Inside photography August,2017,11th issue

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AUGUST 2017 • ISSUE 11








A FRAME By Bhaskar Paul


Photography is not a very new subject and it began from the dawn of civilization. Photography is just the mechanical version of the paintings by artists. The camera gathers the data through electrons and the original idea of photography was stolen from the artists. It is often said nothing more can be created in the world of photo art and we the camera holders are just trying to recreate the ideas. In this context, I am talking about the amateurs, who are working for their desire, passion and love for the subject of photography. In this regard I must say that nowadays it has become a trend where people buy camera and lenses to pretend themselves to be photographers. It is very painful for us to see that this beautiful subject of photography is getting ruined by these people unknowingly. Our team of inside photography has decided not to go by the trend and we will stick ourselves to the subject without any kind of compromise. The magazine may lose its glamour, but again we have got some serious readers, who continuously give their support. I would like to share with my readers about a photograph in Image square section which made some controversy regarding its selection. Here I would like to mention, the selection of photographs is done based on the composition rules guided by PSA Photography Society of America and we promise to stick ourselves to those rules. Especially for those who love the art of light and shadow. We are having an immense pleasure to give you the 11th issue of INSIDE PHOTOGRAPHY. There is an article of composition and also a beautiful writing about the death and photography in this issue, follows by some good images.Take a break in this monsoon, hold a cup of tea and enjoy this issue. Enjoy photography. '



Bhaskar Paul Editor



Reader's Board

A great learning to take from this set of Magazines, wonderful way of presentation. The huge credits to the editorial section. Its truly a gold mine for inspiration for people like me . Waiting for the up coming issues. Congratulations to the Photographic Society of Siliguri for this wonderful work. I really appreciate it a lot. And huge thanks to Sudakshina Ma'am for letting me know about it and sharing this with me. Sayan Bose

I am very new in the world of photography and I understand about it a very little. But the appearance and the content of the magazine Inside Photography are awesome. I am a student of second year and I want to join your Photographic Society. Please let me know the process, so that I can improve myself. Thank you. Vivek Sahu Editor: Mr Vivek if you want to join SPS, please mail us or text us to the given address below.

Editor: Thank you Mr. Sayan for your kind appreciation. your continuous love and support inspire us to do better.

This is a new segment

you your


can send

suggestions, questions, all


queries. to send queries Whatsapp us at

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also, mail us at Siliguri


MY SHOT : LIVE VS DEATH DEBABRATA SAHA CHOWDHURY There was a short interview between Mr Debabrata Saha Chowdhury and Inside Photography Team about him. The team asked him about the image which was selected from the Image Square section of this issue of Inside Photography and his photography journey in few words. Mr Debabrata replied as "The contrast of the two different subjects compelled me to take this photo.Contrast in terms of colour and state of being. The green colour of the fern represents its intrinsic life energy. Where as the wheel of the abandoned truck represents a state of oblivion & death. So the caption becomes : Life Vs Death." About his photography, replied with a little smile as,"I believe life is an opportunity to learn,explore & love. In photography I find all the three things. I want to learn more & more to keep myself upgraded.My philosophy is we can learn the subject , success will follow."



This Cute Camera Drone Now Lives on the International Space Station There s a new camera drone floating around on the International Space Station and it s adorable Called the Int Ball the drone shoots photos of the crew and their activities freeing up the astronauts to do other work Int Ball was delivered to the ISS by SpaceX s Falcon 9 rocket and a reusable Dragon cargo capsule back on June 4th 2017 and Int Ball currently spends its time inside the Japanese Kibo science experiment module ’












The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA writes that Int Ball can move around and shoot both still photos and videos onboard the ISS while being controlled by a remote photographer based on Earth The 15cm diameter 6in camera drone contains a 3 axis control unit that uses 12 fans to move about The camera is located between the glowing eyes of the cute little bot allowing astronauts to see where it s being directed at any given time (











Astronauts onboard the ISS reportedly spend 10 of their time shooting photos and Int Ball s goal is to free up some of that time for other more important tasks Images captured by Int Ball are beamed to people on the ground in real time allowing scientists to efficiently collaborate with ISS astronauts on projects JAXA says it s working on developing Int Ball s performance and automation to the point where it can take over all of the astronauts photographic responsibilities %









Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Barbara Davidson and Volvo recently teamed up for an unusual photo project: Davidson created the first ever photo exhibition ever shot using a car camera. The brainchild of the Swedish ad agency Forsman & Bodenfors, the exhibition was captured using the safety camera on board the Volvo XC60. It’s an intelligent camera that can detect other cars, people, bicyclists, and animals. The photos show various city scenes with a low-fi black-and-white perspective, except various subjects within the photos which have been outlined in bright, numbered boxes inserted by the Volvo’s camera.

