40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays. my girlfren has a test coming up and she is really worried, cld someone plz give me many good phrases for essays n compositions? thx a lot. Oxbridge Essays. anything BUT "in conclusion" or "in summary" and i want it to make me sound smart:) hehehe. Useful expressions to write an essay. 539.761.721.3.. good phrases for essays and compositions. 100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great What is a good conclusion phrase for an essay. 10 academic phrases to use in your essay.I'm writing an essay for English and need a good substitue for the phrase: "As well as this" Thanks :). This is my conclusion for an essay and I have been writing about how my parents' divorce made me become a writer (i began writing poems and stories) Here is the conclusion:. I need a good writing topic for a essay. any ideas - The Writing Center Useful spanish phrases for essay writing. I have an essa