New Horizion Issue 20

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Sika Flooring and Coating Continues to Occupy the Leading Position in the Pharmaceutical Market



可持续发展 SUSTAINABILITY 西卡硅酮胶携手首航节能,开启光热太阳能新篇章


The Echo of Nature



A New Chapter in the Photothermal Solar Energy Field


西卡地坪 4.0 扬 帆起航

Sika Flooring 4.0 Sets Sail


WELCOME 亲爱的朋友们: 西卡中国杂志 New Horizon 已经出版 到第 20 期了,真是值得庆祝!这几年来, 每一期我们都会期待一本精彩纷呈的杂志, 它为我们讲述了一个个精彩的地标性项目、 令人兴奋的新技术以及非凡的西卡员工、 客户和合作伙伴们那些鼓舞人心的故事等 等。相信我,这一期也一定不会让您失望! 我以一种华丽丽的方式开始了我的

2016 年 —— 猴 年。 一 开 年 我 跑 了 很 多 个 城市,拜访了很多客户以及见到了全国各 地敬业的西卡员工。尽管我早已知道西卡 员工在态度和技术上都以专业著称,但在 2016 年的全国各地的年会上,多才多艺的 西卡员工还是让我大开眼界,无论是唱歌、 跳舞还是喜剧小品以及各种其他演出都体 现了西卡员工之间的合作和团队精神。我 可以非常坦率地说真正的“西卡精神”就 存在并活跃于西卡中国。 同时,在与我们忠实的客户和行业合 作伙伴的交流互动中,也常常能体会到“西 卡精神”。正如您将在本期杂志中所看到 的一样,今年的开年非常忙碌。 – 从协办 2016 年全国汽车胶粘剂 / 密封胶 行业会议到在第十八届中国国际地面材料 及铺装技术展览会展示西卡商用地面教育 细分市场解决方案,西卡与行业一起,推 动着整个行业的发展,追求卓越。 – 与我们的关键客户和供应商合作伙伴携手 推动可持续发展在市场上的应用,开启了 光热太阳能新篇章,为所有的家庭创造一 个更环保的世界! – 每一天我们的行业都面临着各种各样的技 术难题或者独特的施工要求。从综合的防 火解决方案到应用高超的胶粘剂粘接方案 来帮助艺术家实现他们的艺术创作,所有 的项目,无论大小,都可能成为漂亮的艺 术品! – 当然,正是西卡的解决方案以及技术服 务让那些超赞的项目可以在各个城市傲 然挺立。让我们努力一起突破建筑和设 计的极限! 本期包含了项目故事、解决方案、西 卡在持续发展方面的努力以及上个季度的 各种活动,内容有精彩、有创新、有亮点, 预祝阅读愉快!能和您共事,我们为之自 豪。让我们一起期待一个精彩的猴年!

康秉仁 西卡中国总裁

Dear Friends I am pleased to celebrate the 20th Edition of the New Horizon Magazine of Sika China. Over the years, we have all come to expect a vibrant and dynamic magazine full of inspiring landmark projects, exciting new technologies and inspirational stories about the accomplishments of our exceptional Sika employees and customer partners alike. I am sure you will find that this latest version will meet your lofty expectations. The start of 2016, and this Year of the Monkey, has started in spectacular fashion. I have had the pleasure to travel around China to visit many of our customers and dedicated Sika employees throughout the group. While I have always been aware of the professional attitude and technicl expertise within our team, I was shocked and amazed at the many other diverse talents I observed at the New Years festivities in our organizatios across China. Singers, dancers, comedians and acts of all kinds showed the comraderie and team spirit that exists within Sika. I can say with absolute candor that the true “Sika Spirit” is alive and well in Sika China.


MIKE CAMPION President of Sika China

This “Sika Spirit” can also be observed in our interactions with our loyal customers and industry partners. The start of the year has been a busy one as you will see inside the magazine. ––From Industry involvement with Co-organizing the 2016 China National Automotive Adhesive/Sealant meeting to an Educational Market Showplace for Flooring at DOMOTEX Asia/China floor 2016. We are working with the Industry to drive excellence! ––Driving Sustainability initiatives into the market with key customer and vedor partners creating New Chapters in the Photothermal Solar Energy field. Working for a Greener world for all our families! ––Technological solutions to many of the problems our industry faces every day and unique applications alike. From Specialized coatings for Integrated Fire Protection Solutions to helping an Artist achieve their artistic vision with superior adhesive bonding solutions. All projects great and small can be beautiful works of art! ––And of course, the extraordinary projects were our solutions and technical support have allowed them to soar above these great cities. Working togther to push the boundaries of construction and design! Please enjoy reading about our exciting new projects, innovative solutions to customer problems, sustainability initiatives and a host of other activities we have provided over the last quarter. We are proud to work with you and look forward to an exciting Year of the Monkey! Best Regards

Mike Campion President of Sika China

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Preface


NEW HORIZON #20 2016 16






项目 PROJECT 自然的回响

The Echo of Nature



Sika Flooring and Coating Continues to Occupy the Leading Position in the Pharmaceutical Market


厚 + 薄 , 西卡综合防火解决方案



从“外”到“内”,西卡地坪和涂料持续领 跑医药细分市场


中国尊 —— 北京第一高楼






惠农实践 ——湖南宁乡县灌溉水渠修复成果

Contributing to Agriculture by Repairing Irrigation Channels





A New Chapter in the Photothermal Solar Energy Field

China Zun – Another Landmark in Beijing Waterproof Solutions for Special-shaped Roofs A New Center for a New Age

西卡地坪 4.0 扬帆起航

Sika Flooring 4.0 Sets Sail

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Contents

Thick Coating plus Thin Coating: Sika’s Integrated Fire Protection Solution Holding the World’s Biggest Porcelain Vase Together Luxury and Safety

西卡硅酮胶携手首航节能,开启光热太 阳能新篇章






快讯 Express 西卡产品包装焕新上市

Sika Launches a New Packaging Design


西卡协办第十届全国汽车胶粘剂 / 密封 胶行业会议

Sika Co-organizes the 2016 China National Automotive Adhesive and Sealant Industry Conference


SikaPower®-2900 获 2016 北京国际汽保展



西卡商用地面教育细分市场解决方案亮 相 2016DOMOTEX 展

Sika Commercial Flooring Solutions for the Education Market Showcased at DOMOTEX Asia/CHINAFLOOR 2016


2016 年会 2016 Annual Dinner


SikaPower®-2900 Wins Best Product Recommendation Award at AMR 2016


西卡热熔胶技术首次亮相中国家电及消 费电子博览会

Sika Hot Melt Adhesive Technology Makes Its Debut at AWE 2016


西卡继续参展全国铝门窗幕墙新产品博 览会

Sika Attends the China Aluminum Window Door Facade Expo 2016

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Contents



自然的回响 THE ECHO OF NATURE 文:司林刚,吕小萍 图:HUFTON + CROW



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House

哈尔滨大剧院坐落在松花江畔的河滨湿地之中,整个建筑如同雪山连绵起伏, 是对周围环境的回应和延续。2016 年 2 月,它被 ArchDaily 评选为“世界最 佳建筑”。西卡的幕墙密封胶系列在外立面的铝板和玻璃幕墙的粘接应用, 让西卡也有幸为这座美丽的建筑做出了贡献。

Harbin Opera House, situated on the wetland by the Songhua River in Northeast China, is designed to reflect the force and spirit of the northern city’s untamed wilderness and frigid climate, with an appearance like snowy mountains. In February, 2016, the building was awarded as one of the world’s best buildings by ArchDaily. Sika has made its own contribution to this amazing landmark, using its silicone sealants to bond the aluminum clad and glass facades. NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House



Harbin Opera House, situated on the wetland by the Songhua River, references the sinuous landscape of the surrounding area.



哈尔滨位于中国北部,冬季气温可低 至零下四五十度,夏季气温又会高达 四十度,剧烈的温度变化对建材的要 求极高。 >

在中国的北方,松花江畔,坐落着这 样一座城,人们称她为冰城,也称为“东 方莫斯科”, 这就是哈尔滨。19 世纪末到 20 世纪初,随着由俄国人出资兴建的中东 铁路,30 余个国家的 10 多万侨民聚集于此, 东西方的饮食、建筑、文化在这里交融。 同时,侨民带来的西方音乐也是给哈尔滨 的馈赠。1908 年,在哈尔滨成立了中国最 早期的交响乐团。一个世纪以来,砖瓦与 旋律犹在,音乐对于哈尔滨人而言,不仅 仅是震撼的音乐会,更是跳跃在哈尔滨街 头巷尾的动人旋律。音乐已经深深地融入 哈尔滨人的生活,据说在这里,每 19 户人 家就有一架钢琴。

度,夏季气温又会高达四十度,剧烈的温 度变化对建材的要求极高。一方面密封胶 必须满足数十年冬夏交替高达 80°C 的温差 变化; 同时在冬季,当铝板幕墙底部融雪 装置的启用时,短时间内玻璃温度将加热 至 50°C 左右, 对铝板造成最高 90°C 的瞬 间温差变化。以 4000mm x 2000mm 的标 准铝板计算,90°C 温差条件下,铝板的温 差线性变形将高达 9.7mm。而该位移将全 部被西卡防水密封胶产品吸收。适合的接 缝设计的西卡耐候密封胶 Sikasil® WS-305 CN 优异的位移能力满足了此类应用的持久 有效。

哈尔滨大剧院不仅仅要在外形上贴合 这座拥有百年交响乐团的音乐名城, 自然和环境,更是希望在最大限度地与这 从 1961 年开始举办的 “哈尔滨之夏”音乐 座城市接触。正如其设计事务所 MAD 的创 会走过了半个世纪仍长兴不衰。2010 年, 始人马岩松所说:“我们不希望做一个像 哈尔滨被联合国授予了“音乐之城”的美誉。 很多城市中那种像壁纸一样的东西,让你 去照个相而已,而是让人接近它,进入它, 2015 年 这 座 音 乐 之 城 的 音 乐 艺 术 殿 甚至攀爬它的冲动。”大剧院除了提供休 堂——哈尔滨大剧院结束了 5 年的施工正 闲广场之外,人们可以沿着外墙的坡道走 式对外开放。大剧院坐落松花江北岸的湿 上去,如同攀登雪峰,到达顶部的露天剧 地。松花江每年的水位变化在宽广的河床 场和观景平台,即使不进入剧院观看演出, 上蚀刻出奇妙的曲线,大剧院的外观与此 也可以和建筑有一个互动。 遥相呼应,整个建筑外观蜿蜒起伏,如同 剧院的内部设计,也充分考虑到人、 丝带从地面慢慢升起,又缓缓回落到地面, 整个建筑的设计是对自然的一种回应,是 建筑和自然之间的互动。 环境的延续。 大堂的玻璃采光顶确保白天自然光透 根 据 哈 尔 滨 大 剧 院 的 设 计 事 务 所 过天窗,充满整个空间。采光顶由菱形单 MAD,设计灵感是来自于北国的冰雪风貌。 体组合而成,每个单体都是完美的四棱锥, 因此建筑不仅仅外形上远看如同雪山般连 但由于天窗整体是三维曲面,这就导致细 绵起伏,外立面大面积纯白色铝板和纯白 分后除了在轴线对称上的单元其他的四棱 色石材混凝土的搭配,使得建筑远远望去 锥都各不相同。建筑独特的造型和隔热性 也如同冰雪在阳光下熠熠发光。哈尔滨位 要求对玻璃的生产和安装带来了不少挑战。 于中国北部,冬季气温可低至零下四五十 四棱锥玻璃的玻璃风格由两片直角三角形


