2 minute read
Back-to-school worries
If your is kid experiencing back-to-school anxiety, follow these simple steps to make the transition easier and better understand their concerns.
The basics Make sure the simple things are being taken care of, such as getting enough sleep, eating regular meals and getting outdoors for a bit of sunshine. When your children’s wellness is on track, tackling the stresses of school will be easier. Ask and listen Ask your child what they are worried about and what they expect to happen. You can make this casual (i.e. while driving in the car) or sitting down and giving them your undivided attention. It’s all about creating a safe space.
Problem-solve together Once you better understand your child’s anxieties, you can address them. For every child this will be different, however, tackling the fear head-on will more often than not allow them to cope better with both real and imagined situations. Ask the question “If [insert concern] happens, what could you do?” and let them provide their own solutions before making some suggestions of your own.

Focus on the positive Redirect the attention away from the negative. Before school, ask them to name three things they are excited for that day – this could be as simple as eating a special snack for recess or finishing an assignment.
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03 Be a good role model Children take cues from their parents. If you are experiencing some anxiety over your child returning to school, try to remain calm and cheerful in front of them. Instead, seek advice from other parents, teachers or friends – you are not in this alone and others may also be feeling uncertain – talk it through and help each other during this time.

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