Sign Builder Illustrated Buyers Guide Winter/Spring 2013

Page 1

Table of Contents



Key Word Products Index From the Publisher Acclimating to Advances BY ARTHUR J. SUTLEY


Manufacturers & Suppliers

47 Distributors


Sign Companies & Contractors


Sign Industry Related Companies

61 Products


Advertiser's Index


Company Index (A-Z)

127 Marketplace Browse this section for additional products and services.

On the Cover:

Raise your glass to the best signage and let our 2013 Winter/ Spring Buyer’s Guide help you find the perfect mix of materials you’ll need to succeed. Cover photo: Selbert Perkins Design.

Sign Builder Illustrated Buyer’s Guide is published twice a year as a supplement to Sign Builder Illustrated by Simmons-Boardman, 55 Broad Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004. Copyright © 2013 Simmons-Boardman. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any fashion without the expressed written consent of Simmons-Boardman. Single Buyer’s Guide copies are $34.95 each, plus additional shipping/handling charge if mailed outside of the U.S. & Canada. Canada Post Cust. #7204564; Agreement 41094515. All funds to be paid in U.S. dollars. For address changes, write to: Sign Builder Illustrated, PO Box 10, Omaha, NE 68101-0010. The publisher has taken all reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the content of this publication which was obtained through a questionnaire mailing and research. In the event of errors in the publication, the sole responsibility of the publisher will be to correct such errors in the next edition of the publication. Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp. disclaims all liability for loss or incidental or consequential damages arising from use of the publication data. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sign Builder Illustrated, PO Box 10, Omaha, NE 68101-0010. ©2013 Simmons-Boardman. All rights reserved.


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

SPONSORED CATEGORIES (click logo to see section)


page 61 ������������������������� Category Sponsored by:


page 75 ������������������������� Category Sponsored by:


page 89 ������������������������� Category Sponsored by:


page 93 ������������������������� Category Sponsored by:

Sign Hanging Hardware

page 111 ����������������������� Category Sponsored by:


page 118 ����������������������� Category Sponsored by:

For our full list of categories please flip to page 61 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Key Word Product Index A

Column Cladding........................................... 68

Finials............................................................. 79

ADA................................................................ 61

Commercial Sign Supplies............................ 68

Flagpoles....................................................... 79

Adhesives...................................................... 62

Computers..................................................... 68

Flags.............................................................. 79

Aerial Equipment........................................... 62

Consultants.................................................... 68

Fleet............................................................... 79

Aerial Work Platforms.................................... 62

Cranes............................................................ 68

Flexible Materials........................................... 79

Aluminum....................................................... 62

Cutters/Plotters.............................................. 68

Floor Graphics............................................... 79

Anchors/Fasteners........................................ 63

Cutters/Trimmers........................................... 69

Fluorescent.................................................... 79

Application Fluid............................................ 63

Foils................................................................ 80

Architectural Signs......................................... 63


Fonts.............................................................. 80

Associations................................................... 63

Decals............................................................ 69

Frames........................................................... 80

Automobiles (See Also Cars)........................ 64

Die Cutting Equipment.................................. 69

Awards........................................................... 64

Dies................................................................ 69


Awnings.......................................................... 64

Digital Imaging............................................... 69

Gases............................................................. 80

Dimensional Signs......................................... 71

Gilding Materials............................................ 80


Display Boards............................................... 73

Glass Signs.................................................... 80

Backlighting.................................................... 64

Display Cases................................................ 73

Glue Equipment............................................. 80

Badges........................................................... 64

Distributors..................................................... 73

Graphic Design.............................................. 80

Ballasts........................................................... 64

Dryers............................................................. 73

Graphics......................................................... 80

Banners.......................................................... 64

Graphics Cases............................................. 80

Billboards....................................................... 66


Grommets...................................................... 80

Bird Deterrants............................................... 66

Easels............................................................ 73

Boards............................................................ 66

Edge Finishing............................................... 73


Braille............................................................. 66

Edge Lit Signs................................................ 73

Heat Transfer.................................................. 80

Brochure/Literature Boxes............................. 67

Electric Signs................................................. 73

Hose Protectors............................................. 80

Bronze............................................................ 67

Electrical Services......................................... 73

Brushes.......................................................... 67

Electrical Supplies......................................... 73


Bulletin Boards............................................... 67

Electronic Messaging.................................... 73

Inflatables....................................................... 80

Embossing Equipment.................................. 74

Ink................................................................... 80


Embroidery.................................................... 74

Inkjet Equipment............................................ 81

CAD/CAM Systems....................................... 67

Engraving....................................................... 74

Installation...................................................... 81

Canopies........................................................ 67

Equipment Leasing........................................ 75

Installation Services....................................... 81

Car................................................................. 67

Estimating Systems....................................... 75

Insurance Services........................................ 81

Castings......................................................... 67

Exhibit Booths................................................ 75

CD/DVD Publication...................................... 67

Extrusions...................................................... 75


Changeable Letter Boards............................ 67

Kiosks............................................................. 81

Channel Letters............................................. 67


Chemicals/Solutions...................................... 67

Fabric............................................................. 76


Clip Art........................................................... 67

Fabrication Materials & Services.................. 77

Ladders.......................................................... 81

Clocks............................................................ 68

Fasteners....................................................... 77

Laminates...................................................... 81

Color Printing................................................. 68

Fiberglass...................................................... 78

Laminating Machines.................................... 81

Colorants........................................................ 68

Film................................................................ 78

Laminators, Liquid......................................... 82


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Key Word Product Index Lamps/Lighting.............................................. 82

Poly-Sleeve Yard Signs................................ 100

Signs............................................................ 113

Laser Equipment........................................... 83

Post & Panel................................................ 102

Software....................................................... 115

Laser Shop Services..................................... 83

Pouncing...................................................... 102

Solar Powered Lighting............................... 118

LCD................................................................ 83

Pressure Sensitive Film............................... 102

Solid State Electronic.................................. 118

Leasing and Finance..................................... 83

Printers......................................................... 102

Solvent Ink Jet Media.................................. 118

LED................................................................ 83

Protective Coatings..................................... 102

Spray Painting.............................................. 118

Letter Changing............................................. 89

Stencils......................................................... 118

Letters............................................................ 89


Stock Message Signs.................................. 118

Light Poles..................................................... 93

Readerboards.............................................. 102

Straps........................................................... 119

Lighting........................................................... 93

Reference Book........................................... 103

Sublimation Transfer.................................... 118

Lighting Services........................................... 93

Reflective Materials..................................... 103

Substrates.................................................... 118

Logo Design................................................... 93

Rentals......................................................... 103

Ribbon.......................................................... 103



Rope Lighting............................................... 103

Tape............................................................. 119

Magnetic........................................................ 93

Rotating Signs............................................. 103

Textiles......................................................... 119

Maintenance.................................................. 94

Rotators....................................................... 103

Thermal Films.............................................. 119

Masking Materials.......................................... 94

Routers........................................................ 103

Time/Temperature....................................... 119

Mats............................................................... 94

Tools............................................................. 119

Menus............................................................ 94


Traffic Signs................................................. 119

Message Boards............................................ 94

Safety Equipment........................................ 104

Transformers................................................ 119

Metal-Fabricating Equipment........................ 96

Safety Rulers............................................... 104

Trucks........................................................... 120

Monuments.................................................... 96

Sandblasting Equipment............................. 104

Tube Supports (UL Listed).......................... 120

Murals............................................................ 96

Saws............................................................ 104

Scanners...................................................... 106



Scoreboards................................................ 106

Vacuum Forming......................................... 120

Neon............................................................... 96

Screen Printing............................................ 106

Vinyl.............................................................. 120

Screens........................................................ 107

Vinyl Graphics.............................................. 122


Sculpting Materials...................................... 107

Outdoor Signs................................................ 97

Seals/Gaskets.............................................. 107


Sign Blanks.................................................. 107

Walkways..................................................... 122


Sign Boards................................................. 109

Waterjet Machines....................................... 122

Pad Printing................................................... 98

Sign Cabinets.............................................. 110

Websites...................................................... 122

Paints............................................................. 98

Sign Faces................................................... 110

Welding........................................................ 122

Paper.............................................................. 99

Sign Frames................................................. 111

Wholesalers................................................. 122

Pinstriping...................................................... 99

Sign Hanging Hardware.............................. 111

Wood............................................................ 122

Pipe................................................................ 99

Sign Holders................................................ 112

Wraps........................................................... 122

Plaques.......................................................... 99

Sign Panels.................................................. 112

Plastics........................................................... 99

Sign Service................................................. 112

Plotting Cutters............................................ 100

Sign Stakes.................................................. 112

Point-of-Purchase Displays......................... 100

Sign Stands................................................. 112

Poles............................................................ 100

Signage........................................................ 113 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Acclimating to Advances It seems that each and every day manufacturers and suppliers are releasing an amazing parade of technologies, equipment, and materials intended to help you not only satisfy your long-time clients but also attract new customers and enter exciting markets unimaginable just a few years ago. We’re talking about examples like laser cutting and engraving, dynamic digital signage, advertising specialty and promotions, flatbed printing technology, CAD/CAM software, and 3-D printing— and those are just at the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Sign Builder Illustrated (ISSN 0895-0555) print, (ISSN 2161-0709) digital is is published by Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation

It can seem like there’s an overwhelming push to get these products out to you, and there’s probably even pressure from your clients to get things done for them faster. It’s quickly become apparent that running the sign shop of today is not like your father’s sign shop—or even your older sibling’s sign shop.

executive offices

You don’t want to run the risk of getting left behind and, even worse, earning a reputation as a “dial-up” in a 4G world.

55 Broad Street, 26th Floor New York, NY 10004 212/620-7200; fax: 212/633-1863

But no matter how much the industry progresses at such lightning-quick speeds, the basic essence of signage remains an enduring form. For example, The Signage Foundation, Inc., recently published studies detailing how changing out signage can actually increase sales; lead to small, positive impacts on employment; and deliver more taxes to local communities by using signage to help increase business. (Note: To read more in-depth examples here, check out this story on our Web site at So now you have even more opportunity to boost your role not only with clients but also your surrounding areas or even across the country. And our 2013 Winter/ Spring Buyer’s Guide can help you get started in achieving this. Whether you’re looking for the state-of-the-art or stocking back up on the triedand-true for accomplishing your signage projects, our 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide will help you find the contact information for manufacturers, suppliers, and sign-related organizations and associations quickly and easily. To help you make informed purchasing decisions even more efficiently, we’ve listed the company and business information alphabetically and by suitable product categories. And I also want to remind you that you can access our InfoDirect service on as a complement to helping you find even more materials, technologies, or know-how. It’s an exciting, fast-paced world out there, and our Buyer’s Guide can help you navigate it when it comes to putting sign projects together for it.


editorial editor

Jeff Wooten 323 Clifton Street, Suite #7 Greenville, NC 27858 252/355-5806; fax: 252/355-5690 associate editor

Ashley Bray 55 Broad Street, 26th Floor New York, NY 10004 401/722-5919; fax: 212/633-1863 art

Corporate Art Director Wendy Williams production

Production Director Eduardo Castañer directory advertising sales

EAST COAST REGIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Jeff Sutley 212/620-7233; fax 212/633-1863 WEST & MIDWEST AD SALES MANAGER Kim Noa 212/620-7221; fax 212/633-1863

Arthur J. Sutley

Buyer’s Guide Contact Numbers General Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212-620-7200 Advertising Sales: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212-620-7233 Get Listed or Update Company Listings: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407-380-8900 Purchase Additional Copies: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-895-4389 Sign Builder Illustrated welcomes all comments, questions and suggestions about the Buyer's Guide. Write us: Sign Builder Illustrated, 55 Broad Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10004 or FAX: (212) 633-1165. Email address:


President, CEO & Chairman Arthur J. McGinnis, Jr.

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Advertisers at-a-Glance COMPANY

Welcome to the 2013 Winter/Spring Sign Builder Illustrated Buyer’s Guide Advertisers at-a-Glance. This section has been created to allow you to quickly locate information on advertisers. PLEASE REFER TO COMPANY SECTIONS FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION STARTING ON PAGE 9.


Aries Graphics International 760 752-7640


Jeff Fassett

Software - Design

AXYZ International

905 634-4940

Greg Jenkins

Routers - CNC, Software - CAD

Brooklyn Hardware

503 232-1151

Carol Grant

Installation Equipment Software - ADA/Braille

Duxbury Systems Inc.

978 692-3000

Neal Kuniansky

Electro-matic Products, Inc / Hyperion

248 478-1182

Jason Sluyter Signs, LED

Elliott Equipment Co

402 592-4500

John Glazer

Installation Equipment

EstiMate Software Corp

828 633-4248

Mark Smith


Event•Trac / GH Imaging

800 678-4041

Robert Schaeffer

Digital Imaging

Flexmag Industries Inc

740 374-8370

John De Leon


Gemini Inc


Amy Pickar


Gyford Standoff Systems

775 829-7272

Lauren Lake

Sign Mounting

Howard Industries

814 833-7000

Tom Pontillo

Architectural Signs

Marabu North America

888 253-2778

Chuck McGettrick Inks

Master Magnetics, Inc

888 293-3534

Mike Gertz


Metomic Corporation

800 847-8342

Paul Bernstein

Sign Hanging Hardware

Ornamental Post, Panel & Traffic Control

800 779-7947


Melanie Velasquez

Distributor, Adhesives, Lighting

Outwater Plastics Industries 800 631-8375 Quality Manufacturing Inc

800 243-5473

John Hoffman Changeable Letter Boards

Sign America Inc.

800 668-6366

Homer Hilty

Channel Letters

Sign Bracket Store

888 320-0627

Project Mgmt Staff

Sign Hanging Hardware, Lighting

Small Balls, Inc.

888 444-5131

Sara Buschette

ADA - Raster Braille, Signs

Southern Stud Weld

800 929-0296

Charles Serrell

Fabrication Materials, Welding

Techno Inc.

800 819-3366

Roy Valentine

Routers - CNC

Tex Visions

717 249-3273

Nicole Kaufman

Banners, Digital Imaging


866 972-9191

Sarah Farmer

LED, Signs

Value Vinyls

972 823-1118

Banners - Vinyl

Vision Engraving & Routing

888 637-1737

Engraving - Rotary, Routers - CNC


800 235-8320

Plastics - PVC

Chris Paas

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers

Manufacturers & Suppliers

The following companies are arranged alphabetically. These companies manufacture or supply sign making products and/or finished signs. 21st Century Signs 701 First St Williamsport, PA 17701 Phone: 570 368-3327 Toll Free: 800 909-2611 Fax: 570 368-8270 E-mail: Web Site: Bill Miller, Sales Rep PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Dimensional Signs Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Carved; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Fleet - Graphics; LED - Electronic Signs; Letters - Aluminum; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - Dimensional; Trucks - Bucket; Trucks Crane 3A Composites 136 Fairview Rd Ste 300 Mooresville, NC 28117 Phone: 704 658-3500 Toll Free: 800 626-3365 Fax: 704 658-3540 E-mail: Web Site: Joseph Masters, Mktg Mgr Sandy Roberts, Mktg Coord Additional websites: and PRODUCTS: Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards - Foamboard; Sign Boards - Plastic Additional Offices: Alcan Composites USA, Inc. PO Box 1839 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704 872-8974 Fax: 704 881-0840 E-mail: 3M Commercial Graphics 3M Center Bldg 220-12E-04 St. Paul, MN 55144 Phone: 651 733-1100 Toll Free: 800 328-3908 Fax: 651 736-0706 E-mail: Web Site: 3M Graphics Market Center helps customers worldwide build brands by providing total large-format graphics solutions. 3M manufactures or certifies graphic films and graphic protection, flexible

substrates, inks and toners, as well as software and hardware used to create largeformat finished graphics that are consistent, reliable and durable. PRODUCTS: Film - Perforated; Film - Pressure Activated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Reflective; Floor Graphics; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable; Laminates - Liquid; Laminates - Vinyl; Reflective Materials; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Tape - Application; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Film/ Media; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Specialty; Vinyl - Translucent 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. 3M Center Bldg 220-5E-06 St. Paul, MN 55144 Phone: 800 362-3550 Fax: 877 369-2923 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Guns; Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives - Transfers; Fasteners; Film - Clear; Film - Laminating; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film Pressure Sensitive; Film - Reflective; Film - Thermal; Film - Vinyl; Masking Materials - Tape; Pressure Sensitive Film; Tape - Decorative; Tape - Hook & Loop; Tape Maskant; Tape - Striping; Tape - Transfer 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. 3M Center Bldg 0235-03-A-09 St. Paul, MN 55144 Phone: 651 733-3879 Toll Free: 800 553-1380 Fax: 651 733-5012 E-mail: Web Site: 3M Traffic Safety Systems is a world leader in technologies that enhance motorist guidance, traffic management and pedestrian safety. 3M signing and pavement marking solutions help guide drivers more safely through nearly any driving situation, and are backed by the industry’s largest customer and technical service organization. PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Hardware; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Ribbons; Film - Photoluminescent; Film - Reflective; Reflective Materials; Traffic Signs

4Ever Products 125 Hillwood Circle Newnan, GA 30263 Phone: 877 902-4150 Fax: 770 216-1800 E-mail: Web Site: Matthew Sprague, Pres Heather Brown, Inside Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Frames - Large Format; Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Frames - Real Estate; Frames - Restoration & Conservation; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Poles - Sign; Poles - Traffic; Poles - Wood; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Frames Exhibit; Signs - Kits; Signs - Maintenance Free; Signs - Systems A.R.K. Ramos 1321 S Walker PO Box 26388 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 Phone: 405 235-5505 Toll Free: 800 725-7266 Fax: 405 232-8516 E-mail: Web Site: A.R.K. Ramos manufactures cast and etched aluminum, brass and bronze plaques. We also produce cast letters, cut graphics and reverse channel letters in a variety of metals including aluminum, brass, bronze and stainless steel. We have been serving the national sign market for over sixty years. PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Castings; Architectural Signs; Bronze; Castings - Aluminum; Castings Bronze; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Channel; Letters - Metal; Letters - Painted; Letters Stainless Steel; Plaques; Signage - Letters; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - Dimensional A.W.T. World Trade Inc 4321 N Knox Ave Chicago, IL 60641 Phone: 773 777-7100 Fax: 773 777-0909 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Green, Pres Ken Prusak, Sales Mgr

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Complete manufacturing source for all screen printing equipment, supplies and parts, including graphic and textile printers and dryers, and all prepress and postpress equipment. PRODUCTS: Dryers; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Pad Printing - Equipment; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Safety Equipment; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Films; Screen Printing - Flash Dryers; Screen Printing - Floodbars; Screen Printing - Inks; Screen Printing - Instruments; Screen Printing - Machines; Screen Printing Pallets; Screen Printing - Presses - Manual; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning Biodegradable Cleaners; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Chemicals; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Equipment; Screen Printing - Screen Washers; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - Tensioning Table; Screen Printing - UV Curing Systems; Screens - Drying Cabinet; Screens - Nylon Mesh Fabric; Screens - Polyester Mesh Fabric; Screens - Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Additional Offices: A.W.T. World Trade Group 4321 N Knox Ave Chicago, IL 60641 Phone: 773 777-7100 Fax: 773 777-0909 E-mail: Web Site: ABC Advanced Bird Control 1025 16 Ave PO Box 727 (61244-0727) East Moline, IL 61214 Phone: 309 755-4708 Toll Free: 800 212-8682 Fax: 309 755-1865 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Bird Deterrants Ability Plastics Inc 8721 Industrial Dr Justice, IL 60458 Phone: 708 458-4480 x232 Toll Free: 800 323-2722 Fax: 708 458-7750 E-mail: Web Site: Samantha Guido, Sales Michael Nuzzo, Pres PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Adhesives Tapes; Aluminum - Sheets; Architectural Signs; Engraving - Conventional; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Materials; Engraving Nameplates; Engraving - Rotary; Engraving - Wholesale; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign


Blanks - Nameplates; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Frames; Signs - ADA Access Business Solutions Inc 523 Knollwood Dr Hudson, WI 54016 Phone: 715 386-8021 Fax: 715 386-7474 E-mail: Web Site: Robert Bosworth, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Engraving - Conventional; Engraving Laser; Engraving - Machines; Engraving - Rotary; Laser Equipment; Laser Shop Services Action Lighting 310 Ice Pond Rd PO Box 6428 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: 406 586-5105 Toll Free: 800 248-0076 Fax: 406 585-3078 E-mail: Web Site: Allan Kottwitz, Sales Don Smith, Sales PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Extrusions - Aluminum; Lamps/ Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/ Lighting - Floodlights; Lamps/Lighting - General; Lamps/Lighting - Halogen; Lamps/Lighting - Incandescent; Lamps/ Lighting - Low Voltage; LED - Border Lights; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Ball Bulbs; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - LED Rope Light; LED - LED Spot Lamp; LED - Power Supplies; Rope Lighting; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Solid State Electronic - Chaser Controls; Solid State Electronic - Flashers; Solvent Ink Jet Media Ad Graphics 3101 W McNab Rd Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: 954 974-9900 Toll Free: 866 234-7274 Fax: 954 974-9925 E-mail: Web Site: Rich Thompson, Dir / Owner Barry Garfield, Sales Assoc Service Bureau for large digital format grahpics using 3M swcotchprint vinyl. Specializing in vehicle graphics, wall murals, signs, architectural signs and graphics, banners, tradeshow displays, backlit signs, digital die-cutting, wholesale heat transfers, eradicated faces, digital awning graphics and much more.

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

PRODUCTS: Car - Decals; Color Printing; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Super Wide; Digital Imaging Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fleet - Graphics; Floor Graphics; Heat Transfer - Graphics; Installation Films; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Posters; Outdoor Signs - Service Vehicles; Textiles - Heat Seal Machines; Vinyl Graphics; Wholesalers Additional Offices: Orlando, FL Phone: 407 322-1971 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. div of A E Sign Systems 193 Mount Vernon Ave Maplewood, MN 55117 Phone: 651 488-2990 Toll Free: 888 444-5131 Fax: 651 488-0559 E-mail: Web Site: Steve Wethern, VP PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Badges; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Finishing Service; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Engraving - 3-D; Engraving Laser; Engraving - Rotary; Heat Transfer Graphics; Signs - ADA; Signs - Fiberglass Adams Magnetic Products One Whatney Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 800 747-7543 Toll Free: 800 222-6686 Fax: 630 617-8881 E-mail: Web Site: Alice Martin, Dir of Mktg Craig Myers, Sales Mgr Jim Miller, Sales PRODUCTS: Magnetic - Assemblies; Magnetic - Bases; Magnetic - Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Magnetic - Stock; Sign Blanks - Magnetic Additional Offices: 21600 8th St East Sonoma, CA 95476 Phone: 800 222-6686 Fax: 707 935-1231 E-mail: 807 Mantoloking Rd Ste 203 Brick, NJ 08723 Phone: 800 222-6686 Fax: 732 451-0339 E-mail:

Manufacturers & Suppliers Adams Magnetic Products Co. 140A Metro Pk Ste 9 & 10 Rochester, NY 14623 Phone: 800 222-6686 Fax: 630 359-9437 E-mail: Adaptive Micro Systems LLC 7840 N 86th St Milwaukee, WI 53224 Phone: 414 357-2020 Toll Free: 800 719-2838 Fax: 414 357-2029 E-mail: Web Site: Nick Boger, Dir Dealer Sales Bob Radder, VP Sales PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LCD; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED - Video; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Outdoor Signs Billboards Additional Offices: Adaptive Micro Systems Deutschland GmbH Lebacher Str 4 Deutschland GmbH, Germany Phone: (49) 681 996-3117 Fax: (49) 681 996-3111 E-mail: Adaptive Micro Systems Europe ZI Les Ruires 25 rue Irene Joliot Curie ZI Les Ruires, France Phone: (33) 047 614-7600 Fax: (33) 047 614-7570 Adhesive Applications 41 O’Neill St Easthampton, MA 01027 Phone: 413 527-7120 Toll Free: 800 356-3572 Fax: 413 527-7249 E-mail: Web Site: Andrew Fondakowski Michael Dicandilo PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives Transfers; Masking Materials - Tape; Seals/ Gaskets; Tape - Foam; Tape - Maskant; Tape - Transfer Ad-Tech International, Inc. 2765 Bankers Industrial Dr Atlanta, GA 30360 Phone: 770 209-9102 Fax: 770 209-0465 E-mail: Web Site:

Wholesale manufacturer of all types of signage. Channel letters, LED Message Centers, Cabinets, Panned and Embossed faces, Digital Printing, Reader Boards, TriFace Billboards, Monuments and more. PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging Large Format; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Electric Signs Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Floor Graphics; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters - Foam; Letters - Plastic; Sign Cabinets Extrusions; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Faces - Pan; Wholesalers Advance Corporation 8200 97th St S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Phone: 651 771-9297 Toll Free: 800 328-9451 Fax: 651 771-2121 E-mail: Web Site: Kathy Wilson, VP Sales & Mktg Heather Hamann, Sales Supv PRODUCTS: ADA - Matchroute, Sandblast First Touch Braille; ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Awards; Castings - Plastic Resin; Color Printing; Dies; Engraving - 3-D; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Wholesale; Plaques; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signage - Directory Non-Illuminated; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - ADA; Signs - Etched Advanced Greig Laminators, Inc. PO Box 503 Deforest, WI 53532 Phone: 608 846-1025 Toll Free: 800 276-2664 Fax: 608 846-1024 E-mail: Web Site: Brian R. Buisker, Pres Daniel Haan, GM PRODUCTS: Laminates - Printable; Laminates - Vinyl Aeromatrix Inc. 10500 NW 29th Ter Ste B16 Miami, FL 33172 Phone: 305 477-6333 Toll Free: 877 FYU-NION Fax: 305 477-6340 E-mail: Web Site: Additional Offices: Aeromatrix Inc 6359 Chalet Dr Commerce, CA 90040

Phone: 562 927-2288 E-mail: Agfa Graphics 100 Challenger Rd Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 Phone: 201 440-2500 Toll Free: 800 540-2432 Fax: 201 440-6794 Web Site: Agile Displays 7620 Cetronia Rd Allentown, PA 18106 Phone: 610 336-9112 Fax: 610 391-8601 E-mail: Web Site: John C. Hayes, VP Sales Glen Hoff, Sales Agile Displays manufactures a complete line of low power consumption, monochromatic LED electronic message centers which utilize less than a third of the power of traditional LED signs, are easy to program remotely, and are capable of being fully solar-powered. PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; LED Electronic Signs; LED - LED Modules; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED - Stock Message Signs; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Signs - LED; Solar Powered Lighting AgiLight Inc. 1218 Arion Pkwy Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78216 Phone: 210 360-1444 Toll Free: 866 482-0203 Fax: 210 360-1454 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Barton, Sales Dir Travis Popp, VP Reg Sales PRODUCTS: Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/ Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting Billboards; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - General; Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes; Lamps/Lighting - Low Voltage; LED - Border Lights; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Ball Bulbs; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules Additional Offices: General LED Fze - Middle East and Asia #210 Bldg 6EA - PO Box 371378 Dubai Airport Free Zone Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: (971) 4 7017901 Fax: (971) 4 7017902 E-mail:

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers AI Innovations 4162 North Awning Ct Greenfield, IN 46140 Phone: 317 336-8014 Toll Free: 877 352-8014 Fax: 317 336-8015 E-mail: Web Site: Frank Green, Owner Brett Hodges, VP PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Awnings - Frames; Awnings - General; Awnings - Kits; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Vinyl; Changeable Letter Boards; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Awnings; Dimensional Signs - Carved; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs General; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Rotating; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Letters - PVC; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Monuments; Neon - Channel Letters; Post & Panel; Readerboards - Letter Tracks; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Sign Cabinets - Tensioning Systems; Sign Faces - Dividers; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Faces - Pan; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - Kits; Signs - LED; Wholesalers Additional Offices: AI Innovations - Winston Salem 1635 S Martin Luther King Jr Dr Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Phone: 336 831-8996 Fax: 336 831-8999 E-mail: Ald Decal Manufacturing Company 435 Cleveland Ave NW Canton, OH 44702 Phone: 330 453-2882 Fax: 330 453-4313 E-mail: Web Site: Allanson International Inc 33 Cranfield Rd Toronto, ON Canada, M4B 3H2 Phone: 416 755-1191 Toll Free: 800 661-7251 Fax: 416 752-6717 E-mail: Web Site: David E. DiSata, National Sales Mgr Micheal Barry, Mgr LED Lighting


PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Ballasts; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED LED Modules; LED - LED Spot Lamp; LED - Power Supplies; LED - Retrofit Kits; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - Power Supplies; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED; Signs - Neon; Transformers Additional Offices: Allanson Lighting Components 801 Space Park N Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Phone: 615 855-0588 Fax: 615 855-0592 E-mail: Allied Tube & Conduit 16100 S Lathrop Ave Harvey, IL 60426 Phone: 708 339-1610 Toll Free: 800 882-5543 Fax: 708 339-2399 E-mail: Web Site: Dan Kuzniewski, Global Mktg Dir Camille Grayson, Mktg Comm Specialist PRODUCTS: Awnings - Tubing; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Pipe - Steel Allwood Sign Blanks 1480A Romain Rd PO Box 825 Errington, BC Canada, V0R 1V0 Phone: 250 248-9758 Toll Free: 800 528-6699 Fax: 250 248-9790 E-mail: Web Site: Sheryl Goff PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Materials; Laminates - Wood; Letters - Sandblasted; Letters - Wood; Sandblasting Equipment - Blanks; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Sign Blanks - Wood; Signs - Carved; Signs Dimensional; Substrates - General; Wood Alpha Imaging Technologies Inc 650 Suffolk St Ste 105 Lowell, MA 01854 Phone: 978 459-2050 Toll Free: 877 459-2050 Fax: 978 459-0088 American Biltrite Inc 105 Whittendale Dr Moorestown, NJ 08057 Phone: 856 778-0700 Fax: 888 224-6325 E-mail:

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Web Site: Sara Bogue, Dir Mktg & Graphics American Biltrite manufactures TransferRite® and ProtecRite® brand application tapes, premasks and protective products for the sign, screen, digital, textile, and laser engraving markets. ISO 9001:2008 since 1993 PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Masking Materials - Paper; Masking Materials - Tape; Tape - Application; Tape - Transfer American M & M 105 Washington Ave Oshkosh, WI 54901 Phone: 920 230-7100 Fax: 920 231-8166 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Green, Pres Ken Prusack, Sales Mgr Manufacturer of replacement parts for all domestic and international makes and models, including A.W.T., American, M&R, Anatol and MHM. Thousands of parts in stock and ready to ship. PRODUCTS: Dryers; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Safety Equipment; Screen Printing - Equipment/ Accessories; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Flash Dryers; Screen Printing - Floodbars; Screen Printing - Machines; Screen Printing - Pallets; Screen Printing - Presses - Manual; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Equipment; Screen Printing - Screen Washers; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - Tensioning Table; Screen Printing - UV Curing Systems; Screen Printing - Wholesale; Screens Drying Cabinet Additional Offices: A.W.T. World Trade Group 4321 N KNox Ave Chicago, IL 60641 Phone: 773 777-7100 Fax: 773 777-0909 E-mail: Web Site: American Permalight, Inc. 2531 W 237th St #113 Torrance, CA 90505-5245 Phone: 310 891-0924 Toll Free: 888 737-6254 Fax: 310 891-0996 E-mail: Web Site: Marina Batzke, GM Jerry Garcia, Sales Mgr

Manufacturers & Suppliers PERMALIGHT® manufactures photoluminescent, phosphorescent Printable Substrates in Code & Standard compliant luminance durations, suitable for screen & digital printing, plotter cutting, thermo transfer, heat-forming, etc. Also available ready-made EXIT & safety signs, glow paints and glow in the dark Exit Path Markings that guide buillding occupants out of darkness to safety. PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Colorants - Special Effects; Film Photoluminescent; Ink - Screen Printing; Lamps/Lighting - Photoluminescent; Paints - Photoluminescent; Plastics - Luminescent; Safety Equipment; Screen Printing - Inks; Sign Blanks - PVC; Signs - ADA; Signs Illuminated; Stock Message Signs - Exit; Stock Message Signs - Safety; Vinyl Photoluminescent American Traffic Safety Materials Inc PO Box 1449 Orange Park, FL 32067 Phone: 904 529-7655 Toll Free: 888 722-2876 Fax: 904 529-7654 E-mail: Web Site:

Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co 225 E Chicago St PO Box 157 Jonesville, MI 49250 Phone: 517 849-9272 Fax: 517 849-2251 E-mail: Web Site: Chris Fast, VP Mktg PRODUCTS: Brushes - Brush Oil; Brushes - General; Gilding Materials - Brushes; Pinstriping Brushes; Pinstriping - Tools APCO Components Division 388 Grant St SE Atlanta, GA 30312 Phone: 404 688-9000 Toll Free: 800 215-4039 Fax: 800 329-2726 E-mail: Web Site: Charles Smith, Component Sales John Herren, Component Sales PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks, Extrusions; Architectural Signs; Extrusions - Aluminum; Sign Blanks Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signage - Directory - Illuminated, Non-Illuminated

PRODUCTS: Reflective Materials; Signs - Traffic; Tape - Application; Tape - Striping; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Photoluminescent; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Translucent; Vinyl Graphics American Ultraviolet Company 212 S Mt Zion Rd Lebanon, IN 46052 Phone: 765 483-9514 x201 Toll Free: 800 288-9288 Fax: 765 483-9525 E-mail: Web Site: Rafael Hernandez, Intl UV Sales Frank Mathews, UV Roll coater Mgr PRODUCTS: Ink - UV Curable; Laminates - UV Liquid; Screen Printing - UV Curing Systems Amperor, Inc. 11320 Neeshaw Dr Houston, TX 77065 Phone: 281 807-3320 Toll Free: 866 807-3320 Fax: 281 807-0886 Web Site: Rick Rack, VP Edward Nash, Product Mgr PRODUCTS: LED - Illumination; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; LED Retrofit Kits

Aries Graphics International 365 Rancho Santa Fe Rd Ste 203 San Marcos, CA 92078 Phone: 760 752-7640 Toll Free: 800 294-7273 Fax: 760 752-3221 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Fassett, VP Mktg PRODUCTS: Computers - Software; Digital Imaging Software; Electronic Messaging - LED; Software - Design Arlon Graphics 2811 S Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone: 714 540-2811 Toll Free: 800 540-0361 Fax: 714 431-4305 E-mail: Web Site: Kevin McKinley, VP Sales of Sales Rob Moore, NW Regional Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners, Large Format, Media, Vehicle Graphics, Wide Format; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Film - Perforated, Pressure Sensitive, Printable, Reflective, Vinyl, Window Graphics; Fluorescent - Films; Laminates - Vinyl; Vinyl

- Calendered, Cast, Reflective, Specialty, Translucent ArtCAM by Delcam 3280 Electricity Dr Windsor, ON Canada, N8W 5J1 Phone: 877 335-2261 Fax: 519 974-8170 E-mail: Web Site: Sean Plunkett, Sales PRODUCTS: CAD/CAM Systems - Foam; Computers - Software; Digital Imaging - Software; Engraving - 3-D; Routers - CNC; Software - 3-D, CAD, CAM, Clip Art, Design, Digital Imaging, Engraving, Routing Additional Offices: Delcam USA 275 E S Temple Ste 305 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Phone: 877 335-2261 E-mail: ASE Inc 10110 Hwy 12 Orofino, ID 83544 Phone: 208 476-7476 Toll Free: 800 599-8371 Fax: 208 476-7558 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: ADA - Matchroute, Sandblast First Touch Braille, Photopolymer Signage, Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Signage Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - ADA, Etched, Fiberglass ATG Electronics Inc. 18277 Pasadena Ave Ste 101 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Phone: 951 245-6222 Toll Free: 877 461-5333 Fax: 951 245-7770 E-mail: Web Site: Art Tapia, National Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: LED - Border Lights, Electronic Signs, LED Architectural Lighting, LED Ball Bulbs, LED Channel Letters, LED Drivers, LED Flex Strips, LED Modules, LED Rope Light, LED Spot Lamp, Power Supplies, Video, Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated, Systems; Signs - LED Additional Offices: ATG Electronics 628 Zhang Yang Rd #1-21C Shanghai, China Phone: (86) 21 5835-5963 Fax: (86) 21 5835-5965 E-mail: Web Site:

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Auto Tech Mfg LLC 503 NE Lawless Ln PO Box 757 Grants Pass, OR 97528 Phone: 541 474-0232 Toll Free: 800 545-8624 Fax: 541 474-2410 E-mail: Web Site: Dave Wilkinson, National Svc Dir Richard Crawn, Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Remover; Application Fluid; Chemicals/Solutions - Vinyl; Chemicals/ Solutions - Wrap Application/Removal; Decals; Graphics; Plastics - Cleaners; Protective Coatings; Safety Equipment; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning Biodegradable Cleaners; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl Graphics Axi Corp 111 Weber Ave Leesburg, FL 34748 Phone: 352 326-3313 Toll Free: 866 326-9034 Fax: 352 787-2888 E-mail: Web Site: Caroline Whitehouse, Sales PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs Ornamental; Fiberglass - Sign Panels & Shapes; Fiberglass - Trim; Monuments; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs Landscaped; Outdoor Signs - Sculptures; Plastics - Fiberglass; Plastics - FRP; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Polystyrene; Vinyl Graphics; Wholesalers Additional Offices: AxiCorp 2000 Universal Studios Plaza Bldg 22A Orange, FL 32819 Phone: 321 303-0873 Fax: 866 326-9036

PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/ Plotters - Large Format; Cutters/Plotters Routers; Routers - Accessories; Routers - Bits; Routers - CNC; Routers - Software; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Software - CAD Additional Offices: A3-6120 2nd St SE Calgary, AB Canada, T2H 2L8 Phone: 604 430-4006 Fax: 604 430-4007 E-mail: Web Site: 103-1090 Clivedon Ave Annacis Island, BC Canada, V3M 6E6 Phone: 403 236-4464 Fax: 604 527-4007 E-mail: Web Site: 1800 MacLeod Dr Unit F Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Phone: 678 381-2300 Fax: 678 381-2304 E-mail: Web Site: 2844 E Kemper Rd Cincinnati, OH 45241 Phone: 513 771-7444 Fax: 513 326-5283 E-mail: Web Site: Baker Equipment 1310 Roseneath Rd Richmond, VA 23230 Phone: 804 864-6800 Toll Free: 800 446-2610 Fax: 804 342-6866 E-mail: Web Site: Skip Baker, Owner Glen Baker, Ops Mgr PRODUCTS: Aerial Equipment; Aerial Work Platforms Additional Offices: 8811 Maislin Dr Tampa, FL 33637 Phone: 813 985-0910 Fax: 813 988-9392

AXYZ International 5330 S Service Rd Burlington, ON Canada, L7L 5L1 Phone: 905 634-4940 Toll Free: 800 361-3408 Fax: 905 634-4966 E-mail: Web Site: Greg Jenkins, Sales Mgr SEE AD ON PAGE 103


154 Falcon Dr Forest Park, GA 30297 Phone: 404 363-4908 Fax: 404 363-0514 Griffis Business Park Rome, NY 13441 Phone: 315 334-9854 Fax: 315 334-9858 3380 W Ridge Pike Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 601 495-7091 Fax: 610 495-7098

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Banner Connection, The 334 West Hatcher Phoenix, AZ 85021 Phone: 602 678-6611 Toll Free: 800 624-2143 Fax: 602 678-6612 E-mail: Web Site: Mike Plucinsky, GM PRODUCTS: Awnings - General; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners - Nylon; Banners - Vinyl; Canopies; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Fabrication Materials & Services; Flags - Cloth; Flags Nylon; Flags - Pole Brackets; Letters - Vinyl; Logo Design; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Spray Painting Booths; Vinyl Graphics Banner Supply 4800 West 34th St, Ste D-1 Houston, TX 77092 Phone: 713 802-2225 Toll Free: 800 634-2267 Fax: 713 802-0008 E-mail: Web Site: Frank Novelli Jr., VP PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Finishing Service; Car - Decals; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving Rotary; Engraving - Wholesale; Fleet - Graphics; Graphic Design; Graphics; Installation - Films; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Signs Dimensional; Stencils - General Bayer Material Science LLC 119 Salisbury Rd Sheffield, MA 01257 Phone: 413 229-8711 Toll Free: 800 254-1707 Fax: 413 229-8717 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Hester, Mgr PRODUCTS: Plastics - Polycarbonate Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The 2360 W 76 St Hialeah, FL 33016 Phone: 305 403-4820 Toll Free: 800 856-6983

Manufacturers & Suppliers Fax: 305 403-4829 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Castings; Architectural Signs; Bulletin Boards; Castings - Aluminum; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Finials - Ornamental; Light Poles; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Traffic Signs Bel Inc 10913 NW 30th St Ste 103 Miami, FL 33172 Phone: 305 593-0911 Fax: 305 593-1011 E-mail: Web Site:

PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Lamps/Lighting Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Low Voltage; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED LED Modules; Plastics - Acrylic; Signs - LED Blimp Works Inc 156 Barnes Airship Dr Statesville, NC 28625 Phone: 704 876-2378 Fax: 704 876-1251 E-mail: Web Site: Lynn Nelson, Asst Mgr Danny Hogan, Sales PRODUCTS: Inflatables

Bell Company Inc 106 Morrow Ave PO Box 92 Trussville, AL 35173 Phone: 205 655-2135 Toll Free: 800 828-3564 Fax: 205 655-2138 E-mail: Web Site: Tina Kirk, GM Chris Bell, Sales Rep

Blinkety Blanks Inc 10670 Fern Ave PO Box 1188 Stanton, CA 90680 Phone: 714 995-1188 Toll Free: 800 225-2657 Fax: 714 229-0603 E-mail: Web Site: Gary Rubenstein, Inside Sales Tim Riordan


Steel sign blanks; Pre-printed regulatory signs; Pre-printed traffic control signs.

