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Seal of Approval

There are several upcoming ISA events to help with permitting.

Advocating for better sign codes, pursuing permits, and understanding what planners are looking for in an application can make the difference in a sign project being approved or not.


But all too often, sign company employees don’t have the knowledge to tackle these tasks.

That’s why ISA’s advocacy team is working with the Sign Research Foundation and Sign Builder Illustrated magazine on two events at ISA International Sign Expo 2023, April 12-14 with a preconference day on April 11.

All of these show-related events are designed to break down codes, permitting, and regulations.

The first, Permitting 101 , features Kenny Peskin and James Carpentier of

ISA along with Jennifer Ronneberger of national sign permitting expediter company GoPermit. Together they will help those new to permitting understand the various rules and regulations, as well as the documentation needed for a successful sign permit.

During this event, they will also explain conditional use permits and variances, as well as requirements in historical districts.

Attendees will no doubt come away with time-saving tips in understanding a sign ordinance.

It’s a great opportunity for those who experience frustrations in dealing with permitting to come away with insights into getting permits approved.

This session is part of a multi-course SRF (Sign Research Foundation) Pres - ents sign fundamentals track, which also includes sessions on Signs 101, business management basics, and tips for a successful relationship between sign companies and installers.

Another session in that same track explores Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements for interior sign work

This session is going to be presented by Edwin Foulke, the former head of OSHA under President Bush and a regular speaker at ISA International Sign Expo. Foulke is highly noted for his expertise in federal regulations.

Another area of frustration is navigating those code issues that are related to digital signage.

That’s why ISA and Sign Builder Il - lustrated are presenting a half-day bootcamp on Combatting Codes and Regulations related to digital signs.

I’ll be joined by SBI Editor Jeff Wooten; Deacon Wardlow, continuous improvement manager at Vantage LED, and Brandon Meyer, owner of Smart Signs (“Facts Over Opinions,” October 2022 ), as we discuss the various ways that local codes can get in the way of this lucrative line of business.

With a workshop heavy on interaction, this is an ideal event for those of you jumping into digital signage as well as those of you who have plenty of experience in dealing with frustrating code challenges. It also provides a chance to learn from experts—and each other.

Both the SRF Presents track and the Digital Signage Workshop are part of ISA International Sign Expo’s robust education lineup this year.

The Digital Signage Workshop is April 11 and is part of a pre-conference lineup of half- and full-day intensives.

There’s so much to learn so as to stay on top of our industry’s latest innovations and opportunities. ISA Sign Expo brings them all in one place so that everyone— from executives to novices—can go home with something that they can immediately apply to their businesses.

In the case of permitting and sign codes, it may make the difference in whether a job gets completed or not.

I hope you’ll plan to join me at ISA International Sign Expo. You can register at www.signexpo.org

David Hickey is vice president of Government Affairs at the International Sign Association (ISA).

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