Visual portfolio - The Prime Line

Page 1

the prime line

contents objectives

a summary of stage one

the big idea

the big creative idea

the strategy

the outcomes



Increase the Kiehl’s male consumer base.

Figure 1

Objectives: *Change male perceptions surrounding beauty products. *Increase awareness of Kiehl’s within the male consumer base. Figure 2

stage one *a brief summary

*a brief summary

Figure 3

Outlined Kiehl’s to be unique amongst its competitors in being a premium beauty brand with a fun tone of voice. The brand need to assess whether ‘quirky’ can continue to appeal to its primary consumer base of older men. If not, they should be aiming to engage a younger consumer who would perhaps be more appreciative of Kiehl’s’ quirkiness. Premium

‘Old fashioned’, ‘Trendy’ and ‘Too much text were words that the male consumer used to describe Kiehls’ products - showing the confused message Kiehl’s portrays.


Fun tone of voice

Figure 4

Mass Market

The thing that sets kiehl’s mostly apart from its rivals is its strong customer service stance - this must be incorporated into any new brand strategy.

Key toiletry consumer base for males

= 25-34 years. Catch the consumer before this age.

*initial idea from stage one

Men are becoming increasingly difficult to group. This, along with Kiehl’s’ aspirations to appeal to a wide range of males, has formed the idea for a possible product proposal for Kiehl’s. The ‘evolution’ range would target males through key stages in life. It would catch the male at the teenage stage in life with a multi-functional product aimed at targeting spots starting at a much lower price point, capturing a consumer before they have fully developed into a niche form of male.

It would then target them at key milestones in their life with a new product specifically designed for their needs at that age. This ‘nurture’ of men throughout life would increase brand loyalty and appeal to a wide range of males.

Figure 5

Figure 6

d i BIG ea


Figure 7

p r o a

g e Figure 8

Figure 9

Our big idea is to tackle skincare for men in a different way to the norm. We want to take the opposite approach to anti-ageing and celebrate the age that the consumer is at. This will be done by looking at the positives that come with each stage of life and portraying these in a product range.

The line will assist the male consumer to live their life to the full at whatever stage they are at and look their best whilst they’re in it. Being positive about progressing through life in this way will create a product range that acts as a lifelong friend and makes Kiehl’s into a one stop shop for the male consumer.

Figure 10

BIG idea (creative)

Figure 11

is to be at your prime throughout all stages of your life.

prime - the best part of existence

Figure 12

Our big creative idea is to produce a product range which celebrates being at ones prime. Prime is the best part of existence and we want to prove that this happens all the way through life. We believe the male consumer should no longer be faced with products that try to make him look at a different point in life and change the way he looks, we believe that there should be a product range which celebrates the stage in life they are in and assists them on whatever they are doing at this point. Defining by stages of life, in this way, means that we can create a product range that seamlessly slots into a male consumers routine whilst appealing to a large range of them. Making the product fuss free to use and something which they can use without thinking about will appeal greatly to men. Another positive aspect about defining a product range by different prime stages in life is that it is not confined to age so each product could be applied to any age of male.

strateg y Shown below is development showing how this idea will be implemented into a product range. We have come up with four different stages of life in which the male consumer goes through which will correspond to four different products in



m e l

p m

be ill th w i dea up w es i s thi ome er go in w c m o s g h have consu oduct es. n i w e e pr ag sho e. W mal rent ing p t e n g e h fe w pm ct ran hich t r dif follo o l w du fou the eve s d a pro life in nd to e of i o f ow to om bel ed in ges o orresp in s n c nt sta sed ow Sh leme erent will isuali p h im r diff whic are v fou ugh these o thr line, the



Figure 13



e w

t n e

*name of product line development

Evolve Otogeny Maturation Evolution Revolution

The Prime Line The Ultimate Solution to Evolution Transition Series Ever Evolving Unfolding

vitality zenith ak itality e p y *the meaning of ‘prime’ a v heyd bloom best bloom peak peak best peak a zenith vitality y lity a t i v vitality heyda heyday heyday bloom best loom eak b p vitality best peak bloom est b y peak heyda zenith

best peak

vitality heyday

best bloom


best vitality heyday bloom zenith best






est b zenith peak loom b vitality enith nith e z z m o o l b y peak vitalit

*name of the new product line

The word ‘Prime’ is a bold positive word which defines being the best. We also felt this word had connotations with masculinity and strength when thinking about things such as a ‘prime cut of meat’. The word is also very to the point, with no frills which reflects the message behind our whole range.

