Inside photography november 2017

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Sudakshi naMaj umdar Arpi t aDewanj ee



Reader's Board Inside Photography: The Anniversary Edition The cover page itself brought about an unknown cherishing smile, and seemed like that the portrayed woman convinced me to smile back. A 134 paged issue, inked in an extraordinary yet understandable content was really a good read. All the heads about Gulmarg, Street Photography, Behind the lens and Mathematics in Photography- were all fascinating. Gulmarg- A dream or a Nightmare?- gave me a good knowledge about the scenario there. The photo of the four-legged friend was that I loved most. The blend of the 'sunny' dog colour and the white snow was much attractive and appealing. The Nostalgic Streets- well photographed and well timed. I personally loved the photo in which a child seems to get a gaze over the wall which gives an awareness about child labour. To me, it seemed like that, the wall signifies the mainstream line of poverty created by us, the awareness message are the campaign on this side of the line of poverty by 'well educated' mass and the child is the reality on the other side of the wall. The reality and the campaign to not encounter each other! I also loved the photo portraying an old man sitting on the commoner bench and reading newspaper with all the laureate men above him on banners. Contrasting yet acceptable. Behind the lens: All the photographs are really unique in thought process and like them all. The experiment by Arka Da was inspiring and will certainly provoke a photographer to try new experiments. The photo which attracted me most is by Mr. Shubham Ghosh. At first gaze, to me it seemed like the bikes of movie Tron leaving a line of glazing light behind. But, after reading I was so stunned; those were the car lights on the road. Wonderful image it is! The Relation between Photography and Mathematics was also a good read. The content isthe Golden Ratio, which altogether was a much satisfying read as my friend Janmejoy and I were discussing the same topic a couple of days ago. The reading further made my concept clear and wider. The whole issue altogether is very well penned down and well compiled. And, Image Square will be missed! Thank you. Kaushal Aggarwal This is a  segment where you can send your suggestions, questions, all you're queries. to send queries you can Whatsapp us at 9547743892 also, mail us at

Photography has always been my serious hobby and to explore different genres of photography has always intrigued me, though portrait photography has always been my personal favourite. Since it was the festive season and Diwali the “Festival of Lights” was just around the corner,we decided to do a smallprojectfor the #insidephotography magazine themed on Diwali. It was a team project which included myself, Bhaskar da and the Captain of the ship Anubhav. We came up with different ideas for frame setup and lighting arrangements and the images were coming out really well indeed. The photography session was going as per the plan and we did manage some great shots, that’s when suddenly an idea struck into my head and I planned to add some extra creative ingredientto the images.Since we were working with still life and the light setup was generating some beautiful bokeh patterns I decided to add some reflection into the frame. Thus, I placed my phone in such an angle so thatIcould getthe reflection of the setup on the screen and while taking the shot I placed both the subject and the reflection in my frame. So, this is how I managed to take this Diwali themed shot! Happy Diwali… .letthere be light.


Att he pr evi ous i ssue Idi scussed aboutt he Spi r alcomposi t i on wi t ht he hel p ofmat hemat i nt hi s ar t i cl e we wi l lel abor at et he second c t i onalr ul eoft heGol denr at i oTheGol denTr i a pr evi ousl y di scussed aboutt he FabonacciS and t he Gol den r at i oi n det ai l s.So t hi st i me st ar tf r om t he Gol den Tr i angl er ul e.


he Gol den at i cs.Now composi i angl e.We Sequence e we wi l l

Needt oknow f i r stwhati sGol dent r i angl e.I nasi mpl ewor dsupposewehavea t r i angl esucht hatangl eA=angl eB=72 degr eeandangl eC=36degr ee.Sucha t r i angl ei sknownast heGol dent r i angl e. Agai nDbeapoi ntofBC,sucht hatAD i st heangl ebi sectofofangl eA,t het r i angl eABDi sal soGol denTr i angl e. A Gol dent r i angl e,al soknownast he subl i net r i angl eandt heequat i oncanbe wr i t t enas

