Siff buzz spring 2015 issue2

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Fangirl Kenzie Howell will be bringing you some of the most fan-worthy and swoonable moments of the SIFF Spring season. Each week she will give us some updates on where the fan hotspot are and where you can find the best stargazing and celebrity stalking. Click the cover above to see it

A Word from our Editor So far so good, we are on time for our second issue which is nothing short of a miracle during SIFF season. It is hard to keep up with all of the excitement, even this early on in the season. Inside we have Rising Stars exclusives - get to know the film-makers and the Battle of the Bands contenders as Mercedes Vaughan brings us the celebrity scoop. There are some new dow nloads available too for your SIFF photoshoots including t-shirts, posters and backdrop walls for the Red Carpet. Speaking of that - the Red Carpet has begun so we have a sneak peek of the first celebrities to arrive at the season’s most coveted gala events. We are truly off to another fantastic and star-studded season. Enjoy the show.

(a figment of Minraed’s imagination)

We are looking for fans of SIFF to share a few words about your SIFF experience. Email us at and provide a full body photo of your sim on a white background and a few words that you would like to share. We would love to hear from you.

Click there —->

to read our most recent magazine

Important dates Deadline for film submissions - March 1st Film Release Dates - March 15 - 20th Viewer’s Choice polls for Film Trailers and Posters

Click the image below to find the rules booklet

March1st - 15th Viewer’s Choice polls for Machinima Categories March 21st - 30th (may change) Viewer’s Choice polls for Battle of the Bands March 8th - 15th

Follow Us @simatography

SIFF STUFF is now available for download Click HERE to find it all in our forums. Red Carpet backdrop walls, T-shirts and posters - Sims 3 and 4 with some Sims 2 additions coming soon

Voice Reels With Voice Actress Bree Page This week we begin our mini-series of SIFF voice actors with Chris DeLucia - one of the voice actors who submitted his role to SIFF for the NEW best voice actor polls. We hope that these little features will inspire other voice actors to submit their roles to SIFF for a chance to be recognized by SIFF and the fans.

Chris DeLucia Viktor Bashkir in Sparks What got you started in voice acting? It's a pretty humble beginning honestly. Back in early 2010, I was doing internet radio with a station called SEGA Sonic Radio. I had a weekly show which utilized my voice and "radio personality" a decent amount. Now even years before, I had been an avid browser. Keep in mind that flash was (and technically still is) really big at the time. I loved looking over all the flash animations, and then I eventually came across "Brawl Taunts". You can probably guess at this point that I would cite Rina-Chan as the primary point of inspiration. After a little bit of reading about her internet personality, I discovered that she founded a relatively active proboard site known around the world as "The Voice Acting Club" It was here that I began searching for any voice acting gig I could find. I got my first VA gig playing a part in a Sims 3 machinima called "Lifestyles". As of now, I'm semi-retired from internet radio (I say semi-retired because I'm just waiting to find a new radio home), I'm in a group of Mario 64 Machinimators known as the Youtube Rangers, to which I have the distinct pleasure of voice acting myself in some of their videos, I created a Halo 4 Machinima game show called "DropZone" to which I have the awesome task of again voice acting myself and hosting the show, and last but certainly not least, I play one of the primary characters in the .

Tell us about the character you play this season of SIFF. What do you enjoy about this character? I play the character Viktor Bashkir in the series "Sparks". It was really interesting when I originally auditioned for this role because the director made it sound like the character was typically very chill, and almost totally lacking in general emotion. Very Ben Stien, if you will. Now I'm no goth guy, but I had been practicing suppressing my emotions for years, so I'll admit, I may have read the description of the character and with just a tiny little bit of arrogance, I said to myself..."well I can do that!" But I love the character because Viktor isn't meant to be totally devoid of emotion, sometimes he just seems that way and he's much deeper than that. It gives off an aura of mystery. I like to think of voicing him as channelling my inner Kim Pine from "Scott Pilgrim vs The World". Characters with this type of personality or quirk have always been fascinating to me. Emotion isn't just the inflection you use when speaking a word, and it's also not just the body language used when speaking or conveying a message. Finding different ways to convey the emotion through this type of personality is actually really entertaining, especially when you get it right. For example, I'm a fan of an anime named "Heaven's Lost Property" (not family friendly, TV-14, viewer discretion advised) and the character that really made the show for me was a secondary character. This Character was the school's class president, and no matter what situation she was in, she always...always...ALWAYS...had a smile on her face. What was so interesting about this quirk was that the animators had to find a way to show a broad range of emotions...fear...anger...disdain...etc....all while the character had a smile on her face. Though it's certainly no direct comparison, I look at voicing Viktor just like that character, and to me, that's what makes it fun. Do you have any advice for voice actors? I'm certainly no voice acting guru at this stage of my life, so don’t take my words as professional opinion. I would start by registering with the voice acting club proboards. There are constantly new projects being posted there on a regular basis. Send several auditions. It goes without saying not to wear yourself out, but a lot of projects is not a bad problem to have. Remember that you can't always please everyone. If you don't get contacted to or casted to play a certain part, don't let it get you down. You might just not have been what they were looking for and trust me, it will happen. Sometimes starting your own project is also a good way to get your voice out there. Remember to always work closely and professionally with your directors, especially since they're the ones giving you the opportunity. And last but certainly not least, if you're not having fun....then you're doing it wrong!