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House

拼接构成,每片大小各不相同。单片玻璃 规 格 高 达 4146mm*2481mm*5317mm。 考 虑 到 隔 热 性 要 求, 玻 璃 前 所 未 有 的大面积使用了三玻两腔玻璃配置 10FT+12A+8FT+12A+8FT+PVB+8FT。为了 满足最终异形曲面的拼接效果,玻璃选用 了大小片设计(即单个中空玻璃的三个玻 璃单片尺寸各不相同)。西卡中空玻璃用 二道结构胶 Sikasil® IG-25 确保了玻璃合片 后的应力承受能力和位移变形,同时有效 避免了中空玻璃在低温条件下内部凝水问 题的出现。 为保证玻璃都可靠有效地安装到位, 工程在选用幕墙结构胶时要求特别严格, 西卡幕墙用结构胶产品 Sikasil® SG-500CN / Sikasil® SG-20 在确保幕墙安全可靠性的 基础上,保证了幕墙水密、气密、抗风压 性能的有效发挥。 大剧院由大小两个剧场组成。主剧场 可容纳 1600 人,采用有温暖质感的水曲柳 木材做成环绕室内外的曲面墙体,不仅保 证了作为剧院所需的声学效果,也可以让 观众有一种触摸感。小剧场有 400 个座位, 奇妙之处在于后台是全玻璃幕墙设计。这 个设计不仅可以将自然光引到室内,同时 室外的自然景色作为表演的背景,让表演、 自然、观众融为一体,模糊了室内和室外 的感觉。

2016 年 2 月,在著名的建筑新闻网站 ArchDaily“2015 年度世界最佳建筑”的评 选活动中,哈尔滨大剧院从全球 3000 多个 建筑中脱颖而出,成为中国唯一当选的建 筑。西卡门窗幕墙系统团队为能有幸参与 该项目而倍感荣幸。

面蜿蜒的幕墙采用了纯白色的铝板,铝板由西卡幕墙胶 Sikasil® 粘接固定。

The curvilinear façade is composed of smooth white aluminum panels bonded with Sikasil® sealants.


一走进大厅,参观者就会看见大厅顶部的天窗,菱形的天窗玻璃由西卡幕墙胶 Sikasil® 粘接固定。

Upon entering the grand lobby, visitors will see large transparent glass walls spanning the lobby. The facade's glass pyramids are bonded with Sikasil® sealants.



In the northeast of China, by the Songhua River, Harbin is also known as “Ice Cit y” or “Moscow in the East”. Harbin grew from a small village into a modern city during the late 1800s and early 1900s along with the cons t r u c t ion o f t h e C hin e s e E as t er n Railway, which was financed by Russia. Many of thousands of foreigners from over 30 countries gathered here and brought their food, culture and architecture, each of which was integrated with the local style. The western music brought by foreigners was a special gift for the city. In 1908, the first Symphony Orchestra in China was founded in Harbin. Over a century later, music is deeply ingrained into

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House

the daily life of Harbin residents. It is said that one out of ever y nineteen families in Harbin has a piano. The Harbin Summer Music Concer t, which star ted in 1961, has become one of the most influential concerts in China. In recognition of the city’s music heritage, in 2010, Harbin was awarded the title “City of Music” by UNESCO. In 2015, Harbin Opera House, a palace of music and art for the city, opened, which marked the end of its f iveyear construction. The opera house is located on the nor th bank of the Songhua River, where the forms river

bed various cur ves due to constant water level changes. The form of the building evokes a response to the location’s natural elements, appearing as if it was also sculpted by the water. The building, with its fluid curvilinear structure, rises like a ribbon from the ground and then gradually descends. The building is designed to reflect the surrounding natural environment. The opera house was designed by the Beijing-based studio MAD. The design was inspired by the snow and ice landscape of the city in winter. The fluidformed building wrapped with smooth white aluminum panels and white stone concrete resembles a snow-


Visitors can explore the façade’s carved paths and ascend the building as if climbing a snowy mountain and will discover an open, exterior space that serves as an observation platform with views of Harbin once they finish their climbing journey.

capped mountain with shining ice and snow on the top. Located in the north of China, Harbin goes through sharp temperature changes where it is as low as -40°C in the winter but goes up to 40°C in the summer. This poses a gr eat challenge w ith r espec t to the building materials, including the sealants for bonding the aluminum clads and facades. On the one hand, the sealants have to stand up to the temperature changes between winter and summer for over 10 years. In winter, when the snow melting device installed at the bottom of the aluminum clad façade begins to work, the temperature of the facade will rise from the -40°C in a very short time

to as high as 50°C, so there will be a 90°C immediate temperature difference to the aluminum clads. Under such conditions, a standard aluminum clad with the size of 4000 mm * 2000 mm will result in a 9.7cm linear deformation, which must be absorbed by the sealants. Sikasil® WS-305 CN, with excellent capability, can ensure a long durable function for such joints. The opera house merges with nature and its surroundings not only from its appearance, but it is also designed to connect to the city and its residents. “We don’t want the opera house to serve just as a shooting background like many iconic buildings in other

cities. We want people to approach it, enter it and even climb it.”, said Ma Yansong, founder of MAD. In addition to a large public leisure plaza, the opera house allows people, both ticket-holders and general visitors, to explore the façade’s carved paths and ascend the building as if climbing a snow y mountain. Visitors will discover an open, exterior space that ser ves as an obser vation plat form with views of Harbin once they finish their climbing journey. The building interior also emphasizes the interaction of humans, buildings and nature.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House





Upon entering the grand lobby, visitors will see large transparent glass walls which allow full natural light in da y t im e. T h e c r y s t allin e g lass curtain wall, composed of transparent pyramids, is designed as a whole 3-D cur ved surface. Therefore, only t h e a x is s y mm e t r i c p y r amids ar e the same and ever y other pyramid is different. The special design and thermal insulation func tion of the curtain wall poses a great challenge with regard to the glass production and installation. Each pyramid is composed of two straight-angled glass triangles of different sizes. One glass panel can be as large as 4146mm x 2481mm x 5317mm. To ensure a good thermal insulation effect, the curtain wall uses three-layer insulating glass 10F T+12A+8F T+12A+8F T+P VB+8F T to cover a large area. To achieve the special cur ved sur face design, the

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House

glass units of each insulation glass are of different sizes. Sikasil® IG-25 is used as a secondar y IGU sealant to make sure that the glass is able to stand up to the stress, movement and deformation after being bonded. Moreover, it also prevents condensation forming within the insulating glass under low temperatures. To make sure every glass panel was installed safely and properly, the project designers put forward strict requirements regarding the façade structural adhesives. Sikasil® SG-500CN / Sikasil® SG-20 was used for the façade structural bonding to provide a safe curtain wall which is watertight, wind tight and resistant to wind pressure. T h e op er a h o us e consis t s o f t w o theatres. The grand theatre, which can seat 1600 people, is surrounded

by wooden walls ar ound its s tage and seating, providing world-class acoustics. The smaller theatre, which can accommodate 400 people, has a panoramic window behind the performance stage. This wall of soundproof glass provides a naturally scenic backdrop for performances and turns the stage into an ex tension of the outdoor env ir onment, integr ating performance, nature and the audience as a whole. In February, 2016, Harbin Opera House was awarded as the one of the fourteen World’s Best Buildings of the Year, which were selected out of over 3000 buildings around the world on the ArchDaily, the world’s most visited architecture website. It is the only building from China. Sika’s FFI team feel honored to have participated in the project.

主剧场可容纳 1600人,采用有温暖质感的水曲柳木材做成环绕室内外的曲面墙体,不仅保证了作为剧院所需的声学效果,也可以让观众有一种触摸感。

The grand theatre, which can seat 1600 people, is surrounded by wooden walls around its stage and seating, providing world-class acoustics.

小剧场有400 个座位,奇妙之处在于后台是全玻 璃幕墙设计。

The smaller theatre, which can accommodate 400 people, has a panoramic window behind the performance stage.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Harbin Opera House


中国尊目前建设高度已超 200 米,建成后高度达 528 米,成为北京第一高楼。

China Zun, under construction, 528-metre high after it completes, is the future highest building in Beijing.

中国尊 —— 北京第一高楼 CHINA ZUN – ANOTHER LANDMARK IN BEIJING 从央视大楼,到之前雄踞第一的北京国贸三期,再到即将登顶的中国尊,西 卡持续地为北京的地标性建筑做出贡献。

From the new CCTV building, to Phase III of the China World Trade Center, presently the No. 1 high rise in Beijing, and to the future highest building in Beijing China Zun, Sika is continuously making contributions to the landmarks of Beijing. 文:刘丁富 图:杨鸿壮



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Beijing Landmarks


Sika makes its mark in several landmarks of Beijing, including the China Zun, Phase III of the China World Trade Center, CCTV Headquarters, Beijing TV Center, Beijing Yintai Center, etc.

在中国传统观念上,尊还有另一 层意义,具有尊贵荣耀的意思。 >

尊,酒器,青铜制,形制较多,有的 作圆形,有的作方形,盛行于商代和西周 初期。一般用于祭祀大典中,是一种重要 的礼器。

目于 2013 年 7 月 29 日开工建设,建造全 程采用先进的 BIM 技术,利用计算机代替 人工对结构进行预拼装,减少建造中的返 工及错误。

中国尊项目位于北京市朝阳区 CBD 核 心区,因形似古代酒器“尊”而得名,其 外形自下而上自然缩小,形成稳重大气的 形象,同时顶部逐渐放大,享受独在云端 的无限风光,最终形成中部略有收分的双 曲线建筑造型。建筑虽然高大,却不失婉 约,如此设计不仅是为追求视觉审美效果, 更是出于构建合理建筑结构的考虑。曲线 以柔克刚,这刚指的是北京春秋冬三季的 劲风,弯曲的立面和接近圆弧形的边角有 效减少风荷载。

2014 年初,项目进入大体积底板浇 筑阶段,基坑东西约 140 米,南北约 80 米, 深 度 38 米, 局 部 达 到 40 米, 创 中 国 超 高 层 建 筑 基 坑 深 度 之 最。 底 板 浇 筑 总体积达到 6.2 万方,约 30 个标准游泳 池的大小。底板厚度最厚为 6.5 米,分三 次 进 行 浇 筑, 其 中 一 次 性 连 续 浇 筑 混 凝 土 5.6 立方,为目前为止北京一次性混凝 土浇筑的最大底板。

中国尊大厦结构为核心筒加巨柱加巨 型斜撑加带状桁架混合体系,4 根超大截 面的多腔体巨型钢柱,固定在厚度为 6.5 米的巨大混凝土底板之上,与翼墙、核心 筒钢板墙等 14 万吨钢构件一起,共同托起 未来拔地凌空的 528 米高的摩天大楼。项

西 卡 为 本 次 C50 大 底 板 浇 筑 提 供 的 产 品 为 高 性 能 保 塑 型 产 品 Sika® ViscoCrete®-3301 MU、Sika® ViscoCrete®-3301 LS 以 及 高 性 能 减 水 产 品 Sika® ViscoCrete®-3301 L,为保证作业质量,西卡技 术服务人员多次试验来回验证,确保混凝 土浇筑过程中的温度控制,协助客户出色 完成了浇筑任务。

自 大 底 板 始, 西 卡 继 续 为 中 国 尊 项 目提供高性能混凝土外加剂产品及服务, 用于目前正在进行的 C70 混凝土柱、墙体 以及核心筒施工,目前项目已经超出地面 200 米,项目预计将于 2017 年 7 月结构封 顶,2018 年 10 月全面竣工投入使用。 在中国传统观念上,尊还有另一层意 义,具有尊贵荣耀的意思。显然,中国尊 的意味不仅体现在建筑形态上,由于其总 建筑高度 528 米,建成后将取代北京国贸 三 期( 高 330 米,2007 年 建 成, 时 为 西 卡混凝土目标市场的重点项目)成为首都 新地标。由于其特殊地理位置和身负北京 第一高度的重任,其建筑本身也具有尊的 内涵。 西卡非常荣幸能持续为北京地标做贡 献,无论是服务于之前雄踞第一的北京国 贸三期亦或正为即将登顶的中国尊项目贡 献力量,西卡中国都体现了它作为一个百 年化工企业对混凝土外加剂技术孜孜不倦 的追求及对建筑技艺的精益求精。

