Veritas Autumn 2018 Catalogue

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John Quinn

Gratias A Little Book of Gratitude


has been a momentous year for the Catholic Church in Ireland. Pope Francis’ historic visit as part of the World Meeting of Families has been a source of joy to the hundreds of thousands of citizens who participated in the many events and festivities that took place in late August. Whether you visited Knock or Dublin to see Pope Francis in person or whether you watched highlights on television from the comfort of home, the Holy Father’s wisdom, humility and compassion will no doubt have touched you deeply. To celebrate we are proud to release two very special souvenir publications. The Pope Francis in Ireland: 2019 Calendar contains a heart-warming selection of images from the visit, alongside details of the papal intentions for 2019 and a list of important feast days for the year ahead. This would make a wonderful gift for oneself or a loved one, particularly when paired with Pope Francis in Ireland, a fullcolour collection of the speeches, homilies and addresses that the Holy Father shared with the people of Ireland during his visit. Earlier this year Pope Francis issued Gaudete et Exsultate, an apostolic exhortation ‘on the call to holiness in the contemporary world’. Here he identifies those harmful ideologies that undermine Christian values, where faith is separated from deeds, and where mercy is lost. He also explores in detail the beatitudes of Matthew and Luke, and invites readers to walk the path to happiness by living out the Gospel message.


eritas has also published a wide selection of titles that explore the life and teachings of Pope Francis, with recent additions to our list including The Beatitudes of Pope Francis: A Manifesto for the Modern Christian by Aidan Donaldson and The Pope Francis Agenda by renowned theologian Donal Dorr. Younger readers, meanwhile, will enjoy the cheerfully illustrated Story of Saint Francis by Barbara Croatto which explains why Pope Francis was inspired to take the name of that great Italian saint on becoming pontiff. Elsewhere this Autumn we offer a superb range of new titles that will appeal to readers of every stripe. The Rosary Priest: A Biography of Patrick Peyton is a fascinating biography of the Mayo-born priest who became a household name in the United States in the twentiethcentury where he promoted prayer through radio, television, films and worldwide preaching crusades that reached millions of people. Those looking for the perfect Christmas gift might consider Journey Woman by senator and broadcaster Marie-Louise O’Donnell, in which the author’s inimitable prose joins forces with the award-winning photography of Eric Luke to shed light on the working lives of a varied selection of Irish men and women. Meanwhile, Gratias: A Little Book of Gratitude by John Quinn is a cheering, beautifully produced hardback that will make an ideal stocking filler for any friend or family member. A Walking Tour of Dublin Churches pairs the remarkable pen-and-ink drawings of the late Liam C. Martin with fascinating insights into the history of the capital’s Christian architectural heritage. And for poetry fans, why not try The Mystical Imagination of Patrick Kavanagh: A Buttonhole in Heaven?, a twentieth-anniversary edition of Una Agnew’s seminal study of the eponymous Monaghan poet. At Veritas we are continually adding to our collection of resources designed to serve the spiritual needs of religious and lay readers who wish to blossom and grow in the Christian faith; Autumn 2018 is no exception. In Learning to Love, Nigel Woollen invites readers to embrace the power of the Rosary, one of the most beautiful and powerful prayers in the Catholic tradition; Mercy in All Things offers a consoling selection of reflections by Fr Eamonn Bourke inspired by the prayers and diaries of Sr Faustina. In How to Sit with God, translated from the French by Kieran O’Mahony, the long and storied history of silent prayer and meditation is explored through the prism of Christianity. Both religious and lay readers will find much of value in Journeying with Luke: Reflections on the Sunday Gospel Readings for Year C and Speaking on God’s Behalf: How to be a Great Reader in Church by Oliver Treanor. Finally, readers seeking clarity on such critical issues as homelessness, Catholic religious education, and Christian mindfulness will be interested in a number of topical new publications issued on behalf of the Irish Episcopal Conference (see p. 10).

