SILVERA TIMES Silvera’s Community Newsletter - Spring 2016
QUESTION PERIOD In Question Period, we answer questions from our residents.
This issue, we focus on questions about the Active Aging Model. What is the Active Aging Model?
on the entertainment value of activities, activities meet your cognitive, intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical needs. We want to make sure our programming is inspiring, dynamic and purposeful.
In the new model, each Supportive Living Community will have an Active Aging Assistant, whose focus will be on spending time with you and leading activities that are focused on the your skills and interests.
What does it mean for me?
The Active Aging Model is founded on Silvera’s values and supports aging in community, quality living, wellbeing and person-centred support.
Why has the name changed?
Over the past two years, Silvera for Seniors has evaluated our approach to activities and our activity programming. The new name of the model reflects the focus on active aging where, rather than focusing
Besides these enhancements, you will also see new exciting programs introduced, and we will continue to evaluate new and existing programs to make sure we offer activities that you want to participate in and that are relevant for you. If you have feedback about activity programs in your community, you can talk to your Active Aging Assistant or fill out a Comment Card.
Silvera Times is happy to receive your questions. Use the Comment Cards in your community or send an email to: (attention: Silvera Times)
Our new building with 61 Independent Living suites is opening in March 2016 next to the existing Gilchrist Manor Community in Calgary’s northeast. The building is Phase 1 of a larger community development named Gilchrist Gardens that will link together the two Independent Living communities with an additional Supportive Living community. Silvera is now accepting applications for the new Independent Living Community at Gilchrist Gardens, which offers a mix of low-income, near-market and market rents. Call 403.276.5541 for more information.
THE HISTORY OF GILCHRIST GARDENS: 2009: Gilchrist Manor and Gilchrist Gardens comes into Silvera for Seniors’ portfolio of properties. 2010: Gilchrist Gardens, 20 cottage suites that served as media residences for the 1988 Winter Olympics, are decommissioned. 2012: The province announces funding for expansion of the Gilchrist site. 2014: The general contractor breaks ground on Phase 1 (Independent Living) of Gilchrist Gardens. 2015: The Province announces funding for Phase 2 (Supportive Living) of Gilchrist Gardens. 2016: Doors open to Phase 1 of Gilchrist Gardens. | 403.276.5541
SILVERA GOES SMOKE-FREE All Silvera’s communities will become smoke-free on Monday, May 2, 2016, to create safer and healthier environments for our residents, employees, volunteers and visitors. After that date, smoking will only be permitted in the designated smoking area, a minimum of five metres away from the building and away from doors, windows and air intakes in accordance with the City of Calgary’s bylaws. All Supportive Living Communities and Independent Living Communities with a common area will be provided with a designated smoking area. If you want to use this opportunity to quit smoking, our Community Resource Coordinators can help connect you with resources to make that transition.
QUIT NOW... TO BECOME A HEALTHIER YOU. Smoking increases the risk for serious health problems, many diseases and death. People who stop smoking greatly reduce their risk for disease and early death. Although the health benefits are greater for people who stop at earlier ages, there are benefits at any age. You are never too old to quit!
Here are some of the health benefits associated with stopping smoking: • Reduced respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. • Reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease (narrowing of the blood vessels around your heart).
• Lowered risk for lung cancer and many other types of cancer Sandstone Pharmacies can help you quit smoking. Call Sandstone Pharmacies, Sarcee Enhanced Care Solutions at 403.217.5163 to book a free, private consultation and receive a Quit Kit with samples and support to help you transition to a smoke-free life.
SILVERA’S GOT TALENT: JOHN GRAY Inspired by the nature around Shouldice Community in Montgomery, resident John Gray decided to take up painting to capture the scenery around him. “My interest in painting arose from seeing the sights along the river, so I decided it would be interesting to put this down on canvas,” says Gray, 86. Gray enrolled in an introduction to acrylics course at Wildflower Arts Centre in July 2012 and, since then, he has produced about 80 paintings with acrylics from a small studio in his suite, mostly of landscapes, but also portraits. Painting from photographs, Gray considers himself a “good copyist,” not an artist. Gray paints with a palette knife rather than a brush to achieve a rich texture, similar to Vincent van Gogh, whose paintings Gray has been fascinated by since a school excursion to the Tate Gallery in his native London, England. With a background as a teacher, Gray has been able to pursue a variety of interests such as linguistics and film throughout his life and painting is only one of his creative outlets. John Gray showcases his work at a September exhibit in Shouldice Community.
“I like to create,” he says.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aspen resident Doreen Kamis got to celebrate her 89th birthday in style when the crew from Fire Station #1 dropped by for a surprise visit and serenaded her on Feb. 11.
Evelyn Yelds, Maxine Bueckert, Rena Parker and Ericka Sanders with the impressive spread of sandwiches they made for the February birthday party at Dream Haven Community.