PRODUCTS: ADA - Matchroute, Sandblast First Touch Braille; ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Adhesives - Tapes; Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Sheets; Badges; Braille; Castings - Aluminum; Castings - Bronze; Consultants - ADA; Cutters/Plotters Rotary; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Engraving Conventional; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Machines; Engraving - Materials; Engraving - Tools; Engraving - Wholesale; Laminates - Plastic; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Plastic; Plastics - Photopolymer Material; Saws - Table; Screen Printing - Wholesale; Sign Frames; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - ADA; Signs - Screen Printed; Stencils General; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum; Substrates - Engraveable; Tape - Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop; Wholesalers Bitro Group, Inc. 201 Charles St Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 904 566-9978 Fax: 201 641-0057 E-mail: Web Site: Fredrick ‘Fritz’ Meyne Jr., VP of Sales Cheryl Oreal Meyne, Dir of Architectural Lighting

PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Sheets; Digital Imaging - Banners; Sign Blanks Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Blanks - Polystyrene; Sign Stakes - Metal; Software - Screenprinting Bob Fischer Co. Inc. 283-B Egg Harbor Rd #125 Sewell, NJ 08080 Phone: 800 852-0120 E-mail: Robert L. Fischer, Pres PRODUCTS: Aerial Equipment; Outdoor Signs - Service Vehicles; Trucks - Bucket Bowman Displays Digital Imaging 648 Progress Ave Munster, IN 46321 Phone: 219 922-8200 Toll Free: 800 922-9250 Fax: 219 922-8329 E-mail: Web Site: John Bowman, Pres Amy Bowman, Sales Bowman Displays manufactures a wide range of backlit and front-lit point of sale display systems, merchandising, and signage. We manufacture interior and exterior signage for all of your needs including Lightboxes, Digital Video Displays,

LED Edgelits, Aluminum Snap Frame, Banner/tradeshow systems and more. PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Banners - Display Systems; Decals; Digital Imaging - Banners; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths Tabletop Displays; Extrusions - Aluminum; Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber; Floor Graphics; Graphic Design; Installation - Films; Installation - Hardware; Installation Services; Lighting Services; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Point-ofPurchase Displays; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated Brazz Specialties Inc. 5750 Pecos St #1 Denver, CO 80221 Phone: 303 477-5077 Toll Free: 800 811-1333 Fax: 303 477-3941 E-mail: Web Site: David Brazzell, Pres PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Extrusions - Aluminum; LED - LED Channel Letters; Neon - Channel Letters; Paints - General; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Signage Directory - Illuminated; Signs - Dimensional; Wholesalers

Brooklyn Hardware LLC 2632 SE Steele St Portland, OR 97202 Phone: 503 232-1151 Toll Free: 888 232-1151 Fax: 503 232-1141 E-mail: Web Site: Bess Hillisland, Prod Mgr Becca Ands, Office Mgr Based on the principle of the French cleat, Panelclip’s®, Kingclip’s® and Vclipz’s® friction fit wedges the panel tightly and securely to the wall. They are a strong, efficient and economical method for the installation of virtually any wall treatment and afford easy panel removal for mechanical access, remodeling, or refinishing. SEE AD ON PAGE 77

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Billboards; Channel Letters - Mounting Clips; Dimensional Signs - Carved; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs General; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Ornamental; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths Tabletop Displays; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fasteners; Frames - Large Format; Lamps/ Lighting - Billboards; Letters - General; Message Boards - Systems; Monuments; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Fixtures; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Poles - Readerboard; Poles - Sign; Readerboards - Letter Tracks; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated; Signage - Electronic; Signage - Fiberglass; Signage - Letters; Signs Systems Bruce Post Company PO Box 332 Chestertown, MD 21620 Phone: 410 778-6181 Fax: 410 556-6432 E-mail: Web Site: R Bruce Landskroener, Pres PRODUCTS: Poles - Wood; Sign Blanks - Wood Bruin Plastics Company Inc 61 Joslin Rd PO Box 700 Glendale, RI 02826 Phone: 401 568-3081 Toll Free: 800 556-7764 Fax: 401 568-0019 E-mail: Web Site: Steve Angelone, VP / Co-owner Walter Conine, VP Sales / Mktg PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Banners - Vinyl; Fabric Vinyl Laminates; Laminates - Mesh, Vinyl ; Laminates - Vinyl; Substrates - Printable; Vinyl - PVC Laminated Polyester Cadillac Graphics, Inc. 4521 NE 5 Ter Ft Lauderdale, FL 33334 Phone: 954 772-2440 Fax: 954 772-5567 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Awnings - Frames; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Dimensional Signs Wholesale; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Rotary; Sign Blanks - Nameplates; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Signs - ADA


CADlink Technology Corp 2150 Thurston Dr Ottawa, ON Canada, K1G 5T9 Phone: 613 247-0850 Toll Free: 800 545-9581 Fax: 613 247-1488 E-mail: Web Site: Tony Ditullio, Dir of Sales Tim Benner, Custom Software PRODUCTS: Software - 3-D; Software - ADA/Braille; Software - Add-on; Software - CAD; Software - CAM; Software - Clip Art; Software - Color Management; Software - Cutters/Plotters; Software - Design; Software - Digital Imaging; Software Digitizing; Software - Engraving; Software - Estimating/Pricing; Software - Pattern Making; Software - Plug Ins; Software - RIP; Software - Routing; Software - Scanning; Software - Screenprinting; Software - Shop Management Additional Offices: CADlink Technology / US Sales Office 500 Main Clinton, MA 01510 Phone: 800 545-9581 E-mail: California Combining Corp. 5607 S Santa Fe Ave Los Angeles, CA 90058 Phone: 323 589-5727 Fax: 323 585-8078 E-mail: Web Site: Vincent Rosato, Pres Dana Otey, Inside Sales PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Architectural Signs; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Vinyl; Billboards; Canopies; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Film Vinyl; Fluorescent - Banners; Fluorescent - Films; Laminates - Vinyl; Outdoor Signs Banners; Vinyl - PVC Laminated Polyester Canon Solutions America One Canon Park Melville, NY 11747 Phone: 631 330-5000 Toll Free: 800 815-4000 E-mail: Web Site: Kelli Ramirez PRODUCTS: Banners - Vinyl; Cutters/Plotters - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Hardware; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Film - Inkjet; Inkjet Equipment - Canvas; Inkjet Equipment Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Paper Digital Imaging; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

- Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Software - RIP CAO Group Inc 4628 W Skyhawk Dr West Jordan, UT 84084 Phone: 801 256-9282 Fax: 801 256-9287 E-mail: Web Site: Shane Mikkelsen, Sales Dir Robert Stephenson, Area Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Vacuum Flourescent; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/ Lighting - Backlit; LED - Illumination; LED LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Ball Bulbs; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED LED Modules; LED - LED Rope Light; LED - LED Spot Lamp; LED - Power Supplies; Rope Lighting Capitol Design 1021 Industrial Ct PO Box 532 (Columbia, SC 29177-0532) Lexington, SC 29072 Phone: 803 808-1600 Toll Free: 800 327-0493 Fax: 803 808-1910 E-mail: Web Site: Gary Butler, Owner PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Letters - Foam; Letters Wood; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Sign Blanks - Wood; Signs Carved; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Wood; Wholesalers Caprock Developments Inc 475 Speedwell Ave PO Box 95 Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Phone: 973 267-9292 Toll Free: 800 222-0325 Fax: 973 292-0614 E-mail: Web Site: Alan Schwartz, Pres Specialty lamps for all applications, including UV curing film, screen and plate exposure, IR and flash drying, hand-held magnifiers and microscopes, PH and conductivity meters. CedarWorks Signs, Inc. 946590 Twp Rd 14 Plattsville, ON Canada, N0J 1S0 Phone: 519 684-7237 Toll Free: 888 483-0428 Fax: 519 684-6830 E-mail: Web Site:

Manufacturers & Suppliers Elizabeth Baldwin, Co-owner John Baldwin, Co-owner Wholesale Sandblast Carved & V-Groove Routed Signs, from Western Red Cedar or HDU. Unfinished or Finished, Excellent turnaround and excellent quality. PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Carved; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs Sandblasting; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Signs - Carved; Signs Dimensional CET Color 4734 Frederick Dr SW Atlanta, GA 30336 Phone: 404 505-1800 Fax: 404 505-7020 E-mail: Web Site: David Cich, VP Jack Skidmore, E Regional Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Color Printing; Cutters/Plotters - Large Format; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Cutters/ Plotters - Software; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging Software; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Ink - UV Curable; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Routers - CNC; Software Digital Imaging; Software - RIP; Software - Routing CGS Publishing Technologies Int’l 100 North Sixth St Ste 308B Minneapolis, MN 55403 Phone: 612 870-0061 Fax: 612 870-0063 E-mail: Web Site: Channelume/Let-R-Edge 4206 Main St Ste A Union Gap, WA 98903 Phone: 509 452-9648 Toll Free: 800 654-9247 Fax: 509 575-1478 E-mail: Web Site: Jorge Villasenor, GM PRODUCTS: Channel Letters - Tools; Dimensional Signs Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Metal-Fabricating Equipment Channel Letters; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Signs - Dimensional Chemetal 39 O’Neill St Easthampton, MA 01027 Phone: 413 529-0718 Toll Free: 800 807-7341 Fax: 413 529-9898 E-mail:

Web Site: Paul Pickunka, VP Sales PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Sheets; Laminates - Metal; Laminates - Plastic; Laminates - Wood Chief Enterprises Inc 545 W Lake St Elmhurst, IL 60126-1018 Phone: 630 530-1224 Toll Free: 800 831-7294 Fax: 630 530-1154 E-mail: Web Site: Sam La Barbera, VP Ops PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Coil; Anchors/Fasteners; Channel Letters - Coils; Fabrication Materials & Services; Fasteners; Letters - Channel; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Channel Letters; Sign Blanks Aluminum

Clarke Systems 1857 Walnut St Allentown, PA 18103 Phone: 610 434-9889 Toll Free: 800 331-1891 Fax: 610 434-9868 E-mail: Web Site: Charles J. Kelly Jr., Pres Sue Shoemaker, Office Admin PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Aluminum - Blanks; Architectural Signs; Banners - Display Systems; Banners Mounting Hardware; Engraving - Blanks; Post & Panel; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - ADA; Signs Systems; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum; Wholesalers Classic Architectural Signage Inc 4521 NE 5th Terrace Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 Phone: 954 772-2440 Fax: 954 772-5567 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Engraving - Blanks; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Substrates - Engraveable; Tape Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. 60 Maxwell Ct Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Phone: 707 544-7990 Toll Free: 800 307-7990 Fax: 707 544-1886 E-mail: Web Site:

Brenda Lemieux, Regional Sales Mgr Eric Bartosz, NE Regional Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Bird Deterrants; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Film Clear; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Perforated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Reflective; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Pressure Sensitive Film; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Substrates - Printable; Vinyl Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - Reflective Additional Offices: Clear Focus Imaging Inc Marie- Juchacz- Allee 191 Ludwigahafen, Germany Phone: (49) 171 771 5532 Fax: (49) 621 6573 0644 E-mail: Clear Focus European Headquarters 50 rue Bichat Paris, France Phone: (33) 1 42 49 09 79 Fax: (33) 1 42 49 10 20 E-mail: Clear PatH Signage Systems 2040 Industrial Dr PO Box 1605 (45839-1605) Findlay, OH 45840 Phone: 419 429-0198 Toll Free: 866 953-2777 Fax: 419 425-3616 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Die Cutting Equipment - Steel-Rule; Easels; Engraving - Blanks; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Materials; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Rotary; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - PVC; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Substrates Engraveable; Substrates - Laserable ClearPath Signage Systems Div. of Rowmark LLC 2040 Industrial Dr Findlay, OH 45840 Phone: 419 429-0198 Toll Free: 866 953-2777 Fax: 419 425-2927 E-mail: Web Site: Jeri Bjorling, Inside Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Backlighting; Banners - Display Systems; Display Boards; Easels; Extrusions - Aluminum; Frames - Point-ofPurchase; Kiosks; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Paints - Plastics (Use on); Plastics - Plastics; Post & Panel; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Sign Service; Sign Stands; Signage - Directory - Illuminated;

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - ADA; Substrates - Engraveable; Substrates - Printable Clearr Corporation 6325 Sandburg Rd Minneapolis, MN 55427 Phone: 763 398-5400 Toll Free: 800 548-3269 Fax: 763 398-0134 E-mail: Web Site: Paige Vollbrecht, Account Mgr Teri Mountin, Account Mgr PRODUCTS: Billboards; Edge Lit Signs; Electric Signs Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - LED; LED - Electronic Signs; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Neon - Simulated; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Trivision; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Frames; Signage Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Electronic; Signs - ADA; Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED; Signs - Motion; Signs - Scrolling

Web Site: Lisa Ventola, Cust Svc PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Cutters/Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - Multi-Substrate; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Cutters/ Trimmers - Wall-Mounted; Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Display Boards; Film - Laminating; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Laminating Machines; Sign Boards - Cardboard; Sign Boards Foamboard; Sign Boards - Hardboard; Substrates - Mounting Additional Offices: Coda West 4022 Camino Ranchero Unit G Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: 805 484-8883 Fax: 805 484-1956 E-mail: Web Site:

CLN of South Florida, Inc. 2336 Cypress Ln Belle Glade, FL 33430 Phone: 561 996-5900 Toll Free: 877 256-1043 Fax: 561 996-5050 E-mail: Web Site: Kevin Kane, CEO

Cold Spring Granite Co 17482 Granite West Rd Cold Spring, MN 56320-2593 Phone: 320 685-3621 Toll Free: 800 328-5040 Fax: 320 685-8490 E-mail: Web Site: Stephanie Wegler-Barthel, Sales Rep

PRODUCTS: Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Angle, Plate & Shape Bending Rolls; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Brakes; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Channel Letters; MetalFabricating Equipment - CNC Folding Machines; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Notches; Routers - Accessories; Routers Bits; Routers - CNC; Routers - Conventional; Routers - Vacuum Tables

PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Awards; Bronze; Castings - Bronze; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs Sandblasting; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Sandblasted; Monuments; Outdoor Signs - Bronze; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Signs ADA; Signs - Dimensional

Coastal Enterprises Co. 1925 W Collins Ave Orange, CA 92867 Phone: 714 771-4969 Toll Free: 800 845-0745 Fax: 714 771-6422 E-mail: Web Site: Kellie Miller, Customer Svc Mgr Danny Lotz, Tech Sales PRODUCTS: CAD/CAM Systems - Foam; Sculpting Material; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks Polyurethane; Sign Boards - HDU Coda Inc 30 Industrial Ave Mahwah, NJ 07430-2207 Phone: 201 825-7400 Fax: 201 825-8133 E-mail:


Cold Spring Memorial 202 S Third Ave Cold Spring, MN 56320 Phone: 800 328-2312 Toll Free: 800 328-5040 Fax: 800 873-8122 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Castings - Bronze; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs Sandblasting; Outdoor Signs - Bronze; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Signs - Dimensional Component Signage, Inc. PO Box 6573 High Point, NC 27262 Phone: 336 899-6833 Fax: 336 431-7921 E-mail: Web Site:

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Extrusions; Architectural Signs; Changeable Letter Boards; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - General; Extrusions - Aluminum; Finials - Ornamental; Monuments; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Cabinets Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Sign Frames; Sign Panels; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage Directory - Non-Illuminated Computerized Cutters Inc. 2900 Guilder Dr Plano, TX 75074 Phone: 972 422-6900 Toll Free: 800 310-2887 E-mail: Web Site: Carl Ondracek, Pres Manufactures the Accu-Bend, which is the only machine in the world that notches, bends a bottom flange, and completely bends the final shape of the letter or logo; Accu-Clinch letter fastening machine; and the Accu-Cut line of router tables. PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Coil; Channel Letters - Coils; Channel Letters - Tools; Computers Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Cutters/ Plotters - Software; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Letters - Channel; MetalFabricating Equipment - Channel Letters; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Return Automation; Routers - Accessories; Routers - Bits; Routers - CNC; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Software - 3-D; Software - Routing Concord Industries Inc 4150 Kellway Circle PO Box 2449 Addison, TX 75001 Phone: 912 380-8186 Toll Free: 800 527-3902 Fax: 800 426-5770 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Castings - Aluminum; Flagpoles; Flags Nylon; Flags - Pole Brackets; Poles - Flag Additional Offices: Concord North Plant 11925 12th Ave S Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone: 952 808-0043 Fax: 952 808-0045 Concord South Plant 4150-A Kellway Cir Dallas, TX 75001 Phone: 972 380-8186

Manufacturers & Suppliers Cooley Sign & Digital Products 50 Esten Ave Pawtucket, RI 02860 Phone: 401 724-9000 Toll Free: 800 992-0072 Fax: 401 726-8799 E-mail: Web Site: Bryan Rose, VP / Business Mgr Diane Rose PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Super Wide; Fabric Flexible-Face; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Laminates - Mesh, Vinyl ; Sign Faces Flexible Face; Substrates - Printable; Vinyl - PVC Laminated Polyester Cosmex Graphics Inc 415 Deslauriers St St Laurent, QC Canada, H4N 1V8 Phone: 514 745-3446 Toll Free: 800 263-1173 Fax: 514 745-3449 E-mail: Web Site: Creative Banner Assemblies 2730 Nevada Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55427 Phone: 763 566-1118 Toll Free: 800 528-8846 Fax: 800 989-3444 Web Site: Jack Petroski, Sales Rep PRODUCTS: Banners - Blanks; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - General Supplies; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Vinyl; Canopies; Digital Imaging Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Display Cases; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays; Fabric Inkjet & Digital Printing; Flagpoles; Point-ofPurchase Displays; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Blanks - Corrugated CRS International, Inc. 200 S Newman St Unit 4 & 5 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 201 487-9600 Toll Free: 877 937-6400 Fax: 201 487-9620 E-mail: Web Site: Hac Kang PRODUCTS: Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink - Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable CrystalTek Div of West End Products LLC 1010 Windward Ridge Alpharetta, GA 30005

Phone: 770 643-8501 Toll Free: 866-485-5202 Fax: 770 643-8820 E-mail: Web Site: Janie Lasik, Pres Chastity Childers, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Remover; Chemicals/Solutions Environmental; Chemicals/Solutions - Vinyl; Chemicals/Solutions - Wrap Application/ Removal; Distributors - General Supplies; Maintenance - Restoration; Vinyl - Removal Tool Custom Foam Fabricators 125 Cecil Ct Fayetteville, GA 30214 Phone: 770 631-4086 Toll Free: 866 412-3626 Fax: 770 631-4048 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Amis, Pres PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Letters - Foam; Monuments; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Polystyrene; Signs Maintenance Free; Wholesalers Custom Machine Enterprises PO Box 6258 Abilene, TX 79608 Phone: 325 698-8151 Toll Free: 800 695-8151 Fax: 469 519-3522 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Chemicals/Solutions - Vinyl; Chemicals/ Solutions - Wrap Application/Removal; Fleet - Graphics; Tape - Application; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Tools; Vinyl Graphics Cyrious Software Inc 12627 Jefferson Hwy Ste C Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Phone: 407 573-1100 Toll Free: 800 552-1418 Fax: 407 573-1101 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Computers - Software; Electric Signs Custom; Electric Signs - General; Estimating Systems; Software - Estimating/Pricing; Software - Shop Management; Vinyl Graphics Additional Offices: Cyrious Software Florida 2 N Bluford Ave Ocoee, FL 34761

Phone: 407 573-1100 Fax: 407 573-1101 E-mail: Web Site: D&K Group 1795 Commerce Dr Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Phone: 847 956-0160 Toll Free: 800 632-2314 Fax: 847-956-8214 E-mail: Web Site: Tim Saul, Business Dev Mgr Tom Pidgeon, VP Sales & Mktg PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives - Transfers; Decals; Film - Clear; Film - Laminating; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Thermal; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Floor Graphics; Laminates - Printable; Laminating Machines; Thermal Films; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl Film/Media D3 LED, LLC (Dynamic Digital Displays) 11492 Sunrise Gold Cir Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Phone: 916 669-7408 Toll Free: 888 99-D3LED Fax: 916 266-0960 E-mail: Larry Bleidner, VP PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED Electronic Signs; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Modules; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED Video; LED - Video Billboards Additional Offices: 1609 54th St North Bergen, NJ 07067 Phone: 201 583-9486 Fax: 201 583-9486 E-mail: Daige 1 Albertson Ave Albertson, NY 11507 Phone: 516 621-2100 Toll Free: 800 645-3323 Fax: 516 621-1916 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Laminating Machines Daktronics Inc 201 Daktronics Dr Brookings, SD 57006

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Phone: 605 692-0200 x56219 Toll Free: 888 DAK-SIGN Fax: 605 692-0381 E-mail: Web Site: Jessica Schelske PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Hospitality Price Changers; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED Video; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Signage Electronic Data Display USA Inc 1330-2 Lincoln Ave Holbrook, NY 11741 Phone: 631 218-2130 Toll Free: 888 352-7452 Fax: 631 218-2140 E-mail: Web Site: Staci Shannon, Sales & Mktg

Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED Stock Message Signs; LED - Video; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Signage Electronic; Signs - LED Delcam plc Small Heath Business Pk Birmingham, United Kingdom Phone: 121-683-1000 Fax: 121-766-5511 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Software - 3-D; Software - CAD DigiFab Systems, Inc. 5015 Pacific Blvd Vernon, CA 90058-2215 Phone: 323 581-4500 Toll Free: 877 344-4322 Fax: 323 582-4500 E-mail: Web Site: Marty Silveira, VP Sales

PRODUCTS: Electric Signs - Custom; Electronic Messaging - LCD; Electronic Messaging LED; Electronic Messaging - Scrolling Price Displays; Electronic Messaging - Time/ Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED Gas Price Changers; LED - Hospitality Price Changers; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED - Video; Signage - Directory Illuminated; Signage - Electronic

PRODUCTS: Banners - Polyester; Cutters/Plotters - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging Large Format; Digital Imaging - Software; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Software - RIP; Sublimation Transfer - Dyes; Sublimation Transfer - Equipment; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum; Vinyl - Inks

Additional Offices:

Additional Offices:

Data Display Ltd DeerPark Industrial Estate Ennistymon County Clare, Ireland Phone: (353) 6570-72600 Datacolor 5 Princess Rd Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Phone: 609 924-2189 Fax: 609 895-7414 E-mail: Web Site: Datatronic Control, Inc. 5130 Dexham Rd Rowlett, TX 75088 Phone: 972 475-7879 Toll Free: 800 527-1229 Fax: 972 475-4163 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Billboards; Electric Signs - Custom; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; Graphic Design; LED - Electronic Signs; LED Gas Price Changers; LED - Hospitality Price Changers; LED - LED Architectural


DigiFab Systems Inc 1412 Broadway Ste 2100 New York, NY 10018 Phone: 212 944-9882 Fax: 212 944-9659 Dimensional Design & Display LLC 328 21st St PO Box 350062 (43635) Toledo, OH 43604 Phone: 419 246-9950 Toll Free: 855 246-7446 Fax: 419 246-9951 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Engraving - Conventional; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters - Wood; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Metal Faced; Sign Blanks

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

- Polystyrene; Sign Blanks - PVC; Signage Letters; Signs - Dimensional; Wholesalers Diversified Components, Inc. 200 Rome Ct Fort Collins, CO 80524 Phone: 970 484-9025 Toll Free: 800 522-6366 Fax: 970 493-4125 E-mail: Web Site: Joe Harrington, Sales Mgr Specializing in hard to find sign dimmers including Simplicity dimmers for LED signs, Neon, Fluorescent, & HID signs. We also supply specialty components for the electric sign indusrty such as the original QuickConnects, Quick-Supports, & Greenfield Connectors, as well as Short Stops, Caps, Sleeves, & Non-Metallic Greenfield insulators. Products are U.L. listed PRODUCTS: LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Drivers; LED - Power Supplies; Lighting; Lighting Services; Neon - Cold Cathode; Neon - Controllers - with software; Neon - Controllers - without software; Neon - Dimmers; Neon - Transformers; Neon Tube Supports (UL Listed); Signs - LED; Signs - Neon; Transformers Dixie Graphics 636 Grassmere Park Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: 615 832-7000 Fax: 615 832-7621 E-mail: Web Site: Matt Williams, Sales / Mktg PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Awards; Braille; Consultants - ADA; Engraving - Wholesale; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Copper; Letters - Metal; Plaques; Routers - CNC; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - ADA Drytac Corporation 5601 Eastport Blvd Richmond, VA 23231 Phone: 804 222-3094 Toll Free: 800 280-6013 Fax: 800 622-8839 E-mail: Web Site: Jerry Hill, VP Sales & Mktg PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Banners - Display Systems; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Cutters/Trimmers - Wall-Mounted; Decals; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Edge Finishing; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film

Manufacturers & Suppliers - Pressure Activated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Floor Graphics; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Laminates - Liquid; Laminates - UV Liquid; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Laminators, Liquid; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Paper - Kraft; Pressure Sensitive Film; Protective Coatings; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl Static Cling Additional Offices: Drytac Canada Inc. 220 Caldari Rd Concord, ON Canada, L4K 4L1 Phone: 905 660-1748 Fax: 905 660-1752 E-mail: Web Site: Drytac Europe Limited Filwood Rd Fishponds Bristol, United Kingdom Phone: (44) 117-958-6500 Fax: (44) 117-965-4411 E-mail: Web Site: Durst Image Technology US, LLC 50 Methodist Hill Dr Ste 100 Rochester, NY 14623 Phone: 585 486-0340 Toll Free: 888 480-3588 Fax: 585 486-0350 E-mail: Web Site: Christopher Guyett, Sales / Mktg Coord Durst Image Technology is a world class manufacturer of professional large & grand format digital imagers for today’s imaging industry. Durst products are designed for performance, reliability & longevity, offering you the highest print quality, productivity & efficiency. Depend on our products & depend on our people. Durst The Industrial Inkjet Specialist. PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Grand Format, Inkjet, Large Format; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Printers - Flat Bed, Inkjet, Wide Format

Duxbury Systems Inc. 270 Littleton Rd Unit #6 Westford, MA 01886 Phone: 978 692-3000 Fax: 978 692-7912 E-mail: Web Site: SEE AD ON PAGE 127

PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Braille; Consultants - ADA; Digital Imaging Software; Signs - ADA; Software - ADA/ Braille E. L. Hatton Sales Co 135 Park Place Ste 4 Wellington, OH 44090 Phone: 440 647-3400 Toll Free: 800 869-9601 Fax: 440 647-9667 E-mail: Web Site: Richard Hatton, Pres Marta Stevens, Customer Svc PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners - Grommets; Banners Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Grommets; Tape - Application Eagle Banners Inc 472 North M-129 Pickford, MI 49774 Phone: 866 483-1453 Fax: 888 461-1263 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Fluorescent - Banners; Sign Blanks - Banners Easiway Systems Inc. 540 S River St Delano, MN 55328 Phone: 763 972-6306 Toll Free: 800 950-3279 Fax: 763 972-6206 E-mail: Web Site: John Schluter, Pres Bill Christensen, Reg Mgr PRODUCTS: Chemicals/Solutions - Environmental; Pad Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing Filtration Systems; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Biodegradable Cleaners; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Chemicals; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning Equipment; Screen Printing - Solvents; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - Systems Eastman Chemical Co 200 S Wilcox Dr PO Box 431 B-280W Kingsport, TN 37662 Phone: 423 229-2000 Toll Free: 800 EASTMAN Fax: 423 229-1525 E-mail: Web Site:

PRODUCTS: Plastics - Plastics EconoChannel Inc 14080 SW 143 Court Miami, FL 33186 Phone: 305 266-9222 Toll Free: 800 991-2669 Fax: 305 266-9278 E-mail: Web Site: EGL Company, Inc 100 Industrial Rd Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 Phone: 908 508-1111 Toll Free: 800 345-9010 Fax: 908 508-1122 E-mail: Web Site: Mary Barrow, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Distributors - Neon Supplies; Electrical Supplies; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Gases; Glass Signs; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; LED Illumination; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; LED - Retrofit Kits; Letters - Channel; Neon - Cold Cathode; Neon - Electrodes; Neon - Manifold Equipment; Neon - Mercury Injectors; Neon - Tube Tester; Neon - Tubing - Coated; Neon - Tubing - Uncoated; Neon - Vacuum Pumps; Neon/Argon Flasks ElectraLED, Inc. 12722 62nd St N Ste 200 Largo, FL 33773 Phone: 727 561-7610 Toll Free: 866 561-7610 Fax: 727 561-7605 E-mail: Web Site: Bryan Warner, VP Sales & Ops Ryan Begin, Mktg Mgr PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Billboards; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Floodlights; Lamps/Lighting - General; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; LED - LED Spot Lamp Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® 600 HP Way Chester, VA 23836 Phone: 804 530-8536 Fax: 804 530-8539 E-mail: Web Site: Steve Pendlebury, Pres Lauren Venable, Account Exec

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/ Lighting - Billboards; Lamps/Lighting - Electroluminescent; Lamps/Lighting General; Lamps/Lighting - Solar; Lighting; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs Bus Shelter Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - Motion; Signs Traffic

Electro-Matic Products, Inc. 23409 Industrial Park Ct Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Phone: 248 442-2903 Fax: 248 442-2124 E-mail: Web Site: Alicia Martinez, VP Sales Jeff Bauman, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Billboards; Display Boards; Electronic Messaging - LCD; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/ Temperature; Extrusions - Aluminum; Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes; Lamps/ Lighting - Low Voltage; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Spot Lamp; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Signage - Electronic; Signs LED; Signs - Scrolling Elliott Equipment Co 4427 S 76th Cir Omaha, NE 68127-1806 Phone: 402 592-4500 Fax: 402 592-4553 E-mail: Web Site: John Glazer, Exec VP Jason White, Factory Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Aerial Equipment; Aerial Work Platforms; Automobiles (see also Cars); Cranes; Equipment Leasing; Outdoor Signs - Heavy Equipment; Outdoor Signs - Service Vehicles; Readerboards - Letter Changing Equipment; Safety Equipment; Transformers; Trucks - Bucket; Trucks - Crane; Welding Equipment Elumatec USA 4320 Ralph Jones Ct South Bend, IN 46628 Phone: 574 273-1790 Fax: 574 273-1890 E-mail: Web Site: Kevin Shrock, National Sales Mgr


PRODUCTS: Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Custom Metal Fabrication; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Notches; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Saws; Routers - CNC; Routers - Conventional; Saws - Table; Tools - Cutting Additional Offices: Elumatec Canada Inc 4055 Sladeview Crescent Mississanga, ON Canada, L5L 5YT Phone: 905 607-4770 Fax: 905 607-4772 E-mail: Epilog Laser 16371 Table Mountain Pkwy Golden, CO 80403 Phone: 303 277-1188 Toll Free: 888 437-4564 Fax: 303 277-9669 E-mail: Web Site: Mark Schwarz, Domestic Sales Mgr Bob Henry, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Machines; Laser Equipment; Murals - Engravers Epson America Inc 3840 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 Phone: 562 290-5110 Fax: 562 290-5182 E-mail: Web Site:

EstiMate Software Corp PO Box 1738 Enka, NC 28728 Phone: 828 633-4248 Toll Free: 888 304-3300 Fax: 866 764-4887 E-mail: Web Site: Mark Smith, Pres Nancy Peterson, VP of Ops SEE AD ON PAGE 116 PRODUCTS: Software - Estimating/Pricing

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Event•Trac / GH Imaging 2651 Peck St Muskegon, MI 49444 Phone: 231 739-4004 Toll Free: 800 678-4041 Fax: 231 733-1549 E-mail: Web Site: Brent McKinnon, Pres Robert Schaeffer, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Bus Shelter Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Posters Exac-Tac PO Box 101 Sanbornville, NH 03872 Phone: 800 813-2658 Fax: 888 909-3146 E-mail: Web Site: Excel Displays LLC 4300 LB McLeod Rd #D Orlando, FL 32811 Phone: 407 244-0024 Toll Free: 877 800-0024 Fax: 407 244-0022 E-mail: Web Site: Excellart Sign Products 1654 S Lone Elm Rd Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: 913 764-2364 Toll Free: 800 627-9044 Fax: 913 780-5696 E-mail: Web Site: Greg Ambrose, Owner Matt Ambrose, GM PRODUCTS: Edge Lit Signs; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Extrusions - Aluminum; Saws - Radial Arm; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Sign Cabinets - Tensioning Systems; Sign Frames; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - Kits Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc 1707 Bethlehem Pike Hatfield, PA 19440 Phone: 215 997-5510 Toll Free: 800 496-2181 Fax: 215 997-5970 E-mail: Web Site: Pete Budd, Acct Mgr Jennifer DiRocco, GM

Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Edge Lit Signs; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fasteners; Finials - General; Finials - Ornamental; Finials - Wood; LCD; Lighting; Screen Printing - Systems; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Stands; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signs Frames - Exhibit; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - Kits Fast AD Inc 220 S Center St Santa Ana, CA 92703 Phone: 714 835-9353 Toll Free: 800 451-1907 Fax: 714 835-4805 E-mail: Web Site: Guy Barnes, Pres Brigitte Barnes, VP PRODUCTS: Letter Changing; Letters - Changeable; Letters - Plastic; Signage - Letters; Wholesalers Fastenation Inc 120 Brighton Rd Unit 2 Clifton, NJ 07012-1666 Phone: 973 591-1277 Toll Free: 800 876-9922 Fax: 973 591-1443 E-mail: Web Site: Justin Ferdinand, VP Todd Young, Sales Mgr Lucy Hendrix, Contact PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Remover; Adhesives - Tapes; Fabrication Materials & Services; Fasteners; Straps - Cable Management; Tape - Application; Tape - Foam; Tape Hook & Loop Additional Offices: 234 Seven Farms STE 213 Daniel Island, SC 2949 Phone: 843 606-9600 Fax: 843 606-9633 E-mail: Fimor 5404 Ashton Court #D Sarasota, FL 34233 Phone: 941 921-5138 Toll Free: 800 922-5138 Fax: 941 921-5434 E-mail: Web Site: com Brigitte Divito, Sales PRODUCTS: Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Machines; Tools - Cutting

Fisher Textiles 139 Business Park Dr PO Box 307 Indian Trail, NC 28079 Phone: 704 821-8870 Toll Free: 800 554-8886 Fax: 704 821-8880 E-mail: Web Site: Scott Fisher, Pres James Gay, Dir of MKtg PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Digital Imaging - Media; Embroidery - Supplies; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Gaming Table Fabrics; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Inkjet Equipment - Canvas; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Sublimation Transfer Supplies Fletcher-Terry Company, The 65 Spring Ln Farmington, CT 06032 Phone: 860 677-7331 Toll Free: 888 888-5165 Fax: 860 676-8858 E-mail: Web Site: Leslie Denton, Dir Sales Jim McNickle, Dir Mktg PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/ Plotters - Automatic; Cutters/Plotters Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - General; Cutters/ Plotters - Laser; Cutters/Plotters - MultiSubstrate; Cutters/Plotters - Paper; Cutters/ Trimmers - Manual; Cutters/Trimmers - WallMounted FLEXcon Co Inc 1 FLEXcon Industrial Park Spencer, MA 01562-2642 Phone: 508 885-8459 Fax: 508 885-8289 E-mail: Web Site: Rick Harris, Prod Mgr Jodi Sawyer, Prod Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Perforated; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Reflective; Film - Vinyl; Film Window Graphics; Screen Printing - Films; Substrates - Printable; Tape - Transfer

Flexmag Industries Inc 107 Industry Rd Marietta, OH 45750-9355

Phone: 740 374-8024 Toll Free: 800 543-4426 Fax: 740 374-4280 E-mail: Web Site: Customer Svc Flexmag Industries, the total solution for all magnetic requirements, including Ultramag™, SafeMag™, ThinMag™, Ultramag Digital™, Ferro™, and introducing FlexCoat-EZ™, a coated magnetic product. Coming soon...Enviromag™, the clean green solution. Visit our website: www. SEE AD ON PAGE 95 PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Magnetic Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Substrates Mounting Additional Offices: Flexmag Industries 1000 Magnet Dr Norfolk, NE 68701 Phone: 402 371-6100 Fax: 402 371-8495 E-mail: Flood Company, The 15885 Sprague Rd Strongsville, OH 44136 Phone: 330 650-4070 Toll Free: 800 321-3444 Fax: 330 650-1453 Web Site: FomUSA Inc 1065 Medina Rd Ste 800 Medina, OH 44256 Phone: 234 248-4400 Fax: 330 239-3240 Web Site: Daniel Bonafini, VP Ops PRODUCTS: Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Corner Cutting; Metal-Fabricating Equipment Custom Metal Fabrication; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Notches; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Punches; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Saws Fort Hill Sign Products 650 Broadway Malden, MA 02148 Phone: 781 321-4320 Toll Free: 800 321-4320 Fax: 781 397-0452 E-mail: Web Site: Michael P. Dolan, Pres Albert Mitchell, Dir of Ops Andreas Garcia, Sales Assoc

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Dimensional lobby and logo signage ready for installation. Also cut acrylic, metal faced, PVC or Foam Letters, custom PMS Painting, complete acrylic signs, carved panels and ADA signs. PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Braille; Consultants - ADA; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Rotary; Engraving Wholesale; Laser Shop Services; Letters Aluminum; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Painted; Letters Plastic; Letters - PVC; Signs - ADA; Signs - Dimensional France 2268 Fairview Blvd PO Box 300 Fairview, TN 37062 Phone: 615 799-0551 Toll Free: 800 793-4793 Fax: 615 799-3199 E-mail: Web Site: Randy Frahm, Dir of Sales & Mktg Janie McClanahan, Sales & Mktg Mgr France Power Solution: Full line UL2161 transformers. Service Master self adjusting transformers for service applications. Fluorescent Ballasts (magnetic and electronic) for T12HO/T8HO lamps. Reliant T8 lighting system 60,000 hour lamps, sockets and ballasts. LED power supplies. Westrim sign components including ballast wire, glass housing, tube supports, transfermer cans, toggle switches. PRODUCTS: Ballasts; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - High Intensity Discharge; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; Neon - Cold Cathode; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - General Supplies; Neon - Lampholder; Neon - Power Supplies Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc 1101 W Cambridge Dr PO Box 2914 Kansas City, KS 66110-2914 Phone: 913 342-4060 Toll Free: 800 255-4562 Fax: 913 342-4752 E-mail: Web Site: Jeffrey Nelson, Mktg Mgr Larry Hettinger, Mktg Mgr PRODUCTS: Computers - Printers; Computers - Software; Cutters/Plotters - General; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink - Solvent Based; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing - Inks; Screen Printing - Supplies; Software - Color Management; Software - RIP; Substrates - General; Substrates Printable


Fulham Co., Inc. 12705 S Van Ness Ave Hawthorne, CA 90250 Phone: 323 779-2980 Fax: 332 754-9060 E-mail: Web Site: Tom, VP / OEM Sales Guy Esposito, VP / Energy Svcs PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Electrical Supplies; Lamps/ Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures; Lamps/ Lighting - Halogen; Lamps/Lighting - High Intensity Discharge; Lamps/Lighting Photoluminescent; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; Lighting; Lighting Services; Transformers GE Lighting Solutions 1975 Noble Rd East Cleveland, OH 44112-6300 Phone: 216 266-4800 Toll Free: 888 MY GE LED Fax: 216 266-2158 E-mail: Web Site: Matt Travernelli PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; LED - Border Lights; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; Lighting; Signs - LED; Traffic Signs GE Structured Products One Plastics Ave Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413 448-7688 Fax: 413 236-6036 E-mail: Web Site:

Gemini Incorporated 103 Mensing Way Cannon Falls, MN 55009 Phone: 507 263-3957 Toll Free: 800 538-8377 Fax: 800 421-1256 E-mail: Web Site: Amy Pickar, Letter Sales Lead Tania Anderson, Plaque Sales Lead Manufacturer of dimensional letters and plaques including: formed plastic, injection molded, laser cut plastic, cast aluminum and bronze, cut metal, fabricated metal, custom letters & logos, cast, etched, ADA

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

and wayfinding plaques, GemLite letters, trimcap, injection molded and formed channel letters, changeable copy letters, track and accessories, laminated letters. SEE AD ON PAGE 91 PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Castings; Architectural Signs; Bronze; Castings - Aluminum; Castings Bronze; Channel Letters - Trim; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Engraving - Laser; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Changeable; Letters - Channel; Letters Copper; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Letters - Gilded; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - Stainless Steel; Letters - Wood; Plaques; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Butyrate; Signs - Acid Etched Additional Offices: Gemini Canada Ltd 373 John St Neustadt, ON Canada, N0G 2M0 Phone: 519 799-5952 Fax: 519 799-5954 E-mail: General Formulations Inc. 309 South Union PO Box 158 Sparta, MI 49345-0158 Phone: 616 887-7387 Toll Free: 800 253-3664 Fax: 616 887-0537 E-mail: Web Site: Tim Leavenworth, Product Mgr Mike Clay, National Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Digital Imaging Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Film - Laminating; Film - Perforated; Film - Photoluminescent; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Laminates - Vinyl; Plotting Cutters - Films; Stencils Film; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cutters/ Plotters; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - Static Cling Geo Knight & Co Inc 52 Perkins St Brockton, MA 02301 Phone: 508 588-0186 Toll Free: 800 525-6766 Fax: 508 587-5108 E-mail: Web Site: Aaron Knight, VP Sales

Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Embossing Equipment; Heat Transfer Equipment; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Sublimation Transfer - Equipment Gerber Scientific Products 83 Gerber Rd South Windsor, CT 06074 Phone: 860 644-1551 Toll Free: 800 222-7446 Fax: 860 648-8595 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Banners - Vinyl; Cutters/Plotters - Blades/ Knives; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Software; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Dimensional Signs - Routers/ Engravers; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Reflective; Film - Thermal; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Ink - UV Curable; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminates Liquid; Ribbon - Thermal; Software - Color Management; Software - Design; Software - RIP Giant Graphics 122 44th St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49548 Phone: 616 534-9000 Toll Free: 866 744-6715 Fax: 616 534-1818 E-mail: Web Site: Judd Meyer, VP PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers Gill Studios, Inc. 10800 Lackman Rd PO Box 2909 (66201-1309) Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: 913 888-4422 Toll Free: 888 455-4422 Fax: 800 392-4455 E-mail: Web Site: Larry Timberlake, VP Sales Mike Malinowski, Supv Regional Sales 75 years ago, Forest P. Gill founded Gill Studios as a trade only silk screen printing company. Items produced include decals, bumper stickers, posters and signs, computer, magnetic and plastic products, and labels. Production time as low as one day. We are centrally located for ease in shipping PRODUCTS: Badges; Banners - Canvas; Car - Decals; Car - Sunshades; Decals; Floor Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Posters; Poly-Sleeve Yard Signs; Signs Screen Printed; Vinyl Graphics

Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC 1831 North Park Ave Glen Raven, NC 27217 Phone: 336 221-2211 Toll Free: 800 788-4413 Fax: 336 586-1169 E-mail: Web Site: Doug Dubay, Production Mgr

Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Neon - Channel Letters; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated

PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Polyester; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Flexible Materials

PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; LED Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; Letters Channel; Signs - LED

GM Graphics 531 Clay St PO Box 266 Newaygo, MI 49337 Phone: 231 652-2210 Toll Free: 800 530-9211 Fax: 231 652-4570 E-mail: Web Site: Geoff Lawton, Sales Mgr Becky Patterson, Sales Asst / Cust Svc

Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. 110 W 4th St PO Box 687 Grandview, IN 47615 Phone: 812 649-2569 Toll Free: 800 457-3540 Fax: 812 649-2526 E-mail: Web Site: Leslie Banks, VP Chris O’Nan, Sales

PRODUCTS: Film - Inkjet; Film - Laser; Masking Materials - Tape; Paper - Vellum; Screen Printing Emulsion; Screen Printing - Films; Screen Printing - Pens - Block Out; Screen Printing - Pens - Litho; Screen Printing - Scoop Coater; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Chemicals; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screens Polyester Mesh Fabric; Stencils - Film

PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Castings; Bronze; Car - License Plates; Castings - Aluminum; Castings Bronze; Flagpoles; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Bronze; Plaques

Additional Offices: GM Graphics Georgia 1159 Meadowbrook Dr Eastonollee, GA 30538 Phone: 800 530-9211 E-mail: GM Sign Inc 704 Sunset Roundlake, IL 60073 Phone: 847 546-0424 Toll Free: 800 637-7757 E-mail: Web Site: George Matzasek, Pres Dough Matzasek, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Dimensional Signs Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - Retrofit Kits; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters General; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Stainless Steel; Letters -

GOQ LED America 2900 Guilder Dr Plano, TX 75074 Phone: 972 881-9400 Toll Free: 888 519-5337 E-mail: Web Site:

Grandwell Electronics LED Signs 121 Quantum St Holly Springs, NC 27540 Phone: 919 557-1221 Toll Free: 800 338-6554 Fax: 919 552-9830 E-mail: Web Site: Furney Pretty, Account Mgr Walter Sanchez, Account Mgr PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Scrolling Price Displays; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Video; Signs - LED Graphic Parts International Inc 4321 N Knox Ave Chicago, IL 60641 Phone: 773 725-4900 Toll Free: 800 444-PART Fax: 773 777-0909 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Green, Pres Elliot Green, Parts / Svc Mgr Manufacturer of replacement parts for all domestic and international makes and models, including A.W.T., American, M&R, Anatol and MHM. Thousands of parts in stock and ready to ship.

