Siff buzz fall 2014 issue4

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One of the most important things about SIFF’s success has been YOU, the fans and supporters and contributors. We are working hard to make sure that YOU get more attention and that your creativity is better showcased and appreciated at SIFF. One of those efforts is our Patrons of SIFF feature. This is one of our ways of saying Thank

Sims 4 at SIFF To submit your Sims 4 machinima you will have to follow the same rules as we already have posted. We know it sounds completely crazy, but some of you are already making Sims 4 machinima and the game isn’t even released yet?! Well, we are dying to see your early attempts at making machinima with The Sims 4 so we are inviting you to submit your first efforts into SIFF so that we can start to showcase the new platform without any delay. Join us today!

We will accept Sims 4 submission requests up to September 1oth, but no later. Keep it simple. There isn’t much time, so don’t feel that this has to be a masterpiece. Let’s have some fun with it. All Sims 4 machinima will be in one category together.

Patrons of SIFF Mark Stone of Sims World TV SIFF to me is the most exciting event of the year. I enjoy all of the entries, the gossip, events and the buzz. I look forward to it getting bigger and better every year! We at Sims World TV plan on doing our part and continuing to be supportive of this phenomenal event. Our goal is to assist SIFF to ensure its audience grows to unbelievable numbers. Way to go Minraed and team. Great work and happy 10 th Anniversary!!

Patrons of SIFF are anyone who has a love of SIFF, showing support and contribution over the years. Don’t miss the 10th Season Special Commemorative We would love to hear from you if there is something you would like to see more of in the SIFF Buzz. Email us at the email listed above and let us know what you hope to see and we will try to include it if it fits into our festival theme.

Important dates Deadline for film submissions - September 1st Film Release Dates - September 15 - 20th Viewer’s Choice polls for Film Trailers and Posters September 1st - 15th Viewer’s Choice polls for Machinima Categories September 21st - 30th (to be extended - date tba) Viewer’s Choice polls for Battle of the Bands September 8th - 15th

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Get to know the bands, follow their trip to stardom, and vote for your faves in the Viewer’s Choice polls opening September 9th.

Presented to you by Jorgha Haq


I still can't really fathom those feelings-[laughs] It was--...almost as if I was-..dreaming. Yes, dreaming; it all fel t like a dream. I couldn't believe it was real. I kept asking myself "How?? Why? ......HOW??"

I started playing violin when I was really little, before I uh-..before I was diagnosed. I inherited my nanna's old violin when she passed away and just got hooked to the sounds that it made, I guess!

It wasn't thaaaat hard for me. Actually, funny story, when I was first able to move around in my house without a cane, I was like grabbing everything because even though I thought I knew where I was going, I fel t like something would be in the way. I ended up knocking everything to god-knows-where, and fell over onto my old keyboard. I was SUPER embarrassed and didn't want to go anywhere after that so I just sat there and taught myself around the keys!

Didn't we just answer that? He said TOGETHER, Wolf. Visit their website at [laughs] Shit, maybe I'm going http://dissonance-band.w deaf too-Oh my god don't say that!! [she hits Wolfram's arm] Haha, I'm just joking, sheesh! ..anyways, how long's it been now? How old are you? 18!! Right right, haha, so you were 16 when I met you? 2 years then, I'd say. Two years and counting.

Well I really like electronica and dubstep, but everyone in Wolf's family is really old and doesn't even know what a synthesiser is. Haha, hey!! So we combined what he knows and loves, classical, with my favourite genre, and created neo-classical! It's like cinematic electronic orchestral stuff.

We like to compare it to Olafur Arnalds, The Secession, Emancipator, and a couple of Final Fantasy songs. I love Final Fantasy. She does. She never shuts up about Reno. WHAT OTHER VIDEO GAME CHARACTER DO YOU KNOW THAT HAS RED HAIR??

We really wanted an opportunity to share our music with other people. We'v e been talking about it for a while, that I'm on hospital leave for a bit and Wolfram knows my house without a cane, he can come over to use my Grand electric piano.. Oh, and we record with my sister's old equipment! It's not much, but we make do with what we have. We are here to prove that al though we are disabled, we are able.

Actually we do!! Lots of music videos to film, and we'll be going on our first tour!! And we landed our first show at SimsFest hosted by SimsWorldTV!!!! Wolf, that's happening WAY before this interview is going to be published. Right, New t? I'm right, aren't I? You're aaaaaalways right, Sara! Wrong? PSH, not you!

WICKED HEARTS Welcome back to the SIFF Battle of the Bands! It's great to see you guys again! And we're so happy to be here as well!

Well, we had lots of fun last time, we just couldn't miss it! ...Plus, he's got the opportunity to take part in at least a thousand more fashion photoshoots than usual, and we all know he can't resist to It's called "enjoying the fun"!