The World’s First Photo Exhibition Shot Using a Car

Davidson, who was behind the wheel for the carefully staged photos, has a personal connection to Volvo cars: she was sitting in one as a young girl when she survived a severe car accident. Her exhibition opened in London on July 4th and will be touring the world through 2017.

Image By Ankit Dey Image By Sudakshina Majumdar

COMPOSITION: FRAME WITHIN A FRAME BHASKAR PAUL Composition is a way of art, by which the ancient artists expressed their creations in the form of paintings. With the advancement of human civilization, photography came to the world not only to capture the memories but also to create the art in a different way. The camera is intelligent enough; we just need to know the limitations and use it. In the field of photography there is no hard and fast rule. But we have got some guidelines as composition rules to make the art of photography better. In the last issue of Inside Photography, I discussed about the composition rules through lead line. In this issue I will discuss about one of the important and fascinating composition rules “frame within a frame”. I was a student of mathematics and there was a theory Nested Interval theory and my teacher taught me that theory as a mosquito net is inside a mosquito net, which is inside another net and that is inside another net and then at the center a mosquito and that mosquito is our main point of attraction. In this composition rules, things are just like that. Frame within a frame in our composition can totally blow our minds and can change a simple & dull photo into an interesting one.

Now first of all need to understand what a frame within a frame composition is. In our houses we can easily find the portrait photographs of our grandfather or grandmother within a frame of wood or plastic element. Similarly a frame separates eyes of viewers away from all the surrounding distraction and isolates the point of interest or our subject of interest in images. Again, by using another object to

frame our main subject can imply a depth to the image. Using frame within a a frame composition rule we can make the photo unquestionably balanced and can create a strong feeling of threedimensional picture. We can use the composition rule, frame within a frame for both indoor and outdoor photography. In Portraits, wedding, studio everywhere the frame is being used regularly. These are mainly man made like door, window, bridge, mirror etc.



But nature provides us with a huge number of natural frames. The most important thing is we need to use them in a very simple way that is by using our imagination. Then I must say, before you shoot something, try to think and visualize what you exactly want to do. Adding or eliminating the objects to frame the subject before shoot is very important and more you do it, more you will learn faster to capture good images through your camera. Now let us take some examples to elaborate the concept of frame within a frame composition.

Here inHere this in image, this im the main thesubject main subje is surrounded surrounded by a b geometrical geometrical patternpa and there andisthere no is question question about the about point ofpoint interest of interes in this image. this image. The lady The sitting sitting at the at the foreground foreground is our is subjectsubject and the and boat the in the water in the is water balancing balancing the th composition. composition. We just W need to need looktoaround look ar here, the here, shape the shap of the frame the frame made this made moment moment in the in th image image an interesting an intere one. one.



By using a frame within a frame is a great way to lead our viewers’ eyes into a photo. This can add depth and context, as well as can draw the attention to the point of interest.This is a simple image and the repetition of the door with the same colour makes the frame interesting. The eye of the viewer leads to the scooter and it creates a depth to the image also giving a feeling of three dimensions. This is the fun of the composition frame within a frame.

Using door, color, shadow with the motion can create a huge effect on an image. If you see the above image the grey part of the wall, the door is the frame and the girl with motion into darkness can tell us the entire story behind it. We have a powerful tool as aperture, focal length which can be used to manipulate the depth of field that helps us to create the drama.

Sometimes we need to make the background sharp or sometimes out of focus as they are unimportant. Sometimes really the situation needs to be remaining out of focus to make the composition better. Photography is nothing but the amalgamation of imagination and technicalities. Just need to apply both at a same moment.

If we keep our eyes open and look around us, we can find the natural frames. Trees, branches, light, shade, reflections, rocks, roads everything can be used as frame to separate the point of interest. Now our frame doesn’t need to go around all four edges, a partial or incomplete frame can make a good impact like the image below.

Here the branches made an incomplete frame, where the train and the cow along with the reflection at the foreground are our subject, similarly as the image beside. In both cases the branches made the frame.

