ODS Contest Brochure

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ODS Contest 2014 - 2015

The Winners ODS Teachers 2015 The teacher in the limelight

www.ods-contest.eu May 2015

The ODS Contest 2014 – 2015 was a challenge for inspired and committed teachers. The teachers should create an innovative Learning Scenario that should be enhancing for their students. By implementing their scenario they had to challenge the learning process in the classroom, they have to make students interested in a way that serves creativity and knowledge acquisition. We focus our efforts on supporting the teacher to fulfil the societal expectation of being a powerful role model that inspires the younger generation. Elena Tavlaki ODS pan - European Contest Coordinator Director of SIGNOSIS

The aim of the ODS Contest 2014- 2015 was two-fold: to develop Learning Scenarios that are innovative and foster the new knowledge created for the society and to create awareness to the educational community for the ODS tools. The teachers were requested to compete with their peers for the best Learning Scenario at a National level and then compete with the developed learning scenario at a pan-European level. The ODS Contest 2014 - 2015 had two concrete stages; a. For the National stage, teachers had to develop a Learning Scenario for their students; meaning a Learning Scenario for their classroom teaching. For this reason, teachers were strongly encouraged to develop the Learning Scenario, in their national language, as language should not and is not a barrier in European Union countries. From the national Contest phase fourteen (14) National Winners were nominated to participate at the pan-European stage. b. For the pan-European stage of the ODS Contest, the National Winners were eligible for participation. The level of competition was the ultimate one, as the learning scenarios were assessed by the National Winners and the public; the students, the peers, the co-workers and the whole educational community. The ODS Contest 2014 - 2015 Winners were nominated after two distinct selection procedures; one teacher for the learning scenario which received the majority of the votes from the National Winners and one teacher for the learning scenario which received the majority of the votes from the Facebook community.


Ms Maria Eleftheriou, pan -European Winner ODS Contest 2014 -2015 The learning scenario Landing on a comet! The Rosetta project, was selected as the best one among the ODS National Winners’ Learning Scenarios by the National Winners. Ms. Maria Eleftheriou, the ODS National Winner of Greece, is a secondary education teacher in the field of Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Before that she worked as a scientific collaborator at the Department of Music Technology and Acoustics of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete in Rethymnon. She also worked as a lecturer at the Department of Materials Science and Technology and the Department of Physics of the University of Crete. She holds a Master´s Degree in Condensed Matter Physics (1999) and a Bachelor´s Degree in Physics (1997) from the University of Crete. In 2003, she finished her PhD thesis on “Statistical properties of classical nonlinear lattices”.

Landing on a comet! The Rosetta project Scenario based on the latest news of Rosetta’s expedition. How students can learn through the great achievements of the European Space Agency (ESA). Rosetta’s travel in space and the landing of Philae on comet 67P give us the opportunity to learn Newton’s Laws and to find, as real researchers, the acceleration of gravity of the comet. The scenario is finalized using various ICT tools.


What was your motivation to participate in the ODS Contest? Maria Eleftheriou:

Teachers perform various scenarios during the school year. Some scenarios prove to be very helpful for students. Important principles of science can be illustrated in class using specific tools, thus scenarios can give inspiration to the students. Therefore ODS contest is a great opportunity for teachers to disseminate their educational scenario to the community of teachers throughout the world.

Is the learning scenario easily developed by the ODS tools? What are the necessary skills that a teacher has to have? Maria Eleftheriou:

The ODS tools, especially the authoring tool is a very easy and powerful tool in order to make educational scenarios. A scenario is divided in stages and can be easily studied by other teachers and students. Teachers using ODS tools do not need to have specific skills but have to have specific ideas, goals and vision in order to perform a successful scenario.


