Vernon Real Estate Pages

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Armstrong Enderby Lumby

Issue 11 • June 11 - June 24, 2017

4 beds, 2 baths 36.7 Acres $1,650,000

Cover Home brought to you by Barbie LeRoux Call 250.804.9936 for more information

Greg Barteluk RE/MAX Vernon

Stefe Brenner* RE/MAX Vernon

Robin Baycroft*

RE/MAX Vernon

Judy Fischer

Bev Jones

Greg Kalyniuk

RE/MAX Lumby

Larry Bennetto

Murray Bennetto

Maria Besso

Krista Blankley*

Mark Collett

Don Cowan

Doug Cuthbert*

Ryan Danchuk

Brandy DeBartolo

Debbie Fisher

Gord Fowler

Jacquie Friesen RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Armstrong

Roger Gates

Marty Gilbert*

Kyle Goulet

Don Kassa

Christie King

Heidi Klein*

John Kristian*

Woody Kuraoka

Tracy Lauriente

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Armstrong

Kathy Broderick* Christa Cleverley

Jane Field

RE/MAX Vernon

Mike Beck

Glenn Beach

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Lumby

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Enderby

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Armstrong

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

Bonita Lundquist*

Heidi Lussi* RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Commercial Solutions

Graeme Magee

Ken Magel

RE/MAX Enderby

RE/MAX Commercial Solutions

Damian Pighin*

Ashley Prenioslo

Teresa Prince

Dave Pusey*

Claire Radford*

Shawna Sidhu*

Elvera Silchenko Priscilla Sookarow Cheryl Soleway

RE/MAX Enderby

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon


RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Lumby

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Priscilla

Commercial Solutions

2555 Pleasant Valley Blvd 5405 26 St Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 Vernon, BC V1T 7G4 250.546.3119 250.503.3477 Each office independently owned and operated.

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon


908 George St Box 188 Enderby, BC V0E 1V0 250.838.0025

*Denotes Personal Real Estate Corporation

Graysen Marsh

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Lumby

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

Joanne Pappin RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

Lisa Salt*

Chris Santos

Beate Schmidt

Alan Stier

Dawn Taylor*

Tammy Stein

Brent Stevenson

2095 Shuswap Ave Lumby, BC V0E 2G0 250.547.9266

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon


RE/MAX Vernon

Jayme McKillop Shane McMorran*

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon


RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Priscilla

RE/MAX Vernon

RE/MAX Vernon

Vernon (Silver Star Office) 5603 27 Street 108-152 Silver Lode Lane Vernon, BC V1T 8Z5 V1B 3W9 250.549.4161 250.549.4161

Shelby Bouchard RE/MAX Vernon

Matthew Bower RE/MAX Vernon

Sandra Bradley* RE/MAX Vernon

Norm Brenner*

Feeling Social? We are. For up-to-date real estate market information, join The Right Agents’ social media network:

RE/MAX Vernon Don Defeo* RE/MAX Vernon

Craig Demetrick RE/MAX Priscilla

Deb Deveau RE/MAX Enderby

Denise Dobie* RE/MAX Vernon


Chris Holm* RE/MAX Vernon

Connor Hutchinson RE/MAX Vernon

Sid Hutchinson RE/MAX Vernon

Karen Jespersen RE/MAX Vernon

Lisa Salt

Tannis C. Lavik RE/MAX Vernon

V. Charlette Lavik RE/MAX Armstrong

Rachel Pasemko-Almaas* Heather Paulsen RE/MAX Vernon

Darlene Scott RE/MAX Lumby

RE/MAX Priscilla

Jen Sellar

RE/MAX Vernon

Barbie LeRoux RE/MAX Vernon

Joe Pearson RE/MAX Vernon

Carol Shalovelo* RE/MAX Vernon

Dan Lochhead RE/MAX Vernon

Stewart Pearson*

RE/MAX Commercial Solutions

Rodney Shanks RE/MAX Vernon


Avrill Trach RE/MAX Vernon

Charlie Veaudry* RE/MAX Vernon

Alex Wambold RE/MAX Vernon

Cliff Wenger RE/MAX Vernon

We hope you enjoy our magazine brought to you by the RE/MAX REALTORS of the North Okanagan and Silver Star Media Inc. ®


To see your home advertised here call one of these RE/MAX agents today.* ®

Steve Wikkerink RE/MAX Vernon

Barb Williamson* RE/MAX Priscilla

Kari Wilton RE/MAX Vernon

Brad Marsh

Managing Director *Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.

Each office independently owned and operated.


