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With such an exciting year ahead of us, what better way to get things off to a good start than to launch our first event of the year in Dubai. Home to innovation, its entrepreneurial spirit is hard to beat.

Our cover story for this issue features the husband-and-wife duo behind Globiance. Their interview, which starts on page 58, shares their vision for how they plan to turn traditional finance on its head.

We also took a look at the stories behind the Malta Week winners from our SiGMA and AGS Startup Pitch, the good ideas that started their journey and the future projects fueling their unicorn ambitions.

For readers joining us in Canada this June, Terry Debono, Partner at The Debono Group shares his thoughts on the evolution of Toronto’s gaming market. Read his interview on page 122.

That said, there are some thank you’s to give out. Firstly to SiGMA Group Founder Eman Pulis, whose fearless leadership has led this company to explore shores beyond its birthplace. Thanks also go to the team behind these pages, Maria, Kyle, and Darlene, to our photographer Robert and of course to Claire for taking the design of this magazine to new heights.

Hand delivered to various expos worldwide, executive lounges, embassies and government institutions. The magazine is also delivered by post to leading gaming and related companies worldwide. For information regarding promotion and advertising kindly email pr@sigma.world

Editor ريرحتلا سيئر

Katy Micallef

Senior Graphic Designer

رابك كيفارج ممصم

Claire Ahmouda

Photography روصملا

Robert Cuschieri

Arabic Adviser راشتسم

Sirine Mannai

Contributors نيمهاسملا

Kyle Galea

Maria Debrincat

Darlene Zammit

Sales تاعيبم قيرف

Marie Reyal

Lorraine Sammut

Elisa Martinotti

Zak El Maaroufi

Olha Kovalevska

Ayoub Hamdi

Renee Micallef Decesare

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