SILC News December 2018 / January 2019

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December 2018 / January 2019


A publication by the Samutprakarn International Ladies’ Club


3. Message from our Chair

4. Words of thanks

9. Dates for your diaries

11. The temple in the sea

19. Festive fun

22. Community projects

A WORD FROM OUR CHAIR This time of year, otherwise known as the 'silly season', has calendars overflowing with activities to attend and SILC has been no different. We kicked it off with our SILC Bazaar, for which I would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the entire SILC community for making it a big success. We are extremely grateful to Bangkok Patana School for hosting us and all their continual support. The Bazaar is important to SILC for a few reasons: 1) It is our main fundraiser of the year contributing 100 percent of the monies raised to local charitable organisations; 2) It relies on the support of many SILC volunteers; and 3) It fulfils our mission of welcoming and empowering women to connect and contribute in Bangkok. I hope that most of you experienced the Bazaar first hand. We had 86 Vendors offering some incredible merchandise and we welcomed more than 400 visitors to the event. From table rental to Vendors and from SILC's own tables at the Bazaar, plus the entry fees we raised an impressive 248,378.50 THB.

As always, Christmas crafts with our pre-schools was a wonderful experience!

In the coming months, we will be highlighting to you the organisations that will be recipients of our fundraising efforts. The first one is in this issue as we have helped to purchase a T-shirt printing press for Nightlight. So let me finish by wishing each and every one of you a very merry festive break and a happy and healthy New Year. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in 2019!

x Tracey x

A huge SILC thank you to everyone who has helped raise funds & volunteered their time in 2018! Together we have made a difference in many people’s lives, and we look forward to doing more in 2019.

Thanks to everyone’s efforts and generosity, SILC, the Bangkok Patana School children and PTG raised a grand total of 169,792 THB!

THINK PINK: THE QUEEN SIRIKIT PROJECTS WE HELPED: THE SLUM OUTREACH PROJECT has been going for 20 years. The team (a leader, some specialist nurses and volunteers) visit the poorest slum areas, where many of the ladies earn less than 200 bht per day. They provide education on breast and cervical cancer, and the opportunity to talk about any concerns the ladies may previously have been too shy to discuss. Then the team will take 100+ of these women for free screening at the QSBC (part of Chulalongkorn hospital). Whilst they don’t charge the women, each screening costs the hospital 3500 THB - this is where our donation will be spent. Importantly, the centre provides a creche, staffed by a team of volunteers, to allow the women (none of whom have childcare) to take their children with them. They also provide the mothers and children with free food, entertainment and make up for the mothers. This whole process from teaching to screening lasts 3-4 days and happens a few times a year.

THE PINK PARK VILLAGE FOUNDATION is a new hospice and rehabilitation centre for underprivileged Thai women, located in Minburi. When it opens, the centre - after means-based screening done by the Red Cross - will offer end of life care for the poorest patients with terminal breast or cervical cancer. It will also provide accommodation for those who don’t have a place to stay during their treatment.

















9 Aqua Aerobics

10 NY Coffee morning Zumba

11 Children’s Day - Sports Day @



Knitting & crafting


Mahjong 14 English @ Prakasamai



Knitting & crafting

16 Aqua Aerobics

17 Indian cooking class Zumba English @ Mahawong




23 Craft @ Prakkasam. Aqua Aerobics Mahjong

24 Zumba




30 Aqua Aerobics

31 Zumba


21 English @ Prakasamai Knitting & crafting


28 Lunch @ Nara Thai English @ Prakasamai Knitting & crafting


Temple in the Sea Tour

Book club


English @ Mahawong

English @ Mahawong

1 Craft @ Mahawong.

We try to schedule activities well ahead of time to allow you to plan your diaries, however please note these may change. Keep an eye on the SILC Facebook page and the next newsletter for updates! Contact with any questions.


NEW YEAR COFFEE For our first coffee morning of the year, please join us to support Samaritan Creations (15 minutes from Udom Suk BTS) on Tuesday 10th January 09.30-12.00. Samaritan Creations is a group that reaches out to women working in the sex industry, offering them alternative employment, housing, training and education. RSVP

INDIAN COOKERY Fancy starting off the year by

learning a few new recipes? Then come along to Sunita’s place from 10:00 until 12:30 on Thursday 17th January! Sunita will be teaching how to cook 5 different Indian dishes, and then everyone will enjoy what they have cooked for lunch. Cost: 1,000 THB/person RSVP:

LUNCH OUT In case you’ve been missing good, Thai food over the holidays, the Activities team will also arrange a lunch at NARA Thai restaurant, EMquartier (Phrom Pong BTS) on

Monday 28th of January 11.30-2pm. Attendees will cover their own expenses RSVP:

TEMPLE IN THE SEA DAY TRIP To satisfy your cultural curiosity, meanwhile, members are invited to join a van/longtail-boat visit to the Temple in the Sea on Tuesday 22nd January from 08.30am-2pm. Wat Khun Samutchin at Barnkhun Samutchin is a Thai temple that is now surrounded by water due to land erosion. Many nearby families have had to move their house 4 or 5 times over the generations. The cost will depend on group size (between 750 and 1000 THB). RSVP:

New Year Resolutions #1: Join BOOK CLUB! We meet up on the last Tuesday of every month, for brunch and a natter! Our book for January is Josie Silver’s ‘One Day in December’. Why not download a copy to read over the holidays? We will meet to discuss it on Tuesday 29th January at 10am. RSVP Andi:

New Year Resolutions #2: Learn MAHJONG! Our group of Mahjong-playing ladies is growing steadily and ranges from novices to experts. Please get in touch if you would like to join us! Everyone welcome. We meet on Wednesdays at members’ houses. Contact: Sally

New Year Resolutions #3: Try a new FITNESS ACTIVITY!! aqua aerobics

zumba We meet on Thursday mornings 08.30-09.30 in Bangna. If you would like to join please contact

If you would like to join our weekly sessions at Ekamai Gardens on Wednesdays 10-11:00 (400 THB), please contact

tennis If you’re a keen tennis player but need a partner, we can put you in touch! Please contact:



Thank you to Jimmy for once again initiating some eager SILC members into the art of Krathong making!

