World ap-Art magazine n.1 - 2013
World ap-Art
ISSN 2283-7590
World a - Author: Silvia Cataudella
- Publisher: Ufficio legale: via Roma 73 73039 Tricase (LE) - Indication: numbering exits
- Art director: Silvia Cataudella
- Copy editor: Giovanna Esposito
- Graphyc and web designer: Silvia Cataudella, Salvatore Salafia - Cover: Darren Clegg - ISSN 2283-7590
Š All rights reserved to Silvia Cataudella Featured artists maintain the copyright for all content and art. Reproduction of any sort without written consent is strictly prohibited. For additional information about world ap-Art visit :
ap-Art ”Per osservare un’opera d’arte occorre aprire gli occhi. Ma per comprenderla bisogna chiuderli. ” “To look at a work of art you need to open your eyes. But to understand it, you need to close them” Alessandro Morandotti
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Purchase a printed edition
ap-Art The
E’ sicuramente un Mondo a pArte quello in cui giovani creativi si incontrano, discutono e condividono le loro visioni e fantasie... E’ sicuramente un Mondo a pArte quello in cui l’unica regola imprescindibile è credere nel valore e nel senso della propria irripetibile ispirazione, restando però aperti al confronto ed alla contaminazione... E’ sicuramente un Mondo a pArte quello in cui la passione senza limiti si salda alla professionalità e quest’ultima ad un pizzico di follia... E’ sicuramente un Mondo a pArte quello in cui la priorità assoluta è Creare, e scoprire insieme nuove modalità per farlo al meglio... Insomma, è sicuramente un Mondo a pArte quello in cui vogliamo invitarti: un’avventura fatta di pittura, grafica, scultura, video, design, da soli oppure insieme, senza limiti predeterminati; un’occasione per conoscerci, per non sentirci isolati, per dare forza insieme alle nostre idee! La nostra Wonderland, è una vetrina e fucina di idee, spazio espositivo virtuale dove le opere vengono pubblicate e commentate, messe in vendita o all’asta; dove si condividono pensieri e notizie utili relative al mondo dell’Arte (concorsi, mostre ecc...); dove si organizzano esposizioni tematiche e libere; dove si mette a disposizione il proprio know-how attraverso tutorial... Giovanna Esposito - Silviacat
It ‘s definitely a world ap-Art, the one where young creatives meet, to discuss and share their fantasies... It ‘s definitely a world ap-Art, the one where the only rule is believing in the value of our own inspiration, while remaining open to discussion and contamination. It ‘s definitely a world ap-Art, the one where unlimited passion blends with professional skills and with a pinch of madness! It ‘s definitely a world ap-Art, the one where the priority is to create, and finding together new ways to do it better. In conclusion, it is definitely a world ap-Art where we want to invite you: an adventure made of painting, sculpture, videos, design, graphic, with no boundaries to our fancy; an opportunity to meet, and to give strenght together to our ideas! Our “Wonderland” is a space for art exhibitions, an ideas-sharing lab, a virtual place to publish, comment and sell our works; to share thoughts and useful news about the amazing world of arts (contests, exhibitions etc); to post tutorials to show our know-how and much more...
World Silvia, Italy
Ilaria, Italy
Sandra, Italy
Domenico, Italy
Despoena, Greece
Darren, UK
Mariangela, Italy
Idania, Mexico
Salvo, Italy
Melanie, UK
Giovanna, Italy
ap-Art The
This group was created to satisfy the natural need for us artists to share emotions through our works, finding together a common feeling. I proposed this idea to Ilaria, and her enthusiasm inspired me to continue with the project. Then I found other knowledgeable and helpful people, and talented and skilled artists to start this adventure! The team is currently composed of: Promoter: Silvia Cataudella (Silviacat)
Art director: Silvia Cataudella, Ilaria Vista Copy editor: Giovanna Esposito
Painters: Silvia Cataudella, Ilaria Vista and Rosanna Vista (Ohmydolls!) , Despoena Leonis, Idania Salcido (Danita art). Illustrators: Domenico Scalisi (Nobu Happy Spooky), Sandra Lagozino,Mariangela Licciardello. Sculptors: Domenico Scalisi, Melanie Ashton (Anthropomorphica) Designers toys: Silvia Cataudella, Darren Clegg. Dolls makers: Idania Salcido (Danita art), Melanie Ashton Graphyc and web designer: Silvia Cataudella, Salvatore Salafia
World ap-Art
My world ap-Art ...the magical mystery of women, Intangible creatures, nearly coming from another dimension, but at the same time with human feelings. They embody the eternal comparison between outer shape and inner reality. Their shape is the shell where the characters’ life is fixed, the way to represent their feelings and deepest emotions.