February 2017


February 2017

Housing Forecast Summary — First Quarter Housing Forecast Summary — First Quarter Unit Sales

Average MLS® Price ($)

® 2016 2018F 2016Average MLS 2017F Unit2017F Sales Price ($) 2018F 10,028 9,250 8,500 585,745 599,000 608,000 2016 2017F 2018F 2016 2017F 2018F Victoria Board Area 27.5% -7.8% -8.1% 12.3% 2.3% 1.5% 10,028 9,250 8,500 585,745 599,000 608,000 For immediate release: Victoria 10,532 9,400 8,750 $383,192 $396,000 $402,000 27.5% -7.8% -8.1% 12.3% 2.3% 1.5% Vancouver Island 26.6% -10.7% -6.9% 12.8% 3.3% 1.5% For immediate release: 10,532 9,400 8,750 $383,192 $396,000 $402,000 Vancouver Island Release For Immediate 417 390 345 $284,471 $288,000 $291,000 26.6% -10.7% -6.9% 12.8% 3.3% 1.5% Powell River Sunshine Coast 9.4% -6.5% -11.5% 15.3% 1.2% 1% 417 390 345 $284,471 $288,000 $291,000 Powell River Sunshine Coast 40,880 34,000 35,750 1,017,228 942,000 963,000 9.4% -6.5% -11.5% 15.3% 1.2% 1% Vancouver, BC – May 30, 2017. The BCREA Commercial Leading Indicator (CLI) increased for the fifth Greater Vancouver -5.2% -16.8% 5.1% 12.7% -7.4% 2.2% 40,880 34,000 35,750 1,017,228 942,000 963,000 consecutive quarter, rising 0.5 index points from the build fourth quarter ofcommunities 2016 to the first quarter of 2017. Five-pillar approach will stronger Greater Vancouver 23,086 19,700 18,900 $676,946 $657,000 $668,000 Vancouver, BC – May 30, 2017. The BCREA-16.8% Commercial Leading Indicator for the fifth 5.1% 12.7% (CLI) increased -7.4% 2.2% Fraser Valleynow sits at 128.0, a -5.2% The index 15.1%points 19,700 -14.7%the fourth -4.1% -2.9% 1.7% consecutive quarter, rising 0.5 index from quarter $676,946 of17.2% 2016 to the first quarter of 2017. 23,086 18,900 $657,000 $668,000 Fraser 4Vancouver, perValley cent increase from19, a year 3,400 3,100 $397,911 (BCREA) $416,000 $428,000 BC sits – April 2017. 4,306 The British-14.7% Columbia Real Estate Association -4.1% 17.2% -2.9% today announced 1.7% The indexand now Chilliwack District at 128.0, a 15.1% ago and a 0.4 per cent gain on a 37.2% -21% -8.8% 18.4% 4.5% 2.9% a five-pillar approach to address housing affordability for renters, homebuyers and homeowners across 4,306 3,400 3,100 $397,911 $416,000 $428,000 4 per cent increase Chilliwack and District from a year 3,181 quarterly basis. 2,870 2,700 345,528 355,000 362,000 37.2% -21% -8.8% 18.4% 4.5% 2.9% British Columbia. Kamloops and District ago and a 0.4 per cent gain on a 23.6% -9.8% -5.9% 5.9% 2.7% 2% 3,181 2,870 2,700 345,528 355,000 362,000 Kamloops andbasis. District quarterly 10,036 8,400 8,600 $461,791 $468,000 $476,000 23.6% -9.8% 5.9% 2.7% 2% “The rising CLIpillars mirrors the timely Okanagan Mainline BCREA’s five include recommendations to: -5.9% 25.6% -16.3% 2.4% 13.1% 1.3% 1.7% 10,036 8,400 8,600 $461,791 $468,000 $476,000 overall robust trend in the Okanagan Mainline rising assist consumers with 25.6% housing 2,459 costs, 2,050 1,975 $364,295 $351,000 $356,000 “The CLI mirrors the -16.3% 2.4% 13.1% 1.3% 1.7% provincial economy,” says South Okanagan* 21.6% -16.6% -3.7% 11.3% -3.6% 1.4%  robust encourage the creation2,459 of more rental housing, 1,975 2,050 $364,295 $351,000 $356,000 overall trend in the BCREA Economist Brendon South Okanagan* 260 285 325 $233,363 $243,000 $248,000  densify urban areas, 21.6% -16.6% -3.7% 11.3% -3.6% 1.4% provincial economy,” says Northern Lights Ogmundson. “The commercial -16.7% 9.6% 14% -13.4% 4.1% 2.1% 260 Tax, and 285 325 $233,363 $243,000 $248,000  adjust the Property BCREA Economist Brendon Lights stands to Transfer realNorthern estate sector 2,955 2,500 2,575 $282,758 $286,000 $291,000 14% -13.4% 4.1% 2.1% Kootenay  from promote best practices-16.7% among local9.6% governments. Ogmundson. “Thestrong commercial benefit BC’s 18.2% -15.4% 3% 2.7% 1.1% 1.7% 2,955 2,500 2,575 $282,758 $286,000 $291,000 Kootenay real estategrowth sectorthrough stands to 4,069 4,100 4,250 $263,703 $265,000 $269,000 economic 18.2% -15.4% 3% 2.7% 1.1% 1.7% BC Northern “REALTORS® understand the importance of housing affordability in creating communities,” -3.4% 0.8% 3.7% -0.4% strong 0.5% 1.5%says benefit from BC’s strong increased demand for 4,069 4,100 4,250 $263,703 $265,000 $269,000 BC Northern 112,209 96,345 95,770 691,144 657,026 666,657 Robert Laing, BCREA CEO. “Through these five pillars, BCREA’s recommendations provide a clear -3.4% 0.8% 3.7% -0.4% 0.5% 1.5% economic growth through commercial the BCspace Total and 9.5% accessible -14.1% -0.6% for British 8.6% Columbians.” -4.9% 1.5% pathway toward making homes more and affordable 112,209 96,345 95,770 691,144 657,026 666,657 increased demand for attraction of invesment BC Total NOTE: The Northern Lights Real Estate Board (NLREB) became part of the South Okanagan Real Estate Board (SOREB) on January 1, 2011. 9.5% -14.1% -0.6% 8.6% -4.9% 1.5% dollars.” commercial space and the

