April 2020
A publication by the Samutprakarn International Ladies’ Club
Keep engaged from home! Plans for SILC Action points for mental well being
3. A word from our Chair
4. Update on AGM and current nominees
5. April Activities to keep you occupied at home
7. Sponsoring students at Noh Bo Academy
11. SILC out and about!
13. Action Points for Mental well being
15. Happy Birthday!
A WORD FROM SILC’S CHAIR Dear ladies, As countries around the world implement measures to safeguard their people and communities, SILC is also doing it’s part by postponing all activities (including our AGM) for the foreseeable future. We are all going through very trying times. As the chairwoman of SILC, I’m acutely aware of the important role we play in the lives of our members and the community projects we support. Social distancing is hard for many, but we are lucky to live in a technology driven society, so we can keep in touch. Expect virtual coffee mornings, fitness classes and even perhaps a quiz night - all in the comfort of your own home! If you are struggling though with loneliness or need help in any way, please do reach out to us. We are here for you...
AN UPDATE ON THE AGM Since our last newsletter when we had zero nominees put forward to take up committee roles, we have now secured four willing members to take up some of the roles. There are however roles that still need to be filled in order for SILC to continue. The key role is that of the Chair. Tracey has done an outstanding job as Chair over the last three years but in so doing, her big shoes are proving difficult to fill! We need someone who will be dedicated and confident with good all round management skills. We also still need an additional team member for Activities. This will suit someone who loves organazing, has good admin and communication skills and preferably someone who enjoys learning new things themselves. Nominees to date: Chairperson
Post available to be filled
Sonica Jindal
Vera Canters
Online Media
Aminta Ochoa (continuing tenure)
Community Projects
Karen Dawber (to be confirmed)
Lindsay Daly
Post available to be filled
Other roles available: Vice Chair, Administration, Marketing, Special Events
Please note that we plan to take email ballots for voting in the new committee, but if we do not have someone to fill the role of Chair, then SILC will sadly close down in June.
APRIL ACTIVITY IDEAS Coffee Morning : Make yourself something to drink and eat, then settle down on your comfy sofa and log into our virtual coffee morning. We can relax, chat and reconnect. Log in on Monday 6th April at 10am
Bookclub: It’s back and it is virtual! This month we will be reading The Dutch House by Ann Patchett. It tells the story of a brother and sister over five decades, exploring obsession and forgiveness along the way. Log in on Monday 20th April at 10am. Email silc.activities@gmail.com if you want to join in either the Coffee Morning or Bookclub. We will aim to use Skype / Google Hangouts / Zoom Cooking: More time on your hands to be a bit more adventurous in the kitchen? Our SILC cookbook (Eng/Th) is packed full of tried and tested recipes. If you haven’t bought one yet just send us an email and we’ll send one via Grab to you.
Online fitness classes: Join Christiana a Bangkok based personal trainer every morning at 10am as she helps us stay active and healthy in mind and body by offering free fitness classes, tips on diet and nutrition, as well as professional advice https://www.facebook.com/groups/quarantinetribe/
For many years, SILC has sponsored students at the Noh Bo Academy in Mae Sot. The above photo shows the lovely smiling faces of the 4 students that SILC currently sponsors. Their sponsorship was made possible due to Chris Rajakarier and her team of ladies that put together the SILC cookbook ‘Bilingual Bites 2’. Since its launch in October 2016, over 1,100 copies have been sold and with the money raised from sales, we were able to commit to the sponsorship of Saw Gaw Lee, Saw Poe Ray Doh, Naw Mu Bwe Oaw and Naw Mu Dah until 2022. SILC has been donating 48,000 thb per year for their education.
Mu Dah comes from a small village in Burma. She has five siblings and is the youngest girl in her family. She has always loved learning and she used to attend school in Burma. However, when her father died of cancer, she could no longer afford the school fees in Burma. Her brothers and sisters remained in Burma to help her mother on the farm, while she was sent to school in Thailand. Having completed grade 5, she is the most highly educated person in her family. She likes being at Noh Bo because she's very keen to improve her English. In her free time, she enjoys going to Sunday school and church.
Gaw Lee is one of 6 children. While his older sister and one of his older brothers completed grade 8 in Burmese school, Gaw Lee and his other brothers were forced to leave school at a young age when his mother died in childbirth with his youngest brother. He completed grade 2, but after his mother’s death, he went to live with an aunt in Mae La refugee camp where he started again from kindergarten to grade 2. Having completed grade 2 again, he moved to Maw Kwee where he completed grades 3 and 4. During this time, he lived with a teacher who recommended that he apply for Noh Bo Academy. Gaw Lee says that he likes NBA because he enjoys meeting the native english-speaking volunteers and he feels that there are more opportunities here than in Burma. He also enjoys the fact that he doesn't have to bring his own rice to school as food is provided. In the future, Gaw Lee would like to become a medic. Once trained, he wants to go back to his village and train other students to become medics, specialising in children's health.