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Agai nGol dent r i ngl escanbef oundi n t heendsofsever al st el l at i ansoft hedodecahedr onsand i cosahedr ons.Then t heshapeoft heGol dent r i angl ecanbe obt ai nedi nt hepoi ntpent agr ams.The ver t exangl ei sequal t o

Si ncet heangl esofat r i angl esum t o 180degr ee,baseangl esar et her ef or e72degr eeeach.TheGol dent r i angl ecanal sobei nadecagon,ora t ensi dedpol ygon,byconnect i onany t wo adj acentver t i ces t ot he cent r e. Thi swi l l f or m agol dent r i angl e.

Now enoughmat hemat i csexpl anat i on has been done.I t s agai n a compl ex equat i on of compl ext heor y .Iam j ustgi vi ng t hebr i efi deaoft hat .Now we wi l ldi scussaboutt hepr act i cal usageoft heGol denTr i angl ei n t hephot ogr aphyar t .Butbef or e t hatweneedt ol ear ni naphot ogr aph how t o appl y t he Gol den t r i angl ecomposi t i on. Justl i ket heabovei mage,t hi ski ndoft r i angl eswer eusi ngsi ncet he dawnofFabonccit heor yasGol dent r i angl ei nar tandnow adaysi n phot ogr aphy .Touset hegol dent r i angl ei nanphot o,wehavet oi magi ne l i nesgoi ngt hr ought hef r amesot hatt heyf r om equi angul art r i angl es,i . e.t r i angl ewi t ht hesameangl esi nt hem,j ustl i ket hei mages gi venbel ow.

Her eIwantt oment i ont hatt he ar eai nsi det hepoi ntoft hesmal l estt r i angl ei ssomet i mescal l ed Her ei nt hi si maget heeye oft he cow was bal anced wi t h t he gol dent r ai ngl eandal sot het ypi calshapeoft hef aceenhances t hef act .

The mat t eroff acti s t hat ned t oj ust f i nd mul t i pl e subj ectwher e we can cr eat e a good composi t i on ofGol den Tr i angl eandal somake a good r el at i on oft he subj ectbet weent hem.

Let sgobackt ot hehi st or y .The f amousar t i stDaVi nchiusedt he Gol denSpi r al t ocr eat et heMonal i sat hatweal r eadyknew.Buthe al sousedt heGol denTr i angl et o dr aw at t ent i on t ot he Monal i sa' s f ace.DaVi nchiwasanmat hemat i ci anandheusedt hemat hemat i csi nhi sar t .Thebodyoft heMonal i saf r om el bowt oel bot ot het op oft heheadf or mst heGol denTr i angl e. The Gol den t r i angl ei s a good composi t i onalgui del i ne cont ai ns some di agonalel ement si ni t .I t spl i t st hephot oi nt omul t i pl et r i angl es. The Gol den Tr i angl e i s si mpl eandwor kst hebestwi t ht he I magef r om publ i ckdomai n l i nesbutal mostever yphot oswi l l getbenef i tf r om appl yi ngi t ButImustsay ,dur i ngcomposi t i onof af r amebyusi ngt hi sGol denTr i angl e donott r yt okeept hepoi ntofi nt er est j ustatt hepoi ntofi nt er sect i onoft he t r i angl es,i twi l lmaket hej obdi f f i cul t . Tr yt omakei tappr oxi mat ef i ti nt ot he poi ntofi nt er sect i ons.I twi l lbeni cei f somet i mesyou getsome composi t i onwher et her ei ssomeel ementi n t hef r amepar al l elwi t ht hebi sect i ng l i ne.I twoul dbeeasi erf ort hevi ewer st omakeaj our neyatyourphot ogr aphs.

I n t hi s i mage, mul t i pl e subj ect s ar e t her e and cr eat es an beaut i f ulst or y of al azymor ni ng.The mai nt wo subj ect s not j ust at t he i nt er sect i ons but t he l ead l i nes of t he Gol den Tr i angl e pl aced t hem.

