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SIM Zambia is searching for an Entity Director who can work alongside the Board to develop and implement a strategic ministry plan. The successful candidate will also provide leadership and pastoral care to an administrative team and 30 personnel working in the country in a wide variety of ministries. For more details, or if you would like to nominate someone for the role, please email zambia. directorsearch@sim.org.
We are seeking to appoint new country team leaders for Egypt (as soon as possible) and Lebanon (from summer 2023). The successful candidates will play key roles in building partnerships and developing ministries in places where there is huge gospel need. Contact Stephen (middleeast.director@sim. org) for more information or if you are interested in applying for either role.
We are looking for an admin assistant to work in the communications team at SIM International. The major focus would be coordinating the production of SIM’s annual Prayer Guide and coordinating our team of translators. A second language would be very helpful for this part-time role. For an informal discussion, a job description or more details, contact Tim Allan (international.commsdirector@ sim.org).
We are looking for someone trained in accountancy or finance to help either shortterm or long-term. You would supervise and participate in the financial operations of SIM Niger and help improve competency countrywide. French would be helpful - anyone committing to long-term service would need to learn the language. Email niger.personnel@ sim.org for a job description or more details.
SIM’s rural mission hospital in Madagascar is in urgent need of a senior medical doctor to help cover home assignment from November for three months. The doctor could be in the second half of registrar training, or a consultant, with a background in family practice, internal medicine or accident and emergency. Long-term surgeons and doctors are also needed! Contact Ted Watts, Senior Surgeon at The Good News Hospital (ted.watts@sim.org).