Stef Meul
Dirty Art Department Stef Meul
sign6 is a cooperactive artist organization its members are related to the performing and visual forms of art its activities situate the individual as an eventual instant author
Dirty Art Department Stef Meul
LICKTURE SERIES î ˘e Lickture series unfolded in autumn 2012 as a result of an interest in poststructural forms of choreography; the dismissal of the notion of the Other. î ˘e initial event ("White Words / Black Pussy" at Le Chien Perdu, Brussels on November 10, 2012) revolved around the following question : "Although there is the individual, like capital one or capital I, and there is the thing which is shared by everyone, like capital C or the community or the communal: 1) A relation of love, where the one identifies with the other and there is a mix taking place of the identity of that capital I through the perception of the other. 2) An identification with the beliefs about the other, or the beliefs that the other has about the capital I. How can they share this fluid identification, this fluid feeling of connection, of support and challenging, without feeling that need to possess themselves or anything?"
at evening the spectators chairs were donated to the public space, situated halfway through the performance. During the second series of actions, the event revolved around a summoning of the surface: "Ten things to do before you die; neotopia at our window;" Looking at something disgusting until the reflex to vomit accustoms into perverse fascination. e actor came upon asking to receive a used tampon from one of the spectators, then crossing the stage, chewing upon it to spit it out as far as possible. A third series included a cleaning of the exhibition space, the public space, and numerous common organic and artificial objects, with the tongue and a whiskey spray gun; subtitled "chronos likes banana's"; an immutable rite of Marcel Broodhaers' grave tomb, with a following quote by Deleuze: "Either ethics makes no sense at all, or this is what it means and has nothing else to say: not to be unworthy of what happens to us."(1) e Lickture series serve a purpose into the transformation of spectacular formats, into other forms of choreographic and scripted experiences on sense, without any previous mental construction anticipated. "Meant that it was live, and it was art, not theater. Performance Art also meant that it was art that could not be bought, sold or traded as a commodity."(2) e individual being a source of action in most relevant economic transfers - defines it's abilities to execute voluntary any type of movement, in order to achieve it's desired outcome. e division of time is reducible to a relative minimum instant of singular operations. In other words: to count time by action, not in duration. at's another question: now. 1) Logic of Sense; Gilles Deleuze, twenty-first series of the event. 2) Performance Art - Art History 101 Basics; Available from http://arthistory.about.com/cs/arthistory10one/a/ performance.htm
Dirty Art Department Stef Meul
LECTURE Yes, so well what I'd like to address today during this lecture moment, is a little bit of entertainment, some information, maybe some conversation, and a lot of this kind of recitation. the idea behind the coming 20 minutes, is to go through a textual, imaginary trajectory; nonetheless mainly nonsense. there are so many things to talk about and yet so little to have written. For example : this example of only saying what has been written. In other words, nothing in particular and nothing in general.
A belief is a social paradigm based on the construction of a common sense. An opinion is a reflection on an individual sense of belief. Common sense is a redistribution of complicity to any individual belief system…. bla blab lblaa bal bla…
Ok, so now, somewhere around the kitchen in your mothers place there are some leover chocolate chip crunch cookies in a box on the shelf in that familiar cabinet. She turned towards you and you heard her say : no, those are for your father, leave them alone. en there appeared a red carpet and some frogs with lost soul homes. Nintendo leaves no strangers in the sense or taste of old garden shaded drones. Whatever they might say when its le upon the stove. No green leaves for summer, build the rest on your own. Hoping less for your philosophy to grow with you to be old. Second thoughts on the dripping filter of your cold. Seeing no more plaintiffs in this vision of Hanoi. Another shot went of, another brain got blown. Disco darker than the whiter tone of glow. Wishing secrets to be lived under covers among souls. Every one besides its lover, feet and hands. Learn only how not to pee your pants. Memories for the loser, and winners loose it all.