Maria holding her prize for winning the ODS pan-European contest

HĂŠlder with his pupils celebrating the ODS pan-European contest prize


Hélder Pereira, pan-European Winner ODS Contest 2014-2015 The learning scenario Comparing the surface of terrestrial planets, was selected as the best one among the ODS National Winners’ Learning Scenarios by the Facebook community. Hélder Pereira, ODS National Winner of Portugal, is a Biology and Geology Teacher at the Escola Secundária de Loulé in Portugal. Since 2005, he is overseeing the running of his School’s Earth and Space Sciences Club. He has participated alongside his students in several national and International Science Fairs (e.g. Mostra Nacional de Ciência, Ciencia en Acción and Congresso Cientistas em Acção). Several projects presented during those events have been awarded. In 2008, he participated in the program «Teachers At Sea» aboard the R/V Marion Dufresne during the cruise MD-168 AMOCINT. Since then, he has been participating in similar projects aboard different ships (e.g. «School of Rock 2009» aboard the D/V JOIDES Resolution during IODP Expedition 321-T and «Professores a bordo» aboard the N.R.P. Alm. Gago Coutinho during the EMEPC-PEPC-ROV LUSO 2013). He also served as Education Officer aboard the D/V JOIDES Resolution during Expedition IODP 339. In addition to teaching he is currently involved in several projects aiming the popularisation and divulgation of science.

Learning Scenario: Comparing the surface of terrestrial planets Using the same type of data and tools used by the planetary scientists, along this activity, students will experience the thrill of discovery while learning about the geological similarities and differences between the terrestrial planet’s surfaces. Students will use satellite images and topographic data to compare several geological landforms and features that occur on Earth with those on the surface of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.


What was your motivation to participate in the ODS Contest? Helder Pereira:

My main motivation to participate in ODS Contest was the possibility to share the work I do with my students with my fellow teachers, not only in Portugal but also throughout Europe. And of course the chance to participate in the ODS Summer School 2015 and meet teachers from other countries and how they use ICT tools in the classroom was also on my mind.

Is the learning scenario easily developed by the ODS tools? What are the necessary skills that a teacher has to have? Helder Pereira:

The learning scenario I shared is based on the exploration of authentic science data with free and open software that can easily be installed and used by other teachers and their students.

Do you find the structure and the services of the ODS portal sufficiently developed for you and in which aspects? Helder Pereira:

I am a recent user of the ODS portal and at the first attempts to use it as a repository of my learning scenario I had some issues to upload it. However, once I understood how to overcome these difficulties I had fun uploading the scenario. I think that some improvements are needed regarding the possibility to share multimedia contents. The limitation of the file size of the material (e.g. images) we try to upload sometimes is a little bit frustrating. Anyway, the overall assessment of the ODS is positive and I congratulate the team for all the hard work they have been doing.

Does ODS portal supports your work in the classroom and in which ways? Helder Pereira:

Since I started using the ODS Portal educational repository I have found many useful materials developed by my fellow teachers throughout Europe. Using the ICT tools, the educational resources and the best practices available in the ODS Portal in my classroom is helping me to use innovative approaches to increase the motivation of my students to learn.

What would be your suggestions for the ODS portal? How it should change? Helder Pereira:

Continue the good work and keep spreading the word. Many of my Portuguese fellow teachers did not know the ODS Portal until recently.


What was your motivation to participate in the ODS Contest? Ana Budojevic National Winner of Croatia

In November, I have participated in the ODS workshop about the contest. When I heard the criteria for choosing the best scenario, the idea came to me about Multimedia lessons and Footloose that I have done with my students. I wanted to make students more proud of their work and also to participate in the summer school in Greece.

Boryana Georgieva National Winner of Bulgaria

Our main motivation to participate in the ODS Contest was the possibility to share the scenario for a binary lesson. Binary lessons are untraditional and they combine subjects that require teachers to use unconventional thinking.

Stuart Kettle National Winner of United Kingdom

I enjoy sharing my resources and the prize to win an astronomy trip to La Palma looked amazing, as I am interested in astronomy and could see that the trip would be a fantastic opportunity.

Claudio Malavasi National Winner of Italy

Entering the competition ODS Contest was a way to raise awareness and share an activity that involved a big part of the high school where I teach students science; the international context has allowed me to publish a scenario of learning that I hope will be a reference for those who want to give environmental education and make lichens live everywhere, so they can be studied in any European state, as their biodiversity is a good indicator of environmental quality. The ODS Contest also allowed me to learn about other interesting projects and provided me with useful teaching suggestions for my teaching.

Carlos Morales Socorro National Winner of Spain

Our main motivation was to meet teachers, students and projects from other countries. It's the best way to increase and share our knowledge.

