Metaphysics Terminology

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This book involves in-depth research, conducted over the last ten years from various books, websites, documentaries and studies, on a variety of topics. I cover subjects such as metaphysics, parapsychology, paranormal, ufology, occultism, transhumanism, spiritism, conscientiology, alchemy, gnosis and quantum physics in order to create one of the most complete glossaries possible. I include new and little known terminology as well as display varied themes which complement each other, creating a correlation between them. The book is a reference guide for understanding terminologies used in other books and on my website.


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About the author

Sílvio Guerrinha was born in 1979, in Portugal. He has been a writer and researcher on spiritual topics since adolescence and is considered a spiritualist, a metaphysicist, cosmopagan and a cyber-shaman.


He is also a freelance graphic designer and webdesigner. Sílvio has studied and practiced spiritualism and occultism since he was 17 years old. He learned about chakras, mesmerism and mediumship in a spiritist center in his city: Sines, Allan Kardec's Spiritualism. He studies and practices meditation, Egyptian magic, psychic development, crystal healing, remote vision, metaphysics, tarology, and dowsing, among others. To solidify and test his own knowledge, he completed an online parapsychology course of 150 hours on 8 June, 2018, at the Center of Excellence. The author writes his own texts without resorting to ghostwriters or PLR (Private Label Rights) books and does not hide behind pseudonyms. He published his first book, “Chakras, Crystals and Chromotherapy”, in 2004, in Portuguese. In 2017, he published “Sekhm Energy Healing”. An improved 2nd edition of "Chakras, Crystals and Chromotherapy" was published in 2018, and in 2019, he wrote "Metaphysical


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Terminology" in Portuguese as well, plus four new books. You can find his books at and SĂ­lvio is also the author of websites such as,,, among others.


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Abductee: An abductee is a person who was involuntarily taken by aliens onto their craft and subsequently returned. Different from a contactee, who receives telepathic messages or has encounters with aliens in free will. See also: Transdimensional molecularization.


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Abhasan: In Hinduism, the power of creation, the experience of having created some external visible objects. Co-creation.

Abiding Presence: The Spirit of God, which permeates everything.

Absent Healing: Healing at a distance, term used in Parapsychology. The same as Reiki, Ra-Sekhi (Egyptian healing), quantum Healing. deeksha healing. Remote healing.

Accumulated Consciousness: The total of all that one has ever said, thought, done or seen, consciously or unconsciously.

Acosmism: The spiritual belief that the entire physical and metaphysical universes are illusory.

Adept: One who has studied and mastered (and continues to study) a magical system is often referred to as an adept. From the Latin Adeptus, meaning, he who obtained or succeeded. Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP):


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A secret UFO and potential threat investigation project, funded by the US government, started in 2008 but made public in December 2017, the initial funding was $22 million, the program began in DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency. The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program generated a 490page publicly unpublished report documenting alleged UFO sightings throughout the world throughout several decades. The program was led by a US military intelligence officer named Luis Elizondo. It is officially known by another name: Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications (AAWSA)

Aeon: An aeon is an extremely long period, a billion years. Originally from Greek Aiรณn meant "life," "vital force" or "being," "generation" or "a period", though it tended to be translated as "age" in the sense of "ages," "forever," "timeless." In Neoplatonism, Platonism, and Gnosticism it is a power existing from eternity; an emanation or phase of the supreme deity. Greek Mythology: Aion is a hellenistic deity associated with time. In Sanskrit, a long period is called Kalpa.


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Ba: Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) concept of a person's essence, the soul. The plural (souls) is Bau. Bau also means messenger or appearance of a deity. In Egypt Ba was represented by a bird, a Hawk, Ba in Christianism was converted into a dove, to symbolize the Holy Spirit.

Belief System: Faith-based on a series of beliefs but not formalized into a religion; also, a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society. Concepts about what is wrong or right, believe in astrology, reincarnation or religion, etc.

Bhagavan: Is an epithet for "god," such as avatars of Vishnu in Vaishnavism and Shiva in the Shaivism tradition of Hinduism. The term denotes the absolute truth or the Supreme Being manifested as a personal god. Bhagavan is generally translated to mean "lord" or "god," but it literally means "fortunate" or "blessed", the one who has the bhaga, or "majesty." In some cults, the term is used as an honorific title for a spiritual leader considered fully enlightened.

Binaural Beats: Binaural beats were initially discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. He discovered when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately, one to each ear, your brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies and tries to reconcile that difference.