A sudden rotten smell of decomposing flesh fills your hairy nose. A little bit to early you wanted to breath and now it got stuck within your bones. Take a break, just listen to your heart beat, think of some blue sky or some porn.
Really, like maybe you can close your eyes or something and touch your ears or something, this is not really gonna go somewhere more intelligent or interesting or informative or speculative or whatever, just to say, great party, huge hangover, and that"s kind of where it is at. In text nevertheless. Of fcourse there was the idea, and so raping Kaa or what about: 'the most important thing, if something was to be achieved, was to reject in advance any idea of guilt'. Franz Kaka, e Trial. If nothing was to be believed, guessing that results also in certain death. Ok, there we go, now it should start getting smart sounding, maybe some one liners or tweets for my mental collection. So, like this guy there talking, he sounds a bit like: well lets see, I'm not sure I could be the one to tell you. Maybe some Bill Gates kind of alien or a Poison Ivy kind of monotone. ere is so little to talk about for by now
no way this might interest any owner of any loaf of soil. Lets have some water, a tribute to the main reason of us here being together today. e lights are not that bad either, so why not have another go, while we are at it. I mean like, it bends a little forward, kind of like a sail on shore with some weird generators or something making it like really hot super fresh, everything selfsufficient of course. is thing then like goes around pulling other things along with it, of course only as long as it lasts to go. ats why in principle there could be only excessive generators of heat or cool. Energy plus living is the future of the next future building school. Timeless activity its purpose without a goal. Movements of people, individuals with no time for other forms of control. en what is this state you would be bringing in, more levels of utopia or other diversions of dictations upon structures of control? Well, knowing everything existed and nothing has been done. e other way around and so on. Sex, with who really feel, openly, intimate, dispossessive. Or just recreational, all right? Massage, Sweets, Tents in mountains along sunny morning rivers on distant planets. What the hell, just anything unlike the online movies, so why not make those movies, all of it for real, off course, of course. A bit like a Godard, Mary Poppins, Christlam Jam, and Winnie the Poo kind of genre or so. en party's, music, dance and trancing in light rays glancing mirrors of bodies, pulsing heart beats in the steam from vapor, sweat, or who knows, something toxic through the drones. is is what it is and that's not much, you know. Honestly, there remains very little in the unknown, since its just that what is le between the army and the trashcans along the shore.
Rest time of speaking is no more, what I'd love to do with you, half a year, events in : amsterdam, athens, brussels, paris, berlin, prague.
self-organized. break-even. just for ones that carry their own load. who would like to, lets have a dinner a�er the exact dates of the school program are known. Last night there was this strange dream appearing kind of right where you were standing before. It's kind of hard to describe, like alien language or something, not much of human contamination, slightly archetypal sort of say. Maybe a lot of nudity or wellness, or more party gone beyond, into scenes of same sanitarian madness from a planet of the blonds. She is something rather tasty. Nipple chewing lizards under blankets of fuzzy mold. Its like a game of chess, no strategy is worth aects gone cold. At last of texture. Ears earn more than to be told, unless: How to sail the ocean? Please tell the horny how to cross the void. Victims blame the one that oers gold. Or salty fevers in the fearful silence of prey full google like a bitch for every one that barks and vomits branded tissues into issues, slightly dilated within crackpots of blatant smoke, kind of behavior at yours truly without envy nor contempt for weaponries of impassive fencing jokes.
Have a great end dirty of times.
hurricane Irene (2011)
Dirty Art Department Stef Meul
POST POT FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT & THE CABARET OF THE ABSURD During the 'publishing workshop for home improvement' certain questions concerning distribution within the production of art books arose. î ˘is resulted in the development of a printing method using kitchen towels, a cheap black and white laser printer, standard paper, paper tape and a big industrial paper cutting machine. î ˘e final result became an artist toilet paper magazine, which has since then been applied for printing the scripted experience below, and to provide an outlet for distribution of poetry on various private and public toilets. In the build up for the 'cabaret of the absurd' I launched an open call for adding any form of information that would be printed and available for reading in the toilets at
the Service Garage during the event. î ˘is resulted in the printing of my thesis which has since then spread to places like Stockholm and who knows where else?
