Express Framework Silicon Valley Infomedia Pvt. Ltd.
What is Express Framework? Express stands for 'E' in the MEAN Stack Development Software that works in parallel with the MongoDb Database, the Angular frontend framework and the Node.js Environment. Developing singlepage or multiplepage or hybrid web applications is the foremost job of Express, which is the primary Web Application Server Framework for and this have been inspired by the Sinatra Web Development framework.
Express Overview: ➢ Express.js is one of the key denominations of MEAN Stack. ➢ It is a crossplatform framework. ➢ It is a Node.js serverside Web and Mobile Application framework. ➢ It is scripted in JavaScript. ➢ It is designed to build Singlepage, multi page, and hybrid Mobile and Web applications.
Express Overview: ➢ The use of JavaScript empowers customary back end functions for web applications. ➢ It is an effective tool for JSON based APIs. ➢ It facilitates building prodigious real time Web Applications. ➢ It is supported by multiple template engines, as Consolidate.js being one of the major means that proficiently helps in crafting the impeccable framework.
Express- Ideology : TJ Holowaychuk and Ciaron Jessup designed this Web Application Framework with the aim to equip HTTP servers with small yet dynamic tools, thereby fabricating it to be a key factor for generating single page, multipage and hybrid web applications.
What is the purpose of Express.js with Node.js? That you don't have to repeat same code over and over again. Node.js is a lowlevel I/O mechanism which has an HTTP module. If you just use an HTTP module, a lot of work like parsing the payload, cookies, storing sessions (in memory or in Redis), selecting the right route pattern based on regular expressions will have to be re implemented. With Express.js it there for you to use.
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