We are in the process of building a better connection between voice actors and Sims machinima makers. Throughout our websties and social media you can find more ways to connect - see the list of links below. If you are a voice actor for Sims Machinima and you want your name to be on our directory or if you have ideas on other things that we could be doing, then email us at

Voice Actor Demo Reels Playlist - click HERE

Casting calls playlist - click hERE Share your casting calls and voice reels with us and we will add you to the list

Forums - Voice Actor directory HERE Drop by our forums and add yourself to the directory.

Message from Newt



on i t i d E Films With

Mercedes Vaughan

Bringing you the latest news, interviews and insider reports on the up and coming stars, films and directors that SIFF has to offer. Hello SIFF fans - viewers, film-makers, band fans, and star-gazers. The SIFF Rising Stars are shining bright this season. We’ve got a few more new film makers to introduce you to this week. Last week we were south of the border (well it is south to me up here in the northern hemisphere) as we brought some of our Australian film makers into the spotlight. This week we have U.S.A. and Canada represented. Minraed is from Canada, so I know she is always excited when her home country is represented. You might also notice that this week we are featuring The Sims 2 machinimas, as the luck of the draw would have it. Even as we move forward into the brave new worlds of The Sims 4, The Sims 2 machinima makers are still alive and well and showing no sign of fading away. So keep on flipping, and get to know some of the SIFF film makers up close and in person.

Mercedes Vaughan




Playbill Update 48 Submissions 3 voice actors, 6 Masters, 19 films, 5 music videos, 12 series, 2 MEP, 1 Miscellaneous

14 countries New Zealand, Netherlands, Spain, U.S.A., Australia, Canada, England/U.K., Germany, Zambia, Malaysia, Burma, Mauritius, France and Indonesia, Wow! You still have until March 1st to submit your entry, and until March 15 - 20th to finish your film.

Wow, there are so many entries this SIFF season, and we’re just getting started! I am, like, so excited, I just can’t hide it! And speaking of musical numbers, I am beyond thrilled to see that Thanatos will be making an appearance at this year’s Battle of the Bands! I always knew the Grim Reaper had musical talent (hey, he even has that awesome, albeit boney, guitar!), and it will be awesome to see it come to life (pardon the pun) this season!

They love me. I’m so punk rock.

Plus, at the risk of sounding too much like a fan girl, he’s good friends with droolworthy Newt Davies! Yum!

I’m totally going to sound like a typical girl here, but I’m really loving the sounds of the upcoming Sims 2 voice over film The Sleepover! Maddisims is the director of this series, and it sounds right up my alley! A sleepover filled with mysterious happenings while the girls are out in the woods? Ooo, my curiosity is tingling! Anyone who knows me knows that I like supernatural things, be they legends or creatures. So AussieMe’s return to SIFF with a promising supernatural action drama called Operation X has me all aflutter! I’m a major drama queen, not just because I can be dramatic, but also because I love reading/watching it. Why, I don’t know, but regardless, supernatural creatures mixed into a dramatic action film? Gimme!

Like I said, the season is only beginning, and more entries roll in daily! I’m so giddy to see them all come to life next month! What are you fangirling over this SIFF? Let us know at and we will get our Fangirl Kenzie to see what she can dig up.

Roll Out the Red Carpet

Well known film maker, Fadhil, is one of the first to arrive.

To our left:

Actress Colette H making her way seen for the first tim We can’t help bu media she was mainstream. You secret dental floss in their early yea never see.

Hansen, an actress slowly into mainstream media, is me on the SIFF Red Carpet. ut be curious what sort of doing before hitting the u know, all actors have that s commercial that they did ars that they hope you will

Above - Max and Felicity of Simarvelous Magazine.

Left - Ruen and Mhaden from Seven Days and Forever

No sign yet of Director Sylent Whysper yet, but we know that she never misses a good party so we are sure we will spot her on the Red Carpet before the season comes to a close. Rumour has it that she has had a spark of inspiration lately and is hard at work on a number of projects.

watch the trailer

watch the trailer

watch the trailer

watch the trailer



Next week there will not be a regular edition of SIFF Buzz. You will find all of the usual SIFF Buzz updates right inside of our February Simatography magazine coming February 14th, just in time for Valentine’s Day. So join us there and share the love.

It’s Red Carpet Time! Join us on the virtual Red Carpet for a full on photography showcase. Get creative, or use our prompts to inspire you. The Red Carpet VIP Gala Is open until March 20 th Visit us at for all of the details

Red Carpet Photo Prompt - Hollywood Style Be sure to check out the prompts that we have provided to give you ideas on how to make your Red Carpet photos stand out to our reporters. The more interesting, the more likely that our Paparazzi will spot you and your stars. By peacemaker - from the Red Carpet Archives

By Cloudwalker - from the Red Carpet Archives

Join us for a challenge - machinma, photography and more.

THE Essential SIFF T-shirt Get your downloadable SIFF t-shirt click HERE

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