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Dryers; Pad Printing - Equipment; Routers Vacuum Tables; Safety Equipment; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Flash Dryers; Screen Printing - Floodbars; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Biodegradable Cleaners; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Equipment; Screen Printing - Screen Washers; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - UV Curing Systems; Screens - Drying Cabinet Additional Offices: A.W.T. World Trade Group 4321 N Knox Ave Chicago, IL 60641 Phone: 773 777-7100 Fax: 773 777-0909 E-mail: Web Site: GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. 5546 Tuxedo Rd Hyattsville, MD 20781 Phone: 301 773-8339 Toll Free: 800 260-4320 Fax: 301 773-8344 E-mail: Web Site: Jody Willoughby, Pres John Pesch, Ops Mgr At GraphiCabb, our goal is to offer quality products, such as Oce, seal, 3M, Avery, Hewlett Packard, Mutoh, Neschen, and others, at competitive prices, and exceptional service. Next day, and even same day service will help you to meet tight deadlines. We work with you to find the best solution to fit your needs, at the most cost effective price to increase your profits. PRODUCTS: Banners - Equipment; Cutters/Plotters Large Format; Cutters/Plotters - Paper; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Distributors - Full Line; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Ink - Digital Imaging; Inkjet Equipment - Canvas; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format Graphitek Inc 190 North St Bennington, VT 05201 Phone: 802 442-3183 Toll Free: 800 423-4371 Fax: 802 442-3184 E-mail: Web Site: Gravograph 2200 Northmont Parkway Duluth, GA 30136 Phone: 770 623-0331 Toll Free: 800 843-7637 Fax: 770 495-3676


E-mail: Web Site: Anthony Harris, Bus Dev Mgr Jim Stadtler, Bus Dev Mgr PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Badges; Banners Vinyl; Braille; Clip Art; Computers - Cutters; Computers - Software; Consultants - ADA; Cutters/Plotters - Large Format; Cutters/ Plotters - Laser; Cutters/Plotters - Rotary; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Cutters/ Plotters - Software; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Routers/ Engravers; Engraving - 3-D; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Machines; Engraving - Materials; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Rotary; Engraving - Tools; Flexible Materials; Laser Equipment; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Plastics; Routers - CNC; Routers - Laser; Routers - Software; Sign Blanks - Nameplates; Sign Blanks Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signs ADA; Software - 3-D; Software - ADA/Braille; Software - CAD; Software - CAM; Software - Design; Software - Engraving Additional Offices: GravoTech, Inc. 10440 Pioneer Blvd Ste 1 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Phone: 213 624-6321 Fax: 678 904-2908 E-mail: Web Site: Grimco Hydraulic Presses 65 First Ave Paterson, NJ 07514 Phone: 973 345-0660 Fax: 973 345-0686 E-mail: Web Site: David Grimaldi, Pres James Chapman, Sr Consultant Grimco Hydraulic Presses has developed an exclusive line of SignForm thermoforming presses for manufacturing custom raised graphic interior & exterior signage using off the shelf Acrylic, ABS, PETG & other thermoplastic polymers PRODUCTS: ADA - Thermoforming; Architectural Signs; Braille; Consultants - ADA; Plastics - Thermoforming; Signs - ADA; Signs Systems Grimco, Inc. 1585 Fencorp Dr Fenton, MO 63026 Phone: 636 305-0088 Toll Free: 800 542-9941 Fax: 800 760-5575 E-mail: Web Site: Emily Martin

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Digital Imaging Banners; Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Ink Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Reflective Materials; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Substrates - Printable; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Wholesalers Additional Offices: Birmingham, AL; Mobile, AL; Los Alamitos, CA; Denver, CO; Bethel, CT; Jacksonville, FL; Largo, FL; Orlando, FL; Pembroke Park, FL; Marietta, GA; Lombard, IL; Springfield, IL; Indianapolis, IN; Jessup, MD; New Brighton, MN; Fenton, MO; Kansas City, MO; Owensville, MO; Springfield, MO; St Louis, MO; Greensboro, NC; Las Vegas, NV; Akron, OH; Columbus, OH; Portland, OR; Nashville, TN; Carrollton, TX; Houston, TX; San Antonio, TX; Tukwilla, WA; Veradale, WA IDL Logistics 4403 W Military Hwy 100 McAllen, TX 78503 Phone: 800 542-9941

Gyford StandOff Systems 891 Trademark Dr Reno, NV 89521 Phone: 775 829-7272 Fax: 775 829-1331 E-mail: Web Site: Danielle Lacombe, Client Solutions Mgr Robert Borden, Tech Lead SEE AD ON PAGE 110 PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Extrusions; Anchors/Fasteners; Architectural Signs; Awards; Banners Display Systems; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fasteners; Installation - Hardware; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Fixtures; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Signs - Frames Exhibit; Wholesalers Hang-Ups Unlimited 1904 14th St Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: 310 453-3806 Toll Free: 800 461-8154 Fax: 800 426-4877 E-mail:

Manufacturers & Suppliers Web Site: Scott Freeman, Pres PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Anchors/Fasteners; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Car - CarTop Signs; Distributors - General Supplies; Easels; Extrusions - Aluminum; Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber; Fasteners; Frames - Pointof-Purchase; Magnetic - Rolls; Message Boards - Systems; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Stands; Signs - Frames A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Systems Hanovia 6 Evans St Fairfield, NJ 07004 Phone: 973 651-5510 Fax: 973 651-5550 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Andrews, VP Sales PRODUCTS: Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - UV Curing Systems Hartco Inc. 1280 Glendale Milford Rd Cincinnati, OH 45215 Phone: 513 771-4430 Toll Free: 800 543-1340 Fax: 513 771-3327 E-mail: Web Site: Chris Hartensten, Sales Mgr Cindy Lother, Sales PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Masking Materials - Sandblasting; Mats - Entrance; Monuments; Sandblasting Equipment - Maskant; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Stencils - Sandblast; Tape - Maskant HBM Supply 2733 N Power Rd Ste 102 #235 Mesa, AZ 85215-1683 Phone: 480 789-9153 Fax: 480 924-4025 E-mail: Web Site: Charles E. Rustem, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives Transfers; Distributors - General Supplies; Masking Materials - Tape; Tape - Application; Tape - Decorative; Tape - Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop; Tape - Maskant; Tape - Striping; Tape - Transfer Additional Offices: 11545 Sorrento Valley Rd Ste 309 San Diego, CA Phone: 858 724-3100 Fax: 866 863-4849

E-mail: Web Site: HBM Supply 5885 Stapleton Dr N Unit C-308 Denver, CO 80216 Phone: 303 355-1080 Fax: 303 350-5564 Web Site: HBM Supply 3226 Irving Blvd Dallas, TX 75247 Phone: 214 750-4805 Fax: 214 631-0151 Web Site: HEICO Lighting™ 400 Du Parc Saint Eustache, QC Canada, J7R 0A1 Phone: 450 491-2100 Toll Free: 800 665-1166 Fax: 450 491-3788 E-mail: Web Site: Nadim Bakache, VP Sales Audrée Duclos Paré, Sales Coord Electronic Transformers for neon: Octopus System, Platinum Series and SelfContained Series. Our simplest, safest and most environmentally friendly LED lighting solution, the LED Contactless System PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Backlighting; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Distributors - Neon Supplies; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; LED - Border Lights; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules; LED Power Supplies; LED - Retrofit Kits; Neon - Channel Letters; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. 32-34 Commercial St Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978 741-3600 Fax: 978 744-0242 E-mail: Web Site: Jeffrey C. Grant, VP Whitney K. Wiggin, Dir Mktg & Bus Dev PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Automatic; Cutters/Plotters - Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - General; Cutters/ Plotters - Multi-Substrate; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Equipment Leasing; Routers - Accessories; Routers - Bits; Routers - CNC; Routers Software; Saws - Panel; Software - CAD; Software - CAM; Software - Routing; Tools - Cutting; Tools - Panel Saws; Vinyl - CNC Tooling; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters

Herculite Aberdeen Rd PO Box 435 (17318) Emigsville, PA 17318 Phone: 717 764-1192 Toll Free: 800 772-0036 Fax: 717 764-5211 E-mail: Web Site: John Evans, VP Sales - Graphic Prod Dan Dix, Sales Mgr - Graphic Products PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Banners - Blanks; Digital Imaging - Media; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Laminates - Mesh, Vinyl ; Laminates - Printable; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Blanks - PVC; Substrates - Printable; Vinyl PVC Laminated Polyester HIKER USA INC 4521 E Jensen St #102 Mesa, AZ 85205 Phone: 480 924-0167 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Banners Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Computers - Cutters; Fasteners; Grommets; Lamps/Lighting - Halogen Additional Offices: HIKER 3375 14th Ave #3 Markham, ON Canada, L3R 0H2 Phone: 905 479-5390 Web Site:

Howard Industries 6400 Howard Dr Fairview, PA 16415 Phone: 814 833-7000 Toll Free: 800 458-0591 Fax: 814 838-0011 E-mail: Web Site: Bill Freeman, VP of Architectural Sales Tom Pontillo, Sales Rep Howard Industries is a wholesale manufacturer of aluminum Exterior & Interior Architectural Signage Systems including, Illuminated & Non-Illuminated Post & Panel Signs, Pylon signs, Directory Signs, Wayfinding Systems, LED Traffic Controllers, ADA Interior Signs & New Perma-Banner the 7-year vertical street pole mounted banner. SEE AD ON PAGES 61, 76

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Extrusions; Architectural Signs; Changeable Letter Boards; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - LED; Extrusions - Aluminum; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Post & Panel; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Sign Frames; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - ADA; Signs - Dimensional; Signs Illuminated; Signs - Kits; Signs - Systems; Signs - Traffic; Stock Message Signs - Exit; Stock Message Signs - Safety; Traffic Signs; Wholesalers Additional Offices: Design Stone Signs by Howard Industries 6400 Howard Dr Fairview, PA 16415 Phone: 877 463-7000 Fax: 814 835-6908 E-mail: Web Site: IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. 124 Tradd St Spartanburg, SC 29301 Phone: 864 587-0098 Fax: 864 587-0069 E-mail: Web Site: Anja Chastain, VP PRODUCTS: Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Gaming Table Fabrics; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Vinyl - Film/Media Identification Plates, Inc. 1555 High Point Dr Mesquite, TX 75149 Phone: 972 216-1616 Toll Free: 800 395-2570 Fax: 972 216-1555 E-mail: Web Site: Bob Shapiro, National Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Sheets; Architectural Signs; Badges; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Engraving - Blanks; Engraving - Conventional; Engraving Laser; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Wholesale; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Corner Cutting; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Custom Metal Fabrication; Plaques; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Nameplates; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - Etched; Signs - Screen Printed; Substrates - Engraveable; Substrates Laserable


ImageOne Impact 29962 Ave De Las Banderas Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Phone: 949 709-7788 Toll Free: 800 818-0222 Fax: 949 709-7790 E-mail: Web Site: Frank De Leone, Pres Dave Harris, VP / GM Manufacture & Supplier of the hghest quality sign mounting, Installation & Banner Hanging Systems. We also provide safety tools, cutting equipment, panel saws, banner finishing tools & installer tools. Everything to make your job faster, safer & easier. Visit us at to learn more or to become and authorized dealer. PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - General Supplies; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Pole Brackets; Cutters/ Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/Plotters Blades/Knives; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Digital Imaging - Hardware; Installation - Hardware; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Safety Rulers; Saws - Panel; Sublimation Transfer - Supplies; Tape - Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop; Tools - Cutting; Vinyl Application Solutions; Vinyl - Blades/ Knives; Vinyl - Removal Tool; Vinyl - Tools; Wholesalers Industrial Specialties, Mfg. 4091 S Eliot St Englewood, CO 80110 Phone: 303 781-8486 Toll Free: 800 781-8487 Fax: 303 761-7939 E-mail: Web Site: Stephanie Scott, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Fasteners; Hose Protectors; Neon - Tubing Coated; Neon - Tubing - Uncoated; Plastics - ABS; Plastics - Acetate; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - Polyethylene; Plastics - Polypropylene; Plastics Polystyrene; Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride; Plastics - PVC Inkjet International 4443 Simonton Rd Dallas, TX 75244 Phone: 972 991-4577 Fax: 972 991-5919 E-mail: Web Site: Alok Sarna, VP Patrisia Zamarron, Customer Svc Rep PRODUCTS: Billboards; Graphics; Outdoor Signs Banners; Outdoor Signs - Billboards;

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Outdoor Signs - Bus Shelter Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards Insta Graphic Systems 13925 E 166th St Cerritos, CA 90702 Phone: 562 404-3000 Toll Free: 800 421-6971 Fax: 562 404-3010 E-mail: Web Site: Cris Saunders, Dir Sales & Mktg PRODUCTS: Decals; Heat Transfer - Equipment; Heat Transfer - Graphics; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Letters - Die-Cut; Paper - Heat Transfer; Sublimation Transfer Equipment; Tape - Transfer; Textiles - Heat Seal Machines Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. 505 Maplewood Blvd Georgetown, IN 47122 Phone: 502 233-8755 Toll Free: 866 280-7446 Fax: 888 941-7446 E-mail: Web Site: Melissa Hobbs, Pres Mike Hobbs, VP PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters Foam; Letters - PVC; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Post & Panel; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Faces - Pan; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED; Vacuum Forming Intek Corporation 290 Independence Dr Union, MO 63084 Phone: 636 584-8500 Toll Free: 800 387-8559 Fax: 636 584-8503 E-mail: Web Site: Jesse C. Stricklr, Oven Sales Philip Kelm, Heater & Element Sales QUICK SILVER™ flash dryers such as the QUICKFLASH™, AUTOFLASH™, and CONVERTIBLE™ models provide any screen printer, beginner to professional, with long-lasting ways to improve efficiency in the modern screen print shop. A patented, highefficiency INTEK heating element is used in all QUICK SILVER™ flash dryers. INTEK elements can also be purchased separately as a direct OEM replacement for virtually any flat-panel dryer. PRODUCTS: Dryers

Manufacturers & Suppliers InteliCoat Technologies 28 Gaylord St South Hadley, MA 01075 Phone: 413 536-7800 Fax: 413 536-4114 Web Site: Ed McCarron, Dir Mktg - Digital Imaging Jennifer Chagnon, Mktg Mgr PRODUCTS: Banners - Canvas; Banners - Paper; Banners - Polyester; Banners - Polyethylene; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric Canvas; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Film - Clear; Film - Polyester; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Solvent Based; Inkjet Equipment - Canvas; Inkjet Equipment Media International Welding Technologies Inc 2650 Egg Harbor Rd Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Phone: 856 435-8004 Toll Free: 800 852-4988 Fax: 856 435-4004 E-mail: Web Site: Jason Wilkinson, VP Sales Jennifer Wilkinson, Office Mgr PRODUCTS: Anchors/Fasteners; Fabrication Materials & Services; Fasteners; Welding - Equipment; Welding - Weld Studs iSIGNS Inc. 7625 Birkmire Dr Fairview, PA 16415 Phone: 814 835-1017 Toll Free: 866 437-3040 Fax: 814 835-7057 E-mail: Web Site: Mark Bosta, Sales & Solutions Spec Bill Burrows, Sales & Solutions Spec iSIGNs Inc. Working to be your preferred Wholesale Sign Source! Offers over 3,500 eco-friendly LED illuminated Traffic Control & Bank Lane Sign Products, multi-system extruded aluminum Post & Panel Sign Systems, Perma-Banner custom shape, 5 year street pole banners, & ADA Interior Sign Systems with user changeable laser printed message inserts PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Banners - Pole Brackets; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Stock Message Signs; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Post & Panel; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signs - ADA; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED; Signs Systems; Signs - Traffic; Stock Message

Signs - Exit; Stock Message Signs - Safety; Stock Message Signs - Traffic; Traffic Signs; Wholesalers ITW Plexus 30 Endicott St Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: 978 777-1100 Toll Free: 800 851-6692 Fax: 978 774-0516 E-mail: Web Site: Tom Gast, N.A. Sales & Mktg Mgr Kim Rzetelny, Business Dev Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Glass Bead; Adhesives - High Strength; Adhesives - Structural; Adhesives - Tapes

Jasper Plastics Solutions 501 W Railroad Ave Syracuse, IN 46567 Phone: 574 457-2062 Fax: 574 457-2069 E-mail: Web Site: Jamie Beer, Customer Svc Roger Korenstra, Sales PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Column Cladding; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs Carved; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Engraving - 3-D; Finials General; Finials - Ornamental; Finials - Polyurethane; Frames - Large Format; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters Foam; Letters - Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - Sandblasted; Letters - Stone; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs Landscaped; Outdoor Signs - Sculptures; Plastics - Fiberglass; Plastics - FRP; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - Polyester; Point-ofPurchase Displays; Poles - Readerboard; Poles - Sign; Sandblasting Equipment Blanks; Sandblasting Equipment - Stock Signs; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Polyurethane; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Stands; Signage - Electronic; Signage - Fiberglass; Signs - ADA; Signs - Dimensional; Signs Fiberglass; Signs - Maintenance Free

Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. 195 Atlantic Ave PO Box N Garden City Park, NY 11040 Phone: 516 741-3660 Toll Free: 800 552-0023 Fax: 516 742-3617 E-mail: Web Site: Cliff Stevens, VP Mktg PRODUCTS: Boards - Marker; Car - Car-Top Signs; Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Stands; Signs - Frames A-Frame Sandwich Boards Justin Inc. 2663 N Lee Ave South El Monte, CA 91733 Phone: 626 444-4516 Toll Free: 800 989-4517 Fax: 626 444-9462 E-mail: Web Site: Ted Schell, Dir Mktg PRODUCTS: Ballasts; LED - LED Drivers; LED - Power Supplies; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - Power Supplies; Transformers Kaiser Tool Company Inc 3620 Centennial Dr PO Box 80430 (46898-0430) Fort Wayne, IN 46808 Phone: 260 484-3620 Toll Free: 888 844-6248 Fax: 260 482-1881 E-mail: Web Site: Doris Trapp, Office Mgr Tammy McHenry, Accounting Rep PRODUCTS: Engraving - Laser; Tools - Cutting KAPCO Graphic Products 1000 Cherry St PO Box 626 (44240-0011) Kent, OH 44240-7520 Phone: 330 678-1626 Toll Free: 800 791-8963 Fax: 330 678-3922 E-mail: Web Site: Jenifer Codrea, VP Sales & Mktg Mike Popovich, Sales Mgr KAPCO offers a complete line of digital media and laminates plus vinyls and supplies. Choose from grommets to squeegees to blades to sign frames and more. PRODUCTS: Banners - Grommets; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Film - Polycarbonate;

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Magnetic - Rolls; Paper - Digital Imaging; Pouncing - Paper; Sign Frames; Signs ADA; Tape - Transfer; Vinyl - Blades/Knives; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Film/ Media; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Specialty; Vinyl - Static Cling; Vinyl - Translucent Kern Lasers 1501 Industrial Dr Wadena, MN 56482 Phone: 218 631-2755 Toll Free: 888 660-2755 Fax: 218 631-3476 E-mail: Web Site: Derek Kern, VP of Sales / Mktg Eric Johnson, Sales PRODUCTS: Laser Equipment; Murals - Engravers Kett Tool Company 5055 Madison Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227-1494 Phone: 513 271-0333 Fax: 513 271-5318 E-mail: Web Site: Jack Wittekind, Dir Sales Anita Escobedo, Asst Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Saws; MetalFabricating Equipment - Shears; Tools Cutting; Tools - Panel Saws Kommerling USA Inc 3402 Stanwood Blvd Huntsville, AL 35811 Phone: 256 851-4099 Toll Free: 800 330-2239 Fax: 256 859-7562 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Letters - PVC; Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride; Plastics - PVC; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Poles - Sign; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Boards - Foamboard; Sign Boards - Plastic; Substrates - Printable K-Sun Co. PO Box 309 370 SMC Drive Somerset, WI 54025 Phone: 715 247-4440 Toll Free: 800 622-6312 Fax: 715 247-4003 E-mail: Web Site: Linda Law, Dir Admin Andrew Kasun, Distribution Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Decals; Digital Imaging Label Printers


Kwik Banner 255 Fulton St Wheeling, WV 26003 Phone: 304 232-4485 Toll Free: 888 726-7292 Fax: 888 325-2657 Web Site: Lisa Martin Shawn Martin PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Awnings - Frames; Awnings - General; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Track Kits; Banners - Vinyl; Fabric - Canvas; Grommets; Sign Blanks - Banners; Tape - Hook & Loop; Vinyl Banner Welding L & L Industries 914 N Lake Rd Spokane, WA 99212 Phone: 509 489-7173 Toll Free: 800 228-9986 Fax: 509 483-1759 E-mail: Web Site: Lorne Bilesky, GM PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Bronze; Castings Aluminum; Castings - Bronze; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs Monuments; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Copper; Letters - Foam; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Painted; Letters - Stainless Steel; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - ADA; Signs Dimensional; Signs - Etched Lamatek, Inc. 1226 Forest Pkwy West Deptford, NJ 08066 Phone: 856 599-6000 Toll Free: 800 LAMTEk Fax: 856 599-6010 E-mail: Web Site: Nadiya Netreboy, OEM Sales Mgr Kelly Schultz, Customer Svc Liason Foam tapes, high bond tapes, mounting tapes, gasket tapes, & weather stripping tapes. PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes Laminators Inc 3255 Penn St Hatfield, PA 19440-1731 Phone: 215 723-8107 Toll Free: 800 523-2347 Fax: 215 721-4669 E-mail:

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Web Site: Michael Leneski, National Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Display Boards; Plastics - PVC; Sign Blanks Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Metal Faced; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Blanks - Wood; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards Plywood; Substrates - General; Substrates Mounting; Substrates - Plywood; Substrates - Printable Additional Offices: 3255 Penn St Hatfield, PA 19440 Phone: 215 723-8107 Fax: 215 721-4669 Web Site: Lamitech Inc 322 Half Acre Rd Cranbury, MA 08512 Phone: 609 860-8037 Toll Free: 866 878-7708 Fax: 609 860-8580 E-mail: Web Site: Andrew Londergan, National Sales Adam Resier, VP / GM PRODUCTS: Foils - Resin; Paper - Art; Paper Digital Imaging; Paper - Kraft; Paper Photographic; Paper - Poster; Sign Boards - Cardboard; Sign Boards - Foamboard Additional Offices: 800 Hingham St Rockland, MA 02370 Phone: 781 878-7708 Fax: 781 878-6589 Lancaster Sign Co., Inc. 1334 Rawlinsville Rd New Providence, PA 17560 Phone: 717 284-3500 Toll Free: 800 464-8140 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters Channel; Wholesalers LED Inc 1601 Fairview Dr #22 Carson City, NV 89701 Phone: 775 885-1510 Fax: 775 885-8028 E-mail: Web Site: Jo Lynch, Sales Mgr

Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies LED Sign Co PO Box 758 Andover, KS 67002 Phone: 316 685-1401 Fax: 316 612-3554 E-mail: Web Site: Ron Smith, Owner Wayne Pearman, GM PRODUCTS: LED - Electronic Signs; LED - LED Spot Lamp; LED - Video Billboards LEDCONN Corp. 2500 E Imperial Hwy #201-380 Brea, CA 92821 Phone: 714 732-7136 Fax: 714 528-6322 E-mail: Web Site: Hanna Hauan, Project Mgr Allen Wang, Project Mgr LEDCONN provides LED Illumination solutions. Products include LED Light Panel, LED LIght Box, Custom Edg-lit Signage, and LED Blacklight Module. Applications include Graphic Backlight, Retail Branding, Menu Boards, Kiosk, and Point of Purchase. Standard and custom size are available. OEM service provided. PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Edge Lit Signs; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - LED; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Modules; Lighting; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Neon - Low Voltage, Indoor Sign; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED; Signs Maintenance Free LEDtronics 23105 Kashiwa Ct Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: 310 534-1505 Toll Free: 800 579-4875 Fax: 310 534-1424 E-mail: Web Site: Jordan Papanier PRODUCTS: Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/ Lighting - Floodlights; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Spot Lamp; Lighting

Leo Uhlfelder Company 420 S Fulton Ave Mt. Vernon, NY 10553 Phone: 914 664-8701 Fax: 914 664-8728 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Brushes - Brush Oil; Brushes - General; Gilding Materials - Brushes; Gilding Materials - Gold Leaf Sheets; Gilding Materials - Gold Leafing Materials LetterFAB 475 Riverland Dr Crested Butte, CO 81224 Phone: 800 787-5051 E-mail: Web Site: Warren A. Sciortino, Sales Mgr / Owner PRODUCTS: Channel Letters - Coils; Channel Letters - Mounting Clips; Channel Letters - Tools; Channel Letters - Trim; Letters - Channel LexJet Corp. 1605 Main St Ste 400 Sarasota, FL 34236 Phone: 941 330-1210 Toll Free: 800 453-9538 Fax: 941 330-1220 E-mail: Web Site: Dean Lambert, VP John Lane, VP Jason Metnick, Sales Mgr Jeff Leto, Product Management PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Banners - Polyester; Banners - Vinyl; Computers - Printers; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric Inkjet & Digital Printing; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment Printers Light Engines 29 Library Ln S Sturbridge, MA 01566-1093 Phone: 508 347-0111 E-mail: Web Site: Pat McGarrah, North American Sales Herve Barcelo, European Sales PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Electronic Messaging - LED; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Modules; Lighting

Additional Offices: PBRC Consulting France Phone: (33) 608 53 73 33 Lighthouse Technology Ltd 9943 Muirlands Blvd Unit B-5 Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 949 265-0534 Toll Free: 866 345-8288 Fax: 949 265-0533 E-mail: Web Site: Edward Whitaker PRODUCTS: Billboards; Consultants - Digital Signage; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; Lamps/ Lighting - Light Boxes; LED - Border Lights; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - LED Modules; LED - LED Rope Light; LED - Video; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Scoreboards Little Giant Ladder Systems 1198 Spring Creek Place PO Box 3100 Springville, UT 84057-3100 Phone: 801 489-3684 Toll Free: 800 453-1192 Fax: 801 489-3685 E-mail: Web Site: LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc 8228 McCormick Blvd Skokie, IL 60076-2806 Phone: 847 677-8333 Toll Free: 800 795-1500 Fax: 847 933-3496 E-mail: Web Site: Cary Green, Pres / CEO PRODUCTS: Heat Transfer - Equipment; Printers - Inkjet; Sign Blanks - Metal Faced; Sublimation Transfer - Dyes; Sublimation Transfer Equipment; Sublimation Transfer - Supplies Lucite International Inc. 7275 Goodlett Farms Pkwy Cordova, TN 38016 Phone: 901 381-2000 Toll Free: 800 458-2483 Fax: 901 381-2447 Web Site: Luminator, An LTG Company 900 Klein Rd Plano, TX 75074 Phone: 972 424-6511 Fax: 972 423-1540 Web Site: Dan Kelleher, VP of Sales / Mktg

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Magna Fabrics Inc 2600 71st St North Bergen, NJ 07047 Phone: 201 693-2281 Toll Free: 201 868-4000 Fax: 201 868-4664 E-mail: Web Site: MagnaPlan Corporation 1320 Rte 9 #3314 Champlain, NY 12919-5007 Phone: 518 298-8404 Toll Free: 800 361-1192 Fax: 518 298-2368 E-mail: Web Site: Joseph P. Josephson, Managing Dir Joel Boloten, Mgr - Consulting Svc Boris Polanski, Contact PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Badges; Boards - Dry Erase; Boards - Marker; Bulletin Boards; Changeable Letter Boards; Decals; Display Boards; Easels; Letters - Changeable; Letters - Magnetic; Letters - Vinyl; Magnetic - Sheet; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated; Signs - Screen Printed; Stock Message Signs - Exit; Stock Message Signs - Safety

Pressure Activated; Masking Materials Paper; Masking Materials - Tape; Pressure Sensitive Film; Screen Printing - Equipment/ Accessories; Tape - Application; Tape Maskant; Tape - Transfer; Wholesalers Manitex Skycrane 3000 S Austin Ave Georgetown, TX 78626 Phone: 512 942-3000 Fax: 512 863-3776 E-mail: Web Site: Randy Robertson, Dir Sales & Mktg Manitex International Richard Bubz, Sales Coord

Magnum Magnetics Corp 801 Masonic Park Rd Marietta, OH 45750 Phone: 740 373-7770 Toll Free: 800 258-0991 Fax: 740 373-2880 E-mail: Web Site: Korby Guthrie, Sales & Svc Mgr

PRODUCTS: Paints - Airbrush; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - Coatings; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Plastics (Use on); Paints - Primers; Paints - Topcoats

Mark Bric Display Corporation 4740 Chudoba Pkwy Prince George, VA 23875 Phone: 804 862-4655 Toll Free: 800 742-6275 Fax: 804 862-4302 E-mail: Web Site: Larry Ragland, Pres

McCullough Banner Co 27 Miller St Strasburg, PA 17579 Phone: 717 687-8784 Toll Free: 800 423-8204 Fax: 717 687-0466 E-mail: Web Site: James McCullough, Pres Sharon McCullough, Customer Svc

Master Magnetics Inc 747 S Gilbert St Castle Rock, CO 80104 Phone: 303 688-3966 Toll Free: 888 293-3534 Fax: 303 688-5303 E-mail: Web Site: Pablo Marczuk, Flexible Sales Specialist Mary Sizemore, Flexible Sales Specialist SEE AD ON PAGE ###

PRODUCTS: Magnetic - Assemblies; Magnetic - Bases; Magnetic - Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Magnetic - Stock

PRODUCTS: Magnetic - Assemblies; Magnetic - Bases; Magnetic - Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Magnetic - Stock; Sign Blanks - Magnetic

Main Tape Company, Inc 1 Capital Dr Ste 101 Cranbury, NJ 08512 Phone: 609 395-1704 Toll Free: 800 526-TAPE Fax: 609 395-3562 E-mail: Web Site: Gary Bender, Sales Mgr - Channel Dist Mitch Ellerbee, Inside Sales

Masters Technology Inc 6610 N 57th Ave Glendale, AZ 85301 Phone: 623 937-4495 Toll Free: 800 944-6088 Fax: 623 937-4262 E-mail: Web Site: Herb Moulton, Pres Edward Herbert, Ops Mgr

PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives - Transfers; Film -

PRODUCTS: Neon - End Caps; Neon - High Voltage Splice Boxes


Matthews Paint provides customers with technology, color & service. We provide coatings for heavy duty performance in the areas of color retention, gloss retention, & harsh industrial atmospheres

PRODUCTS: Cranes; Ladders; Lamps/Lighting Billboards; Light Poles; Outdoor Signs Heavy Equipment; Trucks - Bucket; Trucks - Crane

Additional Offices: 2209 Tucker St Burlington, NC 27215-6738 Phone: 336 228-0188 Fax: 336 227-9211 E-mail: Web Site:

Matthews Paint 760 Pittsburgh Dr Delaware, OH 43015-2863 Phone: 262 947-0700 Toll Free: 800 323-6593 Fax: 800 947-0377 E-mail: Web Site: Donna Schaefer, Mktg Svcs Specialist Ranju Arye, Prod Mgr

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Finishing Service; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Fabrication Materials & Services; Grommets; Sign Blanks - Banners Metalcraft Industries, Inc. 120 Cypress Rd Ocala, FL 34472 Phone: 352 680-3555 Toll Free: 888 609-3779 Fax: 352 680-3559 E-mail: Web Site: Robin Liles, Sales Mgr Walter Scott, Mktg Dir PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Castings; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Pole Brackets; Car - License Plates; Castings Aluminum; Frames - Real Estate; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Poles - Traffic; Post & Panel; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Sign Stands; Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Kits; Stock Message Signs - Safety; Stock Message Signs - Traffic

Manufacturers & Suppliers E-mail: Web Site: Dirk Moebes, CEO Metomic Corporation 2944 W 26th St Chicago, IL 60623 Phone: 773 247-4716 Toll Free: 800 847-8342 Fax: 773 247-2563 E-mail: Web Site: SEE AD ON PAGE 112 PRODUCTS: Anchors/Fasteners; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Fasteners; Finials - General; Finials - Ornamental; Grommets; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Stands Mimaki USA, Inc. 150 Satellite Blvd NE Suwanee, GA 30045 Phone: 678 730-0170 Toll Free: 888 530-4021 Fax: 678 730-0200 E-mail: Web Site: Marie Frieman, Mktg North America Joseph Terramagna, Branch Mgr LA PRODUCTS: Color Printing; Cutters/Plotters - Automatic; Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/ Plotters - Large Format; Cutters/Plotters Multi-Substrate; Cutters/Plotters - Paper; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Cutters/Plotters Software; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Label Printers; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Plotting Cutters - Films; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Software - Color Management; Software - Cutters/Plotters; Software Design; Textiles - Direct Imprint Machine Additional Offices: 2630 Townsgate Rd Ste I Westlake Village, CA 91361-2704 Phone: 888 530-3987 150 Satellite Blvd NE Atlanta, GA 30045 Phone: 888 530-3988 125 Commerce Dr Unit A Schaumberg, IL 60173 Phone: 888 530-3985 77 Rowe St Newton, MA 02466 Phone: 888 530-3986 MR Clipart Albrechtstr 33 Hannover, Germany Phone: 511 874400 Fax: 511 8744044

PRODUCTS: Car - Decals; Car - Pinstriping; CD/DVD Publication; Clip Art; Computers - Software; Cutters/Plotters - Software; Decals; Digital Imaging - Software; Fleet - Graphics; Floor Graphics; Fonts; Graphic Design; Graphics; Logo Design; Neon - Training - Videos; Pinstriping - Tools; Routers - Software; Software - 3-D; Software - Add-on; Software - CAD; Software - Clip Art; Software Design; Software - Engraving; Software - Plug Ins MultiCam, Inc. 1025 W Royal Ln PO Box 612048 Dallas, TX 75261 Phone: 972 929-4070 Fax: 972 929-4071 E-mail: Web Site: John Harris, Dir of Sales and Mktg Manufacturer of CNC machining and software solutions. PRODUCTS: Computers - Cutters; Cutters/Plotters Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - CAD Plasma Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - General; Cutters/ Plotters - Large Format; Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Cutters/Plotters - Multi-Substrate; Cutters/Plotters - Rotary; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Cutters/Plotters - Software; Die Cutting Equipment - Steel-Rule; Engraving - 3-D; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Machines; Laser Equipment; Routers Accessories; Routers - Bits; Routers - CNC; Routers - Conventional; Routers - Laser; Routers - Shaping Tools; Routers - Software; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Waterjet Machines - CAD Routers; Waterjet Machines - Cutting Equipment Multiled S.A. Salta 285 Capital Federal, Buenos Aires Argentina, 1074 Phone: 11 4373-9500 Fax: 11 4373-9500 E-mail: Web Site: Daniel Carnaghi, Pres Ariel Carnaghi, VP We produce electronic devices in state-ofthe-art LED technology used across the globe: widescreen monitors, advertising displays, signs, billboards, scoreboards, mini compact (signs on clothing items), vehicular (signs and displays on vehicles), time and temperature clocks, waiting room management systems. We offer products best suited for each client’s specific needs.

PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Consultants - Advertising; Consultants - Marketing; Display Boards; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Scrolling Price Displays; Electronic Messaging Time/Temperature; LED - Border Lights; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Illumination; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Signage Electronic Mutoh America, Inc. 2602 S 47th St Phoenix, AZ 85034 Phone: 480 968-7772 Toll Free: 800 99M-UTOH Fax: 480 968-7990 E-mail: Web Site: Gary Rudnick, Dir of Sales David Conrad, Mktg Mgr PRODUCTS: Printers - Wide Format NALE 307 Munroe Falls Ave Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Phone: 330 916-6461 Fax: 330 916-6462 Web Site: Udo Beyersdorf, Contact National Banner Co Inc 11938 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75234 Phone: 972 241-2131 Toll Free: 800 527-0860 Fax: 972 241-6282 E-mail: Web Site: National Banner Co., Inc (NABCO) is a mfr. of flags, banners, decals, and related POP/ POS materials. We only sell to the trade. In business since 1953. PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Banners Mounting Hardware; Banners - Nylon; Banners - Polyethylene; Banners - Vinyl; Car - Decals; Decals; Flags - Cloth; Flags Nylon; Flags - Pole Brackets; Poles - Flag National Time & Signal Corp 28045 Oakland Oaks Wixom, MI 48393 Phone: 800 326-8456 Fax: 248 543-3250 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Fulton, Sales Eng Larry Fulton, VP Clock Mfg PRODUCTS: Clocks - Components; Clocks - General; Clocks - Neon; Signage - Directory Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Additional Offices: 21800 Wyoming Ave Oak Park, MI 48237 Phone: 800 326-8456 E-mail: Web Site: National Visual Systems 5482 G Oceanus Dr Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone: 714 891-2670 Toll Free: 800 788-2670 Fax: 714 898-9034 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Braille; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Display Boards; Display Cases; Glass Signs; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Changeable; Letters - Metal; Sign Frames; Signage Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - ADA; Signs Dimensional; Signs - Etched; Signs - Traffic; Traffic Signs; Vinyl Graphics Nazdar SourceOne 8501 Hedge Lane Terr Shawnee, KS 66227 Phone: 913 422-1888 Toll Free: 888 578-5713 Fax: 913 422-2295 E-mail: Web Site: The Nazdar company manufactures the most comprehensive selection of UV, waterbase and solvent-based screen printing inks, flexographic inks, and wide-format digital inks obtainable from a single source. PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging Laminators; Digital Imaging - Media; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink - Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminating Machines; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Screen Printing - CTS Imaging Systems; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Inks; Screen Printing - Machines; Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning Chemicals NEMCO Controls Inc 10306 Sagelink Ct Houston, TX 77089 Phone: 281 481-3656 Toll Free: 800 594-9984 Fax: 281 481-2510 E-mail: Web Site: David Hogg, Pres


PRODUCTS: Electric Signs - Custom; Electrical Supplies; LED - LED Drivers; LED Power Supplies; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Neon - Controllers - without software; Neon - Flashers; Solid State Electronic - Chaser Controls; Solid State Electronic - Flashers; Solid State Electronics - Sequencers NESCO Sales & Rentals Inc 3111 E State Rd Ste 124 Bluffton, IN 46714 Phone: 260 824-6340 Toll Free: 800 252-0043 Fax: 260 824-6350 E-mail: Web Site: Chris Daugherty, Great Lakes Mgr Bill LaSalle, NE Territory Mgr New and used aerial equipment cranes, etc. PRODUCTS: Aerial Equipment; Aerial Work Platforms; Cranes Newstripe Inc 1700 Jasper St #F Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: 303 364-7786 Toll Free: 800 624-6706 Fax: 303 364-7796 E-mail: Web Site: Peter Woods, Sales PRODUCTS: Floor Graphics; Letters - Die-Cut; Letters - Plastic; Paints - Spraypaints; Safety Equipment; Stencils - General; Stock Message Signs - Exit; Stock Message Signs - Safety; Stock Message Signs - Traffic; Traffic Signs Nixalite of America Inc. PO Box 727 East Moline, IL 61244 Phone: 309 755-8771 Toll Free: 888 624-1189 Fax: 309 755-0077 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - High Strength; Bird Deterrants; Safety Equipment; Wholesalers Nova Polymers, Inc 8 Evans St PO Box 1305 (07007) Fairfield, NJ 07004 Phone: 973 882-7890 Toll Free: 888 484-NOVA Fax: 973 882-5614 E-mail: Web Site: Dave Miller, Business Dir Mike Santos, Dir Sales & Product Dev

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; Architectural Signs; Associations; Braille; Computers Printers; Computers - Software; Consultants - ADA; Consultants - Advertising; Consultants - General; Consultants Marketing; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Distributors - Plastics; Equipment Leasing; Film - Inkjet; Film - Thermal; Fonts; Heat Transfer - Equipment; Heat Transfer Heat Press Machines; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Leasing and Finance; Plastics - Photopolymer Material; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - Polyethylene; Printers - Inkjet; Signs - ADA; Signs - Etched; Software ADA/Braille; Software - RIP Nudo Products, Inc. 1500 Taylor Ave Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: 217 528-5636 Toll Free: 800 826-4132 Fax: 217 528-8722 E-mail: Web Site: Mark Simpson, Sales Matt Campbell, Mktg PRODUCTS: Engraving - Blanks; Extrusions - Aluminum; Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber; Sign Blanks Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Metal Faced; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Blanks Wood ONYX Graphics, Inc. 6915 S High Tech Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84047 Phone: 801 568-9900 Toll Free: 800 828-0723 Fax: 801 568-9911 E-mail: Web Site: Kelli Ramirez PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Software; Software - Color Management; Software - Digital Imaging; Software - Plug Ins; Software - RIP Optec Displays Inc 716 S Nogales St City of Industry, CA 91748 Phone: 800 876-1668 Fax: 626 369-7858 E-mail: Web Site: Frank Vega, Account Exec Shawn Cantu, Account Exec PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Hospitality Price Changers; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED Video; LED - Video Billboards

Manufacturers & Suppliers Optek Technology 1645 Wallace Dr Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone: 972 323-2200 Toll Free: 800 341-4747 Fax: 972 323-2396 E-mail: Web Site: Orbus Exhibit & Display Group 380 Veterans Pkwy Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Phone: 630 226-1155 Toll Free: 866 672-8715 Fax: 630 226-1133 E-mail: Web Site: Patrick Carrig, Dir of Sales PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Vinyl; Color Printing; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Hardware; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs Extrusions; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays; Extrusions Aluminum; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Kiosks; Lamps/Lighting - Incandescent; Lighting; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Sign Frames Osram Sylvania 100 Endicott St Danvers, MA 01923 Phone: 978 777-1900 Toll Free: 800 LIGHTBULB Fax: 978 750-2152 E-mail: Web Site: Lorrie Piper, Mktg Comm Mgr OSI PRODUCTS: Backlighting; Ballasts; Installation Services; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/ Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - General; Lamps/Lighting - Halogen; Lamps/Lighting - High Intensity Discharge; Lamps/Lighting Incandescent; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; LED - Retrofit Kits; Lighting; Lighting Services Additional Offices: Osram Sylvania National Customer Support Ctr 18725 N Union St Westfield, IN 46074 Web Site:

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. 24 River Rd PO Box 500 Bogota, NJ 07603 Phone: 201 498-8750 Toll Free: 800 631-8375 Fax: 800 888-3315 E-mail: Web Site: Debbie Crouch, Purchasing Mgr Melanie Velasquez, Product Mgr Outwater Plastics offers more than 65,000+ Sign Industry Products including a full range of LED sign lighting accessories, Plastic & Aluminum Extrusions, Signage Standoffs, Cable Sign Holders, Signage Hardware, Faux Stone Panels, Aluminum Display Framing Systems, Framing Materials, Sign & Banner Holders, Architectural Moldings & Millwork, Laminates, and so much more (FREE Master Catalog!) SEE AD ON PAGES 84, 85 PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Guns; Adhesives - High Strength; Adhesives Laminating; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Structural; Adhesives - Tapes; Aluminum - Extrusions; Anchors/Fasteners; Backlighting; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - General Supplies; Banners Grommets; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Banners - Pole Brackets; Brochure/Literature Boxes; Column Cladding; Commercial Sign Supplies; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Distributors - Full Line; Distributors - General Supplies; Distributors - Plastics; Easels; Edge Finishing; Edge Lit Signs; Electrical Supplies; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays; Extrusions - Aluminum; Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber; Fabrication Materials & Services; Fasteners; Film - Illusion; Finials Ornamental; Finials - Polyurethane; Finials - Wood; Flags - Pole Brackets; Flexible Materials; Glue Equipment; Grommets; Installation - Hardware; Kiosks; Laminates - Metal; Laminates - Plastic; Laminates Printable; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Floodlights; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/ Lighting - General; Lamps/Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures; Lamps/ Lighting - Halogen; Lamps/Lighting Incandescent; Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes; Lamps/Lighting - Low Voltage; LED - Border Lights; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Ball Bulbs; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED

