Siff buzz fall 2014 issue5

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Important dates (all films must be released by the 20th to be on the voting polls)

September 21st - October 6th

THREE weeks to watch and vote since there are so many films

October 15th, 2014 remain open until Sept. 20th

Patrons of SIFF Fadhil of Bahariawans SIFF, the event that I always look forward to. I have gotten a lot of experience in making machinima and editing videos because of SIFF. I love that I am able to share and exhibit my Sims 3 creations here, I also have found new friends from different countries. I cannot say any words butThank You so much! My Sims 3 Machinimas, especially Baka Rabu ( ) are increasingly renow ned because of SIFF so I will keep on supporting it!

Watch Fadhil”s machinimas on YouTube

Patrons of SIFF are anyone who has a love of SIFF, showing support and contribution over the years. Don’t miss the 10th Season Special Commemorative Issue of SIFF Buzz to meet more of these Patrons. Click the cover We would love to hear from you if there is something you would like to see more of in the SIFF Buzz. Email us at the email listed above and let us know what you hope to see and we will try to include it if it fits into our festival theme. If not, then perhaps we can consider it for our Simatography magazine.

Sims 4 at SIFF We are willing to accept last minute Sims 4 submissions so contact us today by email at You must have it ready by September 20 th. There isn’t much time, so don’t feel that this has to be a masterpiece. Let’s have some fun with it. All Sims 4 machinima will be in one category together.

Follow Us @simatography

Filmore Noir and Shantel Potins Get your celebrity dirt and need to know entertainment information in Rising Stars Magazine,


These and future issues HERE on ISSUU

Presented to you by Demeter, Nanami and CatKetty

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Get to know the bands, follow their trip to stardom, and vote for your faves in the Viewer’s Choice polls opening September 9th.


Presented to you by Jorgha Haq

Welcome to SIFF and the Battle of the Bands. It's great to have you here. Zeus: It’s great to be here. Poseidon: Thanks for having us. Hades: *yaw ns* Let’s just get this over with. So...Greek gods turned musicians? I guess that works. More work in the music business than the god business these days. Anyway, what made you decide to go into music? Poseidon: Well we’re still very busy in our other stuff, but we’ve all really been fans of music. Zeus: Since we had spare time and we used most of it to learn instruments we decided to put it to use. Hades: They forced me to join. Poseidon and Zeus: Shut up Hades. Do you do god stuff in your spare time or is music what you do when you aren't doing god stuff?

Zeus: Music is really what we do in our spare time. Poseidon: Sometimes we have more spare time than others, but we always have time to at least get a little practice in during the day. Hades: Even if its during my nap time. Having been around for seems you would have gotten to listen to music from many different time periods as well as a larger variety of genres than the rest of us. Who are some of your influences? Poseidon: We all have very different tastes in music. I’ve always like more of the classic rock and listened to lots of Beatles music.

Visit them on Facebook

Zeus: I’ve either been into classical music or electronica, but now I’ve found a new interest in dubstep music. Hades: I prefer the really hard heav y metal and screamo type of stuff. The heavier and louder the better. Besides you need to know how to wake the dead. Calias: I’ve not been around as long as these three and I’m more of a pop fan. My biggest influence was definitely Adam Lambert. What are your long term goals for Olympus? Poseidon: I guess our biggest goal for Olympus is to spread our music for everyone to listen to and enjoy. Zeus: Even though we’re gods we can still rock out like the best of all the mortals. Do you have more fans on Earth or in Godland?

Hades: Well our father has told us a few times to cut out the noise. Zeus: Our uncles are both fans though. Poseidon: I’d have to say we have more fans on Earth since most of us have decided to reside dow n here anyway we’re kind of intermingled. What brings you to the SIFF Battle of the Bands? Poseidon: We saw our cousins Demeter and Astra from BADA Bing do this one time and well since we had decided we were going to form a band anyway and we saw this opportunity we decided to jump on it. Zeus: What better way to start out in our careers then to share it on this special 10th season SIFF is having.

FLORA COREA Welcome to the SIFF Battle of the Bands! It's great to have you here with us. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions.

You started singing at the age of 6. Was that in The Princess and the Frog? How did that come about?