-script 4 post-pot
I denote a manifest for a significant series of choreographic movement."
action Say : "I" (55 times; fast and mark the paper at the same time)
contraction link to inspiration
"Lo-pa-do-te-ma-cho-se-la-cho-ga-le-o-kra-ni-o-lei-psa-no-drim-hypo-trim-ma-to-sil-phi-o-pa-ra-o-me-li-to-ka-ta-ke-chy-me-no-kich-lepi-kos-sy-pho-phat-to-pe-ri-ste-ra-lek-try-o-nop-te-ke-phal-li-o-kig-klope-lei-o-la-goi-o-si-rai-o-ba-phe-tra-ga-nop-te-ry-gon" link to definition
Sing the following text on the melody of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" beginner : piano accompaniment 3m37 link advanced : voice accompaniment 1m41 link textual source link
Why? _Why!_ It_ is_ a_ small_ word;_but_ it_ is_ a_ quick_you,_sharp_ ap_ proach_ and_ ab_ rupt_ word._ Why?_ It_ is_ the_ cho_ sen_ word_ of_ the_non_ con_ for_ mist,_ the_ de_fi_ant_ and_ the_ vi_si_on_a_ry._Whyyy‌_ It_ is_ a_ con_ fron_ ta_ ti_ o_ nal_ word._ Why?_ It_ chal_ len_ ges_ what_ is_ thought_
to_ be_ im_ pos_ si_ ble._ If_ you_ a_ re_ not_ a_ fraid_ to_ ask_ why_ Why?_ you_ can_ chan_ ge_ what_ e_ ver_ it_ is_ you_ want._ Why?_ Why?_ Why?_ 4_ 4_ 3_ 4_ 4_ 9_ 4_ 4_ 4_ 1_ 1_ 4_ 4_ 8_ 4_ 6_ 6_ 6_ 3_ 2_ 6_ 3_ 9_ 9_ 6_ 6_ 6_ 8_ 9_ 3_ 6_ 6_ code = 8&7 8&7 9&8 9&7
From now on until the end of the script : # only move towards the space behind your skull. # do not stand longer than three seconds on the same foot. # move the hands in a explanatory fashion.
For the duration of a song :
# close the eyes or blur the vision. # think of an animal. # scream like a baby # touch the own body # imagine a sexual encounter
song suggestions Let's Make Nasty link Transilvanian Galaxi link
action Take out most or all of the clothes on the body and put them back on when felt like.
contraction Talk for about two minutes about your parents and make up a story about what they did before your birth.
Cup of grace : take an object within reach. e object is not the own body or its clothes. Read this poem to the object :
"Like the cat many lives Are given for dominion Or the unforgiven. A walk through the park And the smell of dead Rats in the corridor. Living eternal brings Relief for the singing. anks to the silence Which is listening."
Field of disaster : preach the following Extreme Unction and then skillfully destroy the object with pleasure :
"If creation is perfect, Perfection would be parody And humor cynical. If creation is non existent, Life would be absent And perfection entertainment. If creation would be real, Life would be its comment. If creation lingers on, Humor would be its element And love its sediment. If creation is eternal, Art would serve to upset And resurrect. If creation is paradoxical, Why do we bother to pretend? If creation is coexistent, Time is its matter to persist. If creation is light, en someone brings it rough the night. Creation is equal beyond doubt, just like a word without sound."
