The Future of Wealth in South Africa by Denisa Oosthuizen
e live in a country of contrasts: extreme poverty and immense wealth, toxic greed and bountiful generosity, desperation and hope”. This is how Silvana Bottega, founder of Southern African Luxury Association (SALA) started her written message to the hundreds of guests who participated at SALA’s first Wealth Summit on 7 and 8 March 2012, at Sandton Sun, Johannesburg. In a country full of contrasts, with a rampant unemployment rate of 25% and nearly 16 million South Africans dependant on government’s social grants to survive, one would wonder the scope and purpose of such a conference, where African 10 WealthWise magazine
luxury was on everyone’s lips, from leaders in wealth managements and senior executives of luxury businesses across the country, from Cape Town to Johannesburg. In the words of Bottega, “the luxury industry has the capacity to inspire innovation and generate employment”. Not only the luxury market is a provider of growth opportunities for Africans, but the hope and aspirations of the burgeoning middle class on the continent is an indication of better things to come. Moreover, the high end market has a promising future, with strong growth potential especially in the most developed African economy, South Africa, the focus of the conference.
Designed to explore both the state of wealth in the specifically South African market and to identify the obstacles and the opportunities for growth, the twoday Summit was comparable to an educational manual in understanding how the wealthy think, live, spend their money and create an impact in Africa.
The Wealthy Elite Marcia Klein, editor of the Business Times and Money and Careers section of the Sunday Times, who has been involved in the compilation of Sunday Times’ annual Rich List in South Africa, which takes in account the assets owned by the wealthiest, notes that “most of those who made