Georgeta Namolovan National Winner of Romania

The ODS Contest is a great opportunity for teachers to improve their personal development as a result of sharing the best practice among all participants, through the dissemination of a variety of learning scenarios in a vast community of teachers from all over the world. It is very helpful due to the fact that all the information can be applied at high European standards for different school subjects. For me, the ODS Portal is a very useful e-tool for meeting project partners from European schools working with children who have sensorial deficiencies and for sharing information with our school teachers, children and parents.

Armin Ohran National Winner of Germany

My main motivation was to share knowledge with other teachers and to get some information about the school system and the culture in other countries.

Is the learning scenario easily developed by the ODS tools? What are the necessary skills that a teacher has to have? Ana Budojevic National Winner of Croatia Boryana Georgieva National Winner of Bulgaria

The learning scenario can be easily developed by using ODS tools. It is similar to work in MS Office programs or CMS Website Maintenance.

With the help of the tools it is easy to create a learning scenario.

Stuart Kettle National Winner of United Kingdom

To complete my scenario the teacher does not need any specific skills. The learning scenario does require some specific apps to be able to complete it in the way I have suggested but they are low cost and easily obtained.

Claudio Malavasi National Winner of Italy

To use efficiently the ODS portal, it is necessary to know English and have good digital skills, certainly the students are very skilled and fast in the use of new technologies and this feature can be a useful teaching support and the exchange of information. What often is missing is a working method and a critical approach in the use of new technology. However it is undeniable that new technologies and access to educational portals can make learning easier.

Georgeta Namolovan National Winner of Romania

The ODS Portal is an important e-tool for making out and sharing learning scenarios. It is not required to have specific computer skills, because it is similar to working in MS Office, but it is a must to have a vision and to apply great objectives and ideas in order to create the best learning scenarios that can be used in the classroom.

Armin Ohran National Winner of Germany

The ODS tools are easy to handle and very good to share information about new projects or learning scenarios.


What would be your suggestions for the ODS portal? How it should change? Carlos Morales Socorro National Winner of Spain

Perhaps, it would be great to design a protocol to develop shared projects in a consumer-producer scheme. Someone could publish an idea of a project and look for partners from other countries, wanting to work with.

Georgeta Namolovan National Winner of Romania

I would like to have the structure of the ODS Portal also for Special Education Needs Schools where teachers who work with children having sensorial deficiencies can easily access the portal and find relevant projects and colleagues at a glance. That would make it easier for them to share experiences and find new partners that work on the same issues.

Armin Ohran National Winner of Germany

I think it would be great when it would be possible to integrate a presentation (PowerPoint), so you can get the information about a project in a very short way.


Ms Marie-Hélène Barrault, ODS National Winner of France Learning Scenario: Les pourcentages (pédagogie inversée) / Percentages (reverse pedagogy)

Ms. Marie-Hélène Barrault has worked as a primary school teacher since 1983. As of September 2014, she is also the Director of the Primary School of RouvraySaint-Denis. Ms. Barrault completed a number of courses (e.g. ´Langues Vivantes´ and ´Litterature au cycle 3´) and she holds a Teacher´s Diploma (1985).

Organization and management of mathematical data: Proportionality. The main elements of mathematics – solve problems involving a situation of proportionality.



Ms Ana Budojevic, ODS National Winner of Croatia Learning Scenario: Multimedia – 6th grade Computer science through Footloose Musical

Ms. Ana Budojevic has been working as a Computer Science teacher in elementary schools in Zagreb for the last six years. Currently she is working in elementary school Gornje Vrapče in Zagreb, Croatia. In the academic year 2013/2014, she was a mentor to a student who qualified for the state level competition Infokup. She created the musical Footloose with her students during the academic year 2012/2013 and in January 2015 she was the winner of the CARNets competition within the Open Discovery Space (ODS) project. Last year she was also collaborating with Školska knjiga as a Consulting Editor for the Moj Portal 3.0 textbooks and in November and December 2014, she worked on a project for Google Inc.

The main idea of this scenario was to include as many educational areas (linguistics-communication, art, computer science) and thus fulfil many learning objectives, as well as general educational goals. In addition, I wanted the time spent in school to be more pleasant and fun for the students. I tried to convince them that the school should not necessarily be synonymous with “torture” and cramming. The musical `Footloose´ seemed to be a good choice because of its form and also because of the sociological significance of the story it tells. Footloose connected the sixth and eighth graders, also the ones who were isolated and introverted. “Our” Footloose has enabled all participants and showed that school can be an oasis of fun, joy, creative leisure time, socializing and learning in several ways. The musical has strengthened school culture and the community in which the school operates. This was proven during the premiere show with a full hall of proud parents, friends, neighbours and teachers.



