Sekhm Energy Healing 2

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(2nd edition)


The sky and the stars make music to You. The sun and the moon praise You. The Gods exalt You. The Goddesses sing to You.

“The conscience (heart) of a human is his or her own god.” “I have not committed iniquity. I am pure of heart and worthy of Immortality.” “The soul is a prisoner of its own ignorance. In this condition, it is fettered with the chains of ignorance to an existence where it has no control over its fate in life. The purpose of each virtue is to remove one fetter.” “Now, make thy body still. Meditate that you may know Truth.” “Harmony is the union of opposites.” “As above, so below. We are created in the image of Neteru (Gods).” “Morals are judged by deeds.”


Thank you for buying this book. I want to assure you that positive changes will happen in your consciousness after you have read this book and followed the instructions to raise your magnetism. When you work with the chakras, you will be in tune with the Sekhm energy. Visualize in your mind the incoming energy. Concentrate in meditation, and say with a pure heart, “I (your name) wish to receive the Attunement of Sekhm Healing”. If you so wish, I will send you the attunement for free. Just email me with your name and city name to:

If you need anything, have questions you’d like answers to, or just simply want to talk, contact me

Em hotep


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Table of contents Intro ………………………………………………..………….13 to 16 Everyting is energy …………………………………………. 17 to 18 11 Universal laws ………………………………….…………19 to 20 9 Principles in human being …………………….……………….. 22 Hymn to Ra ……………………………………….………. 22 and 23 Receive Sekhm energy from the Sun ……………………….…. 24 The seven chakras (Arats) ……………………………..… 27 to 36 Meditation with crystals for chakras ………….…………. 37 and 38 Egyptian visualization of the Sun …………………….…………. 39 Chakras of your pets ……………………………………………… 41 Raise your magnetism ……………………………………... 43 to 46 Pineal gland- eye of Horus ……………………….…………48 to 52 Prayer to activate your pineal gland ……………….……………. 53 Breathing – pranayama …………………………………….. …… 56 Kundalini - serpent power- Uraeus …………………..…... ……. 62 Grounding ……………………………………………..…………… 67 Developing sensitivity of your hands ……………………… 71 to 73 Raising your vibration …………………………….………. 74 and 75 Mantras- Hekau (words of power). ……………………… 77 and 78 Deities - Neteru (astrology)……………………….……………….. 79 Self-healing postures (images)…………………….……. 83 and 85 Emotional centers of the body…………………….……………… 91 Healing symbols…………………………………………………… 96 Intro…………………………………………………………… 96 to 99 Ankh………………………………………………..……… 100 to 103 Infinity (tcheru). ………………………………………… 104 and 105 Heka…………………………………………………..…. 106 and 107 Healing spirals…………………………………………. 108 and 109 Triangle…………………………………………………...110 and 111 Earth goddess. ………………………………………….112 and 113 Starseed……………………………………………..….. 114 and 116 Send remote healing energy……………………….…117 and 119 Microcosmic orbit- tongue on the palate……………… 120 and 121 Transmutation of karma…………………………………………. 122 Spiritual baths……………………………………………...124 to 126 Prays to Sekhmet……………………………………..…. 129 to 131 Mantra of Sekhmet ………………………………………………. 131


Sekhm healing principles……………………………….135 and 136 Make attunements to you and to others. ……………. 137 and 138 Invocation of sekhm energy. ……………………………………. 140 Attunements at a distance. ……………………………..…….… 140 Crystal pyramid …………………………………………... 142 to 145 Final conclusions………………………………………….. 147 to 149 Differences between reiki and Sekhm ……………….…. 150 to 152 Medical and scientific studies. ……………………..……. 153 to 156