A ls o A v a i lable

2100000057051 €9.99 | £8.97 300x300 Coil bound with hook Out now

POPE FRANCIS: Christmas Homilies and Addresses 9781847308207 112pp PB €4.99 | £

POPE FRANCIS IN IRELAND: 2019 CALENDAR To celebrate Pope Francis’ historic apostolic visit to Ireland as part of this year’s World Meeting of Families, Veritas is delighted to publish a very special 2019 calendar which contains a selection of evocative images from the Holy Father’s trip, alongside important feast days and holy days, and a list of the Pope’s intentions for each month of the year.

POPE FRANCIS: Selected Prayers 9781847307965 80pp PB €4.99 | £

POPE FRANCIS: Words of Mercy and Joy 9781847305411 64pp PB €4.99 | £

Faith/ Spirituality 9781847308740 €4.99 | £4.60 148x210 64 pages Perfect bound

POPE FRANCIS IN IRELAND Homilies, Speeches and Addresses of His Holiness, World Meeting of Families 2018 ‘With gratitude for the warm welcome I have received, I assure you and the people of Ireland of my prayers that almighty God may guide and protect you all.’ Pope Francis

Pope Francis in Ireland is a commemorative publication featuring all of the homilies, speeches and addresses made by Pope Francis during his historic apostolic visit to Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families 2018. This full-colour publication contains superb photographs of the visit alongside Pope Francis’ words of inspiration and hope to the people of Ireland. 3

A l so b y Pop e Francis Theology/ Spirituality 9781847308566 €4.99 | £4.50 80 pages 210x148 Perfect bound Out now

LAUDATO SI’: On Care for Our Common Home 9781847305978 128pp PB €4.99 | £4.49

‘Walk before me, and be blameless,’ the Lord said to Abraham. In Gaudete et Exsultate: Rejoice and be Glad, his third apostolic exhortation since becoming pontiff, Pope Francis invites Christians to contemplate the call to holiness in the contemporary world. In this important new document, Francis reminds readers that we are only truly living out our mission as Christians if we emulate the example set by the Gospels for ‘the ultimate criterion on which our lives will be judged is what we have done for others’. He also warns against the evils of a faith that is divorced from good deeds and explores our obligation to care for the marginalised and dispossessed, with particular emphasis on the Beatitudes. Alongside chapters exploring ways in which we should embrace holiness in our day-to-day lives and recognise the various signs of holiness we observe in the world around us, Gaudete et Exsultate also explains how we can remain steadfast in adversity and, through the gifts of prayer and discernment, carry out ‘the mission to which [God] has called us, for the good of our brothers and sisters’.


‘REJOICE AND BE GLAD’ (Mt 5:12), Jesus tells those persecuted or humiliated for his sake. The Lord asks everything of us, and in return he offers us true life, the happiness for which we were created. He wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence. The call to holiness is present in various ways from the very first pages of the Bible. We see it expressed in the Lord’s words to Abraham: ‘Walk before me, and be blameless’ (Gn 17:1). (Gaudete et Exsultate, 1)

AMORIS LAETITIA: The Joy of Love 9781847307354 190pp PB €4.99 | £4.50

EVANGELII GAUDIUM The Joy of the Gospel 9781847305428 143pp PB €4.99 | £4.50

A ls o A v a i lable

Children 9781847308580 €4.99 | £4.50 32 pages 160x120 Paperback Out now

THE STORY OF ST PATRICK 9781847306814 €4.99 | £4.50




When he was a grown man of twenty, Francis joined the local army and he went to war against the neighbouring city of Perugia. In Italy at the time there were a lot of small wars, usually between wealthy and greedy noblemen.