Board Area

BC Commercial Leading Indicator Signals Robust Growth BC Commercial Leading Indicator Signals Robust Growth BC Real Estate Association Unveils Housing Affordability Plan

*Excluding Northern Lights NOTE: The Northern Lights Real Estate Board (NLREB) became part of the South Okanagan Real Estate Board (SOREB) on January 1, 2011. *Excluding Northern Lights

BCREA’s recommendations are supported by the Canadian Home Builders’ Association of BC. “Many of attraction of invesment the underlying BCREA proposals on market housingoften affordability are shared priorities andtogoals CHBAdue BC,” The CLI trend, which smooths noisy economic data, continues pushof higher tosays dollars.” BCREA Economics provides timely research, analysis and information on economic factors affecting British Columbia and its housing markets. Neil Moody,“These actions on supply and building deliver more affordable ongoing strength economic activity, particularly from thecosts retailhelp andindustry wholesale tradeasectors. That BCREA Economics provides timely research, analysis and information on economic factors affecting British Columbia and its housing markets. product for homebuyers, provide more choice for buying or renting, decrease extra costsover for uptrend signals further growth in smooths investment, and other commercial real estate activity the The underlying CLI trend, which often noisy economic data,and continues to push higher duebuyers to The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) is theleasing Send questions and comments about the Housing Forecast to: ® like the Property Transfer Tax.” next two to four quarters. in BC, professional association for more than 20,000 REALTORS ongoing strength in economic activity, particularly from the retail and wholesale trade sectors. That The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) is the Send questions comments about the Housing Forecast to: Cameron Muir,and Chief Economist, ® focusing on provincial issues that impact estate. Working with uptrend signals further growth inrealinvestment, leasing and other commercial real estate activity over the in BC, professional association for more than 20,000 REALTORS; 604.742.2780 -30Muir, Chief Economist, the province’s realissues estate boards, BCREA continuing More information on BCREA’s five pillarsWorking can be found on Cameron the Association’s new website: focusing on provincial that impact realprovides estate. with next two to 11 four quarters.; 604.742.2780 Brendon Ogmundson, Economist, professional education, advocacy, economic research and the province’s realBCREA estate boards, BCREA provides continuing To view the11full Commercial Leading Indicator index, click here.; 604.742.2796 ® Brendon Ogmundson, Economist, provide value for their standard forms to helpadvocacy, REALTORSeconomic professional education, research and clients.; 604.742.2796 ® For more information, please contact: provide value for their clients.22,000 REALTORS® standard forms to professional help REALTORS Additional economics information available on issues BCREA isthe the association for about in BC, focusing onis provincial To view demonstrate the BCREA profession’s commitment to improving Quality To full Commercial Leading Indicator index, click here. BCREA’s website at: Brendon Ogmundson Additional is available continuing on that real estate. Working the 11 real estateeconomics boards,information BCREA provides ofdemonstrate Lifeimpact in BC communities, BCREA supportswith policies thatprovince’s help To the profession’s commitment to improving Quality Economist BCREA’s website at: ensure economic vitality, provide housing opportunities, preserve professional education, advocacy, economic research and standard forms to help REALTORS® provide For more information, please contact: of Life in BC communities, BCREA supports policies that help To sign up for BCREA news releases by email visit: Direct: 604.742.2796 the environment, protect property owners and build better valueeconomic for Ogmundson theirvitality, clients. Brendon ensure provide housing opportunities, preserve To sign up for BCREA news releases by email visit: Mobile: 604.505.6793 manage-subscriptions. communities with good property schools and safeand neighbourhoods. the environment, protect owners build better Economist Email: manage-subscriptions. communities with goodthe schools and safe neighbourhoods. To demonstrate profession’s commitment to improving Quality of Life in BC communities, BCREA Direct: 604.742.2796 supports604.505.6793 policies that help ensure economic vitality, provide housing opportunities, preserve the Mobile: The British Columbia Estate owners Association is thecommunities professionalwith association for more than environment, protectReal property and (BCREA) build better good schools and safe Email: Housing Forecast is published quarterly by the British Columbia Real Estate Association. Real estate boards, real estate associations and REALTORS may reprint this content, 22,000 REALTORS® in BC, focusing on provincial issues that impact real estate. Working with the provided that credit is given to BCREA by including the following statement: “Copyright British Columbia Real Estate Association. Reprinted with permission.” neighbourhoods. Housing Forecast is published quarterly by the British Columbia Real Estate Association. Real estate boards, real estate associations and REALTORS may reprint this content, BCREA makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness ofprovides this information. province’s 11is real estate continuing professional advocacy, 2 provided that credit given to BCREA boards, by includingBCREA the following statement: “Copyright British Columbia Real education, Estate Association. Reprinted with permission.” -30-is the The British Columbia Real Estateforms Association (BCREA) professional association for more than economic research and standard to help REALTORS® provide value for their clients. BCREA makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. 1420 - For 701 Georgia Street West, PO Box 10123, Pacific Centre, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6 | Phone: 604.683.7702 | Fax: 604.683.8601 | Email: 2 more information, please contact: 22,000 REALTORS® in BC, focusing on provincial issues that impact real estate. Working with the 1420 - 701 Georgia Street West, PO Box 10123, Pacific Centre, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6 | Phone: 604.683.7702 | Fax: 604.683.8601 | Email: Wendy Richmond, (604) 724-5489, province’s 11 real estate boards, BCREA provides continuing professional education, advocacy, ®


