africa and many more. Paykassma works with gaming, trading, forex, edtech and other verticals.

PAYOK is an online payment service provider offering global payment services with localized payment solutions. We have 100+ payment methods with industry-leading success rates and superior checkout experience. We have excellent teams in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and South America, with our business centre in Dubai.

Mr. Shan Mohammed Head of Sale

Founded in 2017, PayRetailers is a leading global payment processor specialising in Latin America & Africa. Through a direct API, we offer 300+ local payment methods, streamlining cross-border transactions and boosting sales for merchants. With strategic offices in Spain and 9 other countries, we’re a trusted partner for global expansion.

Daniel Moretto Country Manager Brazil

PLAYSTAR was founded in 2015 and we provide innovative services across the world and use an exclusively entity roller computing engine system to optimize the algorithm constantly to make all players enjoy the ultimate gaming experience. The Mahjong Series and table games are especially popular with game playerss in Thai, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Angel Yen Director of Business Development



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Payment.Center is a global payment ser vice provider, enabling merchants to accept payments worldwide. Asia and Nor th America allows us to facilitate payments for Solutions that Payment.Center Group offers include: Card acquiring Crypto payments processing IBANs Issuance Crypto to Fiat large volume transfers Founded in 2014, we serve more than 500+ merchants across different industries with more than $6B processed in annual volume. Our clients choose us because we provide:
payments globally.
into new markets by accepting card (and not only card)
Payments for any business We work with a wide variety of industries with different

Pokerload is an all-in one Poker Management and Agency that helps the land-based poker rooms to better manage and promote their poker tables and service desk thus, attracting more customers. Pokerload platform consists of Poker Floor Management (CRM) web app and the Pokerload mobile app for all poker room’s customers.

Andreas Constantinou CEO

Pronet Gaming offers a fully customisable entertainment platform for next-generation operators in emerging markets, consulting with our clients to build truly bespoke casino, sportsbook, betting exchange and retail solutions that remain flexible for future development according to evolving audience needs.

Alex Leese Chief Executive Officer

Playtech is the online gambling industry’s leading platform, content and services provider. Our vision is to be the technology partner of choice for the world’s leading betting and gaming operators, and deliver safer, engaging and entertaining betting and gaming experiences across regulated markets, driving a more responsible and sustainable industry.

Kobi Azriel Managing Director

PopOk Gaming is a modern game provider creating high–quality games for online casinos. With a portfolio of crash, slots, live casino, and instant games, our offerings are backed by top-notch graphics, sound effects, and math calculations. Available on desktop and mobile, our games captivate players with seamless experiences in multiple languages.

Marina Mirzoyan Head of Business Development

Quantum Gaming is a key player in the iGaming technology sector, providing scalable, cloud-based solutions for those entering or expanding in the online casino and betting industry. The company offers a mix of white-label and turnkey platforms, suitable for a variety of business needs.

Oliver De Bono CEO


RETN is one of the fastest growing independent global network services providers, with unique resources to connect Europe and Asia. Offering a wide range of connectivity services, such as IP transit, Ethernet & VPN, Capacity, Remote peering to major IXPs, Colocation and Cloud Connect, RETN’s network runs on leading equipment vendors such as Infinera, Juniper and Ciena.

Tony O’Sullivan CEO

Rival Powered have been developing online casino games since 2004 delivering a portfolio of 187 unique games in 33 languages, all with proven performance in markets around the world.

Take confidence in games backed by our 20+ years’ experience delivering world class content to the industry’s leading operators and aggregators.

R2D Partners is a multi-brand affiliate program in gambling and betting sectors, offering unique deals from well-known brands like LEON and Twin with over 15-year history. R2D Partners aims to combine fresh ideas and extensive experience, providing affiliates with a reliable and profitable partnership.

Andrejs Proskurins Head of User Acquisition

RichAds is a self-serve advertising platform where scale meets performance. Our advertising formats: push, pop, in-page, calendar, direct click, native. RichAds offers 5B impressions daily in 200+ countries all over the world.

Anastasiya Kazakova CO-CEO

Royal Partners is an award-winning affiliate program and a direct advertiser of 9 in-house iGaming brands. With over six years of excellence, we offer global reach and three lucrative commission models: Revshare (up to 50%), CPA, and Hybrid. Currently our community counts more than 5000 active partners.