THE STORY OF SAINT FRANCIS When he was elected pope in 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose the name Francis in honour of St Francis of Assisi whom he admired for his generous spirit and strong connection to nature. In the beautifully illustrated Saint Francis of Assisi, Bill Murphy and Barbara Croatto invite children to learn more about the thirteenth-century saint who founded the Franciscan Friars and who became famous for showing kindness to all God’s creatures. We follow Francis, the son of a wealthy Italian businessman, on his life’s journey from his childhood, to his time spent as a solider, to his eventual imprisonment where he came to understand that the most important things in life are generosity, love, kindness and concern for all living things. Saint Francis, just like Pope Francis today, believed that we share the world with many creatures and that we need to protect it for the sake of all who live here. Bill Murphy & Barbara Croatto Illustrated by Barbara Croatto


Francis was captured and put into prison. The

prison was cold and dark and there was very little


food or water. Francis became very ill and he missed his home and family terribly. Eventually,

after a gruelling and lonely year, he was released because his father paid a ransom.

9781847305862 €4.99 | £4.50 ‘How beautiful to have the church always open, so that every tired wayfaring man can come in and be soothed by all that art can suggest of a better world when he is weary of this.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals, 1833

ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR Artist Liam C. Martin (1934–98) was a respected visual chronicler of Dublin city’s changing face. A student of Harry Kernoff and Seán Keating, Martin’s distinctive pen and ink drawings were a regular feature in the Irish Times, the Irish Independent and the Dublin Evening Mail. His column ‘Know Your Dublin’ appeared in the Evening Herald from 1967 until his death in 1998.

Illustrated by Liam C. Martin 9781847308702 €7.99 | £00.00 120x160 104 pages Paperback with french flaps Out now

A WALKING TOUR OF DUBLIN CHURCHES The history of Dublin is written in the bricks of its churches. In this book readers will discover the churches that form part of the very fabric of the city and testify to its rich spiritual and cultural heritage. From grand medieval structures to modest edifices built down back alleys during penal times, A Walking Tour of Dublin Churches takes in such iconic Dublin landmarks as Christ Church and St Patrick’s Cathedral, alongside lesserknown gems like the Church of Adam and Eve and the Penal Day Chapel. The stories of these churches tell of invasion, repression, persecution and, above all, the enduring faith of the citizens of Dublin. This beautifully illustrated guide, which includes a numbered map of Dublin, is an invaluable reference guide for locals and tourists seeking a better understanding of the city’s Christian heritage. 5

THE ROSARY PRIEST: A Biography of Patrick Peyton

Biography/ Spirituality 9781847308610 €15.00 192 pages 180x150 Hardback November

An Irish immigrant to the United States, Mayo-born Fr Patrick Peyton became famous in the mid-twentieth century for championing the power of prayer with his mantra ‘the family that prays together stays together’ and for travelling the world throughout the 1940s and 1950s with family Rosary rallies that attracted millions of devotees. To celebrate his being declared venerable by Pope Francis, Veritas is delighted to publish The Rosary Priest, a new biography by Tom Mulligan of the Fr Patrick Peyton Memorial Centre. Mulligan brings to life this charismatic, pious and magnetic figure whose astonishing recovery from tuberculosis at an early age, Peyton credited with the intercession of the Virgin Mary. The Rosary Priest also follows the trajectory of Peyton’s remarkable career which included starting an international programme to promote family prayer through the Rosary, with recourse to radio, TV and events in more than forty countries across the globe. This book celebrates a remarkable figure in Irish Catholicism who inspired millions with a message that still resonates today.

THE MYSTICAL IMAGINATION OF PATRICK KAVANAGH: A Buttonhole in Heaven For Patrick Kavanagh, the created world is God-filled, luminous and, graced with sacred aura, an understanding of creation that chimes with current theological attitudes toward earth, ‘our common home’. His poetry is a radical affirmation of life, of earth, of the human condition and of God’s presence everywhere. Conscious of Kavanagh’s own view that his poetry is best read ‘without comment from the scholar’, Una Agnew deploys a classical framework of the mystical stages of: awakening, purification, illumination and transformation, as a means of testing Kavanagh’s assertion that poetry is mystical in its essence. The result is a convincing and inspiring illustration of the fundamental mystical dimension of the poet’s work.