Ms Marina Dorocki, ODS National Winner of Serbia Learning Scenario: CERN laboratory

Ms. Marina Dorocki has worked as a Physics teacher since 2009 and is currently working at the Grammar school „Isidora Sekulić” in Novi Sad, Serbia. Ms. Dorocki has taken part in several conferences and has published various papers, the latest being „PhET simulations in classroom” (2015). She holds a Master´s Degree Professor in Physics from the University of Novi Sad (2012) and a Physics Graduate Degree from the same university (2008).

Our target is to familiarize students with the world’s largest physics lab CERN and its contents, using the ODS portal. To understand the basic experiments that are conducted at CERN, as well as why they are important for humanity. So that students know how to transfer what they have learned to the broader masses. Students will get to know the LHC detectors after all the activities, particularly CMS. Students will know how to convey their knowledge in a scientific but popular way to those who are not informed about CERN. Students will know how to describe the process of detection of elementary particles. Students will understand the importance of CERN’s research and they will be familiar with their future plans. Students will also understand the importance of investing resources in basic research and the implications for the overall benefit of mankind.



Ms Noni Eleftheriou, ODS National Winner of Cyprus Learning Scenario: Let’s make our school breaks more enjoyable!

Ms. Noni Eleftheriou has been working for sixteen years as a teacher in the primary schools of Cyprus. Currently she is working in the 1st elementary school of Egkomi in Nicosia. Noni is a Member of the Cyprus Computer Society and she is acting as an educational key person for ICT at her school under the program: "Innovative Schools and Educational Program of Cells for Integration of Information and Communication Technologies” (ICT) in the school for the School Year 2014-15. Noni studied at the Cyprus University and she is a qualified teacher in Language and Psychology; she obtained her master of Education, in the field of Leadership and Management from the Open University of London in 2009.

Both students and teachers have observed that most children of our school are not often involved in team playing during school breaks. This results not only in the isolation of some children but also most of them get bored and dissatisfied. Moreover this situation leads to conflicts among them. For these reasons we thought to investigate the matter with students aged 8-9 years old, in order to find solutions or suggestions on how to improve the quality of our school’s breaks. Τhe purpose of the project is to improve the interpersonal relations of students in order to engage them in calm and pleasant team playing, leading to more enjoyable breaks.



Ms Boryana Georgieva, ODS National Winner of Bulgaria Learning Scenario: Space Travel

Ms. Boryana Georgieva works as a teacher at secondary school P.K. Yavorov in Straldzha, Bulgaria. She uses interactive methods and innovations in the educational process. It was her personal initiative to conduct the following open binary lessons: 'In the lands of the Assens' (History and IT), 'Geographic detectives' (Geography and IT), 'One day on the planet Mathematics' (Mathematics and IT) and 'Space Travel' (Mathematics, IT and Science). She also won several awards in contests as a consultant of students ranked top prizes in the category Multimedia included in the calendar of extracurricular activities of MES - National Student Competition, 'Patriotism', 'Ne se gasi', 'Varvi narode vazrodeni'. Ms. Georgieva holds a Degree in Mathematics and IT from the University of Veliko Turnovo St. Cyril and Methodius and a Fifth level Educational Qualifications´ Degree from DIUU Sofia.

A scenario for a binary lesson is presented in the following educational material. The goal is to consolidate and reinforce the knowledge of decimals, the Solar system and the computer system based on games and activities during a lesson at school. The students start a spacemen roleplaying game: on the interactive board they draw a rocket, then comes the final countdown and they launch. During their Space Travel students visit three planets Astronomy, IT and Mathematics – in order to solve mathematical problems precisely, to show knowledge in Astronomy by drawing graphics and to use IT for their virtual space travel by grouping objects. In this lesson the teacher works with all the students in class, encourages them if they have difficulties and gives further clarifications and instructions. After this exciting adventure, students land in their school, where they with great interest and pleasure study, create and play games.