My world ap-Art...Lost souls, dolls wounds, mutilated, armed with stuffed animals and cupcakes. Undisputed queen of a dream world and fairytale. Melancholy eyes and disenchanted ever cynical, eyes so beautiful because they describe the story that each doll carry within themselves and then the keyhole on the forehead, those who have the right key to enter into our deepest thoughts?...
Despoena Leonis My world ap-Art ... big,expressive, sad eyes is the first thing you will notice at my girls’ portraits. Eyes that drip with sensibility, vulnerability and innocence and touch the heart. Most of the times my girls are accompanied by elements from the world of fauna and flora, the Greek landscape or the historical past of Greece.
Sandra Lagozino My world ap-Art ... dream and fairytale, bizarre colors, magic trees and flying can find all these things in my drawings. An ironic and odd world that turns written words into shapes and colors. A surreal world where drops and stains chase themselves to melt into the sheet and play...
Mariangela Licciardello
My world ap-Art ... is inspired by a natural fantasy land of funny princesses, mystical castles and imaginative nature. Every page of my books is hand painted using acrylics by myself. I love to walk my dog when I am not teaching children or creating books for children.
My world ap-Art ...My dolls are inspired by worlds glimpsed but rarely ‘seen’, by the wild woods and the lonely moors, sorcery and myth. They mourn the forgetting of the wild within and the ever decreasing wilds of nature but yet maintain a delicate feral quality with which they hold an optimism for wild’s return.
Domenico Scalisi
My world ap-Art ...I am a nostalgic child who fears the norm because it cancels the imagination! Tucked away in an unreal world where joy and melancholy dance in a whirlwind of emotions irrational! The darkness is mixed with the color resulting in bizarre shapes grotesque-looking but pure, where freaks can also give you a flower!
Danita Art My world ap-Art...I travel to a word where everything is possible, dreams come true, animals are your friends and you can fly on top of a paper bird, just because you want to. It keeps me sane in a crazy world that spins faster that my head can, it keeps me away from the ugly, the bad and the things I can’t understand. This peaceful wonderland is dying to escape into our reality, and it does it trough my art, dying to show us that all we need is love.
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World Darren Clegg
What are Designer toys? Designer toys started in the early 1990s in Hong Kong. Designer toys are made of variety of materials; ABS plastic and vinyl are most common, although wood, metal, and resin are occasionally used. Creators of designer toys usually have backgrounds in graphic design, illustration, graffiti some are classically trained in art and design, while others are self-taught. The general process is taking what is commonly referred to as a ‘toy’ figure and reinterpreting using clay and paints into something new and unique. who did introduce you to this particular kind of art? A good friend of mine JPK first introduced me to the scene. I saw some of his amazing work and was fascinated by it. After chatting about the process with him on many occasions he encouraged me to give it a go, I bought my first blank ‘munny’ and loved working on what is a 3d canvas.
Is there some connection of this kind with comics world? There is a huge connection with the comic book world. As with most pop culture art, many artists are influenced by sic-fi and fantasy. The comic connection is often a gateway for fans and collectors to get into the scene.
Do you paint or sculpt or do some kind of art, or do you just do design toys? I am generally a creative person and like to experiment with all sorts of media. At home there are canvases and sculptures everywhere. I also really enjoy making furniture, I have tables and desks and other things usually made out recycled items, i like things to have character and story.
What artists or people have influenced your style? There are so many great artists and creatives out there its hard to say, I can look upon any creative person and get influenced my their work, I can quite easily see a painting, a dance or a piece of music that will start my creative process and take me down a whole new thought process. What inspires you as an artist? The main thing that inspires me, is the creative process itself. I love wandering round and looking at all the details of the word around me, wether that be in the middle of a city or out in the country. Then with all these ideas floating round in my head i might sketch an idea or write a note, when I look back over my note book thats what inspires me to carry on.