Theology 978184730000 €00.00 | £00.00 234x156 Paperback November

TOM MULLIGAN served as parish priest in the parish of Attymass in Ballina, Co. Mayo, for sixteen years until his retirement in 2017. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Loyola University, Chicago.

DR UNA AGNEW, SSL is an apostolic religious, a Saint Louis Sister, Emerita Professor of the Milltown Institute of Philosophy,Theology and Spirituality, Dublin, Ireland. She grew up in Co Louth within sight of Slieve Gullion, close to the parish to Inniskeen, and is no stranger to the Kavanagh landscape. Her research interests are in spirituality, spiritual guidance and the interface between literature and spirituality. She lives in Dublin.

MARIE-LOUISE O’DONNELL & ERIC LUKE Marie-Louise O’Donnell is an Irish broadcaster and politician who has served as a senator since 2011. A lecturer in communications at Dublin City University, O’Donnell first rose to prominence as a reporter on RTÉ and is a regular contributor to RTÉ Radio One’s Today with Sean O’Rourke.

R e c o m m e nd ed Title

THIS PLACE SPEAKS TO ME: An Anthology of People and places 9781847307477 256pp HB €16.99 | £

Spirituality/ Biography 9781847308344 €20 | £xx 210x210 Hardback November

from Journey Woman ‘I have learned a very simple truth about the necessity to live and to take care of ourselves and each other. Captains of industry, or wealthy men, or people of social status who have done great deeds, or those who are well known and celebrated, or tramps on the street who have nothing, when they are dead, are all the same. Imagine that. All the same. It’s the only job in the world where that is a guarantee. It is very enlightening; freeing in fact. The dead have taught me that we are fragile creatures and nobody ever knows what is around the corner. ‘Sometimes we do not respect life, and we take our happiness, our freedom and our health for granted. We should be more observant of our own lives. Saying goodbye to the dead is not the same as saying goodbye. We must love people in the living years. That is what the dead have taught me.’ David Flanagan, embalmer

JOURNEY WOMAN Work accounts for so much of our waking lives yet we rarely reflect upon or celebrate the contribution of those whose vocations and careers are the bedrock of a thriving society. As a broadcaster, Marie-Louise O’Donnell has had the privilege of spending ‘work time’ and ‘thought time’ with an array of individuals across the length and breadth of Ireland and gained a unique insight into their respective worlds. In Journey Woman, O’Donnell shares her encounters with, among others, a fly-fisherman, a Carmelite nun, a baker, a sheep farmer, an embalmer and a Dominican priest. The resulting interviews offer a candid and lyrical account of how individuals perceive their chosen occupation, its day-to-day demands and the inextricable relationship between our work lives and our spiritual lives. Alongside each testimony, awardwinning photographer Eric Luke’s stunning images capture the beautiful reality of each contributor’s relationship with their trade and are a wonderful complement to O’Donnell’s lyrical prose.


GRATIAS: A Little Book of Gratitude ‘The best form of giving is thanksgiving.’ Mary Redmond John Quinn

Gratias A Little Book of Gratitude

9781847308603 €12.99 | £00.00 120 pages 180x130 Casebound and dustjacket Autumn

Gratias is an anthology of personal experiences, poems, memories, reflections and prayers in which expressions of thankfulness are recalled by a wide range of contributors. The collection is assembled under various headings designed to prompt reflection in the reader who is invited to consider the gift of gratitude in their own lives. Topics covered include: The Natural World; Everyday Things; The Gift of Love; Parents; Books; A Loving God; Teachers; Our Own Place; The Gift of Faith; Silence; Contentment; and Blessings. With commentary from over one hundred sources, ranging from Pope Francis to Richard Burton, Seamus Heaney to Maureen Potter, Gratias offers the reader a wide spectrum of inspirational insights into the rewards of being thankful for the blessings we receive in our daily lives.