The Prime Line The word ‘Line’ signifies how this is a range of products which you can progress along, yet it is a continual line that has no beginning or end. We wanted to portray the idea that you can get on The Prime Line at any age in your life and you can be one of the stages of life at any age. Having a continual line signifies how we are anti anti-ageing and the only way is forward because there is no beginning or end to the line!

prime (and what that is at different stages throughout life) is visualised across the next four pages. These four states of living are what the product range ‘Prime Line’ will be based around.

prime is to experiment * the time in your life where you can experiment and explore with little consequence

Figure 14

prime is to discover * the time in your life where you are a targeted adventurer, finding out who you are and discovering the endless opportunities of life

Figure 15

prime is to be balanced * the time in your life where you have reached stability and have a well balanced outlook on things

Figure 16

prime is to have reward * the time in your life where you have worked hard and are now reaping the rewards

Figure 17

Figure 18

*colour scheme

PANTONE Bright White

Figure 19

PANTONE Matt Black

Figure 20

*colour scheme

black + white A high contrast black and white colour scheme has been chosen for the new product range to act as an ultimate attention grabber. Black and white are two very to-the-point colours, which will appeal to the male consumer. The bold contrast between the two, portrays the bold message behind the bottles and is really pushing Kiehl’s attitude and aesthetic. We no longer felt that Kiehl’s could continue to act as a ‘quirky’ brand yet have an apothecary style aesthetic, so changing the colour scheme of this range in this way will begin to align its confused brand identity.

In our focus group, respondents also commented that the previous colours of Kiehl’s were ‘old fashioned’ and ‘why would you want to buy old skincare’, baring this in mind we believe that by using black, Kiehl’s will have a more modern look. The sleekness of the black will also ensure Kiehls’ luxury stance. Black vs white has also been chosen due to its timeless qualities and we believe that using these colours will successfully appeal to a wide range of male consumers. As well as using this colour scheme for the bottle design, using it for in-store, point of sale and window displays will grab the attention of passers-by.

*matte black *using matte black instead of gloss gives the bottles a more premium feel, due to its tactile qualities. *matte black gives the product a manly aesthetic with no glossy attributes. *using matte black is on trend - ‘it is predominantly used on packaging for men’s toiletries and luxury beverages. Matte black is layered with touches of white for a premium aesthetic’ (Wgsn 2014)

Figure 21

Figure 21

*bottle - aesthetics *streamline black and white graphics throughout the product range that signify boldness.

Figure 22

*bottle - shape *different shaped bottles for each stage in life to reflect the different attitudes and to slot seamlessly into each persons way of living. *the bottle must be easy and thought-free to use for its consumer.

Figure 23

*logo/copy inspiration *‘Minimal designs that use black typeface and plenty of white space continue to define luxury packaging’ (WGSN 2014) *Bold copy stating what the item is, in a quirky tone of voice - enticing the consumer to find out more about it. *Using type and copy as the main feature on a product - instead of pattern or design instantly creates a consumer to item bond as the product can be seen to be starting a conversation. *Punchy, headline attitude.

Figure 24

*logo development

The initial logo was discarded as we felt it was important to have a straight line, rather than a line seen to be progressing somewhere as we want to portray the message that this product range isn’t about age it is about stage in life and attitude. Utilising a straight line shows that you can be at any of the stages of life at any age, and any stage of life is just as brilliant as the one that came before it. No one is better or worse than the other. Figure 25

Figure 26 and 27 were developments which we decided looked too all over the place - they did not signify the power and strength of the range that we want to portray. Figure 26

Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

The boldness of the line and font compliments the boldness of the idea behind the product range and carries a strong message that being at your prime can happen at every stage of life - there is no beginning or end to this. The line also signifies the way in which the products will support the male consumer no matter what stage in life they are at. The font was chosen to portray the quirky-ness of the product range and how we are mixing things up, challenging the male consumer to think differently about grooming products in a way they haven’t before. The straightness of the ‘The’ and ‘Line’ show how this quirkiness is being carried by a powerful backbone.


