Celebration and Thanksgiving for Life of Michael George Delano Scarlett

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How precious it was a month ago when we were together. You fought a good fight. You are my LION - my protector. Love you abundantly. You are FOREVER IN MY HEART. Continue to RISE IN POWER WITH OUR CREATOR AND ANCESTORS Jah Mike. (Queen Abena Ayana, Sister)

Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the Life of

Michael George Delano Scarlett

(Natty Bugs, Mikey, Jah Mikes)

Sunrise: August 15th 1957 Sunset: July 12th 2024

University Chapel, UWI Mona

August 15th, 2024


Abuna Lael Foxe, Church of Haile Selassie 1

Abuna Hanabe Melchizedek Selassie, Haile Selassie Jah Rastafari 1 Royal Ethiopian

Judah Coptic Church

Organist: Mr. Audley Davidson

8:30am Prelude

- Drumming and Chanting Nyabinghi Drummers

- Jah Ova Evil Rastafarian Chant Lil J.O.E.

- Tribute in Poetry

- Video Tribute

- See you Tomorrow

- One Soul

- Bless my Soul O Jah

9:00 am - Viewing

Mrs. Tamla Bumbury (Niece)

Mr. Roshaun ‘Bay-C’ Clarke (Nephew)

Ms. Christine Scarlett (Sister-in-law)

Mr Roshaun ‘Bay-C’ Clarke (Nephew)

Bro. Fikri Selassie

Order of Service

10:00 am Commencement of Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving

Processional of Clergy and Scriptural Reading / Chants

Entrance / Processional Song

Going Home on the Morning Train

Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

I’m going home on the morning train

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

Step right in and take your seat

Step right in and take your seat

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

I’m going home on the morning train

I’m going home on the morning train

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

Step right in and take your seat

Step right in and take your seat

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

Welcome and Commiserations - Abuna Lael Foxe

Call to Worship - Abuna Hanabe Melchizedek Selassie

Songs of Celebration

Selassie Is The Chapel


Dance Tribute

Mr. DiMario McDowell

Sister Sophia LemLem, UNIA-ACL

Asoso International Ensemble

African Caribbean Diaspora Cultural Arts Collective

Haile Selassie is the Chapel

Power of the trinity

Build your mind in this direction

Serve the living God and live

Take your troubles to Selassie

He is the only King of Kings

Conquering Lion of Judah

Triumphantly we all must sing, yeah

Well, I search, and I search Oh book of man In revelation Look what I find

Haile Selassie is the Chapel And the world should know

That man is the angel And love our God, the King of Kings

Let me tell ya I and I search, I and I search In this great book of life In the revelation see what I found

Haile Selassie is the Chapel

He is the only King of Kings

Conquering Lion of Judah Triumphantly we all must sing and sing and sing

Well, I've searched and I've searched This great book of life In the revelation Look what I found

Haile Selassie is the Chapel Power of the trinity

Build your mind in this direction

Serve the living God and live

Conquering Lion of Judah

Triumphantly we all must sing and sing and sing

Check it out

Lion of Judah, Judah, Judah yeah

We all must sing

Conquering lion of Judah, Judah, Judah

Eh we all must sing

Conquering lion of Judah, Judah, Judah

Well we all must sing

Conquering lion of Judah, Judah, Judah

Yes we all must sing

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O Jah my Father; there is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; as Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be.


Great is Thy faithfulness!

Great is Thy faithfulness!

Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand hath provided: great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest; sun, moon, and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love. [Refrain]

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow: blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! [Refrain]


1. UNIA-ACL - Brother Heru Ishakamusa Menelik, JP

High Commissioner, President UNIA Division 439

2. Ras Balance Carver

Songs of Celebration

I Must Have The Saviour With Me

I must have the Saviour with me, For I dare not walk alone; I must feel his presence near me, And his arm around me thrown.


Then my soul shall fear no ill; Let him lead me where he will, I will go without a murmur, And his footsteps follow still.

I must have the Saviour with me, For my faith at best is weak; He can whisper words of comfort That no other voice can speak. I must have the Saviour with me In the onward march of life; Through the tempest and the sunshine, Through the battle and the strife.