Erdem Ukhinov





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SA Gaming is a leading Live Game Solution provider offering premium online entertainment for over a decade. Making use of state-of-the-art technology, it offers a full spectrum of Live Games. Licensed by Gaming Curacao, every product is developed by professionals with diligence, and comes with trustworthy support services.

Silver Goose 8 International, Inc. (SG8) stands tall as the premier online gaming platform provider, endorsed by PAGCOR and trusted for data content streaming in the Philippines. Armed with the coveted PIGO licence, we empower agents/affiliates to navigate the gaming industry legally and strategically, revolutionizing the landscape.

Heng Chin Sheng


RTG SLOTS is an international iGaming brand backed by 25 years’ experience. Our continually updated portfolio of dynamic, high-end slots gives players dazzling graphics, the latest features, and “sticky” game mechanics that keep them engaged. We provide uniquely personalized service that combines quick and easy integration with hands-on support.

Jeffrey Almedilla Business Development Manager

568Win, a business unit under the SBOBET group with 20 years of industry experience. Specializing in Sports, Games, API integration, and Turnkey solutions, 568Win has established a notable presence in Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Thailand.

James Huo Business & Operation Manager

SIRAYA Technologies R&D and business teams are located in Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, and Philippines. SIRAYA is the only sales agency in Taiwan for CDNetworks, a global leading CDN and DDoS solutions provider, to offer comprehensive technical support and solutions to all network performance, security, cloud migration, and edge computing concerns.


Smartico provides a Real Time CRM Automation, Gamification & Loyalty and a Bonus Engine and seamlessly integrates missions, badges, levels, mini games and tournaments into your operations. Smartico serves as a onestop shop for all your communication needs. Easily create and manage emails, SMS, push notifications, pop-ups, inbox communications, and more.

SmartSoft Gaming, founded in Georgia in 2015, is a trendsetting software studio focused on delivering top-quality gaming experiences. Known for innovative, eye-catching designs and exceptional functionality, our diverse product range includes our flagship game JetX, non-traditional casino games, and slots. With a strong commitment to understanding customer needs and pursuing excellence, SmartSoft Gaming has earned its place as a leading software supplier in the iGaming industry.

Mr. Saba Chkheidze

SlotsMaker is the leading platform for cutting-edge iGaming solutions. We offer comprehensive services, including slot game development, SlotsAPI integrations, and top-tier marketing support. Join us in turning your online casino dreams into reality. is a headhunting firm in the iGaming industry, primarily in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. With our team distributed across eight countries and three continents, we possess fluency in English, Hebrew, Hindi, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. We work on middle to C-level positions for both operators and providers.

Ellen Frojd

& International Recruitment Consultant

SmartX delivers strategic iGaming consultancy for sports betting and casino sectors. Renowned for propelling market growth and operational excellence, we offer a holistic suite of services, including advanced marketing strategies, product optimization, and rigorous compliance, complemented by an effective affiliate program to optimize investment and mitigate risks.

Alvaro Paz-Lopez de Ayala


SOFTSWISS is a global tech expert with over 15 years of experience in providing innovative iGaming solutions. The company’s ecosystem includes the Casino Platform, the Game Aggregator, the Crypto Solution, the Jackpot Aggregator, Affilka, and Managed Services. SOFTSWISS transforms the iGaming industry for the better through tech innovations. is a payment service provider which enables hasslefree payment solutions to make your business grow. With a decade of expertise, we offer range of payment services - and opened to work out perfect one for your business needs. Welcome to easy, fast and reliable Payment Space - with!

Ksenia Swell

SoftGamings is a leading iGaming developer since 2008, offering its customers Turnkey and White Label Casino solutions, all top game and payment providers under a single integration, licensing and banking solutions and much more. SoftGamings is focused on becoming the best iGaming software solution provider and aggregator in the market with the help of our tailored solutions that meet the needs of every single one of our clients.

Spadegaming is a prominent games developer best known for its innovative and diverse range of online casino games. Established in Asia, Spadegaming has garnered a strong reputation for crafting engaging slots and other RNG games such as Shooting, as known as Fishing games that captivate players worldwide. With a commitment to delivering highquality content, unique themes and features, for superior gameplay experiences, Spadegaming continues to offer More Than Games to the preferences of both casual and seasoned players.