Modules; LED - LED Rope Light; LED LED Spot Lamp; LED - Power Supplies; LED - Retrofit Kits; Lighting; Magnetic - Sheet; Maintenance - Adhesives; Neon - Sculpture Bases; Neon - Transformers; Neon - Tubing - Coated; Neon - Tubing Uncoated; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Fixtures; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Rope Lighting; Rotators; Routers - Accessories; Routers - Bits; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Sign Stands; Signs - Frames - Exhibit; Solid State Electronic - Chaser Controls; Solid State Electronic - Flashers; Straps - Cable Management; Tape - Application; Tape - Foam; Tape Hook & Loop; Tools - Cutting; Transformers; Wholesalers Additional Offices: 4720 W Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85043 Phone: 602 447-0936 Fax: 800 888-3315 E-mail: Web Site: Owl-lite Digital 71 Steinway Blvd Etobicoke, ON Canada, M9W 6H6 Phone: 416 674-9663 Fax: 416 674-8660 Web Site: Tom Bottrell Doug O’Malley Additional Offices: 5614 Power Rd Gloucester, ON Canada, K1G 3N4 Phone: 613 822-2740 P & C Tech Products, Inc 17 Elliot Rd Sterling, MA 01564 Phone: 978 479-0022 Fax: 866 365-0167 E-mail: Web Site: Charles Sturtevant, Pres Paul Cormier, VP / Sales PRODUCTS: Fasteners; Sign Hanging Hardware Pad Print Machinery of Vermont 201 Tennis Way E Dorset, VT 05253 Phone: 802 362-0844 Toll Free: 800 272-7764 Fax: 800 242-1415 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Engraving - Laser; Ink - UV Curable; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Pad Printing -

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Equipment; Pad Printing - Supplies; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Textiles - Direct Imprint Machine Parker Davis Co Inc 2310 N Tryon St Charlotte, NC 28206-2791 Phone: 704 375-9111 Toll Free: 800 438-0387 Fax: 704 375-9116 E-mail: Web Site: Roman Davis, Pres Dale Alderman, Sales PRODUCTS: Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Frames - Real Estate; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Poles - Sign; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Stakes - Metal; Sign Stands Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia 386 Senoia Rd PO Box 3138 (Peachtree City, 30269-7138) Tyrone, GA 30290-2816 Phone: 770 487-5491 Toll Free: 877 862-0840 Fax: 770 487-5408 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Fetter, National Sales Mgr Brian Anderson, GM Peachtree City Foamcraft is the leading manufacturer of 100% Wholesale Foamcore Monument Signs, Foam Sign Panels,3D Foam Props and Faux Brick/Stone Accents. Our exclusive Poly-Armor™ hardcoat makes our product extremely durable. We are the only manufacturer to have our product independently tested and approved to withstand 175mph winds. 5-year guarantee. PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Column Cladding; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Dimensional Signs Wholesale; Graphics; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs - Sculptures; Post & Panel; Sign Panels; Signs - Dimensional; Signs Maintenance Free; Wholesalers Additional Offices: Peachtree City Foamcraft - West Coast 1561 Foothill Dr Boulder City, NV 89005 Phone: 702 856-3306 Fax: 702 856-0480 E-mail: Peachtree City Foamcraft - Northeast 4215 Independence Dr Schnecksville, PA 18078 Phone: 610 231-0661 Fax: 610 231-0664 E-mail:


Pentex Print Master 6-931 Progress Ave Toronto, ON Canada, M1G 3V5 Phone: 416 438-3901 Fax: 416 438-3902 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Film - Laser; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink Solvent Based; Pad Printing - Equipment; Pad Printing - Supplies; Pad Printing Supplies; Paints - Plastics (Use on) Pizazz International Limited 40 William Pickering Dr, North Harbour, Box 33-340 Auckland, New Zealand Phone: 9415-4432 E-mail: Web Site: David Poutney, Pres Jan Powell, Dir PRODUCTS: Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Panels

Plaskolite, Inc. 1770 Joyce Ave Columbus, OH 43219 Phone: 614 294-3281 Toll Free: 800 848-9124 Fax: 877 538-0754 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Plastics - ABS; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics Plastics; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - Polystyrene Preco, Inc 500 Laser Dr Somerset, WI 54025 Phone: 715 247-3285 Toll Free: 800 775-2737 Fax: 715 247-5650 E-mail: Web Site: Arlene Zdrazil, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Die Cutting Equipment - Steel-Rule; Laser Equipment; Laser Shop Services Additional Offices: Preco Inc 9705 Commerce Pkwy Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: 913 541-0066 Fax: 913 541-9088 Web Site:

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Primodize LLC 8001 Irvine Center Dr Ste 400 Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 888 774-6698 Fax: 888 774-6698 E-mail: Web Site: Alex Bickel, Managing Partner Susie Hunnel, Sales Assoc PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Sheets; Architectural Signs; Awards; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Letters - Aluminum; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Bulletin Sections; Printers - Inkjet; Sign Service; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signage - Letters; Signs - Maintenance Free; Signs - Systems; Software - Digital Imaging; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum Print B3 8759 Lion St Rancho Cucomonga, CA 91730 Phone: 909 259-0153 Toll Free: 855 774-6823 Fax: 909 259-0154 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Banners - Blanks; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric - Nylon; Fabric - Polyester; Fabrication Materials & Services; Flags - Nylon; Floor Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Sign Blanks - Banners Printer’s Edge 4965 Mahoning Ave Warren, OH 44483 Phone: 330 372-2232 Toll Free: 800 467-3343 Fax: 330 372-3727 E-mail: Web Site: George Rogers, Owner PRODUCTS: Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Heat Transfer Equipment; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Floodbars; Screen Printing - Inks; Screen Printing - Screen Washers; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - Tensioning Table; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Substrates - General; Substrates - Laserable; Substrates - Mounting; Substrates - Printable Productivity Fabricators Inc 2332 Flatley Rd Richmond, IN 47374 Phone: 765 966-2896 Toll Free: 800 428-6999

Manufacturers & Suppliers Fax: 765 935-4230 E-mail: Web Site: Jon Odom, Pres PRODUCTS: Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs Poles; Pipe - Steel; Poles - Sign; Walkways QHF 1 Green Gate Pk Rd PO Box 23927 (29224) Columbia, SC 29223 Phone: 803 788-4499 Toll Free: 800 421-7961 Fax: 803 736-4731 E-mail: Web Site: QHF is a full service manufacturer of specialty coatings and related products servicing the branding and re-imaging markets. We have become a leader in our industry providing affordable, environmentally friendly specialty coatings. PRODUCTS: Brushes - Brush Oil; Brushes - General; Brushes - Paint; Masking Materials Liquid; Masking Materials - Spray; Paints - Additives; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - Coatings; Paints - EPS Foam Coatings; Paints - General; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Murals; Paints - Plastics (Use on); Paints - Spraypaints; Paints - Topcoats; Paints - Window/Glass; Protective Coatings; Spray Painting - Guns; Spray Painting Paints

Quality Manufacturing Inc 969 LaBore Industrial Ct St. Paul, MN 55110-5114 Phone: 651 483-5473 Toll Free: 800 243-5473 Fax: 651 483-1101 E-mail: Web Site: John Hoffman, VP SEE AD ON PAGE 109 PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Extrusions; Anchors/Fasteners; Application Fluid; Architectural Signs; Backlighting; Changeable Letter Boards; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Rotating; Dimensional Signs - Routers/ Engravers; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging -

Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Embossing Equipment; Extrusions - Aluminum; Film - Polycarbonate; Fleet - Graphics; Flexible Materials; Frames Large Format; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Billboards; Lamps/ Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures; Lamps/ Lighting - Halogen; Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes; LCD; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters - Foam; Letters - Plastic; Letters Wood; Masking Materials - Liquid; Masking Materials - Spray; Monuments; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Trivision; Paints - Coatings; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Corrugated; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Post & Panel; Readerboards - Letter Tracks; Rotating Signs; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Sign Faces - Dividers; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Faces - Pan; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Frames A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Frames - Exhibit; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - Motion; Signs - Scrolling; Signs - Systems; Vacuum Forming; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl Graphics; Wholesalers Rapid Tac Inc 186 Combs Dr Merlin, OR 97532 Phone: 541 474-1113 Toll Free: 800 350-7751 Fax: 541 474-9447 E-mail: Web Site: Roger Bailey, VP / Mktg Sales PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Remover; Application Fluid; Chemicals/Solutions - Vinyl; Chemicals/ Solutions - Wrap Application/Removal; Plastics - Cleaners; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Removal Tool RAS Systems LLC 1135 Dividend Ct Peachtree City, GA 30269-1926 Phone: 770 487-7300 Fax: 770 487-1007 E-mail: Web Site: Rick Wester, VP Kevin Davis, Sales Eng PRODUCTS: Metal-Fabricating Equipment - CNC Folding Machines; Metal-Fabricating Equipment Custom Metal Fabrication; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Shears Additional Offices: RAS Systems, Inc. 18340 Yorba Linda Blvd Ste 107 MB 290 Yorba Linda, CA 92886

Phone: 714 993-9998 Fax: 714 993-9961 E-mail: Richmond Graphic Products Inc 20 Industrial Dr Smithfield, RI 02917-1502 Phone: 401 233-2700 Toll Free: 800 732-3788 Fax: 401 233-0179 E-mail: Web Site: Wendy Neville, Pres Frank Ragazzo, VP Sales & Mktg PRODUCTS: Screen Printing - CTS Imaging Systems; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Films RNS Channel Letters Wholesale 4375 Prado Rd #102 Corona, CA 92880 Phone: 951 279-6767 Toll Free: 866 787-6366 Fax: 951 279-6779 E-mail: Web Site: Richard Pando, Pres / Sales Salomon Porras, Sales Channel letters of all sizes and styles with neon or LED illumination. Semi custom options include raceways, backsplashes, logo boxes and much more. PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - Custom; LED - Illumination; Letters - Channel; Neon - Channel Letters; Neon Cold Cathode; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Wholesalers Robson Corporation 2231 Whitfield Pk Loop Sarasota, FL 34243 Phone: 941 753-6935 Toll Free: 800 770-8585 Fax: 941 756-8912 E-mail: Web Site: Craig Abbott, S Project Mgr Grant Vosburg, Key Accounts Rep PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Electric Signs - Custom; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - Incandescent; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - LED Channel Letters; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Poles - Readerboard; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Frames; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signage Electronic; Signage - Letters Roland ASD 15363 Barranca Pkwy Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 949 655-5555 Toll Free: 888 273-8895 Fax: 949 727-2112 Web Site: PRODUCTS: Engraving - Machines; Printers - Wide Format; Scanners - Hardware; Software 3-D; Software - Engraving Roland DGA Corp 15363 Barranca Pkwy Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 949 727-2100 Toll Free: 800 542-2307 Fax: 949 727-2112 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Computers - Cutters; Computers - Plotters; Computers - Printers; Digital Imaging Hardware; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Dimensional Signs - Routers/ Engravers; Engraving - Machines; Fleet Graphics; Floor Graphics; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Paper - Digital Imaging; Sublimation Transfer Equipment; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters; Vinyl - Film/Media Rowmark LLC 2040 Industrial Dr PO Box 1605 (45839-1605) Findlay, OH 45840 Phone: 419 425-8974 Toll Free: 877 769-6275 Fax: 419 425-0501 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Distributors - Plastics; Engraving - Blanks; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Materials; Engraving Nameplates; Engraving - Rotary; Flexible Materials; Lamps/Lighting - Photoluminescent; Plastics - ABS; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - PVC; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Substrates - General; Substrates Laserable; Substrates - Printable RubberForm Recycled Products, LLC 75 Michigan St Lockport, NY 14094 Phone: 716 478-0404 Toll Free: 866 424-6981 Fax: 716 478-0408 E-mail: Web Site: Bill Robbins, VP Sales Merrill Bender, Sales Mgr


PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Sign Holders; Sign Stands S&F Custom Sign Corp 1806 Hwy 36 East Hartselle, AL 35640 Phone: 256 773-3763 Toll Free: 800 448-4073 Fax: 256 773-1649 E-mail: Web Site: S&S Signs Inc 12325 Nashville Rd PO Box 55 Woodburn, KY 42170 Phone: 270 529-5892 Toll Free: 800 523-1958 Fax: 270 529-9504 E-mail: Web Site: Garland Richardson, Pres S&S Signs Inc. has several different models and styles to fit all your sign needs. At factory direct wholesale prices. We manufacture Portable and Permanent Signs of all types and sizes. We also have all sizes of Changeable Flat Plastic Letters, Telescopic Letter Changers, and Letter Track. PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Electric Signs - Custom; Fiberglass - Sign Panels & Shapes; Lamps/ Lighting - Backlit; Letter Changing; Letters - Changeable; Letters - Plastic; Message Boards - Systems; Neon - Flashers; Readerboards - Letter Changing Equipment; Readerboards - Letter Tracks; Readerboards - Letters; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Faces - Pan; Signs - Fiberglass; Signs Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - Portable; Solid State Electronic - Chaser Controls; Solid State Electronic - Flashers; Solid State Electronics - Sequencers SA International PO Box 16109 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Phone: 801 478-1900 Toll Free: 800 229-9066 Fax: 801 401-7234 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Clip Art; Computers - Software; Cutters/ Plotters - Software; Digital Imaging Software; Software - 3-D; Software - ADA/ Braille; Software - CAD; Software - CAM; Software - Clip Art; Software - Color Management; Software - Cutters/Plotters; Software - Design; Software - Digital Imaging; Software - Digitizing; Software Engraving; Software - Estimating/Pricing; Software - RIP; Software - Routing; Software - Scanning; Software - Screenprinting; Software - Shop Management

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Additional Offices: SAi Europe Minervastraat 14bis Zaventem, Belgium Phone: (32) 2725-5295 Fax: (32) 2725-2809 E-mail: Safety Speed Mfg. 13943 Lincoln St NE Ham Lake, MN 55304 Phone: 763 755-1600 Toll Free: 800 772-2327 Fax: 763 755-6080 E-mail: Web Site: Nick Bogen, Dir Dealer Sales Bob Radder, Sales VP PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LCD; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED - Video; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Outdoor Signs Billboards Sattler North America Corp. 200 Broadhollow Rd Ste 207 Melville, NY 11747 Phone: 631 393-5151 Toll Free: 866 99A-WNIN(G) Fax: 631 393-5141 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Canopies; Fabric - Canvas Saw Trax Manufacturing Co, Inc 3694 Kennesaw S Ind Dr Ste A Kennesaw, GA 30144 Phone: 770 974-0021 Toll Free: 888 729-8729 Fax: 770 975-1618 E-mail: Web Site: Michelle DeLaughter, Dir of Sales PRODUCTS: Saws - Panel; Tools - Panel Saws; Vinyl Tools Scott Sign Systems, Inc. 7525 Pennsylvania Ave Sarasota, FL 34243 Phone: 941 355-5171 Toll Free: 800 237-9447 Fax: 941 351-1787 E-mail: Web Site: Kathy Hannon, Exec VP Evelyn Brown, Sales Exec PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Badges; Banners - Nylon; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional

Manufacturers & Suppliers Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Engraving - Conventional; Engraving Laser; Graphics; Letters - Foam; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Painted; Letters Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters - Vinyl; Sign Frames; Sign Panels; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signage - Letters; Signs ADA; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Systems Screen Printing Express 11386 Darryl Dr Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Phone: 225 275-7446 Toll Free: 800 791-9808 Fax: 225 275-7449 E-mail: Web Site: Darin Feduccia, Owner Charles Feduccia, Owner PRODUCTS: Decals; Die Cutting Equipment - Steel-Rule; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Plastics - Corrugated; Screen Printing - Wholesale; Sign Boards - Cardboard; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Sign Stakes - Metal; Sign Stands; Signs - Screen Printed; Traffic Signs; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Static Cling; Wholesalers Screen Printing Machinery PO Box 1727 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Phone: 253 851-9078 Fax: 253 851-7348 Web Site: Riley Hopkins, Pres Valerie Hopkins, Sales PRODUCTS: Dryers; Screen Printing - Equipment/ Accessories; Screen Printing - Flash Dryers; Screen Printing - Machines; Screen Printing - Pallets; Screen Printing - Presses - Manual; Textiles - Direct Imprint Machine Seaman Corp 1000 Venture Blvd Wooster, OH 44691 Phone: 330 262-1111 Toll Free: 800 927-8578 Fax: 330 263-6950 E-mail: Web Site: Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. Infotech Div 2060 Wineridge Pl Ste A Escondido, CA 92029 Phone: 760 781-5200 Toll Free: 800 264-1272 Fax: 760 745-1195 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Olson, Sales Mgr Jack Skidmore, Sales Mgr

PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging - Super Wide; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Solvent Based; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Outdoor Signs - Posters; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Screen Printing Equipment/Accessories; Vinyl - Inks ShopBot Tools Inc 3333-B Industrial Dr Durham, NC 27704 Phone: 919 680-4800 Toll Free: 888 680-4466 Fax: 919 680-4900 E-mail: Web Site: Dianne Reynolds, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Blades/Knives; Cutters/ Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/Plotters - General; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Engraving - 3-D; Routers - CNC; Routers - Software; Software - 3-D; Software CAD; Software - CAM; Software - Clip Art; Software - Routing; Tools - Cutting Shopworks LLC 1655 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd Ste 708 West Palm Beach, FL 33401-2208 Phone: 561 491-6000 Toll Free: 800 826-6702 Fax: 877 491-5860 E-mail: Web Site: Eddie Barreto, Reg Sales Tony Williams, Reg Sales

Sign Bracket Store 6088 Corte Del Cedro Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone: 888 320-0627 Toll Free: 888 919-7446 Fax: 760 603-0812 E-mail: Web Site: SEE AD ON PAGE 111 PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Castings; Architectural Signs; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Track Kits; Castings - Aluminum; Changeable Letter Boards; Commercial Sign Supplies; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs Ornamental; Display Boards; Fiberglass - Sign Panels & Shapes; Finials - General;

Finials - Ornamental; Finials - Polyurethane; Finials - Wood; Flags - Pole Brackets; Frames - Large Format; Frames - Point-ofPurchase; Frames - Real Estate; Frames - Restoration & Conservation; Installation - Hardware; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Floodlights; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - General; Lamps/Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Halogen; Lamps/Lighting - High Intensity Discharge; Lamps/Lighting - Incandescent; Lamps/Lighting - Low Voltage; Light Poles; Lighting; Message Boards - Systems; Monuments; Pipe - Steel; Poles - Sign; Poles - Wood; Post & Panel; Sign Blanks - Advertising; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Sign Stakes - Metal; Sign Stands; Signs Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Frames - Exhibit Sign Depot Inc., The Wholesale Wood Signs 50 Borden Ave S Kitchener, ON Canada, N2G 0A6 Phone: 519 894-0890 Toll Free: 866 262-8885 Fax: 519 894-9605 E-mail: Web Site: P. Moir, Pres PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Carved; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Dimensional Signs Wholesale; Letters - Gilded; Letters Sandblasted; Letters - Wood; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs - Sculptures; Point-ofPurchase Displays; Poles - Wood; Routers - CNC; Sign Blanks - Wood; Sign Boards - HDU; Sign Stakes - Wood; Signs - Carved; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Gold Leaf; Signs - Wood; Wholesalers; Wood Sign Fab Inc 28625 Harvest View Rd Stoutland, MO 65567 Phone: 417 286-3646 Toll Free: 800 544-6381 Fax: 417 286-3350 E-mail: Web Site: Ann Lashley, Sales Mgr Marcene Anderson, Quotation Rep PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies;

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters - General; Letters - Metal; Letters - Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Neon Channel Letters; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Neon 2156 Amnicola Hwy Chattanooga, TN 37406 Phone: 800 348-1349 Fax: 423 698-2864 E-mail: Web Site: Jon Woolridge, VP National Accounts Kristin Alexin, National Accounts Customize, proof, and order your signs online with the most powerful sign engine on the web,! Over 30 sign styles in 56 colors. Go to signup to register. By adding our link, you and your customers place orders. We make the signs and send you a check! PRODUCTS: ADA - Matchroute, Sandblast First Touch Braille; ADA - Raster Braille w/ Applied Lettering; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signs - ADA; Signs Dimensional; Signs - Etched; Signs - Screen Printed; Signs - Systems; Signs - Traffic; Signs - Wood; Stock Message Signs Safety; Stock Message Signs - Traffic SignPro Systems A Division of Orbus Exhibit & Display Group 380 Veterans Pkwy Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Phone: 630 296-8204 Toll Free: 866 724-1270 Fax: 630 226-1133 E-mail: Web Site: Julien Aiglon, SignPro Div Mgr PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Extrusions; Banners - Display Systems; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Display Boards; Easels; Extrusions - Aluminum; Frames - Pointof-Purchase; Message Boards - Systems; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Nameplates; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated; Signs - ADA; Signs - Frames A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Systems Sihl Digital Imaging 713 Fenway Ave Ste B Chesapeake, VA 23323 Phone: 757 966-7180 Toll Free: 800 366-7393 Fax: 757 966-5107 E-mail: Web Site:


Simona America Inc 64 N Conahan Dr Hazleton, PA 18201 Phone: 866 501-2992 Fax: 800 522-4857 E-mail: Web Site: John Plaskonka, Head of Sales & Mktg Andrea Herrmann, Mktg Coord PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Plastics - Polyethylene; Plastics - Polypropylene; Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride; Plastics - PVC; Sign Boards Foamboard; Sign Boards - Plastic SloanLED 5725 Olivas Park Ave Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: 805 676-3200 Toll Free: 888 747-4LED Fax: 805 676-3206 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Bluhm, Group Sales Mgr John Day, Dir North American Sales PRODUCTS: LED - Border Lights; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - LED Rope Light; LED - Power Supplies Additional Offices: SloanLED Europe b.v. Rotterdamsweg 388F 2629 HH Delft, Netherlands Phone: (31) 15 3641569 Fax: (31) 84 2297252 E-mail:

Small Balls, Inc. 193 Mount Vernon Ave Minneapolis, MN 55117 Phone: 651 488-2990 Toll Free: 888 444-5131 Fax: 651 488-0559 E-mail: Web Site: Steve Wethern, VP SEE AD ON PAGE 127 PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Consultants - ADA; Dimensional Signs - Routers/ Engravers; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Wholesale; Laser Shop Services; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - Vinyl; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Signs - ADA

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Southern Stud Weld 3910-H North Freeway Houston, TX 77022 Phone: 713 691-0897 Toll Free: 800 929-0296 Fax: 713 691-3699 E-mail: Web Site: Don Pelham, Tech Sales Charles Serrell, Outside Sales SEE AD ON PAGE 122 PRODUCTS: Anchors/Fasteners; Channel Letters Mounting Clips; Fasteners; Sign Hanging Hardware; Welding - Equipment; Welding - Weld Studs SpeedPress Sign Supply 2270 Camino Vida Roble #H Carlsbad, CA 92011 Phone: 760 268-0583 Toll Free: 800 647-7446 Fax: 760 602-3399 E-mail: Web Site: Pamela Tuck Leticia Patton Website: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Application Fluid; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - General Supplies; Banners - Grommets; Distributors - General Supplies; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays; Flags - Pole Brackets; Magnetic - Rolls; Safety Rulers; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Tape - Application; Tools - Cutting; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl Graphics; Wholesalers Spraylat Corporation 1701 E 122nd St Chicago, IL 60633 Phone: 773 646-5900 Toll Free: 800 443-0244 Fax: 773 646-3743 E-mail: Web Site: Al Meredith, Dir of Mktg & Sales Mike Macre, New Business Mgr Manufacture of coatings for plastic and metal signs, Liquid Maskants, I shot and chromatic bulletin paints, lettering, pearl and fluorescents, UV Clears, Anti Graffiti and maintenance coatings. Sparylat is your specialty paint and coating source.

Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: Paints - Additives; Paints - Airbrush; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - Coatings; Paints Fluorescent; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Plastics (Use on); Paints - Primers; Paints - Spraypaints; Paints - Topcoats; Paints Window/Glass; Pinstriping - Paints Stafford Textiles Ltd 1 Eva Road Ste 101 Toronto, ON Canada, M9C 4Z5 Phone: 416 252-3133 Fax: 416 252-0573 E-mail: Web Site: David Schwartz, Pres Stamm Manufacturing 4850 Orange Ave Ft Pierce, FL 34947 Phone: 772 461-6056 Toll Free: 800 226-5056 Fax: 772 464-2716 Steel Art Company Inc 189 Dean St Norwood, MA 02062 Phone: 800 783-5335 Fax: 617 566-0618 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Backlighting; Bronze; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Letters Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Metal; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Polystyrene; Sign Blanks - Polyurethane; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Blanks - Stainless Steel Stimpson Company Inc. 1515 SW 13th Ct Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: 954 946-3500 Toll Free: 877 765-0748 Fax: 954 545-7440 E-mail: Web Site: Keith Gentilin, Sales Mgr Stimpson grommets & washers are made from brass, aluminum, & zinc, available in base metal or with popular finishes such as nickel, or dull black chemical. Many sizes availablein stainless steel. Stimpson grommets & washers are made in the USA, meet the latest government & commercial specifications. PRODUCTS: Anchors/Fasteners; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Fasteners; Grommets

Stud Welding Products Stud Welding Associates 41515 Schaden Rd Elyria, OH 44035 Phone: 440 324-3042 Toll Free: 800 874-7860 Fax: 440 324-3301 E-mail: Web Site: Additional Offices: Stud Welding Products - Hayward 2391 American Ave Hayward, CA 94545 Phone: 800 252-1919 Fax: 510 782-7918 E-mail: SunRise LED Inc. 598 Patterson Blvd Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Phone: 925 939-5505 Toll Free: 800 660-4414 E-mail: Web Site: Ben Parvizi, VP Sales Matthew Kalyani, Sales / Customer Svc PRODUCTS: Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED Stock Message Signs; LED - Video; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Signs - LED; Signs - Traffic Superior Signage 418 A Fremont Ave Bldg A Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Phone: 386 238-1700 Toll Free: 800 963-4478 Fax: 386 238-0042 E-mail: Web Site: Swirling Silks, Inc 4020 Skippack Pike PO Box 150 Skippack, PA 19474 Phone: 610 584-5595 Toll Free: 800 439-0989 Fax: 610 584-6775 E-mail: Web Site: Karen Lowe, Pres Renee Kline, Cust Svc PRODUCTS: Banners - Mounting Hardware; Banners Nylon; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Polyester; Banners - Polyethylene; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Large Format;

Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Flagpoles; Flags Cloth; Flags - Nylon; Flags - Pole Brackets; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Flags Additional Offices: Swirling Silks - Florida Office 1112 Jameson Greens Dr Sun City Center, FL 33573 Phone: 888 573-0699 Fax: 815 301-3622 E-mail: Web Site: Symbol Graphics Inc 1047 W Sixth St Ste B Corona, CA 92882 Phone: 951 736-4040 Toll Free: 800 736-4045 Fax: 951 737-0652 E-mail: Web Site: Larry Jenkins, Pres PRODUCTS: Computers - Plotters; Computers - Software; Cutters/Plotters - Rotary; Cutters/Plotters - Software; Engraving - Machines; Screen Printing - Software; Software - ADA/Braille; Software - Clip Art; Software - Cutters/ Plotters; Software - Engraving T J Ronan Paint Corporation 749 E 135th St Bronx, NY 10454 Phone: 718 292-1100 Toll Free: 800 247-6626 Fax: 718 292-0406 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Fluorescent - Paint; Laminates - Liquid; Maintenance - Coatings; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - Coatings; Paints - Fluorescent; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Murals; Paints - Primers; Paints - Topcoats; Paints - Window/Glass; Spray Painting - Paints; Vinyl - Paint

Techno, Inc. 2101 Jericho Tpke New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Phone: 516 328-3970 Toll Free: 800 819-3366 Fax: 516 358-2576 E-mail: Web Site: Roy Valentine, Sales Mgr SEE AD ON PAGES 104, 105

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers PRODUCTS: CAD/CAM Systems - Foam; Computers Cutters; Die Cutting Equipment - Steel-Rule; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Engraving - 3-D; Engraving - Machines; Engraving - Rotary; Routers - Accessories; Routers - Bits; Routers - CNC; Routers - Software; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Software - 3-D; Software - ADA/Braille; Software - CAD; Software - CAM; Software Cutters/Plotters; Software - Digital Imaging; Software - Routing; Tools - Cutting

Tex Visions 453 Lincoln St Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: 717 249-3273 Toll Free: 877 50-FLAGS Fax: 888 836-8175 E-mail: Web Site: Nicole Kaufman, GM SEE AD ON PAGE 65 PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Flagpoles; Flags Cloth; Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Poles - Flag; Poles - Sign; Signs - Frames A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Screen Printed; Vinyl Graphics Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC 5301 Tacony St Bldg 201 PO Box 050071 (11205) Phildadelphia, PA 19137 Phone: 215 533-1501 Fax: 215 533-1507 Nancy A. Duda, Mgr PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Awnings - Frame Bending Equipment; Awnings - Frames; Awnings General; Awnings - Kits; Awnings - Tubing; Banners - General Supplies; Banners Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Car - Sunshades; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Nylon; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Fabrication Materials & Services; Fasteners; Grommets; Lighting; Outdoor Signs - Fixtures; Pipe - Steel; Tape - Application; Tape - Hook & Loop


- Printable; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - PVC Laminated Polyester; Vinyl - Specialty

Time Manufacturing Co 7601 Imperial Dr PO Box 20368 (76702-0368) Waco, TX 76712 Phone: 254 399-2100 Toll Free: 866 543-8887 Fax: 254 399-2651 E-mail: Web Site: Jack Jeffrey, National Sales Mgr Rhonda Glynn, Sales / Mktg Admin Asst PRODUCTS: Aerial Work Platforms; Trucks - Bucket Additional Offices: 1200 Texas Central Pkwy Waco, TX 76712 Phone: 866 543-8887 Fax: 254 399-2651 E-mail: Web Site: TNT Electric Sign Inc 3080 E 29th St Long Beach, CA 90806 Phone: 562 595-7725 Toll Free: 800 655-6366 Fax: 562 595-5434 E-mail: Web Site: Toolmasters LLC 1400 Railroad Ave PO Box 1611 (61110) Rockford, IL 61104 Phone: 815 968-0961 Fax: 815 968-5559 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Rotary Top Value Fabrics 401 W Carmel Dr Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317 844-7496 Toll Free: 855 618-4500 Fax: 317 844-2897 E-mail: Web Site: Karen Stuerenberg, Mktg Dir PRODUCTS: Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Flexible Materials; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Outdoor Signs Banners; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - PVC; Substrates - General; Substrates

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Trans-Lux Corporation 1700 Delaware Ave PO Box 1847 Des Moines, IA 50317 Phone: 515 265-5305 Toll Free: 800 543-7904 Fax: 515 265-3364 E-mail: Web Site: Brian Benson, Regional Sales Mgr John Maeckle, Regional Sales Mgr Trans-Lux designs and manufactures fuel price changers, electronic message centers, digital billboards, and time-temperature displays PRODUCTS: Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Scrolling Price Displays; Electronic Messaging - Time/ Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED Gas Price Changers; LED - Hospitality Price Changers; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED - Stock Message Signs; LED - Video Billboards; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Scoreboards; Signage - Electronic; Signs - LED; Time/ Temperature; Traffic Signs Additional Offices: Trans-Lux Corp 110 Richards Ave Norwalk, CT 06854 Phone: 888 485-9669 Fax: 203 852-0836 E-mail: Web Site: Trigard Bronze Trigard / Greenwood Plastics 3901 N Vermillion St Danville, IL 61834 Phone: 217 442-9224 Toll Free: 800 637-1992 Fax: 217 442-9182 E-mail: Web Site: Brock Thornsborough, Sales Rep Engraved bronze company specializing in plaques and signs. PRODUCTS: Awards; Bronze; Color Printing; Engraving - 3-D; Monuments; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs - Bronze; Plaques; Signs Dimensional; Substrates - Engraveable TRIM-LOK Inc 6855 Hermosa Cir PO Box 6180 Buena Park, CA 90622-0600 Phone: 714 562-0500 Toll Free: 800 874-6565

Manufacturers & Suppliers Fax: 714 562-0600 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Glass Bead; Car - Car-Top Signs; Channel Letters Trim; Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fiberglass - Trim; Flexible Materials; Seals/Gaskets Trinity Products Inc 1969 W Terra Ln OFallon, MO 63368 Phone: 800 456-7473 Fax: 636 839-6258 E-mail: Web Site: Kyle Richardson, Sales Brian Gibson, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Billboards; Consultants - Engineering; Lamps/Lighting - Billboards; Light Poles; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs Poles; Pipe - Steel Tri-Vision 12301 East McNichols Rd Detroit, MI 48205-3327 Phone: 313 526-6020 Toll Free: 800 494-0636 Fax: 313 526-6070 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Electric Signs - Custom; Outdoor Signs - Trivision; Signs - Electromechanical Movement; Signs - Illuminated; Signs Motion; Signs - Systems; Tools - Cutting Trotec Laser, Inc. 256 Airport Industrial Dr Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Phone: 734 484-3260 Toll Free: 866 226-8505 Fax: 734 484-3728 E-mail: Web Site: Josh Stephens, Great Lakes Sales Mgr Website: PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Cutters/Plotters - Rotary; Engraving - Laser; Engraving Rotary; Laser Equipment Tyrrelltech 9045-A Maier Rd Laurel, MD 20723 Phone: 888 865-0300 Fax: 888 865-7610 PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Vinyl; Computers - Plotters; Cutters/Plotters - Accessories; Digital Imaging - Media; Engraving - Machines; Heat Transfer Equipment; Heat Transfer - Heat Press

Machines; Ink - Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Laser Equipment; Pressure Sensitive Film; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Wide Format; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Vinyl Calendered; Vinyl - Tools Additional Offices: Tyrrelltech Florida 2400 W Copans Rd Unit 8 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: 888 865-0300 E-mail: Tyrrelltech New Jersey 200 RT 31 N Ste 109 Flemington, NJ 08822 Phone: 888 865-0300 E-mail: U S Banner Corp 14 Victor St Greenville, SC 29609 Phone: 864 232-4777 Toll Free: 800 845-5722 Fax: 864 232-5020 E-mail: Web Site: Theresa Blandin, GM Karen Wilkinson, Sales PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Track Kits; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging Banners; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Sign Blanks - Banners; Tape - Application Ultraflex Systems Inc 1578 Sussex Tpke Bld #4 Randolph, NJ 07869 Phone: 973 627-8608 Toll Free: 800 368-7858 Fax: 973 627-8506 E-mail: Web Site: Jaime Giannantonio Neil Baker, VP Sales Jeff Hoffpauer, Eastern Sales Mgr Leif Kristensen, Western Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Banners - Vinyl; Billboards; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Super Wide; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Polyester; Film - Perforated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Flexible Materials; Laminates Liquid; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Bus Shelter Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - Polyethylene; Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride; Plastics - PVC;

Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Substrates General; Substrates - Printable Additional Offices: Ultraflex Europe 2 Hardwick Rd Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Phone: (44) 176 767-7100 Fax: (44) 176 767-7190 E-mail: Web Site: Ulano International Rep Office & Tech Training Ctr Rtistrasse 17 Schlieren/Zurich, Switzerland Phone: (41) 44 755-4477 Fax: (41) 44 773-1606 E-mail: United Wholesale Signs 111 Runkle St PO Box 706 West Liberty, OH 43357 Phone: 937 465-0597 Toll Free: 866 942-3990 Fax: 937 465-0594 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Digital Imaging Wholesalers; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs - Routers/Engravers; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits Universal Laser Systems Inc 7845 E Paradise Ln Scottsdale, AZ 85260-1803 Phone: 480 483-1214 Toll Free: 800 859-7033 Fax: 480 315-3630 E-mail: Web Site: Frank Crockett, Dir Global Sales Keith Maki, Mgr Global Sales PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Digital Imaging - Software; Engraving - Laser; Laser Equipment; Letters - Laser Cut; Software Digital Imaging; Tools - Cutting Additional Offices: Universal Laser Systems Co Ltd Yokohama Landmark Tower 15th Fl Yokohama Shi, KanagawaKen Japan, 220-8115 Phone: (81) 45 224-2270 Fax: (81) 45 224-2279 E-mail: Universal Laser Systems GMbH Lerchenfelder Guertel 43 A-1160 Vienna, Austria

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Phone: (43) 1 402-2250 Fax: (43) 1 40 222-5010 E-mail: Universal Lighting Technologies 26 Century Blvd Ste 500 Nashville, TN 37214 Phone: 615 316-5100 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Bristol, VP Sales PRODUCTS: Ballasts; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED LED Drivers; LED - LED Modules Universal Products Inc 521 Industrial St Goddard, KS 67052 Phone: 316 794-8601 Fax: 316 794-8398 E-mail: Web Site: Joan Omo, Bus Unit Mgr Robin Gensler, Sales Rep PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Film - Inkjet; Film - Perforated; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Reflective; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Fluorescent - Films; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Laminates - Vinyl; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Film/ Media; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Specialty; Vinyl - Translucent; Vinyl Graphics

US LED 6807 Portwest Dr Houston, TX 77024 Phone: 866 972-9191 Toll Free: 713 972-9191 E-mail: Web Site: Steve Stone, VP Sales Tom Elley, Dir of Sales

PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Electric Signs - General; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Channel; Letters - Copper; Letters - Metal; Letters - Painted; Letters - Stainless Steel; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated; Signage - Letters; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Etched US Signs and Letters Inc 16631 Scheer Blvd Hudson, FL 34667 Phone: 727 862-7933 Toll Free: 800 357-7933 Fax: 877 472-5509 E-mail: Web Site: Josh Cooper, Pres PRODUCTS: LED - LED Channel Letters; Sign Blanks Aluminum; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated USI Inc 98 Fort Path Rd Madison, CT 06443 Phone: 203 245-8586 Toll Free: 800 243-4565 Fax: 203 245-8619 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Banners - Grommets; Cutters/Plotters - Blades/Knives; Cutters/ Plotters - Foam Cutters; Cutters/Plotters General; Cutters/Plotters - Multi-Substrate; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Finishing Service; Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Film - Clear; Film Laminating; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Thermal; Film - Window Graphics

SEE AD ON PAGE 87 PRODUCTS: LED - Border Lights; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Modules US Sign & Fabrication 1 Trefoil Dr Trumbull, CT 06611 Phone: 203 601-1000 Fax: 203 601-1020 E-mail: Web Site: Bob Clark, VP Sales & Mktg Jay Ahern, Customer Svc


PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Banners - Vinyl; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Laminates - Vinyl; Vinyl PVC Laminated Polyester; Vinyl - Specialty Vantage Signs 19301 Eureka River Pl Walnut, CA 91789 Phone: 626 810-9568 Fax: 626 810-9578 E-mail: Web Site: Ventex Technology Inc 1440 W Indiantown Rd Ste350 Jupiter, FL 33458 Phone: 561 354-6300 Toll Free: 800 510-5400 Fax: 561 954-8401 E-mail: Web Site: Bob Magnus, Exec VP Sales & Mktg Don Hartford, Regional Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Commercial Sign Supplies; Electrical Supplies; LED - LED Drivers; LED LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; LED - Retrofit Kits; Neon - Dimmers; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - Flashers; Neon - Power Supplies; Neon Transformers; Transformers Ver-Mac Industries Inc 100 Progress Dr Mount Vernon, OH 43050 Phone: 740 397-6511 Toll Free: 800 671-1046 Fax: 740 393-2708 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Frames - Real Estate; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Sign Stakes - Metal; Sign Stands Verseidag seemee® US Inc. 4 Aspen Dr Randolph, NJ 07869 Phone: 973 252-1189 Toll Free: 800 252-1435 Fax: 973 252-1109 E-mail: Web Site: Eric Tisher, Pres

Value Vinyls 301 E Trinity Blvd Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Phone: 972 823-1118 Toll Free: 800 406-8845 Fax: 972 823-1199 E-mail: Web Site: Marcus Young, Inside Sales Spec Joshua Propp, Bus Dev Mgr

PRODUCTS: Banners - Blanks; Banners - Canvas; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Flags - Nylon; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Sign Blanks Banners; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Faces - Flexible Face


Vis Com Systems 381 E Hill St Murphy, NC 28906

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Manufacturers & Suppliers Phone: 828 837-6673 Toll Free: 800 457-1229 Fax: 828 837-6712 E-mail: PRODUCTS: Car - Car-Top Signs; Changeable Letter Boards; Electronic Messaging - LED; Engraving - Blanks; Flagpoles; Flags Cloth; Flags - Nylon; Flags - Pole Brackets; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/ Lighting - Light Boxes; LED - Border Lights; LED - Electronic Signs; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Changeable; Letters - Channel; Letters Magnetic; Letters - Metal; Letters - Plastic; Letters - Vinyl; Menus - Letters; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards

E-mail: Web Site:

Vycom 801 E Corey St Scranton, PA 18505 Phone: 800 235-8320 Fax: 800 858-9266 E-mail: Web Site: Chris Paas, Dir of Sales / Mktg SEE AD ON PAGE 101 PRODUCTS: Plastics - PVC

Phone: 414 214-0444 Toll Free: 888 243-6914 Fax: 414 214-0450 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Extrusions; Anchors/Fasteners; Awnings - Tubing; Extrusions - Aluminum; Finials - Ornamental; Flagpoles; Flags - Pole Brackets; Lamps/Lighting - Architectural; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting Low Voltage; Laser Equipment; Laser Shop Services; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; Lighting; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Angle, Plate & Shape Bending Rolls; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Custom Metal Fabrication; Neon - Tubing - Uncoated; Neon - Wires and Cables; Pipe - Steel; Post & Panel

Vytek Lasers 195 Industrial Rd Fitchburg, MA 01420 Phone: 978 342-9800 Fax: 978 342-0606 E-mail: Web Site: Janelle Hill Brian McLeon

Wagner Zip-Change Inc. 3100 Hirsch St Melrose Park, IL 60160 Phone: 708 681-4100 Toll Free: 800 323-0744 Fax: 800 243-4924 E-mail: Web Site:


PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Cutters/ Plotters - Software; Engraving - Laser; Laser Equipment; Laser Shop Services; Monuments; Murals - Engravers; Software CAM; Software - Cutters/Plotters; Software - Routing

PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Engraving - 3-D; Engraving - Conventional; Engraving Machines; Engraving - Rotary; Engraving - Tools; Routers - Accessories; Routers CNC; Routers - Software; Routers - Vacuum Tables; Software - ADA/Braille; Software - CAD; Software - Engraving; Software Routing

WAC Lighting 44 Harbor Park Dr Port Washington, NY 11050 Phone: 516 515-5000 Toll Free: 800 526-2588 Fax: 800 526-2585 E-mail: Web Site: Shelley Wald, Pres

Manufacturer of Zip-Change®, Zip-Lite®, and Wagner® changeable copy letters, accessories, and mounting track. Formed Plastic and Flat Cut-Out letters are also available. Jewelite® channel letter trim is available in 17 standard colors. ZipVision® LED electronic signage, outdoor and indoor signage, and LED Gas Price Changers are available

Visual Magnetics 1 Emerson St Mendon, MA 01756 Phone: 508 473-4240 Toll Free: 855 847-6244 Fax: 508 473-9201 E-mail: Web Site: Dan Halkyard, Dir of Mktg

PRODUCTS: Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - General; Lamps/Lighting - Incandescent; Lamps/ Lighting - Low Voltage; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - LED Spot Lamp; Lighting; Lighting Services

PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric Canvas; Film - Polyester; Point-of-Purchase Displays

Additional Offices:

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems 17621 N Black Canyon Hwy Phoenix, AZ 85023 Phone: 602 439-0600 Toll Free: 888 637-1737 Fax: 602 439-0500 E-mail: Web Site: Gary Coraggio, Sales Mgr

VUTEk One VUTEK Pl Meredith, NH 03253-6022 Phone: 603 279-4635 Fax: 603 279-6411

168 Brea Canyon Rd City of Industry, CA 91789 Phone: 800 526-2588 Fax: 866 810-6615 E-mail: Web Site: Wagner Companies, The 10600 W Brown Deer Rd PO Box 423 (Butler, 53007-0423) Milwaukee, WI 53224

PRODUCTS: Channel Letters - Trim; Electronic Messaging - LED; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; Letter Changing; Letters - Changeable; Letters Plastic; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Readerboards - Letter Changing Equipment; Readerboards - Letter Tracks; Readerboards - Letters; Signs - LED Walls + Forms Inc 204 Airline Dr Ste 200 Coppell, TX 75019 Phone: 972 745-0800 Fax: 972 304-8402 E-mail: Web Site: Dan South, Owner / Pres PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Extrusions; Backlighting; Banners - Display Systems; Boards - Dry Erase; Display Boards; Easels; Extrusions - Aluminum; Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber; Frames - Large Format; Frames - Point-ofPurchase; Kiosks; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes; Outdoor Signs - Fixtures; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Routers - CNC; Sign Boards - Hardboard; Sign Stands; Signage - Directory - Illuminated;

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Manufacturers & Suppliers Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED

PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Castings; Castings - Aluminum

Watchfire Signs 1015 Maple St Danville, IL 61832 Phone: 217 442-0611 Toll Free: 800 637-2645 Fax: 217 442-1020 E-mail: Web Site: Carol Wade, Internet Mktg Spec

Wilkie Mfg LLC 2640 NW 2nd St PO Box 82067 (73148) Oklahoma City, OK 73107-6310 Phone: 405 235-0920 Fax: 405 236-3324 E-mail: Web Site:

PRODUCTS: Billboards; Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Networked Messaging Systems; LED - Stock Message Signs; LED - Video Billboards; Outdoor Signs Billboards; Signage - Electronic Wayne Industries Inc 1400 8th St N Clanton, AL 35045 Phone: 205 755-5580 Toll Free: 800 225-3148 Fax: 205 755-1516 E-mail: Web Site: Wesco Machine Inc 1417 Commerce Dr Stow, OH 44224 Phone: 330 688-6973 Fax: 330 688-9163 E-mail: Web Site: West Coast Custom Designs LLC 457 E Windmere Dr Phoenix, AZ 85048-1982 Phone: 480 820-9517 Toll Free: 800 692-6780 Fax: 480 839-4541 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Clocks - Neon; Distributors - Neon Supplies; Neon - Clock Housings; Neon - Dimmers; Neon - Electrodes; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - End Caps; Neon Flashers; Neon - General Supplies; Neon - GTO Cable Gases; Neon - High Voltage Splice Boxes; Neon - Power Supplies; Neon - Transformers; Neon - Tube Supports (UL Listed); Neon - Tube Tester; Transformers; Tube Supports (UL Listed) Whitehall Products 8786 Water St Mantague, MI 49437 Phone: 800 728-5449 Fax: 231 894-6235 E-mail: Web Site: Lisa Armstrong, Sales Mgr Mary Beth Taylor, Sales Rep


PRODUCTS: Aerial Equipment; Aerial Work Platforms; Cranes; Ladders; Trucks - Bucket; Trucks Crane Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc 1028 Second Ave Dayton, KY 41074 Phone: 859 581-2227 Fax: 859 581-8087 E-mail: Web Site: Jim Graham, Pres / Sales J.R. Graham, VP / Production PRODUCTS: Boards - Dry Erase; Boards - Marker; Display Boards; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Blanks Wood; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards - Hardboard; Sign Boards - Laminated; Sign Panels; Substrates Engraveable; Substrates - Printable Wrisco Industries Inc. 355 Hiatt Dr Ste B Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Phone: 561 626-5700 Toll Free: 800 627-2646 Fax: 561 627-3574 E-mail: Web Site: Jim Monastra, Pres Prefinished Aluminum Sheets, Channel Letter Coils, and Sign Blanks - Painted, Anodized & Mill Finish, 50+ colors, all gauges. 5052 Mill Finish. Painted Steel Sheets and Blanks. Alpolic ACM. SignBoard Panels. Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication. Sales and Distribution Offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and Edison, NJ PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Coil; Aluminum - Composites; Aluminum Extrusions; Aluminum - Sheets; Awnings - Tubing; Channel Letters - Coils; Fabrication Materials & Services; Fasteners; Letters Aluminum; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Painted; Neon - Channel Letters; Reflective Materials; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Metal Faced; Sign Boards Composite Materials Additional Offices:

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Wrisco Industries Inc. - Atlanta Div 1116 Fleetwood Dr Atlanta, GA 30316 Phone: 800 753-1066 Fax: 404 622-6225 E-mail: Web Site: Wrisco Industries Inc. - Chicago Div 6075 W 115th St Alsip, IL 60803 Phone: 800 627-8036 Fax: 708 385-7002 E-mail: Web Site: Wrisco Industries Inc. - Edison Div 21 Executive Ave Edison, NJ 08817 Phone: 800 753-9400 Fax: 732 287-2120 E-mail: Web Site: Wrisco Industries Inc. - Dallas Div 12102 Corporate Dr Dallas, TX 75228 Phone: 800 627-8848 Fax: 972 613-7823 E-mail: Web Site: YESCO Electronics 1651 N 1000 West Logan, UT 84321 Phone: 435 774-8800 Toll Free: 866 989-3726 Fax: 435 774-8801 E-mail: Web Site: Glennette Phillips, Mktg Mgr Bob Klausmeier, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Electronic Messaging - LED; Electronic Messaging - Time/Temperature; Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards; LED - Electronic Signs; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - Hospitality Price Changers; LED - Video; LED - Video Billboards; Signage - Electronic; Signs - LED; Time/ Temperature Z3 Graphics Inc 250 Feaster Rd Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864 770-0789 Toll Free: 800 664-1093 Fax: 864 770-0788 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Awnings - General; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Heat Transfer - Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Sign Blanks Banners; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Vinyl Graphics



The following companies are arranged geographically by state. These companies primarily distribute sign making equipment and supplies.