The Prime Line is an all-encompassing moisturiser range for every man. Celebrating the positives of every stage in life, Primeline is anti-ageist, believing one can be in their ‘prime’ at any age. Each product within the range reflects this inspiring mentality, whereby their shapes are specifically designed to compliment each stage in life.

All in all, these factors create modular pieces that fit together strikingly as a range yet equally as powerful on their own.

The line has a core element which runs throughout - the cylinder. The cylinder shaped bottle represents a sturdy, well grounded product which can be interpreted in different ways depending on the different stage in life. We chose a cylinder shape, as the curves of the bottles give the line a luxury element visually and tactilely and also fits nicely in a hand or on a shelf. The bold language is another element that ties the bottles together with the phrase ‘Prime is’ followed by one of the four different stages of life and the punchy ‘ Who’ and ‘What’ on the back - referring to who the bottle is intended for and what it will do. Figure 30

*the prime line product mock ups

WHO for the radical alpha

WH AT a spray and go moisturiser

Presented in an innovative spray format, this light, non-greasy moisturiser is the skincare answer for the male that loves to experiment in life. This product reflects the attitudes of its target customer, embodying a youthful mentality that isn’t just restricted to the younger market. ‘Experiment’ represents the notion of living with little consequence, and is ideal for the embracing, positive man who is inspired by new approaches. The vaporising quality offers an appealingly refreshing aspect to the skincare routine, especially encouraging to the more uninformed customer through its unique application. Figure 31

*the prime line product mock ups

WHO for the focused adventurer

WH AT an energising caffeine moisturiser and on-the-go vial

This energising moisturiser is delivered as a two-piece product, with an aesthetically pleasing bottle for the shelf at home, and an additional on-the-go vial to assist the voyaging male. This product celebrates a vibrant stage of life - aimed at the customer who is actively discovering. Whether this is exploring themselves or a new part of their life, ‘Discover’ acts as an instant re-vitaliser, enriched with caffeine to keep the skin alive and awake on their driven journey of development.

Figure 32

*the prime line product mock ups

WHO for the well rounded male

WH AT a day and night moisturising duo to slot into your routine

Contained in effortlessly stackable blocks, this hydrating day and night moisturising duo caters to the man who strives for stability in life. Both the solidity of the bottles and their slottable features mirror the outlook of its target consumer. The ‘Balance’ duo aims to enhance the lifestyle of the steady, levelheaded man, whose daily activities instill a fulfilling structure within his routine. Figure 33

*the prime line product mock ups

WHO for the unbounded male

WH AT a loyally nourishing moisturiser for everyday use

Presented in an expansive bottle with a no-fuss pump dispenser, the ‘Reward’ moisturiser provides all-round nourishment to compliment the varied lifestyle of its target male. ‘Reward’ embodies the idea of well-earned indulgence. The versatile nature of the product assists the user in their selfsatisfying escapades.

Figure 34

*in-store: point of sale

Inside every Kiehl’s stand-alone store, The Prime Line will be displayed on a white table with a black circling conveyor belt. The aim of staging the product range on this rotational format is to reflect the evolving nature of the products’ attitudes and intended consumer, has no starting or end point and that the consumer can make their first purchase from any point on the line. The display will also create a talking point in-store. An interactive screen will additionally be placed within the conveyor belt to provide more information on the product range and also show videos of each different consumer: experiment, reward, discover, balance. (The videos are shown across the next pages)

Figure 35

We created the promotional videos for the range, featuring four different men who portray each different stage of life in a different way. To create an interest and demonstrate that each different product isn’t defined solely by age but by stage in life we chose consumers going in the order against what their age would usually suggest.