Next thing, you can make a frame of separation using the light and shadow. In this kind of critical exposure


you need to learn how to control it, if there the difference of exposure value is more than 5 stops. Use your manual mode and find the exposure you are comfortable with.. Don’t think at the time of shooting to rectify the exposure by photoshop, it will destroy your skills of photography. Photoshop can enhance the beauty of a photograph, but if you give birth to one ill baby, how can you make the child healthy and strong. Need to know the basics and make good and compositionally correct photographs so that you can enhance its flavor at the post processing.

 During taking this image it was very tough for me as the high dynamic range in this image was very high. The low light detail and high light detail were present. I tried my best, but you can see the high light details is clipping at the tea pot. But it is a good example to create a frame with contrast and also to the separate the subject from the background.

If the frame is partially interesting, don’t neglect it, use it. I found this image at Mahavirsthan during a photo walk, and the whole structure of that old building  was interesting. There I found two children were playing and I did not miss that moment.

Everywhere you can find frames, need to visualize and shoot. But, just because a frame can take various shapes and forms does not mean that it can be associated into an image without thinking it through. If you want to place a frame into a composition, without thinking how the frame impacts the image, I think the effect may not be achieved. It can even make the image worse. Take your time before proceeding. So don’t go always for blind shot. Every time try to make something new which can give you the pleasure.

Here I saw a child whose eyes were very appealing but waited for something that would create an extra layer. The hand lead to the eyes and that was my purpose at the time of shooting.


AUGUST, 2017

Including this kind of reflection in mirror, the things like ceilings, curtains, bokeh, fireplaces, negative space, color, texture everything you can use to make the frame within a frame composition.

At the end of the day, it’s up to the photographers how he/she want to compose the frame. What we are discussing today seems like a guideline, but more you practice more you learn and one day even it may come when you break these guidelines and make some really good photographs, which is a digital data of the great form of art.



Image square, this section was opened for all at our social media (facebook) page one month ago. It is a platform to show the photographs of the amateurs.





Send Now !

This month lots of good images were posted by the photographers. It was a very tough decision for the judges to select 6 images out of them.

Congratulations to all of them whose photographs were selected. But the other photographers who posted their images were also excellent. Create more photographs and share with us next month for this section of Inside Photography.


AUGUST, 2017


Image by Debabrata Saha Chowdhury Image by Raju Das




Image by Pronay Banik

Image by Arpita Singha Roy

Image by Pranab Das


Image by Subham Ghosh

Few more honourable mentions for Image Square areTamal Chowdhury, Dr. Vivek Kumar, Subhanjan Bhaumik,Sudipta Bhowmick, Upamanyu O Chakraborty, Sangali Pranai, Sammy kay, Banani dey, Sandip Banerjee, Sujan Sarkar, Sayan, Jay Paul, Rishi Raj Singh.Lastly we are really thankful to those who had sent their photos in the image square and we expect a lot more from you all in future.


How We See Color To understand how color is recorded photographically without knowing how we see color is like trying to cook a meal without ever tasting food. While photographic materials record colors in a predictable and measurable way, it is how we see and react to both the original scene and the final results that makes or breaks the process. While you may think that you see colors with your eyes, it is actually the brain’s interpretation of the information that determines what we see. This can be influenced by personal and cultural factors (As for example; certain colors have specific meaningscertain colors have specific meanings in different countries,). Despite these variable factors, there are also many deeprooted reactions that seem to be almost universal, and these can be exploited in your photography.

Your attention is immediately drawn to the red car in this image, despite the fact that it occupies only a small area of the frame. This is due to many factors, one of which is the fact that red is associated with danger. Consequently, we pay more attention to red than to the colors around it.

Physical Aspects of Vision Let’s discuss some basic physical aspects of vision before describing how we use this information. As we have seen, Light is made up of three primary colours..— red, green, and blue—and this is basically how our eyes see color. The light-sensitive cells within the eye are split into two main types: rod-shaped and cone-shaped. The rods are the most sensitive to light, but cannot discriminate between different colors. The cones are less sensitive to light, but contain chemicals that allow them to see one of the three primary colors. The blue- and greensensitive rods equate very well to the colors that we think of as pure primary colors, but the rods that we use to see red light are only sensitive to light that we would consider to be orange. The information given by these three types of rod is sent to our brain, which interprets the information to give us a mental picture of the scene. So, while our eyes play a major part in the physical aspects of vision, it is our brain that determines what we see.