Boasting a library of 150+ games, our current lineup of 23 games stands as a testament to our commitment to detailed user interface design and an immersive gaming experience. Each game is equipped with a unique four-level Coin Rain Jackpot, adding an extra layer of exhilaration to the game play. As part of our expansion strategy, 20 additional games will be released by the end of the year.

Ivan Peshev


Sportradar is a leading global sports technology company creating immersive experiences for sports fans and bettors. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides sports federations, news media, consumer platforms and sports betting operators with innovative technological solutions to help grow their business.

As the leading online casino platform in India, we offer exclusive offers and rewards - from personalized bonuses to bespoke gaming experiences. Our innovative agent program provides lucrative opportunities – up to 80%. A selection of games from over 50 renowned providers, including industry giants and emerging talent, guarantee that there’s something for everyone. Mobile Apps are also available for Android and IPhone users.

Sportingtech excels as a multi-award-winning provider of turnkey betting and gaming solutions worldwide. Its full-service platform delivers retail, sports, casino, and esports with customisable features, ensuring an optimal betting experience. Processing over 1 billion bets monthly, it offers 100+ sports, 1,300+ markets, and 10,000+ games, showcasing industry-leading technology and market expertise from six global locations.


Established in 2018, SPRIBE transformed iGaming with Crash games vertical. With 4,500+ global operators, its flagship “Aviator” attracts over 12 million monthly players from Gen Y and Z. SPRIBE pioneers innovation with turbo games, poker, slots, and the Broadway Platform, offering quality and diverse gaming experiences.

TCGaming has more than 15 years of actual combat experience, providing extremely fast website building and customized services, and has firmly taken root in Southeast Asia and is looking to Central and South America. TCGaming also provides game API services, accessing the most abundant game manufacturers and types at one time.


Texcell Messaging has been deeply engaged in international SMS for many years, focusing on providing reliable SMS reach services. Strong and deep partnerships with global operators and wholesalers. It can reach 200+countries around the world with strong and stable network.

Zhang, Ming Xu

Established in 2020, is a prominent iGaming industry leader, offering table games, lottery, sportsbook, and live casino. With over 300 gaming partners and a workforce exceeding 800 employees, our platform provides a user-friendly environment. Our 1 million registered users let us take a leading position in the field of iGaming.

TESTA is the crowdtesting platform for the iGaming industry. With a global community of QA and testing professionals, real devices, and dedicated delivery managers, TESTA helps operators and providers expand in emerging markets and outperform competitors. Visit to learn more or reach out to

Kyle Wiltshire

Titan Group provides products and services such as Game Provider, White Labels, Affiliates, and Payment Gateway. Titan Group is certified by MGA license. Titan Group is your most reliable partner in Asia.

Uplatform is an award-winning online betting and casino platform provider. We specialize in delivering comprehensive sportsbook and casino solutions. With expertise in localization and seamless solutions, we empower businesses to thrive. Committed to understanding clients’ needs, we offer cutting-edge tech and ensure an exceptional iGaming experience.


VG Entertainments has been providing services since 2014, focusing on diversified online poker games, which offers sustainable and respectable income to various operation platforms. Monthly business transaction has been over 10 billion (RMB). Based on completed numeral system, stable systems architecture, advanced hardware deployment, 7*24 hours technical support, we are offering tens of thousands of players a fair, real and exciting game experience.

With almost 2 decades in iGaming, vyking delivers a highly scalable and battle-tested platform, bonus-engine, casinoaggregation, and access to industry leading content- & service-providers. Pre-integrated systems such CRM, FIAT/ Crypto processing facilities and real-time data analytics will make your journey go all plain sailing. White-label, turnkey or module-based options are available!

Redefining Global Payments. Trusted by 200+ brands, we simplify worldwide transactions. Seamlessly accept any currency, empower partners with instant payouts, and enhance customer satisfaction with tailored local solutions. Our platform, designed for speed and scalability, ensures a smooth payment experience, bridging borders effortlessly.

Vivo Gaming is a leading provider of premium online gaming software solutions, boasting an extensive portfolio of proprietary Live Casino games, having launched well over a dozen Live Dealer Studios globally since its inception in 2010. We are currently operating over 200 private tables, and supporting a wide variety of concepts, game types, and native dealer languages - we believe we’re the most suitable partner for you going forward.