BACKPAGE script 4 post-pot
Dirty Art Department Stef Meul
CHEAPWORDSTALK Is a cooperative publication format. Trough shared content and resources the artists produce and distribute their work. It can be sold, given, copied. All edited content remains property of its original author. All artist involved tend to work individual. We are not collaborators, not subsidized, not sponsored, simply published. Autumn edition 2012. Available at : http://issuu.com/lechienperdu/docs/ cheapwordstalk__0001_a4/1 Winter edition 2013. Content deadline: 22 February
Dirty Art Department Stef Meul
POETRY a random selection workaholism bored angry looney tired not feeding hungry heart comfort and distress
there has been never a minute more rewarding than the touch i felt this instant ago. somewhere along the rain crippling over to the sea she sore. he then left on the road again while not given into his true beauty of love somewhere out there in pasts of future. jolt into reality, again unsaid no more mystery. very superstition this autocorrection of the mind. again before technicality the flux trick abducted going for the longest trajectory something about her seems so more dreamlike than the beauty of the fetish in the leftover dream state induced by temporal chemicals much alike all great thinkers expressed themselves so cleverly under influences of the psycho intoxicated flow and pattern of thought. Is is so easy to get dragged away, little tripping for everyone out of purpose or disdain.simple being into timeless scopes in time. how to get together? what to do with the practical organization of meaningful experiences of extra ordinary life.
there has to be more than this. there is got to be more than this. when is there ever going to be more than this? stay autistically inside a shell on a shelf of three by four. Twelve by seven if you're lucky. in the beginning of the end they said sorry for all they did and that they would never do it again, how could they? then the story started again and a new first chapter was written shortly thereafter. _________________________________________________________________________ er zijn hondert zevenentwintig mogelijkheden onderwijs is goed inderdaad laat ons eerlijk zijn het is een genuanceerd verhaal geen haan naar gekraaid een immo bubbel is zo een vergelijking de versmachtende rol van belasting
op vlak van veiligheid die overdreven regelgeving de problemen zijn bekend de diagnose is gemaakt de olifanten die blijven toeteren is daar vooruitgang geboekt? een eenheidsvergunning zullen hebben vier jaar na datum zullen hebben we hebben natuurlijk heel veel regels nodig we krijgen verschillende regels snel en efficiĂŤnt worden toegepast implementatie van wat dat administraties ondoorzichtigheid en complexiteit door tal van systemen van aftrekken veel lagere belastingsvoet kritische eliminatie van aftrekposten overheid voldoende middelen voor hele hete sociale herfst kunnen worden
zekerheid en voorspelbaarheid nieuwe inter-professionele akkoord met werkgevers gaan samenzitten zit daar schot in die zaak beginselverklaring ondertekent dat heeft een hick-up gegeven wij willen niet inbreken in de groep van tien ik heb goed nieuws voor u On the eve of their recent protocol goedgekeurd de loopbaan met respect voor ieders bevoegdheden wij hebben heel veel dingen die verbonden zullen worden het waren crisis jaren hopelijk een paar stenen in de rivier mee verleggen het zaal afkicken zijn een beetje
alvast veel succes met uw verdere loopbaan ALVAST VEEL SUCCES MET UW VERDERE LOOPBAAN
hipster superficious : "an ordinary typewriter or a notebook. that's why i need a macbook. to write some video and sound too, off course photoshop too, maybe some webdesign shit too. a flexible body and an open mind that's why i need to dance and party. i love to dance and party too. what to do at parties? shoot some videos and play some music too. i can't belief this would be so easy to make money and to work while partying too." _________________________________________________________________________
Being in power and having conflicts: not to have a choice to make a choice. 21/12/2012
Le Chien Perdu <lechienperdu@gmail.com>
4:28 PM (4 hours ago)
to Ignacio, mireia, Julien, morgane Jow, e idea is to have a clean break with history, and have a 'canvas' space to make/ present the artwork in, artworks/events we make together, and the events with invited artists. A space where: "the artist is presenting its own artworks, organized by the artist, in a space that can be shared with other artists who also support and present themselves".
