Likes to pick up random objects before sorting through apples.
Occupation: SU Marketer
Education: BA in marketing Location: Manlius NY Age: 25 Attitude: He reluctantly accepted the marketing position at SU hoping to work for a high end company, but he enjoys the people he works with.
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Sam is a little depressed and feels like hes dragging through life, but presents himself very confidently. He is a huge sports fan and goes to as many SU games as he can as well as watches pro sports games on the weekend. Sam has a girl friend who knows a lot of people and drags him out to the bars several nights of the week. He likes to socialize, but he is a bit of an introvert at his core. Sam loves politics and follows news very closely. He enjoys attending ralleys and protests and volunteers at a local food bank every so often. Sam is on several rec teams with his close friends who all play competitevely, and all play in a rock garage band. Sam plays the guitar and dabbles in producing music. Sam wants to be a top dog in his field one day and is willing to work hard to get there. Sam is a huge apple lover but is particular about their bruises. He likes to buy from local farmers at farmers markets because he trusts the apples, but in order to prevent choosing apples with bruises, Sam must do many hands on inspections. Sam is a clean man and always washes his hands, but he does like to pick up and look at many things, so accidental hand contamination does occur.
Sometimes forgets to put on new gloves before touching apples.
Occupation: Farmer
Education: College Student Location: Cortland, NY Age: 27 Attitude: He loves his job and the physical labor but tends to mess around a bit.
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Hank is a country boy at heart with a positive attitude and a very playful side. When he’s not working on the farm he has a large friend base who love to do activites in the outdoors, whether its skiing, white water rafting, or hiking the adirondacks. Hank is currently enrolled in an ESF school for agriculture and hopes to use the degree to design better harvesting and distributing systems. He loves martial arts and attends many black belt spares throughout the U.S. Hank also has a soft spot, however, maintaining a flower only greenhouse. His wife Marlene and him like to spend quality time together cooking and watching movies with their three dogs. A psuedo intellectual with a very curious mind and the passion to learn Hank is a very well rounded human being. Hank is a main apple harvestor on the farm. Although the farm does utilize harvesting machines, Hank very often comes in physical contact with the apples. Every harvestor is required to wear sanitary gloves, but sometimes Hank forgets to switch them out after he handles machinery and other tools. Hank also touches the apples when sorting the bins in the holding barn.