LEARNING TO LOVE Journeys through Life with the Rosary If we consider our experience here on this earth as a journey on which we are ‘Learning to Love’, then the Rosary is one way of illuminating our spiritual path. Taking this timeless prayer as his starting point, Nigel Woollen sees each of the Mysteries of the Rosary as the embodiment of various stages of our earthly journey and encourages the reader to share in its wisdom and consolation. In this eminently approachable book, Scripture passages, personal reflections and anecdotes combine as we are encouraged to re-examine our lives in the light of God’s loving care, with Mary at our side to help us grow in love. This book is dedicated to those who already recite the Rosary, and to those who are just beginning to embrace this most inspiring prayer.


Faith/Spirituality 9781847308368 €9.99 148 pages 180x130 Paperback October

JOHN QUINN Gratias is compiled by writer and former RTÉ broadcaster John Quinn, who has published several titles with Veritas including Walking on the Pastures of Wonder, This Place Speaks to Me: An Anthology of People and Places, Letters to Olive and The Little Book of Ledwidge.

FR NIGEL WOOLLEN, originally from London, studied biblical theology in Rome and worked for some years in retreat centres in France and Italy, and at Knock Shrine in Ireland. He is currently assistant priest of Kingsland parish in north London (Westminster Diocese). He is the author of the bestselling The Lamb Will Conquer: Reflections on the Knock Apparition (Veritas, 2017).

FR LESLIE MCNAMARA is Vocations Director for the Diocese of Limerick.

Theology 978184730000 €00.00 | £00.00 XXX pages 234x156 Paperback Autumn

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL The Prayer of the Faithful is a fundamental part of the liturgy yet it’s one that does not always receive the attention it deserves. Based on a careful PRAYER reading of the General Instruction for of the FAITHFUL the Roman Missal, this book offers an for SUNDAYS and HOLY DAYS expansive collection of Prayer of the Faithful for every occasion during the liturgical year (A, B and C): Sundays in ordinary time; feast days and holy days; Advent and Christmas; Lent and Easter; as well as during the celebration of each of the seven sacraments. The Prayer of the Faithful is an opportunity for the congregation to respond to the Word of God by offering prayers for the salvation of all and to approach God collectively in a way that reflects the nature of each particular celebration. This book, in responding to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, includes a thoughtful collection of petitions for the Church, for the local community, for world leaders, for those facing various life difficulties and for all humanity. It is an essential resource for church leaders and priests who hope to inspire and engage congregations through the choice of topical and considered Prayer of the Faithful throughout the year. FR LESLIE MCNAMARA

FR MARTIN HOGAN is a priest of the Diocese of Dublin and is presently coparish priest of the parish of St John the Baptist, Clontarf. He lectured in New Testament Studies in Mater Dei Institute of Education for over thirty years. His most recent book for Veritas is Journeying with Mark: Reflections on the Sunday Gospel Readings for Year B.

9781847308634 €16.99 216 pages October

JOURNEYING WITH LUKE Reflection on the Sunday Gospel Readings for Year C

Journeying with Luke Reflections on the Sunday Gospel Readings for Year C

Journeying with Luke is a collection of MARTIN HOGAN commentaries on the Sunday readings written for the benefit of homilists, laypeople and anyone who would like to prayerfully reflect on Luke’s Gospel as we enter Liturgical Year C. Martin Hogan takes a novel and contemporary approach to these readings, highlighting their relevance to everyday life with particular emphasis on events that are key to Luke’s Gospel, such as the representation of Jesus as our ‘compassionate saviour’; the special place of women in his Gospel account; the emphasis on prayer and the power of intercession; and the role of the Holy Spirit. Although rooted in Scripture, these homilies are concerned with the challenges facing Christians in contemporary society and are written with a lightness of touch that will appeal to preacher and lay reader alike. 9

A ROOM AT THE INN? A Pastoral Letter on Housing and Homelessness

978184738757 €2.50 | £2.30

At a time of untold economic prosperity, it is difficult to understand why the homelessness crisis in Ireland is escalating and why so many people today grapple to find safe, affordable accommodation for themselves and for the family.

