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Oshin Sims

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You will all have heard of OshinSims, not only is she a

Sims player, but what you would call a YouTube

celebrity. With over 54k subscribers who tune in to

watch her videos on everything from her own Sims

stories to Oshin talking about other players in the

community, what they build, the CC they design and so

much more. So in our eyes this makes her a top community contributor. Oshin doesn’t just focus on

herself, and that is one of the admirable qualities we

have come to love and share within the pages of our


On Twitter you can find Oshin chatting to her followers when she isn’t recording, or lost in her own Sims

gameplay, but also not forgetting she is also a mum,

and partner to @feudalwarriors who is a Visual Director

and creates Cinematic Gaming, so we can say this is one

very talented family indeed.

Oshin started her YouTube channel back in 2018 and

since then her posts have garnered over 6 million views

and that is an achievement many of us can only dream of. Don’t think that hitting a target like that is easy, it

takes long hours, dedication and being able to say no

when needed as burn out is a very real thing, and many

of us have hit that wall too, and many simmers have

sadly left the community because they just do not

understand that this is a very real commitment.

We had the opportunity to chat to Oshin and find out

how this supermum spends her time and who

OshinSims is behind her social profiles.

Hi Oshin and thank you for joining us in our

Community issue of SimmedUp Magazine. We

are very excited to speak to you and let our

readers get to know you that little bit more. I

was quite surprised when trying to research

you, that there maybe a lot of social media

information, but when it comes to your real

self, this information was limited, so I am

looking forward to also learning some new

things about you at the same time as our


To start we would love to get to

know more about Marisa the

person behind the Oshin or

OshinSims persona. How

did you come up with

your name?

Thank you so much! Oshin is just a unique, Japaneseinspired way of spelling Ocean. Prior to creating my channel Jhene Aiko had released an album called “Trip” which sent me on a huge spiritual journey with myself and I felt like I resonated with an ocean. Shapeless, beautiful but deep.

What is your favourite comfort food and


Sinigang and rice. It’s a Filipino soup!

What is your favourite childhood memory?

My dad used to have this huge camera and he’d record me and my sisters acting out different skits. We’d take the camera and make our own movies, almost. Being creative was better than watching TV, honestly.

What is your life motto – spoken or


Spoken. Speak up for yourself, and for those who can’t.

If you wrote a novel

about your life,

what would be

the title?

I Was Here

What is the one thing

you wished you learned

to do but never had the


I wish I knew how to play the Piano so bad

What would your perfect day look like?

Waking up to a cup of coffee, making a big breakfast for my family, cuddling on the couch together.. then playing Sims as long as I want.

“Speak up for yourself, and for those who can’t”

I think learning more about a person helps so

many of us to connect better, we can all sometimes be overwhelmed by ‘celebrity status’, but I also think when having an online

profile, people will assume they know you without even trying to, ‘know you’, if that

makes sense at all. so thank you for sharing a

few of those personal details with us.

The Sims has had a huge impact on so many people's lives I would love to know how did

your Sims journey begin, what is your favourite

first memory of The Sims gameplay, and what

is the one thing you did not like about The

Sims when you first started playing?

My favourite first memory was when the Sims 2 was announced. I had played Sims 1 for months and fell in love, so to see such a huge change in the game was overwhelmingly awesome. There’s honestly nothing I disliked when first playing.

You’ve also had a lot of success as a sims

content creator. What made you decide to

start your YouTube channel?

I ran across xUrbanSimsx and felt like I belonged. I felt like I found my people when I came across Sims YouTubers. I was only on Tumblr at the time. When I realized there were other people who were JUST as obsessed with The Sims as I was, I just wanted to share my stories out loud too.

What was the first video you uploaded, and if

you could go back and give your younger self

any advice what would it be and why?

I uploaded a create a sim makeover on Dina and Nina Caliente. It’s horrible haha. I would probably tell my younger self to not get too caught up in the addiction of creating. I sacrificed a lot in my first year of YouTube, sometimes I miss it being

more relaxed and not worrying about numbers, growth, etc.

We would also love to know what have been

some of the best highlights of video creation

for you?

My Ramona series was my first let’s play where I delved into real storytelling, it made my channel honestly. My first video I did for EA and their Play With Life campaign. Lastly, a game sounds asmr video where I just played and only had the game audio. It was fun to record and it felt really special to do because at the time I hadn’t seen it done before.

How much time does it really take to create a

video for your channel?

It truly depends on the video and the content. A simple mod review could take 30 mins to film and an hour to edit. A let’s play could take 1-3 hours to film and 2 hours to edit. That’s a rough estimate of how I have to work now because I’m super busy in my personal life. I’ve had 6 hour days before haha.

Many of us love to hate The Sims, and as much

as we may moan about bugs and kit creations, or the lack of fairies (I could go on but I won’t),

we are all still dedicated Sims fans and defend

The Game with a passion should anyone outside the community tell us ‘we are not real gamers’ for playing the game we love so much.