We're older, I guess? What Ben actually meant was that after these last months spent together we became more and more capable to put aside our differences and cooperate together, up to the point that we are nActually no, I meant exactly what I said. Didn't you turn 30 in April? That's getting , man!

I'M NOT...Er, well, , I guess the answer is pretty obvious: no, we're still the same bunch of idiots you met a few months ago! Speak for yourself! Just sayin' the truth, here!

Mass mind control, tons of money and, ul timately, world domination, of course! Well, that would be quite the resul t, indeed. ...Al ternatively, we're just gonna have fun, discover new bands and hopefully promote our It's probably one of our best records up until now! We stayed true to our original sound, but our playing style has also evolved a lot since the last time, so it sounds much stronger than anything we ever did in the past! Plus, Aaron's finally learned to , now! HEY ! Just kidding, just kidding! Anyway, what he said is true: while we may have never lost our love for bickering over , our technique is a lot better now than it was a few years ago. Surprisingly enough, the years we spent apart turned out to be a blessing: it took a while for us to get used to playing together again, but the experiences we had and the additional influences that came from Aaron helped us a lot with the recording of our new album! WEBSITE:


Visit them on Facebook!


Well, we're gonna have a little break before we go back on tour later this winter. Which doesn't mean that we're not gonna be still around for interviews, photoshoots and random public appearances, of course! It's not easy to get rid of us! READ LAST SEASONS RISING STARS

XYZT Thank you, and it’s no problem! I speak for us all when I say we’re very honored to be here!

Actually, Tobias and I were a duet back then. Yavin and Xavier had never met. The shows were set up by age so we were all sitting together.

It was pretty nerve w racking and I was falling apart, so I just decided to say hi to Tobais and well…the rest is history. Well actually Yavin, people might want to know how we came together. Zach and I lived in Atlanta, Yavin in Texas, and Xavier in Maine. For a while we all just had a youtube channel we sang together on via webcam, but once we got more popular, we all begged out parents and got them all to move us all out to LA.

Like I said, nerve w racking! The biggest crowd any of us sang at was Xavier at a football game getting a solo in his school’s chorus. The crowd there was HUMONGOUS! That’s all true but being on stage was amazingly fun. We were all pretty discouraged when we were walking out and told each other we had all lost, but it might have been for the better because we really are more harmonized as a quartet.

When I was little, my mom but me in the Jewish choir for my church. I figured since I had experience in singing, like Tobias, I could chase a boy I liked into chorus. Mrs.Valsoa realized my talents and I’ve just kept singing since.

When I met Tobias, he was the singer of our group and I played guitar. One day, he was having trouble hitting a note, so I sang the line for him. He just kind of stared at me and then re-w rote the part as a duet that night! My little brother, Yon, always told me I was a good singer as I was casually humming around the house. He basically blew up my ego and after I joined chorus things just kept moving for me. When I was in middle school, there was this girl I liked. She was in theater and that year they were putting on Lion King. I figured I’d try out for Mufasa so I could spend more time with this girl, but when I started to sing quietly along with a kid trying out for VISIT XYZT ON THE WEB

Filmore Noir and Shantel Potins Get your celebrity dirt and need to know entertainment information in Rising Stars Magazine,


These and future issues HERE on ISSUU

Presented to you by Demeter, Nanami and CatKetty

This year we have a record number of entries into SIFF. . With the release of The Sims 4 we are awaiting last minute entries to see the firs t machinimas created. In the meantime voting has opened for movie trailers, movie posters, and band posters.

Tell about voting polls here

Kenzie Howell We have a lot of newcomers and unsung heros showing at SIFF this season, all bravely coming out of their shells to showcase their talents! It is my pleasure, as a fellow SIFF newbie (yes, I entered a video last fall, but that’s all I’ve done as of yet!), to introduce them to you! I expect to see Grateful MoraThami The Sims 3 Indonesia “Be thankful for what you have. You have no idea how many people would love to have what you’ve got.” These words are the first thing you see in the trailer for this film, and they sure make you think. So many times people take what they have for granted. I have a feeling this film will will focus on that, and show that you should truly be grateful for what you have. You never know what may happen. . I see some interesting-looking characters in the trailer, and I look forward to seeing what awaits them them all in this voice-over film that seems to convey a powerful message!


XX DiamondAngelFilms The Sims 3 USA “There is no escape.” No escape from the curiosity that’s bubbling inside me as I watch this trailer! A dramatic trailer filled with mystery and suspense, I anticipate a very gut-w renching, emotional film to be seen on Sept. 15! Portraying a young woman saying she was desperate to survive and she just wants to go home, only to be told by an enigmatic voice that there is no escape…well, I’m on the edge of my seat! It reminds me of one of those psychological horror/thriller movies, and those are always interesting! Can’t wait to see the peril first-hand at this film’s debut! Reality Simifyied The Sims 3 USA

lot of crime scene investigation, as well as numerous dramatic scenes of the accused accompanied by a voice-over. And many of the scenes use poses rather than animations to tell the story, which I think is clever, as it’s not something you see a lot.

