The partnership
the partnership
The Ritu programme is funded by the Dutch Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh as part of their broader Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) programme. In addition to the initial programme funding (November 2015–July 2019), the embassy funded an extension of the programme (August 2019–March 2020). The embassy has been involved in the development and implementation of the programme.
Consortium partners The Ritu consortium consists of Simavi, RedOrange, and TNO. The Ritu programme was designed and implemented by the Ritu consortium in close collaboration with Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS), Development Organisation of the Rural Poor (DORP), Impact Centre Erasmus. Maastricht University and Johns Hopkins University were our partners in the Ritu study (RCT). Simavi (consortium lead) is a Dutch NGO that
strives for a world in which all women and girls are socially and economically empowered to pursue their rights to a healthy life, free from discrimination, coercion, and violence. Simavi specifically focuses on the nexus between WASH and SRHR, and is an expert on menstrual health programming. Main roles in the programme are coordination, local and national advocacy, establishment of the MHM Platform, menstrual health, WASH and