In this timely and urgent pastoral by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the core values of Catholic social teaching and the principle of the ‘common good’ are very much to the fore when it comes to offering a solution to this most egregious problem. By explaining why housing is not just another ‘commodity’ like any other and outlining a course of action when it comes to housing provision, this important document sheds light on the plight of all – from the Travelling community to asylum seekers and private renters – whose quality of life is severely compromised as a result of inadequate housing supply.


9781847308733 €1.20 | £1.10

A Reflection on

Mindfulness Rediscovering the Christian Tradition of Meditation and Contemplation

Over the last ten years the practice of mindfulness has become ever more popular in Ireland and many teachers have taken to using various mindfulness and meditation techniques with children in schools. The Council for Catechetics of the Irish Episcopal Conference has produced this short document to help teachers to evaluate the contemporary practice of mindfulness. In doing so, it hopes to help people appreciate various spiritual and meditative practices found in the Christian tradition and to understand what distinguishes the Christian practices of prayer, meditation and contemplation from the secular practice of mindfulness.

GUIDELINES FOR PARISH-BASED RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN The Council for Catechetics of the Irish Episcopal Conference

9781847308726 €1.20 | £1.10

While the majority of Catholic parents choose a Catholic primary school for their children, a significant number of families, for a variety of reasons, send their children to schools that are not under Catholic patronage. Children who attend non-Catholic schools do not receive formal Religious Education during the school day and so the local parish must take responsibility for supporting their parents in nourishing and developing the faith formation and catechesis of their children. The purpose of this set of Guidelines is two-fold: • to assist dioceses and parishes in their provision of a parish-based Religious Education programme outside the Catholic school network, including sacramental education and preparation; • to support parents in their task as primary educators of their children in the ways of faith by providing a parish-based Religious Education programme. 10

Guidelines for Parish-Based Religious Education of Children

FR EAMONN P. BOURKE is a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin and Chaplain to University College Dublin. He is trained in spiritual direction in the Ignatian contemplative style. Providing spiritual direction in his native Dublin, he has also served as a spiritual director for the Institute of Priestly Formation, based at Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, assisting them in their work with the formation of seminarians for the priesthood.

Theology 978184730000 €3.99 | £00.00 XXX pages 234x156 Paperback Autumn

JEAN-MARIE GUEULLETTE teaches at the Catholic University of Lyon, where he directs the Interdisciplinary Centre of Ethics. He has published books on the history of spirituality and others in the field of medical ethics and the philosophy of medicine. He is finishing a new book comparing ways of thinking and healing in medicine and osteopathy.

Spirituality/ Prayer 9781847308382 €12.99 | £11.70 240 pages 180x130 Paperback October

MERCY IN ALL THINGS ‘Act in such a way that all those who come in contact with you will go away joyful. Sow happiness about you because you have received much from God.’

Saint Faustina

Mercy in All Things

Mercy In All Things is a series of prayerful reflections based on the Fr Eamonn P. Bourke Diary of St Faustina, the saint of Divine Mercy. Drawing on selected quotations from her Diary, these thoughtful reflections provide an introduction to the prayer of this great saint who dedicated her life to spreading the message of God’s love through devotion to the Merciful Jesus.

HOW TO SIT WITH GOD Translated by Kieran O’Mahony How to sit with Silence and interiority are not the preserve of Eastern religions and philosophies. This influential book, A Practical Guide first published in French, explores approaches to Christian meditation and invites readers to share in its Fr Jean-Marie Gueullette Trans. Kieran O’Mahony long and storied history. Christianity, according to JeanMarie Gueullette, offers a very simple way of praying in silence, trying to refocus on the presence of God by the inner repetition of his name. This way of praying has a long history, with testimonies from the beginning of Christianity. It has sometimes been called monologist prayer (prayer on a word) or, more recently, prayer of inner silence or prayer of a simple look. This little book explores the Christian tradition of meditation in the belief its rich heritage will inspire all those who pursue it in their own lives today.