Your bio says that you started posting videos. I am assuming you used YouTube and your social networking sites to help gain an audience. How did all that work? How long did it take before you got those million hits?

Tell us something about yourself that we don't know.


Do you have a CD out or are you planning on releasing one in the near future?

What brings you to the Battle of the Bands?


Kenzie Howell We have a lot of newcomers and unsung heros showing at SIFF this season, all bravely coming out of their shells to showcase their talents! It is my pleasure, as a fellow SIFF newbie (yes, I entered a video last fall, but that’s all I’ve done as of yet!), to introduce them to you! I expect to see great things from them this SIFF and in the future! Love Potion Daisy Dude Productions The Sims 3 Indonesia A girl with a crush turns to a love potion in order to make him fall for her. But what happens if the w rong person drinks it? Hilarious chaos!!! Oh my goodness, I was “OMG-ing” throughout that whole trailer! It’s like a whole new type of love triangle, and definitely some romance mixed in. It looks so sweet and funny! Can’t wait to see it later this month!


: My first thought upon seeing the name of this film was a new take on Peter Pan. And while it does look that way, it definitely brings its ow n amazing twist to it! And no, there’s nothing w rong with Peter Pan! :P I’m wondering who the “he” is who takes Kristen away from the turmoil in her life, and what exactly happened to her family. And will she choose to stay in this world of seemingly know problems? Or will she return to face them? I’m looking forward to finding out! It’s getting close!

Watch the trailer HERE

Presented to you by TenderWolf

Neverland : Julia Razhel The Sims 3 Canada This story focuses on Kristen, a young woman who’s been through tragedy. Everyone knows what happened to her family, and she wants nothing more than to get away. And then “he” takes her away to Neverland.

Always khcrazygirls The Sims 3 : Netherlands

Watch the trailER HERE

This voice-over story focuses on a young man battling an inner demon. No, literally. His other self, the complete opposite of him, dictates the way he lives his live, and has forever. He can’t even fall in love. But the protagonist asserts that he will always find a way out. Always. What a trailer! So full of suspense and intrigue! It’s said that everyone has a darker part of themselves hidden inside. This film really reflects on that. Plus, it throws in a mystery about “Sephri,” and how the main character feels guil ty about her fate. I’m eager to find out how he overcomes this inner demon! Splittered Soul Manigma95 The Sims 3 : Germany This trailer focuses on a young man who is harboring a secret from his past that could turn everyone against him if revealed. In a dreamlike state, there are two boys, and they look like they could be twins. I wonder what this secret is that has the protagonist so afraid. Will the secret get out? And how will everyone react? Soon, we shall find out! Yay!

Watch the trailER HERE

Hidden Lies Watch the Dylan Kukis trailER HERE The Sims 3 - Series : U.S.A. Dante is a normal teenage boy, more or less. On his first day back something horrible happens. The one person that he truly cares about is murdered his mom. Dante slips into a deep depression, but things starts to pick up when he meets Leslie. Leslie is a new student at his school, just like him. They hit it off and start to form a friendship. Soon enough, he will figure out the truth, though, and all of the hidden lies. We’ve got suspense! We’ve got mystery! We’ve got emotion! Oh, and we have awesome camera angles! Those angles really help showcase the feelings that Dante is going through. This series sounds very intriguing. How will Dante ever learn to cope with his depression, if he does at all? And I’m curious to see Leslie, and find out what the truth is about Dante’s mother’s murder. It’s almost time to find out! Blood Watch the KittyAddict trailER HERE The Sims 3 - Series : U.S.A. A telephone rings shrilly. Nothing is heard upon answering but a dial tone. The phone rings again. Thus beginning a cycle sure to give everyone thrills and chills! Reminds me of a horror movie where the person answering the phone winds up dead or in some equally dire situation. While the trailer is short, it’s enough to keep your curiosity brewing. Who is calling the girl and what do they want? And if it’s something perilous, will she survive? Can’t wait to find out!

Get it HERE

Lunxi Weis Lunxi, our resident fashionista, is gearing up for the Red Carpet in style. She is sure to guide you to some of the festival’s hottest looks from some of the Simiverse’s greatest designers.