Limitations of Color Vision There are many factors which depicts that colours seen by one may not match with others. Here are some common problems which our mind bears when trying to assess colours

Color blindness

Color blindness test chart.

As opposed to the psychological influences that mean we all interpret colors differently, color blindness is a physical aspect of the reaction within the eye. This can take the form of a slightly uneven response to the three primary colors, or can result in an inability to distinguish between red and green. Color blindness affects around one tenth of the male population, but is much less common in females. At its most severe, color blindness can cause problems with achieving accurate color balance, so it is worth checking out whether you suffer from this condition by using some of the charts readily available, or asking your optician.

Image by Debabrata Saha Chowdhury

Image by Sabyasachi Ghosh




This time Anubhav Choudhury tells his story behind the lense INSIDE PHOTOGRAPHY



AUGUST, 2017

Veri Naag is a village far away from Srinagar city. This

picture was taken during my trip to the Paradise on Earth.

Kashmir. I have always heard about how beautiful this place

was and so I wanted to pay a visit there. But due to the

politically volatile situations I couldn't make an effort before.

Finally this time when I got the oppurtunity i couldn't let the

chance go off. This time when I was leaving the srinagar city

70 km away, our vehicle's tyre got punctured. Veri Naag being

a small village it was impossible to find a shop to repair.

Meanwhile our driver said that this is the village from where

the River Jhelum has originated and the spot was very nearby

to our stoppage. Knowing this I rushed to the spot. It was hard

to believe my eyes that in such remote village there was an

ancient Mughal structure around River Jhelum. The place

behold a beautiful image on itself with greenish water flowing

where people were feeding the fishes. There I noticed a girl

who was even feeding the fishes, I asked if I could take some

pictures of her, she allowed me. Then I clicked a couple of

potraits but it wasn't working so well, so when she finished

feeding I captured this wide shot of her with the structure

and that is how this image was made.

By Anubhav Choudhury


Death Becomes Him Writing by Jayanta Sarkar Photographed by Debasis Sarkar

He was afraid of death. Most people are, but he was adamant to overcome death. One day while he was travelling the countryside , as usual he was thinking of death. Then he was a person who was walking ahead of him had a mysterious aura around him. He decided to follow the man.

AUGUST, 2017

Then after some times he was another man coming towards them. Now suddenly the man whom he was following forward into a tiger and attacked the coming man and killed him. He was shocked, but decided to continue the stalking. Again after sometimes he saw another man coming, now the man ahead of him turned into a cobra and bite the coming man to kill him. Now he decided to confront the man, he went up to him and asked who is he and how come he can turn into

animals and why did the killed the two man. The man was shocked to know that he could see him and asked him has could he see him. He replied that he does not know, only he was thinking of death and then he saw him and his doings. The man smiled and said,� I am death, your constant thought about me opened your visions and your eyes turned into something of a cosmic camera so that you could see me. Those two people were destined to die in the fashion they did. I was just performing my duty.� He then pleaded with death to tell him how he will die. But death said that is against the laws of nature. But he kept on pleading to get rid of the constant nagging, death told him he will die in a crocodile attack. ‌ to be continued

Image by Bhaskar Paul Image by Bipul Barman

Image by Dr. Vivek Kumar

Image by Radhika Todi

Image by Rudra Sekhar Das

To join SPS please mail at siliguriphotographicsoci or put message to our facebook page.

Image by Uddalak Majumdar

History of the world photography day The intention of celebrating world photography day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype method, a photographic process developed by Joseph Nicephore Niepce and Louis Daguerre in the year 1837. On 9th January, 1839, The French Academy of Sciences announced the Daguerreotype process. A few months later, the French government purchased the patent and announced the invention as a gift “free to the world ". The Daguerrotype wasn't in fact the first permanent photographic image. In 1826 Nicephore Niepce captured the earliest known permanent photographic called “View from the window at Le Gras" using a process called Heliography. The main historical significance of choosing 19th August 1839 as World photography day is the application of Daguerrotype as the first practical photographic process and followed by the purchase and release of the patent of the same by the French government. In this noble occasion Siliguri Photographic Society is going to organize a photowalk.


Cover- Debabrata Saha Choudhury

Devloped By - Anubhav Choudhury Designed By - Sanjib Mukherjee Honorable Photo Moderator -Sabyasachi Ghosh


The Magazine is created By Siliguri Photographic Society

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