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Beijing Landmarks




A Zun was a kind of round or square bronze wine vessel prevailing in the Shang D y nas t y and ear l y Wes ter n Zhou Dynasty (1600 B.C. to 256 B.C. in ancient China). At that time, it was used in grand ceremonies as an important ritual utensil. The China Zun Project is located in the CBD core area in Chaoyang District, Beijing and so named because it s shape is similar to the ancient wine vessel. Broader at the base and top and narrower in the middle, the dual-curve building looks poised and majestic, kisses the sky, and enjoys an unparalleled view. Tall as it is, it is reserved. This design is for not only visual and aesthetic effects but also for rational structural reasons. The curves can of fset “rigidness” which would otherwise cause problems in the harsh wind in the spring, autumn, and winter in Beijing. The curved facade and the arcing corners can effectively reduce the wind load. The structure of the China Zun combines a core tube, giant columns, and braces and belt trusses. Four huge multi-cavity steel columns with ultra large sections are fixed on a gigantic concrete bot tom slab that is 6.5m in thickness, suppor ting the future 528m skyscraper together with 14,000 tonnes of steel components, including a wing wall and steel plate for the core tube. The construction of the project commenced on 29 July 2013. It is using cutting-edge BIM technology during


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Beijing Landmarks

the whole process. The replacement of manpower with computers in the preassembly of the structure can reduce reworking and errors in construction. At the beginning of 20 14, the massive bottom slab of the project was placed. The foundation pit, which is around 140m long, 80m wide and 38m deep, with some parts up to 40m in depth, set a new r ecor d for depth among Chinese super high-rises. The total placing volume of the bottom slab is 62,000m 2 , which is equivalent to 30 standard swimming pools put together. With a maximum thickness of 6.5m, the bottom slab was placed in three phases, one of which involved a one-time continuous placing of 5.6m 3 of concrete. Therefore, it is by far the largest bottom slab to be placed in one attempt using concrete in Beijing. For the placing of the huge C50 bottom slab Sika supplied high-per formance retarding products including Sika® ViscoCrete® -3301 MU and Sika® ViscoCrete®- 3301 LS, as well as the high -p er f or man ce w a t er-r educing product Sika® ViscoCrete® -3301 L. To guarantee high construction quality, Sika’s technicians performed numerous tests and verifications to control the temperature during the concrete placing and assist the contractor in accomplishing the engineering feat. Starting with the huge bottom slab, Sika has continued to provide the China Zun Project with high-performance

co n c r e t e a dmi x t ur e s an d supp o r t services for the C70 concrete column, wall, and core tube under construction. At present, 200m of the project has been completed. The project will top out in July 2017 and be ready for use in October 2018. In Chinese tradition, “zun” also means dig ni t y and honor. O f cour s e, t h e meaning of the China Zun is not only it s ar chitec tur al shape. Since it is 528m in height, it will replace Phase III of the China World Trade Center (300m in height and completed in 2007, also using Sika concrete admixtures) to become the new landmark of the capital. Because of its special location and the mission to be the highest building in Beijing, the building itself reflects its name “zun” perfectly. It is a great honor for Sika to contribute to the landmarks of Beijing. For Phase III of the China World Trade Center, the then No.1 high rise, and the China Zun Project under construction, Sika China has demonstrated its excellence in concrete admixtures and pursuit of perfection in construction techniques.


Beijing TV Centre


Phase III of the China World Trade Center


CCTV Headquarters


Beijing Yintai Centre

延伸阅读: 中国尊周边北京 CBD 核心区的多个著名建筑均采用西卡高性能混 凝土外加剂产品。

EXTENDED READING: Many famous buildings near the China Zun Project in Beijing's CBD core zone adopt Sika's high-performance concrete admixtures.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Beijing Landmarks


不畏它百转千回 只为你遮风挡雨 WATERPROOF SOLUTIONS FOR SPECIAL-SHAPED ROOFS 在项目中,常常由于建筑造型或者功能需求,屋面被设计成各种不规则的形 状。此类异形屋面常常节点多,施工空间小,给屋面防水带来了诸多困难。 施工简单、现场塑形的 Sikalastic® 增强型液体防水卷材屋面系统正是对付 此类屋面的利器。

Building roofs are often designed in a variety shapes for special appearances or functions. This creates difficulties for waterproofing construction, since there are many specific problem areas but often a very narrow work space on such roofs. Sikalastic® Reinforced Liquid Applied Membrane (LAM) Roof System is the perfect solution for such roofs. 文/图:邹珍翠



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — LAM Roof System


广州市天河区区政府内一幢建筑的屋 面采用导光管采光系统,总共放置了几十 个采光罩。由于采光罩布置间距小,导致 金属框架支座之间的距离只有约 30 公分, 仅够单人站立其中。因年久失修,暴露在 外的采光罩固定螺钉出现松动锈蚀。采光 罩与金属支架连接处出现细小裂缝。原沥 青类防水层与金属基层已脱落剥离,防水 失效,引起屋面渗漏。 该屋面采光罩设置密集,施工可操作 空间非常狭小。整个屋面防水处理全部为 细部节点,要求防水材料能在金属基层上 粘结紧密,并密封金属与采光罩之间的细 微裂缝。施工时不能影响和破坏采光系统 的正常使用。该屋面防水施工不仅要求选 用合适的防水系统,而且要求施工人员具

有较高的专业操作水平的和仔细认真的工 作态度。 通 过 现 场 拜 访、 当 面 沟 通、 方 案 递 交等,综合考虑了该屋面的特殊情况后, 最终业主欣然接受了西卡 Sikalastic®-692 液 体 防 水 卷 材 系 统。 一 方 面, 西 卡 Sikalastic®-692 为液体产品,能应用在各 种各样的异型构造上,现场塑形,无须改 造或破坏现有基层或结构。另一方面,西 卡 Sikalastic®-692 施工简单方便,在上人 空间有限的情况下,只需滚筒或毛刷手动 施工即可解决边角细部等高难度施工问题。 首先,基层清理干净后,在钢板上施 工一道金属基层处理剂 Sikalastic® Metal Primer, 以 保 证 基 层 与 Sikalastic®-692

之 间 的 紧 密 连 接。 之 后, 开 始 施 工 Sikalastic®-692 底层涂膜,并内嵌专用聚 酯布 Sikalastic® Fleece-120 增强处理。在 采光罩与金属框架之间采用西卡专用尼龙 织布 Sikalastic® Flexitape,以适应不同材 质的变形位移。待底层涂膜固化后,施工 Sikalastic®-692 面层涂膜。全程施工均采 取了美纹纸边缘保护措施,以防施工时不 慎污染采光罩。完工后,所有采光罩四周 边线整齐划一,细部节点无缝一体,真正 做到了“万无一湿”。 竣 工 后, 业 主 对 西 卡 承 建 商 一 丝 不 苟 的 工 匠 精 神 赞 不 绝 口, 对 西 卡 Sikalastic®-692 液体卷材系统解决高难度 复杂防水问题的优越性给予充分肯定。

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — LAM Roof System



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — LAM Roof System


On the roof of one building at the Guangzhou Tianhe District Government Office Complex, the light tube sky lighting system has been adopted using dozens of dome skylights. The narrow 30cm space between metal frame pedestals as the result of layout of dome skylights allows only one person to access at a time. Due to a lack of repairs in previous years, the exposed screws used to fix the dome skylights were loose and rusty, and fine cracks had appeared at the joints between the dome skylights and metal supports. The existing bitumen waterproofing coating and metal base layer had begun to peel off, resulting in waterproofing failure and roof leakage. In view of the dense distribution of dome skylights, very narrow work space and the specific waterproofing requirements, the waterproofing material is required to have strong bonding to the metal base and be able to seal the fine cracks between the metal and dome sk ylights. Construction also had to

be carried out without any impact on the normal use of the lighting system. The roof waterproofing required not only the selection and use of a suitable waterproofing system but also high professional skill and an attentive approach from construction workers during the installation process. After site visits and discussions the owner accepted the Sikalastic®-692 LAM system as proposed by Sika, taking into full account of the existing conditions of the roof. Sikalastic®-692 is a liquid so it can be easily applied to various special-shaped structures in-situ without having to renovate or remove the existing base course or structure. In addition, it is easy and convenient to apply and can be applied only with rollers and/or brushes to seal the edges, corners, joints and other difficult to reach locations.

to ensure tight bonding between the base layer and Sikalastic®-692. Then, the bottom layer of Sikalastic®-692 was applied with Sikalastic® Fleece-120 for reinforcement. Sikalastic® Flexitape was used between the dome skylights and metal frame to accommodate potential distortion and displacement. Finally the Sikalastic®-692 top coat was applied to solidify the bottom layer. Masking tape was used to protect edges throughout the construction in order to prevent coating from unintentionally contaminating the dome skylights. Upon completion of the Works, all dome skylights were aligned with no joints visible, truly achieving total coverage and no leakage. The owner appreciated the outstanding workmanship of the Sika Contractor and fully recognizes the excellent performance of Sikalastic®-692 LAM system in solving difficult waterproofing issues.

First, the surface of base layer was cleaned before applying a layer of Sikalastic® metal Primer on the steel plate

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — LAM Roof System


在中心,预见新中心 A NEW CENTER FOR A NEW AGE 在上海西南,一个新的商业中心正在形成 ——上海城开中心,吸引了海量投 资和配置了炫目的团队。高端的定位注定对建材的选用精益求精,Sikasil® 赢得了客户的青睐。

In the southwest region of Shanghai, a new commercial center is rising. That is Shanghai U Center, which has attracted huge investment and is armed with dazzling talented teams. Such a high-end project requires a perfect selection of construction materials. Sika found favor in the customer’s eyes with Sikasil®. 文:司林刚


50 余万方建筑面积,90 亿投资。18 万方超甲级写字楼,3.6 万方国际五星级酒 店,10 万方商业聚合体同期开发;KPF、 SOM、JERDE、CPC 联 合 概 念 方 案 设 计, Hassell 景 观 设 计,Draughtzman 内 装 设 计,MVA 交通顾问,ARUP 机电幕墙顾问, BENOY 商业顾问……海量投资和炫目团队 配置的目的只有一个 —— 打造为西南商业 地产的新中心 ——上海城开中心。 高端的项目定位注定对建材选用的精 益求精。15 万平方米的玻璃幕墙更是各方 的关注焦点。在诸多硅胶厂家白热化的竞 争中,西卡凭借 Sikasil® 稳定可靠的产品 质量和过往几年来市场宣传和服务的精耕 细作口碑赢得了客户的青睐。三幢 150 米


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Shanghai U Center

高的写字楼幕墙板块生产过程中,西卡遵 循了对客户的一贯承诺,针对三家幕墙公 司上海远大、上海江河及无锡恒发提供对 应的图纸审核、节点计算、设计咨询、产 品测试等服务,在板块生产长达 7 个月的 漫长生产周期内,提供了 12 次 33 个板块 的成品板块的破坏性割胶测试,从而使得 Sikasil® 结构胶的实际施工质量得到确认。 精诚所至,金石为开。在后期的工厂 配合阶段,客户从最开始的抵触、抗拒、 不解,慢慢的被我们的态度、专业性所感染, 逐渐意识到厂家专业的服务对项目质量的 保证及工厂生产 / 质检工艺提升的必要性。 信任由此点滴积累。到了配合后期,在其 他没有用到西卡产品的幕墙项目上的产品

/ 技术疑问,客户的第一反应也是找寻西 卡验证是其他厂家的解释和方案是否合理。 不打不相识,在国内幕墙客户服务的过程 中,类似的一幕一再上演,西卡硅胶的专 业性口碑也逐渐相传。 的确也是看到西卡幕墙团队的精耕细 作的努力和团队的可靠度,业主 / 顾问一 致决定后期酒店和商业综合体将近 10 余万 的幕墙工程延续使用西卡全系列产品。 每当行车至沪闵高架莲花路段,远远 的看到城开中心,我都不无自豪的要说一 声:看,这就是我们团队的项目!

