3 minute read
from SiGMA Issue 17
by SiGMA Group
Localisation aids in fueling international business expansion. In this article, Maria Debrincat, SiGMA Group’s Content Manager, delves deep into the importance of translation and localisation in the context of content and marketing alike.
For many firms, expanding globally is a tried-and-tested true growth strategy but the production of high-quality content that is specifically tailored to local audiences in numerous markets entails a lot of time, skill, and effort. As Anthony Burgess succinctly put it, “translation is not a matter of words only: it’s a matter of making intelligible a whole culture.” Indeed, if an AI tool to convey a message in another language is enough, translators would not be needed, which is not the case.
Relying solely on machine translation may stem the loss of potential international clients. However, utilising machine translation can occasionally result in confusion, as a single phrase can take on a whole new meaning in a different language. If the wrong terms are used, brands may end up with unappealing product descriptions. We may get lost in translation when trying to grasp seminal works translated from the original language since some of the original meaning, intention, or play on words can be understood only in the context of the original language it was written in. This is where the concept of localisation comes in.
Translation is just a small part of the localisation process and people tend to mix the two notions, erroneously believing that localisation is simply a translation process. However, localisation is more than that. Indeed, the most crucial aspect of localisation is the targeted cultural environment. Unlike translation, which simply changes content from one language to another, localisation goes a step further in making content culturally meaningful, thus giving your company’s website or products a competitive edge.
This proves to your audience that your business understands and genuinely relates to its clients’ desires and demands. Georges Simenon describes the concept of localisation as the most personal form of customer relationship. Regardless of the type of business you run, customer satisfaction is a critical component of success. Ignoring cultural context could seriously harm your business as it can stand in the way of breaking into those areas you have targeted.
In this respect, Netflix, the American subscription streaming service and production company, is a good example of the successful adoption of a well-thought-out localisation strategy. Indeed, it has made international expansion a priority in maintaining its current level of success. Its exceptional achievement worldwide can be attributed to its successful localisation strategy. On the one hand, Netflix concentrates on creating authentic local language content by generating it expressly for those specific markets, and on the other hand, it assists films and television series in bypassing traditional gatekeepers, such as Hollywood, in order to reach global audiences through translation into local languages.
Localisation helps you build trust with your audience. Back in 2010, the app was only available in the US, today Netflix’s international streaming revenues exceed its domestic revenues. Viewers around the world are becoming more open to searching out the best entertainment experiences. The staggering international success achieved by Money Heist (a Spanish production), Squid Games (a Korean production), and Lupin (a French production) bears witness to the crucial role played by localisation strategies in promoting international success.
When you learn that just 20% of your potential worldwide audience speaks English, and according to a global consumers’ survey across 10 countries 60% rarely or never buy from English-only websites, you realise you have a lot of ground to cover and you may well realise you can do worse than reconsider your global expansion strategy. 50% of all Google searches are in languages other than English; locally tailored content receives six times more engagement than articles intended for a global audience.
Crucial data provided by NewsCred concludes that 72.1% of the time consumers view websites in their native language and 56.2% of respondents polled stated they would be willing to pay more for translated product or service information. When you take into consideration iPhone apps in China supporting these stats, you may well note that 92% of the most popular and highest-grossing iPhone apps in China are written in Chinese and bear Chinese names.
Having translated text on your site offers a significant SEO benefit. When you target a specific market overseas, having local language keywords will help you rank higher in that region's search results. In addition, the more foreign keywords you include on your site, the higher your domain authority and ROI will be.
Traffic analysis is key to ensuring an appeased target audience. To that end, language is of the essence, and different markets engage with the internet differently. Be aware of how you want your brand identity to look and feel internationally for a powerful outcome and a driven guaranteed result.

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