Also, to be able to invite artists by our individual tastes and choices, disconnected from the past 'the lost dogs' image/story/context that now presents the artists that have worked there (the great and the terrible, mostly the mediocre) e main feeling about making this change, is to make a shi from 'the organization ideas', to become able to fully focus on artist works, and to be able to adjust the frame/structure of what those works need. Personally, the name "sign6" has a potential to relate to many different meanings. To use "sign" as a name, denotes that it signifies something, something that appears from these artists who make art there, thats for me the most important point of a self-organized space, otherwise why spend time in such a place? To feel cool? ere are so many nice bed-and-breakfast places, my father just started one, so for people looking for comfort and social contact to escape from their own life, better to act accordingly, instead of profiting from artists that are organizing their work by themselves and with their own means. Something I realize about spending time in education is : "e only thing there is to learn is how not to pee your pants" all the rest is already boring and outdated (like contemporary art programs or interesting emerging artists etc.) Just to say, if we don't eat our own shit, there are so many people to tell you not to eat your shit, while feeding their shit to you ('like me' for example). at is the biggest frustration that still pisses me off about my experiences at 'le chien perdu' and all the 'nice' things happening there (covered under shitty layers of fear, envy and guilt) is needed to change. I believe we are way to crazy to allow such undeveloped narrow social conventions to limit our activities. In other words: Fuck hell, kiss heaven and rock a world ! 6 sex and all what dares to become, that what is and doesn't know how to belong... Angelic of course, with a drip of blood on the side of its lips while smiling friendly at the outdoor neighbors... For me it is very different than what 'le chien perdu' communicates, because that name is charged with meaning that has in my opinion very little to do with the variety of artworks that has been shown there, but more with a personal story and the roles that I assumed there during the years of making it a nice infrastructure (the one to be nicer to, so he can give you a cheap space) Its more than time for this Oedipal tragedy to end. Just to make an end, and to make another start, instead of adding up to all what has been. And to be able to let every artist decide on how they work for themselves and/or with other artists.
Basically, I really wish to communicate with "sign6" about artworks that are presented there, And with 'le chien perdu' it became very much about how to make the place work (it felt more like a restaurant with a nice menu but with nobody really hungry to eat art), and that had more and more to do with anything else than with simply presenting artwork that speaks through the passionate acts of making art. For the network, it also allows us to update our contacts and to connect to other organizations, and to reconsider how to attract real people to an artistic event. Now our 1000 people mail list and 800 Facebook group, are not effective anymore, there is too much information out there. I guess that it works better to personalize our invitations, using the telephone, giving a flyer to someone and things like that. For me, that means that I only want to invite people if I think that something is great, meaning that it is worth all the effort to bring people there for something that is interesting from an artistic point of view, not from only a social point of view. We'll transfer our contacts to the monthly newsletter so that the people we want to inform can stay in touch. just to say with all these words a great end of times, no future and beyond, alive and then who knows? kisses, laughs and loves stef _________________________________________________________________________
She was my girlfriends friend. en my girlfriend was my friend and she became my friend. We were friends for a few years, sometime during our mid twenties. I never dared to be her lover; until another girlfriend, her and a friend of her all got hooked in each other. en I understood there is no real difference between friends and lovers, although the temptation to protect and possess increased in some irrational way. is kept going for a few months aer seeing each other naked. Wasted we showered and with the sweat gone, a space for position and definition opened up. What did this mean and how could it ever mean something reasonable?
Meaning, the thing abused for the sake of a story made up in words. en there were a few years of tears. People died, girlfriends became torments, feelings of choice became practical jokes and mostly the fun appeared as agony. e idea of a way to be followed still causes my temper to raise to anger. For your own sake, how can something be excused because not being part of the way ahead? e way itself is just part of that illusive construction of all that is, was, and is to come. A hurt resounds much like the echo of a car crash. Hoping in vain that nobody ever should get hit. Yes, you can see my tracks until the dust took care of them. All this adds up to this dust, most likely from my closest friend next to earth. e greater the difference, the more destructive its storms. Next venue on a Friday. Just loving friends, alone.
edited with Textedit & Preview printed at Sandberg Institute binded at Rietveldt Academy
Stef Meul