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Hi Sierra, Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview with us, we are extremely excited to have this opportunity to find out more about you and your charity work for the LGBTQ+ community.

You are known in the community as an


Alien Drag Queen from space, when you were creating your drag persona, how did you come up with the idea for the

Blue Alien style that everyone has come to know and love?

I think I always knew I wanted to be blue!

Growing up I was always drawn to sciencefiction and space, and particularly any characters that were blue. I think a lot about Twi’leks and Chiss from Star Wars and Plavalaguna from Fifth Element. It also just happens to be my favourite colour!

How did people respond when you first introduced SierraXMyst to the community and how have they changed to date?

Everyone was very supportive! I had been talking about how I was starting to try out 74

drag more and more and I decided to put up a redemption for it on my channel, and someone quickly redeemed it and then all of a sudden, I had to do drag for the next stream. Then I did it for the following one, and the next, and it just kept going.

The LGBT movement has changed so many lives for the better, with allowing people to be who they always knew they were in private, that they can now be themselves in public. We still get those ‘few’ people who are against things like public displays of affection between Gay couples, and write to media companies moaning about gay representation in adverts. If you could say one thing to these people to help them understand that love is universal, what would you say?

I think it is fantastic that in many parts of the world people can be open publicly about their gender and sexuality. When I think about the people who push back against our representation, I really wish they realized that this is, for many, the first time they are seeing themselves

represented in media – despite us always being here. It may seem like “a lot” to them, but really what that says to me is that they have just been ignoring us for so long.

Your charity work speaks for itself, you are a charity Success Manager for Tiltify who raise funds for charities such as 22Kill who raises awareness and combats suicide in Veterans, 1Up On Cancer which helps support people in the USA with Cancer and more. With so many good causes to support, can you tell our readers how you got involved and do you have any more charity campaigns coming up our readers can get involved with?

that is $100 that the organization did not have before, and $100 can accomplish a lot depending on the charity.

You are also part of The Rainbow Arcade team on Twitch, an Inclusive LGBTQIA2+ community with streamers such as Dagonmar, Saffista, Toph and Pookajutsu. The whole team streams a variety of games and your speciality is on Science Fiction and Simulation whilst trying to maintain a cosy and uplifting community for everyone. Can you tell us more about The Rainbow Arcade and why our readers really should head on over to Twitch right now and follow the whole team.

Find an organization that you truly care about and have a connection to, there are so many incredible causes! Reach out to those organizations and just start fundraising. Even if you only raise $100, Rainbow Arcade is absolutely your onestop to find all kinds of members of the LGBTQIA2+ community on Twitch. I like to think our role as a team is a stepping stone to finding more community as each member represents different aspects of our larger community, and they are connected to their own communities outside the team.

What do you think needs to be done to be more inclusive in the gaming industry for the LGBTQI2+ community?

Representation matters, and it matters at all levels. I want to see more LGBTQIA2+ characters, developers, representatives, executives. And not just the same LGBTQIA2+ people we see. Where are the BIPOC LGBTQIA2+? The disabled LGBTQIA2+?

Do you have any advice for LGBT people that want to start streaming?

Just go for it! Now more than ever with Peer2Peer and the

new tags on Twitch it is easier to find your communities and connect with people!

Let’s talk a little bit about The Sims, you recently raised over $12,000 for charity True Colours United a charity helping Youth Homelessness in the LGBT+ community, in creating The Queerest World collaboration with 15 other streamers. Can you tell us more about the collab and the people involved?

Whether that was cafés, gardens, or even just a nicely sized, cozy apartment.

The Sims team have recently announced The Summer of Sims and the release of new game content. Starting with The Courtyard Oasis pack on May 18th to the Dream Home Decorator pack where you can makeover your fellow townies homes. If you could create a whole new EP what would you like to see included in the Sims Franchise?

I had always wanted to do a file save, but it always seemed very daunting to do it alone. So I thought, okay well what if I invited some people to help me collaborate on it, well what if they were all members of the L G B T Q I A 2 + community, well what if we all raised charity at the same time… it just kept building up from there. I had some other Simmer friends and reached out to them, got recommendations for others, and just asked who wanted to participate! It was amazing, I really felt like we got to represent our community, build something unique and amazing, and I met so many great people through the whole process.

The Sims has been an ‘Escape’ for millions of people across the world, allowing them to be their true ‘simselves’ in game, from having the home of their dreams, to even having a family they may not be able to have in real life. What would you say is your ‘Biggest escape’ within the Sims franchise?

For me it was always about building the spaces that I did not have access to. Honestly, with the dream home decorator pack and the recently announced cottage life, I am not sure what else I could ask for at this point! Maybe go to the moon?

We all have someone we look up to in the Sims community, who would you say has inspired you most to date and why?

Someone I met during #FreshNewWorld was MomoMisfortune and I absolutely fell in love with them immediately. Their advocacy for adding pronouns into the game really inspired me and their community is so full of support for one another.

If you could give our readers one piece of advice what would it be?

Do things that make you happy, everything else follows.

And how can our readers find you?

You can find me on Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram as sierraxmyst!

Thanks again Sierra we really do appreciate the interview.

Thanks so much for asking!

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