Jah Is My Keeper (Mr. Dwight Richards)

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

Who shall I fear

Yah is in my beginning and my end

So who shall I be afraid

Yah is my Keeper

Yahudah my people, Yahushua my Redeemer, Yahuah Most High Almighty

Who shall I fear

Yah on my right, on my left, at my front and cover my back

So who shall I be afraid

Yah is my keeper

Yah is in my goings out and my coming in

So who shall I fear

He is my shield upon this battlefield

So who shall I be afraid

Yah is my Keeper

Yah is my keeper

Yah is my light and my salvation

So who shall I fear

He is my guide throughout this creation

So who shall I be afraid

Yah is my Keeper

Yah is my keeper

Kings of Kings, forever and ever

My Elohim Yahuah Yahuah

Kings of Kings Halleluyah Halleluyah

My Elohim Yahuah Yahuah

Kings of Kings, forever and ever

My Elohim Yahuah Yahuah

Halleluyah Halleluyah

Remembrance - Queen Abena Ayanna (Mrs. Jasmin Scarlett-Pitter) (Sister)

Musical Selection - ‘One Love’ Master Mehki Lumley (Grand nephew)

Reflection - Mr. Ian Martin Scarlett (Brother) - Mrs. Winsome Scarlett (Wife)

Songs of Celebration

Yerushalem, The Holy City (Mr. DiMario McDowell)

Last night I lay asleeping

There came a dream so fair I stood in old Jerusalem Beside the temple there

I heard the children singing And ever as they sang

Methought the voice of Angels

From Heaven in answer rang Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Lift up your gates and sing, Hosanna in the highest. Hosanna to your King!"

And then methought my dream was chang'd

The streets no longer rang

Hushed were the glad Hosannas

The little children sang

The sun grew dark with mystery

The morn was cold and chill

As the shadow of a cross arose

Upon a lonely hill

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!

Hark! How the Angels sing, Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to your King!"

And once again the scene was changed

New earth there seemed to be

I saw the Holy City

Beside the tideless sea

The light of Jah was on its streets

The gates were open wide

And all who would might enter

And no one was denied

No need of moon or stars by night

Or sun to shine by day

It was the new Jerusalem

That would not pass away

"Jerusalem! Jerusalem

Sing for the night is o'er

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna for evermore!"


“Grandfather” Ms. Shanya Scarlett (Grand daughter)

Reading Psalm 101 Mrs. Anieka Lawrence (Niece)

Reading Psalm 96

Reading Job 19: 25-29

Mrs. Abigail Scarlett – Jones (Niece)

Mr. Philip Scarlett (Nephew)

Sermon Abuna Hanabe Melchizedek Selassie

Offering Drumming and Chanting – Nyabinghi Drummers

Song Fly Away Home

Jah Rastafari

Said I hear the words of the Rastaman say Babylon you throne gone down, gone down, Babylon you throne gone down,

Then I hear the words of the I a man say Babylon you throne gone down, gone down, Babylon you throne gone down,

Then I saw the angels with the seven seals saying Babylon you throne gone down, gone down, Babylon you throne gone down,

I say fly away home, to Tsyon Fly away home

I say fly away home, to Tsyon Fly away home

One bright morning when Man work is over Man will Fly away home

I say, One bright morning when Man work is over Man will Fly away home

Jah Rastafari

Prayer for the Family - Abuna Lael Foxe

Rituals of the Church of Haile Selassie 1 - Abuna Lael Foxe

Commendation - Abuna Hanabe Melchizedek Selassie

Recessional Song –

Tsyon Land We Want To Go

Tsyon land we want fi go

Tsyon land we want fi go

Tsyon, our fathers home

We have to go o oh

Tsyon land we want fi go

Tsyon land is our fathers home

Tsyon land is our fathers home

Tsyon, our fathers home

We have to go o oh

Tsyon land we want fi go

Land of the Lion of Judah

The root of David

Which heart prevail to open Jah book

And to lose the seven seals thereof

Tsyon land we want fi go

Tsyon land we want fi go

Tsyon ,our fathers home

We have to go o oh

Tsyon land we want fi go

Some people say that heaven is in the sky

Oh oh oh wonder why

But if they knew what life really worth

They would look theirs in Mount Tsyon

Tsyon land we want fi go

Tsyon land is our fathers home

Tsyon land is our fathers home

Tsyon, our fathers home

We have to go o oh

Tsyon land we want fi go

Holy Mount Tsyon

We got to be there


Ms. Shanya Scarlett (Grand Daughter)

Dr. Silburn Clarke (Brother)

Mr. Ian Scarlett (Brother)

Mr. George Scarlett (Brother)

Mr. Robert Scarlett (Brother)

Mr. Matthew Webster (Nephew)

Mr. Philip Scarlett (Nephew)

Mr. George Knox Scarlett (Nephew)

Mr. David Clarke (Nephew)

In lieu of flowers, donations will be collected towards a Scholarship Fund in Michael Scarlett’s Honor


I have many fond memories of Uncle Michael, from Christmas dinner one year and his refusal to sit at the table with us because ham was present to the many shared experiences while working at Spatial together. Spatial was my first job and Uncle helped me enter the work world having a familiar friendly face daily. While I saw him being stern with other people, I have always received endless amounts of hails, and checkups by my office. He will be missed! (Ms. Georgia Scarlett, Niece)

