6 minute read


It's July and here we are with another
introduction to our readers. We would like
to introduce to you all the amazing world
of Michas.Moon on Instagram. Micah has a
beautiful Instagram account where you
can find posts from builds to CAS and CAS
If you are looking for a simmer to follow
Micah is one that should be added to your
list, from Pixies to nooks this simmer has it
Hi Micah and welcome to
Sim Magazine, can you
tell us a little about

I’m from Michigan, I’m the second oldest out of my mom’s 4 kids, and I like creating, catching the morning light, rainy days, and all kinds of music. I’m an introvert, and a bit of a perfectionist, I enjoy watching plenty of TV shows, playing video games, and reading.
We love to support anyone who is
community-focused and we think you
deserve recognition for doing just this, as
you are a Black simmer and have provided
support to the Black community via your
profiles as well as attaching links in your
Linktree for this and Mental health
support links. What is your drive behind making sure others feel this kind of
support? What advice can you give to
other young Black simmers starting out in
the community to keep their mental
health in check?
I wanted to create a space for peace because my home life was chaotic. I was taking care of everyone around me, and it left me completely drained in every way. I didn’t want to live, I attempted a few times to end myself. I hated how that made me feel, before and after. I don’t like that I can’t save everyone, I had to come to an understanding that I literally can’t. However, the few that do encounter me I will share that support, and the peace that I now have in my life. Everything isn’t always full of sunshine because, well.. life, but it’s nowhere close to me who almost didn’t make it.
Take a break. The internet has been a wonderful place in many ways but quite harsh in others. There’s a lot going on in the media and we’re being bombarded with it on the regular now, even videos on our feed unwarranted and without warning. I also know it’s hard when starting out on your platform(s), especially when you see all these wonderful creators who are successful, but they don’t look like you. Run your race, and don’t let anyone box you in, y’all can do anything, literally anything. So don’t compare

yourselves, I know everyone says this but it’s true, and when you need it and you know it, take that break.
Let's talk about The Sims. How and when did
The Sims find you?
I was introduced to The Sims at 13 (I’m showing my age) back in 2004. A friend that my family and I were living with, bought it for my older sister and me.
Where do you get your inspiration for your
Sims Builds and is there anyone in the
community that inspires you?
Pinterest, my dreams, random home magazines that keep coming to my house, TV shows, video games, and Ads. So. Many. Ads. Absolutely, a good portion of the community actually. On Instagram I like to check out the build and CAS hashtags, it’s truly a motivator for me. I’m usually in awe and sometimes left wondering “Now how did they do that, and can I do that as well?” It’s amazing what I come across in this community.
What are your favourite themes to use
when building in The Sims and do you
have a favourite pack to use and why?
This makes me laugh because I always tell myself that I’m just going to do a regular home build, and every time it turns into fantasy. So definitely fantasy. I would say Seasons but when I bought Cottage Living it kind of took over, I’ve been using it in most of my builds since.

If you had to pick Sims traits for
yourself what would they be and
Ohhhh, let’s see: Creative, Geek, and Loner
You started your Instagram back in

2021, what inspired you to join
Micahs.Moon is actually my second account. I use to post sims on my main account but I felt the sims collided with that page. I dreaded having to post on it so I created a space for my sims content to flourish
We can see you like to create pixies
with your gorgeous creations posted
on June 2nd with your Golden Pixies.
How did you come up with this idea?
Self-discovery! Ever since my mom has gotten better and back on her feet, she has given me the space to explore who

I am. I like so many things, and I’ve come to find that I quite enjoy dressing up, so I use my sims to do just that. I get to explore that side of me through my simself
Werewolves would have been released
(we hope) by the time this interview is
ready to print. Will you be getting the
new Werewolf Pack? What did you think
of the announcement video? what are
you hoping will be included in this game
pack? Will we be seeing wolf CAS posts
coming up?
Yes! I’m excited about it. I knew from the hints it had something to do with werewolves, I’m sure everyone did honestly. I was hoping it wasn’t a trick, excitedly it wasn’t. I thought all the hints leading up to the reveal were fun though. Zodiac Signs! I’m not a huge fan of categorising people by their sun signs in real life, but I use to love it in the sims. It’s definitely a missed feature. Absolutely! I’m already on the build, and I have my CAS idea ready. I’m excited to use the lore to tie in with what I have planned.
Our last question is, if EA were to invite

you to create a pack for The Sims 4, what
would it include and why?
Oh, dear! Here we go. Cars, buses, grocery stores, functional babies etc. I know most of the Sims Community wants this but it really is the small things. I miss seeing my sims kids go out to the bus as I’d literally watch the bus drive all the way to school in Sims 3, or watch it disappear in the first Sims. I miss getting an upgraded ride to and from work when my sim received a promotion. I miss teaching my teens how to drive. It’s literally the little things I didn’t notice until they were gone, and I miss them in my game. If none of that, an Amusement Park pack would suffice for me.
Thank you for being a part of our Friends
and Community issue, before we go, can
you tell our readers how they can find,
follow and subscribe to you.
YouTube: WrittenByMicah
Instagram: Micahs.moon