在板块生产周期内, 西 卡 提 供 了 12 次 33 个板块的成品板块的 破坏性割胶测试。 DURING THE PRODUCTION CYCLE OF PANEL PRODUCTION, SIKA PROVIDED DESTRUCTIVE TAPPING TESTS ON 33 FINISHED PANELS ON 12 OCCASIONS. With a floor area of over 500,000 square meters and an investment of 9 billion, the project consists of an 180,000 square meter Grade A+ office building, a 36,000 square meter five-star hotel and a 100,000 square meter commercial center being developed at the same time. It integrates a joint conceptual design using KPF, SOM, JERDE and CPC, Hassell landscape design, Draughtzman interior design, MVA traffic consultancy, ARUP mechanical and electrical curtain wall consultancy, and BENOY business consultancy. The aim of the huge investment and talented team is to create a new center for commercial real estate in the southwest of Shanghai, the Shanghai U Center. Such a high-end project requires a perfect selection of construction materials. The 150,000 square meter glass curtain wall became the focus for all parties. In the fiercely competitive silicone sealants market, Sika, with its steady and reliable product quality, good market promotion in the past few years and good reputation for attentive service won the owner’s approval and Sikasil was chosen for the work. In the course

of production of the curtain wall panels for the three 150-meter-high office buildings, Sika displayed consistent commitment to its customers. It arranged for three curtain wall companies, Shanghai Yuanda, Shanghai Jianghe and Wuxi Hengfa, to provide assisting services, such as drawing review, joint calculation, design consultancy and product tests. During the seven-monthlong production cycle of panel production, Sika provided destructive tapping tests on 33 finished panels on 12 occasions, to ensure the final construction quality of the Sikasil® structural sealants.

By the end of the coordination stage, even when it came to questions about products and technologies applied to other curtain wall projects which didn’t involve Sika products, the first reaction of the customer was to ask Sika for verification of whether the explanations and solutions provided by other manufacturers were reasonable. As the old Chinese proverb goes, out of blows friendship grows. Such scenes are often replicated in the course of serving domestic curtain wall contractors, through which the professional reputation of Sika’s silicone sealants constantly rises.

It is said that faith will move mountains and so it did. In the later construction coordination stage the customer began to change their attitude towards Sika, from its initial skepticism and lack of understanding in the beginning to a gradual awareness and appreciation of our attitude and professionalism. They realized the significance of the manufacturers’ professional service to guarantee project quality and enhance the factory production/quality control process. As a result, their trust in us gradually rose.

Indeed, the owners and consultants, in recognition of the efforts of the Sika curtain wall team and the product’s reliability, all decided to continue to apply Sika’s range of products to the late-stage curtain wall projects of the hotel and the commercial center covering an area of over 100,000 square meters. Each time I travel past the U Center on the Elevated Express Road, I feel proud to say: look, this is a project of our team!

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Shanghai U Center


惠农实践——湖南宁乡县 灌溉水渠修复成果 CONTRIBUTING TO AGRICULTURE BY REPAIRING IRRIGATION CHANNELS 在使用西卡修补加固产品 Sika MonoTop® 修补砂浆体系进行修复后,本已 破损不堪的湖南宁乡县水利设置恢复正常使用,保证了该县农业的正常生产。

The damaged water conservancy facility in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, was put back to use after being repaired by Sika MonoTop® system to restore local agricultural production. 文/图:忻颖



湖南长沙的宁乡县是我国著名的烟叶 种植地区之一,当地民众于本世纪 50-60 年代修建了大批的水利渡槽、水渠以解决 烟叶生长过程中的灌溉问题。这些水渠均 修建在连绵的山丘上并暴露在自然环境之 下,长期的自然侵蚀使得水利渡槽及水渠 主休出现碳化、风化等现象,局部混凝土 破坏严重。已经严重影响水利的正常使用 并存在较大的安全隐患。 与此同时,湖南各级政府积极响应国 家惠农政策方针,为确保水利设施的正常运 作,湖南水利厅召集了多次技术研讨与现 场勘测,最终选择了西卡的整体修复方案。


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Irrigation Channel Refurbishment

修复方案于 2014 年下半年实施,使 用了 Sika MonoTop® 修补砂浆体系,该体 系在材料强度、施工厚度、耐久性、表观 效果以及施工性能上均表现优异。此外, 西卡 Sika MonoTop® 修补砂浆体系还具备 钢筋阻锈、抗硫酸盐侵蚀、极低的收缩、 低氯离子渗透等功能,最大程度地保障修 复后的构件能够历久长新。 在铲除原有劣制混凝土并按程序进行 基 面 处 理 的 条 件 下,Sika MonoTop®-412 NFG 结 构 修 补 砂 浆 可 直 接 修 复 破 损 严 重 的 部 位,Sika MonoTop®-412 NFG 内 含 的 抗 裂 纤维 使 其 单 次 立 面 可 施 工 厚 度 可

达 30 ~ 50cm 并 不 开 裂, 有 效 解 决 了 局 部 替 换 水 渠 中 已 破 坏 的 混 凝 土 结 构。 当 局 部 破 损 处 理 完 毕 后, 仍 可 使 用 Sika MonoTop®-412 NFG 结构修补砂浆对水渠 大面进行整体修复。 在施工后的一年间,长沙水利局对修 复现场组织了专家随访,其修复效果得到 了业主及设计方的一致好评。很高兴西卡 能为国家惠农政策助力,愿西卡修补材料 给当地更多的水利设施带去福音。


The irrigation channel before repairing.


The irrigation channel after repairing.

Sika MonoTop® 修 补 砂 浆 体 系 在 材

料强度、施工厚度、耐久性、表观效 果以及施工性能上均表现优异。 SIKA MONOTOP® SYSTEM EXCELS IN MATERIAL STRENGTH, CONSTRUCTION THICKNESS, DURABILITY, PERFORMANCE EFFECT AND CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE. Ningxiang County in Changsha, Hunan, is one of the famous tobacco growing regions in China. In the 1950s and 1960s, the local people built a large number of water aqueducts and channels to address the irrigation problem for tobacco growth. However these channels were all built on hills exposed to the natural environment, and due to long-term natural erosion, the bodies of these water aqueducts and channels have become carbonized and weathered with severe damage to the concrete. This seriously affected the regular use of the water facilities, creating a safety hazard. Meanwhile, the governments at all levels in Hunan have actively responded to the demand for national agricultural policies. In order to ensure the normal operation of water irrigation facilities, the Hunan Provincial Department of Water Resources held technical semi-

nars and carried out several field surveys, finally adopting the overall repair plan put forward by Sika. Implemented in the second half of 2014, the repair plan used the Sika MonoTop® mortar repair system. The Sika MonoTop® system excels in material strength, construc tion thickness, durabilit y, performance effect and construction performance. The product also contains corrosion inhibitors for reinforcing steel, providing resistance to sulfate erosion, shrinkage and low chloride ion permeability, which guarantees a long service life for the repaired components. After removing the original inferior concrete and adding surface treatment, Sika MonoTop®- 412 NFG structural repair mortar can directly repair the badly-damaged parts. The anti-cracking fibers contained in Sika MonoTop®-412

NFG make it possible for the singlesurface construction thickness to reach 30 to 50cm and not crack, efficiently resolving the issue of replacing the damaged local concrete structure in the channels. Once localized damage has been repaired, Sika MonoTop®-412 NFG structural repair mortar can continue to be used for the overall repair of the aqueducts and channels. One year on from the work, the Changsha Water Resources Bureau arranged for experts to visit the repair site for follow-ups and Sika’s repair performance won praise from both from the owners and the designers. Sika is delighted to offer assistance to the national agricultural industry and hopes that Sika’s refurbishment products can benefit more local water infrastructure facilities.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Irrigation Channel Refurbishment



西卡地坪 4.0 扬帆起航 SIKA FLOORING 4.0 SETS SAIL 文:陈俊逸



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference

在 2016 西卡地坪和涂料承建商年会上,西卡表 示将进入地坪 4.0 时代,从过去以单一产品为导 向,发展到以行业市场为依托的系统解决方案。

At the 2016 Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference, Sika announced that Sika Flooring will enter the 4.0 era, developing from single-product driven into market-driven total solutions.

扫描二维码详细了解西卡地坪 4.0

Scan the QR code to explore Sika flooring 4.0.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference



2016 年 1 月 11 日至 12 日,西卡 2016 年地坪和涂料承建商年会在美丽的山城重 庆悦来温德姆酒店召开。年会活动在地坪 • 人风采摄影大赛作品展和细分市场展中拉 开了序幕。 晚宴上,西卡大中华区总裁康秉仁先 生在致辞中讲到:“2015 年中国经济模式 已经从基础建设和制造业向内需和服务业 转变 , 并会成为经济新常态。2015 年尽管 整体建筑行业出现下行的压力,但西卡地 坪和涂料仍保持了地坪市场第一的优势地 位,我们不仅仅提供了最优质的产品,还 有最佳的系统解决方案和专业的技术服务, 给我们的合作伙伴带来了增值服务。” 西卡(中国)有限公司副总裁、地坪 和涂料事业部负责人张烨炯先生在主题演 讲中谈到:“2015 是一个不平凡的一年, 外部的市场形势非常严峻,但西卡地坪和


涂料在各个传统细分市场如汽车、电子、 物流、食品、医药等行业仍取得较好成绩, 并在商用建筑市场如医院、学校、展览展 示行业等新细分市场取得了突破性进展, 赢得了 APEC 国家会展中心大议会厅等国 家级重点项目。尤其值得一提的就是地下 车库市场,取得了 182 万平方米的业绩, 成都、深圳、厦门、福州增长强势,新的 Carpark 车库环氧系统的推出成为新的市 场增长点。展望 2016 年,西卡将进入地坪 4.0 时代,就是从过去的单一产品为导向, 发展到以行业市场为依托的系统解决方案。 以发展“蓝海市场”继续扩大西卡地坪的 市场份额,并以发展“细分市场”给合作 伙伴带来更多的利润,使西卡成为最佳系 统提供商和客户的最佳合作伙伴。” 会上除了常规颁发的西卡 2015 年十 佳承建商奖以及 2015 年最佳地坪项目奖,

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference

今年还颁发了 “图书馆慈善计划”的奖杯 以表彰吉林得实公司在此次公益活动中所 作出的突出贡献。同时“西卡杯”2015 年 度地坪——人风采摄影大赛也分别颁出了 金银铜奖,最终 APEC 国家会展中心大议 会厅项目一举夺得了金奖。 第二天的论坛可谓精彩纷呈,会议由 产品及技术服务总监季龚先生主持,李鑫、 钟晓敏等几位细分市场经理分别就物流、 车库、商用建筑、涂料等重点细分市场进 行了主题演讲,承建商代表也上台分享他 们在这几个细分市场的经验。

2016 年将是充满挑战的一年,西卡中 国副总裁张烨炯先生提出了 2016 年的年度 期望词“元年复始”,期待着西卡的地坪 和涂料团队以及承建商伙伴们再出发,在 具有挑战性的 2016 年继续获得成功。


Flooring and Coating Market Segments Exhibition and Photography Competition Exhibition.