Alabama Source, The 2495 Washington St PO Box 3888 (35810) Huntsville, AL 35811 Phone: 256 536-7305 Toll Free: 800 433-2375 Fax: 800 984-3299 E-mail: Web Site: Laurie Greaves, Adhesive Sales Coord PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - High Strength; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Structural; Adhesives Tapes; Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum Sheets; Awards; Badges; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Engraving - Blanks; Engraving Conventional; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Materials; Engraving - Rotary; Engraving - Wholesale; Heat Transfer - Graphics; Magnetic - Rolls; Maintenance - Adhesives; Masking Materials - Tape; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Corner Cutting; MetalFabricating Equipment - Notches; MetalFabricating Equipment - Punches; MetalFabricating Equipment - Shears; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Cleaners; Routers - Accessories; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sublimation Transfer - Supplies; Substrates - Engraveable; Substrates - Laserable; Tape - Decorative; Tape - Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop Additional Offices: The Source - Midwest and Shipping Warehouse Kansas City, KS Phone: 800 433-2375

California Deco Technology Group Inc 749 N Main St Orange, CA 92868 Phone: 714 639-3326 Toll Free: 800 300-3326 Fax: 714 639-2261 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Heat Transfer - Equipment; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink - Solvent Based; Ink - UV Curable; Pad Printing - Equipment; Pad Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Flash Dryers; Screen Printing - Inks; Screen

Printing - Machines; Screens - Drying Cabinet; Screens - Nylon Mesh Fabric; Screens - Polyester Mesh Fabric; Screens Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Graphic Accessory Products Inc 1630 Wilson Ave Burbank, CA 91504 Phone: 818 955-9800 Toll Free: 800 866-8440 Fax: 818 955-7711 E-mail: Web Site: Ross Shepherd, Pres Jeff Logan, Sales PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Remover; Application Fluid; Banners - Display Systems; Banners Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Cutters/Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/ Plotters - Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - Paper; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Distributors - General Supplies; Grommets; Masking Materials - Spray; Paper - Vellum; Screen Printing - Films; Tools - Cutting; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Blades/ Knives; Vinyl - Racks; Vinyl - Removal Tool; Vinyl - Tools Graphics One LLC 3058 N Lima St Burbank, CA 91504 Phone: 818 260-9591 Fax: 818 260-9589 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Banners - Canvas; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Equipment; Banners General Supplies; Banners - Vinyl; Cutters/ Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging Software; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Outdoor Signs - Fixtures; Outdoor Signs - Flags; Outdoor Signs - Poles; Outdoor Signs - Posters; Paper - Digital Imaging; Paper - Heat Transfer; Paper - Photographic; Printers - Inkjet; Vinyl Graphics Montroy Supply Company 2674 Raymond Ave Signal Hill, CA 90755 Phone: 562 997-2920 Toll Free: 800 MON-TROY Fax: 562 997-2921 E-mail:

Web Site: Robert Shimmin, VP Sales & Mktg Additional Offices: Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602 269-6101 Tucson, AZ Phone: 520 622-7443 El Cajon, CA Phone: 619 258-6960 Montebello, CA Phone: 323 888-2129 Santa Ana, CA Phone: 714 429-0650 West Sacramento, CA Phone: 916 372-1501 Las Vegas, NV Phone: 702 362-6002 Sparks, NV Phone: 775 331-1002 Salt Lake City, UT Phone: 801 954-8900 Sign Mart Plastics Plus 640 N Cypress St Orange, CA 92867 Phone: 714 532-7100 Toll Free: 800 533-9099 Fax: 714 532-7100 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Banners - Blanks; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Distributors - General Supplies; Engraving - Wholesale; Laminating Machines; LED - LED Modules; Letters - Foam; Letters - Plastic; Magnetic Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Paints - General; Plastics - Corrugated; Printers - Inkjet; Screen Printing - Wholesale; Sign Stakes - Metal; Stencils - General; Substrates General; Tape - Hook & Loop Sign Syndicate, The 10850 Canyon Lake Dr San Diego, CA 92131 Phone: 619 871-4008 Fax: 858 605-4282 E-mail: Web Site: Eric Gastelum, S Admin Kirstie Gastelum, Admin PRODUCTS: Ballasts; Channel Letters - Trim; Distributors - Neon Supplies; Electrical Supplies; Lamps/ Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures; LED - Power Supplies; Lighting; Neon - Electrodes; Neon - End Caps; Neon

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Distributors - General Supplies; Neon - GTO Cable Gases; Neon - High Voltage Splice Boxes; Neon - Housing; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Sign Faces - Dividers; Transformers; Tube Supports (UL Listed); Websites

Concord, CA Phone: 925 822-0000

Stud Welding Products, Inc. 2391 American Ave Hayward, CA 94545 Phone: 510 782-7883 Toll Free: 800 252-1919 Fax: 510 782-7918 E-mail: Web Site: Andrew Quall, Salesperson Chris Koelliker, Salesperson Jay Koski Robert Butcher

Albuquerque, NM Phone: 505 830-0212

PRODUCTS: Anchors/Fasteners; Channel Letters - Mounting Clips; Equipment Leasing; Fasteners; Installation - Hardware; Leasing and Finance; Metal-Fabricating Equipment Custom Metal Fabrication; Rentals; Screen Printing - Supplies; Screen Printing - Weld Cleaners; Straps - Cable Management; Welding - Equipment; Welding - Weld Studs; Wholesalers Additional Offices: 9459 Washburn Rd Downey, CA 90242 Phone: 562 923-7883 E-mail: Web Site:

Colorado Denco Sales 55 S Yuma Ave Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 303 733-0607 Toll Free: 877 HI DENCO Fax: 303 733-2348 E-mail: Web Site: Mike Avery, Product Mgr Todd Benbow, National Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Banners - General Supplies; Channel Letters - Coils; Distributors - Full Line; Extrusions - Aluminum; Film - Vinyl; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment Printers; Laminating Machines; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Screen Printing - Equipment/ Accessories; Screen Printing - Software; Screen Printing - Solvents; Sign Stakes - Plastic; Software - RIP; Substrates Mounting; Substrates - Printable; Tape Application; Vinyl - Film/Media Additional Offices: Chino, CA Phone: 909 364-8517


Fresno, CA Phone: 559 454-5095 Boise, ID Phone: 208 375-0100

Portland, OR Phone: 503 235-0460 Kent, WA Phone: 206 764-9180 Melco Embroidery Systems 1575 W 124th Ave Denver, CO 80234 Phone: 303 457-1234 Toll Free: 800 799-8313 Fax: 303 252-0508 E-mail: Web Site:

Connecticut DaVinci Technologies, Inc. 11A Pasco Dr East Windsor, CT 06088 Phone: 860 370-9829 Fax: 860 627-8370 E-mail: Web Site: Dan Chefrie, Pres Lacee Colwell, Ops PRODUCTS: Banners - Canvas; Banners - Paper; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Polyester; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Perforated; Film Window Graphics; Flexible Materials; Inkjet Equipment - Canvas; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminates - Vinyl; Paper - Digital Imaging; Paper - Photographic; Paper - Poster; Paper - Vellum; Substrates - Printable; Vinyl - Film/ Media Quality Media & Laminating Solutions 285 State St Ste 1 North Haven, CT 06473 Phone: 203 281-4726 Toll Free: 800 552-9427 Fax: 203 281-6451 E-mail: Web Site: Frank Corey, S Sales & Mktg Mgr Art Lyons, Pres PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Banners Display Systems; Banners - Vinyl; Decals; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Exhibit Booths Portable; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing;

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Window Graphics; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Paper - Digital Imaging; Printers - Inkjet

Florida Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works 13804 Little Rd Hudson, FL 34667 Phone: 727 378-7055 Fax: 727 869-0911 E-mail: Web Site: Bob Cassels Bonnie Cassels Other websites: and PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Awards; Consultants - ADA; Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Engraving - Laser; Letters - Laser Cut; Signs - Etched Florida Graphic Supply 2060 Calumet St Clearwater, FL 33765 Phone: 727 461-7600 Toll Free: 800 582-0049 Fax: 727 461-7999 E-mail: Web Site: John Eukovich, VP / Sales Stan Biggs, Tech Sales and Svc Mgr Florida Graphic Supply is a wholesale distributor of sign making equipment and supplies, including wide format printers,laminators, digital media,ecosolvent &UV ink, banner & lamination materials. FGS is also a leading provider of technical service, training, and support for today’s sign making professional. PRODUCTS: Banners - Equipment; Banners - Vinyl; Cutters/Plotters - Large Format; Distributors - General Supplies; Engraving - Machines; Film - Inkjet; Film - Vinyl; Ink - Digital Imaging; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Leasing and Finance; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Tape - Application; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl Reflective Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc 1692 SE South Niemeyer Circle Port St Lucie, FL 34952 Phone: 772 337-2336 Fax: 772 337-2355 E-mail: Web Site: Dan Warnke, Pres

Distributors Plastic sheet rod and tube distributor. Plastic fabricator. PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Distributors - Plastics; Letters - Plastic; Letters - PVC; Plastics - ABS; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Corrugated; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Plastics - Polyethylene; Plastics - Polypropylene; Plastics - PVC; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks Plastic; Sign Boards - Plastic; Substrates - General

Greg McKay, GM Debra Sandoval, Inside Sales Mgr Roger Wicklund, Outside Sales Mgr

Tehan & Company PO Box 25097 Sarasota, FL 34277 Phone: 941 484-0809 Toll Free: 800 283-7290 Fax: 800 280-2699 E-mail: Web Site:

PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Application Fluid; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Display Systems; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Vinyl; Brushes - Paint; Chemicals/Solutions - Vinyl; Chemicals/Solutions - Wrap Application/ Removal; Cutters/Plotters - Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - Multi-Substrate; Decals; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging Finishing Service; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Ribbons; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Fleet - Graphics; Flexible Materials; Floor Graphics; Frames Large Format; Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Frames - Real Estate; Gilding Materials - Gold Leaf Sheets; Gilding Materials Gold Leafing Materials; Gilding Materials - Paints; Grommets; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Installation - Hardware; Laminates - Plastic; Laminates - Vinyl; LED - Border Lights; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; Letters - Die-Cut; Letters - Magnetic; Letters - Vinyl; Magnetic - Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Masking Materials - Release Liners; Masking Materials Sandblasting; Masking Materials - Spray; Neon - Training - Videos; Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames; Paints - Additives; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - General; Paints Plastics (Use on); Paints - Primers; Paper - Heat Transfer; Pinstriping - Brushes; Pinstriping - Paints; Pinstriping - Tape; Pinstriping - Tools; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - PVC; Plotting Cutters - Films; Pressure Sensitive Film; Reflective Materials; Ribbon - Thermal; Safety Rulers; Sandblasting Equipment - Maskant; Saws - Panel; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards - HDU; Sign Boards - Laminated; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Panels; Sign Stakes - Metal; Sign Stakes - Plastic; Sign Stands; Signs Frames - Exhibit; Vinyl Graphics

PRODUCTS: Laminating Machines; Laminators, Liquid



FASNAPÂŽ Corp 3500 Reedy Dr PO Box 1613 (46515-1613) Elkhart, IN 46514-9412 Phone: 574 264-1185 Toll Free: 800 624-2058 Fax: 574 264-0802 E-mail: Web Site: Brett Hoover, Midwest Sales Mgr Craig Miller, Cust Svc Mgr

Laird Plastics 6800 Broken Sound Pkwy ste 150 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Phone: 561 443-9100 Fax: 561 443-9108 E-mail: Web Site: Aimee Shaeghnessy Pan-Am Sign Products Inc 2525 NW 75th St Miami, FL 33147 Phone: 305 691-0581 Toll Free: 800 466-0581 Fax: 305 691-0587 E-mail: Web Site: Jeff Horne, Sales Jose Gallart, Sales PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Solvent Cements; Distributors - Full Line; Distributors - Neon Supplies; Electronic Messaging - LED; Ink - Screen Printing; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - LED Ball Bulbs; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED Power Supplies; Letters - Plastic; Neon - Electrodes; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - General Supplies; Neon Tubing - Coated; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Primers; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Kits

Earl Mich Company 720 Creel Dr Wood Dale, IL 60191 Phone: 630 616-9000 Toll Free: 800 642-4872 Fax: 877 329-6424 E-mail: Web Site:

PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Anchors/ Fasteners; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Equipment Leasing; Fasteners; Grommets; Tape - Hook & Loop Additional Offices: 6300 Hazeltine National Dr Ste E-114 Orlando, FL 32822 Phone: 407 816-9993 Fax: 407 816-9933 E-mail:

Kentucky N Glantz & Son LLC 2501 Constant Comment Pl Louisville, KY 40299 Phone: 866 NGLANTZ Toll Free: 866 645-2689 Fax: 317 388-7063 E-mail: Web Site: Jenny Glantz, Mktg Dir Larry Markert, National Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Ballasts; Banners - Display Systems; Digital Imaging - Media; Film - Inkjet; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; LED - LED Modules; Magnetic - Rolls; Neon - Power Supplies; Paints - Coatings; Saws - Panel; Sign Boards - Laminated; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Stakes Metal; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Substrates Printable; Wholesalers Additional Offices: Phoenix, AZ; Brea, CA; National City, CA; Orlando, FL; Norcross, GA; Indianapolis, IN; Glen Burnie, MD; Troy, MI; Golden Valley, MN; Kansas City, MO; Fairfield, NJ; Brooklyn, NY; Buffalo, NY; Cleveland, OH; Tulsa, OK; Monroeville, PA; Philadelphia, PA; Columbia, SC; Dallas, TX; San Antonio, TX; Norfolk, VA; Wauwatosa, WI

Maryland Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. 394 Plankwood Rd Westminster, MD 21158 Phone: 410 871-1770 Toll Free: 800 469-3303 Fax: 410 871-1772 E-mail: Web Site: Robert Martz, Sales Mgr Roland VersaCamm & Soljet Printer/Cutters and VersaArt Printers. Roland engravers. Roland & Graphtec cutters. SAi and CadLink software. Daige & Royal Sovereign laminators. Mactac & LG vinyl and supplies.

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Distributors PRODUCTS: Computers - Cutters; Computers - Plotters; Cutters/Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/ Plotters - Blades/Knives; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Engraving Machines; Ink - Digital Imaging; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Printers - Inkjet; Software Design; Software - Digital Imaging; Software - Engraving; Vinyl - Blades/Knives; Vinyl Cutters/Plotters

Massachusetts Advantage Supply 34 Edge Hill Rd Waltham, MA 02451 Phone: 800 342-0620 Fax: 781 891-1436 E-mail: Web Site: Bruce Long New England Sign Supply Co 7 Roessler Rd PO Box 3173 GMF Woburn, MA 01888 Phone: 781 938-1498 Toll Free: 800 343-5870 Fax: 781 935-3194 E-mail: Web Site: Peter MacLeod, Pres David Tettoni, Mgr PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Composites; Aluminum Extrusions; Aluminum - Sheets; Cutters/ Plotters - Large Format; Cutters/Plotters - Routers; Film - Inkjet; Film - Pressure Sensitive; LED - Border Lights; LED - Illumination; Magnetic - Rolls; Paints General; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Primers; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics Plastics; Plastics - PVC; Printers - Inkjet; Routers - Conventional; Sign Cabinets Extrusions; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Film/Media

Michigan Richards Distributing 11350 Wabasis Ave Rockford, MI 49341 Phone: 616 754-4669 Toll Free: 800 848-1245 Fax: 616 754-6603 E-mail: Web Site: Dennis Richards, Pres / Owner PRODUCTS: Application Fluid; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Vinyl; Film - Perforated; Film - Vinyl; Ink - Solvent Based; Magnetic - Rolls; Masking Materials - Sandblasting; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks


- Corrugated; Sign Stakes - Metal; Vinyl Calendered; Vinyl - Reflective Wensco Sign Supply 5760 Safety Dr NE Belmont, MI 49306 Phone: 616 785-3333 Toll Free: 800 253-1569 Fax: 800 459-0448 E-mail: Web Site: Jim Redmer, Dir Sales / Mktg PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - High Strength; Adhesives - Solvent Cements; Adhesives - Structural; Adhesives - Tapes; Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Coil; Aluminum - Extrusions; Application Fluid; Awnings - Fabric; Ballasts; Banners Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Polyester; Banners - Vinyl; Brushes General; Brushes - Paint; Channel Letters - Coils; Channel Letters - Trim; Chemicals/ Solutions - Vinyl; Computers - Cutters; Computers - Printers; Cutters/Plotters Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - General; Cutters/Trimmers - Wall-Mounted; Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging Hardware; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Display Boards; Distributors - Full Line; Edge Finishing; Extrusions - Aluminum; Film Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Reflective; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Foils - Resin; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Solvent Based; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Lamps/Lighting Fluorescent; Lamps/Lighting - Halogen; LED - Gas Price Changers; LED - LED Architectural Lighting; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Drivers; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; Letters - Changeable; Letters - General; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic Sheet; Masking Materials - Paper; Masking Materials - Sandblasting; Neon - Blockout Paint; Neon - Dimmers; Neon - Electrodes; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon End Caps; Neon - Flashers; Neon - General Supplies; Neon - GTO Cable Gases; Neon - High Voltage Splice Boxes; Neon - Paper Patterns; Neon - Transformers; Neon - Tube Supports (UL Listed); Neon - Tube Tester; Neon - Tubing - Coated; Neon - Tubing Uncoated; Neon - Wires and Cables; Neon/ Argon Flasks; Paints - Additives; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - Metals (Use on); Paints - Murals; Paints - Plastics (Use on); Paints - Primers; Paints - Topcoats; Paper - Digital Imaging; Paper - Heat Transfer; Pinstriping - Brushes; Pinstriping - Paints; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Corrugated; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - Polycarbonate;

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Plastics - Polystyrene; Plastics - PVC; Saws - Panel; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Sign Blanks - Metal Faced; Sign Blanks Wood; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards - Foamboard; Sign Boards Hardboard; Sign Boards - HDU; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Boards - Plywood; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Faces - Pan; Sign Frames; Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Software - Cutters/ Plotters; Software - RIP; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Spray Painting - Paints; Stencils Sandblast; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum; Substrates - Engraveable; Substrates Mounting; Substrates - Plywood; Substrates - Printable; Tape - Application; Tape - Decorative; Tape - Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop; Tape - Striping; Tape - Transfer; Transformers; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Banner Welding; Vinyl - Blades/ Knives; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - Gold Leaf; Vinyl - Inks; Vinyl - Paint; Vinyl - Racks; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl Removal Tool; Vinyl - Specialty; Vinyl - Static Cling; Vinyl - Tools; Vinyl - Translucent; Wood Additional Offices: 8650 Northwest Blvd Davenport, IA 52806 Phone: 563 391-2622 Fax: 888 251-4732 E-mail: 31000 Industrial Rd Livonia, MI 48150 Phone: 616 785-3333 Fax: 888 513-8238 E-mail:

Minnesota Johnson Plastics 9240 Grand Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55420 Phone: 952 888-9507 Toll Free: 800 869-7800 Fax: 952 888-4997 E-mail: Web Site: Cheryl Mitchell PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum Extrusions; Aluminum - Sheets; Architectural Signs; Awards; Badges; Distributors General Supplies; Engraving - Blanks; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Materials; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving - Tools; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Laminates - Plastic; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Plastics - ABS; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - FRP; Plastics Polystyrene; Printers - Inkjet; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Nameplates; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Frames; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Sublimation Transfer - Equipment; Sublimation Transfer -

Distributors Supplies; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum; Substrates - Engraveable; Substrates - Laserable; Substrates - Printable; Tape - Application; Tape - Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop Additional Offices: Phoenix, AZ Phone: 800 869-7887 Concord, CA Phone: 800 869-7887 Lawrenceville, GA Phone: 800 869-7870 Crystal Lake, IL Phone: 800 869-7840 Winston-Salem, NC Phone: 800 334-0427 Worthington, OH Phone: 800 869-7800 Carrollton, TX Phone: 800 869-7830 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply 45 E Maryland Ave St. Paul, MN 55117-4610 Phone: 651 489-9999 Toll Free: 800 328-6592 Fax: 800 328-6599 E-mail: Web Site: Pete Weinberg, Sales Mgr - North Central States Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co. is a full-line distributor to the Sign, Screen Printing and Digital Imaging industries. For more information please visit us at www. PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Awnings - General; Ballasts; Banners - General Supplies; Brushes - General; Cutters/ Plotters - General; Cutters/Plotters Routers; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Distributors - Full Line; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Screen Printing; Laminating Machines; Lamps/ Lighting - General; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - General; Neon - General Supplies; Paints - General; Printers - Inkjet; Substrates - General; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters Additional Offices: Hayward, CA Phone: 510 732-5800 Denver, CO Phone: 303 373-9800 North Kansas City, MO Phone: 816 333-5224 Omaha, NE Phone: 402 592-7555 Portland, OR Phone: 503 224-1400

Salt Lake City, UT Phone: 801 974-9449

Web Site: Neil Reich, Owner / Pres Mike Brockway, Digital Tech Spec

Seattle, WA Phone: 206 433-8080 New Berlin, WI Phone: 262 641-8550

New York Apex Plastic Industries Inc 155 Marcus Blvd PO Box 11008 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone: 631 231-8888 Toll Free: 800 273-9462 Fax: 631 231-8890 E-mail: Web Site: Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. 910 Main St Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone: 716 884-8900 Toll Free: 800 234-9288 Fax: 716 884-3943 E-mail: Web Site: Kristin Dixon, Mgr Jennifer Verpoten, Mgr Hyatt’s is a full-line supply dealer offering digital sign making equipment, software and media from quality brands such as Gerber Scientific Products, Mutoh, Graphtec, ORACAL, FDC, DuraCoat, Zeronine, Convex, SignGold, Specialty Materials and more. Also offering used Gerber, training, and financing. PRODUCTS: Commercial Sign Supplies; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging Ribbons; Equipment Leasing; Film - Inkjet; Film - Thermal; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminating Machines; Pressure Sensitive Film; Printers - Flat Bed; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Reflective Materials; Ribbon - Thermal; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Gold Leaf; Vinyl - Reflective R N J Electronics 202 New Hwy Box 667 Amityville, NY 11701 Phone: 631 226-2700 Toll Free: 800 645-5833 Fax: 631 226-2770 E-mail: Web Site: Brian Malone, Mktg Reich Supply Company, Inc. 2 Campion Rd New Hartford, NY 13413 Phone: 315 732-6126 Toll Free: 800 338-3322 Fax: 315 732-7841 E-mail:

PRODUCTS: Equipment Leasing; Frames - Real Estate; Gilding Materials - Gold Leafing Materials; Gilding Materials - Paints; Heat Transfer - Equipment; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Screen Printing; Ink - Solvent Based; Magnetic - Rolls; Paints - General; Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Sign Frames; Sign Stands; Sublimation Transfer - Dyes; Sublimation Transfer - Equipment; Sublimation Transfer - Supplies; Vinyl Blades/Knives; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters; Vinyl - Film/Media

North Carolina Dixie Neon Supply Co 13410 South Ridge Dr PO Box 7281 (28241) Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: 704 588-2565 Toll Free: 800 432-6046 Fax: 704 588-6282 E-mail: Web Site: Mary Lu Lander, Mktg & Sales Piedmont Plastics 5010 W WT Harris Blvd PO Box 26006 (28221-6006) Charlotte, NC 28269 Phone: 704 597-8200 Toll Free: 800 277-7898 Fax: 704 598-7912 E-mail: Web Site: William Barth, National Sales Dir Kitty Cabaniss, Graphic Specialist Chris Greene PRODUCTS: Adhesives - High Strength; Adhesives Laminating; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Distributors - Plastics; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Film - Clear; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Activated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Ink - Digital Imaging; Laminates - Plastic; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Magnetic - Rolls; Paper - Art; Paper - Digital Imaging; Paper - Photographic; Paper - Poster; Paper Synthetic; Plastics - ABS; Plastics - Acetate; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Butyrate; Plastics - Cleaners; Plastics - Corrugated; Plastics - Fiberglass; Plastics - FRP; Plastics - Luminescent; Plastics - Photopolymer Material; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics -

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Distributors Polycarbonate; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - Polyethylene; Plastics - Polypropylene; Plastics - Polystyrene; Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride; Plastics - PVC; Sign Blanks Banners; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Sign Blanks Plastic; Sign Blanks - Polystyrene; Sign Blanks - Polyurethane; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards - Foamboard; Sign Boards Hardboard; Sign Boards - HDU; Sign Boards - Laminated; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Stakes - Metal; Tape - Application; Tape - Foam; Tape Hook & Loop; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl Static Cling

Phone: 614 985-0745

Additional Offices:

Richmond, VA Phone: 804 271-7919

Pelham, AL Phone: 205 982-2818 Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602 437-1000 La Mirada, CA Phone: 562 4040-4014 Oakland, CA Phone: 510 746-2200 San Diego, CA Phone: 858 549-5150 Englewood, CO Phone: 303 794-9800 Littleton, CO Phone: 303 794-9823 Daytona Beach, FL Phone: 386 274-4627 Pompano Beach, FL Phone: 954 972-9122 Lawrenceville, GA Phone: 770 939-5660 Bolingbrook, IL Phone: 630 378-9966 Wheeling, IL Phone: 847 459-6760 Harahan, LA 70123 Phone: 504 734-0640 Beltsville, MD Phone: 301 881-7900 Grand Rapids, MI Phone: 616 281-3654 Greensboro, NC Phone: 336 218-0128 Raleigh, NC Phone: 919 783-9398 Albuquerque, NM Phone: 505 884-2651 Akron, OH Phone: 330 724-3513 Cincinnati, OH Phone: 513 733-9200 Columbus, OH


Cranberry Township, PA Phone: 724 772-6655 Greenville, SC Phone: 864 288-7201 West Columbia, SC Phone: 803 217-2560 Knoxville, TN Phone: 865 281-8383 Memphis, TN Phone: 901 370-4590 Nashville, TN Phone: 615 361-0087 El Paso, TX Phone: 915 593-1373

Scarborough, ON Canada Phone: 416 281-4300 Brampton, ON Canada Phone: 905 796-5500 Kitchener, ON Canada Phone: 519 725-6111 Dartmouth, NS Canada Phone: 902 406-4022 Juarez, CHIH Mexico Phone: (52) 656 616-81-10 SABIC Polymershapes 11515 Vanstory Dr Ste 140 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704 948-5000 Toll Free: 866 437-7427 Fax: 866 278-1142 E-mail: Web Site: Rick Gough, Sales Dir Jeff Brazin, Portfolio Mgr SABIC Polymershapes is the industry leader for digital media and other specialty graphic substrates. Our broad product offering includes: LEDS’s, banner, adhesives, multimounts, rigid and film substrates as well as a comprehensive eco-friendly portfolio ECO-Shapes. In addition we offer film conversion services that include slitting and winding, precision cutting, sheeting, laminating and more. Our fabrication services include precisiion machining, thermoforming and bench fabrication. Superior service is provided through 70 branches strategically located across the United States, Canada and Latin America. SABIC Polymershapes - Offering products and services that SHAPE the modern world. PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Coil; Aluminum - Composites; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Polyester; Banners - Polyethylene; Banners - Vinyl; Channel Letters - Coils; Channel Letters - Trim; Dies; Digital

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Hardware; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Label Printers; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Distributors - Full Line; Distributors - General Supplies; Distributors - Plastics; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Nylon; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric Vinyl Laminates; Fabrication Materials & Services; Film - Clear; Film - Illusion; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Laser; Film - Perforated; Film - Photoluminescent; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Activated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Reflective; Film - Thermal; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Flexible Materials; Floor Graphics; Fluorescent - Banners; Fluorescent - Fabric; Fluorescent - Films; Laminates - Liquid; Laminates - Mesh, Vinyl ; Laminates - Metal; Laminates - Plastic; Laminates - Printable; Laminates - UV Liquid; Laminates - Vinyl; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; LED - Border Lights; LED - LED Channel Letters; LED - LED Flex Strips; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Vinyl; Magnetic Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Magnetic - Sheet; Masking Materials - Liquid; Masking Materials - Release Liners; Masking Materials - Sandblasting; Neon - Tubing - Coated; Neon - Tubing - Uncoated; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Paper - Digital Imaging; Paper - Heat Transfer; Plastics ABS; Plastics - Acetate; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Butyrate; Plastics - Cleaners; Plastics - Corrugated; Plastics - Fiberglass; Plastics - FRP; Plastics - Luminescent; Plastics - Photopolymer Material; Plastics Plastics; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Plastics - Polyester; Plastics - Polyethylene; Plastics - Polypropylene; Plastics - Polystyrene; Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride; Plastics - PVC; Pressure Sensitive Film; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks Exterior Panel; Sign Blanks - Foam; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Sign Blanks - Plastic; Sign Blanks - Polystyrene; Sign Blanks - Polyurethane; Sign Blanks - PVC; Sign Blanks - Sandblasted; Sign Blanks - Wood; Sign Boards - Cardboard; Sign Boards - Composite Materials; Sign Boards Foamboard; Sign Boards - Hardboard; Sign Boards - HDU; Sign Boards - Laminated; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Boards Plywood; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Stakes - Metal; Sign Stakes - Plastic; Sign Stakes - Wood; Solvent Ink Jet Media; Sublimation Transfer - Dyes; Sublimation Transfer - Equipment; Sublimation Transfer Supplies; Substrates - Anodized Aluminum;

Distributors Substrates - Engraveable; Substrates General; Substrates - Laserable; Substrates - Mounting; Substrates - Plywood; Substrates - Printable; Tape - Application; Tape - Decorative; Tape - Foam; Tape Maskant; Tape - Striping; Tape - Transfer; Textiles - Direct Imprint Machine; Thermal Films; Vacuum Forming; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - Photoluminescent; Vinyl - PVC Laminated Polyester; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Release Liners; Vinyl - Removal Tool; Vinyl - Specialty; Vinyl - Static Cling; Vinyl Translucent; Vinyl Graphics

Devens, MA Phone: 978 772-5900

Stafford, TX Phone: 281 495-1166

Woburn, MA Phone: 781 937-0034

Salt Lake City, UT Phone: 801 266-9899

Jessup, MD Phone: 301 604-3623

Richmond, VA Phone: 804 353-0090

Brighton, MI Phone: 810 844-0776

Seattle, WA Phone: 206 575-1462

Kalamazoo, MI Phone: 269 276-9825

Menomonee Falls, WI Phone: 262 251-1200

Madison Heights, MI Phone: 248 616-0300

Calgary, AB Canada Phone: 403 250-1670

Brooklyn Park, MN Phone: 763 315-9184

Edmonton, AB Canada Phone: 780 451-1650

Birmingham, AL Phone: 205 595-0033

Bridgeton, MO Phone: 314 738-0088

Coquitlam, BC Canada Phone: 604 468-2112

Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602 275-6542

Riverside, MO Phone: 816 746-6696

Winnipeg, MB Canada Phone: 204 958-7500

Fresno, CA Phone: 559 264-4100

Charlotte, NC Phone: 704 509-5711

Dartmouth, NS Canada Phone: 902 468-7732

San Diego, CA Phone: 858 693-0115

Railegh, NC Phone: 919 212-1014

Brampton, ON Canada Phone: 905 789-3111

San Jose, CA Phone: 408 432-3800

Manchester, NH Phone: 603 627-7673

London, ON Canada Phone: 519 681-4500

Santa Fe Springs, CA Phone: 562 942-9381

Las Vegas, NV Phone: 702 732-8866

Ottawa, ON Canada Phone: 613 745-7043

Denver, CO Phone: 303 744-3700

Hicksville, NY Phone: 516 933-4980

Dorval, QC Canada Phone: 514 422-1048

Hamden, CT Phone: 203 288-1641

Rochester, NY Phone: 585 254-5800

Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone: (54) 11-4523-0275

Clearwater, FL Phone: 727 573-3535

Syracuse, NY Phone: 315 422-9165

Santiago, Chile Phone: (56) 2681-1171

Jacksonville, FL Phone: 904 354-2000

Brooklyn Heights, OH Phone: 216 749-6770

Delegacion Iztacalco, DF Mexico Phone: (52) 55-5633-1231

Miami Lakes, FL Phone: 305 817-8786

Cincinnati, OH Phone: 513 936-9666

Guadalajara, JAL Mexico Phone: (52) 33-3838-5687

Orlando, FL Phone: 407 851-0624

Dayton, OH Phone: 937 276-3921

Col Cerveceria Modelo, MEX Mexico Phone: (52) 55-5371-0300

Tampa, FL Phone: 813 740-0389

Maumee, OH Phone: 419 482-0962

Naucalpan, MEX Mexico Phone: (52) 55 5371 0300

Wesley Chapel, FL Phone: 813 991-7041

Broken Arrow, OK Phone: 918 259-5606

Apodaca, NL Mexico Phone: (52) 81 8369 4688

Austell, GA Phone: 770 948-6910

Freedom, PA Phone: 724 775-9025

Leon, NL Mexico Phone: (52) 47 7716 3921

Naperville, IL Phone: 630 482-4350

Trevose, PA Phone: 215 638-9460

Cancun, QROO Mexico Phone: (52) 998-882-1306

Schiller Park, IL Phone: 847 671-3444

Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Phone: 787 641-8747

Elkhart, IN Phone: 574 389-1949

North Kingstown, RI Phone: 401 294-4858

Greenwood, IN Phone: 317 887-3844

Columbia, SC Phone: 803 254-0550

Lexington, KY Phone: 859 253-1515

Knoxville, TN Phone: 865 583-8200

Harahan, LA Phone: 504 734-3211

Coppell, TX Phone: 972 304-2525

Additional Offices:

Tri Vantage®, LLC 1831 N Park Ave Glen Raven, NC 21217 Phone: 216 696-2820 Toll Free: 800 786-1876 Fax: 216 696-8202 E-mail: Web Site: Ron Paratore, VP Sales

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Distributors PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Tapes; Aluminum - Extrusions; Anchors/Fasteners; Awnings - Fabric; Awnings - Frame Bending Equipment; Awnings - Frames; Awnings - General; Awnings - Kits; Awnings - Tubing; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Cutters/Plotters Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters - Rotary; Digital Imaging - Media; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric Flexible-Face; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Nylon; Fabric - Poly Cotton; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric - Seaming Equipment; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Fabric - Wedge Welding System; Fasteners; Film - Clear; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Vinyl; Flags Nylon; Grommets; Installation - Hardware; Laminates - Vinyl; Paints - Clearcoats; Paints - Primers; Paints - Topcoats; Pipe - Steel; Sign Blanks - Banners; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Stencils - Film; Stencils - General; Tape - Hook & Loop; Tools - Cutting; Vinyl - Film/Media; Welding - Equipment XpresScreen, Inc. 930 Burke St Ste A Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336 722-2500 Toll Free: 800 597-9530 Fax: 336 722-2575 E-mail: Web Site: Kyle Moore, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Cutters/Plotters - Accessories; Cutters/ Plotters - General; Dryers; Ink - Screen Printing; Screen Printing - CTS Imaging Systems; Screen Printing - Emulsion; Screen Printing - Equipment/Accessories; Screen Printing - Exposure Units; Screen Printing - Flash Dryers; Screen Printing - Machines; Screen Printing - Presses - Manual; Screen Printing - Squeegees; Screen Printing - Supplies; Textiles - Heat Seal Machines

North Dakota Far From Normal Supply 1318 39th St NW Fargo, ND 58102 Phone: 701 235-1089 Toll Free: 800 877-1907 Fax: 701 235-1174 E-mail: Web Site: Joe Stadstad, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Banners - Blanks; Banners - Grommet Machines; Computers - Cutters; Computers - Printers; Computers - Scanners; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Distributors - Full Line; Fabric - Canvas; Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminating Machines; Magnetic - Rolls; Masking Materials - Tape;


Sign Boards - HDU; Software - Engraving; Tape - Application; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Reflective

Ohio American Sign Products 384 E Highland Rd Macedonia, OH 44056 Phone: 330 467-3133 Toll Free: 800 223-5995 Fax: 330 467-3944 E-mail: Web Site: Bernie Ruhaak, GM Equipment Leasing Options 6120 Shawna Ct Liberty Township, OH 45044 Phone: 513 755-2822 Toll Free: 800 258-3706 Fax: 513 755-2334 E-mail: Web Site: Bill Clark, Owner / Dealer Rep PRODUCTS: Banners - Display Systems; Banners Equipment; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Edge Finishing; Equipment Leasing; Ink - Solvent Based; Vinyl - Banner Welding

Oklahoma FELLERS 6566 E Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 Phone: 800 654-8405 Toll Free: 800 654-8405 Fax: 888 405-4548 E-mail: Web Site: Karl Engel, VP of Sales FELLERS is a vinyl supply company with over 40 locations across the country, and a wide variety of vinyl and digital sign supplies. We also sew custom blank vinyl banners and ship same day. PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Remover; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives - Transfers; Application Fluid; Banners - Blanks; Banners - General Supplies; Banners Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape; Banners - Mounting Hardware; Banners - Paper; Banners - Pole Brackets; Banners - Track Kits; Banners - Vinyl; Chemicals/Solutions - Wrap Application/Removal; Computers - Plotters; Computers - Printers; Cutters/ Plotters - Blades/Knives; Cutters/Plotters Large Format; Cutters/Plotters - Software; Cutters/Trimmers - Manual; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Film - Clear; Film -

