Smart shoe sole project for By: Silvia Podesta` Max Yogoro Dhanashri Walimbe Francesco Aliprandi
#OnYourFeet This project leverages the advancements in technologies known as Internet of Things and exploits people’s new awareness and care for their own health. Being able to predict future diseases is everybody’s longed for frontier.
What if ? Shoes become Intelligent Health Platform
These intelligent shoes will generate the database of health and will help us in predicting the future about health well in advance.
The database will be generated by selectively placed pressure sensors and accelerometer in this smart shoe sole. The data derived from the calculations of factors like : ~ Acceleration ~ Weight ~ Pressure mapping on the key points
Detection and prediction of possible health problems like: ~ Problems related to knee, spine, feet ~ Other bad posture issues ~ Wrong walking/running method ~ Over/Under weight evolution
Smart sole Prototype This is a prototype with a system of sensors, embedded in shoe soles.
Stakeholders, their roles & benefits With technology being a mighty part of our daily life, we are now expecting things to be able to do everything for us in the next future. Even take care of our health, prevent future diseases and correct our habits discretely. #OnYourFeet is a service that shifts the role of shoes from an equipment to a health interface.
Manufacturer of Smart shoe sole with an advanced technology
Community of people with similar health conditions
Families + Friends Local Government
NGO health institutions
Offer health services in case of emergency, existing or future health issues
Provide smart soles and host the platform Improved and closer relationship with customers
Access to a broader customer base
Customer loyalty Revenue through services [not only products]
Provide a bigger social impact
Health problems analysis and prediction Access to health tips and to a network of health professionals /supporters
Interpert the platform data to take long term actions oriented by health problems
Use shoes and platform
#OnYourFeet Stakeholders in the system
Shoes play and interact in the game. Thus, they create meaningful digital scenarios that can help users monitor their performance and achievements related to health issues and habits.
#Maria, Keep it up !
#Lucas, be careful of your posture
While the user continues to follow his routine activities, his intelligent shoes play and interact in the game,generating the database of the owner’s health. By understanding and analysing the patterns of the generated health data, this smart shoe platform informs and warns its owner and other related stakeholders in the system about existing/future health issues.
Thank You !