Sekhm Energy Healing . © 2022 Sílvio Guerrinha



Sekhm Healing is a type of nonlocal healing. It works with subtle energies (universal energy known as Prana, or Sekhem/ Skhm in old Egypt) and operates through quantum entanglement between our biofields. Before practicing this healing system, it is recommended you know some basics about working with the chakras, human magnetism, and raising energy (prana, chi, sekhem). This type of healing at a distance is categorized by medical scientists (in their research studies) as Biofield Therapy or Energy Medicine. We like the term nonlocal healing. Biofield therapies are non-invasive therapies in which the practitioner explicitly works with a client's biofield (interacting fields of energy and information that surround living systems) to stimulate healing responses in patients. We send the energy to a focal point to produce positive effects. Training in these practices is increasingly prevalent among healthcare professionals, and such practices are offered to patients in a limited number of clinical settings, including hospitals. At the end of this book, you can read a few medical studies about distant healing. Our system is based on the original source, the ancient method of healing: Sekhem (SKHM), though it has many different names. We also use extra-terrestrial symbols of the principal crop-circles. Some people on the internet promote their “Egyptian” healing systems but use symbols from Mikao Usui reiki, which is contradictory. Some competing authors left negative comments about my book because I broke paradigms and challenged their profitable method. I don't sell initiations for $100; I only sell the book. I'm from Portugal. I attended a spiritist center where I studied mediumship and magnetic passes. Years later (in 2018), I learned reiki with a German lady Judith Schneider in Vila N. de Mil Fontes (Portugal).


I assure you, this book is one of the most powerful and complete books you will read on this subject because it contains the real Egyptian (Kemetic) symbols and prayers, and includes methods for working with your chakras and raising your vibration! This second edition is revised, includes new information and new exercises, such as attracting sekhm energy from the sun, and I provide an mp3 file with the Sekhmet mantra for your sessions. I don’t make “energy” a business. I will not charge money for attunements. So why has my book received some criticism? Because I challenged the status quo of many. We respect universal energy, and we know how to harness and channel that energy with love and respect. Sekhem is the universal and sentient energy and the energy associated with the goddess Sekhmet (daughter of Ra).

In addition, “Reiki” is like a business. If you want to take the initiation, it will be expensive. They charge money to send you universal energy (which is free energy). Here in Portugal, some reiki masters charge more than 120 euros for each level of initiation. It's ok to charge money, but could they charge fairer prices? I myself have paid to go to astrology or tarology consultations at fair prices (50 or 60 euros). But charging more than 300 euros for reiki levels, I think it's too much. In our Sekhm Healing, you only need to pay for this book. I will never charge money for energy or attunements. Energy is free; the universe doesn’t charge us money to receive its energy. We cannot build a business on free energy. The universe provides you with free sekhm energy, with love. Am I naïve for saying this? I am following the instructions the neteru gods have given me. I follow higher instructions. We respect the universal energy, Sekhem, which is conscious energy. The universe is also conscious.


David J. Chalmers of the University of Arizona has proposed that consciousness may be a fundamental property of the universe, not reducible to anything more elemental, not derivable from anything else. For those who might think I have little experience, you are wrong.

The Earth is changing, human consciousness is changing, and people are awakening. We don’t like secrets; we don’t like “elitist groups” who keep secrets from people to maintain power for themselves because they are afraid of losing it. There is no need to be touched by the hands of a master in your crown chakra. You weren’t born with any imperfection or “closed chakra”, and you were born to function properly. You receive energy from the source; we are all entangled. You may stimulate your crown chakra with meditation, visualization, and crystals. Activate your chakras, mediumship can be developed, channeling energy can also be developed with exercise and practice. Tune in with your conscience.

Important warning

The Sekhm healing system does not guarantee miracles or cure advanced diseases. Always consult a doctor in the case of a serious illness. Sekhm healing is used to cure small subtle illnesses, energy imbalances, mood changes, or to assist in a faster post-surgery recovery, for example. It is a complementary cure; it does not replace medicine.


The goddess Nephthys (left) and the goddess Isis/ Auset (right) with hand gestures, sending vital energy to reanimate and resurrect Osiris (Ausar).

Sekhm Energy Healing - Sílvio Guerrinha ©


Everything is energy

Quantum physics says that everything in the universe is pure energy; the only difference is the type of vibration. Everything that exists is in energy form, from the physical dimension to where scientific instruments cannot measure the level of vibration. Everything exists in the form of energy, from the densest to the subtlest in vibration. The source of all is the Divine Mind. The physical universe was created by the process of changing energy from one form to another.