economic standard forms help REALTORS® provide value for BC their V7Y clients. 1420 – 701research Georgiaand Street W, PO Boxto10123, Pacific Centre, Vancouver, 1C6 Norma Miller, (604) 742-2789, | President-Elect James Palanio

President Jim Stewart Past President Deanna Horn

Chief Executive Officer Robert Laing


| |

| |

604.683.7702 (tel) 604.683.8601 (fax)

1420 –– 701 701 Georgia Georgia Street Street W, W, PO PO Box Box 10123, 1420 10123, Pacific Pacific Centre, Centre, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC BC V7Y V7Y 1C6 1C6


*Personal Real Estate Corporation

President Jim Stewart President Jim Stewart Past President Deanna Horn Past President Deanna Horn

| | | |

President-Elect James Palanio President-Elect James Palanio Chief Executive Officer Robert Laing Chief Executive Officer Robert Laing

| | | | | 604.683.7702 (tel) | 604.683.7702 (tel) | 604.683.8601 (fax) | 604.683.8601 (fax)



#411-3220 Centennial Dr · Top Floor, corner unit · 2 bdrms, 2 baths · 1151 sq.ft. · Excellent views · Two parking spots · Underground parking MLS 10133403 $349,900


Available Again

#112 -3704 27 Ave · Secure u/g parking · Flat walk to downtown · 2 bdrms, 1 bath · Clean · Fast possession possible

Cell 250.938.2830 Office 250.503.3755 Toll Free 1.888.503.3755

MLS 10131282 $131,900


#3-8014 Whitestone Dr · 3 bd + den, 3 Baths · Incredible Kal Lake View · Daylight walkout bsmt · Hardwood floors


MLS 10126167 $869,000

5603 - 27th Street Vernon, BC V1T 8Z5

585 Nighthawk Ave

4216 34 Street

NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST Buyers are looking now! For experience and great service call Jane.


185 Valerian Lane

6628 Pleasant Valley Rd.




Rancher on a Double Lot

Dawn Taylor Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-309-4092


True Ski-In, Ski-Out!


Beautiful Lakeview

2 beds, 2 baths, den, open plan, 624 sqft detached garage, garden.

Two bedroom 1 bathroom home on a 60 x 125 lot which is zoned R5

5 beds, 4 baths, heated floors throughout. Timberframe construction.

Fabulous 9.86 acre property bordering Highway 97 at the north end of Vernon.

