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SIGN! moa + Holmberg






SIGN " " "!




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design graphic inspiration interior photo poetry simple living

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to you -from us

moa + holmberg

intro! ! SIGN is an art and design cross-over magazine ! we share our passion through photography and visual illustration! all ideas, styling, photos and layout by moa+holmberg ! all rights reserved ! ! ! ! ! ! -moahome! -german design! -a day with malin! -danish design! -the oslo walk! -diy! -chairs! -go green! -color! -just white! ! ! !

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simplicity. pureness. airy. silence. aesthetics. =the moahome. welcome.

”i like simple living….”

white black nature

art from line juhl hansen - born in 1975 in denmark.! line is an architect and an artist. she paints colorful collages! expressing life stories. !

VIPP ! danish design since 1939!

space for creativity‌

don’t go with the flow,! you are the flow.! -sugi tanaka!

i don’t sleep at night

you are living your story...!

barcelona in oslo district:st.hanshaugen

barcelona in oslo the barcelona chair was designed by the famous bauhaus architect ludwig mies van der rohe and his longtime partner and companion, architect and designer lilly reich in 1929. the materials are chrome on steel frame and leather cushions filled with PU-foam. The barcelona c h a i r w a s e x c l u s i v e l y designed for the german pavilion, the country’s entry for the international exposition in 1929, which was h o u s t e d b y barcelona, spain. this chair is an iconic symbol of modernism.

a day with



-it s so the light. there s so of it. the dark just delicate the light, endless it has way to go desolate so let s with it. it. will come again in the morning. we hope... Â


delicate, and little is huge. needles, in an night. and such a long through such space. be gentle cherish so it

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! by the norwegian poet rolf jacobsen


danish design

tablo table, designed for normann copenhagen by nicholai wiig hansen, unites function and aesthetics in a simple design. the essence of this round and threelegged table is the interaction between two materials with very different expressions, which combined form a minimalistic and stylish design. the table top has a refined, sharp edge which contrasts with the round shapes. the result is a minimalistic table without redundant details. the name, tablo, refers to the english 'table' and the french 'tableau', the latter meaning a scenic, organised arrangement. w i t h i t s s i m p l e expression, tablo table fits into most interior styles and is available in a large and a small version and in two finishes - glossy white and matt black. tablo is quick and easy to assemble without the use of screws. thus nicholai wiig hansen comments on his design: "for me, it is paramount that function, materials and aesthetics all come together. the design needs to both be useful and solve a basic n e e d w i t h o u t compromising the visual expression. being easy to assemble is therefore part of tablo's function".

you don’t need bigger boobs. ! you need to read better books.!



OSLO, our town and norwegian capital, join the trip with us !

district:kampen Â


...we like green!

u ! r! b! a! n! mood!


good shoes , a photo camera & a smile is all you need...


moa+holmberg having fun with the material plaster !

�we find happiness! in the simplest! of things�!


thx cathrine!


eat green!

! wear green! ! ! live green! ! ! !

coco-mint macaron! (recipe by tim clark)!

! ! ! ingredients macaroon! !!100g pure icing sugar! ! !100g almond ground! ! !80g castor sugar! ! !80g egg whites! ! buttercream filling! ! !185g castor sugar! !!60g water! ! !130g egg yolks! ! !240g butter! ! !1 vanilla bean! ! !3 drops mint extract! ! !20g coconut puree! ! ! ! ! method! macaroon! 1mix together almond ground & icing sugar! 2whisk egg whites with castor sugar, mix to stiff peaks, fold gently in dry ingredients to meringue and mix until smooth and shiny! 3separate batter and mix a little green liquid colour to half of batter leaving other half white,! 4pipe both mixtures out onto baking sheet and bake! 5bake at 160.C 5 mins then at 130.C 7 mins! ! buttercream filling! 1cook castor sugar, water & vanilla to 120c, fold slowly into whipped yolks on 3rd speed for the pate bomb.! 2continue whisking until mixture comes down to 20C! 3pour coconut puree over the pate bomb and mix until combined! 4add softened butter & whip for a further 2-3minutes until light, add mint to flavour!


this color is also pretty cool...!


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I love you more and more and more and more and more and more and more and moreand more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more...


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remember:! you are somebody’s! reason to smile!

*smile from moa+holmberg!

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