WA.Technology is a B2B provider offering a full spectrum of iGaming platform solutions, turnkey solutions, managed services, and individual products across affiliate management, casino, sportsbook, lottery, fantasy, and poker verticals. WA.Technology enables operators to enter or expand into emerging markets quickly and seamlessly.


Welcome to Winfinity, your guide to live casino excellence. Dive into timeless classics: roulette, baccarat, blackjack, enhanced by unique patented features. And get ready to be carried away by our debut game show! Luxurious studios, expertly crafted UI, faultless gameplay - we are here to deliver the best live casino experience.

Alex Holodnuks Head of AM

XGlobal is a global company that aims to revolutionize the gaming industry through its innovative and immersive products and establish a new Game 3.0 entertainment landscape. Its products and brands include XSaaS exchange and entertainment city package network, XGaming self-developed game series, XAgent three-party game aggregation hall and other businesses.

Leon Business Director

We are a company with years of experience in the Casino Provider platform which enables us to understand our customers’ needs and cater to them better. At Won Majestic, we will go extra mile to meet every of your needs and expectations, at all times.

Eddie Ng Regional Marketing Director

WOW Gaming excels in creating exceptional multi-platform content for slots, bingo, poker, and table games. With an annual production of over 40 titles, playable via our brand-new 2D lobbies, our standout slot titles include Secret Scroll of Ninja, Hang Tuah, Baahubali, Puteri Gunung Ledang, and more.

Yellow Bat team creates exceptional and user-friendly games globally. Our visually appealing and platformoptimized games keep players engaged. With dedicated R&D, we craft unique themes and captivating features for endless entertainment. Enjoy the excitement of our online slot and bingo games!

Ray Tai Account Manager


Ready to Use

Payment Methods Massive Casino Library Enhanced Back Office Wide-range Sportsbook

OneAPI, an award winning full-suite aggregator that delivers seamless access to a library of over 10,000 game titles; deploy in record time at an unbeatable price - The unified gateway to ultimate gameplay! Take an exhilarating journey through whimsical wonderland; ALIZE promises a thrilling experience every session that keeps players coming back –exclusively through OneAPI.

YGR Games is dedicated to the development of electronic games and the analysis of big data models. Our games are crafted with creativity, offering players a plethora of entertainment and excitement, whether it’s through fishing games, slot machines, or other captivating gaming experiences.

Z-GAMING is a TurnKey & White Label Platform provider that has been delivering top-notch iGaming platforms since 2018. Our platform, offer wide range of games suppliers, localized payment solutions, build in gamification tools, and 3rd party professional providers (CellXPert, Fast Track & others).





G3 Media

Digital Pilipinas

Digital Pilipinas is the largest private sector-led movement and pioneering ecosystem-builder in ASEAN for creating an innovation and technology ecosystem that is actively engaged and synergized in a global digital economy.

Digital Pilipinas 是东盟最大的私营部门主导的运动和先锋生态系 统构建者,致力于创建积极参与全球数字经济并发挥协同作用的创 新和技术生态系统。

G3 Media provides global news, research, and expert insights to the gaming community via print, digital, and podcasts, across our brands: Pulse, Newswire, Wire and Insight, covering the land-based, sports betting and interactive markets.

灰度是全球领先的游戏一站式综合服务平台,致力聚集游戏领域优 质人脉,连结服务全球千万游戏厂商。灰度专为游戏业务提供: 独创 游戏API产品库、游戏招商、游戏包网、品牌营销、人脉资源、支付渠 道等。双向驱动游戏产业链上下游,提供一站式服务解决方案。

Gambling Insider

Gambling Insider is the premier business-to-business publication and daily news website for the gaming industry. Our editorial team brings you the inside track on the global gambling market, interviews with the field’s biggest movers and shakers, and in-depth analysis from some of the sharpest minds in the business. Gambling Insider offers expert perspective on all the industry’s major talking points.