465 Ibis Ave

244 Grouse Avenue

36 Lakeshore Drive

194 Falcon Ave



NE $329,900

Lakefront Community

NE $279,900

Minutes from Private Beach


Fabulous Log home


View of Okanagan Lake

3 bedroom 2 bathroom rancher set on 1 and a half lots in Parker Cove.

3 beds, 2.5 baths, front and back patio area, hot tub, storage shed, fenced back yard.

2 beds, 1 bath, 24x11 workshop,10x8 storage shed. On the waterfront in Parker Cove.

3 bedrs, 2 baths,2 minute walk from the beach & boat launch. Room to park a boat or an RV

Lot 19 Muir Rd.

0000 Highway 97 Vernon

427 Hummingbird Ave.

700 Nighthawk Ave


NE $69,500

Build Your Dream Home



Easy walk to shopping

Beautiful 0.41 acre treed building lot located in the Muir subdivision off of Westside Road.


Beautiful Kalamalka Lakeview

5.19 acre property at the south end of Vernon near welcome sign. Zoned LH.


Looking for New??

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 story home on a spacious corner lot in Parker Cove.


On the Waterfront

3 beds, 3 baths, dble garage, heat pump. Lease paid in full to 2043


Matthew Bower 250-550-8444


Text OPENHOUSE to 555888 to view the 3D Virtual Tour

Text TOUR to 555888 to view the 3D Virtual Tour

Text VIRTUALTOUR to 555888 to view the 3D Virtual Tour

4220 Leatherback Road

797 Heather Road , Lumby

21 Candide Drive, Lumby

This former show home is an immaculate, executive property that exudes warmth and elegance. Unobstructed view of Okanagan Lake from your patio hot tub, or spacious deck above. Open-concept living space and stylish finishes, its the perfect space for entertaining. You will love this centrally located home just minutes away from the downtown core.

Wonderful family home on meticulously landscaped lot with completely fenced backyard. The backyard is very private! It's perfect for BBQing, relaxing on the large covered deck and enjoying a soak in the hot tub. The grand foyer leads you to a beautiful curved staircase taking you to the 2nd level with 5 large bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Are you looking for that perfect acreage for all your furry friends and the green thumb within? Do you have a spouse that has lots of toys and likes his own space? Your search is over with this home! It sits on a 5 acre lot that has tons of privacy! It has very usable flat land and a 40' x 40' barely used shop with oversized garage door.

MLS 10133166


MLS 10130852


MLS 10134680

Unique Garden Art & Gifts provides a variety of indoor and outdoor decor and gifts for your home and outdoor spaces. We specialize in concrete statuary, bird baths, benches and planters. 778-475-5752 907 Kalamalka Lake Rd. Vernon, BC

Find us on Facebook @Unique Garden Art & Gifts



Silver Star Mountain

Fully Furnished

3 bdrm, 2 Bth, Private Hot Tub. mls# 10134793

Close to swimming pool, hot tub. mls# 10133878

Close to Village center

85 - 9845 Eastside Road Ready to Move Into

Ground Level

Newly Listed at $634,900

Offered at $297,000

Cliff Wenger REALTOR®

P. 250.549.4161 C. 250.309.0289 TF. 1.800.667.2040

Tammy Stein REALTOR®

P. 250.549.4161 C. 250.306.9974 TF. 1.800.667.2040



Ryan Danchuk

250.549.4161 New

East Hill - A 4 level front to back split level home with 4 bedrooms, a family room, and a play area. 2.5 baths, double garage, and a private rear yard. Roof was replaced less than five years ago. Kitchen is lake/city view and open to lower level family room. Natural gas furnace with central air, natural gas hot water. Alarm system, double garage. Front yard is in low maintenance trees & rock. Rear yard is private with a raised wood patio and concrete walkway. MLS#10135516

4505 Cascade Drive

$494,000 On Okanagan Lake, 10 minutes from downtown Vernon, BC. A spectacular view of one of the widest parts of Okanagan Lake. 80 feet of lake frontage, .21 acres with a gentle slope and easy access. Near a public boat launch for convenience. Owned by the same family since the 1950s. MLS#10132068

8823 Okanagan Landing Road



Build your Dream Home at THE TERRACES at Adventure Bay. This just under 1/4-acre building in a great location has exceptional unobstructed lake, mountain and city views and is ideally situated to capture morning sunlight from your view deck! Lot is ready to build! All utilities available, and paved roads and sidewalks are already in place. A short drive takes you to a shared dock and 1 km of beach access, plus many established hiking trails. MLS#10133475

8812 Oxford Road

$219,000 A rare beach front unit at the Strand Lakeside with direct access to the lake from the patio. Two storey unit with 2 bedrooms PLUS a den with bunkbeds. Stunning lake views from both levels. Home is immaculate and has been non smoking and pet free. Fully furnished and ready to move into. 2 heated, underground parking spaces, a storage locker, and a boat slip. The Strand features a pool hot tub, roof top areas featuring a rooftop putting green, a premium wharf and a great beach area. GST is paid. MLS#10134092

1007-7343 Okanagan Landing Road



Tracy Lauriente Listings Wanted! The market is hot - for an experienced professional full time realtor, Call Tracy Today 250.540.4143

Buy or sell with me and use this trailer for free for your local move. Vernon

The sign you want The Agent you need.