2015 年尽管整体建筑行业出现下行

的压力,但西卡地坪和涂料仍保持了 地坪市场第一的优势地位。

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference



The 2016 Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference was held at the Yuelai Wyndham Hotel in the beautiful mountainous city of Chongqing from January 11 th to January 12 th, 2016. The Conference commenced with the Sika Flooring Photography Competition Exhibition and Market Segments Exhibition. “In 2015, China’s economic model had already entered a new phase, with a transition from growth driven by infrastructure construction and manufacturing into an economy driven by domestic demand and the rising service industry. Although as a whole, there was downward pressure on the construction industry, Sika Flooring and Coating still retained its status as No. 1 in the flooring market. We not only provide the best quality products but also have the best systematic solutions and professional technical service, providing our partners with added-value,” said Mr. Michael J. Campion, President of Sika Greater China, in his speech at the dinner party. Mr. Leo Zhang, Vice President and Head of the TM Flooring and Coating Business of Sika China, noted in his keynote speech that “2015 was a special year. Although the external market situation was severe, Sika Flooring and Coating


still achieved remarkable results in all traditional market segments, such as automobiles, electronics, logistics, food and pharmaceuticals. Sika also made notable breakthroughs in new market segments such as the commercial construction market, including hospitals, schools and the exhibition industr y, gaining such key national projects as the Grand Conference Hall of the APEC Beijing Yanqi Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center. What is especially worth mentioning is the Car park market which accomplished a construction area of 1,820,000 square meters with strong growth momentum in Chengdu, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Fuzhou. The newly launched Sikafloor Car park epoxy system has become a new market growth point. Looking into 2016, Sika Flooring will enter the 4.0 era, that is, it will develop from singleproduc t driven into market-driven total solutions. Sika will develop a Blue Ocean market strategy to continue to expand the market share of Sika Flooring and to develop market segments to generate more profits for its contractors so as to enable Sika to become the best system provider and the best partner for its customers.” Besides issuing regular awards, such as the 2015 Sika Top 10 Contractors and

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference

the 2015 the Best Flooring Projects, at the Conference, a charity trophy for the Library Project to praise Jilin Province Deshi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. for its outstanding contribution to the public benefit activity was also issued. Also issued were the Gold, Silver and Copper Medals for the 2015 Sika Flooring and Coating Photography Contest, wherein the Great Conference Hall of the APEC Beijing Yanqi Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center project won the Gold Medal. The second day of the forum saw a great display. Chaired by Mr. John Ji, Head of Product Management & Technical Service, Flooring and Coating, several market segment managers including Li Xin and Zhong Xiaomin, gave speeches on such critical market segments as logistics, garages, commercial construction and coating. Contractor representatives also came on stage and shared their experience in these market segments. 2016 will be a year full of challenges. Mr. Leo Zhang, Vice President of Sika China, put forward the new annual theme— New Era and New Brilliance in hoping the Sika Flooring and Coating team and contractor partners will continue to achieve remarkable success during the challenging year of 2016.


2015 Top Ten Sika Flooring Contractors were awarded with the special inscription in Chinese calligraphy written by a Sika employee.


Jilin Deshi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. was awarded with a charity trophy for the Sika Library Project.

APEC 国家会展中心大议会厅项目图片荣获“西卡杯”2015 年 度地坪 -人风采摄影大赛金奖。

The picture of the Great Conference Hall of the APEC Beijing Yanqi Lake International Convention & Exhibition Center won the Gold Medal of 2015 Sika Flooring and Coating Photography Contest.


2015 Sika top 10 flooring projects were awarded.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sika Flooring and Coating Contractors Annual Conference




从“外”到“内”,西卡地坪和 涂料持续领跑医药细分市场 SIKA FLOORING AND COATING CONTINUES TO OCCUPY THE LEADING POSITION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET 医药行业被视为“永远的朝阳产业”近年来一直处于持续、稳定、快速的发 展阶段。西卡地坪和涂料业务一直把医药行业作为重点关注的细分市场之一, 在过去的五年内,西卡在医药项目上地坪和涂料的施工面积从 2011 年的 5 万平米逐步增加到 2015 年的 45.6 万平米,呈逐年递增趋势。

The pharmaceutical industry, often regarded as a forever “rising-sun” industry, has been in a sustained, stable and rapid development stage in recent years in China. Sika has always considered the pharmaceutical market as one of its most important market segments. In the last 5 years, the total floor area using Sika flooring and coating products in this industry has grown from 50,000 square meters in 2011 to 456,000 square meters in 2015, displaying a rapid increase year by year. 文:张峰


在刚刚过去的 2015 年,中国经济增长 减速,国内市场需求不足,部分行业产能 过剩,投资减速,如何在这样的经济环境 中保持竞争力并获得更大的市场占有率? 这需要我们更加专注于那些持续增长和拥 有巨大的发展潜力的行业,如医药、电子、 汽车、物流、食品和商业建筑等细分市场。 作为“永远的朝阳产业”的医药行业, 随着国内人民生活水平的提高和医疗保健

需求的不断增加,已经越来越受到公众和 政府的关注,而且我国医药行业近年来确 实一直处于持续、稳定、快速的发展阶段。 所以,西卡一直把医药行业作为重点关注 的细分市场之一。在过去的五年内,西卡 在医药项目上施工面积从 2011 年的 5 万平 米逐步增加到 2015 年的 45.6 万平米,呈 逐年递增趋势。世界知名药企在中国投资 的工厂 80% 以上都在使用西卡地坪和涂料 产品,其中包括辉瑞、诺华、阿斯利康、

礼来、罗氏、强生、默克、默沙东等国际 制药巨头。他们对西卡专业的系统解决方 案和优质的服务非常满意,后续投资的新 建厂房和改造厂房中,西卡将继续成为他 们优秀供应商品牌之一。 据瑞达恒建筑工程信息网统计,2015 年初到 2016 年末,国内在建的和新建的药 品及医疗用品的总面积达 2600 万平方米 (总造价达 750 亿人民币),而其中民营制

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Flooring Solution




药企业占了总面积和总造价的 92%,其发 展势头迅猛,市场潜力巨大。在 2011 年以 前,国内民营制药企业生产车间的地坪大多 是以国内品牌为主。随着 《药品生产质量 管理规范(2010 年修订)》的实施(简称 新版 GMP),国家食品药品监督局要求自 2011 年 3 月 1 日起,制药企业新建和改建的 车间均应符合新版 GMP 要求。新版 GMP 规 范更加强调制药企业生产过程中的无菌、净 化要求,这对于产品系统拥有洁净室适用材 料认证的西卡公司来说,无疑是进入民营制 药企业的最好时机。从 2011 年到 2014 年期

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Flooring Solution

间,西卡先后为华北制药、宜昌人福、江中 制药、远大制药、北京同仁堂等知名民营药 企提供过地坪和涂料的系统解决方案。2015 年,西卡新推出的装饰性环氧彩砂自流平系 统(Sikafloor®- 263 SL Décor)获得了众多 民营制药企业主的一致认可,先后成功应用 于南京正大天晴药业、连云港恒瑞医药、浙 江海正药业、浙江震元制药、北京绿竹药业 的新建和扩建项目(总面积达 3 万平方米)。 2016 年,Sikafloor® 263 SL Décor 环氧彩砂 自流平系统还将在山东齐鲁制药、泰邦生物、 浙江普洛康裕制药、南京奥赛康、浙江华海

药业等更多民营制药企业继续应用,总施工 面积预计会达 10 万平方米。 在 未 来 的 三 年 内, 我 们 将 借 鉴

Sikafloor®- 263 SL Décor 系 统 在 民 营 制 药 企 业 成 功 推 广 的 经 验, 继 续 推 出 更 多 高 洁 净 度 等 级, 高 度 美 观 耐 用 的 地 坪 和 涂 料 产 品 系 统, 如 Sikafloor®-266 CR、 Sikafloor®-381、Sikagard® Wallcoat N 等, 打造从地面到墙面的一体化解决方案,持 续领跑医药细分市场。

In the year of 2015, China’s economy experienced a growth slowdown, domestic market demand decreased, some industries saw overcapacity and investment decelerated. How can we keep our competitiveness and increase market share in such an environment? The key is to focus more on those market segments which continue to grow and have huge potential, such as the pharmaceutical, electronic, automobile, logistic, food and commercial construction markets. The pharmaceutical industry, the forever “rising-sun” industry, has gained more and more at tention from the public and the government with the improvement in citizen’s living standards and the increasing demand for medical care in China. In recent years, China’s pharmaceutical industry has been in a sustained, stable and rapid development stage. Therefore, Sika has always treated the pharmaceutical market as one of the most important market segments. In the past 5 years, the area of projects using Sika flooring and coating products in the pharmaceutical industry has grown from 50,000 square meters in 2011 to 456,000 square meters in 2015, showing a rapid increase year by year. 80% of the world famous pharmaceutical companies investing in China have used Sika flooring and coating products, including Pfizer, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Lilly, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Merck and MSD. They are all satisfied with Sika’s professional systematic solutions and excellent service. In return, Sika will become one of their qualified vendors in their new offices and innovative production facilities. According to RCC statistics, from the beginning of 2015 to 2016, the total size of newly built and under-construction pharmaceutical production facilities for medicines and medical supplies reached 26 million square meters with a total investment of 75 billion RMB, of which, the new projects by China’s local pharmaceutical enterprises account for 92% both in size and budget, thereby show-

ing huge potential for development. Before 2011, China’s local pharmaceutical facilities generally used flooring materials provided by China’s domestic brands. However, with the implementation of Good Manufacture Practices for Drugs (GMP), the China Food and Drug Administration required pharmaceutical enterprises to comply with the new GMP for their newly built or refurbished facilities from 1 March 2011. The new GMP emphasizes the need for a sterile, clean environment during the production process. This represented the best timing for Sika to enter this market since our flooring and coating materials have passed clean room certifications. From 2011 to 2014, Sika provided flooring and coating system solutions for several famous domestic private pharmaceutical companies including North China Pharma, Yichang Renfu, Jiangzhong Pharma, Grand Pharma, and Beijing Tongrentang. In 2015, Sika’s new decorative epoxy color granules self-levelling system won universal recognition from

many domestic private pharmaceutical companies. This new flooring system was applied successfully in the new and expansion projects of Nanjing Chia Tai Tianqing, Lianyungang Hengrui Medicine, Zhejiang Hisun, Zhejiang Zhenyuan and Beijing Luzhu among others (Total floor area 30,000 square meters). In 2016, Sikafloor®-263 SL Décor system will be applied in many more projects including those of Shandong Qilu Pharma, China Biologic, Zhejiang Apeloa Kangyu, Nanjing ASK and Zhejiang Huahai, with an estimated total floor area of 100,000 square meters. In the next 3 years, we will further explore the successful cases using Sikafloor®-263 SL Décor in China’s private pharmaceutical companies to provide more high class, clean, beautiful and durable flooring and coating systems such as Sikafloor®-266 CR, Sikafloor®-381 and Sikagard® Wallcoat N. We will continue to develop an integral system from flooring to walls to maintain the leading position in the pharmaceutical market.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Flooring Solution


厚 + 薄 , 西卡综合防火 解决方案 THICK COATING PLUS THIN COATING: SIKA’S INTEGRATED FIRE PROTECTION SOLUTION Sika® Unitherm® 超薄型防火涂料占据了国内高端膨胀型防火涂料市场的半 壁江山。在雄厚的混凝土砂浆技术基础上,西卡进一步推出了厚型防火涂料 Sikacrete®-50160,弥补了其在砂浆内防火涂料产品的空白。

In addition to its well-known thin fireproof coating Sika® Unitherm®, Sika has developed thick-layer fireproof coating Sikacrete®-50160 employing its strong technical knowledge of mortar to complete its product range. 文/图:孙令



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Fireproof Solution

西卡超薄型防火涂料和厚型防火涂 料同时应用在西安强生供应链生产 基地防火涂装项目当中。

Sika® Unitherm®-38091, superthin fireproof coating and Sikacrete®-50160, thick fireproof coating, are both used in Xi’an Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain Base.