*in-store videos (please find the videos as seperate files on the disk)

Figure 37

DISCOVER Figure 38

*in-store videos (please find the videos as seperate files on the disk)

Figure 39

BALANCE Figure 40

*in-store videos (please find the videos as seperate files on the disk)

Figure 41

REWARD Figure 42

*in-store videos (please find the videos as seperate files on the disk)

Figure 43

*in-store: interactive window

Figure 45 Figure 44

Interactive windows will be installed into Kiehl’s stores, to draw in new customers. The window will be a tool to create a talking point around the new range and will mirror the statement attitude of the products.

It will offer engaging properties to draw new customers in, starting off by challenging men with the statement shown above in figure 45. This same challenge will be presented in a pop up over the Kiehl’s website, linking the two together.

Figure 46

Figure 47

By putting the consumer on the spot in this way, they will be forced to choose whichever attitude appeals to them the most. After they have chosen they will then receive a message to go inside for further information, this will hopefully probe a new consumer to go in to the store - appealing to their curious side. The inside sales assistant will have a device in which they get notified when somebody outside chooses one of the four stages of life. If that consumer then comes in, this can form as the initial talking point and the sales assistant can explain to them the product behind the stage of life they chose and find out if it is in fact the one they would most align to. This creates an element of personalisation in-store which will then in turn make the consumer feel fonder towards the brand. This will form the initial basis of the Prime Line consultancy.

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

To ensure that The Prime Line vision is communicated properly throughout store and not lost within the other products, a service manual has been created (please find as a separate file on the CD).

As the Kiehl’s relationship with their consumer is very important, we felt it was vital to ensure that the sales assistants give the customers the equivalent of the product range, service wise.

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: service handbook

Figure 48

*in-store: point of purchase bags

Figure 49

Each product within The Prime Line range corresponds with a matching bag, which will be handed over at the point of purchase, whereby its illustrations mirror the attitude of the product. The illustrated bags tie in the new product range with Kiehls’ current aesthetic look. We felt this was important as The Prime Line is something very different and bold for Kiehl’s.

We wanted the bags to act as a sharp contrast with the product that is inside. The bags demonstrate the theme of each bottle in a light-hearted literal way and then on opening the bags the consumer will be greeted with the bold black contrast. This visual difference represents the bold message of the products.

Inside the bags the customer will also receive free samples of the rest of the product range and a postcard, re-iterating the message behind the product line. We hope that by making the customer feel a part of the product range a strong bond will be created with the brand.

*in-store: point of purchase bags moodboard

*black and white doodle is on trend - being featured on WGSN as a AW14 graphic trend. *bold black illustration on a stark white background. *heavy detailing to give a luxury feel and also a manly aesthetic. *hand drawn elements add a personalised touch.

Figure 50

*in-store: point of purchase bags development *visual diagrams done with the illustrator to explore what each word meant in a visual language. *decided to portray the literal visual meanings of the word so there were no connotations towards age.

Figure 51

*experimental bag

Figure 52

Figure 53

Figure 54

*discovery bag

Figure 55

Figure 56

Figure 57

*balance bag

Figure 58

Figure 59

Figure 60

*reward bag

Figure 61

Figure 62

Figure 63

Figure 64

*online strategy We have created a new website specifically for The Prime Line range. The new website is a modern site which portrays The Prime Line’s aesthetics and tone of voice. It is a scroll down site, which almost takes the consumer on a journey through the range. When customers go to the Kiehl’s website they will be greated with this pop up, which mirrors the first message of the interactive window.

Figure 65

*online strategy If customers clicked on the pop-up they will then be taken to this home page. From here it is a scroll down action to navigate the site. The website also features a ‘Your Prime Line’ section where the customer can see where abouts they are on The Prime Line and map there journey as they progress along it. This will be also linked to a repeat prescription service.

Figure 66

*online strategy This is the second page after scrolling down which enables customers to find their right product by attitude.

Figure 67

*online strategy And the third page allows customers to choose by product.

Figure 68

*online strategy This page shows where the website would take you after clicking on the ‘Discover’ bottle. The feature film is played alongside an explanation of what the product is and who its for.

