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Meet The GC’s: Who are

Each month we bring you an amazing creator from the GameChanger community. Not only do they inspire hundreds of simmers each month, they are a valued member of the community whether they have thousands of followers or just one. This month it is our privilege to introduce you to Arica aka ThePlumDot
Howdy, I'm Arica but in the world of the Sims, I go by plumdot. I've been a Simmer since 2000, which makes me one of the oldies in the community. Over the years, my play style has evolved - during the Sims 1 & 2 eras, I was more of a traditional player, during The Sims 3 era, I would class myself primarily as a builder (which I still like to do) and in The Sims 4, I'm all about CAS.
How did you become a GameChanger?
I became a Game Changer back in 2018 during the Jungle Adventure release. I simply had a conversation with SimGuruDrake (the CM at the time) about my passion for the Sims and creations I wanted to make and the rest, as they say, is history.
Who inspired you to apply for the Game-Changer programme?
I wouldn't say that anyone inspired me to apply because back in those days joining the programme was different to the open call applications of recent times.
What are your favourite and least favourite parts of the GameChanger programme?
I think my favourite part about the Game Changer programme is seeing the hype the community experiences when they know their favourite GCs will be releasing content. I also like the fact that the programme includes Simmers across multiple platforms there's streamers, YTers, bloggers,

tumblrs, forum GCs, GCs that help out with bugs, there's 100s of us - we're a really diverse group and I think that's nice to see. I think my least favourite part is the misconception some Simmers have about the programme. No, we aren't paid to say what we say; all opinions are our own. No, we don't have to be positive about everything or else we will get kicked out; the programme welcomes constructive feedback. If someone genuinely likes something, that's the truth.
How does being a Game-Changer fit into your everyday life?
I do have a job outside of The Sims, so I try to block out adequate time ahead of new releases.
If you could choose just one pack to keep, which one would it be and why?
I'll base my answer on CAS as that's where I spend the majority of my time for The Sims 4. I think the releases have gotten better and better as time has gone on. I'll say Cottage Living because I love the hairs, I love the shoes, and the colour palette is gorgeous!
If you had to get rid of just one pack, which one would it be and why?
This is a tough question, but I'd say My First Pet Stuff because I don't particularly like the concept of a pack for a pack.
Do you prefer building, CAS creation or gameplay? Or something else entirely?
In The Sims 4, I definitely spend 99% of my time in CAS, although I have dabbled in building, but Sims 3 build mode has my heart.
Where do you find the inspiration for your creations?
I get a lot of inspiration from tumblr because there's always different CAS challenges happening on there. Another source of inspiration is the amazing CC creators in the community. I'm a huge fan of okruee on tumblr and any time they release a new hair, I make time to create a Sim.
What is your favourite social media platform for all things Sims and why?
The most information gets passed around on twitter, but I really enjoy tumblr; they are so many creative Simmers on that platform - builders, editors, Sim creators. I love to see it.
Who is your favourite SimGuru and why?

Hands down, SimGuruNinja - he's very social and active on twitter, plus he has a wicked sense of humour and has cute puppers.
Where can readers find and follow you?
The best place to find me would be on: The gallery: plumdot twitter: @theplumdot tumblr: theplumdot or youtube: plumdot (although it's been a while since I've created a video)
Lastly, could you include some details of your favourite creations?
One of my absolute Sims 3 builds https://t.co/5O4x1Icqzj