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In doing so, as the two frequencies mesh in and out of phase, your brain creates its third signal, called a binaural beat, which is equal to the difference between those two frequencies. Binaural sounds help synchronize both cerebral hemispheres and are good for meditation.

Dark Photons: Photons are light particles. The dark photons (also called anti-photons) are elementary particles, proposed as an electromagnetic force carrier for dark matter. Dark photons were proposed in 2008 by Lotty Ackerman, Matthew R. Buckley, Sean M. Carroll, and Marc Kamionkowski as the force carrier of a new long-range U gauge field, "dark electromagnetism," acting on dark matter. Like the ordinary photon, dark photons would be massless. The dark photon instead of interacting with the electromagnetic charge as common photons do, they couple with the dark energy that can be transported by other sub-particles that Physics still does not know.


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Dark Energy and Dark Matter: What is the difference? A big part of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (23 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (73 percent). Dark energy is the quintessence more precisely a scalar field, postulated as an explanation of the observation of an accelerating rate of expansion of the universe. In ancient Greece was called aether.

Dark energy: It comprises 73% of the universe. You see, most of the universe is invisible to us. It is a kind of repulsive gravity, the opposite of gravity. Dark energy is repulsive, tends to accelerate the expansion of the universe. Quintessence, aether.

Dark fluid: In astronomy and cosmology, dark fluid is an alternative theory to both dark matter and dark energy and attempts to explain both phenomena in a single framework. Dark fluid proposes that dark matter and dark energy are not separate physical phenomena as previously thought, nor do they have separate origins, but that they are strongly linked together and can be considered as two facets of a single fluid. At galactic scales, the dark fluid behaves like dark matter, and at larger scales, its behavior becomes similar to dark energy.


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This might be what ancient occultists called "the darkness," the dark forces have much power, 90% of the entire universe is composed of dark energy and dark matter. In a few years, I believe that scientists will discover that dark energy is conscious. Mages can interact with this energy.

The dark night of the soul: It is a purging process where everything seemingly goes wrong. After spiritual growth, our ego starts dying. Down-cycle of spiritual crisis. You need to experience certain life situations to grow spiritually. The expression was used in a Spanish poem from the 16th century "La Noche oscura del alma" from the Christian and mystic poet Saint John of the Cross. Read also: Cosmic Drama.


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Mandela effect: It is a phenomenon in which many people share similar memories of past events. Some have speculated that the memories are caused by parallel universes spilling into our own, while others explain the phenomenon as a failure of collective memory. True phenomenon or not, remains interesting, it proves that we are all connected to one mind (noosphere, akasha) that's how people share the same memories. Can also be called Alter vu. An Alter vu is a strange phenomenon in which someone remembers his or her reality differently. It can also be related to time travel effects.

Macrocosm: The Universe. Read also Microcosm.


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Yajna-Vidya: In Hinduism, Knowledge that is acquired using certain occult powers awakened within our inner nature, through certain magical rituals. Yajna in Sanskrit means "devotion," "dedication," "worship," Vidya means knowledge.


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Yin and Yang: Yin and Yang are concepts of Taoism that expose the duality of everything that exists in the universe. They describe the two opposing fundamental forces (polarities) and corresponding ones found in all things: the yin is the female principle, night, moon, passivity, absorption. The yang is the masculine principle, sun, day, light, and activity. In the I Ching studies, there are two home lines generated by Tai Ji, one whole Yang and one Yin broke forming the Liang Yi. But it’s most famous form (symbol) is the Tei-gi, symbolizing the balance of the forces of nature, mind and the physical. Yang (white) and yin (black), integrated into a continuous movement of mutual generation, represent the interaction of these forces.

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Zener cards: Set of 25 cards (5 each of circle, square, Greek cross, five-pointed star, three wavy lines) designed by the perceptual psychologist Karl Zener for use in card-guessing tests of ESP. Also known as ESP cards.

Zen: A school of Mahayana Buddhism that asserts that enlightenment can be attained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition rather than through faith and devotion. Also, a slang term for feeling peaceful and relaxed.

ZPE: Zero Point Energy: Is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have, i.e., it is the energy of the system's ground state. Zero-point energy can have several types of context, e.g., it may be the energy associated with the ground state of an atom, a subatomic particle or even the quantum vacuum itself.


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This is just a preview, my full book (214 pages) in paperback and ebook can be found here: Amazon:


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