SPEAKING ON GOD’S BEHALF: How to be a Great Reader in Church!

SPEAKING ON GOD’S BEHALF: How to be a Great Reader in Church!

Theology 978184730000 Price TBC XXX pages 234x156 Paperback Autumn

From the author of the popular God Who Loved Stories comes FR OLIVER TREANOR book which sets out clearly what it takes to read well in Church. Whether you are an experienced lector or still a new recruit, Speaking on God’s Behalf will be a helpful guide. Well-trained readers make an invaluable contribution to the liturgy in what is the oldest lay ministry in the Church. This book will affirm readers’ strengths and sharpen their focus.

Speaking on God’s Behalf provides valuable background on the texts read at Mass. It outlines biblical history and geography alongside useful tips on how to read for meaning. Guidance on how to dissect and analyse a text, on how to figure out its literal and spiritual significance is offered to help readers to bring God’s word to listeners with informed confidence.

RELIGION AND EDUCATION: The Voices of Young People in Ireland



Theology 978184730000 Price TBC XXX pages 234x156 Paperback Autumn

Up until now, there has been little research in Ireland into what young people are saying about their experience of and Edited by Dr Gareth Byrne and Prof. Leslie J. Francis interest in religion and religious education. This book tries to address that gap and allows the voices of young people to be heard through a series of surveys conducted across time, across religions, and across the Irish border.

Carried out under the auspices of the Irish Centre for Religious Education at Dublin City University, in conjunction with the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit at the University of Warwick, the research illuminates the direct experience of young people between the ages of thirteen and nineteen in Ireland, North and South. In offering insight into their attitudes to religion, beliefs, values and diversity, these wide-ranging studies, carried out by nine leading academics, show how religious education can help young people today address what is significant for them spiritually and morally. 12

FR OLIVER TREANOR is a graduate in Literature from Queen’s University Belfast and has a doctorate in Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He was a lecturer in Dogmatic Theology in the Pontifical University Maynooth until his recent retirement and has published several academic books and articles. He is a skilled communicator with wide experience in public speaking at home and abroad and has a background in sound broadcasting from his years as producer and presenter at Vatican Radio. His last book, Maelstrom of Love, on the Eucharist, was published by Veritas in 2014.

E ditor s DR GARETH BYRNE is Associate Professor of Religious Education and Director of the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, Dublin City University.

PROF. LESLIE J. FRANCIS is Professor of Religions and Education and Director of the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit at the University of Warwick.

LITURGICAL CALENDAR FOR IRELAND 2019 (ORDO) National Secretariat for Ireland

9781847308627 €10.99 | £10.15 Out now

The Liturgical Calendar for Ireland 2019 is the essential guide to the Church’s daily round of prayer. It provides not only the basic rules for celebrating the liturgy but also notes and commentaries for a deeper understanding of the liturgical celebrations. This calendar has been revised according to the third typical edition of the Roman Missal.



Pope Francis agenda

His Teaching on Family, Protection of Life, Justice, Ecology, Women & the Church

‘A very engaging, timely book.’ Sr Stanislaus Kennedy

9781847308399 €14.99 | £xxx 280pp PB

For the past five years Pope Francis has inspired Christians and non-Christians alike with his heartfelt support for the poor and disadvantaged, as well as with his concern for the well-being of the earth. In The Pope Francis Agenda, Donal Dorr gives a comprehensive account of the teaching of Francis, drawing not only on the pope’s major documents but on his hundreds of public addresses and messages.

donal dorr

the beatitudes of

Pope Francis

a manifesto for the modern christian

Aidan Donaldson

THE BEATITUDES OF POPE FRANCIS In The Beatitudes of Pope Francis: A Manifesto for the Modern Christian, writer, lecturer and social justice activist Aidan Donaldson explores the significance of these new beatitudes, presenting them not as alternatives to the blessings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, but as fresh signposts towards the continued realisation of Christ’s call to discipleship in everyday life.

