Thank you for considering building your new home with Signature Homes. By choosing to build with us, you're not only going to get a home you'll love, but you'll be doing your bit to help save our environment too.
Signature Homes believes that building a new home shouldn't cost the environment and that we work in harmony by putting back in what we take out.
Our partnership with Trees That Count and Save the Kiwi will see Signature Homes and our customers positively contribute to NZ's goal to be carbon-neutral by 2050 by planting over 45,000 native trees a year. Together we'll also be protecting our unique biodiversity by helping to save a Kiwi icon - the kiwi.
Climate change is no longer a distant threat, with impacts already being felt worldwide. Tog her we mu a now.
Building a new home shouldn't cost the environment.
Signature Homes is committed to building together for a better future and positively contributing to New Zealand’s goal to be carbon-neutral by 2050.
The foundations of our approach to ‘building together for a better future’ include three defined areas of work:
Signature Homes recognises that building homes has a large environmental footprint. We intend to lead the way in reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions created from housing construction. What we can’t remove, we will mitigate through native tree-planting.
Supporting our unique biodiversity.
Promoting a safe and healthy workplace.
Building better homes for Kiwis.
For every single Signature Homes home built, our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions created from the home's construction are counteracted by contributing native trees via Trees That Count's planting initiatives. That's around 45 native trees per home that will last hundreds of years. Under our current build programme, we expect to be contributing around 45,000 native trees each year, making us one of Trees That Count's most significant contributors.
We encourage our customers to invest in an additional 24 native trees through Trees That Count to counteract their future emissions from their anticipated house maintenance over 50 years.
Together we can build a better future for NZ.
Learn more at
Kiwi are a symbol of the uniqueness of New Zealand wildlife and the value of our natural heritage, and we cannot imagine a world without the kiwi.
Our forests, once loud with bird call, are falling silent. Today, stoats, ferrets, dogs, and other predators pose a great danger to this unique bird. By helping raise vital funds to help save the kiwi, we hope that this remarkable bird will be part of future generations.
For every single Signature Homes’ home built, we will donate vital funding towards saving the kiwi as part of our partnership with Save the Kiwi. We believe that Save the Kiwi is an environmental cause that unifies all New Zealanders.
Learn more at
These two unique partnerships are entwined with one another. Where Kiwis reside, is where Trees That Count plant trees to provide homes for our beloved Kiwi icon.
Because of the many complexities involved in accurately calculating the carbon emissions generated by the construction of a typical home, Signature Homes appointed an external sustainability expert to quantify our home-building footprint – from supply chain and material sourcing to transportation, fuel and production.
The result of this work is that we will need to plant 45 native trees for every house we build to mitigate our construction emissions.
To the best of our knowledge, we are unaware of any other builder in our category that has gone to this extent to fully understand the emissions generated by the construction of a typical home. We believe we have a unique o ering in the marketplace.
Signature Homes cares deeply about our environment, where we actively seek out opportunities to enhance and protect the unique biodiversity of Aotearoa, New Zealand. Our partnerships with Trees That Count and Save the Kiwi enables us to do this.
Step 3: S av e t h e Ki w i.
Step 2 : Counteract our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions created from the construction of the home with native trees
Native tree-planting plays an essential role in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, strengthening New Zealand's biodiversity and helping communities thrive. Native trees are not planted to be felled – they will live for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, providing
To get h e r we c o ul d p l an t o v e r
per year, m ak i ng us o ne o f Tr ee s Th a t
C ou n t ’s l a r g e st c o nt r i bu t o r s
Step 4: Counteract future greenhouse gas emissions created from your anticipated over the next 50 years
Aotearoa used to be home to millions of kiwi. Today, there are 68,000 kiwi left in the wild, and despite e orts that number continues to decline nationally by 2% every year. For our national bird to thrive, we all need to work together.
As a Signature Homes customer, you’ll be helping to protect our environment and save our unique biodiversity
Signature Homes is working to create an equal, fairer and more socially-inclusive workforce so that everyone can thrive.
Our focus areas include aligning with suppliers who provide safe, fair and equal workplaces as part of the modern slavery laws.
Signature Homes is fully committed to Health and Safety by leading the conversation and ensuring best practices are in place on our sites to protect our people. Our e orts extend beyond hazard and injury prevention; we also focus on our workers' mental health via a partnership with Mates in Construction.
Sadly, the construction industry carries the highest level of workplace suicides, and Signature Homes sees it as a key part of our corporate responsibility to address mental health in our industry.
Signature Homes is a partner of Mates in Construction, whose mission is to significantly improve mental wellness and reduce suicide in the construction industry. Alongside them, we're rolling out a suicide-prevention programme on our building sites across Aotearoa, New Zealand.
We believe that all workers deserve a take-home pay that allows them to comfortably access the necessities of life for themselves and their whanāu, play an active role in their communities, and live with dignity.
It is Signature Homes’ belief that good pay and working conditions lead to higher job and life satisfaction levels.
Signature Homes is working with our long-standing suppliers, who share our goal to be a carbon-neutral business by identifying more environmentally friendly building products.
Shortly, we will o er our clients additional product options that allow them to make more environmentally friendly choices.
We are also working with our internal teams, suppliers and contractors to improve waste management on our construction sites. This includes choosing products that generate less waste accuracy around material ordering (fewer o cuts), and improved
Native tree-planting plays an essential role in reducing net CO2e emissions, strengthening New Zealand's biodiversity and helping communities thrive.
Did you know that 80% of our trees, ferns and flowering plants are endemic (found only in New Zealand?)
Here are a handful of reasons why we love native trees:
They store carbon from our atmosphere and help reduce the e ects of climate change.
They clean up waterways, protect downstream ecosystems, and help reduce flood risk.
They improve our mental wellbeing. Views of nature, such as our beautiful native forests, reduce stress in our bodies and minds - especially for people usually in urban conditions.
They provide habitat and food sources for our native birds, bees, insects and invertebrates.
They improve the quality of our air, absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen. Research shows kiwi kids who spend more time surrounded by nature are less likely to develop asthma.
We see a kiwi bird as so much more than just an icon for Aotearoa New Zealand; they are a strong indicator of the health of our environment. For example, more kiwi present in an area suggests fewer predators around, and fewer predators mean a more opportunity for other native birds and insects to thrive.
Here are a handful of reasons why we love the kiwi: More than any other native animal, they are entwined in our identity as New Zealanders.
The bird itself is a taonga (treasure) to Māori, who have strong cultural, spiritual and historic associations with kiwi.
Kiwi are a flagship species for conservation and are often used as a measure for the state of our natural environment and the outcome and value of community conservation projects.
Kiwi birds are very loyal and once they find their ‘soulmate’, they stick with the same partner for the rest of their life.
Kiwis have excellent memories, and can remember unsavory incidents for at least five years.
for a better future