Mr Stuart Kettle, ODS National Winner of United Kingdom Learning Scenario: Rollercoaster Energy Transfers

Mr. Stuart Kettle originally studied Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial College in London. Following this he worked in the automotive industry as a project engineer for approximately 7 years before leaving to stay at home with his children while his wife completed her science teacher training. He then chose to enter the world of teaching and completed his PGCE to also become a science teacher. He is now teaching at Idsall School in Shropshire. Any spare time he gets he loves to investigate the latest technology and play with Lego, something he spent most of his childhood doing! He is always keen to improve his teaching and learning in the classroom through the use of technology wherever possible.

This learning scenario allows students to work together in order to design the fastest rollercoaster. It incorporates different areas of the GCSE physics curriculum and allows the use of ICT in a new and innovative way. This activity can be run over several lessons or used for a STEM club project. The activity gives the students a fantastic opportunity to work as a team and understand real life economic and social issues alongside science.



Ms Ivi Kukk & Ms Siiri Sitska ODS National Winners of Estonia Ms. Ivi Kukk (on the right in the picture) has worked as a teacher for the Paide Gymnasium since 1992. She is responsible for planning effective lessons and preparing resources which have clear teaching aims, objectives and learning outcomes. She is also in charge of advising and cooperating with the head teacher and other teachers on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes and methods of teaching. Ms. Kukk obtained a Master´s Degree in Pedagogical Science at the Tallinn University in 2002. From the same university she also got a Degree to become a Class teacher (2004) and an Elementary school teacher (1989).

Learning Scenario: Media masterclass Checking out what is media and what are it`s possibilities. It concerns practical work and getting advice from professionals. The activity, photos and descriptions can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meedi ameistriklass.

Ms. Siiri Sitska has worked as a teacher for the Paide Gymnasium since 1985. She creates programmes of work, plans and prepares lessons, teaches the national curriculum Estonia, uses a range of interactive teaching methods to enhance learning, monitors learning through a range of assessment techniques, organises group work and develops strategies to deal with classroom behaviour. She obtained a Bachelor´s Degree in Elementary School Teaching from the Tallinn University in 1991 and a Master´s Degree in Teaching in 1996. http://www.ods-contest.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2015/03/estonian_winners_scenario_in_english_ikukk_ssitska1.pdf1.pdf


Ms Violetta Liepina & Ms Irina Vasiljeva, ODS National Winners of Latvia Ms. Violetta Liepina works at the Riga Rīnūži Secondary School in Latvia as a teacher in Geography, Economics and Natural Sciences. She has held this position for 23 years. She also gained experience as a Coordinator of Environmental studies and a Coordinator of the Eco-school programme. In the 2011/2012 academic year, she participated in the international project ‘’Environment and Innovations. Say No to waste!”. Ms. Liepina obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and a Teacher’s Certificate, giving the right to teach Economics at secondary school, from the University of Latvia. Ms. Irina Vasijeva works as a teacher of Physics at the Riga Rīnūži Secondary School in Latvia. Before that, she held the same position at the Riga 57 Secondary School. She took part in various courses within the Programme of teachers’ professional development (e.g. Open Learning and Distance Education, The basic principles of electronics hobbyist study group work, Increasing students’ motivation in Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Interactive whiteboard tools for designing learning materials). She holds a Bachelor´s Degree in Natural Sciences in Physics and a Master´s Degree in Educational Management from the University of Latvia.

Learning Scenario: Eco-friendly island Human impact on the environment is a topical issue. Climate change caused by human activities has become a pressing problem. Geography lessons include standard education about the environment and interactive teaching methods using modern information technology. The lessons are set up to test and develop students’ skills and knowledge of the effects of climate change and show the choices each person can make to reduce the negative impact on the environment. This is done by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and better understanding of the use of natural resources. A concept of a green island is used to understand the factors that affect the environment.



Mr Claudio Malavasi, ODS National Winner of Italy Learning Scenario: Lichelandia

Mr. Claudio Malavasi holds a Degree in Biological Sciences (1980) from the University of Modena (UNIMO), where he also completed post-graduate courses in Chemistry (1982) and Natural Sciences (1983). Since 1985, he is a Lecturer in "Natural sciences, chemistry and geography" at the Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei in Ostiglia, Italy. As of 2000, he is also a special projects teacher in the area of science and technology at the Istituto Galilei. Since 1996, he is the director of the Lichens Project, which involves a network of secondary schools of the first and second degree of the Province of Mantua in the study of lichens and their bio monitoring. In this regard, he also teaches refresher courses in environmental education for teachers and environmental workers, with particular reference to the lichens project and the website of the Lichens network.