Figure 69

*consumer decision journey

A consumer decision journey has been mapped out to show how our strategy will interact with a male consumer at key points in their decision making journey, making Kiehl’s there new beauty destination.

Before Purchase

Figure 70

After Purchase

Before purchase shows the interactive window with its bold graphics and copy appealing to a consumer’s curious side. During purchase shows the convertor belt point of sale, interactive videos, the striking bottle formats and the illustrated bags. After purchase shows the website which consumers can go to order their repeat prescription of The Prime Line and the postcards which will give the consumer something to take away with them. Hopefully by involving consumers throughout this journey, they will be closed in the loyalty loop and will return to Kiehl’s to purchase the next product in The Prime Line range.

During Purchase

Figure 71

list of illustrations Figure 1 - Own Image, 2014. Gentleman. [Digital collage]. Figure 2 - Own Image, 2014. Increase male awareness of Kiehl’s. [Digital collage]. Figure 3 - Kiehl’s, 2014. Facial Fuel Product Shot. [Photograph] [online] Available at: mens-grooming/by-category/moisturizers/facial-fuel [Accessed 30 March 2014]

Figure 23 - Own Image, 2014. Bottle shape moodboard. [Photograph]. Figure 24 - Own Image, 2014. Logo/ copy moodboard. [Photograph]. Figure 25 - Wilkinson, K., 2014. Logo mock up. [Graphics].

Figure 4 - Own Image, 2014. Perceptual Map. [Graphics].

Figure 26 - Wilkinson, K., 2014. Logo mock up. [Graphics].

Figure 5 - Own Image, 2014. Men can no longer be grouped in broad tribes. [Digital collage].

Figure 27 - Wilkinson, K., 2014. Logo mock up. [Graphics].

FIgure 6 - Own Image, 2014. Men can no longer be grouped in broad tribes. [Digital collage].

Figure 28 - Wilkinson, K., 2014. Logo mock up. [Graphics].

Figure 7 - Viral Fashion, 2013. Who says men are afraid of botox?. [Photograph] [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 March 2014]

Figure 29 - Wilkinson, K., 2014. Logo mock up. [Graphics].

Figure 8 - Own Image, 2014. Pro ageing. [Digital collage].

Figure 31 - Own Mock Up, 2014. Prime is to experiment. [Graphics]

Figure 9 - Own Image, 2014. Celebrating every aspect of life. [Digital collage].

Figure 32 - Own Mock Up, 2014. Prime is to discover. [Graphics]

Figure 10 - Own Image, 2014. Product that is a life long friend. [Photograph].

Figure 33 - Own Mock Up, 2014. Prime is to be balanced. [Graphics]

Figure 11 - The flamboyant blog, 2011. Anna Piaggi. [Photograph].[online] Available at:https://theflamboyantblog. [Accessed 30 March 2014]

Figure 34 - Own Mock Up, 2014. Prime is to have reward. [Graphics]

Figure 12 - Dr Zwier, 2010. Mens smile. [Photograph]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 March 2014]

Figure 30 - Own Image, 2014. The Prime Line. [Photograph]

Figure 35 - Wilkinson, K., 2014. Store Mock Up. [Graphics]. Figure 36 - Own Image, 2014. Experiment. [Photograph].

Figure 13 - Own Image, 2014. Scanned in textured paper and ink. [Photograph].

Figure 37 - Own Image, 2014. Experiment video stills. [Photograph].

Figure 14 - Own Image, 2014. Prime is to experiment. [Digital collage].

Figure 38 - Own Image, 2014. Discover. [Photograph].

Figure 15 - Own Image, 2014. Prime is to discover. [Digital collage].

Figure 39 - Own Image, 2014. Discover video stills. [Photograph].

Figure 16 - Own Image, 2014. Prime is to be balanced. [Digital collage].

Figure 40 - Own Image, 2014. Balance. [Photograph].

Figure 17 -Own Image, 2014. Prime is to have reward. [Digital collage].

Figure 41 - Own Image, 2014. Balance video stills. [Photograph].