READY TO START THAT KITCHEN PROJECT? We are here to help from start to finish!



Since 1972, Westwood has been creating fine cabinetry that provides a truly custom look without the premium price. From our extremely broad selection, customers choose the combination of style, materials and finish that fits their lifestyle. Once chosen we apply our well honed skills to craft cabinets that can be valued for life. DESIGNING EACH KITCHEN TO SUIT EVERY UNIQUE CLIENT.



AWARD-WINNING 250.558.1030 • 4308 29th Street KITCHENS!


Shane McMorran


Personal Real Estate Corporation

Cell: 250.938.4000

Murray Bennetto REALTOR®



Larry Bennetto REALTOR® 250.308.6025

3502 23 Street, Vernon Vernon

w Nerice P



9543 Hodges Rd mls#10124113


0.596 acre gently sloped lake view building lot below Westside Road. Site prepped for building your dream home; room for a shop. In Killiney Beach, with 1200 feet of beach, boat launch, and park.

3020 Moray St mls#10135178

Charming 3 bedroom home, conveniently located close to downtown Armstrong. Large, level back yard; backs onto a lane. Unfinished basement for storage or expansion.

MLS# 10135210 - $675,000

5005 27 Ave mls#10132304


Investment opportunity or mortgage helper. 3 bedroom, 2 storey upper unit with open floor plan. 2 bedroom lower unit with separate entrance. Close to transit and shopping.

129 Mashie Cres mls#10132323


Live the resort lifestyle! Golf, walk, socialize and relax at Predator Ridge. Rancher with 2 bedrooms plus a den, 2 bathrooms, and an appealing great room. Close to all amenities.

w Nerice P

7787 Hwy 97A mls#10133435


Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath Rancher on almost 2 acres. Includes a guest suite. Workshop, craft shop, studio, fire pit, and a beautiful forest with paths and a babbling brook. Private & enchanting.

Delightful, stately heritage home maintained in immaculate original year 1912 condition including dining room, parlour, kitchen/butler's pantry, 4 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, basement workshop complete with ½ bathroom, 45 ft covered veranda. Private yard, fruit trees. Electrical and plumbing upgraded. New cedar shake roof year 2004. Double garage and extra parking. A distinct pleasure to show!!!


Business & Farm

8630 Okanagan Landing Rd mls#10125622

Home & Travel


Stunning, estate sized 9.3 acres above Okanagan Lake with spectacular panoramic views from a variety of building sites. Close to lake access, boat launch, and Yacht Club.

Auto & RV

All Insurance Services We provide protection options as unique as you are. 250-545-5311

3923 32 St. Vernon, BC V1T 5P2 Monday thru Friday: 7:30-5:30, Saturday: 9:00-5:00

Your Turtle Mountain Specialist



Use the strength of our 21 lawyer firm for all of your legal needs. Proudly committed to our community for over 40 years. 250-542-5353

Mattresses 250-309-7596 Up to 50% off from the big box stores

Flooring Flooring for every budget


Glass (250) 542-9309 2809- 45 Ave. Vernon, BC V1T 3N5

Blinds Canada's #1 choice for Window Covering


Heidi Lussi PREC Steve Wikkerink REALTOR® Beate Schmidt REALTOR® Susan Olney Administrative Coordinator

We are NEVER too busy for your referrals


Heidi Lussi Real Estate Team | 250-503-3487 |



OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, June 11th 12:00-3:00pm •

· Exceptional Limited Time offering! Take an additional $25,000 off the List Price · Sugar Lake Recreational Properties keeps getting better; Come out and view the resort including or newest addition, the floating doc. Visit us during the open house & pick out your Cabin or RV Lot · Room rentals at the lodge and RV lot rentals available, book your stay today and stay for the experience. · View all details & drone video at under recreational properties.

• • •

Cabin & RV Lots – starting at $69,500, Less the $25,000 promotion!

