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One of the key things which binds SIM workers together is our complete commitment to our organisation’s Purpose and Mission Statement.


They are powerful words, which detail our conviction that no-one should live and die without hearing God’s good news. We all share that belief.

We don’t share it because we think it’s a good idea – no, we share it because the Bible, the word of God, tells us we should have that conviction. It is a fundamental part of who we are.

When the statement was agreed some years ago, a Bible study series was launched to help us see exactly how the word of God underpins everything we say about ourselves.

The series was called ‘Convinced!’, taking its title from the very first word of the new statement. That series has now been updated and translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic (see above).

If anyone would like to translate it into Korean, Chinese or any other SIM language, please get in touch with Ken Baker (ken. baker@sim.org)!

There are eight studies in total, each focusing on a key phrase taken from our Purpose and Mission statements:

1. God’s Good News

2. Called to Make Disciples

3. Love and Power

4. Crossing Barriers to Proclaim

5. Love and Compassion

6. Disciples for ChristCentred Churches

7. Working Together with Churches

8. Facilitating Participation in Mission

The studies were originally created by Chris Conti, a communicator sent by SIM USA and serving in Latin America. They were expanded by Ken, who has led the updating process, with important contributions from many others, including Chris, Cynthia Sundman, Sara Salloum, Femi Adeleye, Carlos Pinto and Joseph Wong.

Ken said: “I think the restatement of our core mission, vision and purpose has been key to the growth we have seen in SIM in recent years.

“We know these statements resonate with our inquirers and with our workers, so we hope lots of people will really enjoy using these studies.

“We’d love to see everyone in SIM, as well as our supporters and churches, use them to gain a greater understanding of the Biblical convictions which inspire us to serve God in mission.”

The studies are intended for very wide use, both inside and outside SIM, so please feel free to share them with anyone in your network who might be interested.

They can be downloaded at www.sim.org/convinced or from the home page of Port.

For more information, or if you have questions, email Ken.


 Thank God for the work of those who have put together Convinced!, for their faithfulness to the word of God

 For the studies to be used and appreciated by many connected with SIM

 For the studies to have a lasting impact on those who use them, bolstering their commitment to share the gospel with those who have no knowledge of Jesus

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