Figure 18 - Own Image, 2014. Scanned in ripped paper revealing word collage. [Photograph].

Figure 42 - Own Image, 2014. Reward. [Photograph].

Figure 19 - Own Image, 2014. Pantone Colour - white. [Graphics].

Figure 43 - Own Image, 2014. Reward video stills. [Photograph].

Figure 20 - Own Image, 2014. Pantone Colour - black. [Graphics].

Figure 44 - Own Image, 2014. Interactive window. [Graphics].

Figure 21- Own Image, 2014. Matte black moodboard. [Photograph].

Figure 45 - Own Image, 2014. Interactive window screen 1. [Graphics].

Figure 22 - Own Image, 2014. Bottle aesthetics moodboard. [Photograph].

list of illustrations Figure 46 - Own Image, 2014. Interactive window screen 2. [Graphics].

Figure 65 - Own Image, 2014. Website mock up - pop up over Kiehl’s page. [Graphics].

Figure 47 - Own Image, 2014. Interactive window screen 3. [Graphics].

Figure 66 - Own Image, 2014. Website mock up - home page. [Graphics].

Figure 48 - Group Images, 2014. Kiehl’s handbook. [Photographs].

Figure 67 - Lewis, R., 2014. Website mock up - by attitude page. [Graphics].

Figure 49 - Group Image, 2014. Final Illustrated bags. [Photograph].

Figure 68 - Own Image, 2014. Website mock up - by product page. [Graphics].

Figure 50 - Own Image, 2014. Bags moodboard. [Photograph].

Figure 69 - Lewis, R., 2014. Website mock up - discover page. [Graphics].

Figure 51 - Group Image, 2014. Bags development moodboard. [Photograph]. Figure 52 - Faulkner, G., 2014. Experimental illustration. [Illustration]. Figure 53 - Group Image, 2014. Experimental bag. [Photograph]. Figure 54 - Group Image, 2014. Experimental postcards. [Photograph]. Figure 55 - Faulkner, G., 2014. Discover illustration. [Illustration]. Figure 56 - Group Image, 2014. Discover bag. [Photograph]. Figure 57 - Group Image, 2014. Discover postcards. [Photograph]. Figure 58 - Faulkner, G., 2014. Balance illustration. [Illustration]. Figure 59 - Group Image, 2014. Balance bag. [Photograph]. Figure 60 - Group Image, 2014. Balance postcards. [Photograph]. Figure 61 - Faulkner, G., 2014. Reward illustration. [Illustration]. Figure 62 - Group Image, 2014. Reward bag. [Photograph]. Figure 63 -Group Image, 2014. Reward postcards. [Photograph]. Figure 64 - Group Image, 2014. Illustrated bags hanging. [Photograph].

Figure 70 - Own Image, 2014. Consumer decision journey. [Graphics]. Figure 71 - Group Image, 2014. The Prime Line. [Photograph].



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Kiehl’s Nottingham store staff. Kiehl’s information evening. [Talk to Nottingham FCP Students, Waverley building]. 2 December 2013.