1705 44th Street


264 Sarsons Rd


BURSTING WITH UPDATES! This great starter home or investment property has been nicely updated including bathrooms, kitchen, windows, paint, flooring, appliances and insulation plus more! move right in a call it a day! $279,000 MLS:10135734

ROOM FOR THE WHOLE WORKS! Fantastic rancher with Coldstream Valley views sitting on nearly a half acre of land. Very private setting. Upgrades include newer paint and some flooring. Ample parking for the RV. 3 Bedrooms and 2 baths. $409,000 MLS:NEW

3432 Springview Pl


Great Family Home located in the McLeoad Subdivion of Armstrong. Home features 1350 sq.ft. living on main level with formal dining & living rooms, open kitchen concept, 3 bed + a huge master bedroom suite on the upper level. Large level property 0.30 acres with detached garage/shop. $525,000 MLS:10135789

For ALL listings visit


Kendra Scarrott

Executive Assistant (unlicensed)

261 Pleasant Valley Cross Road

4330 Sharp Rd, Armstrong

8740 Hofer Drive, Coldstream NEW

Spacious 2,073 sq.ft. 3 bed, 3 bath rancher on 17 beautiful acres of rolling pasture on the south side of Armstrong. Lrg sunken living room with fireplace & lrg family room with wood stove. Stunning property includes 18’x36’ in-ground pool, fire pit, garden boxes & sundeck. Outbuildings include hay barn, office/heated shop & Panel-arch farm shop.

mls 10132905


583 Robin Road, Vernon

The expansive comfort of this 5-acre property is echoed in the home with an open layout that's perfect for entertaining & comfortable family living. 3,384 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom rancher with basement. Spacious master bedroom contains walk-in closet and a full ensuite. 4330 Sharp Road is move-in ready.

mls 10134222


2,932 sq.ft. 6 bed, 4 bath walkout rancher. Kitchen features triangular island, & convenient corner pantry. Hardwood floors in living room with tray ceiling, electric fireplace and access to deck w/ views of mountains and Kalamalka Lake. Separate entrance mortgage-helping basement suite has 3 beds, 1 bath, private laundry, a well-appointed full kitchen and walk-out door from living room/nook.

mls 10135174


#2 & #3 2525 Jarvis St, Armstrong

#35 & #36 - 3805 Patten Dr, Armstrong

Welcome to The Aspens. COMING SOON: two new 3 bed, 3 bath 1,647 sq. ft. family homes. Floor Plans available. Lovely spacious plan and quality detailing make for comfortable and delightful living on a no-thru road, conveniently close to parks, schools, recreation, and shopping.

Elegant and comfortable 1,500 sq.ft. 3 bed, 2 bath semi-detached single level townhome currently under construction in 55+ Country Lane. Kitchen is well laid out, with island, granite countertops, and open to dining area & luxurious living room. Covered back patio. Spacious master bedroom features walk-in closet and 5 piece ensuite.


Sturdy log home on 0.4 acres overlooking stunning countryside. 4 bed, 2 bath over 2 ½ storeys of open concept living space Heated slate & hardwood S/S appliances + kitchen island & spacious living room w/fireplace. Bright dining room w/ French door access lrg deck. A railed loft – easily converted to 5th bedroom. Downstairs a walk-out basement features 3 bedrms, second bath, rec room w/ wood stove & laundry area.

mls 10135248


8487 Silver Star Road

Gorgeous 5 acre lot with sweeping mountain and lake views. Two points of entrance provide easy access to property. 3 phase power and single phase power both available. Gentle slopes, babbling creeks, and beautiful forest surroundings make this an ideal spot for your rural paradise. Minutes to Silver Star Ski Resort and all amenities in Vernon.

mls 10116289


Lot 2: $485,000 Lot 3: $475,000

9233 Kokanee Road

Gorgeous 1.1 acre lot with Lake Okanagan & mountain views. Easy access to property, while mature trees create a peaceful & quiet setting. Located at the west end of Vernon, only 20 minutes to the beach and all amenities.

mls 10133705


mls 10130060 & 10130019


40 - 3303 Mabel Lake Rd, Enderby

Lovely lot in conveniently located Club Kingfisher RV Resort. Quiet paved roadways connect this pleasant resort neighbourhood with great amenities including well maintained outdoor swimming pool, communal bbq & picnic area, laundry facilities, and green space. Enjoy Mabel Lake in summer, great hunting in autumn, world class sledding in winter, and endless recreation anytime from your very own holiday spot!

mls 10123123




u ed eR








1000 Mt. Grady Rd, Vernon

9317 Orchard Ridge Drive

#76 4740 20th Street

Builders WANTED! This is the last valley view lot on this beautiful street! All services to Lot line.

Executive 4 Bedroom 3 full bathroom home, with triple garage, on a quiet cul-de-sac! MLS# 10131059 $959,900

Immaculate 2 Bedroom 2 bathroom top floor unit of Skyway Village, with many upgrades.