2 | If you know someone who needs a Silvera home, please contact us at 403.276.5541
A scam is a dishonest attempt to trick you into giving scam artists money or your personal information, such as your credit card number. Need help with your taxes? Many local organizations offer tax clinics you can join to get help preparing your income tax return this tax season. Call them directly for more information:
Year-Round Tax Clinics: KERBY CENTRE
403.265.1120/ 403.538.8340
Seasonal Tax Clinics:
There are many different scams going around with many more being invented daily. In fact, scams are so common, the Calgary Police Service estimates one in 20 seniors are being financially exploited. This time of year, a common scam is the Tax Scam where scam artists posing as Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) contact you to try and get your identification or ask you to pay “outstanding taxes.”
Here are steps you can take to protect yourself: •
Only provide ID and credit card information over the phone when you have initiated the call.
Avoid unsolicited emails and the attachments and links included.
Don’t give away your personal information online.
Always keep your PIN confidential and change it often.
Never give out your Social Insurance Number to anyone you do not trust.
If the scam artist comes in person, ask to see identification, e.g. a police badge.
Be suspicious!
Tell someone! Only one in nine report financial abuse, even though it’s the best way to curb scams.
Call the police at 403.266.1234.
Visit or call toll-free 1.888.495.8501.
Silvera’s Community Resource Coordinators (CRCs) can help connect you with resources in your community. Call 403.390.3988 to talk to a CRC.
Call your bank/credit card company to report the incident and cancel all credit/debit cards.
Notify Silvera for Seniors.
If you think you may have been the victim of a scam:
RECYCLING PROGRAM You may have noticed new recycling bins in your community. This year, Silvera is implementing the City of Calgary’s recycling program. The garbage chutes are only for regular garbage, so take your recycling to the recycling bin instead. Please break down cardboard boxes before placing them in the recycling bin. | 403.276.5541 3
Spruce Community residents Irene Belenczuk, Helga Bunjes, Diane Haywood and Josephine Letal have been busy knitting and crocheting afghans, touques, scarves and mittens for local charities through The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Catherine Hernandez (third from right) and Shawnessy residents Theresa Odegnal, Helen McKenna, Ron Cree, Olga Mostowyj, Mabel Best, Eileen Gerber and Marjorie Jewett in front of the new, donated picture. When Catherine Hernandez started her practicum with Silvera’s Shawnessy Community this January, she was disenchanted by nursing.
Hernandez has so far raised $624, with more donations still rolling in, and she intends to put all the money towards brightening the lives of our residents.
“I was looking for something, some kind of inspiration,” she says. “When I got placed here [at Shawnessy], I found that inspiration from people who impacted me, so I wanted to return that favour and help them, as well. They helped me find that passion again.”
Based on requests, Hernandez has spent some of the donations to buy a picture for the Shawnessy dining room, which has been well received by residents.
What started out as Hernandez asking for spare change from friends and family ended up “spreading like wildfire” through word of mouth and, eventually, Hernandez was receiving messages from strangers wanting to donate.
To Hernandez, it’s never been about the money raised, but about the impact, and she says experiencing the appreciation from residents makes her want to do more. “To me, it’s really touching and heartwarming because it’s something small and yet they’re able to appreciate even the smallest act of kindness,” she says.
A volunteer from First Alliance Church made beautiful lap quilts for Beaverdam Residents this Christmas that now keep Hendrika Khan van den Broek and nine other residents warm and cozy.
Luise Braun, Ann Johnstone, Clothilde Del Rizzo, Lilly Friess, Huguette Mayer, Helen Fenske, Gabrielle Feher and Judy Seaman from Willow Park on the Bow Community with part of their donation of handiwork to Syrian refugees at the Bridgeland Resettlement Centre.
NEW MINISTER OF SENIORS Lori Sigurdson, who was also named Minister of Housing, was sworn in on Feb. 2 as part of a cabinet shuffle and was one of five new ministers introduced.
Edmonton MLA Lori Sigurdson is Alberta’s new Minister of Seniors.
She has more than 25 years of experience as a social worker and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from
the University of Alberta, as well as Bachelor and Master of Social Work degrees from the University of Calgary. Silvera is continuing to work hard to advocate for appropriate funding for our operations and for seniors on their behalf and we look forward to working with the Hon. Minister Lori Sigurdson.
SILVERA’S VALUES OUR PURPOSE To give seniors the respect they deserve and make it great to be a senior. OUR VISION Silvera will be the leading advocate and caring provider of affordable homes and services for seniors to live in place with dignity.
Editor: Katrine Sorensen
OUR VALUES Service: Supporting residents’ wellbeing and quality of life. Respect: Honouring each other. Teamwork: Working proudly to become better together. Safety: Committing to the safety of our residents and colleagues. Creating Homes… By helping residents feel welcomed and connected. Making a Difference… In a caring way.
#804, 7015 Macleod Trail SW, Calgary, AB T2H 2K6 (t) 403.276.5541 • (f) 403.276.9152 •
4 | If you know someone who needs a Silvera home, please contact us at 403.276.5541