Watch the trailer HERE (veiwer descression advised)

Looking forward to watching this film during its debut and finding out what happens!

Watch the trailer HERE

Presented to you by TenderWolf

A murder mystery! For some reason, this really appeals to me. I wonder why… :D Anyway, this story focuses on a young woman accused of killing her parents. The trailer alone depicts a

Radioactive IreneDancingLover The Sims 3 : Spain This suspenseful plot focuses on a group of friends forced into radioactive quarantine. In these desperate conditions, friendship means nothing and trust can be your dow nfall. Sometimes your best friend can be your worst enemy. And sometimes the people that didn’t matter to you can become your best allies. If you can’t trust anyone, does anyone deserve to live? Oh the drama! The suspense! The turmoil! I want more! This series sounds like an intriguing, intense tale of betrayal, horror, action, drama, suspense…a little bit of everything! Really, what worse conditions could one be in than in a locked quarantined area with no exit, surrounded by people you thought you could trust? And who is the “liar” in the trailer? Sounds like a big of mystery, too! I look forward to seeing this voice-over series debut!

Watch the trailER HERE

The Shadow (Episode 3: The Ball) Ali W The Sims 3 Australia This voice-over series focuses on a group of four friends that conduct their ow n private investigation into a death that occurred in a house rumored to be haunted. Other frightening occurrences begin happening, with one factor in common: a mutilated body and a ghostly shadow. Who or what is this shadow, and what does it want? And will the horror ever end? With two episodes of this series already released, the third will debut this September. And I’m looking forward to finding out what happens after seeing the first two! And the way the character animations are put together in time to the voice recordings is uncanny! They’re just the simple in-game animations, nothing custom, but timed perfectly in sync with the voices. There’s some humor and hints of romance mixed in with the mystery, and a great sound track too. I can’t wait to find out what happens in the nex t episode

Watch the trailER HERE

Playbill Update 73 submissions 10 Sims 2 submissions! 12 countries represented

Find the full playbill HERE

Playbill Update IMPORTANT DATE Viewer’s Choice Polls are now open for Film Trailers and Film Posters. Show your support by voting. Be sure to watch all of the awesome trailers to help you plan your viewing schedule. Film viewing and voting time frame for SIFF machinima will be extended due to the HUGE number of submissions! CRAZY right?! Stay tuned later in the season for updates on how long we will extend viewing and voting. You will see the first Sims 4 machinima at SIFF this season! The playbill is almost finalized. We will share the tally in the next issue of SIFF Buzz.

Find the full playbill HERE

Get it HERE

Lunxi Weis Lunxi, our resident fashionista, is gearing up for the Red Carpet in style. This week she takes on the men, who are not easy to dress up as we know. They can be so squeamish about

Peacemaker For all those boys who hate to dress up but still want to look good! This is the look for you! This Semi-formal Suit is classy yet relaxed it’s not over the top but just fashionable enough for a night out. Get it HERE

Jackets can really make a look! And this top set with a jacket is perfect for those who love a bit more style set this with plain pants and you, Sir, are set to go!

Get it HERE

From Fresh Prince Creations‌

this top and bottom set work together amazingly well, as you can have you vest and pants match! There is nothing better than when things all come together and match and work well and this is one of those times! Get it HERE

By Stephania Onlinda

It’s Red Carpet Time! Join us on the virtual Red Carpet for a full on photography showcase. Get creative, or use our prompts to inspire you. The Red Carpet VIP Gala Is open until September 15th

The Red Carpet special events are one of our most anticipated of the SIFF season. We send our paparazzi out to photograph the celebrities and fans as they attend this season’s hottest parties and screenings. Let’s see who’s who so far this SIFF season…

Fleureete and Thomas Angelton, the band Dreenz, is our first Battle of the Bands band to grace the Red carpet. Morathami

The cast of Silenced glam it up! XxLittleAngelCakexX

Alissa from Alissa Ray experiences her first kiss on the Red Carpet. Alexis

Join us for a challenge or two - machinma, photography,

Each Simatography magazine, now coming to you once every season of the year, will have a different theme to it. We will present tips, tutorials and inspiration for your films and photos and stories, and we will showcase your submissions to our seasonal theme challenge. This time it is

This is a pretty open concept challege so you will definitely find something up your alley. There are many possible ways to contribute. We invite machinima, advertiesements, photos, stories, custom content, sims and more. DUE DATE: Saturday, September 20th JOIN US HERE Magazine release: Tuesday September 23rd, the first day of Fall (up here in the northern hemisphere)

THE Essential SIFF T-shirt Get your downloadable SIFF t-shirt click HERE

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