MLS# 10130173 $240,000

MLS# TBD $189,900

Maria Besso (250) 308-1152 | | Deb

Deveau REALTOR® t




Your Key to the North Okanagan

Fischer REALTOR®


Call Deb & Judy @ The Key Team MLS10133003


V for R

$399,000 A101-3460 Parkway Rd. Enderby Call Deb & Judy @ The Key Team - MLS10134528




$379,900 $399,000

$249,000 #61-30 Lusk Lake Rd, Enderby Call Deb & Judy @ The Key Team - MLS10133544

35 Walker Road, Enderby Call Deb & Judy @ The Key Team - MLS10135198

741 Gardom Lake Road, Enderby Modest 1 bed home & 20’x40’ engineered Quonset building fits Class A RV, lower level shop, Quonset and shop have in-floor heat. Located 1000’ to Gardom Lake. Head south for winter or live here year round. This home is on .6 of an acre, minutes from Enderby/Salmon Arm. Call Bonita Lundquist PREC 250-306-8184 - MLS 10133722

You betcha we’re online


*Personal Real Estate Corporation

view Lake

#102–703 Granville Ave, Enderby Call Deb & Judy @ The Key Team - MLS10129616

3335 Mabel Lake Rd, Enderby


908 George St. Enderby, BC




1-888-609-7764 250-838-0025

2 Bd

y Read



Vernon Real Estate Pages

Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results.



Century 21


Royal LePage


Value Plus 3%



3 Percent


3.72% Ok West

2.2% VantageOne

North Okanagan Market Share Figures are YTD as of December 31, 2016

REB: Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board: Search Criteria: Listing CrossProperty; Sold; OMREB; North Okanagan; Sold Date 01/01/2016-12/31/2016 Sold=List End or Sell End/ Percentages rounded to two decimal points/Brokerages with less than 2.2% market share are not represented/Information deemed reliable but cannot be guaranteed.

INC 250.545.8858

magazine offer is not an effort to assist in the buying or selling of real estate. The advertisers and publisher are not responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographic errors. | 250.549.7050

Middleton MTN

Okanagan Landing

Adventure Bay

947 Mt Begbie Drive

1002-7343 Okanagan Landing Road

8980 Bayswater Place

Family Home on Middleton Mountain Immaculate 3 bedroom +den, 3 bath home. Minutes to play park, downtown & beach. Open plan. Maple kitchen. Oak hardwood. Screened deck with City view! Hot tub! Double garage. Fenced yard. Suite Potential!

Lock & Leave - Okanagan Lakeshore Beachfront! 2 Bedrooms +den, 2.5 bath townhome. Furnished. Private patio with fireplace & BBQ! Boat slip! Pool! 2 Underground parking stalls. Onsite management. A great investment!

180 Degree Okanagan Lake View Full sun all day! Quiet cul-de-sac location with hiking & waterfront park at your doorstep. Owner built 4000 sf home. Views from both levels. Hickory floors, custom cabinets & built-ins.




mls 10128797

mls 10128928

mls 10135092

Okanagan Landing

South BX

Swan Lake West

9261 Eastside Road

878 25 Avenue

8171 Old Kamloops Road

176' Okanagan Lakeshore .73 Acre building site with amazing lake views. Quiet area, less than 15 minutes to downtown. Services at lot line. Sewer connection paid. Minutes to Vernon, golf and schools! Waterfront with building site well above the lake! Great views! No GST!

Classic 2 Storey Family Home 6 Bedroom, 3.5 bath home with 2 bedroom suite! Lofty ceilings. Cherrywood floors. Bay windows. Lower level with Family & Media Rooms! Landscaped .77 acre yard. Fenced & gated. Detached double garage with loft.

8.3 Level Acres, Swan Lake View Like new, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Lake view deck. Carriage House. Pool. RV Pad. 6 Minutes to Vernon! 24 x 40 Shop with office, plus staff accommodation. Fenced/cross fenced. Irrigated. Hay/equip storage.




mls 10104063

mls 10128753

Heather Paulsen

Alan Stier

Craig Demetrick







Barb Williamson* Priscilla Sookarow REALTOR®/Managing Broker

Owner/REALTOR® *Personal Real Estate Corporation


mls 10131556

See us at RE/MAX Vernon 5603 27 Street Vernon, BC

Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results.


Commercial Solutions




Vernon (Silver Star Office)

2555 Pleasant Valley Blvd Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 250.546.3119

5405 26 Street Vernon, BC V1T 7G4 250.503.3477

908 George St Box 188 Enderby, BC V0E 1V0 250.838.0025

2095 Shuswap Ave Lumby, BC V0E 2G0 250.547.9266

5603 27 Street Vernon, BC V1T 8Z5 250.549.4161

108-152 Silver Lode Lane V1B 3W9 250.549.4161

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