Gambling Insider是全球博彩业必读刊物和每日新闻网站。我们的 媒体涵盖了影响各地区在线和陆上领域的关键主题,通过聚焦议题 的新闻内容、深入分析和关键数据,为世界领先的运营商、供应商、 代理商、法律专家和监管机构提供娱乐和信息。


iGF is a community powered media platform, created with the sole purpose of driving the industry forward, equipping our audience for what’s coming next.

iGF 是一个社区驱动的媒体平台,创建的唯一目的是推动行业向前 发展,让我们的受众了解未来的发展。



Published bi-monthly for the global online gaming sector in print and digital format, each issue of iNTERGAMINGi contains industry news, analytical features & interviews and includes sections dedicated to the sports betting, casino gaming and affiliate sectors

iNTERGAMINGi 每期以印刷版和数字版形式针对全球在线游戏行 业出版双月刊,每期均包含行业新闻、分析专题和采访,并包含专门 针对体育博彩、赌场游戏和附属行业的版块

ISA-GUIDE stands for up-to-date and carefully researched news from the international world of gambling, exciting reports and interviews with industry representatives, product news as well as the latest court decisions in gambling law. 代表来自国际赌博界的最新且经过仔细研究的新 闻、令人兴奋的报告和对行业代表的采访、产品新闻以及赌博法方 面的最新法院判决。 is a digital newspaper dedicated to the gaming industry with daily editions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. With an average monthly readership of 200,000, Yogonet brings you the latest news on the gaming business every day. 是一份致力于游戏行业的数字报纸,每日有英语、西 班牙语和葡萄牙语版本。Yogonet 平均每月读者人数达 20 万,每 天为您带来游戏行业的最新资讯。

GGR Asia

GGRAsia is a news website about the Asian sector of the casino industry. It takes its name from a phrase instantly recognisable to the casino investment community – ‘gross gaming revenue’. The website is open to all and includes daily updates of casino news from around the Asia Pacific region, plus feature and background stories. Subscribers that sign up for the free newsletter will receive a daily alert of the top stories.

GGRAsia是一个提供亚洲博彩业信息的新闻网站,名称源自于博彩 业投资界的常用词──“博彩总收入”(gross gaming revenue)。网 站开放予公众浏览及免费订阅,内容每日更新,包括来自亚太地区 的博彩业新闻以及专题故事,订阅者将收到每日热门新闻的通知。


Yugen Public Relations - Dubai

Block Tides

Block Tides is a leading top-notch Award-Winning PR & Marketing Firm with full services in growth hacking, sales, social media, branding, content, media, investor relations, events, and community management.

Block Tides是一家领先的顶尖奖获得者公关营销公司,提供增长 黑客、销售、社交媒体、品牌、内容、媒体、投资者关系、活动和社区管 理等全方位服务。

YUGEN PR IS A LUXURY PR, CELEBRITY, SOCIAL MEDIA, DIGITAL MARKETING, INFLUENCER, MEDIA RELATIONS, EVENTS. Opened in 2007, servicing celebrities, VIPs, gov’t, and brands worldwide. Ranked no. 1 in Google for Best Dubai-based PR Agency with global network.

YUGEN PR 是一家豪华公关、名人、社交媒体、数字营销、影响者、媒 体关系、活动。于 2007 年开业,为全球名人、VIP、政府和品牌提供服 务。排名第一。在 Google 评选的拥有全球网络的最佳迪拜公关机 构中排名第一。

Casino Life Magazine

Casino Life Media is produced by Outsource Digital Media Ltd. Outsource Digital Media is a modern and dynamic communications with comprehensive portfolio of leading global publications, websites, social media assets across key sectors of the gaming industry.

灰度是全球领先的游戏一站式综合服务平台,致力聚集游戏领域优 质人脉,连结服务全球千万游戏厂商。灰度专为游戏业务提供: 独创 游戏API产品库、游戏招商、游戏包网、品牌营销、人脉资源、支付渠 道等。双向驱动游戏产业链上下游,提供一站式服务解决方案。

Focus Gaming News

Focus Gaming News is a media group that produces a daily online newspaper aimed at international gaming executives. This communication tool is monthly visited by more than 100,000 readers around the world and delivers up-to-date news from the gaming industry.

Focus Gaming News 是一家媒體集團,專門針對國際遊戲高層製 作線上日報。該通訊工具每月有超過 10 萬名全球讀者訪問,提供 遊戲產業的最新新聞。


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