作为全球知名的防火涂料,自 1996 年进入中国市 场以来,西卡 Unitherm 防火涂料系列已经被广泛地应 用在工业、核电、民用建筑领域。西卡超薄型防火涂 料 Sika® Unitherm®-38091,更是成为防火涂料业内高 性能的标杆产品,占据了国内高端膨胀型防火涂料市 场的半壁江山。 随着消防法规的日益更新和防火涂料市场的 逐 渐 演 变, 我 们 也 紧 跟 时 代 步 伐, 从 西 卡 雄 厚 的 混 凝土砂浆技术储备中,推出西卡厚型防火涂料产品 Sikacrete®-50160。该产品能进一步拓展高耐火等级下的 市场领域,弥补了我们在砂浆类防火涂料产品中的空白。

2015 年,我们成功地将两个产品同时应用在西安 强生供应链生产基地防火涂装项目当中。西卡防火涂 料顺利地经历了工期长、冬季施工等不利因素的影响, 受到了客户良好的反馈。 厚型防火和超薄型防火的联合解决方案,除了 对设定工作有极大的促进作用外,也会进一步提升西 卡在防火涂料领域的市场影响力。相信在今后越来越 多的项目中可以同时看到 Sika® Unitherm®-38091 和 Sikacrete®-50160 在为我们的生命财产安全保驾护航。

A world-famous fireproof coating brand, Sika® Unitherm® has been widely used in the heavy industry, nuclear and public use fields in China since 1996. The super thin fireproof coating Sika® Unitherm® 38091, with a majorit y market share in the high-end fireproof coating market, has become the industry benchmarking product. Along with the rapid improvement in fire protection regulations, Sika has closely kept up with new market trends by developing a new thick-layer fireproof coating product, Sikacrete®-50160 employing our strong technical capability in mor tar products. This product further expanded the market in high heat resistance products and covered Sika’s product line gap in fireproofing mortar products.

In 20 15, Sika successfully applied both its super-thin fireproof coating Sika® Unitherm®38091 and thick fireproof coating Sikacrete®-50 160 at the Xi’an Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain Base. The products per formed well through the long construction period as well as through winter application and were well received by the customers. This integrated fire protection solution using both thin and thick coating products will provide a competitive advantage for Sika, and will enhance its market influence as a professional supplier. We are confident that Sika’s thick plus thin fire protection solution will safeguard more and more projects in the future.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Fireproof Solution


实力拼装打造全球最大瓷瓶 HOLDING THE WORLD’S BIGGEST PORCELAIN VASE TOGETHER LUXURY AND SAFETY 中国是瓷器制作的发源地,现存的原始瓷器可以追溯到商朝时期(公元前 1600 年至 1046 年),而在公元前 618 年至 907 年就已出口到伊斯兰世界, 被当地人视作珍宝。几千年后,来自高加索地区的艺术家采用了现代技术, 借助 Sikaflex® 超强性能,打造出全球最大的瓷瓶。

China was the birthplace of porcelain making and proto-porcelain wares exist dating from the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BC) while at 618–907 AD it was already exported to the Islamic world, where it was highly prized. Thousands of years later, an artist from the Caucasus region, created a biggest porcelain vase thanks to Sikaflex®.



陶瓷材料是在窑中将材料(通常包括 高岭土)加热到 1200°C 和 1400°C 之间而 制成。相对于其他类型的陶器,主要由于 在上述高温下出现玻璃化,并在瓷胎内部 形成矿物质莫来石,让瓷器的韧性、强度 和半透明性都得到了提高。 这种材料的现用名来自意大利语

porcellana(即贝壳),因为它和贝壳的半 透明表面非常相似。在一些英语国家中, 瓷器可以非正式地被称为 china(瓷器)或 fine china(细瓷)。与瓷器相关的特性包 括较低的渗透率和弹性,非常高的强度、 硬度、韧性、白度、透明度和共振性,以 及对化学侵蚀和热冲击的高耐性。在 2015 年,一项新纪录诞生了! 2015 年初,为了


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sealing and Bonding Solution

向在图林根洛希腾堡举办的“瓷器世界” 展献礼,特打造了全世界最大的瓷瓶(高 约八米)。来自高加索地区的艺术家 Alim Pasht-Han 和拥有悠久历史的瓷器制造商 莱 辛 巴 赫 公 司, 携 手 打 造 出 这 座 7.90 米 高的艺术品。西卡德国公司自豪地表示, Alim Pasht-Han 能够做到这一点,皆是因 为 他 本 人 对 西 卡 久 经 考 验 的 Sikaflex® 产 品 有 着 百 分 百 的 信 心。 在 此 之 前, 如 此 大规模地将瓷器部件粘合在一起的所有 尝 试, 都 以 失 败 告 终。 而 如 今 通 过 借 助 Sikaflex®,却惊人地成功了! 这件独特的设计由 360 个蜂窝状瓷器 部件构成,这些部件分 13 层,彼此拼装在

一起,并且使用 Sikaflex®,对内部进行进 一步加固。这位艺术家的灵感来自大自然 的蜂窝和马尾原理。这让他能够为瓷器这 种易碎材料赋予必要的稳定性和尺寸,来 创造出这件花瓶。花瓶的图案同样取自大 自然,在每一个蜂窝部件上采用手绘完成。 这名艺术家沉浸在这种钴蓝色和金色的传 统瓷器色彩之中,发挥出无限的想象。经 过大约一年半的设计和制造,2015 年 4 月, 这件花瓶就已在洛克滕堡的瓷器世界展上 亮相。 这件采用西卡产品拼接而成的全球最 大的花瓶,一定令人难以忘怀 ,让“瓷器 世界”展绝对值得一观。

The ceramic material is made by heating materials, generally including kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 and 1,400°C. The toughness, strength and translucence of porcelain, relative to other types of pottery, arises mainly from vitrification and the formation of the mineral mullite within the body at these high temperatures. The material derives its present name from the Italian porcellana (cowrie shell) because of its resemblance to the translucent surface of the shell. Porcelain can informally be referred to as china or fine china in some English-speaking countries. Properties associated with porcelain include low permeability and elasticity; considerable strength, hardness, toughness, whiteness, translucency and resonance; and a high resistance

to chemical attack and thermal shock. In 2015 a record was broken! The biggest porcelain vase in the world, which stands around eight meters high, was created in early 2015 for the “Porcelain Worlds” exhibition at Castle Leuchtenburg in Thüringen. Artist Alim Pasht-Han, from the Caucasus region, created the 7.90 m high objet d’art for the exhibition together with long-established porcelain manufacturer Reichenbach, and Sika Germany is proud to note that he relied on Sika’s tried and tested Sikaflex® products to do so. Hitherto, all attempts to bond porcelain pieces on this monumental scale had failed. Thanks to Sikaflex®, they have now succeeded! The unique design consists of 360 honeycomb shaped porcelain pieces, which were built up one upon the other in 13

layers, and further secured on the inside with Sikaflex®. The artist took his inspiration for the honeycomb and horsetail principle from nature. This enabled him to give such a fragile material as porcelain the necessary stability and size to make the vase. The motifs, which were painted by hand on each and every honeycomb, are also taken from nature. The artist confined himself here to the traditional porcelain colors of cobalt blue and gold. After around a year and a half of design and manufacturing work, in April 2015 the vase was ready to be presented at the Porcelain Worlds exhibition at Leuchtenburg. The “Porcelain Worlds” exhibition is definitely worth a visit – the world’s biggest vase, held together by Sika products, is an impressive sight!

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Sealing and Bonding Solution




西卡硅酮胶携手首航节能, 开启光热太阳能新篇章 A NEW CHAPTER IN THE PHOTOTHERMAL SOLAR ENERGY FIELD 三月的敦煌,也许才是沙漠戈壁本有的样子,大风夹杂着沙尘巡逻着 这片土地,蓄势等待着八月份的首届丝绸之路(敦煌)国际文化博览会。 敦煌,大漠明珠,景有鸣沙山、月牙泉、雅丹、阳关、玉门关,文有 享誉世界的莫高窟和丝路文化。然而这片戈壁滩上正在酝酿着她新的 标签:新能源产业基地。西卡硅酮胶为这里的中国首座熔盐塔式光热 电站提供背板粘接方案。

Dunhuang in March may be what the Gobi desert is supposed to be: the wind is blowing sand and dust across the land, preparing for the First Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Culture Expo (SRDICE) to be held in August. Dunhuang, a pearl of the desert, enjoys such beautiful scenic spots as Mingsha Shan (Singing-Sand Mountain), Crescent Lake, yardang, Yangguan and Yumenguan and boasts the world famous Mogao Caves and Silk Road culture. However, this piece of desert is now developing her new label: New Energy Industry Base. Here Sika provides the back panel bonding solutions for China’s First Molten Salt Solar Power Tower Station.



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — First Molten Salt Solar Power Tower Station



走进七里镇的新能源产业基地,望不 到边的太阳能组件像百万士兵一样驻守着 这片疆土,把大漠的阳光转成电能输送到 大江南北。在这成片的士兵当中,有一只 精锐部队正在崛起 —— 北京首航节能公司 的中国首座熔盐塔式光热电站。 熔盐塔式光热太阳能是通过反射镜将 光线汇聚到集热塔,通过熔盐集热,再利用 收集的热量来发电。北京首航艾启威节能技 术股份有限公司正在开工建设的 10MW 光


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — First Molten Salt Solar Power Tower Station

热发电项目实现了敦煌光热发电装机零的 突破,项目建成后年利用小时 5250 小时, 年发电量约 52500MW.h。这将成为中国大 地上首座熔盐塔式光热电站。在此示范项目 之后,还有 100MW 的工程等待启动。 在整套集热系统中,需要安装上万片 反射镜面,西卡在项目过程中一直与客户保 持紧密沟通,利用西卡硅酮胶卓越的耐老化 性能,以及西卡全球在太阳能领域丰富的市 场和技术经验,为首航节能提供了金属背板

与镜面涂层的有效耐久粘接方案。并且西卡 的销售技术团队也深入到敦煌现场,帮助客 户解决生产过程中遇到的相关问题,给予客 户专业的技术培训,保证项目的顺利进行。 西卡在太阳能行业一直致力于与客户 共同成长,为客户提供更好的解决方案和 更优质的服务。在光伏、光热、风电等新 能源领域,西卡用优越的产品,优质的服务, 与客户一起创造美丽的明天!


After entering the New Energy Industry Base in Seven-Mile Town, all we could see were solar modules stretching to the horizon like millions of soldiers guarding the land, converting the sunshine in the desert into electrical energy and transporting it to other areas across China. Among this land of soldiers, a leader is emerging and it is China’s first molten salt solar power tower station built by Beijing Shouhang IHW Resources Saving Technology Co., Ltd. (Shouhang Resources Saving).

Using reflectors, sunlight is directed into the power tower which applies molten salt to collect heat, which is then used to generate electricity. The 10MW thermal power generation project under construction by Shouhang Resources Saving is a major technological breakthrough for the Dunhuang region. After completion of project, it will have an annual capacity of 5,250 utilized hours and an annual energy output of 52,500 MWh. It will also become the first molten salt solar power tower station in China. After this demonstration project has been completed, another 100MW project will commence. Tens of thousands of reflectors were required to be installed to complete the heat collecting system. During the project construction, Sika maintained close communication with the customer. With its excellent aging-resistant sili-

cone sealants and rich global market and technical experience in solar energy, Sika provided Shouhang Resources Saving with efficient and durable bonding solutions for the metal back panels and their mirror coating. Moreover, Sika’s technical sales team also visited the site in Dunhuang, to assist the customer in addressing problems that arose during the course of construction, providing professional technical training to guarantee the smooth progress of the project. Sika has always been dedicated to growing with its customers in the solar energy industry and providing them with better solutions and better service. In new energy fields, such as photovoltaic, thermal, and wind energy, with its excellent products and quality service, Sika is working closely with customers to create a brilliant future!