tutorial record sheets

Points from Tim - TO DO FOR INTERIM - 07/03/14 Young professional concerns - looking professional, looking sharp, looking awake, looking alert, being attractive, beginning of things like ageing but not as a core focus 35+ concerns - maintaining, preserving, anti ageing ^ everyone of these things that i have just said, brands already own each of these things. So you need to map that, so who have we got to beat when were not clearisil - how can we do that. How can you make them look dated, not particularly united, not particularly consistent because i agree what a man wants is a one stop shop so i think it could work. What they will get from your idea, is that continuum and that idea that this is your dock kit and thats all you need to survive the next 10 years. Come back to us in 10 years time and buy this perhaps on a repeat purchase so you dont even have to think about it because consultancy is key to kiehls isn’t it and you can play on that and say thats what your idea is doing that these other brands dont. I think consultancy is one of the key pillars of Kiehls that works alongside your idea, so the other thing i would do is - where does the current Kiehls key offerings sit in sync with your idea and which elements are at odds with it? So if you look at the pillars of Kiehls in terms of brand architecture - you would say ok consultancy works really well with your idea, this about evolving somebody from 16-60 well the kiehls environment works better with 16 than it does 60. So where your at odds is that its not a shop that a man wants to walk into at every stage of his life - its like a bad carnival rag week! SO look at your idea and see where it overlaps with kiehls and where it doesn’t, it overlaps with the brand here and here so where can we be honest about it not overlapping? And how can we control that? I like the idea - its a strong starting point. I can really see that as a product range. I think it does tap into certain things that are particular about male behaviours and the male consumer. They want solutions, they dont want to have to keep thinking about separate solutions. They are much more brand loyal. The cleverness of your portfolio is going to be showing how you can develop a life long brand because that is every beauty brands dream, so we cant be naive about that. You not the first person to think - lets get them from 16 to there 60. What i think you should do as a group is say ‘why wont this work’ and ‘why has this not worked before’ because we cant seriously think this isn’t what all brands want. Why has it failed before? What can you safe guard and say well the difference is now, we are proposing to do it this way… Well the differences now are that we can be multi-platform. Define what you need to neutralise as products. Create infögraphics to show why the time is right for this and men are now ready for this approach. Artwork must suggest - this is a lifetime idea, we have to convert them from all these brands to kiehls and change behaviour. Why would that happen? - Because the consumer actually wants a single answer, this consumer wants a personal connection with the brand and this particular idea works well with the kiehls consultancy approach. In the interim you need to give me some ideas - these are the kind of design languages we are thinking of because we think they are appealing life long. *START PINTEREST OF THIS* Its going to have to be relatively design clean, to look great. You’ve almost then got to mock it up, on a teenagers bedsit, here it sits against the lynx and here is what they will have and how does your product look next to it? And then later on - imagine the lifestyle codes of each of the people you are targeting. Your product has got to slip in perfectly with things your consumer has. I dont think the packaging should evolve with each age group. The packaging should be agile enough & visually flexible enough so that it looks good when you see it against this, it looks good when you see it against that. You have to start to test these things. And what you do then is think about the functionality of it - so you think a teenager is going to want - pump, easy, its happening on a beach before school etc. Middle aged man - where is it happening? So dont think about changing each branding, think about the shapes change, the quality changes, the way the cream comes out changes, is one in plastic and one in glass? So for a fortnights time - show me that you have tested your idea against some of these checks and boundaries and were starting to look at possible design of the range - what other brands can you rip off? Look at what you think are forms of packaging that have an ageless appeal, where the adaptability is in the nature of material, interaction etc. Thats how you can be sensitive to different age groups. So do these click together for them, but they are separate here. Is it a dual serem where they come out together but here they want them separate. And then also i need some ideas about what we are calling it - whats the language, whats the copy whats the key phrases.

Feedback from Tim - 02/04/14 Punchy text type driven headline Dont do alliteration Be attitude Experiment: experiment with little consequence Discovery: developing partnerships I thought I was this person but when I’m in this environment I’ve realised I’m not Learning really finding things out On the go and discovering Targeted adventurer in life Balanced: More rounded life More stable routine you’ve got your building blocks set out Stackable A set of blocks to build your life around Building blocks Reward: choices more time Experiment. Discover. Balance. Reward Got to have some kind of continuum throughout the product range core thing is a cylinder - through the range round stackable cylinder interpretation of the cylinder language that holds them all together consider introducing a chrome line as an edge that runs through everything own the tone of voice dont get fancy or rhyme keep it strong and to the point modular pieces that need to fit together so circumference, circumference, line, line remember the attitude headline punchy timeline is about heritage and provenance don’t get too literal - timeline pins in back down to being at ages Straight line = you can be any of the attitudes at any age. Pushing the aesthetics and the attitudes. A service manual what service manual are you proposing to the team now with this new product range do this as an element in report. This whole new thing in the store deserves a script and a training guide. Kiehls relationship with their consumer - making sure that you give the equivalent of the product range, service wise.

consent forms

consent forms

consent forms

making of the bottles

making of the bottles

making of the bags

making of the films

making of the films

making of the films

making of the films

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