Ritu programme final report

Page 30

The results Outcome 2: School interventions

Women and girls have

Out access to female-friendly come toilets and affordable


(biodegradable) sanitary napkins

Outcome 2: increased access to female-friendly toilets and menstrual products This outcome is defined as: ‘women and girls have access to better menstrual health facilities at schools and affordable (biodegradable) sanitary pads.’ Access to female-friendly toilets and access to a range of menstrual products are key contributors to menstrual health.

School interventions in Netrokona >

Budget mobilisation in schools

Who DORP and Simavi How To improve or construct female-friendly toilets in schools, a budget mobilisation approach was used. DORP worked with school management committees (SMCs), headmasters, and teachers. They engaged a student forum to mobilise funds from existing school budgets, to raise funds from parents and community stakeholders, and claim assistance from the school water and sanitation budget from local governments. SMCs and BUDGET MOBILIZATION PROCESS IN RITU

Community & School Engagement Process to establish female-friendly WASH facilities in schools and communities with support of DORP.

1: S chool Management Committees and Parents Committees •R eceive MH training + do assessment of WASH facilities •D iscuss findings + design action plans and budgets • Identify key public and private stakeholders • Raise awareness at schools and communities •P repare petition + submit to government stakeholders

2: Government stakeholders •R eceive training on MH + their role in budget allocation • Receive petitions with action plans and budget •A pprove proposed action plans and allocated budget • L ead on the design of the female-friendly toilets • Develops work plan and calls for tender

students organised in forums were empowered to use social accountability methods to voice their demands to union or district level government. At the same time, DORP raised awareness of local government representatives on the importance of female-friendly toilets and supported them in the budget allocation process. Our input in numbers: • The female-friendliness of toilets of 176 schools was assessed. • In Netrokona, 89 schools were engaged in budget mobilisation processes to produce female-friendly toilets. • Wall paintings with information on the importance of female-friendly toilets were created in 89 schools. • There were 178 refresher training sessions and follow-up meetings with school management committees, 16 follow-up meetings with local government stakeholders, and 2 follow-up meetings with district education officers. Output in numbers: • The student forums that were trained to monitor the status of the toilets completed a total of 320 checklists. • All of the 89 targeted schools produced femalefriendly toilets. • A total of 10.29 million BDT was raised for female-friendly toilets in schools: 4.34 million BDT came from the local Education Engineering Department, 2.8 million BDT from union and upazila parishads, 1.9 million BDT from those schools’ management fund and the rest was contributed by the Ritu programme (5%). Total: 10.320.057 BDT 500.450

Departmet of Public Health Engineering


Education Engineering Department

Ritu project (5%)


Construction of female-friendly toilets in schools and communities


Schools management fund


Union and Upizila Parishads (local Gov)


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