I t ’ s af t eral la phot ogr apher s choi ce, how he wantt o show t he i mage t o t he vi ewer s wi t h an ar t i st i c and l ogi cal t hought s.Iadd t he wor dl ogi c,asever yi mage mustcont ai n al ogi calst or y,ot her wi set heshotwoul dbecomenot hi ngbut a snapshot .

Now t he quest i on becomes how t oi mpl yt he Gol den t r i angl e i nt ot he i mages. Letme cl eart he f act . When you ar ei n t he f i el d ofphot ogr aphy and t aki ng pi ct ur es, i magi ne t he di agonal l i nes t hr ough your f r ame and f i nd t he poi nt of i nt er est s and t r y t o keep t hem at t he poi ntoft he i nt er sect s oft he di agonal . I fyou ar et aki ng t he por t r ai t ,use hi s ar m orbody shape so t hat hi s expr essi on al ong wi t h t he body l anguage cr eat es mor e appeal i ng. Just l i ke t he i mages besi des, t he t r i ck can be used.

Dur nee t he t ot dyn i ma t r ac com I fy r onm al w bac st or cl ea

ur i ng maki ng a por t r ai t , edt oputt hel i nest odi vi de ei mage and dr aw t he eye t he f ocalpoi nt t o cr eat e nami c at t r act i on of t he age.Eyes ar et he mai n at act i on ofany por t r ai t ,t hen mest he f aci alexpr essi on. you ar e shoot i ng any envi nmentpor t r ai t ,t hen i ti s waysi mpor t antt o keep t he ckgr ound r el at ed t o t he or y and al so si mpl e and ean.

I ti sal wayseasi erf orsome peopl et o vi sual i ze t he t r i angl e t hat t o t he r ul e of t hi r ds. I n mor e cr eat i ve wor k, we can br i ng mor e st r ong composi t i onal at t r act i on wi t h a gr eatsense ofbal ance oft he poi ntof i nt er est s by usi ng t hi s Gol den Tr i angl e composi t i on.The t r i angl e hel pst he eyes ofvi ewer st o moves f r om onepoi ntt oanot heri n a cont i nuous pr ocess t hr oughoutt he i mage.


SWAN i nassoci at i onwi t hSPSi spl anni ngaSky Shoot i ng Wor kshop.Shoot i ng St ar f i el d,Moon, Pl anet s, St ar t r ai l et c. I ndoorcl assr oomsessi onf ol l owed by out doorshoot i ng usi ng moder n sky shoot i ng equi pment s.Bei ng an advance l evel wor kshop,t hi swi l ldemand t he par t i ci pant st o havef ai ri deaaboutbasi cf unct i onar i esandoper at i onofDSLR,l ensesandpr act i cal exper i enceof usi ngt hem.I nt er est edonesmayj oi nus.Li keal l ot herSWAN i ni t i at i ve,t hi si sal sogoi ngt obea nonpr of i ti ni t i at i ve.Dat e,Venue,Modul edur at i on wi l lbe f i nal i sed dependi ng upon r esponse.I n case i nt er est ed-pl ease commentagai nstt hi s postand/ormai l t oskywat cher si ndi a@gmai l . com orcal l :9832626881 Tent at i veDat e:10t hNoveveni ngI ndoorsessi on and11t hNovni ghtOut door .I t sanonpr of i tl i mi t edcapaci t yevent .Regi st r at i oni spur el yonf i r st comef i r stser vebasi s.

Editor - Bhaskar Paul Devloped & Designed By Anubhav Choudhury COVER IMAGE ANKIT DEY content head sudakshina majumdar arpita dewanjee Photo moderator sabyasachi ghosh back cover SANJIB MUKHERJEE contributers bhaskar paul anubhav choudhury ANKIT DEY pranav das debabrata SAHA choudhury









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