Uncle Michael, a man of great character and warmth, took me, this very British girl under his wing showing me the way Jamaicans do things like not drink soup with a spoon during my visit along with giving me some family history. His wise counsel as we sipped on a Red Stripe beer would be a fond memory I will always hold dear. (Ms. Fiona Scarlett, Niece)

Can't even lie to say how hard it hit me when I heard. I always remember when Dad & I would drop by every so often for some fruit or just talk. You taught me so much about different things, you always greeted me with a smile and asked me how school was going, always giving some nugget of knowledge and encouragement. Rest in Power Uncle. (Mr. Jahmai Scarlett, Nephew)

The words that come to mind when I think of Uncle Michael are authentic, loving, wise, grounded, and caring. He always offered me insightful and thoughtful counsel. I remember when I was struggling with bad acne, he took the time to share natural remedies and always checked up on how the progress was going. I also have fond memories of daddy dropping Phil and I at the Camperdown family home to spend time with grandma, and I inevitably found myself drawn to Uncle Michael's side, talking and picking fruits together. His presence brought me comfort and peace. I will forever remember Uncle Michael's warm smile and positive spirit. Rest in eternal peace Uncle Michael. You will never be forgotten. (Mrs. Abigail Scarlett-Jones, Niece)

Jah Mikes, my Rastafarian uncle – fierce, stubborn, yet a gentle smile; rest in power as you journey this extra mile. (Mr. Matthew Webster, Nephew)

I have fond memories as a child during my summer vacations in Jamaica of Uncle Michael. We use to walk the neighborhood of Camperdown Road. I remember the iron gates of different houses, the moonlight, and warm Jamaican nights. I enjoyed the exploration and meeting new people. He was a man of few words but when he starts to talk you can't get him to stop talking. I will miss you Uncle Michael. (Mrs. Tamla Scarlett-Bumbury, Niece)

Michael was a very sweet soul. I came to know Michael while he was working at Spatial Innovision. Michael frequently visited me on business and he would always ensure that whatever business was being conducted was always done with affection, kindness and a smile that was really heartwarming. Over the years we had many interactions and during those periods he would always exchange pleasantries. He would brighten my day whenever he visited. He had this twinkle in his eye and a charm that came from his soul, and for that I will always be thankful for getting to know that side of him and the person who he was. I am very happy to have known Michael. We currently mourn his loss, but we have his memories to live on. May his soul rest in peace. (Ms. Cecille Blake, United Nations Global Geospatial Management)

Where do I begin to express the void now that you're gone Uncle Michael? You were that uncle who inspired my spiritual journey and made it okay to explore the Rastafarian faith when others may have thought otherwise. Well knowledgeable on all matters of our African history, always willing to share insights, and do so from a place of love; you were and will continue to be a true lion indeed. I still remember being a young child and hearing you call me 'Shaun Bird'...to this day I never got it but it always felt like your special name for me. Well fly high King and I hope you get to meet His Majesty in the next realm. Say hello to Dimmy, Xavier, Tony and Jimmy for me. Finally, no fighting with Grandma!! One Love (Mr. Roshaun Bay-C Clarke, Nephew)

The memory of my Uncle will be one of a Sage. I noticed that as I got older my relationship with Uncle Michael never changed as his attitude towards me was always one of imparting from his wealth of knowledge on how to be my best self as a young king in being disciplined, healthy and educated about our heritage. As I make peace with the fact that my guide will no longer be accessible to me in the physical, there is solace in knowing he will continue to guide me from beyond and keep me grounded on my journey. (Mr. David Clarke, Nephew)


Dovecot Memorial Burial Park

Prayer - Abuna Lael Foxe

- Abuna Hanabe Melchizedek Selassie

Drumming and Chanting – Nyabinghi Drummers


Going Home on the Morning Train

Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

I’m going home on the morning train

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

Step right in and take your seat

Step right in and take your seat

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

I’m going home on the morning train

I’m going home on the morning train

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

Step right in and take your seat

Step right in and take your seat

Evening train, will be too late, Jah Rastafari

I’m going home on the morning train

Rituals of the Church of Haile Selassie 1 - Abuna Lael Foxe

Thank You

ThefamilyofMichaelGeorgeDelanoScarlettwishesto expressitssincerestthanksandappreciationforthemany manypersonswhocalled,emailed,whatsapped,texted, commentedandvisitedtosharetheirmany heartfelt expressionsandoutpouringoflove,care,andsupport.

WearecomfortedknowingthatMichael’ssoulcontinuesto riseinpowereternally.

Yourkindnesshelpedtoencourageusandkeptusgoing duringthisperiodandwillalwaysberemembered.

Prelude Music: DiMario McDowell & Friends, Nyabinghi Drummers Decor and Creative: Mack & Mack Innovations
Funeral Arrangement by Roman’s Funeral

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