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Where do you work? Describe your studio or space where you work. My work space is very humble, i quite often just sit on the couch at home with the tv or radio on in the back ground. The toys i work on are quite small and being 3d i need to turn and spin them round, with a few supplies resting on the arm of the couch, this work space works for me.
what about materials do you use for your creative process? The starting point for me is the actual toy, there is a huge range of styles and shapes out there, from the big ‘kidrobot’ production vinyl pieces to the small independent artists, many produce small quantity resin pieces. This base toy can either be the influence of an idea or the only figure an idea will work with. From there i work with modeling clay to ad details and shape to the toy. Once all the sculpting is complete and a base coat is applied I used acrylic paints to bring the toy to life. Do you have any rituals when you work that you practice? Such as listening to certain music, paint in solitude, paint during a certain time of day because of the light, etc. I don’t have any particular rituals, I tend to work quite organically. When an idea has formed in my head iI could be anywhere or doing anything I need to get that idea down in some shape or form. When it comes to finishing off pieces natural day light is always best.
How would you describe your style? At the moment my style is quite eclectic, I want to try new techniques and styles all the time. I tend to get bored staying with one certain style and feel to push myself as an artist I constantly need to take myself out of comfort zone. Do you work as an artist full time? Unfortunately not. The designer toys are more of a hobby and a great out let for my creativity.
What is the name of you art feature on the magazine cover? The piece on the cover is called ‘Azazel’ Can you describe it and tell us what was your inspiration for this work? Azazel is a fallen warrior angel. Cast out of heaven, he now now fights for the army of darness. The inspiration came from watching the film ‘night watch’ and mythology surround angels. The idea that there is a huge battle between heaven and hell and like in any war allegiances are formed and broken. I decided to use this swirl technique to give it a faceless powerful feel.
Why World ap-Art? what are you looking for in this group? World-ap Art is going to be a great place to learn from other creative people, we all have very diverse skills that can massively benefit each other by sharing our knowledge. For me the way people communicate their art is more important than the media they use, so passing on experiences and helping each other out can only create a richer more diverse group.
DARREN CONTACT: -Facebook- -Flickr-Instagram: @darrenklangclegg -my work available from:
We love Red
We do love red
Because red is primal, mythical, disturbing.
ecause it is the substance hidden behind appearances, the magma from which everything originates and that contains in itself everything.
Because it is fire, the element that destroys as it creates, to let everything be born again and change.
Because it has the scent of the fruit that taught the first woman to disobey, the need to go beyond our limits.
Because it is my passion, my energy, and the wild enthusiasm.
We love red Giovanna Esposito
We love in red
Sandra Lagozino “Sognando”
illustration created for the cover of the book “Tutte noi abbiamo un Mister Big” 2011 - 0111Edition size A4 white cardboard, smooth watercolor and mixed media
“La ragazza e il libro” 2013 30x40 cm acrylic on wood
“Rossana” 2013 60x36 cm acrylic and mix media on wood
Despoena Leonis
“Big hearted girl” 2012 30x30cm oil on canvas
Domenico Scalisi “Uva acerba� 2012 21 x 29,7 cm black pen / watercolor on paper
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Sandra Lagozino “Sorcerer” Tempera and watercolour Paper, A3 black 2001 study for the costumes of Mephistopheles” by Arrigo Boito
t Silviacat “Ghost” 12,5x25 cm crayon and pen on paper. 2013
Anthropomorphica “The Poison Spitter” Art doll bust - 2010 Approximately 15 cm stone clay, hand stained muslin and silk. I know you know her. She, who on the stillest nights, lurks in sleepless corners with acrid breath and acid tongue. A vile one, earless, for hers is a monologue. The whisperer of doubt and vicious reprimands. You may cover your ears and squeeze shut your eyes, but her slow poison has entered and drips, drips, drips down to your core.
Domenico Scalisi “Spooky” 2013 15 cm Polymer clay
Danita Art “Halloween cat” 2012 2.5 inches Wood Mixed media
Darren Clegg “The stupid zombie, the demon banker, the Dunny eater” 2013 3 iches clay sculpting and vinyl painted
Silvia Cat
Exhibit PIX paratissima 9 Torino (Italy) 6 - 10 of November
Silviacat on the cover of “ Women in art 278” magazine, November 2013. Full interview with Silviacat inside. For more information visit
Magica Natura Silviacat
“Quaderno illustrato da collezione” The first issue will soon be available. For more info visit: Silviacat Facebook page.
World ap-Art magazine n. 1- 2013