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — First Molten Salt Solar Power Tower Station






为优化产品包装,让产品形象更具高品质 的专业化及精细化,提升品牌形象,西卡将从 其分销产品开始,对产品包装进行全面改版升 级。新的包装设计与西卡自 2013 年推出的新 的企业形象设计保持一致。同时,新的包装设 计在内容的呈现架构上也有所改进,让消费者 更容易辨识出西卡产品。 分销产品的新包装将于 2016 年 3 月底开 始陆续上市,新老包装处于交替状态。在零售 产品包装更新过渡期间,可能会出现新、老包 装产品同时在市场上存在的现象,请大家予以 理解。 若您对西卡分销产品有任何疑问,可拨打 分销客服热线:4008-852-068 ( 周一——周五 9:00-17:30)


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — New Package

In order to improve product image, Sika launched a new packaging design starting with its distribution produc ts. The new design is consistent with Sika’s new corporate identity which rolled out in 20 13. Several improvements have als o b e en in cor p or a t e d to be t ter s tr uc tur e the information shown on the packaging, which will make it easier for customers to identify Sika products.

P r o du c t s w i t h t h e n e w packaging design start to enter the market from the end of March 2016. Please understand that there will be a transition period when the old packaging design and new packaging design are both available in the market. Should you have any inquiries about Sika distribution products, please call the hotline 4008-852-068 (9:0017:30, Monday to Friday)

扫描二维码获取更多 新包装信息。

Scan the QR code for more information of new packages.



第十届全国汽车胶粘剂 / 密封胶行业会议于 3 月 20-22 日在苏州万怡酒店顺利召开。本次会议由西卡(中 国)有限公司汽车事业部协办。 随着中国汽车工业的快速发展和汽车技术水平的 不断提高,各种新材料、新工艺在汽车生产中不断推 出。本次会议的主要议题为加速开发无污染、轻量化、 减震降噪的汽车胶粘剂 / 密封胶产品,以适应和满足 汽车安全、环保、舒适及新能源汽车发展的要求。

The 2016 China National Automotive Adhesive and Sealant Industry Conference co-organized by Sika China’s Autmotive Department was held in Suzhou at the Marriott Hotel from March 20-22.

With the rapid development of the Chinese automotive industry and the improvement of auto technology, 本次会议吸引了来自科研机构、高校、汽车主机厂、 more and more new materials and pro胶粘剂厂家以及原材料生产厂等相关单位的 180 多人参 cesses are being developed for use in 会。会议收集并出版了三十四份专业的论文和专题文章, the production of cars. The theme for 上午的会议由南汽的朱纯金经理主持,各报告单位在紧 the conference this year was to acceler张激烈的氛围中,进行了内容详尽的报告,完成了二十 ate the development of adhesives and 份报告,特别是西卡公司特邀了两位国外专家,介绍了 sealants that are pollution-free, light目前国外胶粘剂的使用情况以及市场趋势。 weight, vibration and noise reducing, to allow the automotive industry to meet 下午的讨论由东风技术中心的杨丹总师主持,与 the growing need for safe, environ会专家代表就本次会议主题,进行了深入的交流,特 mentally friendly, comfortable and new 别是针对 VOC 的问题,胶厂的研发人员与主机厂进行 energy-powered vehicles. 了卓有成效的沟通。 下午的会议中,李静秘书长代表协会颁发了第六 届理事会专家证书,任期四年。李秘书长也做了第五 届理事会工作报告以及关于第六届理事会成立事宜进 行了部署。随后分会的曾天辉专家就关于修订新版《汽 车粘接剂密封胶应用手册》做了详细的报告,得到了 与会专家的热烈反响和一致的支持。 晚宴由西卡公司设宴招待与会的专家,大家在热情 的气氛中进行了充分的交流,特别是秘书长,曲军博士 以及张俊华专家的美妙歌声给大家留下了深深的印象。

This conference attracted over 180 industry specialists from research organizations, universities, automobile manufacturers, adhesive producers and raw material producers. In total a collection of discussion 34 papers were issued. In the morning seminar, hosted by Mr. Zhu Chunjin from Nanjing Automobile Corporation, 20 reports were made by participants. In particular,

two experts from Sika delivered a report on the use of adhesives and state of the market overseas. In the afternoon, hosted by Yang Dan from the Technology Center of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, a discussion forum was held on the conference theme, with special focus on the VOC issue, on which R&D personnel from adhesive producers and representatives from vehicle manufacturers held an effective discussion group. At the conference, the Secretary General of the Automotive Adhesive and Sealant Industry Association issued certificates and instructions to the experts of the sixth council and made work reports on behalf of the fifth council. Then a report was made by Zeng Tianhui on the vision of the Application Manual for Automobile Adhesives and Sealants, which was supported by participants. At the evening banquet, organized by Sika, lively discussions continued. The singing performance by the Secretary General, Dr. Qu from Sika and Zhang Junhua impressed the listeners greatly.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Adhesive/Sealant Meeting


SikaPower®-2900 获 2016 北京国际汽保展 最佳产品推荐奖



2016 年 3 月 3 日 - 6 日, 西 卡 携 其 整套汽车售后维修 产 品 及 最 新 汽 车 保 养 品参加了第 65 届北京国际汽保展。展会 期 间, 汽 车 售 后 市 场 的 塑 料 件 维 修 套 装 SikaPower®-2900 以其在售后保险杠维修市 场独一无二的优势,获得了最佳产品推荐奖。 三月的北京春寒仍在,却挡不住大家参 加展会的热心,3 日一大早就有许多观众排 队入场。本届展会云集一大批汽车维修工具 服务商和汽车养护品厂商,并在 4 天中相继 颁发了 2015 年度“中国汽保创新产品奖”, 表彰了“中国汽保协会优秀会员单位”,并 举行了 “AMR 北京国际汽保展推荐产品” 活动。


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — AMR 2016

展 会 期 间, 络 绎 不 绝 的 观 众 集 中 到 西卡展台,询问西卡在售后维修方面的产 品及其应用。其中,西卡玻璃粘接胶以其 杰出的性能和汽车原厂认证获得了大家的 认 可。 此 外, 西 卡 钣 金 密 封 胶 Sikaflex® Auto 和钣金密封胶带 Sikaflex® Auto Tape 以可还原原厂密封外观和易于使用的特性 引起了众多观众的兴趣。 西 卡 在 售 后 独 有 的 一 款 产 品:

Sikaflex®-529 AT,不仅可以喷涂成凹凸颗 粒状底盘装甲(降噪性能优异,现场铜锣 演示效果明显),还可以还原汽车原厂鱼 鳞花纹。


PowerCure 技术也在展会期间闪亮登场, SikaTack® Elite(PowerCure 技 术 聚 氨 酯 玻璃胶)的强度生成之快,是其他聚氨酯 胶粘剂所不能达到的。

4 天的时间说长不长,说短不短,大 家在展会中收获颇多,与众多汽修工具服务 商建立了沟通渠道。最重要的是,让更广 阔领域的人士了解了西卡,认识到西卡在 汽车售后领域的专业性及其技术的领先性。

Sika, along with its series of after-sales auto repair products and latest auto maintenance products, participated in the Auto Maintenance & Repair Expo 2016 (AMR 2016) from March 3rd to March 6th 2016. During the exhibition, the SikaPower®-2900 plastic repair system won the Best Product Recommendation Award for its unique advantages in the after-sales bumper repair market. Although March was still chilly in Beijing, the general public remained keen on visiting the Expo. Early on the morning of March 3rd, many were queuing to enter the venue. AMR 2016 gathered a large number of auto repair tool service providers and auto maintenance product manufacturers. At the conference the 2015 China Auto Maintenance Innovation Products Award was issued, Excellent Member Units of the China Auto Maintenance and Repair Association (CAMRA) were commended and the AMR Recommended Products activity was hosted. During the exhibition, Sika’s booth attracted many visitors, asking about its after-sales repair products and applications. Sika’s glass adhesives in particular received popular recognition for their outstanding performance and OEM-approved system. In addition, Sika’s sheet metal sealant—Sikaflex® Auto and Sika’s sheet metal sealing adhesive tape, Sikaflex®-Auto Tape, intrigued many visitors because of their ease of use and ability to restore the original sealed appearance. Sikaflex®-529 AT, the after-sales product unique to Sika, can not only be sprayed onto concave and convex chassis plate protection (with excellent noise reduction performance with a remarkable effect as shown during the onsite demonstration) but it can also restore the original production pattern. Sika PowerCure technology, the new-generation fast solidifying glass adhesive system, made its first appearance during the exhibition. No other polyurethane adhesive can achieve such rapid strong cohesion as SikaTack® Elite (polyurethane glass adhesive using PowerCure technology) does. Four days may be short, but ever yone benefited greatly from the Expo, setting up communication channels with many auto repair tool service providers. What mattered most was that people in broader fields were able to learn about Sika and its professionalism in the auto aftermarket and its leading role in new technologies.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — AMR 2016




2016 年 3 月 9 日 - 12 日,中国家电及 消费电子博览会在上海国际博览中心盛大 开幕,展示包括传统家电、视听、数码、通讯、 智能家居等消费电子和智能应用产品,展 会影响力享誉全球,是全球三大家电及消 费电子展之一。 西卡作为海尔等家电制造公司的优秀 供应商,此次也首次亮相家博会。西卡公 司传承百年的瑞士品质以及创新性的家电 行业解决方案,吸引了众多知名家电制造 商以及无数家电及电器配套公司。


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — AWE 2016

西卡热熔胶技术在冰箱门板粘接方面 体现了巨大的优势:解决冰箱玻璃门体闪 缝问题,自动化施工的优势及降低物料成 本。从产品结构设计、基材变形、粘接材 料本身粘接强度、后期受力、冰箱设计寿 命等涉及方面,系统且全面的分析了现存 闪缝(玻璃与门框用胶带粘接产生的缝隙) 问题产生的原因,从而提供最终的可行性 解决方案。粘接剂本身优异的强度性能可 大大降低闪缝问题,而且胶的使用使自动 化施工成为可能。机器人、胶机和打胶平

台组成了最基本的自动化施工系统。通过 对系统的设定,机器人能够精确地对冰箱 门体进行施胶,不论是在胶型和胶量的控 制,以及施胶的速度上都能达到一个完美 的结果。 通过本次家博会这个开放平台,西卡 和众多家电制造商的合作也迈入了一个新 的台阶,合作更加广泛和深入;西卡的先 进技术理念和创新解决方案在智能化方面 得到了充分的体现以及行业认可,西卡也 为整个家电行业带来新的增长动力。

The 2016 Appliance & Electronics World Expo (AWE) was held from March 9 th to March 12 th at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, displaying traditional home appliances, audio-visual products, digital products, communications, smart furniture and other consumer electronics and smart application products. With a global influence, AWE has become one of the world’s three biggest exhibitions in the field of home appliances and electronics. As one of the preferred suppliers of many appliance manufacturers such as Haier, Sika participated in AWE for the first time this year. With a century-old inheritance of Swiss quality and innovative appliance industry solutions, Sika drew the attention of many famous appliance manufacturers and numer-

ous supporting appliance and electrical equipment producers. Sika’s hot melt technology enjoys great advantages in refrigerator door panel bonding, addressing refrigerator glass door body joint issues, realizing full production automation and reducing material cost. From product structure design, material deformation, bonding strength of the adhesives, postapplication and load bearing capacity to refrigerator lifespan, Sika, with its hot melt technology has systematically and comprehensively analyzed the cause of the current technological deficiencies (the gap caused by the tape bonding between the glass and the door frame) and provided an effective solution. The excellent strength of the adhesives can significantly reduce the possibility of

gaps emerging and the use of the adhesives makes automated production possible. Robots, glue machines, and glue platforms make up the automated production system. After the system has been set up, robots can efficiently glue a refrigerator door body, achieving perfect results in all aspects, be it the glue type, the control of glue amount, or gluing speed. Via the AME open platform, Sika made new strides towards more extensive and deeper cooperation with many appliance manufacturers. Sika’s advanced technological concepts and innovative solutions in the aspect of intelligent production were showcased and gained greater industry recognition. Sika has also given new growth impetus to the whole appliance industry.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — AWE 2016