Being part of the EA creator Network

(previously the GameChanger program) how

does it affect you when you see the negative

side of the community coming out?

It doesn’t affect me anymore. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion for sure. At first, I would get

defensive because I enjoy the game despite the flaws. I’m naturally an optimistic person. I truly abhor negative energy and overprivileged topics. Gaming is a luxury and where I come from - it seems so very minuscule arguing over it.

Is there anything you have been

disappointed in within The Sims and wish

they would change?

I wish the order of when the packs came out were prioritized differently. It’s left us out of the loop, confused and disappointed a lot. I see They’re working on communication, which is important for me.

What is the best part of being an EA creator

and what do EA Creators do for The Sims?

I enjoy being able to have a voice in my favourite game and having the option to create content that inspires others or gives an honest opinion. It’s a very laid-back program that helps gamers on specific platforms. I’ve been able to experience opportunities I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the program.

What is your favourite part about The Sims,

and do you ever get those moments where

you find it hard to keep on simming? Have there been any Builds or CAS creators

that have stood out the most, and why?

I love seeing my sims grow and watching their families expand. It’s also anxiety-reducing being able to control everything. My motto is just keep simming! But yes, I only find it hard because I’m a creator. Without YouTube, I’d play sims for 2 months straight then take a break for another 2 months. It’s not meant to be played in the way that we’re showcasing it - which is constantly. You’re supposed to take your time and enjoy it as you can. SimLicy is one of my favourite builders. I hate too much clutter but she makes me love it. Her builds are realistic and so beautiful.

Many of us who play the sims have our go-to

and favourite Sims packs to play with, do you

have a favourite pack that you just love to use

when playing the sims and why?

How do you stay motivated during those


I just look for ways to make it fun again. I pull from things in real life and try to implement in the game. I look for inspiration from my peers. Or I just simply take a break! Seasons EP, Cottage Living EP, Eco Lifestyle EP a n d Parenthood GP! Those packs a r e the most family-friendly, to be honest, and give me all the warm, fuzzy vibes I need. I would also like to know and I am sure our readers would be curious too, is there any one townie you just love to hate, or just hate? and who is your favourite sims character to “I ha�� E��za be����e �v���on� ha��� El��a”


With so many amazing The Sims community

members across all the social media

platforms, what platform do find is best to

communicate with your own followers?

Twitter and my YouTube comments. I try my best to always respond to the comments.

Who in The Sims community do you admire

the most and why?

I’d express my admiration for UrbanSims aka Jenn - we’re actually friends outside of creating. She’s someone I trust and she gives the best advice. I hate Eliza because everyone hates Eliza, haha she’s just mean. But I love to love Bella Goth she’s a queen. My favourite Sims townie is Knox Greenburg, he’s hot.

I would love to touch on the Modding and CC

creation part of the community, now you

created your very first CAS background called

Beach Please back in 2019, how long did this

take you to create?

Not long at all! Roughly 10 minutes to be honest. CAS backgrounds are on the easier scale of cc, anything beyond that seems pretty timeconsuming.

I know you have collaborated with other

well-known CC creators, can you tell us

about some of them?

I’ve collaborated with UrbanSims, for our basic collection. It’s a small collection full of everyday makeup items like eye shadow, blush, eyeliner, and lip kit. She actually created the cc, but I helped in choosing swatches and all of that background stuff. Jenn is so talented and the cc she’s dropped since this collection is amazing. She keeps getting better and better. So it was an honor to work with a friend on such a cute collection!

As we reach the end of this interview, I do

like to do a five-question quick-fire round,

so no cheating!

1: What other games do you play when you

need a Sims break? Animal Crossing or cooking games on my phone

2: What do you hope to achieve in the

world of gaming? Creating a safe space or corner on the internet for people who enjoy games, and just want to chill. As much as I love my viewer's support, I like to encourage people to take care of yourself, take a step back from the internet and place your mental health above everything else.

3: What advice would you give to young

simmers who look up to you? Keep storytelling. Keep imagining. Never stop dreaming. Keep a child-like essence, some people take life too seriously. It’s important to have fun while you’re doing it.

4: What do you love the most about the

sims community? I love that we are wacky. We enjoy playing virtual Barbies and can be ourselves amongst each other. I love how we are all different. You can learn something from each and every person.

5: On a scale of 1 to Big Bang Theory, how

geeky are you and what is the geekiest

thing you have ever done? I’m super geeky in my own way. I used to write out my Sims stories and act them out in my bedroom when I was little. Geekiest thing has to be SimTube. Talking to myself while playing Sims then sharing it sounds pretty geeky to me.

It has been an absolute pleasure to

interview you today, for being such a

fantastic supportive and informative

community member and for taking time

out of your busy schedule to speak to us.

Before I go are there any messages you

would like to give your followers?

Thank you so much for having me! It’s truly been an honor. To my followers… thank you for supporting me. Thank you for showing up, being kind in the comments, showing love and just being genuine. I appreciate you for changing my life and never take it for granted. Just keep simming, always always always stay wavy.

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