“What we call matter doesn’t exist. All matter arises and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibrate and maintain balance in this miniature solar system that is the atom. We have to accept the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind behind this force. " Max Planck (Creator of Quantum Physics)

Change your mindset and align yourself with the existence.

Every day you wake up, thanks to the Universe, thanks to Divinity. The first time you see the Sun, in the morning, honour him. The sun is the source of life on Earth, and the Sun irradiates light (information), heat, and energy (Prana, Sekhem). Follow the 11 Universal Principles in your life.

Many of our emotions are programmed reactions to circumstances, these principles can deprogram and reprogram our reactions so we can instead respond in a way that is conducive to our spiritual, emotional and physical health.


Society has already programmed us through the media to be "conformed to this world”. It is time for us to start programming ourselves to be transformed and renew our minds.

Sekhm Energy Healing - Sílvio Guerrinha ©


11 Universal laws:

Law of Amun: You were created in the likeness of peace, which cannot be disturbed. Regain your original state of peace so that you can reach your main goal in life, which is to enjoy life.

Law of Ausar (Osiris): Your nature is an unconquerable peace. Therefore, nothing and no one in the world can be against you. All experiences come to you to promote your reclamation of peace so that you may, in turn, acquire wisdom and power.

Law of Tehuti (Toth): When your thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect the word of Divinity, then the power of universal spirit and peace that nothing can challenge will flow through your being.

Law of Sekher: When your emotions manifest in response to the word of the Divinity they have the power to influence all events in the world.

Law of Ma'At: Divinity needs you to come into the world. Fulfilling Divinity's need is the highest act of love and only through your love for the Divinity can you fulfil your love for others. Become Divinity's love in the world for the protection of the world.

Law of Herukhutt: Know that Divinity does not punish, reward, or protect. You will have the comfort of controlling these for yourself.


Law of Heru (Horus): You have the power but not the right to ignore the Universal law. Choose to follow Universal laws with the love and joy that comes from understanding and the wisdom and power of Divinity spirit will flow through your being.

Law of Het-Heru: It is not what you imagine but who is imagining. Are you a human or a a divine being?

Law of Sebek: It’s not what you think or affirm. It’s who is thinking or affirming. Are you a human or a divine being?

Law of Auset (Isis): Prepare to sacrifice everything to become the vessel of Divinity on earth, and you will, in turn, receive everything.

Law of Geb: Know that from heaven you came and to heaven you will return; do not seek long-lasting works on earth.

Notice that I’ve used the original Kemetic names of these gods, and in parenthesis, the names by which they were known by the Greeks. The original name of Osiris as an example, is: Ausar, the real name of Isis is: Auset. The real name of Horus is: Heru. But I don’t believe that they were all gods, they were aspects (or sub-divisions) of the Universal Divinity. I don’t use the biblical concept of “God”, a humanized exteriorization and masculine aspect of divinity. I believe in a Cosmic Universal Consciousness, which has both polarities (feminine and masculine). Spirit is energy, doesn’t have a body or a gender. So, I used the word Divinity.


Sekhm Energy Healing - Sílvio Guerrinha ©



This is just a sample. The original has 163 pages (ebook and paperback), support my work. Get it on Amazon or Scribd. Sekhmet mantra to invoke Sekhm energy (and link to 33-minute, 79-MB audio file). More complete steps to send Sekhm energy from a distance. Additional technique for touching the tongue to the palate of the mouth, microcosmic orbit, according to Qi Gong. Activate the meridians. Receive Sekhm energy from the Sun. It is a very comprehensive guide to distance healing. It includes the most effective symbols and visualizations and numerous illustrations of healing methods. It also talks about working with energy using crystals, chakras, vital points on the body, and much more. It is based on concepts of quantum physics and the Kemetic (Egyptian) chakra system. In this book, you can access all levels of initiation, and you can attune yourself and others; heal yourself and others from a distance.


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