2016 年 3 月 8 日 -10 日,瑞士西卡携 全系门窗幕墙产品以及聚氨酯胶密封粘结、 木门配套体系、家装玻璃胶等领域产品和最 新解决方案参加 2016 第 22 届全国铝门窗 幕墙行业年会暨铝门窗幕墙新产品博览会。 本届博览会占地面积 8 万平方米,给 参观者提供了 6 大主体展区:门窗系统、 设备、五金配件、建筑外立面、铝型材隔 热条、建筑结构胶。展会汇聚了 26 个国家 和地区的 550 多家精英企业,展出了超过 15,000 件产品。本次展会,共记 61627 名 专业观众现场参观采购,参观人数同比增 长 31.7%,对国内的门窗幕墙行业起到了 不容置疑的推广和推进作用。


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Windoor Expo 2016

三天展会期间,前来西卡展位咨询, 参观的幕墙公司、设计院、各地经销商络绎 不绝,其中“地产直通车—新加坡凯德集团” 也参观了西卡展位,西卡与新加坡凯德集团 有着长期稳定的合作,其中凯德旗下的高端 商业综合体—来福士广场,大陆七个来福 士项目有六个(包括在建的)运用了西卡 门窗幕墙产品,借这次展示机会,西卡寻 求与凯德集团更深层次的合作。展会期间, 西卡团队向来宾详细介绍了成熟的产品方 案、分享了成功的项目案例,充分展示了 西卡公司专业技术方案提供者的形象。 本次展会,西卡还展示了分销部门的 聚氨酯胶密封粘结、木门配套体系、家装

玻璃胶等应用领域产品。其中西卡木门配 套系统已成功与各大木门品牌商合作,如 作为 TATA 木门品牌的配套商之一,西卡 的发泡胶及门窗胶以卓越性能、稳定品质、 扎实供应优势颇受配套商好评;品牌商的 技术创新及强强联手才是现今经济形势下 的赢世之道。 一城花,二目景,三点雨,四时春, 五行人,和记忆中一样,三月的广州依旧 是熙熙攘攘,是沉闷湿热,是车马喧嚣, 是细雨滴答,但是除了湿和远方,还孕育 着生机。三天展会很短暂,但是每一次来 都有不同的收获。

Taking its products and solutions for façade, windows as well as polyurethane bonding, wooden door supporting systems, and home decoration glass glues, Sika attended the China Aluminum Window Door Facade Expo 2016 (Windoor Expo 2016) from March 8th to March 10th this year. Windoor Expo 2016 covered an area of 80,000 square meters, providing visitors with six major exhibition areas: Window and Door Systems, Equipment, Hardware & Fittings, Building Facade, Aluminum Profiles, and Structural adhesives. The Expo gathered over 550 elite companies from 26 countries and regions exhibiting more than 15,000 products. 61,627 professionals attended showing a 31.7% year-on-year increase in the number of visitors. The Expo without doubt further promoted the development of China’s window, door, and façade industry.

During the three-day exhibition, Sika received many visitors from façade companies, design studios, and sales agents, including CapitaLand Singapore (CLS), with which Sika has a long-term stable partnership. The high-end commercial complex-Raffles City, under CLS, has seven Raffles City projects in mainland China and six of them (including those under construction) use Sika’s façade and window products. Though the display, Sika sought closer cooperation with CLS. The Sika team introduced visitors to mature product details and shared its successful project cases, fully representing Sika’s image of a professional technical solution provider. Sika also displayed products from its Distribution Channel in such application fields as polyurethane adhesive sealing, wooden door supporting systems, and home decoration glass glue. Regarding Sika’s wooden door supporting

system in particular, Sika has gone into partnership with various wooden door manufacturers. For example, as one of the supporting service providers of TATA (a wooden door brand), Sika has won praise from customers for the excellent performance, reliable quality and constant supply advantages of its Styrofoam and window and door glue. Only through technical innovation and cooperation between strong brands can success be achieved under the current economic environment. Guangzhou is a city of flowers, beautiful landscape, rain, warm spring and busy residents. Guangzhou in March is bustling with people, humid and damp, full of noisy traffic and dripping in rain. However, besides the humid weather there is new life springing forth. Although the three-day exhibition was short, we all reap the benefits each time we come.

西卡工业部 FFI团队与代理商团队合影。

The group picture of Sika FFI team and its agents.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Windoor Expo 2016




2016 年 3 月 22 日 - 24 日,西卡商用 地面教育领域综合解决方案成功亮相 2016 年第十八届中国国际地面材料及铺装技术 展览会。本次展会西卡商用地面围绕“呵 护孩子成长之路”主题展开,突出强调西 卡教育领域的地面用材核心理念——安全 舒适,推出了从学龄前到小学,从中学到 大学的地面综合解决方案。 西卡始终坚持客户需求导向,通过持 续的产品创新,将工业地坪系统成功引用 到教育领域。针对学龄前儿童,地面是孩 子们的游乐园,他们需要在地面上尽情地 玩耍,针对这一需求西卡推出了舒适、无


NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Domotex 2016

缝抑菌、防滑的康复特弹性聚氨酯舒适地 面系统。针对于中小学的半室外走道要求 地面耐磨、防滑、耐紫外线及耐水要求, 西卡推出了适用于半室外空间的纯彩地面 系统。到了大学,地面的功能变得更加多 样化了,针对于这些不同功能的区域,西 卡推出了适用于大礼堂的环氧水磨石地面 系统,适用于教学楼的优尼科地面系统, 适用于留学生公寓的康复特地面系统以及 适用于大学餐厅的聚氨酯砂浆系统等。 展会期间,前来参观咨询的经销商和 设计师络绎不绝。公司高层领导更是对此给 予了高度的重视,西卡中国副总裁张烨炯先

生携西卡中国集团专家组成员团一行莅临 西卡展位。西卡中国商用地面市场业务发展 经理陈俊逸向西卡中国集团专家组的各位 领导和专家详细介绍了西卡商用地面市场 在教育领域的发展现状以及竞争对手情况。 为期三天的展会圆满结束了,但是属 于我们的战斗仍在继续,我们每一位西卡 人都时刻准备着,以最好的服务、最新的 技术以及最完备的解决方案助力教育领域。 期待着教育市场能成为 2016 年西卡商用地 面市场增长的高速引擎,同时也期待着西 卡地面能为更多的莘莘学子保驾护航,营 造安全舒适的教育环境。

Sika participated in DOMOTEX Asia/ CHINAFLOOR 2016 with its comprehensive commercial flooring solutions for the education market from March 22nd to March 24th this year. Centering on the theme of caring for the development of children and highlighting the core strength of Sika’s flooring materials, those of safety and comfort, Sika demonstrated its comprehensive flooring solutions covering the range from pre-school to elementary schools and from secondary schools to colleges and universities. Sika has always been driven by customer demands and has successfully introduced its industrial flooring systems to the field of education via constant product innovation. For preschool children, floors are their playground. To satisfy such a demand, Sika has developed its comfortable, seamless, anti-

bacterial, and anti-skid polyurethane Comfor tFloor ® s ystem. A s for the semi-outdoor corridors of elementary and secondary schools that require the floors to be abrasion resistant, antiskid, UV resistant and waterproof, Sika has developed the Pure Color flooring suitable for semi-outdoor spaces. For colleges and universities where floors have more diversified functions, Sika has developed the Sika epoxy terrazzo flooring system for large halls, the Sika Unique flooring system for teaching buildings, the Sika ComfortFloor® system for overseas students’ apartments, and Sikafloor® PurCem polyurethane mortar system for canteens. Dur ing the e x hibi tion, a cons tan t stream of sales agents and designers came to visit and consult Sika. The management team of Sika China attached great importance to the exhibi-

tion. Mr. Leo Zhang, Vice President of Sika China, led the local expert team (LET) at Sika’s booth at DOMOTEX. Sebastian Chen, Business Development Manager of Commercial Flooring detailed the current development of the Sika commercial flooring market in education and its competitors to the leaders and experts from Sika’s LET. Although this three-day exhibition has ended, we are still fighting. We are always ready to assist the education industry with the best service, the latest technologies, and perfect solutions. We are looking forward in expectation that the education market can become a high speed engine for the growth of Sika’s commercial flooring market in 20 16 and that Sika flooring can continue to support more students in creating a safe and sound educational environment for them.

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Domotex 2016



2016 年会 2016 ANNUAL DINNER 每年的年会是西卡人的盛大节日,颁奖、表演、 做游戏,精彩纷呈。

The annual dinner is a great festival for all Sika people in China. It’s the time of awarding, relaxing and enjoying.




NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Annual Dinner 2016

NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Annual Dinner 2016





NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Annual Dinner 2016



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Annual Dinner 2016





NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Annual Dinner 2016



NEW HORIZON Issue 20 — Annual Dinner 2016


NATIONAL CONTACT 全国联络方式 西卡(中国)有限公司




苏州工业园区泾东路 28 号 邮编:215121 电话:+86 512 6273 2888 传真:+86 512 6287 7070 网址:


SIKA ( GUANGZHOU ) TRADING CO., LTD. 广州经济技术开发区东区骏达路 96 号 邮编:510530 电话:+86 20 8226 6066 传真:+86 20 8226 6022


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. BEIJING BRANCH 北京市朝阳区东土城路怡和阳光大厦 C 座 1401 室 邮编:100013 电话:+86 10 6448 9567 传真:+86 10 6448 9581


SIKA LTD., DALIAN 大连市甘井子区工兴路 47 号 邮编:116031 电话:+86 411 8678 0060 传真:+86 411 8678 0070


SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. TIANJIN BRANCH 天津市红桥区金兴科技大厦 806 室 邮编:300122 电话:+86 22 8688 8308 传真:+86 22 8688 8301-219


SIKA (SICHUAN) BUILDING MATERIAL LTD. 成都市新津邓双川浙合作 工业园区兴化路 2 路 89 号 邮编:611430 电话:+86 028 8259 2299 传真:+86 028 8259 2299



SIKA ( CHINA ) LTD. SHANGHAI BRANCH 上海市莘庄工业园区华宁路 4555 号 邮编:201108 电话:+86 21 3407 3788 传真:+86 21 3407 3799



SIKA (SICHUAN) BUILDING MATERIAL LTD. CHONGQING BRANCH 重庆市九龙坡区奥体路 1 号附 6-29-11 邮编:510260 电话:+86 23 8806 0828 传真:+86 23 8806 0858




SIKA HONGKONG LTD. 新界沙田安平街 6 号新贸中心 A 座 15 楼 1507-12 室 电话:+852 2686 8108 传真:+852 2645 3671

昆明市晋宁县工业园区二街片区 邮编:650600 电话:+86 871 6789 9129 传真:+86 871 6789 9129


SIKA TAIWAN LTD. 西卡(江苏)建筑材料有限公司

SIKA (JIANGSU) BUILDING MATERIAL LTD. 镇江市丹徒区辛丰镇工业园 邮编:212142 电话:+86 511 8558 8866 传真:+86 511 8558 0578

台湾桃园市卢竹区富国路三段 1380 号 邮编:33849 电话:+886 3352 8622 传真:+886 3352 0470


SIKA (HEBEI) BUILDING MATERIAL LTD. 石家庄市正定县正灵公路 8 公里处 邮编:050800 电话:+86 311 8826 4988 传真:+86 311 8826 4961


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