THE FAMILY IS GOOD NEWS The Family is Good News comprises a selection of specially chosen extracts from Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation devoted to the subject of family, the bedrock of Christianity. It is hoped that this beautifully designed resource will provide wisdom, comfort and inspiration to all who cherish the gift of family today.


9781847308504 €7.99 | £ 92pp PB

9781847308429 €9.99 | £ 188PP PB

EVERYDAY SACRAMENT The Messy Grace of Parenting

9781847308405 €12.99 | £11.70

Laura Kelly Fanucci In Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting Laura Kelly Fanucci sees the Catholic sacraments through the smudged and sticky lens of life with little ones. From dinnertime chaos to bath-time giggles to never-ending loads of laundry, Laura stumbles into the surprising truth of what the seven sacraments really mean: that God is present always, even in the messes of parenthood. A spiritual memoir of parenting’s early years and a sacramental theology rooted in family life, Everyday Sacrament offers an honest, humorous and hopeful look at ordinary moments as full of grace.

THE FAMILY TREE Reflections for the World Meeting of Families

9781847308214 €7.99 | £7.20

Anna Burke The image of the family tree connects us with the happiness and sorrow, the successes and failures, the hopes and struggles of life; it is an image that links life in all its aspects with the Word who was made flesh in a family. In these short, yet thought-provoking reflections, Anna Burke reclaims the family tree – its root, branches and fruit – as a central facet of our understanding of the Gospel message in today’s fast-paced and demanding world. The meditations in The Family Tree are a valuable prayer resource for personal use, for group reflection, for discussion time and sharing time.

HOLY FAMILIES Shadows of the Trinity




Anna Burke

9781847308054 €14.99 | £13.50

Megan McKenna ‘The triune God is a communion of love, and the family is its living reflection.’ These words, taken from the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) by Pope Francis have inspired this new book by Megan McKenna. In it, the author explores the key scriptural accounts of the Holy Family as a model and guide for all families. Reflecting on key Gospel events – including the Annunciation, the Visitation and the Nativity – this book highlights how the Holy Family, and all families, are shadows of the image of God and the foundation of life and community. Holy Families provides the reader with a series of reflections and meditations that will inspire and sustain.

IN THE LIGHT OF THE WORD Family Life through the Lens of Scripture

9781847308443 €7.99 | £7.20

Paul Clayton-Lea In an era of unprecedented social, cultural and technological change, the family remains the cornerstone of human community across the globe and the locus of religious faith and spirituality. In In the Light of the Word, Paul Clayton-Lea explores the inclusive vision of family life contained in Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on ‘love in the family’, Amoris Laetitia. Comprising a selection of fifty-two biblical stories, reflections and prayers, alongside relevant phrases from the exhortation, this thought-provoking book makes a perfect prayer, liturgical and communications resource.



€12.99 | £11.70 Edited by Breda O’Brien This book provides an invaluable commentary on the pope’s love letter to families, Amoris Laetitia, and will inspire both group conversation and self-reflection. It is also an essential resource for those who participated in the World Meeting of Families 2018.

In the

Light of the Word Family Life through the Lens of Scripture Paul Clayton-Lea


Amoris Laetitia Opening the Pope’s Love Letter to Families

edited by breda o’brien

POPE FRANCIS AND THE FAMILY Pope Francis has inspired both Christians and non-Christians alike with his humility, his pragmatism and his refreshing approach to the realities of modern life. Pope Francis and the Family is an absorbing compilation of the Holy Father’s reflections on family, the cornerstone of Catholicism today.

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