The scenario includes the study of lichens as bio-indicators of environmental quality and the results forwarded to the citizens with a public event and with the publication on the internet. The activities proposed to students are not only scientific but also fun with games, songs and drawings in order to develop creativity.



Mr Carlos Morales Socorro, ODS National Winner of Spain Learning Scenario: RoboTIX

Mr. Carlos Morales Socorro works as a Mathematics Teacher at IES El Calero in Gran Canaria, Spain. He is very interested in applying PBL, PjBL and ICT (Scratch, Arduino, etc) as a means of learning and teaching Mathematics. This can be seen at the blog: cmorsoc.blogspot.com. Carlos Morales holds a Degree in Computer Science and is licenced to be a Professor of Mathematics. He received the Francisco Giner de los Ríos award for improving educational quality.

During the last 13 years I’ve applied Cooperative Learning and Project and Problem based learning techniques in the classroom. The aim was moving from the traditional content-centered Maths lessons to a set of real life projects and problems which must be solved by means of Maths, as you may discover in this Pecha Kucha from 2009: https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=sGlRExeE6PU. The main idea of this project is to include Scratch and Project Based Learning as a tool of Maths Learning. The students from 4ºESO designed a robot simulation platform (in Scratch) which was applied and used by the students of 1ºESO: http://cmorsoc.blogspot.com.es/2 014/05/pecha-kucha-scratch-yrobotix.html. You may find the activities and the simulation system translated into English at the link posted above.



Ms Georgeta Namolovan, ODS National Winner of Romania Learning Scenario: Let’s Learn English Together

Ms. Georgeta Namolovan is a Chemistry Teacher and Educator-Teacher at the School for Visually Impaired Students in Bucharest, Romania. She has held this position since 1991. She focuses on integrated and complex educational therapy for blind and visually impaired students by personal development activities, socialization, occupational therapy, cognitive stimulation and Ludotherapy. She taught Chemistry to high school students in order to help them getting IGCSE and A/AS Levels in Cambridge Examinations. Ms. Namolovan obtained both a Degree in Inorganic Chemistry and a Special Pedagogy Certificate from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Special Education from the University of Bucharest. She has an English for Speakers of Other Languages Certificate – Cambridge Advanced English Level B2 on The Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and she develops National, European and Erasmus Plus Projects.

Parents together with their children and a group of teachers will be involved in an English lesson activity. First part of the activity will consist of presenting and using of Daisy full-texts files together with their advantages in learning foreign languages both for blind children and for low vision children. In the second part, parents and their children will become familiar with the ROBOBRAILLE website and the steps that they must follow to create and use their own-made Daisy full-texts files. Subsequently, parents will contribute to a small school library file containing Daisy full-texts files.



Mr Armin Ohran, ODS National Winner of Germany Learning Scenario: Inclusion – Examining students´ willingness and acceptance for different kinds of para-sports? An exemplary class experience of commercial college WS 1 This educational scenario is focussing on the following superordinate educational objectives: 1. Sensitising students for inclusive sports 2. Amplify students’ understanding for sports and depict competencies for actions Mr. Armin Ohran is currently a student teacher in business studies and sports at the Jakob-Friedrich-SchöllkopfSchule in Kirchheim unter Teck, Germany. He holds a Bachelor´s Degree in Economics from the University of Hohenheim and a Master´s Degree in Business Education and Sports from the University of Mannheim.

3. Provide a change of perspective for regular students in regard to handicapped students It consists of four double-lessons (each 90 min). Thereby two units were devoted to blind-man soccer and two to wheelchair basketball. Unit and date of implementation: 1st unit (10/10/2014) Spatial and apperception exercises, learning basic techniques (passing and dribbling) 2nd unit (17/10/2014) Introduction to the games in a playful approach, implementing regular version of the games 3rd unit (07/11/2014) Safety aspects, using the materials, rules, dribbling and shot 4th unit (14/11/2014) Shot on the basket and team-practical understanding regarding the games



ODS project is partially funded by the European Commission CIP PSP Grant Agreement no. 297229

Copyright Š 2015, SIGNOSIS Sprl.

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