Another ongoing recipient of the funds raised by the SILC cookbook is an organisation in Mae Sot called Heavenly Home. Heavenly Home is an orphanage in the community of Mae Pa (Mae Sot, Thai-Myanmar border) in Thailand. It was set up in 2006 by a Burmese couple (Thantsin and Lili) who opened up their home to care for migrant children without parents in the Mae Sot area. Most of the 50 plus children who live here were orphaned or abandoned at a very young age. The home also provides daycare and meals for up to 15 additional children with single parents who work long hours in nearby factories. For these parents, day care is an alternative to leaving their child at the orphanage full time and gives them a way to keep their family together. SILC donates each year 35,000 thb which helps to fund a teacher at the school plus an additional 10,000 thb each year for dry goods for the school.
HUL Home Deco Get the curtains, wall paper, furniture and all the home decorations you have been looking for here. MP|Line |WhatsApp |Wechat: +66 6-315-6879
Two designs - ‘People of Thailand’ and ‘Places of Thailand’ - 200 thb each. To buy your set of these unique and limited editions email: silctreasurer@gmail.com
SILC OUT & ABOUT The Kangoo Jumps class proved not only to be an amazing cardio workout (400 calories in 40 minutes!) but also really good fun with absolutely no stress on the joints. We all loved it, highly recommend it and hope to do it again soon.
Spring was most definitely in the air at craft club when we made delicate flowers out of crepe paper. Quick and easy to do plus very pretty!
The children at Prakassamai proudly celebrated a year of learning English. Thank you to the lovely volunteer teachers from SILC that made this possible. You have filled their lives with joy and given them a chance of a better life.
ACTION POINTS FOR MENTAL WELL BEING It is very easy to get overwhelmed by the news in our communities, or from places around the world where we have family and friends who are also facing similar fears, concerns and challenges. Coupled with the impact of keeping away from people generally and minimizing social contact, it can leave us struggling with our mental well being. These strategies can help you:
Separate what is in your control from what is not. There are things you can do, and it’s helpful to focus on those. Wash your hands. Remind others to wash theirs. Take your vitamins. Limit your consumption of news. Do what helps you feel a sense of safety. This will be different for everyone, and it’s important not to compare yourself to others. Make sure you separate when you are isolating based on potential for sickness versus isolating because it’s part of depression. Get outside in nature–even if you are avoiding crowds. Take a walk. (Or if you don’t want to go far, sitting outside your door or next to an open window so you can feel the fresh air on your face and see sky, trees etc are always helpful.) Exercise also helps both your physical and mental health. Challenge yourself to stay in the present. When you find yourself worrying about something that hasn’t happened, gently bring yourself back to the present moment. Notice the sights, sounds, tastes and other sensory experiences in your immediate moment and name them. Engaging in mindfulness activities is one way to help stay grounded when things feel beyond your control. Stay connected and reach out if you need more support. Talk to trusted friends about what you are feeling. If you are feeling particularly anxious or if you are struggling with your mental health, it’s ok to reach out to a mental health professional for support. You don’t have to be alone with your worry and it can be comforting to share what you are experiencing with those trained to help.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Cindy Wang Laura Troncoso Lyra Culverhouse Nisshen Veejay Somruedee Yoenram
AIMS AND POLICIES Organisation of the Club SILC creates an opportunity for women of all nationalities living in Samutprakarn and Bangkok to meet and participate in a variety of activities. We invite members to join monthly events and interest groups. Members pay an annual fee of 1,000 Baht. Privacy The membership list is for the sole use of SILC members in a social setting and may not be used for commercial purposes. E-Newsletter The e-newsletter is published ten times a year with articles and information on club activities. Contributions are welcome and can be sent to the newsletter editor. Committee Meetings These are held normally the second Monday in the month and are open to all members. Please inform the SILC Chair or SILC Secretary if you wish to attend.
All SILC events are subject to change. Please confirm your attendance with the relevant contact, and advise of any cancellation asap so another member may take your place. Committee Contacts Chair Secretary Treasury Membership Community Projects E-newsletter & Ads Activities Website
silcchair@gmail.com silcsecretary@gmail.com silctreasurer@gmail.com silcthai@gmail.com silc.community@gmail.com silcmagazine@gmail.com silc.activities@gmail.com silc.websites@gmail.com
SILC News goes every month to over 180 SILC members throughout Bangkok and is available to the general public via our facebook page. Advertisements for non-profit community events are welcome and free of charge. Personal advertisements for SILC members are free of charge. Email reminders for SILC and non-profit community events will be sent out free of charge; other events must be advertised in our magazine.
Full Page Half Page Quarter Page
1500 Baht 800 Baht 400 Baht
Member - 25%
3000 Baht per year
Only one discount may be applied.
Annual contract (10 ads/year) - 10%
Advertising requests and payment must be received prior to the published deadline. To advertise in the Newsletter, please contact: silcmagazine@gmail.com To advertise on the SILC Website, please contact: silc.websites@gmail.com To arrange payment, please contact: silctreasurer@gmail.com
SILC News Copy Deadline for May e-Newsletter: 15th April If you have any activities, events, book reviews, recommendations for holidays or items for our bulletin board please forward them to the Newsletter Editor: silcmagazine@gmail.com