Child Stars Get it HERE

Get it HERE

Boys will always be boys so don’t stress about getting a tie on your toddler! This cute and totally sweet top set with any dress pant will dress your little man up for a big night that he is sure to crash in bed by the end of. Nothing says “look at me Mommy! I’m on the Red Carpet” like this stunning little playful and cheerful dress for your little diva. Super cute and totally easy to crawl or walk their way down the carpet in.

CUTIE! This sweet and stunning little blue dress is the best fit for all of those girls out there who want to be the star of every shot! Simple yet classy. Perfect for the age and suited for style. Get it HERE

Smooooth! Whether your young man likes to dress up or not, this outfit is cool and completely smooth looking. This top set with any stylish pants will give him the comfy look he needs to enjoy the night like a star. Get it HERE

Bright colours are never a bad thing. When you hit your teens it is time to show that style and wear this bold dress. “Made to party and look good doing it darling� - that is what this dress says! Get it HERE

If you can not get him into a suit and tie, this outfit is perfect. Stylish, cool, and down right smooth. He can totally own the dance floor in this outfit. Get it HERE

On the SIFF Red Carpet we get to see our stars shine off-screen. Fans and patrons arrive in Gala worthy Glam and nothing is missed by our paparazzi. Let’s see who’s who on the SIFF Red Carpet this season.

Above - our very own Shantal Potins and Filmore Noir can be expected at many Red Carpet events this season as they cover the news for Rising Stars Magazine. This pair sets the stage for glamour and style do they not? Right - Director and Agent Demeter and her husband Dion Cai - as glamourous as ever, never miss a SIFF Red Carpet

Silenced - VIP Premiere The cast of Silenced, a large crew of actors never seen before at SIFF, have spared no expense this season. Their film premiere party was THE event to be at based on the number of fans and reporters on the scene the night of the big VIP screening for friends and family. The stars themselves raised the bar on Red Carpet glam, each one outdoing the next with high end fashion taking centre stage. We also can’t help notice what appears to be a number of off-screen romances.

Left page - Alex and Mei (left) and Allana and Owen (right)

Owen, Alex and Dimitri prove that men still know how to show their style. The lovely ladies from the Taylor family in Silenced, including one of the season’s most sought after new child stars, Aimmie

Join us for a challenge or two - machinma, photography, stories

Inspired by the HAPPy video pheonomenon, in turn inspired by Pharrell Williams, we invite you to showcase your happy place In the Sims. Sims 2 and 3 and 4 are all welcome. This is an ongoing challenge, but we are showcasing the ones that are completed here now at SIFF.

We have 3 HAPPY videos created so far, each with a completely different feel to them, but each of them will definitely make you chuckle and probably will make you want to dance. Come and join us by creating your HAPPY in SIMS video and show us what makes you Happy. Watch them by clicking on the images to the left. Join us by clicking HERE

Each Simatography magazine, now coming to you once every season of the year, will have a different theme to it. We will present tips, tutorials and inspiration for your films and photos and stories, and we will showcase your submissions to our seasonal theme challenge. This time it is

This is a pretty open concept challege so you will definitely find something up your alley. You can do any of these things with no limit to how many you choose to participate in. Ÿ a short machinima, music video, advertisement or commercial, short story etc Ÿ Advertisement for the magazine Ÿ photos, photos, photos - any photos you want to create for any film genre. Let's show off what we are capable of. Ÿ Story told with a clear theme similar to any film genre, or a story about the movies, etc. Ÿ custom content - poses, clothing, hair, tattoos, jewelry, animations, objects Ÿ Create movie stars and characters that fit into any film genre show us how to get the look for that genre DUE DATE: Saturday, September 20th JOIN US HERE Magazine release: Tuesday September 23rd, the first day of Fall (up here in the northern hemisphere)

Tenderwolf has gotten the ball rolling with her “setting the stage” series of posters representing the many genre’s of movies that are possible in the Sims 3 alone. We would love to see your creations. We invite Sims 2 and Sims 4 creations also! If you have any tips on how to set the stage for a specific film genre, let us know and join in on this theme challenge.

THE Essential SIFF T-shirt Get your downloadable SIFF t-shirt click HERE

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