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SIM’s long-standing partner in Germany, DMG, has signed the SIM Mission Agreement. In effect they are now SIM Germany, but will continue under the name DMG, because that carries great weight in Germany. DMG will send workers directly, rather than through SIM UK, and will take full responsibility for orientating new workers, member care and other issues. They will still be able to send workers through other partner organisations. We are grateful for the Lord’s leading and pray he will send many more German workers into his mission.
A communications and security workshop will be held from October 26-30, 2020 at DMG’s headquarters in Germany. We would love all SIM workers whose role involves communications or security – including regional and country directors – to be there. Contact Tim Allan for an invitation or more information. Places are limited to 50.
The Honor-Shame Conference: Reconciling the Nations will take place from June 8–10, 2020, near Chicago, USA. Sessions will explore how honour and shame influence the gospel, the church, and disciplines such as theology, missiology, and counselling. Cross-cultural workers and mobilisers, pastors, mission leaders, educators, and counsellors are encouraged to attend. The 2017 conference brought 285 people together from 100 organisations. Learn more:
The UK office has now moved to Cambridge after 21 years at Wetheringsett Manor, Suffolk. The move has been made in response to the changing patterns of mission and SIM UK’s desire to effectively serve the wider evangelical church. They trust that being more accessible will strengthen relationships with workers and sending churches. Working from a place where all ages and nationalities mingle will enable them to become strengthened through diversity and responsive to our times. The office team is enjoying being based at a community centre in Cambridge whilst their more permanent accommodation
SIM’S NEW ARCHIVIST Please welcome Eric Welborne as the head of the SIM International Archives, based in Fort Mill, USA. Eric has a passion for culture, writing and research. He holds master’s degrees in intercultural studies and in English. He served with SIM for one year in 1995 in Senegal, where he researched animal folktales and facilitated a Bible study in the Wolof language. Eric takes over from Tim Geysbeek, our historian, who now teaches at Jos Evangelical Theological Seminary in Nigeria. Contact Eric with queries, including how you can contribute documents and items, whether personal, from your ministry, or from your country.
is fitted out, ready for use later this year. SIM also has a small office in Needham Market, just outside Ipswich, where Keith Walker, Helen Heron and Paula Beaton of SIM International are based. All UK email contacts remain the same; phone numbers and the postal address also still function and should be used for now. New contact details will be issued for use once the office is in its longterm location.
We hope you found our new annual newsletter, Cloud of Witnesses, a fitting way to honour those SIM workers who have gone before us to glory. Taking its name from the familiar passage in Hebrews 12, it was emailed mission-wide on December 29 and can also be found on Port. Click the archives button on the home page. See a tab for Cloud of Witnesses on the left. Our intention is to publish this every December, in the period between Christmas and New Year. Thank you to all who sent obituaries from your country or region. For the year 2020, please send them to: WWW.SIM.ORG