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Illusion; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Perforated; Film - Photoluminescent; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Activated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Reflective; Film - Thermal; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Flexible Materials; Fluorescent - Banners; Fluorescent - Films; Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Inkjet Equipment - Media; Inkjet Equipment - Printers; Laminates - Liquid; Laminates - UV Liquid; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminating Machines; Magnetic - Blanks; Magnetic - Rolls; Masking Materials - Tape; Paper - Digital Imaging; Paper - Heat Transfer; Paper Kraft; Paper - Photographic; Paper - Poster; Plastics - Corrugated; Plotting Cutters Films; Pouncing - Paper; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Ribbon - Thermal; Safety Rulers; Sandblasting Equipment Maskant; Sign Blanks - Corrugated; Sign Blanks - Magnetic; Sign Hanging Hardware; Sign Holders; Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Signs - Frames - Exhibit; Software - RIP; Tape - Application; Tape Foam; Tape - Hook & Loop; Tape - Maskant; Tape - Striping; Tape - Transfer; Tools Cutting; Tools - Heat; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Blades/Knives; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl - Cutters/ Plotters; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - Gold Leaf; Vinyl - Racks; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Removal Tool; Vinyl - Specialty; Vinyl Static Cling; Vinyl - Tools; Vinyl - Translucent; Wraps Additional Offices: Homewood, AL; Bentonville, AR; Little Rock, AR; Phoenix, AZ; Ontario, CA; Sacramento, CA; San Diego, CA; San Jose, CA; Santa Fe Springs, CA; Denver, CO; E Hartford, CT; Hollywood, FL; Jacksonville, FL; Orlando, FL; Tampa, FL; Doraville, GA; Marietta, GA; Urbandale, IA; Downers Grove, IL; Elk Grove Village, IL; Ft. Wayne, IN; Indianapolis, IN; Lenexa, KS; Louisville, KY; Baton Rouge, LA; Woburn, MA; Baltimore, MD; Rockville, MD; Oak Park, MI; Edina, MN; St Louis, MO; Charlotte, NC; Greensboro, NC; Raleigh, NC; Pennsauken, NJ; Piscataway, NJ; Secaucus, NJ; Alburquerque, NM; Las Vegas, NV; Colonie, NY; Plainview, NY; Cincinnati, OH; Columbus, OH; Cleveland, OH; Oklahoma City, OK; Tulsa, OK; Portlando, OR; Philadelphia, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Greenville, SC; Knoxville, TN; Memphis, TN; Nashville, TN; Austin, TX; Dallas, TX; Grand Prairie, TX; Houston, TX; McAllen, TX; San Antonio, TX; Salt Lake City, UT; Norfolk, VA; Tukwila, WA; New Berlin, WI

Oregon Hartlauer Bits 86568 Bailey Hill Loop PO Box 22535 (97402) Eugene, OR 97405

Distributors Phone: 541 343-0390 Toll Free: 800 644-2487 Fax: 541 343-1409 E-mail: Web Site: Audrey Freeman, Owner David Freeman, Sales PRODUCTS: Routers - Bits

Phone: 412 471-5600 Toll Free: 800 545-2233 Fax: 412 471-7446 E-mail: Web Site: James Davis, GM

South Carolina

Pennsylvania Chemical Concepts 410 Pike Rd Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Phone: 267 684-1038 Toll Free: 800 220-1966 Fax: 215 357-2754 E-mail: Web Site: Craig Zelle, Sales Mgr Michael Smith, Outside Sales Structural Adhesives, Dispense Guns, Bonding Fasteners, Silicone, One Part Urethane and MS Technologies, Specialty Hot Melts, Contact Cements, High Bond Tapes, UV Doming Adhesives, Laminating Adhesives. We have the answers for any of your bonding needs. PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Foam; Adhesives - Glass Bead; Adhesives - Guns; Adhesives High Strength; Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Remover; Adhesives - Solvent Cements; Adhesives - Structural; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives - Transfers; Anchors/Fasteners; Backlighting; Channel Letters - Coils; Channel Letters - Mounting Clips; Channel Letters - Tools; Channel Letters - Trim; LED - Retrofit Kits; Maintenance - Adhesives; Maintenance - Coatings; Masking Materials - Spray; Masking Materials - Tape; MetalFabricating Equipment - Channel Letters; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - PVC; Signs - LED Jet USA Corp 1116 MacDade Blvd PO Box 1387 Collingdale, PA 19023 Phone: 610 461-5861 Toll Free: 800 528-1153 Fax: 888 528-1153 E-mail: Web Site: Marv Heflin, Tech Sales Rep PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; Architectural Signs; Braille; Film - Inkjet; Film - Thermal; Pad Printing - Supplies; Plaques; Plastics - Photopolymer Material; Printers - Inkjet; Signs - ADA Pioneer Supply Co Inc 1710 N Franklin St Pittsburgh, PA 15233

Marabu North America LP 2460-A Remount Rd North Charleston, SC 29406 Phone: 843 886-0094 Toll Free: 888 253-2778 Fax: 843 886-3701 E-mail: Web Site: SEE AD ON PAGE 106 PRODUCTS: Ink - Digital Imaging; Ink - Screen Printing; Laminating Machines; Screen Printing - Inks

Texas Sign Warehouse 2614 Texoma Dr Denison, TX 75020 Phone: 903 462-7704 Toll Free: 800 899-5655 Fax: 903 462-7799 E-mail: Web Site: Jerry Barrax, Product Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Adhesives Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Tapes; Banners - Blanks; Cutters/Plotters Accessories; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Engraving - Laser; Film - Vinyl; Masking Materials - Tape; Plastics - Corrugated; Printers - Wide Format; Screen Printing Machines; Sign Blanks - Aluminum; Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards; Software - Clip Art; Software - Design; Substrates - Laserable; Tape - Application; Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters; Vinyl - Specialty Additional Offices: -Lexington Branch 908 Contract St Ste 110 Lexington, KY 40505 Phone: 800 699-5512 E-mail:

Virginia Montipower Inc 10 South Greenway Ave PO Box 328 Boyce, VA 22620 Phone: 540 837-1138 Fax: 954 337-3889 E-mail: Web Site: Charles Lockard, Pres Mumpower Sign Supply Inc 4257 Gate City Hwy Bristol, VA 24202 Phone: 276 466-5943 Toll Free: 800 368-5420 Fax: 276 466-5796 E-mail: Web Site: Ike Mumpower, Pres Dina Mumpower, Sales PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Aluminum - Sheets; Ballasts; CAD/CAM Systems - Vinyl; Digital Imaging - Banners; LED - LED Drivers; Letters - Changeable; Magnetic - Rolls; Neon - GTO Cable Gases; Neon - Power Supplies; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - PVC; Printers - Flat Bed; Sign Boards - HDU; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Boards - Plywood; Sign Stakes - Metal; Signs - Fiberglass; Signs - Screen Printed; Substrates Plywood TEK Solutions LLC 5810 Kingstowne Blvd #120-250 Alexandria, VA 22315 Phone: 703 922-9573 Toll Free: 877 370-4319 Fax: 703 995-0653 E-mail: Web Site: Additional Offices: 16505A SE 1st St #250 Vancouver, WA 98684 Phone: 503 289-1502 Fax: 503 296-2307 E-mail: 3900 W Brown Deer Rd #250 Milwaukee, WI 53209 Phone: 414 353-2181 Fax: 414 615-7600 E-mail:

Wisconsin J & S Machine Inc W6009 490th Ave Ellsworth, WI 54011 Phone: 715 273-3376 Toll Free: 877 273-3332 Fax: 715 273-5241 E-mail: Web Site:

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Distributors Adam Blegen, Sales / Tech Joe Seibel, Sales / Tech PRODUCTS: Awnings - Frame Bending Equipment; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Angle, Plate & Shape Bending Rolls; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Custom Metal Fabrication; Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Saws Vinyl Graphics 215 N 10th St PO Box 700529 Oostburg, WI 53070 Phone: 920 564-2181 Toll Free: 800 521-1884 Fax: 920 564-3484 E-mail: Web Site: Dale Huenink, Pres PRODUCTS: Car - Decals; Car - Pinstriping; Color Printing; Decals; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Reflective; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Graphics; Tape - Application; Vinyl - Application Solutions; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl Reflective; Vinyl Graphics

Canada Acme Neon & Plastics Sign Supplies Ltd. 125 Chamin De Tremblay #400 Boucherville, QC Canada, J4B 7K4 Phone: 450 449-9441 Toll Free: 800 267-2263 Fax: 450 449-9118 Web Site: Ignac Copot Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. 4635 Burgoyne St Unit 23 Mississauga, ON Canada, L4W 1V9 Phone: 905 206-9258 Toll Free: 866 366-0872 Fax: 905 206-9679 E-mail: Web Site: Dave Drewette, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Paper; Banners Polyester; Banners - Vinyl; Digital Imaging Banners; Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Super Wide; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Film - Clear; Film - Inkjet; Film Pressure Sensitive Munro Fastenings & Textiles Inc 134 Skyway Ave Toronto, ON Canada, M9W 4Y9


Phone: 416 675-1102 Toll Free: 877 GRO-MMET Fax: 416 675-1136 E-mail: Web Site: Derek Slorach, Mktg PRODUCTS: Grommets Transformateur Federal Ltee 5059 St-Jean Baptiste Montreal, QC Canada, H1B 5V3 Phone: 514 640-5059 Toll Free: 800 361-0223 Fax: 514 640-4729 E-mail: Web Site: Pierre Venne, Sales / Purchasing Martin Gagne, Sales PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive; Adhesives - Remover; Adhesives - Solvent Cements; Adhesives - Tapes; Adhesives - Transfers; Aluminum - Extrusions; Aluminum - Sheets; Ballasts; Channel Letters - Mounting Clips; Channel Letters - Trim; Clocks - General; Distributors - Full Line; Distributors - Neon Supplies; Distributors - Plastics; Electrical Supplies; Extrusions - Aluminum; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Fasteners; Film - Clear; Film - Inkjet; Film - Laminating; Film - Laser; Film Perforated; Film - Photoluminescent; Film - Polycarbonate; Film - Polyester; Film - Pressure Activated; Film - Pressure Sensitive; Film - Printable; Film - Reflective; Film - Thermal; Film - Vinyl; Film - Window Graphics; Flexible Materials; Floor Graphics; Fluorescent - Films; Fluorescent - Paint; Laminates - Plastic; Laminates - Printable; Laminates - Vinyl; Laminates - Wood; Lamps/Lighting - Backlit; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - Floodlights; Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent; Lamps/ Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures; Lamps/Lighting - High Intensity Discharge; LED - Border Lights; LED - LED Modules; LED - Power Supplies; Letters Plastic; Magnetic - Rolls; Masking Materials - Paper; Masking Materials - Tape; MetalFabricating Equipment - Notches; MetalFabricating Equipment - Punches; Neon - Blockout Paint; Neon - Electrodes; Neon - Electronic Power Supplies; Neon - End Caps; Neon - Flashers; Neon - Lampholder; Neon - Transformers; Neon - Tube Supports (UL Listed); Neon - Tube Tester; Neon Tubing - Coated; Neon - Tubing - Uncoated; Neon/Argon Flasks; Plastics - Acrylic; Plastics - Corrugated; Plastics - Plastics; Plastics - Polycarbonate; Plastics - PVC; Printers - Inkjet; Printers - Wide Format; Sign Boards - Foamboard; Sign Boards - Plastic; Sign Boards - Plywood; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Spray Painting Paints; Sublimation Transfer - Supplies; Transformers; Vinyl - Blades/Knives; Vinyl - Calendered; Vinyl - Cast; Vinyl -

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Electroluminescent; Vinyl - Film/Media; Vinyl - Reflective; Vinyl - Static Cling; Vinyl - Translucent; Wood Trican Corp 6200 Danville Rd Mississauga, ON Canada, L5T 2A7 Phone: 905 795-1525 Toll Free: 800 387-2851 Fax: 905 795-1526 E-mail: Web Site: David Power, Pres PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Guns; Aluminum - Extrusions; Awnings - Fabric; Awnings - Frame Bending Equipment; Awnings - Tubing; Backlighting; Banners - Canvas; Banners - Grommet Machines; Banners - Grommets; Banners - Polyester; Banners - Vinyl; Extrusions Aluminum; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric - Polyester; Fabric - Vinyl Laminates; Laminates - Mesh, Vinyl ; Laminates - UV Liquid; Screens - Nylon Mesh Fabric; Screens - Polyester Mesh Fabric; Tape Hook & Loop

Sign Companies/Contractors

Sign Companies/Contractors

The following companies are arranged alphabetically. These companies are engaged in the design, manufacture and installation of signs. Sign Companies may also be listed in the Manufacturers & Suppliers section. A-1 Signs Inc - Atlanta 6334 Buford Hwy Norcross, GA 30071 Phone: 770 448-7446 Fax: 770 448-0384 E-mail: Web Site: Jason Moore Av. Nogalar Sur 151 Col. Cuauhlemoc San Nicolas de los Garza, NL MEX, 66450 Phone: 818 135-2001 E-mail: Web Site: Edgardo Perez, Sales Rep PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Automobiles (see also Cars); Boards - Dry Erase; Color Printing; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Dimensional Signs - Extrusions; Exhibit Booths - Portable; Film - Window Graphics; Fleet - Graphics; Graphics; Installation Services; Outdoor Signs Banners; Point-of-Purchase Displays; Sign Service; Signs - Illuminated; Signs Systems; Stock Message Signs - Exit; Stock Message Signs - Safety; Traffic Signs; Vinyl Graphics Acme Sign Company 1136 Fletcher St Dallas, TX 75223 Phone: 214 824-3695 Toll Free: 800 856-1864 Fax: 214 826-6010 E-mail: Web Site: Jean Headen, Sales / Office Mgr Rob Destefano, Sales Acct Exec PRODUCTS: Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Installation Services; Letters - Channel; Signs - Neon; Vinyl Graphics; Wholesalers Acme Sign Inc. 1313 Vernon North Kansas City, MO 64116 Phone: 816 842-8980 Fax: 816 842-5308 E-mail: Darrol Schultze, Pres Ainor Signs 3868 Cincinnati Ave Rocklin, CA 95765 Phone: 916 408-1300 Toll Free: 800 928-8202 Fax: 916 408-1385 E-mail:

Web Site: Joseph Bergh, Pres Diane Bergh, CFO PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Digital Imaging Banners; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Electric Signs - Custom; Electric Signs - General; Electrical Services; Electronic Messaging - LCD; Electronic Messaging - LED; Fabrication Materials & Services; Installation Services; LED - Electronic Signs; Lighting Services; Message Boards - Systems; Monuments; Neon - Complete Systems; Sign Service; Signs - Neon; Signs - Systems; Signs - Wood; Wholesalers American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs 2098 Sypher Rd Akron, OH 44306 Phone: 330 645-4396 Toll Free: 800 733-4181 Fax: 330 645-4398 E-mail: Web Site: Robert Weher, GM PRODUCTS: Awards; Cutters/Plotters - Laser; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Engraving - Laser; Glass Signs; Graphic Design; Laser Shop Services; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters Sandblasted; Logo Design; Signs - Carved; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Etched; Signs - Screen Printed; Signs - Wood Baron Sign Manufacturing 900 W 13 St Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Phone: 561 863-7446 Toll Free: 800 531-9558 Fax: 561 848-2270 E-mail: Web Site: Jerry Foland, Pres PRODUCTS: Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Faces - Dividers; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Frames; Sign Holders; Sign Panels; Sign Service; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signage Electronic; Signage - Letters; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - ADA; Signs - Carved; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Etched; Signs Fiberglass; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. 184 Sharp Springs Rd Smyrna, TN 37167 Phone: 615 355-5511 Fax: 615 459-0705

E-mail: Amy V. Dearmon, Owner Tiffany Hedgepath, Project Mgr PRODUCTS: Aerial Equipment; Billboards; Consultants - Surveys; Cranes; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging LED; Electronic Messaging - Scrolling Price Displays; Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures; LED - Electronic Signs; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Message Boards - Systems; Neon - Channel Letters; Neon - Power Supplies; Outdoor Signs - Outdoor Lighting - Halogen; Signs - LED; Signs - Neon Brothers Markle Inc., The 3530 Pharmacy Ave Toronto, ON Canada, M1W 2S7 Phone: 416 495-9888 Toll Free: 877 MARKLES Fax: 416 495-9996 E-mail: Web Site: Sam Markle, Pres Jack Markle, VP PRODUCTS: ADA - Matchroute, Sandblast First Touch Braille; ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Bronze; Castings - Aluminum; Decals; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Dimensional Signs Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Awnings; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs Sandblasting; Electronic Messaging - LCD; Engraving - Nameplates; Fleet - Graphics; LED - LED Channel Letters; Neon - Channel Letters; Neon - Controllers - with software; Post & Panel Brown Enterprises 8841 Corporate Square Ct Jacksonville, FL 32216 Phone: 904 724-2262 Fax: 904 724-1774 E-mail: Web Site: Ed Brown, Pres Pam Ricard, VP PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Banners - Vinyl; Consultants - ADA; Consultants - Surveys; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Engraving - Conventional; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Rotary; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Copper; Letters - Foam;

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Sign Companies/Contractors Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Metal; Letters - Metal Faced; Letters - Painted; Letters Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters - Stainless Steel; Letters - Vinyl; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Monuments; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated; Signage - Electronic; Signs - ADA Capitol Awning Company 105-15 180 St Jamaica, NY 11433 Phone: 718 454-6444 Toll Free: 800 241-3539 Fax: 718 657-8374 E-mail: Web Site: Phil Catalano, Pres Michael Catalano, VP PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Awnings - Frames; Awnings - General; Banners - Finishing Service; Banners - Pole Brackets; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Grand Format; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Fabric - Canvas; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabric Inkjet & Digital Printing; Fabric - Seaming Equipment; Fabric - Wedge Welding System; Heat Transfer - Graphics Capitol Marking Products, Inc. 4611 Columbia Pk PO Box 4659 Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: 703 892-2772 Fax: 703 982-2774 E-mail: Web Site: David Rowan, Owner Kevin Cross, Sales Consultant PRODUCTS: ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Architectural Signs; Awards; Badges; Consultants - ADA; Engraving - Laser; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving Rotary; Film - Window Graphics; Frames - Real Estate; Installation - Films; Installation Services; Letters - Aluminum; Letters Brass; Letters - Bronze; Letters - Metal Faced; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - Non-Illuminated; Signage - Letters; Signs - ADA Coastal Sign Installation L.L.C. 8725 66th Ct Pinellas Park, FL 33782 Phone: 727 209-2571 Fax: 727 209-2584 E-mail: Web Site: William Devlin, Pres Amy Capobianco, Office Mgr PRODUCTS: Installation Services; Lighting Services


E-Z Channel Letters PO Box 3355 Joliet, IL 60434 Phone: 815 730-6738 Fax: 815 729-3355 E-mail: Web Site: Florida Graphic Services Inc. 1351 N Arcturas Ave Ste B Clearwater, FL 33765 Phone: 727 447-9780 Fax: 727 447-9790 Web Site: Sabtiago Jarrin, GM Lorena Cabezas, Business Mgr PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Point-of-Purchase; Digital Imaging - Wholesalers; Outdoor Signs Banners; Vinyl Graphics Iagulli Signs 2404 43rd Ave W Bradenton, FL 34205 Phone: 941 753-4549 Vinyl Shop Macro Enter Corp 1756 Costa Del Sol Boca Raton, FL 33432 Phone: 561 395-9996 Toll Free: 800 622-7568 Fax: 561 395-9941 E-mail: Web Site: Corey Ohayon, Mktg MC Sign Company 8959 Tyler Blvd Mentor, OH 44060 Phone: 440 209-6200 Toll Free: 800 627-4460 Fax: 440 209-6277 E-mail: Web Site: Karl Yoerg, Dir / Supply Chain PRODUCTS: Awnings - Fabric; Bird Deterrants; Dimensional Signs - General; Electric Signs - General; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Electronic Messaging - LED; Fabric - Flexible-Face; Fabrication Materials & Services; Graphic Design; Installation Services; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Channel; Lighting; Message Boards - LED Illuminated; Monuments; Neon Channel Letters; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Service; Vinyl Graphics Additional Offices: 334 Industrial Park Rd Bluefield, VA 24605 Phone: 276 322-2770 Fax: 276 322-2704 E-mail:

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Midwest Sign Company 7700 Clyde Park Ave SW Byron Center, MI 49315 Phone: 800 245-5800 Fax: 616 825-5962 E-mail: Web Site: Mike Tiesma, Sign Specialist PRODUCTS: Aluminum - Blanks; Dimensional Signs Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Installation Services; Letters Aluminum; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards; Outdoor Signs - Service Vehicles; Post & Panel; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Cabinets - Kits; Signage - Directory - Illuminated; Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated; Signage - Letters; Signs - Dimensional; Signs - Illuminated; Signs Kits; Signs - LED; Wholesalers Northstar Truck Lettering & Signs 296 Compass Rd Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Phone: 609 607-9429 Fax: 609 891-0027 E-mail: Web Site: John Zaccone, Owner Additional Offices: 110 Cox Ave West Creek, NJ 08092 Phone: 609 607-9429 Fax: 609 891-0027 E-mail: Web Site:

Ornamental Post, Panel & Traffic Control 10108 Industrial Dr Pineville, NC 28134 Phone: 800 779-7947 Fax: 704 376-1990 Web Site: SEE AD ON PAGE 127 PRODUCTS: Wholesalers SharpSigns 148 Panther St PO Box 100 Forsyth, MO 65653 Phone: 417 546-7446 Toll Free: 888 262-7446 Fax: 417 546-7448 E-mail: Web Site: Alan Forrest, VP Brandy Roberts, Wholesale Sales Dir PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering;

Sign Companies/Contractors Architectural Signs; Dimensional Signs Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Carved; Dimensional Signs - General; Dimensional Signs HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs - Sandblasting; Engraving - Laser; Glass Signs; Letters Copper; Letters - Foam; Letters - General; Letters - Laser Cut; Letters - Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters Sandblasted; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Letters - Wood; Monuments; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Signage - Letters; Signs - Acid Etched; Signs - ADA; Signs - Carved; Signs - Etched; Traffic Signs; Wholesalers

Sign America Inc. 3887 State Hwy 43 PO Box 33 Richmond, OH 43944 Phone: 740 765-5555 Toll Free: 800 668-6366 Fax: 740 765-5631 E-mail: Web Site: Kim Cronin, VP Sales Loretta Miller, S Sales Rep SEE AD ON PAGE 90 PRODUCTS: Channel Letters - Coils; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs Extrusions; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Electric Signs - Custom; Electronic Messaging - Channel Letters; Lamps/ Lighting - Fluorescent; LED - Illumination; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Aluminum; Letters - Channel; Letters Metal; Letters - Painted; Letters - Plastic; Letters - PVC; Letters - Vinyl; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Neon - Channel Letters; Sign Cabinets - Extrusions; Sign Cabinets Illuminated; Signs - Neon Signs By Tomorrow 8681 Robert Fulton Dr Columbia, MD 21046 Phone: 410 312-3600 Toll Free: 877 728-7446 Fax: 410 312-3520 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Adhesives - Laminating; Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Digital Imaging Wholesalers; Digital Imaging - Wide Format; Fabric - Canvas; Fleet - Graphics; Installation - Films; Kiosks; Outdoor Signs - Billboards; Outdoor Signs - Bus Shelter Graphics; Paper - Digital Imaging; Point-of-

Purchase Displays; Signs - Portable; Signs - Traffic; Signs - Wood

Rotary; Engraving - Wholesale; Signs - ADA; Signs - Dimensional

Additional Offices:

Universal Signs, Inc. 1033 Thomas Ave St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: 651 645-0223 Fax: 651 645-2531 E-mail: Web Site: Scott Palmateer, Project Mgr Loren Lorenzen, Sales

1028 Dundee Ave Elgin, IL 60120 Phone: 800 615-8228 Fax: 847 742-9579 E-mail: Web Site: 7409 Dodge St Omaha, NE 68114 Phone: 402 934-2777 Fax: 402 934-9750 E-mail: omahacentral@ Web Site: omaha Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. 1110 W 41st St Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Phone: 605 334-7446 Fax: 605 334-4510 E-mail: Web Site: Roger Hogstad, Pres / Owner PRODUCTS: Digital Imaging - Banners; Digital Imaging - Finishing Service; Digital Imaging Foamboard; Digital Imaging - Inkjet; Digital Imaging - Label Printers; Digital Imaging - Laminators; Digital Imaging - Large Format; Digital Imaging - Media; Digital Imaging - Overlaminates; Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics; Dimensional Signs Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Floor Graphics; Fluorescent - Films; Frames Large Format; Frames - Point-of-Purchase; Frames - Real Estate; Graphic Design; Heat Transfer - Graphics; Point-of-Purchase Displays

Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. 2109 Lafayette Rd Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742-3770 Phone: 706 866-7999 Toll Free: 800 583-7999 Fax: 706 866-4400 E-mail: Web Site: Richard Paryse, Pres Jim Paryse, VP Ops Ryan Marshall, Sales Mgr Manufacture, install service; National, Regional, Local; Exterior, Interior; Illuminated, Non-Illuminated; Digital Graphics; Laser Cutting; Parking Lot Lights PRODUCTS: Architectural Signs; Changeable Letter Boards; Dimensional Signs - Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters; Dimensional Signs - HDU; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Dimensional Signs Sandblasting; Installation Services; LED - LED Channel Letters; Letters - Metal; Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic; Outdoor Signs - Banners; Sign Cabinets - Illuminated; Sign Faces - Flexible Face; Sign Service; Signs Gold Leaf; Signs - Illuminated; Signs - LED; Signs - Neon; Vinyl Graphics

Sycamore Signs 1005 Brickville Rd Sycamore, IL 60178 Phone: 815 895-2682 E-mail: Ed Richter, Owner Syntech of Burlington, Inc. 3563 Alamance Rd Burlington, NC 27215 Phone: 336 570-2035 Toll Free: 800 600-4ADA Fax: 336 570-0429 E-mail: Web Site: Brad Harmon, Pres Korey Casper, Sales Mgr PRODUCTS: ADA - Photopolymer Signage; ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering; Consultants - ADA; Dimensional Signs Acrylic; Dimensional Signs - Architectural; Dimensional Signs - Wholesale; Engraving Laser; Engraving - Nameplates; Engraving -

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Sign Industry Related Companies

Sign Industry Related Companies

The following companies are arranged alphabetically. These companies provide a wide range of services to the sign industry and include: Associations, Schools, Consultants, Insurance Providers. Arizona Sign Association 17235 N 75 Ave Ste D 145 Glendale, AZ 85308 Phone: 602 375-3909 Fax: 602 789-9126 E-mail: Web Site: ArtClip3D 10440 Pioneer Blvd Ste 1 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Phone: 213 624-6321 Fax: 678 904-2908 E-mail: Web Site: Cyril Saelens, Bus Mgr Sylvain Palissard, Support Mgr PRODUCTS: Dimensional Signs - Carved, Routers/ Engravers; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Signs Carved, Dimensional; Software - 3-D, Addon, CAD, CAM, Clip Art, Design, Routing; Wood Behr Design LLC 114 E Poplar St Sidney, OH 45365 Phone: 937 492-5704 Fax: 937 497-1059 E-mail: Web Site: Kevin M. Behr, Pres Chad Stewart, Contact PRODUCTS: Billboards; Consultants - Advertising, Marketing; Digital Imaging - Banners; Dimensional Signs - Monuments; Exhibit Booths - Portable, Tabletop Displays; Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing; Graphic Design; Graphics; Logo Design; Signs Dimensional; Vinyl Graphics; Websites BizBuySell 185 Berry St Ste 4000 San Francisco, CA 94107 Phone: 415 284-4394 Fax: 415 764-1622 E-mail: Web Site: Adam Debussy, Mktg Mgr PRODUCTS: Consultants - Advertising, General, Internet Services, Marketing Illinois Sign Association 12342 W Layton Ave Greenfield, WI 53228-3044 Phone: 414 529-4235 Fax: 414 529-4722 E-mail: Web Site: Brian Swingle, Exec Dir


International Sign Association (ISA) 1001 N Fairfax St Ste 301 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703 836-4012 Toll Free: 866 949-7446 Fax: 703 836-8353 E-mail: Web Site: Lori Anderson - CAE, Pres / CEO Michel Jackson, Office Mgr / Exec Asst Lakeshore Group Ltd 5723 Superior Dr #A1 Baton Rouge, LA 70816-8016 Phone: 225 292-7422 Fax: 225 291-0882 E-mail: Web Site: Michael Brady Inc., Engineering 299 N Weisgarber Rd Knoxville, TN 37919 Phone: 865 584-0999 Fax: 865 584-5213 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Consultants - Engineering Midwest Sign Association 4128 Woodsly Dr Batavia, OH 45103 Phone: 513 753-8664 Fax: 513 753-6048 Web Site: Nevada Sign Association 17235 N 75th Ave D 145 Glendale, AZ 85308 Phone: 702 286-2864 Fax: 602 789-9126 E-mail: Web Site: Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc. 1809 Capitol Ave Omaha, NE 68102 Phone: 402 346-4300 Toll Free: 800 228-9670 Fax: 402 346-1783 E-mail: Web Site: PRODUCTS: Neon - Training - Books Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn 10015 Main St Fairfax, VA 22031-3489 Phone: 703 385-1335 Toll Free: 888 385-3588

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Fax: 703 273-0456 E-mail: Web Site: Sondra Fry Benoudiz, VP Membership Tosha Eberhart, Membership Mgr PRODUCTS: Associations; Consultants - Surveys; Insurance - Services; Neon - Training Books, Videos; Reference Book Type3 - Vision Numeric 2200 Northmont Pkwy Duluth, GA 30096 Phone: 678 904-2909 Toll Free: 800 843-7637 Fax: 678 904-2908 E-mail: Web Site: Cyril Saelens, Bus Mgr Chris Kirksey, Territory Mgr PRODUCTS: Commercial Sign Supplies; Computers Software; Embroidery - Software; Engraving - 3-D, Laser, Rotary; Outdoor Signs - 3-D; Routers - CNC, Laser, Software; Software 3-D, Add-on, CAD, CAM, Design, Engraving, Pattern Making, Routing; Waterjet Machines - CAD Routers, Cutting Equipment Additional Offices: 3DESIGN 606 S Hill St #810 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Phone: 213 624-6321 E-mail: Web Site: USSC (United States Sign Council) 211 Radcliffe St Bristol, PA 19007 Phone: 215 785-1922 Fax: 215 788-8395 E-mail: Web Site: Nancy Maren, Exec Dir Arlene George, Exhibitor Liaison Utah Sign Association 1905 W 4700 S #401 Salt Lake City, Utah 84118 Phone: 888 797-8824 Fax: 602 789-9126 E-mail: Web Site: Vector Art 4837 Rte 414 Burdett, NY 14818 Phone: 800 597-0688 Fax: 607 739-5485 E-mail: Web Site: Maria Holmes, Ops Mgr

Products The following section is devoted entirely to Sign Products/Services and the companies that offer them. The products are arranged alphabetically and many appear more than once in the section. For example, LED signs may appear alphabetically under LED or under Electronic Messaging. This format makes it easy to find products. Short product descriptions are provided to assist in making purchasing decisions. Companies in bold indicate display advertisers.

Key Code: (M)-Manufacturers & Suppliers (D)-Distributors (S)-Sign Companies (SR)-Sign-Related Companies

Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58

Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29

ADA - Matchroute, Sandblast First Touch Braille Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 (M).................................. p 40

ADA - Photopolymer Signage Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Photopolymer signs are one piece polymer resin signs. Available in an interior or exterior grade material, it is trimmed to size, decorated with graffiti & solvent resistant, thermalset, acrylic polyurethane finish. Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Manufacturer of photopolymer signage material, photopolymer processing equipment and technical support. Product lines include ECR (using 40% post consumer recycled content) and LP (photopolymer on laminates; Formica, Pionite and Wilsonart). Other suppliers of this product: Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

ADA - Raster Braille w/Applied Lettering American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 Photoluminescent signs with added raised letters and inserted Braille beads. Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


ADA - Raster Braille National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 (M).................................. p 40 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Lamatek, Inc. (M).................................... p 30 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Adhesives - Glass Bead

Adhesives - Remover

ADA - Thermoforming Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26

Adhesives - Foam

Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 ITW Plexus (M)....................................... p 29 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42

Adhesives - Guns Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Adhesives - High Strength Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 ITW Plexus (M)....................................... p 29 Nixalite of America Inc. (M).................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Adhesives - Laminating Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Daige (M)................................................ p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Lamatek, Inc. (M).................................... p 30 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Adhesives - Pressure Sensitive Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18


Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Adhesives - Solvent Cements Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Adhesives - Structural Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 ITW Plexus (M)....................................... p 29 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Adhesives - Tapes Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 American Biltrite Inc (M)......................... p 12 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 ITW Plexus (M)....................................... p 29 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 K-Sun Co. (M)......................................... p 30 Lamatek, Inc. (M).................................... p 30 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Adhesives - Transfers 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Aerial Equipment Baker Equipment (M).............................. p 14 Bob Fischer Co. Inc. (M)......................... p 15 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 NESCO Sales & Rentals Inc (M)............ p 34 Wilkie Mfg LLC (M)................................. p 46

Aerial Work Platforms Time Manufacturing Co (M)................. p 42 Baker Equipment (M).............................. p 14 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 NESCO Sales & Rentals Inc (M)............ p 34 Wilkie Mfg LLC (M)................................. p 46

Aluminum - Blanks Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries, a wholesale manufacturer of exterior signage systems since 1928, can provide aluminum sign face blanks custom cut to the size you need. Available in mill finish or your choice of custom Pantone colors. Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Aluminum - Castings Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24

Associations Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Whitehall Products (M)........................... p 46

Aluminum - Coil Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Aluminum - Composites New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Aluminum - Extrusions Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™. Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 As a wholesale manufacturer of exterior signage systems, Howard Industries has designed and engineered over 90 sign system components. These linear extrusions and components combine to create durable, aesthetic, cost effective post and panel signage that is readily available and allows the customer to fabricate signs without stocking a large inventory. Custom colors and extrusion cut to specifications are available.

New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

signs, custom color matching, and laser cut letters and engraving services. They are also a distributor of engraving materials and supplies, as well as offer custom plastic fabrication to the trade.


Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Manufacturer of photopolymer signage material, photopolymer processing equipment and technical support. Product lines include ECR (using 40% post consumer recycled content) and LP (photopolymer on laminates; Formica, Pionite and Wilsonart).

Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™. Other suppliers of this product: Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Southern Stud Weld (M)....................... p 40 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 International Welding Technologies Inc (M).......................... p 29 Stimpson Company Inc. (M)................... p 41 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Application Fluid Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Other suppliers of this product:

Architectural Signs

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™.

Aluminum - Sheets Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 Chemetal (M).......................................... p 17 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55

Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of extruded aluminum Exterior & Interior sign systems that easily coordinate entire sign packages. Exterior systems include pylons, post & panel, wordbars, wall mounted signs, directory signs illuminated & non-illuminated, traffic controllers, new Perma-Banners & more. Two week delivery. Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Ability Plastics is a manufacturer of architectural/ADA signs, including photo polymer signs, engraved ADA signs, zinc/magnesium signs and plaques, architectural interior

Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 (S)..................................... p 57 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Associations Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Actively involved in membership of International Sign Association (ISA), Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD), United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and United States Sign Council (USSC).

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Associations Other suppliers of this product:

Awnings - General

Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Arizona Sign Association (SR)............... p 60 Illinois Sign Association (SR).................. p 60 International Sign Association (ISA) (SR)....................... p 60 Midwest Sign Association (SR).............. p 60 Nevada Sign Association (SR)............... p 60 Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn (SR).... p 60 USSC (United States Sign Council) (SR).............................. p 60 Utah Sign Association (SR).................... p 60

AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46


Automobiles (see also Cars)

Awnings - Kits (S)..................................... p 57 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22

Awards Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42

Awnings - Fabric Value Vinyls (M).................................... p 44 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Sattler North America Corp. (M)............. p 38 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Awnings - Frame Bending Equipment J & S Machine Inc (D)............................. p 55 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Awnings - Frames AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53


AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Awnings - Tubing Allied Tube & Conduit (M)....................... p 12 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Backlighting Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Our LED Flex Strip is perfect for creating halo effects behind signage or adding color to architectural details. Needing to backlight letters? Our LED Sign Modulesare extremely customizable and feature individually replaceable LEDbulbs no need to replace the whole module anymore. Our LED and Incandescent Rope Lights are still low cost alternatives to backlighting and accent lighting. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Badges ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 France (M).............................................. p 24 Justin Inc. (M)......................................... p 29 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Lighting Technologies (M)....... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Banners - Blanks Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Banners - Canvas AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Banners - Display Systems Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42

Banners - Mounting Hardware 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 RubberForm Recycled Products, LLC (M).............................. p 38 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Banners - Equipment Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47

Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Banners - Grommets KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 KAPCO offers a complete line of digital media and laminates plus sign vinyls and supplies. Choose from grommets to squeegees to blades to sign frames and more. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Stimpson Company Inc. (M)................... p 41 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42

Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Banners - Hem Reinforcing Tape E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Banners - Mounting Hardware Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™.

Banners - Finishing Service Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32

Banners - General Supplies Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42

Banners - Grommet Machines Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 Stimpson Company Inc. (M)................... p 41 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Banners - Mounting Hardware Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43

Banners - Nylon Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41

Banners - Paper Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29

Banners - Pole Brackets Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43

Banners - Polyester Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41


Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Banners - Polyethylene InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41

Banners - Track Kits Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43

Banners - Vinyl Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Value Vinyls (M).................................... p 44 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hanovia (M)............................................ p 27 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Billboards Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Inkjet International (M)............................ p 28 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46

Bird Deterrants ABC Advanced Bird Control (M)............. p 10 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Nixalite of America Inc. (M).................... p 34

Boards - Dry Erase (S)..................................... p 57 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Boards - Marker Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Braille Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Distributor of Braille Translation Software (Duxbury) and other Braille related production software. Other suppliers of this product: Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26

Clip Art Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34

Brochure/Literature Boxes Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35

Bronze Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42

Brushes - Brush Oil Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co (M)......... p 13 Leo Uhlfelder Company (M)................... p 31 QHF (M).................................................. p 37

Brushes - General Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co (M)......... p 13 Leo Uhlfelder Company (M)................... p 31 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Brushes - Paint Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Bulletin Boards Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32

CAD/CAM Systems - Foam

Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56

Car - License Plates Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32

Car - Pinstriping MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56

Car - Sunshades Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42

Castings - Aluminum Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Concord Industries Inc (M)..................... p 18 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Whitehall Products (M)........................... p 46

Castings - Bronze Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30

Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 Coastal Enterprises Co. (M)................... p 18

Castings - Plastic Resin

CAD/CAM Systems - Vinyl

CD/DVD Publication

Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11

MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Channel Letters - Coils Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 LetterFAB (M)......................................... p 31 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Channel Letters - Mounting Clips Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Southern Stud Weld (M)....................... p 40 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 LetterFAB (M)......................................... p 31 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Channel Letters - Tools Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 LetterFAB (M)......................................... p 31

Channel Letters - Trim Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 LetterFAB (M)......................................... p 31 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Chemicals/Solutions Environmental CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21

Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55

MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33

Chemicals/Solutions - Vinyl


Changeable Letter Boards

Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19 Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Sattler North America Corp. (M)............. p 38

Car - Car-Top Signs Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Super Sucker™ suction base banner poles anchor signs to stationary vehicle tops and any windows. Other suppliers of this product: Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Car - Decals Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10

Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 HED I-12 ‘Twin Hinge’ Directory signs from Howard Industries are well suited for churches, schools, and businesses where there is need for a strong identification sign with readily changeable copy to display information or to promote events. The ‘Twin Hinge’ system uses a unique aluminum hinge clip that allows a second sign face to hang just inside the outer face panel on both sides of the frame. Signs feature key lock frames, easy access to lamps, and support arms for larger signs. Other suppliers of this product: Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18

Chemicals/Solutions - Wrap Application/Removal Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19 Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37

Clip Art Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 SA International (M)............................... p 38

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Clocks - Components Clocks - Components

Computers - Software

Cutters/Plotters - Accessories

National Time & Signal Corp (M)............ p 33

National Time & Signal Corp (M)............ p 33 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Aries Graphics International (M)......... p 13 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Color Printing

Consultants - ADA

Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33

Clocks - General National Time & Signal Corp (M)............ p 33 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Clocks - Neon (S)..................................... p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56

Colorants - Special Effects American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12

Column Cladding Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36

Commercial Sign Supplies Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44

Computers - Cutters Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Computers - Plotters Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Consultants - Advertising Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 BizBuySell (SR)...................................... p 60 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34

Consultants - Digital Signage

Cutters/Plotters - CAD Plasma Cutters

Consultants - Engineering

Cutters/Plotters - Foam Cutters

Michael Brady Inc., Engineering (SR).... p 60 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43

Consultants - General BizBuySell (SR)...................................... p 60 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34

Consultants - Internet Services BizBuySell (SR)...................................... p 60

Consultants - Marketing Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 BizBuySell (SR)...................................... p 60 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34

Consultants - Surveys Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn (SR).... p 60


Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33

Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54

Cutters/Plotters - Blades/ Knives

Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31

Computers - Printers

Computers - Scanners

Cutters/Plotters - Automatic

Cranes Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32 NESCO Sales & Rentals Inc (M)............ p 34 Wilkie Mfg LLC (M)................................. p 46

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Cutters/Plotters - General Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Cutters/Plotters - Large Format AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48

Digital Imaging - Grand Format GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50

Cutters/Plotters - Laser American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Epilog Laser (M)..................................... p 22 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Trotec Laser, Inc. (M).............................. p 43 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Cutters/Plotters - MultiSubstrate Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Cutters/Plotters - Paper Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33

Cutters/Plotters - Rotary Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Toolmasters LLC (M).............................. p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trotec Laser, Inc. (M).............................. p 43

Cutters/Plotters - Routers AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39

Cutters/Plotters - Software CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33

SA International (M)............................... p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Cutters/Trimmers - Manual Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34

Cutters/Trimmers - WallMounted Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Fletcher-Terry Company, The (M)........... p 23 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Decals Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 K-Sun Co. (M)......................................... p 30 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56

Die Cutting Equipment - SteelRule Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Preco, Inc (M)......................................... p 36 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39

Dies Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Digital Imaging - Banners Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 (S)..................................... p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15

Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Giant Graphics (M)................................. p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Digital Imaging - Dye Sublimation ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Digital Imaging - Finishing Service ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Digital Imaging - Foamboard Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Giant Graphics (M)................................. p 25 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Digital Imaging - Grand Format Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Digital Imaging - Grand Format Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Digital Imaging - Hardware 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Digital Imaging - Inkjet KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Extensive line of water-based inkjet adhesive backed vinyl, banner, canvas/fabric, film and paper media. Visit us online at www.kapco. com Other suppliers of this product: ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Digital Imaging - Label Printers K-Sun Co. (M)......................................... p 30 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59


Digital Imaging - Laminators Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Digital Imaging - Large Format Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 Giant Graphics (M)................................. p 25 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Digital Imaging - Media KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Extensive line of PSA vinyl, banner, canvas, film and paper media for inkjet and solvent/ UV & Latex printers. Visit us online at www. Other suppliers of this product: Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Digital Imaging Overlaminates KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 PSA and Thermal Laminates and Backers plus PSA Mounting Films. Choose between cold PSA laminates in four finishes, various textures and specialty. Visit us online at www. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Digital Imaging - Point-ofPurchase (S)..................................... p 57 Florida Graphic Services Inc. (S)............ p 58 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45

Dimensional Signs - Channel Digital Imaging - Ribbons 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51

Digital Imaging - Software Aries Graphics International (M)......... p 13 Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 ONYX Graphics, Inc. (M)........................ p 34 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43

Digital Imaging - Super Wide Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Digital Imaging - UV Curing Systems Hanovia (M)............................................ p 27

Digital Imaging - Vehicle Graphics (S)..................................... p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Giant Graphics (M)................................. p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44

Digital Imaging - Wholesalers 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Florida Graphic Services Inc. (S)............ p 58 Giant Graphics (M)................................. p 25 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Digital Imaging - Wide Format Flexmag Industries Inc (M).................. p 23 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56

Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Dimensional Signs - Acrylic L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 L & L Industries is a wholesale supplier to the sign industry that offers plastic letters guaranteed against breakage and fading, and manufactured to order and shipped within 3-4 days. Custom logos and custom fonts are shipped within two weeks. Other suppliers of this product: Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Dimensional Signs Architectural Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard INdustries offers a complete wholesale line of dimensional signs using extruded aluminum component sign systems. These systems are readily available with a two week delivery cycle. Signs ship complete with graphics or ready for your surface mounted graphics. Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Nova Polymers Inc, providers of Photopolymer materials, processing equipment and industry leading tech support. Innovative

products such as NovAcryl clear photopolymer and NEW NovaColour - the first photopolymer available in 10 standard colors, as well as NovEx exterior photopolymer. All developed and manufactured in the USA. Other suppliers of this product: Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22 Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Dimensional Signs - Awnings AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57

Dimensional Signs - Carved Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Dimensional Signs - Channel Letters Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Dimensional Signs - Channel Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Dimensional Signs Extrusions Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 (S)..................................... p 57 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40

Dimensional Signs - General Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43

Dimensional Signs - HDU

Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Dimensional Signs Ornamental

Dimensional Signs Monuments

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15

Dimensional Signs - Rotating Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12

Dimensional Signs - Routers/ Engravers Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43

Dimensional Signs Sandblasting Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Electronic Messaging - Channel Dimensional Signs Wholesale Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Display Boards Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Display Cases Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34

Distributors - Full Line Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Distributors - General Supplies Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40

Distributors - Neon Supplies EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21

HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Distributors - Plastics Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Dryers A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Intek Corporation (M)............................. p 28 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Easels Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Edge Finishing Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Edge Lit Signs Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31

Electric Signs - Custom Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of extruded aluminum Exterior & Interior sign systems that easily coordinate entire sign packages. Exterior systems include pylons, posts & panel, wordbars, wall mounted signs, directory signs (illuminated & non-illuminated) traffic controllers, new Perma-Banners & more. Two week delivery.

GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43

Electric Signs - General Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of extruded aluminum Exterior & Interior sign systems that easily coordinate entire sign packages. Exterior systems include pylons, posts & panel, wordbars, wall mounted signs, directory signs (illuminated & non-illuminated) traffic controllers, new Perma-Banners & more. Two week delivery. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Electrical Services Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57

Electrical Supplies Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44

Other suppliers of this product:

Electronic Messaging Channel Letters

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Lancaster Sign Co., Inc. (M)................... p 30 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Electronic Messaging - Channel Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43

Electronic Messaging - Time/ Temperature

Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Electronic Messaging Incandescent

Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Engraving - Conventional

Electronic Messaging Vacuum Flourescent

Epilog Laser (M)..................................... p 22 Epilog Laser CO2 systems can easily engrave and cut plastic, acrylic, wood and more for architectural and ADA signage. Engraves treated metals, as well.

Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37

Electronic Messaging - LCD Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38

Electronic Messaging - LED Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 ‘TCL’ LED Directional Indicators from Howard Industries use Super Bright LED’s for easily readable messages under any lighting condition. Units feature long service life, economical low voltage requirements, are UL approved and come with a 5 year unlimited warranty. Other suppliers of this product: Aries Graphics International (M)......... p 13 Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 LED Inc (M)............................................ p 30 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Electronic Messaging Scrolling Price Displays Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42


CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16

Electronic Messaging - Video Billboards Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Embossing Equipment Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Geo Knight & Co Inc (M)........................ p 24

Embroidery - Software Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Embroidery - Supplies Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23

Engraving - 3-D Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Access Business Solutions Inc (M)........ p 10 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Engraving - Laser

Other suppliers of this product: Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Access Business Solutions Inc (M)........ p 10 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Kaiser Tool Company Inc (M)................. p 29 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Trotec Laser, Inc. (M).............................. p 43 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Engraving - Machines Epilog Laser (M)..................................... p 22 Epilog Laser CO2 systems can easily engrave and cut plastic, acrylic, wood and more for architectural and ADA signage. Engraves treated metals, as well.

Engraving - Blanks

Other suppliers of this product:

Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Classic Architectural Signage Inc (M)..... p 17 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38

Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 Access Business Solutions Inc (M)........ p 10 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Extrusions - Aluminum Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Roland ASD (M)..................................... p 38 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Engraving - Materials Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Engraving - Nameplates Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Ability Plastics is a manufacturer of architectural/ADA signs, including photo polymer signs, engraved ADA signs, zinc/magnesium signs and plaques, architectural interior signs, custom color matching, and laser cut letters and engraving services. They are also a distributor of engraving materials and supplies, as well as offer custom plastic fabrication to the trade. Other suppliers of this product: Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Engraving - Wholesale Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Equipment Leasing Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Estimating Systems Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19

Exhibit Booths - Portable Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 (S)..................................... p 57

Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40

Exhibit Booths - Tabletop Displays Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40

Extrusions - Aluminum Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™.

Engraving - Rotary Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Access Business Solutions Inc (M)........ p 10 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Trotec Laser, Inc. (M).............................. p 43 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Engraving - Tools Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Extrusions - Aluminum Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 As a wholesale manufacturer of exterior signage systems, Howard Industries has designed & engineered over 90 sign system components. These linear extrusions combine to create durable, aesthetic, cost effective post & panel signage that is readily available & allows the cistomer to fabricate signs without stocking a large inventory. Custom colors & extrusion cut to specifications are available. Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Custom made to fit your requirements and shipped in ready-to-install sections or build your system yourself by ordering from our open-stock components. Choose from four corrosion resistant finishes or custom color powder-coat. Choose your Socket Spacing, Socket Type (E27, E17, E14 or E12 base), LED or Incandescent Bulbs or Turbo Fixtures, Number of Chase Circuits or Steady Burn and Chase Controller options. Perfect for Signs, Awnings, Marquees, Building Outlines, Amusement Rides. Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Euro-Trak and Sign-Trak systems in anodized or powder coated finishes for hanging indoor ceiling and wall graphics up to 3/16 thick by any length or width. Other suppliers of this product:


Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Extrusions - Plastic/Rubber Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Fabric - Canvas Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sattler North America Corp. (M)............. p 38 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45

Fabric - Flexible-Face Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42

Fasteners Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Fabric - Gaming Table Fabrics Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28

Fabric - Inkjet & Digital Printing KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Polyester/cotton blend canvas (matte/gloss/ water-proof/100% cotton), satin cloth, polyester knit and fiber fabrics for water-based inkjet printers plus a satin poly/cotton belnd canvas for solvent /UV Latex prinmters. Other suppliers of this product: Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Fabric - Seaming Equipment Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Fabric - Vinyl Laminates Value Vinyls (M).................................... p 44 Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42

Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Fabric - Wedge Welding System Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Fabrication Materials & Services Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 International Welding Technologies Inc (M).......................... p 29 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Fasteners Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire

Fabric - Nylon Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Fabric - Poly Cotton Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Fabric - Polyester Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Fasteners Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™. Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Large selection of T-Bar ceiling fasteners plus adhesive, magnetic and suction cup hook fasteners. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Southern Stud Weld (M)....................... p 40 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 International Welding Technologies Inc (M).......................... p 29 P & C Tech Products, Inc (M)................. p 35 Stimpson Company Inc. (M)................... p 41 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Fiberglass - Sign Panels & Shapes Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Film - Laminating 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Film - Polycarbonate KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Water-based inkjet 10 mil Clear Polycarbonate Film with Sensor Strips. Also, polycarbonate Laminates. Visit us online at www. Other suppliers of this product: Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Film - Polyester 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45

Film - Pressure Activated

Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42

GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Film - Clear

Film - Perforated

Film - Pressure Sensitive

3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44

3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 American Biltrite Inc (M)......................... p 12 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Fiberglass - Trim

Film - Illusion Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Film - Inkjet Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc. (D)........ p 56 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20


Film - Laser

Film - Photoluminescent American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent air dry screen printing. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Fluorescent - Banners Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Film - Printable Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Film - Reflective 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Film - Thermal 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44

Film - Vinyl 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Film - Window Graphics (S)..................................... p 57 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 USI Inc (M)............................................. p 44 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Finials - General Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22

Finials - Ornamental Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Finials - Polyurethane Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39

Finials - Wood Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22

Flagpoles Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Concord Industries Inc (M)..................... p 18 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Flags - Cloth Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Flags - Nylon Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14

Concord Industries Inc (M)..................... p 18 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Flags - Pole Brackets Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Concord Industries Inc (M)..................... p 18 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Fleet - Graphics Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 (S)..................................... p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59

Flexible Materials Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC (M)..... p 25 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Floor Graphics 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Fluorescent - Banners California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Fluorescent - Fabric Fluorescent - Fabric

Gilding Materials - Brushes

Heat Transfer - Equipment

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co (M)......... p 13 Leo Uhlfelder Company (M)................... p 31

Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Geo Knight & Co Inc (M)........................ p 24 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc (M)............ p 31 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Fluorescent - Films Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44

Fluorescent - Paint T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Foils - Resin Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Fonts MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34

Frames - Large Format Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Frames - Point-of-Purchase Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Frames - Real Estate Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Ver-Mac Industries Inc (M)..................... p 44

Frames - Restoration & Conservation Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9

Gases EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21


Gilding Materials - Gold Leaf Sheets Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Leo Uhlfelder Company (M)................... p 31

Gilding Materials - Gold Leafing Materials Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Leo Uhlfelder Company (M)................... p 31 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51

Gilding Materials - Paints Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51

Glass Signs American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58

Glue Equipment Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35

Graphic Design American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Graphics (S)..................................... p 57 Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Inkjet International (M)............................ p 28 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56

Grommets Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Munro Fastenings & Textiles Inc (D)....... p 56 Stimpson Company Inc. (M)................... p 41 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Heat Transfer - Graphics Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 Capitol Awning Company (S).................. p 58 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Heat Transfer - Heat Press Machines A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 Geo Knight & Co Inc (M)........................ p 24 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Hose Protectors Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28

Inflatables Blimp Works Inc (M)............................... p 15

Ink - Digital Imaging Marabu North America LP (D)............. p 55 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 CRS International, Inc. (M)..................... p 19 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Ink - Screen Printing American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® supplies photoluminescent air dry screen printing. Other suppliers of this product: Marabu North America LP (D)............. p 55 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 CRS International, Inc. (M)..................... p 19 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24

Laminates - Wood Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Ink - Solvent Based 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 CRS International, Inc. (M)..................... p 19 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Ink - UV Curable 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 American Ultraviolet Company (M)......... p 13 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 CRS International, Inc. (M)..................... p 19 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Inkjet Equipment - Canvas Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29

Inkjet Equipment - Media Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 InteliCoat Technologies (M).................... p 29 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Inkjet Equipment - Printers Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16

CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 LexJet Corp. (M)..................................... p 31 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Laminates - Mesh, Vinyl Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Laminates - Metal Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Chemetal (M).......................................... p 17 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Laminates - Plastic

Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Chemetal (M).......................................... p 17 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Installation - Hardware

Laminates - Printable

Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Advanced Greig Laminators, Inc. (M)..... p 11 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Installation - Films

Installation Services (S)..................................... p 57 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Coastal Sign Installation L.L.C. (S)......... p 58 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Insurance - Services Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn (SR).... p 60

Kiosks Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Ladders Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32 Wilkie Mfg LLC (M)................................. p 46

Laminates - Liquid 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20

Laminates - UV Liquid American Ultraviolet Company (M)......... p 13 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Laminates - Vinyl Value Vinyls (M).................................... p 44 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Advanced Greig Laminators, Inc. (M)..... p 11 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44

Laminates - Wood Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Laminates - Wood Chemetal (M).......................................... p 17 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Laminating Machines Marabu North America LP (D)............. p 55 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Daige (M)................................................ p 19 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Tehan & Company (D)............................ p 49 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Laminators, Liquid Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Tehan & Company (D)............................ p 49

Lamps/Lighting - Architectural Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Using our Architectural Clip Light is a great way to outline or accent walls, archways, rooflines, buildings, railings, staircases, windows, doorways. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 LEDtronics (M)........................................ p 31 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Lamps/Lighting - Backlit Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Our LED Flex Strip is perfect for creating halo effects behind signage. Needing to backlight letters? Our LED Sign Modules are extremely versatile and feature replaceable LED bulbs no need to replace modules anymore. Our LED & Incandescent Rope Lights are still low cost alternatives for backlighting and accent lighting. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21


Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Lamps/Lighting - Billboards Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43

Lamps/Lighting Electroluminescent Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21

Lamps/Lighting - Fixtures Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Action Lighting stocks a full line of UL listed, pin socket lampholders. These sockets are molded of heat and weather resistant phenolic plastic. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Lamps/Lighting - Floodlights Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 LEDtronics (M)........................................ p 31 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Lamps/Lighting - Fluorescent Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 France (M).............................................. p 24 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Lamps/Lighting - General Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 We offer a wide selection of lighting products including bulbs & rope light in both LED or Incandescent versions. We also stock components and accessories such as chase controllers, flashers, pin-sockets, wire, plugs & more. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45

Lamps/Lighting - H/O Fluorescent Sign Lighting Fixtures Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Lamps/Lighting - Halogen Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Stocking Linear Quartz Halogen & MR-16 bulbs in a variety of wattages & voltages. We also stock MR-16 socket assemblies. If we don’t have it in stock we can quickly order it for you with low minimums. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 HIKER USA INC (M)............................... p 27 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Lamps/Lighting - High Intensity Discharge Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 France (M).............................................. p 24 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Lamps/Lighting Incandescent Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 As the wholesale manufacturer of TLR (Technical Lighting Research) brand light bulbs we are able to closely monitor & control the quality of our products. We offer the brightest & longest life bulbs on the market at reasonable cost.

LED - Electronic Signs Other suppliers of this product:

Laser Shop Services

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45

Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Access Business Solutions Inc (M)........ p 10 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Preco, Inc (M)......................................... p 36 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Lamps/Lighting - Light Boxes Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Lamps/Lighting - Low Voltage Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Action Lighting has 12 & 24-volt systems available in LED & incandescent as well as chase controllers & Class 2 UL listed transformers. Other suppliers of this product: Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22

US LED (M)............................................ p 44 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Leasing and Finance

LED - Electronic Signs

Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 ‘TCL’ LED Directional Indicators from Howard Industries use Super Bright LED’s for easily readable messages under any lighting condition. Units feature long service life, economical low voltage requirements, are UL approved and come with a 5 year unlimited warranty.


LED - Border Lights Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Border signs with Aluminum Channel Systems customized to your equirements. LED Strip Light and LED Rope Light are perfect for outlining architectural details. Steady Burn or 4 Circuit Chase Belt Lights are a low cost solution & offer easy installation on buildings, gazebos, plazas, signs & more. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35

Other suppliers of this product: Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57

Lamps/Lighting Photoluminescent American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent products are an energy-efficient, LEED qualifier, EnergyStar, Code-compliant Emergency Lighting. Other suppliers of this product: Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38

Lamps/Lighting - Solar Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21

Laser Equipment Epilog Laser (M)..................................... p 22 Epilog Laser CO2 systems can easily engrave and cut plastic, acrylic, wood and more for architectural and ADA signage. Engraves treated metals, as well. Other suppliers of this product: Access Business Solutions Inc (M)........ p 10 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Kern Lasers (M)...................................... p 30 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Preco, Inc (M)......................................... p 36 Trotec Laser, Inc. (M).............................. p 43 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated



Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


LED - Electronic Signs ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 LED Sign Co (M).................................... p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

LED - Gas Price Changers Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

LED - Hospitality Price Changers Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

LED - Illumination Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Amperor, Inc. (M).................................... p 13 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33


New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45

LED - LED Architectural Lighting Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 LED Cove Light gives ceilings depth & dimension. LED Clip Light & LED Strip Light are customizable & our large offering of installation accessories make it easy to fit any application. Other suppliers of this product: Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 US LED (M)............................................ p 44 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 LED Inc (M)............................................ p 30 LEDtronics (M)........................................ p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

LED - LED Ball Bulbs Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 From G20 3/4” to M40 5” & everything inbetween we manufacture and stock the bulbs you are looking for. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49

LED - LED Channel Letters Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 US LED (M)............................................ p 44 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Amperor, Inc. (M).................................... p 13

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Lancaster Sign Co., Inc. (M)................... p 30 LEDtronics (M)........................................ p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Universal Lighting Technologies (M)....... p 44 US Signs and Letters Inc (M)................. p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

LED - LED Drivers Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Amperor, Inc. (M).................................... p 13 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 France (M).............................................. p 24 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Justin Inc. (M)......................................... p 29 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Universal Lighting Technologies (M)....... p 44 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

LED - LED Flex Strips Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Our LED Strip Light comes in 6 brilliant colors & feature the brightest SMD LEDs on the market. Our installation accessories like the 3-way & 4-way splitters & the inline L corners make our LED Strip Light easy to customize & install. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 LED Inc (M)............................................ p 30

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Letters - Aluminum Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

LED - LED Modules Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Our LED Sign Modules are extremely customizable & feature individually replaceable LED bulbs, no need to replace the whole module anymore. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 US LED (M)............................................ p 44 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 AgiLight Inc. (M)...................................... p 11 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Amperor, Inc. (M).................................... p 13 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 France (M).............................................. p 24 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 LED Inc (M)............................................ p 30 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Lighting Technologies (M)....... p 44 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

LED - LED Rope Light Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 We stock four types of LED Rope Lights: Our NEW 16mm Neon Rope Light offers a bright even glow without the hotspots of traditional rope light. Our NEW 1/2 Chasing Rope Light adds motion & life to any project. Steady Burn Rope Lights are stocked in 1/2 or 3/8 diameters. As the wholesale manufacturer of Crown and Crown Premium brand Rope Lights we are able to closely monitor & control the quality of our product. We offer the brightest & longest life LED Rope Light on the market. Other suppliers of this product: Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16

Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40

Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44

LED - LED Spot Lamp

LED - Stock Message Signs

Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 We stock LED PAR Lamps in five brilliant colors, choose 15 degree spots or 35 degree floods & choose from three sizes: PAR20, 30 & 38. Also stocking high output LED MR-16 lamps.

Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46

Other suppliers of this product:

LED - Video

Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 ElectraLED, Inc. (M)................................ p 21 LED Sign Co (M).................................... p 31 LEDtronics (M)........................................ p 31 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45

Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

LED - Networked Messaging Systems Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46

LED - Power Supplies Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Amperor, Inc. (M).................................... p 13 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Justin Inc. (M)......................................... p 29 LED Inc (M)............................................ p 30 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 SloanLED (M)......................................... p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

LED - Video Billboards Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 D3 LED, LLC (M).................................... p 19 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 LED Sign Co (M).................................... p 31 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Optec Displays Inc (M)........................... p 34 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Letter Changing Fast AD Inc (M)...................................... p 23 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45

Letters - Aluminum Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries standard letters are mill finish aluminum, precision cut by computerized router equipment and available in a variety of serif and sans serif font styles. Aluminum letters with welded mounting studs can be provided and include a drilling template. Numerous popular graphics and symbols as well as letters, logos and graphics cut from other metals, foamboards and acrylic materials are also available, as are custom colors. Other suppliers of this product:

LED - Retrofit Kits Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Amperor, Inc. (M).................................... p 13 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27

Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Letters - Aluminum Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Letters - Brass

Letters - Bronze

Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58

Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Letters - Changeable Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Fast AD Inc (M)...................................... p 23 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Letters - Channel Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Lancaster Sign Co., Inc. (M)................... p 30 LetterFAB (M)......................................... p 31 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Letters - Copper Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Letters - Die-Cut Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Letters - Metal Faced Letters - Foam Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47

Letters - General Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 For over 46 years, Gemini Inc. has been manufacturing dimensional letters and plaques including: formed, injection molded, and laser cut plastic letters, cast aluminum and bronze metal letters, waterjet cut metal letters, aluminum and bronze plaques, Etched and ADA plaques, GEM Brand™ trimcap, channel letters, changeable copy, track and accessories, fabricated metal and metal laminate letters. New products include foam laminate letters, wood letters, GemLeaf letters, A-Frame sidewalk signs, 4-Color wayfinding and zinc plaques.

Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43

Letters - Magnetic Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Letters - Metal Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Gemini’s Cast Metal letters and logos are the choice when a sense of permanency and depth is required. Available in 16 different finishes including polished, oxidized or anodized cast letters give you provide the classic look for less than what you would expect to pay for such quality. Other suppliers of this product: Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23

GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Letters - Metal Faced Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Gemini offers letters in metal laminated to acrylic and metal laminated to foam. These metal-faced letters are ideal for office lobbies, churches, medical buildings and almost any application where the look and feel of real metal is required but cost is prohibitive. L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 L & L Industries is a wholesale supplier to the sign industry that offers plastic letters guaranteed against breakage and fading, and manufactured to order and shipped within 3-4 days. Custom logos and custom fonts are shipped within two weeks. Other suppliers of this product: Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58

Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Letters - Gilded Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Gemini’s GemLeaf Letters are the newest products to use the age-old gilding process the difference is that Gemini utilizes the latest technology to apply a micron’s thick coating of metal to our own modified premium extruded acrylic stock. GemLeaf letters can replicate a variety of finishes, each capable of adding a touch of decorative style to any project. Other suppliers of this product: Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Letters - Laser Cut Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Letters - Metal Faced Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Letters - Painted Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Letters - Plastic Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Formed plastic letters offer the utmost in versatility. Gemini’s guaranteed for life letters provide the deepest dimension for the money and come in 128 standard styles and 35 colors. This UV stable product is made from Cellulose Acetate Butyrate, a renewable


resource plastic. Gemini’s injection molded Minnesota letters are available in 45 baked enamel colors and provide the look of metal without the weight or cost. Other suppliers of this product: Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fast AD Inc (M)...................................... p 23 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45

Letters - PVC Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39

Letters - Sandblasted Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Letters - Stainless Steel Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Letters - Stone Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29

Magnetic - Blanks Letters - Vinyl

Light Poles

Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43

Letters - Vinyl Faced Acrylic Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Letters - Wood Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Lighting Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light TapeÂŽ (M).................................. p 21 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 LEDtronics (M)........................................ p 31 Light Engines (M)................................... p 31 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Lighting Services Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Coastal Sign Installation L.L.C. (S)......... p 58

Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 Osram Sylvania (M)................................ p 35 WAC Lighting (M)................................... p 45

Logo Design American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33

Magnetic - Assemblies Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10 Magnum Magnetics Corp (M)................. p 32

Magnetic - Bases Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10 Magnum Magnetics Corp (M)................. p 32

Magnetic - Blanks Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 The Magnet Source manufactures and distributes all types of magnetic products for industrial and commercial use. Serving customers in the U.S. and abroad, the company has over 15 million magnets in stock. They provide resources for raw material magnets and the machinery to cut, grind and magnetize magnets.

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Magnetic - Blanks Other suppliers of this product: Flexmag Industries Inc (M).................. p 23 Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Magnum Magnetics Corp (M)................. p 32 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47

Magnetic - Rolls Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 The Magnet Source manufactures and distributes all types of magnetic products for industrial and commercial use. Serving customers in the U.S. and abroad, the company has over 15 million magnets in stock. They provide resources for raw material magnets and the machinery to cut, grind and magnetize magnets.

Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Magnum Magnetics Corp (M)................. p 32 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Magnetic - Stock Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 The Magnet Source manufactures and distributes all types of magnetic products for industrial and commercial use. Serving customers in the U.S. and abroad, the company has over 15 million magnets in stock. They provide resources for raw material magnets and the machinery to cut, grind and magnetize magnets. Other suppliers of this product:

Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Pressure sensitive, adhesive backed strips, pads and rolls for mounting and displaying graphics.

Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10 Magnum Magnetics Corp (M)................. p 32

KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Apply vinyl or screen printed graphics. Great for changeable vehicle graphics. Available in 24”x50’ rolls; cut to any shape desired. Visit us online at

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Other suppliers of this product: Flexmag Industries Inc (M).................. p 23 Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Magnum Magnetics Corp (M)................. p 32 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Magnetic - Sheet Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 The Magnet Source manufactures and distributes all types of magnetic products for industrial and commercial use. Serving customers in the U.S. and abroad, the company has over 15 million magnets in stock. They provide resources for raw material magnets and the machinery to cut, grind and magnetize magnets.

Maintenance - Adhesives

Maintenance - Coatings Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41

Maintenance - Restoration CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19

Masking Materials - Liquid Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Quality Spra-Mask is a unique patented liquid maskant used in sign face decoration. It is a water-based, water soluble, non-toxic, earth-friendly spray masking that can be either sprayed, rolled or brushed on, and when allowed to dry, can be cut and peeled for painting. Other suppliers of this product: QHF (M).................................................. p 37 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Masking Materials - Paper American Biltrite Inc (M)......................... p 12 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Masking Materials - Release Liners Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Other suppliers of this product:

Masking Materials Sandblasting

Flexmag Industries Inc (M).................. p 23 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Masking Materials - Spray Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 QHF (M).................................................. p 37

Masking Materials - Tape 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 American Biltrite Inc (M)......................... p 12 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Mats - Entrance Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27

Menus - Letters Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Message Boards - LED Illuminated Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45

Message Boards - Systems Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Message Boards - Systems SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Angle, Plate & Shape Bending Rolls CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 J & S Machine Inc (D)............................. p 55 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Brakes CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Channel Letters Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18

Metal-Fabricating Equipment CNC Folding Machines RAS Systems LLC (M)........................... p 37 The RAS TURBObend plus was designed for the sign industry. Automatic material set up is a must in the sign industry and is standard on the RAS folder. The technology table figures material compensation for all types of material to be folded. Other suppliers of this product: CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Corner Cutting FomUSA Inc (M)..................................... p 23 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Custom Metal Fabrication Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22 FomUSA Inc (M)..................................... p 23 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 J & S Machine Inc (D)............................. p 55 RAS Systems LLC (M)........................... p 37 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Notches CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22 FomUSA Inc (M)..................................... p 23 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Punches FomUSA Inc (M)..................................... p 23


Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Return Automation Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18

Metal-Fabricating Equipment - Saws Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22 FomUSA Inc (M)..................................... p 23 J & S Machine Inc (D)............................. p 55 Kett Tool Company (M)........................... p 30

Metal-Fabricating Equipment Shears RAS Systems LLC (M)........................... p 37 The RAS SMARTcut shear with it’s CNC controlled back gauge makes cutting metal material to size a snap. Simply select the dimension, push the green button and then cut aluminum as thick as .125 thick. Other suppliers of this product:

GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Neon - Clock Housings West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Cold Cathode Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 France (M).............................................. p 24 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37

Neon - Complete Systems Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57

Neon - Controllers - with software Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20

Kett Tool Company (M)........................... p 30 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Neon - Controllers - without software


Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Murals - Engravers Epilog Laser (M)..................................... p 22 Kern Lasers (M)...................................... p 30 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Neon - Blockout Paint Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Neon - Channel Letters Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Sign America specializes in illuminated channel letters, graphics, and non-illuminated flat cut letters and graphics. Wholesale only. Other suppliers of this product: AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Neon - Dimmers Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Electrodes EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Electronic Power Supplies Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 France (M).............................................. p 24 HEICO Lighting™ (M)............................. p 27 Justin Inc. (M)......................................... p 29 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - End Caps Masters Technology Inc (M).................... p 32 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Flashers NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

Outdoor Signs - Billboards Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - General Supplies France (M).............................................. p 24 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - GTO Cable Gases Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn (SR).... p 60

Neon - Training - Videos Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn (SR).... p 60

Neon - Transformers Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Tube Supports (UL Listed) Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

maskings, press break capabilities, and more. Other suppliers of this product: Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Outdoor Signs - Banners

Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M)............................ p 35 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22 Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 (S)..................................... p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Florida Graphic Services Inc. (S)............ p 58 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Inkjet International (M)............................ p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Neon - Power Supplies

Neon - Vacuum Pumps

Outdoor Signs - Billboards

EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Adaptive Micro Systems LLC (M)........... p 11 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Inkjet International (M)............................ p 28 Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Productivity Fabricators Inc (M).............. p 36 Safety Speed Mfg. (M)............................ p 38 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Neon - High Voltage Splice Boxes Masters Technology Inc (M).................... p 32 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Housing Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47

Neon - Lampholder France (M).............................................. p 24 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Neon - Low Voltage, Indoor Sign LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31

Neon - Manifold Equipment EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21

Neon - Mercury Injectors EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21

Neon - Paper Patterns

Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 France (M).............................................. p 24 Justin Inc. (M)......................................... p 29 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Sculpture Bases Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35

Neon - Simulated Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18

Neon - Training - Books Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc. (SR).... p 60

Neon - Tube Tester EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Neon - Tubing - Coated Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Neon - Tubing - Uncoated

Neon - Wires and Cables Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Neon/Argon Flasks EGL Company, Inc (M)........................... p 21 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Outdoor Signs - 3-D Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Quality Manufacturing Creates sign systems, post and panel signs, illuminated displays, skylights and domes, 3D props and displays, deep draw vacuum-forming, liquid spray

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Outdoor Signs - Bronze Outdoor Signs - Bronze

Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32

Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36

Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42

Outdoor Signs - Landscaped

Pad Printing - Supplies

Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14

Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35 Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36 Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36

Outdoor Signs - Bulletin Sections

Outdoor Signs - Menu Boards

Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Inkjet International (M)............................ p 28 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Inkjet International (M)............................ p 28 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Outdoor Signs - Exhibit Frames

Outdoor Signs - Outdoor Lighting - Halogen

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40

Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57

Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36

Outdoor Signs - Bus Shelter Graphics

Outdoor Signs - Fixtures Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™.

Outdoor Signs - Poles Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Allied Tube & Conduit (M)....................... p 12 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Productivity Fabricators Inc (M).............. p 36 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43

Outdoor Signs - Posters Event•Trac / GH Imaging (M)................ p 22 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39

Other suppliers of this product:

Outdoor Signs - Sculptures

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Outdoor Signs - Flags Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Swirling Silks, Inc (M)............................. p 41 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Vis Com Systems (M)............................. p 44

Outdoor Signs - Heavy Equipment Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22


Outdoor Signs - Service Vehicles Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Bob Fischer Co. Inc. (M)......................... p 15 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58

Outdoor Signs - Trivision Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43

Pad Printing - Equipment A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Paints - Additives Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Airbrush Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40

Paints - Clearcoats Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Coatings Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41

Paints - EPS Foam Coatings QHF (M).................................................. p 37

Paints - Fluorescent Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41

Paints - General Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47

Paints - Metals (Use on) Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Murals QHF (M).................................................. p 37 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41

Plastics - Corrugated Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Photoluminescent

Paper - Heat Transfer

American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Plastics (Use on) ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 Pentex Print Master (M).......................... p 36 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Primers

Other suppliers of this product:

Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30

A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Grandview Aluminum Products Inc. (M). p 25 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42

Paper - Photographic

Paints - Spraypaints Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40

DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51

Paints - Topcoats

Paper - Synthetic

Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51

QHF (M).................................................. p 37 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41

Paper - Art Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51

Paper - Digital Imaging KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Bond, adhesive backed, water-proof, photo/ UV photo and proofing papers for inkjet/solventUV Latex printers. Visti us online at www. to view finishes, weights and sizes. Other suppliers of this product: Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59

Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Gemini only manufactures metal plaques, pure metal through and through to your specifications. Whether the plaques are architectural, etched 4-Color or those meeting ADA specifications, Gemini can create the marker, seal or plaque you need in just 8 working days after artwork approval.

Paper - Kraft

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Matthews Paint (M)................................. p 32 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Paints - Window/Glass


DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51

Paper - Poster

Paper - Vellum DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47

Plastics - ABS Plaskolite, Inc. (M)................................ p 36 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Plastics - Acetate Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Plastics - Acrylic

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49

Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Plaskolite, Inc. (M)................................ p 36 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Pinstriping - Tools

Plastics - Butyrate

Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co (M)......... p 13 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33

Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Pipe - Steel

Plastics - Cleaners

Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Allied Tube & Conduit (M)....................... p 12 Productivity Fabricators Inc (M).............. p 36 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trinity Products Inc (M)........................... p 43 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Pinstriping - Brushes Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co (M)......... p 13 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Pinstriping - Paints Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Spraylat Corporation (M)........................ p 40 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Pinstriping - Tape

Plastics - Corrugated Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Plastics - Corrugated FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Plastics - Fiberglass Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Plastics - FRP Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Plastics - Luminescent American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photo-luminescent plastics glow in full darkenss. Choose from glowing raw material Masterbatch, or rigid PVC sheets and flexible films in rolls. Other suppliers of this product: Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Plastics - Photopolymer Material Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Nova Polymers Inc, providers of Photopolymer materials, processing equipment and industry leading tech support. Innovative products such as NovAcryl clear photopolymer and NEW NovaColour - the first photopolymer available in 10 standard colors, as well as NovEx exterior photopolymer. All developed and manufactured in the USA.

Plastics - Polycarbonate Plaskolite, Inc. (M)................................ p 36 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Bayer Material Science LLC (M)............. p 14 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Plastics - Polyester Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Plaskolite, Inc. (M)................................ p 36 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Plastics - Polyethylene Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Plastics - Polypropylene Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40

Plastics - Polystyrene Plaskolite, Inc. (M)................................ p 36 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Plastics - Thermoforming Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26

Plotting Cutters - Films Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33

Point-of-Purchase Displays Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 (S)..................................... p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Visual Magnetics (M).............................. p 45

Poles - Flag Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Concord Industries Inc (M)..................... p 18 National Banner Co Inc (M).................... p 33

Poles - Readerboard Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37

Poles - Sign

Other suppliers of this product:

Plastics - Polyvinyl Chloride

Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Productivity Fabricators Inc (M).............. p 36

Plastics - PVC

Poles - Traffic

Vycom (M)............................................. p 45 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38

4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32

Plastics - Plastics Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Plaskolite, Inc. (M)................................ p 36 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Eastman Chemical Co (M)..................... p 21 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Industrial Specialties, Mfg. (M)............... p 28 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Poles - Wood Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Bruce Post Company (M)....................... p 16 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Poly-Sleeve Yard Signs Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Post & Panel Post & Panel

Pouncing - Paper

Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of extruded aluminum post & panel sign systems that easily coordinate entire sign packages including pylons, post and panel, wordbars, wall mounted signs, directory signs (illuminated and non-illuminated), traffic controllers and more. Two week delivery.

KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 20# stock available in white to aid in layout or drawing; 15”x500’, 24”x300’. Visit us online at

Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Quality Manufacturing Creates sign systems, post and panel signs, illuminated displays, skylights and domes, 3D props and displays, deep draw vacuum-forming, liquid spray maskings, press break capabilities, and more.

3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Brothers Markle Inc., The (S)................. p 57 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Wagner Companies, The (M).................. p 45

Other suppliers of this product: FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54

Pressure Sensitive Film

Printers - Flat Bed Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33

Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Printers - Inkjet Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc (M)............ p 31 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Quality Media & Laminating Solutions (D)................. p 48 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Printers - Wide Format Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Durst Image Technology US, LLC (M).... p 21 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc. (M)............... p 26 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Mutoh America, Inc. (M)......................... p 33 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Roland ASD (M)..................................... p 38 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43

Protective Coatings Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 QHF (M).................................................. p 37

Readerboards - Letter Changing Equipment Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45

Readerboards - Letter Tracks 102

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Routers - CNC Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45

Readerboards - Letters S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45

Reference Book Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn (SR).... p 60

Reflective Materials 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51

Rope Lighting Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Action Lighting continues to stock a wide range of Incandescent Rope Light in many popular colors. Sizes stocked are 3/8” and 1/2”. A large offering of Rope Light accessories for both LED & Incandescent Rope Light are stocked. As the wholesale manufacturer of Crown and Crown Premium brand Rope Lights we are able to closely monitor and control the quality of our product. We offer the brightest & longest life LED & Incandescent Rope Light on the market.

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Routers - Bits

Other suppliers of this product:

AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Hartlauer Bits (D).................................... p 54 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 CAO Group Inc (M)................................. p 16

Routers - CNC

Rotating Signs Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37



Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35

Ribbon - Thermal

Routers - Accessories

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25

AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41

AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Routers - CNC MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Routers - Conventional CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50

Routers - Laser Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Routers - Shaping Tools MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33

Routers - Software AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60


Routers - Vacuum Tables AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 CLN of South Florida, Inc. (M)................ p 18 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33

Safety Equipment American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent safety products are available as bumper guards, warning chains, armbands, wall and anti-skid floor tapes, paints and safety signs. Other suppliers of this product: A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 Nixalite of America Inc. (M).................... p 34

FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40

Sandblasting Equipment Blanks Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12

Sandblasting Equipment Maskant Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27

Sandblasting Equipment Stock Signs Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29

Saws - Panel Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Saw Trax Manufacturing Co, Inc (M)....... p 38 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Safety Rulers

Saws - Radial Arm

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49

Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Saws - Table Saws - Table

Lighthouse Technology Ltd (M)............... p 31 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42

Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 Fimor (M)................................................ p 23 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - CTS Imaging Systems

Screen Printing - Exposure Units

Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22

Scanners - Hardware Roland ASD (M)..................................... p 38


Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Richmond Graphic Products Inc (M)...... p 37 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Emulsion A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Richmond Graphic Products Inc (M)...... p 37 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Equipment/ Accessories A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47


A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Richmond Graphic Products Inc (M)...... p 37 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Films A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Richmond Graphic Products Inc (M)...... p 37

Screen Printing - Filtration Systems Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Screen Printing - Flash Dryers A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Floodbars A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36

Screen Printing - Inks American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® supplies photoluminescent air dry screen printing. Other suppliers of this product: Marabu North America LP (D)............. p 55 A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36

Screen Printing - Instruments A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9

Screen Printing - Machines A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12

Sign Blanks - Banners Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Fimor (M)................................................ p 23 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Pallets A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39

Screen Printing - Pens - Block Out GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25

Screen Printing - Pens - Litho GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25

Screen Printing - Presses Manual A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Scoop Coater GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25

Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Biodegradable Cleaners A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25

Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Chemicals A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Nazdar SourceOne (M).......................... p 34

Screen Printing - Screen Cleaning - Equipment A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25

Screen Printing - Screen Washers A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36

Screen Printing - Software

Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21

Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Screen Printing - Squeegees

Screens - Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Supplies Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Screen Printing - Systems Easiway Systems Inc. (M)....................... p 21 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22

Screen Printing - Tensioning Table

Sculpting Material Coastal Enterprises Co. (M)................... p 18

Seals/Gaskets Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 TRIM-LOK Inc (M).................................. p 42

Sign Blanks - Advertising Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39

Sign Blanks - Aluminum Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries, a wholesale manufacturer of exterior signage systems since 1928, can provide aluminum sign face blanks custom cut to the size you need. Available in mill finish or your choice of custom Pantone colors. Other suppliers of this product:

American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47

Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 Chief Enterprises Inc (M)........................ p 17 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 US Signs and Letters Inc (M)................. p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Screens - Drying Cabinet

Sign Blanks - Banners

A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25

AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Eagle Banners Inc (M)............................ p 21 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 McCullough Banner Co (M).................... p 32 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Print B3 (M)............................................ p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36

Screen Printing - UV Curing Systems A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 American M & M (M)............................. p 12 American Ultraviolet Company (M)......... p 13 Graphic Parts International Inc (M)........ p 25

Screen Printing - Weld Cleaners Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Screen Printing - Wholesale

Screens - Nylon Mesh Fabric A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56

Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41

Screens - Polyester Mesh Fabric

Screen Printing - Solvents

A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25

Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48

A.W.T. World Trade Inc (M)....................... p 9 Deco Technology Group Inc (D)............. p 47

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Sign Blanks - Corrugated Sign Blanks - Corrugated Creative Banner Assemblies (M)............ p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Blanks - Exterior Panel Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Sign Blanks - Foam Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Coastal Enterprises Co. (M)................... p 18 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Blanks - Magnetic Master Magnetics Inc (M)..................... p 32 The Magnet Source manufactures and distributes all types of magnetic products for industrial and commercial use. Serving customers in the U.S. and abroad, the company has over 15 million magnets in stock. They provide resources for raw material magnets and the machinery to cut, grind and magnetize magnets. Other suppliers of this product: Flexmag Industries Inc (M).................. p 23 Adams Magnetic Products (M)............... p 10 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Blanks - Metal Faced Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc (M)............ p 31 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34

Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Sign Blanks - Nameplates Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40

Sign Blanks - Plastic Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Pizazz International Limited (M)............. p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Sign Blanks - Polystyrene Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41

Sign Blanks - Polyurethane Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Coastal Enterprises Co. (M)................... p 18 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41

Sign Blanks - PVC American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent sign blanks are available in rigid PVC and Aluminum with bright glowing performance in full darkness. Other suppliers of this product: Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44

Sign Blanks - Sandblasted Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Sign Boards - Plywood Sign Blanks - Stainless Steel Steel Art Company Inc (M)..................... p 41

Sign Blanks - Wood Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 Bruce Post Company (M)....................... p 16 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Nudo Products, Inc. (M).......................... p 34 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Sign Boards - Cardboard Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39

Sign Boards - Composite Materials Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 3A Composites (M)................................... p 9 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Wrisco Industries Inc. (M)....................... p 46

Sign Boards - Laminated

Sign Boards - Foamboard

Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

3A Composites (M)................................... p 9 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Lamitech Inc (M)..................................... p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Boards - Hardboard Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Sign Boards - HDU Coastal Enterprises Co. (M)................... p 18 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Boards - Plastic Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 3A Composites (M)................................... p 9 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Pizazz International Limited (M)............. p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Simona America Inc (M)......................... p 40 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Boards - Plywood Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Sign Cabinets - Extrusions Sign Cabinets - Extrusions Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 As a wholesale manufacturer of high quailty exterior signage systems, Howard Industries has designed and engineered over 90 sign system components. These linear extrusions and components combine to create a durable, aesthetic, cost effective post and panel signage that is readily available and allows the customer to fabricate signs without stocking a large inventory. Custom colors and extrusion cut to specifications are available. Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Quality Manufacturing Creates sign systems, post and panel signs, illuminated displays, skylights and domes, 3D props and displays, deep draw vacuum-forming, liquid spray maskings, press break capabilities, and more. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18

Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43

Sign Cabinets - Illuminated Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers an array of illuminated sign systems in post and panel, wall mounted or pylon configurations that ship in two weeks. Our Twin Hinge Directory System uses a unique aluminum hinge clip that allows a second sign face to hang just inside the outer face panel on both sides of the sign frame. The interior sign face also hinges open for lamp and electrical access. Custom shape frames, radius posts, and H-bar Dividers with changeable panels are also available. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57

Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 GM Sign Inc (M)..................................... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43 US Signs and Letters Inc (M)................. p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Sign Cabinets - Kits Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries complete wholesale line of sign cabinets & pylon system kits (illuminated & non-illuminated) ship in two weeks, arriving at your location ready for assembly. Sign frames assemble easily, just add your face panels & graphics. Other suppliers of this product: Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc (D)............... p 49 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 United Wholesale Signs (M)................... p 43

Sign Cabinets - Tensioning Systems AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22

Sign Faces - Dividers Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47

Sign Faces - Flexible Face Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Verseidag seemee® US Inc. (M)............ p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Sign Faces - Pan Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Sign Hanging Hardware Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Frames Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 As a wholesale manufacturer of high quality exterior signage systems, Howard Industries has designed and engineered over 90 sign frame systems made from linear aluminum extrusions. Durable, cost-effective and aestehtically pleasing, our frame systems are readily available and allow the customer to fabricate signs without stocking a large inventory. Custom colors available. KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Steel & Cor-X Galvanized sign frames in seven styles plus aluminum sign blanks, nuts & bolts available. Visit us online at www. Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11

APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Classic Architectural Signage Inc (M)..... p 17 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Orbus Exhibit & Display Group (M)......... p 35 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Ver-Mac Industries Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Sign Hanging Hardware Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™. Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Outwater’s Signage Standoffs enable an infinite number of interior and exterior display mounting options for Architectural Signage, Permanent and Freestanding Displays, Directories and Art. Comprising Solid Brass construction finished in polished or matte chrome, stainless steel and black nickel, Outwater’s Standoffs are available in standard and low profile formats in numerous lengths and diameters. Other suppliers of this product: Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Southern Stud Weld (M)....................... p 40 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Sign Hanging Hardware FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 P & C Tech Products, Inc (M)................. p 35 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Sign Holders Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Gyford StandOff Systems manufactures precision decorative aluminum and stainless steel mounting hardware. StandOffs, Wire Suspension, EZ-Rod/Wire and StructureLite, are modular product lines containing over 650 fully-interchangeable components. Let Gyford help you ‘Bring Your Designs to Life’™. Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Outwater’s Signage Standoffs enable an infinite number of interior and exterior display mounting options for Architectural Signage, Permanent and Freestanding Displays, Directories and Art. Comprising Solid Brass construction finished in polished or matte chrome, stainless steel and black nickel, Outwater’s Standoffs are available in standard and low profile formats in numerous lengths and diameters. Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Classic Architectural Signage Inc (M)..... p 17 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22


FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 RubberForm Recycled Products, LLC (M).............................. p 38 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Ver-Mac Industries Inc (M)..................... p 44

Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Sign Panels

Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Ver-Mac Industries Inc (M)..................... p 44

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Achieve the look of authentic Stone, Brick, Wood and many other realistic surfaces for a fraction of the cost with Outwater’s UV protected, maintenance free high-density polyurethane FauxStone Panels. Lightweight, impact resistant, dimensionally stable as well as impervious to adverse climate and weather conditions, Outwater’s FauxStone Panels can be installed on virtually any type of interior or exterior surface using common tools and methods. Other suppliers of this product: Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Pizazz International Limited (M)............. p 36 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Sign Service (S)..................................... p 57 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Sign Stakes - Metal Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Parker Davis sells the Step Stake®, the company’s patented design for posting for small outdoor signs. The product is lightweight and has a rust-proof steel design. The Step Stake® inserts into the bottom of a signboard and needs only foot pressure for installation. Other suppliers of this product:

Sign Stakes - Plastic Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Sign Stakes - Wood SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Sign Stands Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Metomic Corporation (M)..................... p 33 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Parker Davis Co Inc (M)......................... p 36 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51

Signs - ADA RubberForm Recycled Products, LLC (M).............................. p 38 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Ver-Mac Industries Inc (M)..................... p 44 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Signage - Directory Illuminated Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 HED I-12 ‘Twin Hinge’ Directory signs from Howard Industries are well suited for churches, schools, and businesses where there is need for a strong indentification sign with readily changeable copy to display information or to promote events. The ‘Twin Hinge’ system uses a unique aluminum hinge clip that allows a second sign face to hang just inside the outer face panel on both sides of the frame. Signs feature key lock frames, easy access to lamps, and support arms for larger signs. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 National Time & Signal Corp (M)............ p 33 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Signage - Directory - NonIlluminated Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 ‘Twin Hinge’ Directory signs from Howard Industries are perfect for schools, churches and businesses that need strong indentification and readily changeable display copy for timely information or to promote events. The ‘Twin Hinge’ system uses a unique aluminum hinge clip that allows a second sign face to hang just inside the outer face panel on both sides of the frame. Signs feature key lock frames and support arms (for larger signs). Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11

APCO Components Division (M)............ p 13 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Bowman Displays Digital Imaging (M).... p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Component Signage, Inc. (M)................. p 18 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 National Time & Signal Corp (M)............ p 33 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 (M).................................. p 40 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Signage - Electronic Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Daktronics Inc (M).................................. p 19 Data Display USA Inc (M)....................... p 20 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Multiled S.A. (M)..................................... p 33 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Watchfire Signs (M)................................ p 46 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Signage - Fiberglass Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29

Signage - Letters Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fast AD Inc (M)...................................... p 23 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Robson Corporation (M)......................... p 37 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Signs - Acid Etched Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Our acid etching services are available in Magnesium, Zinc, Brass, Bronze, and NickelSilver. Available in a shallow or deep etching. Other suppliers of this product: Gemini Incorporated (M)...................... p 24 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58

US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Signs - ADA Ability Plastics Inc (M)............................ p 10 Ability Plastics is a manufacturer of architectural/ADA signs, including photo polymer signs, engraved ADA signs, zinc/magnesium signs and plaques, architectural interior signs, custom color matching, and laser cut letters and engraving services. They are also a distributor of engraving materials and supplies, as well as offer custom plastic fabrication to the trade. Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Advance Corp formed the Braille-Tac™ Division in 1990 and began manufacturing architecturally designed interior/exterior way-finding sign systems and standard and custom ADA-compliant signs distributed through sign shops, contractors and design build firms. The Identification Products Division is aligned with the printing industry as a manufacturer of magnesium and zinc dies as well as die counters for foil stamping and embossing for use in conventional paper printing as well as on vinyl and leather materials. American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 Photoluminescent signs with added raised letters and inserted Braille beads. KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 KAPCO offers over 30 compliant ADA selfmounting designs made of durable molded plastic. Matte white on dark brown or blue (select few); 6x9 or 6x6. Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Nova Polymers Inc, providers of Photopolymer materials, processing equipment and industry leading tech support. Innovative products such as NovAcryl clear photopolymer and NEW NovaColour - the first photopolymer available in 10 standard colors, as well as NovEx exterior photopolymer. All developed and manufactured in the USA. Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Small Balls, Inc. (M).............................. p 40 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brown Enterprises (S)............................ p 57 Cadillac Graphics, Inc. (M)..................... p 16 Capitol Marking Products, Inc. (S).......... p 58 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Dixie Graphics (M).................................. p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Signs - ADA Jet USA Corp (D)................................... p 55 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 (M).................................. p 40 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59

Signs - Carved Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39

Signs - Dimensional Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of extruded aluminum post & panel sign systems that easily coordinate entire sign packages including pylons, post and panel, wordbars, wall mounted signs, directory signs (illuminated and non-illuminated), traffic controllers and more. Two week delivery. Other suppliers of this product: Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 A.R.K. Ramos (M)..................................... p 9 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 CedarWorks Signs, Inc. (M).................... p 16 Channelume/Let-R-Edge (M)................. p 17 Cold Spring Granite Co (M).................... p 18 Cold Spring Memorial (M)...................... p 18 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fort Hill Sign Products (M)..................... p 23 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 (M).................................. p 40 Syntech of Burlington, Inc. (S)................ p 59 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Signs - Electromechanical Movement Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43


Signs - Etched

Signs - Illuminated

Advance Corporation (M)....................... p 11 Our acid etching services are available in Magnesium, Zinc, Brass, Bronze, and NickelSilver. Available in a shallow or deep etching.

Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers an array of illuminated sign systems in post and panel, wall mounted or pylon configurations that ship in two weeks. Our Twin Hinge Directory System uses a unique aluminum hinge clip that allows a second sign face to hang just inside the outer face panel on both sides of the sign frame. The interior sign face also hinges open for lamp and electrical access. Custom shape frames, radius posts, and H-bar Dividers with changeable panels are also available.

Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 Nova Polymers Inc, providers of Photopolymer materials, processing equipment and industry leading tech support. Innovative products such as NovAcryl clear photopolymer and NEW NovaColour - the first photopolymer available in 10 standard colors, as well as NovEx exterior photopolymer. All developed and manufactured in the USA. Other suppliers of this product: American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Casstek Equipment Sales / Casstek Laser Works (D)................... p 48 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 L & L Industries (M)................................ p 30 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 (M).................................. p 40 US Sign & Fabrication (M)...................... p 44

Signs - Fiberglass Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc. (M)............... p 10 ASE Inc (M)............................................ p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

Signs - Frames - A-Frame Sandwich Boards Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 Joseph Struhl Company, Inc. (M)............ p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Signs - Frames - Exhibit Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Sign Bracket Store (M)......................... p 39 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54

Signs - Gold Leaf Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Other suppliers of this product: Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 (S)..................................... p 57 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45

Signs - Kits Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries knock-down kits without panels are available for all Howard Industries’ extruded aluminum architectural signage systems. Extrusions are engineered to combine significant design flexibility with easy sign fabrication and assembly. Orders ship in two weeks. Other suppliers of this product: 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Excellart Sign Products (M).................... p 22 Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc (M)....... p 22 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58

Signs - LED Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 ATG Electronics Inc. (M)......................... p 13 Baron Sign Manufacturing (S)................ p 57 Bitro Group, Inc. (M)............................... p 15 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Chemical Concepts (D).......................... p 55 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Datatronic Control, Inc. (M)..................... p 20 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24

Software - Cutters/Plotters GOQ LED America (M).......................... p 25 Grandwell Electronics LED Signs (M).... p 25 Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Wagner Zip-Change Inc. (M).................. p 45 Walls + Forms Inc (M)............................ p 45 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Signs - Maintenance Free Jasper Plastics Solutions (M).............. p 29 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 LEDCONN Corp. (M).............................. p 31 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36

Signs - Motion Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43

Signs - Neon Sign America Inc. (S)............................ p 59 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc. (S)......... p 57 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Sign Fab Inc (M)..................................... p 39 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59

Signs - Portable S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59

Signs - Screen Printed Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 (M).................................. p 40

Signs - Scrolling Electro-Matic Products, Inc. (M).......... p 22 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Clearr Corporation (M)........................... p 18

Signs - Systems Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of extruded aluminum and DeSign Stone® EPS sign systems that easily coordinate entire sign packages including pylons, post and panel, wordbars, wall

mounted signs, directory signs (illuminated and non-illuminated), traffic controllers new Perma-Banners & more. Two week delivery. Other suppliers of this product: Brooklyn Hardware LLC (M)................ p 15 Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 4Ever Products (M)................................... p 9 (S)..................................... p 57 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Grimco Hydraulic Presses (M)................ p 26 Hang-Ups Unlimited (M)......................... p 26 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 Scott Sign Systems, Inc. (M).................. p 38 (M).................................. p 40 SignPro Systems (M).............................. p 40 Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43

Signs - Traffic Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 ‘TCL’ LED signs and directional indicators from Howard Industries use Super Bright LED’s for easily readable messages under any lighting conditions. Units feature long service life, economical low voltage requirements, are UL approved and come with a 5 year unlimited warranty

Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41

Software - Add-on ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Software - CAD AXYZ International (M)......................... p 14 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Delcam plc (M)....................................... p 20 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 SA International (M)............................... p 38 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Other suppliers of this product:

Software - CAM

American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light Tape® (M).................................. p 21 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 (M).................................. p 40 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59 SunRise LED Inc. (M)............................. p 41

Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 SA International (M)............................... p 38 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Signs - Wood

Software - Clip Art

Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 American Executive Gifts, Awards & Signs (S)............................ p 57 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 (M).................................. p 40 Signs By Tomorrow (S)........................... p 59

Software - 3-D Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Delcam plc (M)....................................... p 20 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Roland ASD (M)..................................... p 38 SA International (M)............................... p 38 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Software - ADA/Braille Duxbury Systems Inc. (M).................... p 21 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41

ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 SA International (M)............................... p 38 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41

Software - Color Management CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 ONYX Graphics, Inc. (M)........................ p 34 SA International (M)............................... p 38

Software - Cutters/Plotters Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Software - Design Software - Design Aries Graphics International (M)......... p 13 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Software - Digital Imaging Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 ONYX Graphics, Inc. (M)........................ p 34 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43

ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 Gravograph (M)...................................... p 26 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 Roland ASD (M)..................................... p 38 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Symbol Graphics Inc (M)........................ p 41 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Software - Estimating/Pricing EstiMate Software Corp (M)................. p 22 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19 SA International (M)............................... p 38

Software - Pattern Making CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Software - Plug Ins

Software - Digitizing

CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 MR Clipart (M)........................................ p 33 ONYX Graphics, Inc. (M)........................ p 34

CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 SA International (M)............................... p 38

Software - RIP

Software - Engraving Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45


CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Canon Solutions America (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Gerber Scientific Products (M)............... p 25 Nova Polymers, Inc (M).......................... p 34 ONYX Graphics, Inc. (M)........................ p 34 SA International (M)............................... p 38 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Software - Routing Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems (M).................... p 45 ArtCAM by Delcam (M).......................... p 13 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 CET Color (M)........................................ p 17 Computerized Cutters Inc. (M)................ p 18 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 SA International (M)............................... p 38 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60 Vytek Lasers (M).................................... p 45

Software - Scanning CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 SA International (M)............................... p 38

Software - Screenprinting Blinkety Blanks Inc (M)........................... p 15 CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Software - Screenprinting SA International (M)............................... p 38

Stencils - Sandblast

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Software - Shop Management

Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

CADlink Technology Corp (M)................ p 16 Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19 SA International (M)............................... p 38

Stock Message Signs - Exit

Sublimation Transfer Supplies

Solar Powered Lighting Agile Displays (M)................................... p 11

Solid State Electronic - Chaser Controls Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

Solid State Electronic Flashers Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

Solid State Electronics Sequencers NEMCO Controls Inc (M)........................ p 34 S&S Signs Inc (M).................................. p 38

Solvent Ink Jet Media 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Action Lighting (M).................................. p 10 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Spray Painting - Booths Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14

Spray Painting - Guns QHF (M).................................................. p 37

Spray Painting - Paints QHF (M).................................................. p 37 T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Stencils - Film General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 GM Graphics (M).................................... p 25 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Stencils - General Banner Supply (M).................................. p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53


Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of exit signs available with direct view & backlit LED illumination. American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent Exit Signs are IBC-, NFPA and OSHA compliant. Non-electrical. Non-radioactive. EnergyStar. LEED points qualifier. Other suppliers of this product: (S)..................................... p 57 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34

Stock Message Signs - Safety Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries offers a complete wholesale line of safety signs available with direct view & backlit LED illumination. American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent safety signs are available in flexible film, rigid PVC and aluminum showing their graphics (Exit, Fire Extinguisher, No Exit, etc.) in the dark. Other suppliers of this product: (S)..................................... p 57 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 MagnaPlan Corporation (M)................... p 32 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 (M).................................. p 40

Stock Message Signs - Traffic iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Metalcraft Industries, Inc. (M)................. p 32 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 (M).................................. p 40

Straps - Cable Management Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Sublimation Transfer - Dyes DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc (M)............ p 31 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Sublimation Transfer Equipment DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Geo Knight & Co Inc (M)........................ p 24 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc (M)............ p 31 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Fisher Textiles (M).................................. p 23 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc (M)............ p 31 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Substrates - Anodized Aluminum Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Primodize LLC (M).................................. p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Substrates - Engraveable Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Classic Architectural Signage Inc (M)..... p 17 Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Trigard Bronze (M).................................. p 42 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Substrates - General Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc (D)............ p 48 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43

Substrates - Laserable Clear PatH Signage Systems (M)........... p 17 Identification Plates, Inc. (M).................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47

Substrates - Mounting Flexmag Industries Inc (M).................. p 23 Coda Inc (M)........................................... p 18 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Transformers Substrates - Plywood Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc (D).............. p 55 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Substrates - Printable Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 ClearPath Signage Systems (M)............ p 17 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc (M)................... p 24 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Kommerling USA Inc (M)........................ p 30 Laminators Inc (M).................................. p 30 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Printer’s Edge (M)................................... p 36 Rowmark LLC (M).................................. p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Ultraflex Systems Inc (M)....................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc (M)...................... p 46

Tape - Application Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 American Biltrite Inc (M)......................... p 12 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 E. L. Hatton Sales Co (M)....................... p 21 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 U S Banner Corp (M).............................. p 43 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Tape - Decorative 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Tape - Foam Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Classic Architectural Signage Inc (M)..... p 17 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27

ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Tape - Hook & Loop Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Classic Architectural Signage Inc (M)..... p 17 FASNAP® Corp (D)................................ p 49 Fastenation Inc (M)................................. p 23 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Johnson Plastics (D)............................... p 50 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Sign Mart Plastics Plus (D)..................... p 47 Source, The (D)...................................... p 47 Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC (M)...................... p 42 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Trican Corp (D)....................................... p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Tape - Maskant 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hartco Inc. (M)........................................ p 27 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Tape - Striping 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Tape - Transfer KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 KAPCO offers Premask Plus, Premium Paper and Clear Transfer Tapes great for grabbing hard-to-handle graphics like small legends. Visit us online at Other suppliers of this product: 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div. (M).p 9 Adhesive Applications (M)...................... p 11 American Biltrite Inc (M)......................... p 12 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 FLEXcon Co Inc (M)............................... p 23 HBM Supply (M)..................................... p 27 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Textiles - Direct Imprint Machine Mimaki USA, Inc. (M).............................. p 33 Pad Print Machinery of Vermont (M)...... p 35

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Machinery (M)............... p 39

Textiles - Heat Seal Machines Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Insta Graphic Systems (M)..................... p 28 XpresScreen, Inc. (D)............................. p 54

Thermal Films D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Time/Temperature Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42 YESCO Electronics (M).......................... p 46

Tools - Cutting Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Techno, Inc. (M)..................................... p 41 Elumatec USA (M).................................. p 22 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Fimor (M)................................................ p 23 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Kaiser Tool Company Inc (M)................. p 29 Kett Tool Company (M)........................... p 30 ShopBot Tools Inc (M)............................ p 39 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Tri-Vision (M).......................................... p 43 Universal Laser Systems Inc (M)............ p 43

Tools - Heat FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54

Tools - Panel Saws Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Kett Tool Company (M)........................... p 30 Saw Trax Manufacturing Co, Inc (M)....... p 38

Traffic Signs Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 ‘TCL’ LED signs and directional indicators from Howard Industries use Super Bright LED’s for easily readable messages under any lighting condition. Units feature long service life, economical low voltage requirements, are UL approved amd come with a 5 year unlimited warranty. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Traffic Safety Systems Div. (M)........... p 9 (S)..................................... p 57 Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The (M)........ p 14 GE Lighting Solutions (M)....................... p 24 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 Newstripe Inc (M)................................... p 34 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Trans-Lux Corporation (M)...................... p 42

Transformers Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Allanson International Inc (M)................. p 12 Diversified Components, Inc. (M)........... p 20 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Transformers Fulham Co., Inc. (M)............................... p 24 Justin Inc. (M)......................................... p 29 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Ventex Technology Inc (M)...................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

deep draw vacuum-forming, liquid spray maskings, press break capabilities, and more.

Soft Grip utility knife and #11 classic fine replacement blades plus our 8’’ Teflon coated non stick scissors.

Other suppliers of this product:

Other suppliers of this product:

Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc. (M)............. p 28 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Trucks - Bucket

Vinyl - Application Solutions

Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Time Manufacturing Co (M)................. p 42 21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Bob Fischer Co. Inc. (M)......................... p 15 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32 Wilkie Mfg LLC (M)................................. p 46

21st Century Signs (M)............................. p 9 Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 Manitex Skycrane (M)............................. p 32 Wilkie Mfg LLC (M)................................. p 46

Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Tube Supports (UL Listed)

Vinyl - Banner Welding

Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47 West Coast Custom Designs LLC (M).... p 46

Equipment Leasing Options (D)............. p 54 Kwik Banner (M)..................................... p 30 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Trucks - Crane

Vacuum Forming Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Quality Manufacturing Creates sign systems, post and panel signs, illuminated displays, skylights and domes, 3D props and displays,


Vinyl - Blades/Knives KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Choose from over eight plotter blades for CAS equipment, the X-ACTO Gripster

Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Vinyl - Calendered KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Available in more than 20 colors, KAPCO’s exclusive K6000™ and K5000™ Gloss and Semi-Gloss Calendered 5-Year Vinyls are a great alternative to cast vinyl. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51

Vinyl - Translucent New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Cast KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 When looking for an extensive color selection, look no further than KAPCO’s 3M™ Ultra™ Cast Vinyls in 54 designer colors.

IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. (M)......... p 28 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Richards Distributing (D)........................ p 50 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Gold Leaf

SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Removal Tool

Vinyl - Release Liners

Other suppliers of this product:

Vinyl - Inks

3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 Hyatt’s Graphic Supply Co., Inc. (D)....... p 51 New England Sign Supply Co (D).......... p 50 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

DigiFab Systems, Inc. (M)....................... p 20 Seiko Instruments USA, Inc. (M)............ p 39 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

CrystalTek (M)........................................ p 19 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Rapid Tac Inc (M).................................... p 37 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Paint

Vinyl - Specialty

Vinyl - CNC Tooling

Other suppliers of this product:

Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27

American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52

Vinyl - Cutters/Plotters Chesapeake Graphics, Inc. (D)............... p 49 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Hendrick Manufacturing Corp. (M).......... p 27 Midwest Sign & Screen Printing Supply Co (D)........ p 51 Reich Supply Company, Inc. (D)............. p 51 Roland DGA Corp (M)............................ p 38 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Electroluminescent Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56

Vinyl - Film/Media KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 From polycarbonate to polypropylene to polyester to backlit and blockout retractable banner stand films, KAPCO has the media for your message and application. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 D&K Group (M)....................................... p 19 DaVinci Technologies, Inc. (D)................ p 48 Denco Sales (D)..................................... p 48 Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24

T J Ronan Paint Corporation (M)............ p 41 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Photoluminescent American Permalight, Inc. (M)................ p 12 PERMALIGHT® photoluminescent vinyl films are available in a range of luminance durations for screen printing, plotter cutting, GERBER Edge and digital print.

Vinyl - PVC Laminated Polyester

KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Consider KAPCO’s dry erase, fluorescent, Kapcolor 2-Color Banner, metalized and wallcovering pvc, static cling and rigid sign vinyls, digital media and laminates for that extra texture or color. Other suppliers of this product: Value Vinyls (M).................................... p 44 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Sign Warehouse (D)............................... p 55 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Value Vinyls (M).................................... p 44 Bruin Plastics Company Inc (M)............. p 16 California Combining Corp. (M).............. p 16 Cooley Sign & Digital Products (M)........ p 19 Herculite (M)........................................... p 27 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Top Value Fabrics (M)............................. p 42

Vinyl - Static Cling

Vinyl - Racks

Other suppliers of this product:

FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Reflective KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 Choose from 10 retroreflective colors for your sign vinyl needs; L-S 300C specification and ASTM D4956-91 Type I. PSA 6 mil White Reflective available for solvent printers. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 Clear Focus Imaging, Inc. (M)................ p 17 Far From Normal Supply (D).................. p 54 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Florida Graphic Supply (D)..................... p 48

KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29 KAPCO’s static cling vinyls for solvent printers are available in white or clear, 50x75’ rolls. Consider KAPCO’s other specialty vinyls and window film for your applications.

Drytac Corporation (M)........................... p 20 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 General Formulations Inc. (M)................ p 24 Piedmont Plastics (D)............................. p 51 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Tools Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 Graphic Accessory Products Inc (D)...... p 47 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 Saw Trax Manufacturing Co, Inc (M)....... p 38 Tyrrelltech (M)......................................... p 43 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl - Translucent KAPCO Graphic Products (M)................ p 29

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Vinyl - Translucent Sign vinyl and digital media translucent options available for backlit applications; choose from 25 sign vinyl colors or PSA 3.2 mil White Translucent Vinyl for solvent printers. Other suppliers of this product: 3M Commercial Graphics (M)................... p 9 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Arlon Graphics (M)................................. p 13 FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Vinyl Graphics Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Tex Visions (M)...................................... p 42 (S)..................................... p 57 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 American Traffic Safety Materials Inc (M)................................. p 13 Auto Tech Mfg LLC (M)........................... p 14 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Banner Connection, The (M).................. p 14 Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Custom Machine Enterprises (M)........... p 19 Cyrious Software Inc (M)........................ p 19 Earl Mich Company (D).......................... p 49

Florida Graphic Services Inc. (S)............ p 58 Gill Studios, Inc. (M)............................... p 25 Graphics One LLC (D)............................ p 47 MC Sign Company (S)............................ p 58 National Visual Systems (M)................... p 34 SABIC Polymershapes (D)..................... p 52 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Universal Products Inc (M)..................... p 44 Victory Sign Industries, Ltd. (S).............. p 59 Vinyl Graphics (D).................................. p 56 Z3 Graphics Inc (M)................................ p 46

Walkways Productivity Fabricators Inc (M).............. p 36

Waterjet Machines - CAD Routers MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Waterjet Machines - Cutting Equipment MultiCam, Inc. (M).................................. p 33 Type3 - Vision Numeric (SR).................. p 60

Websites Behr Design LLC (SR)............................ p 60 Sign Syndicate, The (D).......................... p 47

Welding - Equipment Southern Stud Weld (M)....................... p 40

Elliott Equipment Co (M)......................... p 22 International Welding Technologies Inc (M).......................... p 29 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48 Tri Vantage®, LLC (D)............................ p 53

Welding - Weld Studs Southern Stud Weld (M)....................... p 40 International Welding Technologies Inc (M).......................... p 29 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Wholesalers Howard Industries (M).......................... p 27 Howard Industries is a wholesale manufacturer of aluminum Exterior & Interior Architectural Signage Systems including, Illiminated & Non-Illuminated Post & Panel Signs, Pylon Signs, Directory signs, Wayfinding Systems, LED Traffic Controllers, ADA Interior Signs & New Perma-Banner the 7 year vertical street pole mounted banner system. Other suppliers of this product: Clarke Systems (M).............................. p 17 Gyford StandOff Systems (M)............. p 26 Ornamental Post, Panel & Traffic Control (S).......................... p 58 Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc. (M).p 35 Quality Manufacturing Inc (M)............. p 37 Acme Sign Company (S)........................ p 57 Ad Graphics (M)..................................... p 10 Ad-Tech International, Inc. (M)............... p 11 AI Innovations (M).................................. p 12 Ainor Signs (S)....................................... p 57 Axi Corp (M)........................................... p 14 Bell Company Inc (M)............................. p 15 Brazz Specialties Inc. (M)....................... p 15 Capitol Design (M).................................. p 16 Custom Foam Fabricators (M)................ p 19 Dimensional Design & Display LLC (M). p 20 Fast AD Inc (M)...................................... p 23 Grimco, Inc. (M)...................................... p 26 ImageOne Impact (M)............................. p 28 iSIGNS Inc. (M)....................................... p 29 Lancaster Sign Co., Inc. (M)................... p 30 Main Tape Company, Inc (M).................. p 32 Midwest Sign Company (S).................... p 58 N Glantz & Son LLC (D)......................... p 49 Nixalite of America Inc. (M).................... p 34 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia (M)... p 36 RNS Channel Letters Wholesale (M)..... p 37 Screen Printing Express (M).................. p 39 SharpSigns (S)....................................... p 58 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 SpeedPress Sign Supply (M)................. p 40 Stud Welding Products, Inc. (D).............. p 48

Wood Allwood Sign Blanks (M)......................... p 12 ArtClip3D (SR)........................................ p 60 Sign Depot Inc., The (M)........................ p 39 Transformateur Federal Ltee (D)............ p 56 Wensco Sign Supply (D)........................ p 50

Wraps FELLERS (D).......................................... p 54


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Company Page

1 Aries Graphics International. . . . . . . . . . 117

16 Outwater Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84, 85

2 AXYZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

17 Quality Manufacturing Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 109

3 Brooklyn Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

18 Sign America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

4 Duxbury Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

19 Sign Bracket Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

5 Electro-Matic Products, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . 83

20 Small Balls, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

6 EstiMate Software Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

21 Southern Stud Weld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

7 Event•Trac/GH Imaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

22 Techno, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104, 105

8 Flexmag Industries Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

23 Tex Visions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

9 Gemini Incorporated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

24 US LED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

10 Gyford Standoff Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . 110

25 Value Vinyls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

11 Howard Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61, 76

26 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems. 75, 102

12 Marabu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

27 Vycom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

13 Master Magnetics, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

14 Metomic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

15 Ornamental Post Panel & Traffic. . . . . . . 127


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Company Page

Advertiser’s Index

Company Page

Company Index

Company Index

3A Composites............................................ 9

Auto Tech Mfg LLC.................................... 14

Coastal Enterprises Co.............................. 18

3M Commercial Graphics............................ 9

A.W.T. World Trade Inc................................. 9

Coastal Sign Installation L.L.C................... 58

3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Div........... 9

Axi Corp..................................................... 14

Coda Inc.................................................... 18

3M Traffic Safety Systems Div...................... 9

AXYZ International.................................... 14

Cold Spring Granite Co............................. 18

4Ever Products............................................ 9 21st Century Signs...................................... 9

Cold Spring Memorial................................ 18

B Baker Equipment....................................... 14

Component Signage, Inc........................... 18 Computerized Cutters Inc.......................... 18


Banner Connection, The............................ 14

A-1 Signs Inc - Atlanta............................... 57

Banner Supply........................................... 14 57

Baron Sign Manufacturing......................... 57

ABC Advanced Bird Control...................... 10

Bayer Material Science LLC...................... 14

Ability Plastics Inc...................................... 10

Beautiful Mailbox Co., Inc., The................. 14

Access Business Solutions Inc.................. 10

Behr Design LLC....................................... 60

Acme Neon & Plastics Sign Supplies Ltd.. 56

Bel Inc........................................................ 15

Acme Sign Company................................. 57

Bell Company Inc...................................... 15

Acme Sign Inc............................................ 57

Bitro Group, Inc.......................................... 15

Action Lighting........................................... 10

BizBuySell................................................. 60

Adams Magnetic Products......................... 10

Blimp Works Inc......................................... 15


Adaptive Micro Systems LLC.................... 11

Blinkety Blanks Inc.................................... 15

D3 LED, LLC.............................................. 19

ADA Wholesale Signs, Inc......................... 10

Bob Fischer Co. Inc................................... 15

Daige......................................................... 19

Ad Graphics............................................... 10

Boom Sign & Lighting Co., Inc................... 57

Daktronics Inc............................................ 19

Adhesive Applications............................... 11

Bowman Displays Digital Imaging............. 15

Datacolor................................................... 20

Ad-Tech International, Inc.......................... 11

Brazz Specialties Inc................................. 15

Data Display USA Inc................................ 20

Advance Corporation................................. 11

Brooklyn Hardware LLC............................ 15

Datatronic Control, Inc............................... 20

Advanced Greig Laminators, Inc............... 11

Brothers Markle Inc., The.......................... 57

DaVinci Technologies, Inc.......................... 48

Advantage Supply..................................... 50

Brown Enterprises..................................... 57

Deco Technology Group Inc...................... 47

Aeromatrix Inc........................................... 11

Bruce Post Company................................. 16

Delcam plc................................................. 20

Agfa Graphics............................................ 11

Bruin Plastics Company Inc....................... 16

Denco Sales.............................................. 48

Agile Displays............................................ 11

Concord Industries Inc.............................. 18 Cooley Sign & Digital Products.................. 19 Cosmex Graphics Inc................................ 19 Creative Banner Assemblies..................... 19 CRS International, Inc............................... 19 CrystalTek.................................................. 19 Custom Foam Fabricators......................... 19 Custom Machine Enterprises.................... 19 Cyrious Software Inc................................. 19

DigiFab Systems, Inc................................. 20

AgiLight Inc................................................ 11


AI Innovations............................................ 12

Cadillac Graphics, Inc................................ 16

Ainor Signs................................................ 57

CADlink Technology Corp.......................... 16

Ald Decal Manufacturing Company........... 12

California Combining Corp......................... 16

Allanson International Inc.......................... 12

Canadian Graphics Supply, Inc.................. 56

Allied Tube & Conduit................................ 12

Canon Solutions America.......................... 16

Allwood Sign Blanks.................................. 12

CAO Group Inc.......................................... 16

Alpha Imaging Technologies Inc................ 12

Capitol Awning Company.......................... 58

American Biltrite Inc.................................. 12

Capitol Design........................................... 16

American Executive Gifts,

Capitol Marking Products, Inc.................... 58


Caprock Developments Inc........................ 16

Eagle Banners Inc..................................... 21

Casstek Equipment Sales /

Earl Mich Company................................... 49

Awards & Signs..................................... 57 American M & M ....................................... 12

Dimensional Design & Display LLC........... 20 Diversified Components, Inc...................... 20 Dixie Graphics........................................... 20 Dixie Neon Supply Co............................... 51 D&K Group................................................ 19 Drytac Corporation.................................... 20 Durst Image Technology US, LLC............. 21 Duxbury Systems Inc................................. 21

American Permalight, Inc........................... 12

Casstek Laser Works............................ 48

Easiway Systems Inc................................. 21

American Sign Products............................ 54

CedarWorks Signs, Inc.............................. 16

Eastman Chemical Co............................... 21

American Traffic Safety Materials Inc........ 13

CET Color.................................................. 17

EconoChannel Inc..................................... 21

American Ultraviolet Company.................. 13

CGS Publishing Technologies Int'l............. 17

EGL Company, Inc..................................... 21

Amperor, Inc.............................................. 13

Channelume/Let-R-Edge........................... 17

ElectraLED, Inc.......................................... 21

Andrew Mack & Son Brush Co.................. 13

Chemetal................................................... 17

Electro-Luminx Lighting Corporation / Light

APCO Components Division..................... 13

Chemical Concepts................................... 55

Tape®.................................................... 21

Apex Plastic Industries Inc........................ 51

Chesapeake Graphics, Inc........................ 49

Electro-Matic Products, Inc........................ 22

Aries Graphics International...................... 13

Chief Enterprises Inc................................. 17

E. L. Hatton Sales Co................................ 21

Arizona Sign Association........................... 60

Clarke Systems......................................... 17

Elliott Equipment Co.................................. 22

A.R.K. Ramos.............................................. 9

Classic Architectural Signage Inc.............. 17

Elumatec USA........................................... 22

Arlon Graphics........................................... 13

Clear Focus Imaging, Inc........................... 17

Epilog Laser............................................... 22

ArtCAM by Delcam.................................... 13

ClearPath Signage Systems...................... 17

Epson America Inc.................................... 22

ArtClip3D................................................... 60

Clear PatH Signage Systems.................... 17

Equipment Leasing Options...................... 54

ASE Inc...................................................... 13

Clearr Corporation..................................... 18

EstiMate Software Corp............................ 22

ATG Electronics Inc................................... 13

CLN of South Florida, Inc.......................... 18

Event•Trac / GH Imaging........................... 22


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Company Index Exac-Tac.................................................... 22

HEICO Lighting™...................................... 27

L & L Industries......................................... 30

Excel Displays LLC.................................... 22

Hendrick Manufacturing Corp.................... 27

LRI/Laser Reproductions Inc..................... 31

Excellart Sign Products............................. 22

Herculite.................................................... 27

Lucite International Inc.............................. 31

E-Z Channel Letters.................................. 58

HIKER USA INC........................................ 27

Luminator, An LTG Company.................... 31

F Fairfield Displays & Lighting Inc................. 22

Howard Industries...................................... 27 Hyatt's Graphic Supply Co., Inc................. 51

M Macro Enter Corp...................................... 58

Far From Normal Supply........................... 54


Magna Fabrics Inc..................................... 32

FASNAP® Corp......................................... 49

Iagulli Signs............................................... 58

MagnaPlan Corporation............................ 32

Fast AD Inc................................................ 23

IBENA Technical Textiles, Inc. ................... 28

Magnum Magnetics Corp.......................... 32

Fastenation Inc.......................................... 23

Identification Plates, Inc............................. 28

Main Tape Company, Inc........................... 32

FELLERS................................................... 54

Illinois Sign Association............................. 60

Manitex Skycrane...................................... 32

Fimor......................................................... 23

ImageOne Impact...................................... 28

Marabu North America LP......................... 55

Fisher Textiles............................................ 23

Industrial Specialties, Mfg.......................... 28

Mark Bric Display Corporation................... 32

Fletcher-Terry Company, The.................... 23

Inkjet International..................................... 28

Master Magnetics Inc................................ 32

FLEXcon Co Inc........................................ 23

Insta Graphic Systems.............................. 28

Masters Technology Inc............................. 32

Flexmag Industries Inc.............................. 23

Integrity Sign Solutions, Inc....................... 28

Matthews Paint.......................................... 32

Flood Company, The.................................. 23

Intek Corporation....................................... 28

McCullough Banner Co............................. 32

Florida Graphic Services Inc..................... 58

InteliCoat Technologies.............................. 29

MC Sign Company.................................... 58

Florida Graphic Supply.............................. 48

International Sign Association (ISA).......... 60

Melco Embroidery Systems....................... 48

FomUSA Inc.............................................. 23

International Welding Technologies Inc..... 29

Metalcraft Industries, Inc............................ 32

Fort Hill Sign Products............................... 23

iSIGNS Inc................................................. 29

Metomic Corporation................................. 33

France........................................................ 24

ITW Plexus................................................ 29

Michael Brady Inc., Engineering................ 60

Fujifilm Sericol USA Inc............................. 24 Fulham Co., Inc......................................... 24


Midwest Sign Association.......................... 60


Midwest Sign Company............................. 58

Jasper Plastics Solutions........................... 29

Midwest Sign

Jet USA Corp............................................ 55

GE Lighting Solutions................................ 24

& Screen Printing Supply Co................. 51

Johnson Plastics........................................ 50

Gemini Incorporated.................................. 24

Mimaki USA, Inc........................................ 33

Joseph Struhl Company, Inc...................... 29

General Formulations Inc.......................... 24

Montipower Inc.......................................... 55

J & S Machine Inc...................................... 55

Geo Knight & Co Inc.................................. 24

Montroy Supply Company......................... 47

Justin Inc.................................................... 29

MR Clipart................................................. 33

GE Structured Products............................ 24


MultiCam, Inc............................................. 33

Giant Graphics........................................... 25

Kaiser Tool Company Inc........................... 29

Gill Studios, Inc.......................................... 25

KAPCO Graphic Products......................... 29

Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC.............. 25

Kern Lasers............................................... 30

GM Graphics............................................. 25

Kett Tool Company..................................... 30

GM Sign Inc............................................... 25

Kommerling USA Inc................................. 30


GOQ LED America.................................... 25

K-Sun Co................................................... 30

NALE......................................................... 33

Grandview Aluminum Products Inc............ 25

Kwik Banner.............................................. 30

National Banner Co Inc............................. 33

Gerber Scientific Products......................... 25

Grandwell Electronics LED Signs.............. 25 Graphic Accessory Products Inc............... 47 GraphiCadd Supplies, Inc.......................... 26 Graphic Parts International Inc.................. 25 Graphic & Plastic Supply Inc..................... 48 Graphics One LLC..................................... 47 Graphitek Inc............................................. 26 Gravograph................................................ 26 Grimco Hydraulic Presses......................... 26 Grimco, Inc................................................ 26 Gyford StandOff Systems.......................... 26

Multiled S.A................................................ 33 Mumpower Sign Supply Inc....................... 55 Munro Fastenings & Textiles Inc................ 56 Mutoh America, Inc.................................... 33

National Time & Signal Corp..................... 33

L Laird Plastics............................................. 49 Lakeshore Group Ltd................................. 60 Lamatek, Inc.............................................. 30 Laminators Inc........................................... 30 Lamitech Inc.............................................. 30 Lancaster Sign Co., Inc............................. 30 LEDCONN Corp........................................ 31 LED Inc...................................................... 30 LED Sign Co.............................................. 31 LEDtronics................................................. 31

National Visual Systems............................ 34 Nazdar SourceOne.................................... 34 NEMCO Controls Inc................................. 34 NESCO Sales & Rentals Inc..................... 34 Nevada Sign Association........................... 60 New England Sign Supply Co................... 50 Newstripe Inc............................................. 34 N Glantz & Son LLC.................................. 49 Nixalite of America Inc............................... 34 Northstar Truck Lettering & Signs.............. 58 Nova Polymers, Inc.................................... 34


Leo Uhlfelder Company............................. 31

Hang-Ups Unlimited.................................. 26

LetterFAB................................................... 31

Hanovia..................................................... 27

LexJet Corp............................................... 31


Hartco Inc.................................................. 27

Light Engines............................................. 31

ONYX Graphics, Inc.................................. 34

Hartlauer Bits............................................. 54

Lighthouse Technology Ltd........................ 31

Optec Displays Inc..................................... 34

HBM Supply............................................... 27

Little Giant Ladder Systems...................... 31

Optek Technology...................................... 35

Nudo Products, Inc.................................... 34

2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


Company Index Orbus Exhibit & Display Group.................. 35

Sign Bracket Store..................................... 39


Ornamental Post, Panel & Traffic Control.. 58

Sign Depot Inc., The.................................. 39

Ultraflex Systems Inc................................. 43

Osram Sylvania......................................... 35

Sign Fab Inc.............................................. 39

United Wholesale Signs............................ 43

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc............... 35

Sign Mart Plastics Plus.............................. 47

Owl-lite Digital............................................ 35 40

Universal Laser Systems Inc..................... 43

SignPro Systems....................................... 40

P Pad Print Machinery of Vermont................ 35 Pan-Am Sign Products Inc........................ 49 Parker Davis Co Inc................................... 36 P & C Tech Products, Inc........................... 35 Peachtree City Foamcraft Georgia............ 36 Pentex Print Master................................... 36 Piedmont Plastics...................................... 51 Pioneer Supply Co Inc............................... 55 Pizazz International Limited...................... 36 Plaskolite, Inc............................................. 36

Signs By Tomorrow.................................... 59 Signs Plus+ Graphics, Inc.......................... 59 Sign Syndicate, The................................... 47 Sign Warehouse........................................ 55

Universal Lighting Technologies................ 44 Universal Products Inc............................... 44 Universal Signs, Inc................................... 59 U S Banner Corp....................................... 43 USI Inc....................................................... 44

Sihl Digital Imaging.................................... 40

US LED...................................................... 44

Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc................ 60

USSC (United States Sign Council).......... 60

Simona America Inc.................................. 40

US Sign & Fabrication............................... 44

SloanLED.................................................. 40

US Signs and Letters Inc........................... 44

Small Balls, Inc.......................................... 40

Utah Sign Association............................... 60

Source, The............................................... 47 Southern Stud Weld.................................. 40


Specialty Graphic Imaging Assn................ 60

Value Vinyls............................................... 44

SpeedPress Sign Supply........................... 40

Vantage Signs........................................... 44

Spraylat Corporation.................................. 40

Vector Art................................................... 60

Productivity Fabricators Inc....................... 36

S&S Signs Inc............................................ 38

Ventex Technology Inc............................... 44

Stafford Textiles Ltd................................... 41


Ver-Mac Industries Inc............................... 44

Stamm Manufacturing............................... 41

QHF........................................................... 37

Verseidag seemee® US Inc....................... 44

Steel Art Company Inc.............................. 41

Quality Manufacturing Inc.......................... 37

Victory Sign Industries, Ltd........................ 59

Stimpson Company Inc.............................. 41

Quality Media & Laminating Solutions....... 48

Stud Welding Products.............................. 41

Vinyl Graphics........................................... 56


Stud Welding Products, Inc........................ 48

Preco, Inc.................................................. 36 Primodize LLC........................................... 36 Print B3...................................................... 36 Printer's Edge............................................ 36

Rapid Tac Inc............................................. 37 RAS Systems LLC..................................... 37 Reich Supply Company, Inc....................... 51

SunRise LED Inc....................................... 41 Superior Signage....................................... 41 Swirling Silks, Inc....................................... 41

Vis Com Systems...................................... 44 Vision Engraving & Routing Systems........ 45 Visual Magnetics....................................... 45 VUTEk....................................................... 45

Sycamore Signs........................................ 59

Vycom........................................................ 45

Symbol Graphics Inc................................. 41

Vytek Lasers.............................................. 45

R N J Electronics....................................... 51

Syntech of Burlington, Inc.......................... 59


RNS Channel Letters Wholesale............... 37


WAC Lighting............................................. 45

Techno, Inc................................................ 41

Wagner Companies, The........................... 45

Tehan & Company..................................... 49

Wagner Zip-Change Inc............................. 45

TEK Solutions LLC.................................... 55

Walls + Forms Inc...................................... 45

Textile Commission of Philadelphia LLC... 42

Watchfire Signs......................................... 46

Tex Visions................................................. 42

Wayne Industries Inc................................. 46

Richards Distributing................................. 50 Richmond Graphic Products Inc................ 37

Robson Corporation.................................. 37 Roland ASD............................................... 38 Roland DGA Corp..................................... 38 Rowmark LLC............................................ 38 RubberForm Recycled Products, LLC....... 38


Time Manufacturing Co............................. 42

SABIC Polymershapes.............................. 52

T J Ronan Paint Corporation..................... 41

Safety Speed Mfg...................................... 38

TNT Electric Sign Inc................................. 42

SA International......................................... 38

Toolmasters LLC........................................ 42

Sattler North America Corp....................... 38

Top Value Fabrics...................................... 42

Saw Trax Manufacturing Co, Inc................ 38

Transformateur Federal Ltee..................... 56

Scott Sign Systems, Inc............................. 38

Trans-Lux Corporation............................... 42

Woodcraft Mfg Co Inc................................ 46

Screen Printing Express............................ 39

Trican Corp................................................ 56

Wrisco Industries Inc................................. 46

Screen Printing Machinery........................ 39

Trigard Bronze........................................... 42

Seaman Corp............................................ 39

TRIM-LOK Inc............................................ 42

Seiko Instruments USA, Inc....................... 39

Trinity Products Inc.................................... 43

S&F Custom Sign Corp............................. 38

Tri Vantage®, LLC..................................... 53


SharpSigns................................................ 58

Tri-Vision.................................................... 43 Trotec Laser, Inc........................................ 43

YESCO Electronics................................... 46

ShopBot Tools Inc...................................... 39 Shopworks LLC......................................... 39

Type3 - Vision Numeric.............................. 60


Sign America Inc....................................... 59

Tyrrelltech.................................................. 43

Z3 Graphics Inc......................................... 46


Sign Builder Illustrated/2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide

Wensco Sign Supply................................. 50 Wesco Machine Inc................................... 46 West Coast Custom Designs LLC............. 46 Whitehall Products..................................... 46 Wilkie Mfg LLC.......................................... 46

X XpresScreen, Inc....................................... 54

the MARKET PLACE 2013 Winter/Spring Buyer’s Guide/Sign Builder Illustrated


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