Kala’s Diwali pot luck was a big hit, with the SILC ladies throwing themselves into the Bollywood experience!

We continued our Indian theme with a delicious open-house at Sunita’s.

If you’ve not yet been to Bangkok’s ‘Green Lung’ - Bang Krachao - it’s only a short boat trip across the river, and is highly recommended this time of year. Why not do like we did - hire bikes to tour the island and stop-off for lunch at the Tree House?

74 SILC members signed up for this year’s SILC Christmas lunch. It was a fabulous buffet spread with dishes from all corners of the globe. Thanks to a team of creative volunteers, the venue looked super festive. And one generous SILC lady even donated her husband for the occasion! Table prizes and ‘Secret Santa’ gift giving rounded off a cracking meal!


SPOTLIGHT ON‌.NIGHTLIGHT! SILC likes to direct the funds we raise towards helping groups in need support themselves in a pro-active, sustainable way. One such example is for NIghtlight a charity which helps women escape the sex trade. We received the following message of thanks: ‘NightLight is grateful to SILC for donating to assist in the purchase of a new screen-printing machine. Using our old screen printing machine we were only able to print one color. We have had to turn away customers who wanted shirts printed in multiple colors. Now, with this new machine, NightLight will be able to accept orders from more customers and expand our customer base. As the business has opportunities to grow it will directly benefit women that NightLight employs. We look forward to the additional women NightLight is able to employ with dignified work as a result of this new machine. We are proud to partner with SILC and appreciate their generosity." For further information:

For details, email:

KNITTING UP A STORM! Last September an email went out to all the ladies groups in Bangkok to see if any would be interested in a joint project of knitting scarves and hats for the sick and needy in the government hospitals and the hill tribes in northern Thailand. SILC ladies always love to help so that is exactly what we did! In just three short months we created over 100 items for donation. Some of the ladies had never knitted before and some were knitting ninjas! We have now given the hats to the poor ICU patients in the Cancer Wards, and the scarves to other ICU patients and the Pakayor/Karen Hilltribe in Chiang Mai. We loved participating in this project and meeting regularly in each others’ homes to knit and chat (and eat!) and make new friendships. So although this particular project has come to a close, we plan to keep meeting on Monday mornings to knit, crochet and learn new craft skills together. All are welcome! If you want to join us send an email to


FESTIVE FUN! SILC ladies donned their santa hats and antlers for two mornings of fabulous festive crafting fun. The kids of Mahawong and Prakkasamai were thrilled with their bells, not to mention the appearance of Santa and her helpers laden with gifts! Our next pre-school craft sessions will take place on Wednesday 23rd January and Friday 1st February. For details, email:

ENGLISH PROGRAMME Our English lessons will begin again at Prakkasamai preschool on Monday 14th January, with teacher Manpreet, and at Mahawong on Thursday 17th January with teachers Hanneke and Pat. At both schools there is an enthusiastic team of assistants to help the teachers in class. Thank you everyone for your dedication! The subjects for the new calendar year will be: Days of the Week, Things from the Cupboard and Nature. If you would be interested in knowing more about the programme or volunteering later in the year, please email Janna on

Friday 11th January is Children’s Day in Thailand. Prakkasamai pre-school will be holding their annual sports day, to which SILC ladies are warmly invited. Please contact Janna for details


Aims & policies Organisation of the Club SILC creates an opportunity for women of all nationalities living in Samutprakarn and Bangkok to meet and participate in a variety of activities. We invite members to join monthly events and interest groups. Members pay an annual fee of 1000 Baht. Privacy The membership list is for the sole use of SILC members in a social setting and may not be used for commercial purposes. E-Newsletter The e-newsletter is published ten times a year with articles and information on club activities. Contributions are welcome and can be sent to the newsletter editor. Committee Meetings These are held monthly and are open to all members. Please inform the SILC Chair if you wish to attend. All SILC events are subject to change. Please confirm your attendance with the relevant contact, and advise of any cancellation asap so another member may take your place. Committee Contacts Chair Secretary Treasury Team Membership Team Community Projects E-newsletter & Ads

SILC teams Activities Website Online/Marketing Community Projects

Advertise here!

SILC News goes every month to over 170 SILC members throughout Bangkok. Advertisements for non-profit community events are welcome and free of charge. Personal advertisements for SILC members are free of charge. Email reminders for SILC and non-profit community events will be sent out free of charge; other events must be advertised in our magazine.



Full Page Half Page Quarter Page

1500 Baht 800 Baht 400 Baht

Member - 25%


3000 Baht per year

Only one discount may be applied.

Annual contract (10 ads/year) - 10%

Advertising requests and payment must be received prior to the published deadline. To advertise in the Newsletter, please contact: Charlotte - To advertise on the SILC Website, please contact: To arrange payment, please contact: Liliya -

SILC News Copy Deadline for February e-Newsletter: 20th January If you have any activities, events, book reviews, recommendations for holidays or items for our bulletin board please forward them to the Newsletter Editor:

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